Late for Hearts and Hooves Day

by The Wizard of Words

First published

After forgetting about a special party day, Pinkie Pie is down in the dumps. Luckily, Applejack knows just how to lift her spirits.

It's almost never happened before. Scratch that, it has NEVER happened before. What just happened is rarer than a forgotten alicorn princess descending from the stars.

Pinkie Pie forgot about a party.

Down in the dumps and not feeling very much like Pinkie, the poor mare is without a clue on what to do. As luck would have it, Applejack knows just what to do to make her friend feel like herself. Good thing she's had practice.

Maybe Not The Hooves

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Pinkie Pie let out another sigh. It was probably the fifth time in the last hour.

For any pony that knew her, they would know that a sigh from Pinkie Pie was as common as a typhoon. For her to do so more than once on the same day; there wasn’t a clearer sign in all of Equestria that something was wrong with the normally energetic and excited pony.

Indeed, instead of bouncing around town spreading good cheer, Pinkie Pie was slumped over the counter of Sugar Cube Corner, staring at the empty bakery lobby with her mane flat, resting silently on her back. The normal drive that seemed to come from her every action gone, leaving only a trail of emptiness behind.

The pony’s eyes rolled to the far wall, lined still with the many different shapes and flavors of candy the stores was known for producing. On a normal day, almost like this one, they would be filled with gumball raisins, macadamia nut pudding pies, laughy paffy taffy, and so much more. Today, however, was the day after a famous equestrian holiday, and as such, the jars and shelves were filled with different kinds of treats.

Chocolates melted and shaped like hearts, little strings of taffy twisted into interlocking hearts. Heart puddings, heart cakes, heart pies, and many many more hearts. It made sense to have heart-shaped treats on Hearts and Hooves Day.

The problem was Hearts and Hooves Day was yesterday.

A long winded whine came from the mare as she closed her eyes, long-past tired of the unceasing reminder that echoed in her head. She only spoke it for futile hope it would make it go away. There was no such luck.

“I can’t believe I missed a party…” The pink pony rolled her head until her eyes were down on the counter. “On Hearts and Hooves Day, too.” A slow whine pushed its way through her throat, a pathetic noise. The ringing of bells was all but ignored by the miserable pony. “This has got to be the worst thing I’ve ever done…”

“What’s wrong sugarcube?”

Not even the suddenness of the voice roused any source of response in the normally energetic pink pony. Instead, she merely rolled her head over the counter top, adding to the thick knots forming in her fallen mane.

Her teary blue eyes settled on her friend Applejack, standing tall and proud with a two satchels hoisted over her back. The farm pony herself had her signature Stetson on her head, titled back to block the sun from burning her features. Even from across the room, Pinkie could see the worry in her friend’s eyes.

“Hey Applejack.” The gloomy greeting raised Applejack’s brows beyond the brim of her hat. “Apple delivery, right?”

“Was gonna be,” the farm pony muttered as she shifted her back, letting her tail grab the rope between the satchels. With the strength born from years of applebucking, she lifted the bushel of apples with all the ease a foal would lift their favorite toy. “But that was ‘fore I saw you cryin’ like Dash when she loses a race.”

“I’m not crying...” the pink pony muttered as she let her head roll back on top of the counter. Her fore hooves formed an impromptu shield about her. She’ seen Pound Cake do it all the time. “I’m just not feeling like me today.”

“Aw hay now, that’s no way ta be talkin’.” Applejack playfully cajoled her friend, trotting over with the apple bushels still hanging from her oddly-muscled tail. “Ain’t no pony can be Pinkie Keen like you can.”

“I know,” Pinkie all but drooled out. “But I don’t feel like being me today.” If Applejack wasn’t already concerned, she certainly was now.

“Hey, why ya feelin’ down sugar?” The farm pony asked with concern, settling into the store after she’d moved her apples out of pony’s way. “Ya look like Winona when she’s lost her bone.” Pinkie Pie turned her puppy dog pout up at her friend.

“I feel like I lost all of my bones, Applejack,” the mare spoke miserably. “I spent all day yesterday getting ready for Hearts and Hooves day, making every recipe as fresh as possible for the ponies to share. But I spent so much time baking them, I wasted the whole day doing it.” Her muzzle fell onto the wood of the counter with an audible bang.

“I missed throwing a party on one of the most specialest days of the year.”

“Ah, there there sugarcube, it ain’t nothing ta be cryin’ over.” Applejack rubbed her hoof over the mare’s shoulders, doing her best to comfort her friend. “It’s just a mistake, and it ain’t like there aren’t gonna be any more parties.”

Applejack did not say the right words.

“No more p-parties?” Pinkie Pie lifted her up from the worktop just long enough for her large tear stained eyes to stare at Applejack, complete with a quivering frown.

No no no no no!” The farm pony quickly rebuked, waving her hooves madly. “There’s gonna be tons of more parties, promise! Heck, we can have a party right now!” The words did some good this time.

The normally energetic mare wiped her eyes, staining her pink coat with her unshed tears. She sniffled before looking at Applejack, doing her best to wear a bright smile as she did so. It ended as an unsure grin.

“Really?” Pinkie asked hesitantly. She loved her friend, but Applejack never had been the pony to jump to new ideas. If anything, she was as bogged down with tradition as Twilight was with books. And that was saying something.

“Ya!” The farm pony continued to insist regardless of Pinkie’s insecurity. “Ah’ve seen ya give complete strangers the regular treatment of a party song. Ah’m sure we can get a good time goin’ just ‘tween the two of us.”

“I don’t know…” Pinkie drooled out the words, unconvinced by even her suddenly enthusiastic friend. “Parties are more fun with more ponies. I’ve tried a party of one, it’s not all that fun.” Despite the depressing message, the pink pony couldn’t help chuckle at her unintentional rhyme. Applejack took it as initiative to not stop.

Her determination building, the farm pony shut the door to the bakery, tilting her hat over her eyes, like she would when looking at an acre of her orchard in need of bucking. Pinkie Pie was, without contest, the one pony in Equestria that would do anything to make some pony else happy, bar none. Letting that same pony wallow in self-pity was something Applejack was not going to let happen.

“Now you listen here Pinkie,” Applejack began with a slow march towards the miserable mare. “There are two things Ah can’t stand ta see. One’s a good harvest goin’ bad, and the other is watchin my friend’s wallowin about. So Ah ain’t gonna leave here until I get ya up and atom!”

Pinkie Pie stared at her friend, eyes wide beneath her fallen mane, hooves pulled to just in front of her muzzle. She stared at Applejack as if they had just met for the first time. She swallowed on nothing, her mouth dry as a burnt cake. Then, tentatively, testingly, she spoke.

“O-Okay,” the pink pony agreed. “W-What are we gonna do?”

Applejack hadn’t thought that far ahead.

She had come here strictly for the purpose of dropping of the weekly supply of apples, enough for the Cakes and singular Pie to make their sweets with. They did make some of the best apple frosting this side of Equestria. Coming from an Apple, that was saying something.

What the farm pony did not expect was to be getting her party pony friend to… well… party. Applejack couldn’t even begin to imagine what to do. Parties were what Pinkie was known for, Applejack knew about them as much as she did magic, just what she saw with her own two eyes.

In fact, aside from a bit of hard work and pony games, there was really only one thing Applejack could think of that two ponies could together. The idea brought a red flush to her cheeks.

“Well, there is somethin’ just… just two ponies can do.” Applejack muttered the phrase, her assurance to help her friendly dwindling under the prospect of what she might have to do. Be it the words or the sudden timidness of her friend, it enraptured the pink pony’s attention. “It ain’t somethin’ ya here about over a cup of cider. Its somethin’… somethin’ most ponies try to avoid talkin’ about.”

“What’s that?” Pinkie was genuinely curious. Her misery was far from forgotten, but no matter how depressed she may be, stifling the mare’s curiosity about something involving making ponies happy was impossible. Like banning Twilight from books, it just couldn’t happen.

“Uh…” the farm pony uneasily began, scratching the mane beneath her hat. She adjusted the Stetson brim before she spoke again. “It’d be easier ta just… show than tell?” Pinkie Pie did not miss the blush running over her friend’s orange coat. She couldn’t fathom why it was there.

“Oooookaaaay.” The pink pony pulled the word out in length, narrowing her eyes at the farm pony. Applejack was hiding something from her, and she wanted to know what. Her mane cascaded around her as she lifted herself up from the countertop. Her head only twisted to the side when it was without the support of the hard wood. “Can you show me now?”

“It’s… It’d be better ta show you somewhere private. This, ah Celestia, this ain’t exactly somethin’ ya want any regular pony ta see.” Pinkie was beyond confused, and because of that, beyond curious. Applejack being bashful wasn’t something she normally saw, and she normally sees monsters, ancient magical artifacts, the end of the world, and small flying creatures capable of immense chaos.

“Well, how can it be done at a party if it has to be in private?” Pinkie asked back. “The best parties are the ones you don’t need an invitation for, or the ones where you give an invitation to everyone. The more the merrier, just like Grandma Pinkie used to say.” She could feel a little wave go through her hair, but she was far more focused on the orange earth pony than herself.

“Trust me here Pinkie,” Applejack responded. “This is the kinda thing that’s only good for parties of two.” That sealed any deal the party pony wasn’t already set on.

“Then will you show me now?” Pinkie caught herself as soon as she said the question. “Oh right, it would be better somewhere private. Oh, my room is private! We could go in my room if you want.” She was happy to see a grin appear on Applejack’s muzzle, as uneasy as it was. A grin was still a grin, she only had to make them bigger and brighter. Those two traits would make it better.

“Ya, I reckin that would be the best place ta show ya.” Without another word, Pinkie hopped off of her stool, trotting along the countertop until she reached the swing board. With a practiced flick of her hoof, the border between the customers and the clerk opened up, allowing the apple farmer to trot through. It fell back into place as Applejack passed by.

The pink pony led them up the stairs, trotting instead of her usual bouncing. No matter how grand of a surprise Applejack may have been hiding from her, she still couldn’t shake the reminder that she had forgotten a party. She, the most party-ready, go-getting, boogy-shaking, confetti-throwing, cannon-foddering, and cake-baking pony in all of Ponyville had forgotten one of the most extra special parties of the year.

It was impossible for Applejack not to notice the slump in her friend as they moved up the stairs. It would have made one of her brows raise if she weren’t trying to force her hat over her blushing face. Why had she agreed to this?

There were several excuses the farm pony could have fallen on. It’s been a while for her. It was a slow day at the stalls and few deliveries to make. Good chance to experiment with some pony other than Rainbow. They were all there, but Applejack thought of excuses like she thought of crabapples.

Tough on the teeth and worthless to keep.

Really, the only true reason she could possibly conjure for doing this was that Pinkie wasn’t happy. She was a pony that never hid what she felt. Pinkie was probably the one pony in Ponyville more expressive than Rarity, and that was saying something fierce. There was no denying that what Applejack had said was something that could be done for pure pleasure, but also like she said, it wasn’t something you just did for the fun of it.

“Well, here’s the room.” Pinkie’s voice tore Applejack from under her hat, forcing the pony to look around. Sure enough, she was standing, short and timid, in her friend’s resting chambers. “So… what’s the super secret, special two-pony party only thing to do?” Applejack wasn’t sure if she should chuckle at what Pinkie had said or shiver at the unenergetic tone she had said it with.

She settled with neither, cause she was probably going to be doing both later.

The first time Applejack had rummaged the sack with RD, they had just fondled one another until they were out of breath, sweat, and energy to move. It was fun, but too long for the farm pony’s liking, too long for something that wasn’t doing much but making them feel good.

The second time they had gone at it, the pegasus had been more prepared than her earth pony friend. While Applejack was no stranger to what a stallion’s equipment looked like, not with a family as big as hers, it was something else altogether to feel a pony behind you with it rummaging into you. The farm pony could still recall the looseness in her legs.

After that, the two had become… creative. They would steal themselves into brush closets, empty stalls, the odd old alleyway, even out in the orchard when it was late and cold enough. Those were the times that taught Applejack how to be creative with what was around them.

The mare was determined to use everything she had learned in those encounters with Pinkie Pie now. If she was lucky, the pink mare would be jumping around and ready to go back to her bubbly partying ways, hopefully without too much consequence.

If she was unlucky, then it was best two out of three… hopefully.

“Alright Pinkie,” Applejack started, trotting towards the mare as she slipped her hat from her head. The other pony’s eyes widened at the gesture. “How much do ya know about couples.”

“Couple of what?” Applejack was sure the mare wasn’t joking. “I know a couple of great spots to go to, a cup full of several ingredients to make sweets, a couple of ponies, a couple of string beans…” If she wasn’t before, Applejack was 100% positive now.

“Nah Pinkie,” the farm pony spoke with a shake of her head. Her mane undid itself as she wagged it, letting her blonde hair unfold almost temptingly. “I’m talkin’ about the couples that ya see ‘round town. Like your mom and pop.”

“O-oh,” Pinkie started again. “Well, I know they do a lot of things together, like talk, eat, play, sometimes bath, usually sleep, argue too, but I don’t like that one.” Applejack, wisely, kept on topic.

“There is somethin’ else that a pair of ponies can do, something that parents with a foal has done ‘least once.” Pinkie Pie blinked at her still sensually approaching friend. She wasn’t unused to being close to other ponies, but seeing Applejack act like Rarity at a fashion show was weird, like beyond weird.

“There is?” Pinkie asked. “And what’s tha-”

The pink pony’s words were cut off as Applejack let her lips run over the mare’s.

For a moment, Pinkie was still as a rock, eyes wider than Gummy’s and about as attentive to boot. Where Applejack had hers shut lightly, most likely enjoying the force on her lips, Pinkie stared into space and beyond.

The mare knew everything about making ponies happy. She knew that you could feel happy for doing something fun, for being told something that you needed to hear, or feeling something that just made your belly flip. What Applejack was doing was without a doubt in the later category.

Pinkie felt her stomach doing flips like Rainbow Dash on training day. Every bit longer Applejack had her lips against Pinkie’s, the fireworks in her head became louder and louder. Maybe that was because there was something else other than lips pushing against her muzzle.

She felt a tongue slowly lick at her, flicking at tip of her mouth. The closest feeling Pinkie had to describe was somepony trying to tickle her. It was working better than the mare expected. It only became worse, or maybe better, when she felt Applejack lightly brush her teeth against her. Pinkie didn’t think she’d ever like that; even her grandpappy told her that ponies weren’t for eating. And yet, somehow, the feeling exhilarated her.

Then all too soon, Applejack pulled back. Pinkie’s vacant eyes took longer to come home. Slowly, slower than almost anything else the pink mare had done, she began to refocus on the orange pony, who was grinning absolutely devilishly at her. She didn’t know Applejack could give that look. She’d only seen it in Twilight’s eyes when looking at a new book or Rainbow Dash at a race.

Did Applejack see her as a challenge? More than one part of Pinkie hoped so. The other parts just wanted to kiss her again.

“Now how’d that treat ya?” The farm pony posed the question, eyes brows waggling as she spoke. “Ya feelin’ any closer ta Pinkie Keen again?”

“I feel like pop rocks went off in my mouth with cotton candy flavored soda to wash it down.” Pinkie Pie licked her own lips, hoping to elicit the same reaction. She had no such luck. “It felt reeeeeeally good, but why do you have to be a pair of ponies to do that?”

“Oh, trust me Pinkie,” Applejack chuckled nearly ominously. “That’s what any Apple would call the appetizer. The main course is a feast that’s gonna leave ya requestin’ a new favorite meal.” Pinkie felt the oddest mixture of excitement, enticement, and unease in her life, and that was coming from a pony that had helped stop Discord, Sombra, Chrysalis, and the entire Everfree Forest.

Applejack wasn’t waiting for a reply from the mare. Instead, she had taken the time reach into her bushel of a tail, sifting through the thick strands of almost hay-like hair to find her prize. Rainbow Dash had a lot of stupid ideas, and that was the farm pony being generous. Whether it be new tricks to try out over Ponyville or how to get hard tasks done fast, the mare always seemed to find a way to make simple things more difficult. That didn’t mean the mare never had a good idea.

It was only a month ago that Rainbow Dash started to assault the farm pony outside of the barn or the pegasus’s getaways. The alleys were the easiest, but the broom closets where the most daring. It only took two or three of their little escapades before the blue mare realized they couldn’t really enjoy one another without something latched onto the other.

That was when the pegasus had the bright, and surprisingly good, idea to hide their toys.

Applejack took out of those toys now. If she didn’t have a mouth full of rubber, she would have giggled at the wide-eyed expression Pinkie was giving her. She might as well have been holding a new toy in front of the mare… scratch that, she already was, new in every sense of the word.

“Wowie zowie,” the pink let out. “That’s huge!” Again, if there wasn’t something currently lodged in Applejack’s mouth, she would have chuckled. She dropped the hard length to the floor, her hooves working at the straps.

“Believe you me Pinkie,” Applejack began as she slipped the looped straps about her hind legs, shimming the length closer to her under belly. She shivered as it connected with her marehood, sitting snugly, and tightly, against her folds. She felt liquid begin to pool inside of the contraption. “When we’re done, ya might be wantin’ something bigger than this.”

Pinkie stared at the farm pony for a moment, taking in the massive difference in her friend. She was still Applejack, with her blond mane, orange coat, and muscles strong enough to buck apples straight off a tree, but now, she had something... new.

It was far from the only word Pinkie could used to describe the long black length beneath Applejack. Other words included monstrous, long, huge, thick, enticing, threatening, mysterious, and above all else, hot. She felt hot just looking at it, both in her head and her belly. Pinkie was beginning to think Applejack really was her cousin, because she was pretty good at this one-on-one party thing.

“Now get on the bed Pinkie.” The words went right through the mare.

“What?” The pink pony repeated. Applejack just smirked wryly before she spoke again.

“Ah told ya ta get on her bed and stick yer rump in the air.” She motioned with her hoof as she walked towards her pink friend. “This ain’t something ya want ta do on the floor, least not fer yer first time. Trust me, Ah figured that one out the hard way.” If Pinkie had known even a tiny bit of what Applejack was talking about, she probably would have laughed at the words.

Instead, she listened to her friend. She turned, slightly uneasily, and trotted to her bed. It took only a small reach of her hooves to get on the fluffy padding, hooves dipping into the soft material as she made her way up it. It didn’t take long until she was laying face down on her bed. She was the farthest thing from tired. Applejack would fix that.

“Alright, lookin’ good.” Where she currently not thinking of how attractive Pinkie’s rear end was, the farm pony may have connected just how similar her words and actions were becoming to her best friend. Maybe it had to do with them rolling in the sack, hay, and every free patch of dirt around Ponyville. They certainly rubbed off on one another.

The mare walked over the bed, feeling the long weight of her toy strapped lightly tapping at her stomach. It only made her arousal grow. She trotted onto the bed, lightly tapping on Pinkie’s rump. The mare giggled at the sensation, shivering as well.

“Tee hee, that tickles!” The pink pony let out, squirming a bit more beneath the touch of her friend. That tune changed when Applejack began to lean forward.

“O-oh, oh!” Pinkie Pie shivered out as she felt the rubber length slide up against her. Her rump rose at the contact. “I-It feels so weeeeeird.” Despite the child-like complaint, the mare couldn’t help but giggle. Applejack chuckled in response.

“Well don’tcha worry ‘bout that sugarcrube.” The farm pony positioned her hooves on the pink mare’s rear, lining herself up. “Yer gonna feel like your skippin through a field of cotton candy soon ‘nough.”

Before Pinkie could respond, Applejack drove forward. The pink mare felt what was akin to a cannon exploding inside of her.

Her tongue lolled out from her mouth, her jaw stuck as if she was giving a silent scream. There was no doubt in the mare’s mind that it was one of ecstasy. Her entire mane shook with a tremor, exploding into place like the fireworks in her head.

Two damp spots began to grow on the mattress, one where her mouth was currently lobbed out, salivating like she had just dreamed of frosting, and the other beneath her rump, where she had just experienced one of the greatest parties of her life.

“Did ya really just reach the big O without me?” Applejack questioned the mare beneath her, feeling her hips tight against the other pony’s backside. The length was hidden from sight in probably one of the greatest of ways. Pinkie Pie sure agreed. “C’mon girl, Ah haven’t even had time ta enjoy myself yet.”

As if for emphasis, but more likely teasing, the farm pony began to grind inside of her pink friend, rotating her hips in slow circles against her friend’s behind. She could feel the length squirming within, twisting it against the sensitive walls of the mare.

High groans of low volume worked their way out of Pinkie. The mare twisted and shook her hind legs with Applejack’s motions, completely at the mercy of the farm pony. Every small twinge of the length inside of her shot of a new blaze of glory, like an extra special flavor of frosting that she’s never had before.

“Bet right now yer thinkin’ that Ah’m about done, am Ah right?” Honestly, she was wrong. Pinkie wasn’t thinking of anything at all. It was impossible to think of anything with a rubber stallion hood as long as her leg inside of her. “Well Ah hate ta call ya wrong, but this bucking don’t stop till the job gets done. That happens when I let loose.”

Then, with as much warning as before, Applejack pulled herself out of Pinkie.

The mare mewled pitifully as the length slowly dragged against her in walls. Her jaw did a reversal from wide open, now biting down on her lips instead. When it pulled back near completely, till only the tip was left stretching her, Applejack drove home again. Pinkie saw a second finale of fireworks, it was no less breathtaking or brain stopping as the first.

The cycle began to repeat. Applejack grinned like a wicked beast as she turned her normally ever energetic friend into a puddle of goo in her hooves, taking her like a stallion in heat. With a rubber on her that was nearly on par with Big Mac’s length, she was damn close to being one.

Now she understood why Rainbow Dash liked being on top so much. To the farm pony, it felt like every buck forwards she sent into Pinkie was a tree she was knocking free of its fruits. Just a few hundred more and she’d clear the entire orchard. To Rainbow Dash, well, the mare could only imagine. Probably close to winning a race against the Wonderbolts.

She could feel the other end of the black length, tight against her crotch, flicking her sensitive nub with every drive forwards. It was sending a hot blush to Applejack’s cheeks, filling her with a euphoria she loved. Her own juices began to mix with Pinkie’s on the mattress top, filling the room with a thick stench.

“Oh, Ah’m gettin’ there Pinkie.” Applejack didn’t slow her thrusts as she let the mare knew of how she was doing. “Hope yer ready for this, cause Ah ain’t gonna get home by trotting. Ah’m gonna need ta gallop!”

Even if Pinkie had a functional part of her brain active, she wouldn’t have been prepared for the farm pony’s assault.

Applejack leaned over Pinkie as she started to buck like a mad mare. Wet slaps echoed across the room as the mare began to plow Pinkie like she was the toy. The farm pony gazed down at the pink muzzle, currently twisted sideways on the bed, tongue lolled out and eyes tipped backwards.

The most widespread and absolute unbound smile was spread across her lips, tears rolling down from her eyes to mix with her drool. It looked like she was in the middle of having a continuous orgasm. It was only made that much clearer with every squeal of delight that popped into the air, synchronized perfectly with Applejack’s thrusts.

“Almost there,” Applejack muttered into the pink pony’s ear. “Almost there…”

If it was at all possible, the thrusts became harder, the speed faster, and the noise greater. The bed began to rock in absolute terror, banging against the wall with the commanding force Applejack possessed. Pinkie Pie began to slap back against the farm pony, losing herself into the bliss of the length dominating her.

“There!” Applejack’s shout was complete with one more final thrust.

The farm pony shoved herself against the party pony as hard as she could, rubbing as hard as she could into her backside as she ground herself deeper. Her own insides finally exploded in relief, releasing all the tension her efforts built up.

Applejack grabbed hold of Pinkie as her own orgasm overtook her. A dead scream stuck in her throat as she mouth opened up wide. The heat in her groin was an immense inferno, and the magma was flowing like no tomorrow.

It took a great deal of time before the waves of pleasure passed, and when they did, there was hardly a muscle in Applejack that could move.

She slumped against Pinkie’s back, feeling the cool sweat and shivering form of her friend beneath her. It was a great feeling. It took considerable effort for the mare to motion her hind legs backwards, freeing the length from within Pinkie. It fell to the bed with a wet splat, fully used and abused, just the way Applejack like to leave it.

Right now, she was ready to take ten on the pink bed of fur; sure that the only thing that could compare were Rainbow’s wings holding her.

But Pinkie, apparently was back to normal, so that was a far-gone dream.

“Thanks for the party Applejack!” Pinkie Pie thanked gleefully from beneath the mare, twisting about as she did so.. She pulled her friend closer, snuggling into the farm pony’s neck. Applejack fell into the embrace, too weak in the hooves to fight against her newly reenergized friend.

“Nothing makes me feel like Pinkie like exploding!” Her legs lightly kicked at Applejack’s rubber length, forcing it to rub against the mare’s still swollen and freshly released heat. It made the farm pony shy away from the touch.

“Y-yeah,” the farm pony replied uneasily, all too willing to hear the call of a quick nap. Her eyes were barely staying as they were. That was when Pinkie Pie choose to lean up, nipping at the mare’s ear as she spoke.

“Let’s party again sometime,” the mare spoke in a down-right seductive nature, breathing heavily as she whispered the words.

“I bet I can find a way to have all the girls enjoy this. If two ponies can have this much fun, then I’ll bet with six it’ll be the bestest party ever had in all of Equestria.”

Applejack wasn’t sure if it was fatigue or terror that drew her into blissful unconsciousness.