Anniversary Potion

by Sidain

First published

Anniversaries, the time where two get together to celebrate their time they spent in their loves, but not all know that its the things you say not the things you do that makes the day spacial.

Anniversaries, it's a time where lovers come to getter to celebrate the time that they spent together in happiness. Where couples come together and put aside any other obligations to the rest of the world to spend their time with the one that care about the most. Where most--if not--all females look forward towards the celebration of finding someone they love, and most plan months had for the most important ones. Kat, one of the native felines of the Lunar Republics, is like said female as she made plans for her and her marefriend, Melody Cord, but through a series of uncontrollable events in the lovers lives her plans are now threaten to be ruin.

But with the help of Volt Flare, his kittyfriend Phase Shift, and Slag the dragon stagehand along with a little help from an orca there's still a chance that Melody could make it on time for the important day.

Ch. 1

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Anniversary Potion

In one eastern Lunar Republics nation called that Mar islands, home to the republics most beautiful beaches, and resorts; melodic humming flowed through the home of a small island musician's home. Yet if any where to peer through the opened windows they would not find the owner of said home.

The local musician--the name of Melody Cord--has been away for the last nine days on a tour to each island and wasn’t due for home in another few short hours. Yet the same melodic humming echoed through the walls, reminding the empty house that it still had one resident within it.

Floating about, one of the native felines to the republics, know for their whimsical lives a wayward pranksters, and trouble makers--a Bakeneko cat, also known as a twintail. These creatures of pranking lived a married life of jokes and slapstick, though if they are able to find something--or someone--to hold on to, then usually the cat call their pranking days over.

As this cat floated around the house--her long dark-brown hair hanging from her head, nearly reaching the floor, but only managing to reach passed halfway of her back. She was doing something most twintails don’t do.


Not just reading, like scanning over to get to the best part, but actual reading. Twintails usually are all born with a sense of detachment from the rest of the world, it is from this sense that they pull pranks, or perform other tasks to become noticed; or to remind themselves that they exist with the rest of the world.

Felines in general had this same sense of detachment, as do their cousins the griffons. Lions would remove themselves from the rest of the world by hiding within their own territory, Mau’s buried themselves in work, and knowledge using that as an exercise to find other matter mundane. The griffon race saw every new event in their lives as a test to prove themselves to the rest of the world.

However twintails would simply just wander about, causing mischief wherever they go. Most--if not--all of the pranks were harmless, they may loved mischief, but most twintails knew when to call it quits. And so they would move on to a new town, or settlement in order to find someone else to pull pranks on.

Though there is a time in every creature’s life where they crave something more than what they already know, or could learn. Yet all of these felines--at some point in their lives--realize that the world will continue to ignore you when you continue to ignore it.

Even with someone to care for, some felines still keep to their old ways, yet its nothing compared to what they would do without someone special to them.

The same was for this twintail as she flipped through the book she was studying. One entire year has passed since she has found someone to call lover, one year since the cat vowed to forever stay at her mare’s side, and today was the very same day of their anniversary. The twintail had already planned out the evening of her lover’s return from her tour but there was one thing she had to do first.

Smirking a confident smirk, the twintail closed the book shut tossing it to the small couch made only for two, and snapped her finger. To the untrained eye, items ranging from household kitchen items to foliage started to appear from thin air, but in reality the cat had already had all of the items set up in the kitchen she just simply teleported them in the room with her.

Keeping up with her own momentum, the cat clasped her hands together making an cast-iron cauldron appear in the middle of the room--give or take a few inches. The cat started to add various ingredients into the cauldron, she used her still fresh memory from alchemy book she just finished reading--mostly anyways.

The twintail wanted to make her anniversary with Melody a special one, just as special as their first time together. She happily sighed when she remembered how she wasn’t alone when it came to more nightly affairs. After their first time, the young couple soon became more adventurous with their love-making, though there were a few bumps in the road here and there. Yet they found out what works for them.

The only reason the twintail wasn’t with her lover right now was because she caught a ‘cold’ the day of Melody's scheduled departure. It pained her slightly that she had to lie to Melody’s face like that, not to mention make her worry, but it was for a greater good. She carefully added the right about to each ingredient, the book spelled out the consequences in vivid detail; most of which didn’t sound all too good.

Just as the twintail finished adding the last ingredient, the phone on the table started to ring. She quickly floated over to the landline, answering it in her usual cheery way. “Hello~ This is the home of Melody Cord, Kat speaking~”

“Kat?” A bright shine came to Kat’s dark-green eyes at the sweet sound of Melody on the other side. “Oh thank goodness, how are you feeling? You been eating right,” The mare asked, showing only concern for her lover.

Kat was overjoyed that Melody was that concern for her, even if she has a tendency to overreact to things. “Of course I’ve been eating Melody, you mustn’t worry so much.” She pressed the phone to her ear with her shoulders, so she could ‘sit’ in the air above the table. “So how was the tour,” Kat asked, keeping the phone close to her head while she floated around the table so as to not accidentally sever the line like she did the last few times. She couldn’t wait to surprise Melody when she got home, the mere thought of using the potion on her, and showing Melody brought an excited chill down her spine.

“The tour was great, we’ve met a lot of interesting people, but it would have been better with you around.” Yet again, Kat’s heart was sent soaring nearly out of her chest, and she almost did if it wasn’t for the phone-cord. “Though you may have to deal with being alone for a little while longer,” Melody said as though she was confessing a crime to one of the lunar guards.

“Huh, what do you mean? Did something happen Melody?” The news caught Kat by surprise, usually everything would be covered by the stage crew, and the bass guitarist for the band. The thought of being away from Melody any longer, not being able to smell her sweet scent, made Kat slightly upset.

“Well, we would be heading back right now, but it seems that Ace couldn’t hold back his sea-sickness. So right now we’re stuck until we can get something worked out for him. It shouldn’t take that longer but we’re looking at another hour or two.” Kat sighed, the thought of another hour from Melody was almost too much--already having gone nine days without her.

The heavy loom of dejected sadness was great enough to make Kat cease her cheery floating. “O-oh okay, I’m sure that everything will work out.” Melody could hear the sadness coming from Kat’s voice and it hurt her heart to even think about the dejected look that is most definitely on her face. “Tell Ace that I hope he feels better.”

“I will, and Kat if I don’t make it home in time. I wanted to say,” Melody started, wishing she didn’t have to say it over the phone instead of saying it in person.

“Melly?” Kat’s voice snapped Melody out of her worries making choose to do something she didn’t want to but yet needed to.

“I wanted to say that I love you, this year I spent with you have been the happiest of my entire life, and I would give anything to be able to spend another one with you.” Kat stood motionless, small tears started to form around her eyes, and she had to bite her lip to keep her sniffling quite--hopefully to where Melody couldn’t hear them. “Kat? Kat are you okay?”

“Y-yeah I’m fine.” Come on Kat, straighten up already. “I love you too Melly, the joy from the time I’ve spent with you has been more than I could ever hope to get from wandering around pulling pranks, and if I could I’ll take back all those years just so I can spend another one with you.”

“Kat,” Melody started, and Kat could tell that she too was on the verge of tears. “I love you Kat, I wish I could be there to say it to you in person, but I’ll do anything I can to get home as soon as possible.”

“I know you will, see you in a few hours?” Kat didn’t mean for it to sound like a question but from the way things are sounding she was all too sure.

“Yeah right, I love you Kat.”

“I love you too Melody, be safe.” It hurt, not be able to know exactly when she’ll see Melody, but Kat knew that it was out of her control.

“I will, see you in a few hours. Hopefully.” Melody hanged up the phone right after that, leaving Kat to deal with the new bit of information by herself. Hesitantly, she placed the phone back on the hook, and started to float around again this time without the joyful cheer.

She had it all planned out too, fix up the potion, drink said potion, wait until Melody got home, and surprise with the effects from the potion. Of said effects were as detailed in the book as a shaft growth elixir. With a male it would have grown the length of their shaft proportional to the amount of the potion that they drink, but with a female--without a shaft already--would have grown one also to the proportion to the amount that they drink.

“This isn’t fair,” Kat said, floating around the bubbling cauldron. Where the bubbling came from she’ll never know, seeing as she wasn’t dumb enough to lit a fire in the house, but frankly she didn’t care. “All that work, for nine days no less, and for what? A over the phone anniversary talk.” Few things in this world could make Kat angry, doing something and having it go to waste was one of them.

“Okay Kat, calm down. Melly said that she’ll be here in a few more hours than she originally thought.” As she floated about the place, she racked her mind thinking of how much of a time difference it would be.

“Math, fun.” Kat snapped her fingers, making a calculator from the bedroom appear in front of her. “Alright, I know that Ace gets seasick for at least several hours, but if they find a way to suppress that then they should be home in half the time.” As Kat talked out the situation, her magic was hard at work trying to keep up with her scattered mind. “Now if they were to be back at three o’clock, adding in Ace seasickness, and the time lost from it that comes to...six thirty-eight o’clock?!”

Kat couldn’t believe her eyes, not only there’s a three hour differences, but also a huge chance she could be wrong. “Gah! I hate Math!” She snapped her fingers again, placing the calculator back in the bedroom--hopefully--where it normally be. “You know what? I don’t care about time, I only care about Melody, and our anniversary.” Kat landed back on the ground with a huff, glaring at the cauldron.

“I got lost in the sinking forest because of you, attacked by a hive of bees, and nearly got mauled by a pack of insane fucking rabbits. Which I had to go back and pluck some of their stupid little hairs.” She still couldn’t close her eyes without seeing the rapid teeth from the crazed pack of rabbits, a hard week it has been for the poor twintail. “I also had to gut five bass-fish--which may have been good--still stuck to high hell.”

A large sickly-pink bubble formed and popped as the cauldron vacuous response. “Don’t take that tone with me, its your fault that I’m in this mess now.” Since Melody is not due for another near six hours, Kat was now stuck babysitting the bubbling cauldron. “There’s got to be something I can do,” She mused, picking up the alchemy book to read over the section that contains the potion.

“Now where is- Ah-ha! Here we go,” Kat started to read the section over to herself again, this time paying closer attention to the details of exactly how long it takes for the potion to take effect. “Okay so if I drink it now, the effects will be immediate, but highly intense and powerful. On the other hand if I cool it down, it’s happen slowly, and the feeling will be…” Kat stared at the page, the last part was smudged by a red stain.

“Great, just great. Now I don’t know which one to do. Okay if it feels intense now, later it’ll be...soothing? Maybe, hopefully.” Wanting everything ready, Kat got to work storing the bright--yet sickly looking--pink liquid in the refrigerator.

With the task done Kat turned to the kitchen sink and the weeks worth of dishes within it. “Guess I should get to work on the dishes, the bathroom, clothes, and...guh, the whole house it seems.” Kat snapped her fingers together, changing her outfit into that of a maid’s uniform. “I’m just not doing any of the windows.”

Ch. 2

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Meanwhile...Mar islands; Reef Shore

“What do you mean that you uncle won’t do it?!” Melody and the rest of the band were all still trapped on the same island of their last show; Reef Shore. A quite and beautiful place to take a relaxing vacation on, or to get away from the hustle and bustle of everyone’s busy lives.

However the tranquil peace was being shattered by an enraged unicorn mare, who was known for her harmonic singing voice as she shouted at one of the stagehands.

“I-I sorry, I just got a call back from my cousin. Uncle Tarke just caught a cold because of the severe winter weather in the eastern forest and can fly over here,” The young drake said, slightly fearful of the unicorn. Not once has he--or the other stagehands--seen Melody upset about anything, and she had to deal with a drunken fan the other night.

Melody started to rub the sides of her head, she already been stuck on the island for two hours longer than they should have been, and Ace wasn’t looking any better. “Alright fine, thank you anyway, and I hope your uncle gets better.”

“Yeah me too,” The drake said, with a slight wary tone in his voice. “The last time uncle got this he nearly accidentally burn down an entire forests from his sneezing.” The drake’s elder dragon uncle dangerous fire sneezing almost set fire to the forests that he calls home, for he is far too large to live in a traditional house. “I’m real sorry Ms. Cord.”

Melody shook her head, she knew things like this was far out of anyone’s control, and that she had no reason to be angry for it. “It’s alright, I’m sure we can figure-”

“Yo Melly!” Both Melody and the stagehand turned around to see the band’s bass guitarist, Volt Flare, a dragon/diamond dog half-breed known as a canem drake. He ran across the street on all fours, something she and the others are used to seeing along with him only being in his black shorts.

Volt started to stand up, skidding to a stop in front of Melody. “Hey Melly, I think we figured a way to get us home, but its one of mine.” The look of absolute fear overtook the drake stagehand, remembering the last time Volt had a ‘plan.’ “If everything goes according to plan you should be home in a few hours.”

“What is it?” Melody quickly jumped at the chance to get home to Kat.

“Are you sure Melly? Its pretty out there, and there’s a HUGE chance that we’ll wind up worse than we already are.” Melody’s look of determination faltered slightly, if Volt was doubting his own half-baked plan, then there’s more than one reason she should.

“Volt, I need to get home. Today is my and Kat’s first year anniversary. I had to wish her a happy one over the fucking phone for Luna’s shake! Please tell me it will work,” Melody asked, scolding herself for lowering to a stander that she tries to avoid at all casts.

“Oh it’ll work, don’t worry about that, and you’re not the only one that has an anniversary today,” Volt said, knowing that he too needed to get his kittyfriend home so they can celebrate their five years being together. “I just need a big rowboat with thick walls, a couple lines of rope, and a lot of harpoons.”

Melody nodded, not caring that his plan already sounds bad from the get go. “Well,” She started, turning around to the drake stagehand, and looking dead into his eyes. “You’re still on the clock dragon-boy, get the half-breed whatever he needs.”

“Y-yes ma’am.” The drake greatly admired Melody’s determination yet also he fears the same determination, knowing that he is going to be dragged into Volt’s plan.

“Great, come on Slag, I need all the dragon-muscle I can get.” Volt started to lead the stagehand towards the pier, where most of the things Volt needed for the plan. Melody decided that it was as greater time to head to the back to the hotel room where Ace was being looked at by a unicorn nurse.

She knocked on the door to the falcon drummer's room, Melody opened it when the nurse answered, and she didn’t like the sight. Ace sat on the bed, face still as sickly as it was when she last saw it, and the look on the nurse’s face told her it wasn’t good. Along with the stench of fresh vomit, Ace’s cherry-black shirt, and black fathers were covered in the nauseating mixture of stomach acid.

Melody looked towards Volt’s kittyfriend, a Mau cat named Phase Shift, and a close friend of hers. “He still not doing well,” She asked, already knowing the answer.

Phase sighed, looking towards the sickly falcon, and knowing that it was going to get worse before it gets any better. “Well…” The falcon vomiting into a bucket again finished Phase’s thought for her. “Yeah, that sums it up.”

“Guh, great. Ace how do a griffon get seasick anyways, most live by the sea as fishermen!” Melody glared with intense anger at the sick falcon, who started to answer, but was cut off by another wave of sickness.

“W-well e-excuse me for getting...sick, I told you guys from the jump that I get seasickness easily, and you can blame Volt for pushing the tour on too fast,” Ace defended, finishing with another spit of stomach acid.

“Well at least he thought of a way to get us home,” Melody retorted, shocking both Phase and Ace, who had to bury his head in the bucket again. Melody turned to the other unicorn mare in the room, who was going over a few papers. “How did this happen nurse…”

“Silvershot,” The tan colored mare answered, her silver mane, and eyes clashing with her black nurse outfit that had a blue trim cut. “Mr. Ace here is suffering the same conditions as one would if they traveled a large distance in short amount of time. Any more movement now will result his condition worsening. All we can do is wait until his body has settled and he has gotten something to eat to replace what he lost.”

Phase rubbed the top of her blue hair, the situation growing more dire with each new bit of information. “So Melody, you said that Volt had a ‘plan,’” She asked, knowing that Volt’s plans usually ended in disaster.

“He and Slag are already on it. It seems that he actually have an idea on what to do, and it looks like we’ll be going by water.” Phase nodded her head, she too wanted nothing more than to go home after the busy week.

“Wait, what about me,” Ace asked, knowing that he couldn’t take another trip on a boat until his seasickness passes over.

“Sorry Ace you’ll just have to stay behind, we got anniversaries to get to.” Melody started to walk out of the room along with Phase right behind her, leaving the falcon wide eyed at the latest brand of misfortune to fall on his lap. “Bye Ace, hope you get better. Oh and Kat wanted me to tell you she wish you well.” The two females left the room, leaving the falcon by himself stuck on the island until he is of condition to leave.

“So,” Silvershot started, gaining the lost falcon’s attention. “You’re a falcon-griffon, how’s that for you?” Ace groan, knowing the next few hours are going to be long.

Back outside, Melody and Phase had already grabbed all of their stuff along with Slag’s seeing that he’ll be with them on the return tip. Melody informed the rest of the stagehands of the situation, telling the to either find a way home, or go watch over Ace while he got over his seasickness.

It wasn’t long before all of them started to call in some favors.

When they reached the pier they saw Slag loading a fairly large rowboat with oars while Volt sat along side of the pier breathing a dull-red fire on the tip of a harpoon. Phase was always impressed with the amount of street-knowledge that Volt had, however at times it served as a tool for his hair-brain ideas.

“So is everything set up,” Melody asked as Volt dipped the red-hot steel in the water below.

Volt pulled the harpoon out of the water, eying for any impurities in the metal, and checking for cracks in the wood. “Now it is, are you lovely ladies ready?”

“Yup, already got you’re, and Slag’s stuff from the hotel. Melody already told the rest of the crew the situation and they too her finding ways home,” Phase said, only feeling slightly bad that they are leaving Ace behind, but she knew it was for the greater good.

Volt kissed Phase on the side of the cheek, catching her by surprise from the public display of affection. “Thank sugar-cat. Slag is our maiden ready for the open waters?” The young drake gave a thumbs up towards Volt. “Great, well let’s load up and shove off. We got a fish to find.”

Everyone looked at Volt as though he just cursed both lunar princesses names. It didn’t take him much to figure out why they were staring at him with blank, or confused, looks. “It apart of the plan.” Shrugging their shoulders, the two females carefully loaded their lugged with the help of Slag. As soon as everyone was on board, Volt pushed them from the pier sending them to the open waters that separated their homes from Reef islands. Slag took his place between the oars, quickly pushing them further out to the open waters.

Melody sat in front of Slag along with Phase sitting across as their stuff sat safely on the rowboat’s floor. Volt took a spot in the front of the boat, one hand on a harpoon, and eyes trained on the calm waters. “Volt what’s the plan,” Phase asked not sure what Volt was thinking. “I don’t suppose Slag can row all of us to the other side, with, or without a dragon’s power. No offence Slag.”

“None taken Ms. Shift, you right anyways.”

Volt turned his head around to the worried looks on the females’ faces. “Okay the island we live on is just across the way right?” Phase nodded, still not sure what he was trying to say. “All of these ten islands circle around in a crescent, which opens up the the sea. The sea has salt-water, which has salt-water fish.”

“Volt get to the point,” Melody said, tried of the half-breed’s cryptic way of thinking.

“We’re going fishing, not just fishing fish, but a much more bigger game.” Phase was going to question Volt again when a large black fin appeared in front of the boat. “And here’s our catch of the day.” Volt took the head of the rowboat, making it shift slightly from the change in weight, but stayed afloat.

“Slag, quit the rowing for a sec, and when I say grab on to that rope grab it and don’t let go.” There was a slight drop in Volt’s tone of voice, making the others become slight. Slag did as he was told, setting the oars in the boat, and moving up closer to the front where the rope was sitting at. “Melody, Phase you two take Slag’s spot, and stay down. Also if you can, keep us pointed towards home.” The two females quickly obeyed Volt’s commands, equaling the weight of the rowboat with their stuff sitting in the middle. Phase grabbed the left-most oar while Melody grabbed the righter-most one, their jobs becoming quickly clear.

Volt nodded to Slag, who nodded back. A silent agreement befallen the two, as they both had dragon blood flowing through their veins. “Alright everyone ready to go home?” Melody and Phase, who were unaware of the silent agreement, nodded their head.

The half-breed turned his head around, spotting the large fin, and recognizing it as a orca’s fin. Volt spun the harpoon around in his hand until he got to the midsection of it. He took hold of the front end of the row boat, tracing the orca’s movements, and waiting for the perfect opportunity to make the ever-so important first strike.

The calm silence turned into an eerie anxious one, everyone waited for Volt to do whatever he was planning. The only sounds that could be heard cutting through the silence was the orca’s fin cutting through the water, changing its direction, and the groups’ breathing--which everyone aside Volt was questioning.

The orca started to slow down for whatever reason, going in one smooth straight path, and keeping its slow pace. Volt didn’t waste the opportunity to throw the harpoon at the orca, landing a direct hit, and forcing the sea-mammal to take off in the other direction.

Volt quickly started to bark orders to the others. “Slag, don’t let go of that rope, and girls keep your heads down and steer. We’re heading home.”

Ch. 3

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Mar islands capital; Crescent island, Melody’s home

Kat was hard at work finishing up the week’s worth of mess she left behind--at least her magic was. All of the cleaning tasks--which she wasn’t new at--were done in a few hours with the help of her magic, and she still had time before she thought that Melody would be home.

Floating back down to the kitchen, she reached into the refrigerator to pull out one of the--now cool--potions. Kat was glad that she kept all of those empty milk bottles in the fridge, she knew one day that they will come in handy, and today was that day.

Kat stared at the pink glass-bottle, for a brief moment she considered waiting another hour or two until Melody got home just in case something goes wrong, but thinking about the anniversary she pushed those thoughts aside.

Their anniversary had already hit enough annoying bumps in the road as is, the over the phone wishes were enough for Kat, and she was drawing the line at the surprise being ruin.

She twisted opened the bottle, fizzy bubbling quickly met the air above the top, and without second thought she down more than half of the pinkish elixir. Kat was half expecting the potion to taste like the worse thing in the world--seeing as some of the ingredients weren’t edible--yet the drink didn’t have that much of an aftertaste to it, and the taste itself wasn’t that bad. The best Kat can describe it was like drinking a can of warm soda, or a hot glass of milk without the sleepy feeling she would get from drinking it.

As per the book, there were no immediate changes to her body in anyway. However she did expect some kind of change or effect to her body, yet there was nothing she noted. Kat worried that she somehow overlooked something, or that the effects of cooling the potion was a bad thing. Another thought told her that maybe she didn’t drink enough and that she needed to drink more of the pink elixir.

She thought back to the proportion reface that was listed in the section, that’s when she distinctly remembered that it also came with proportions for milk bottles--which she couldn’t figure out, much less care to.

“Okay...the book said that one whole glass milk bottle equals one inch on a male, so one bottle should start the growth, and that means I need to drink...a lot. Fun.” Even with all the cleaning done, she still wanted to get started cooking dinner for Melody, and she still have a good idea when Melody would show up.

Another loom of doubt and worry fell over the twintail’s head making her exuberant float end with a melancholy decent. Though Kat cared more for Melody to let some dark cloud of sadness ruin the last bits of their anniversary. “I can do this for Melly,” She said, a blazing flame in her eyes, and a bright spirit of determination lifted her soul. “Yeah, yeah I can do this. For Melly!”

Kat clapped her hands together making the cabinets, drawers, and refrigerator flew open. Silverware, dishes--even the ones she just clean--pots, and pans flew from the open cabinets and drawers. Fresh vegetables, fruit, and even fish for herself out of the refrigerator along with a few more bottles of the shaft-growth elixir.

She turned on the stove and oven planning to make Melody’s favorite meal of fruit-apple cake along with a few slices of cooked carrots with her favorite fish salad.

The merry humming returned to Kat as she readied for her lover’s return, regardless how long it takes.

Out on the open sea; 35 miles of the coast of Crescent island

Melody and the others were still out on the open waters. After nearly two hours of using the same orca to pull the rowboat across the watery barrier that separates the islands from each other. Slag was doing his best to hold on to the line of rope while the girls used all the muscle they had to keep the boat pointed the right way.

Volt, still at the front end of the boat, was using harpoons--that wasn’t tied to any rope--to keep the orac moving forward in the right direction to ease the strain on the girls. “Hold fast Slag, we’re almost there!” Volt knew the young drake was strong but every creature has their breaking point, also he was nearly six years younger than the others.

“I’m trying,” Slag grunted, he had figured that if he pressed his feet against the wooden bench in front of him that it’ll keep him from thrown out of the boat, along with helping him keep his grip.

Volt gritted his teeth as he missed another shot on the orca at this rate the sea-mammal will pull them back into the open waters. “Come on mate, just a little longer. I can see the shoreline.” Volt threw another harpoon landing a direct hit on the injured orca, making it flinch into the right direction.

While the males did most of the hard work, Melody and Phase keep hard on their jobs steering the boat with the oars. “Hey Phase, this has got to be the craziest idea Volt has ever had,” Melody shouted above the rushing waters, and her arms starting to tried. Her’s and Phase’s shirt were soaking wet from the two straight hours of rushing water, not that it was their biggest concern at this point.

“Yeah? Well it seems to be working, that allow we should be grateful that’s its still working,” Phase called back, her arms getting tired as while. “Slag how are you doing?”

“I’ve been better.” Slag wished that he was a salamander dragon, since they were naturally stronger than the other breeds of dragons. However, he was one of the few king drakes breeds, which slightly made up for the difference, yet he was still young. The stain from keeping the orca from getting free was almost too much for him. “Hey Volt-”

“Keep holding Slag, coastline is almost close enough,” Volt said already knowing what Slag was going to say. “Phase, Melly how you two doing?”

“We’re fine, just get us home Volt.” Melody couldn’t believe that Volt’s crazy plan was actually working, even if it felt like it was illegal, she was overjoyed get home to Kat. Right as the coastline came closer in view, Volt drop the harpoon in his hand, and unsheathing his claws.

“Volt what are you doing?” He stepped to the side of the rope as he looked toward Slag’s yellow eyes. Volt raised his hand high to the setting sun above before bring it down to cut the rope.

The boat suddenly lost all of its forward momentum sending Slag to fall back into Melody’s lap. He blushed when he saw Melody’s breasts through her wet blue t-shirt. “Eyes up here dragon-boy.” Slag immediately moved to gett off the mare’s lap, muttering apologies doing so, and keeping his eyes down to the wooden rowboat floor.

Volt, who already had recovered from the lost in momentum, was moving to the side of the boat. “Slag, get up we still got work to do,” He called the younger drake over. Slag quickly followed Volt order and was by his side in mere seconds. “How’s your fire-breathing?” Instead of responding, Slag raised his head to the sky, and let forth a torrent of bright--yet dark--purple flame. “Good, cause you, and I are getting us the rest of the way.” Slag nodded moving to the adjacent side of the boat and getting ready on Volt’s command. “Ladies, you two can relax for the rest of the way.”

“Good my arms were getting tired,” Phase said, pulling in her oar while Melody did the same. She also drained some of the sea-water from her navy-blue blouse, giving both males a peek at her perky breasts.

Volt caught Slag's eyes staring at his lover’s chest, conflicting thoughts of jealousy and vanity filled his head, but he pushed the thoughts away in favor of getting home to the island. “Hey, eyes down hatchling. Get to work.” Slag quickly looked away blushing from embarrassment of getting caught.

Both dragon-blood males leaned over the sides of the boat and started to breath their different colored flames, pushing the boat forward. Phase and Melody started to relax in the boat, as Volt’s dull-red flame, and Slag’s dark-purple shot out from the sides.

“Well, that was an adventure,” Phase said as she removed her wet blouse reliving her slightly dryer white tank-top to the salty sea air. She rubbed a hand through short blue hair to get any drops of water out. “How are you feeling Melody?”

The unicorn had already done the same thing as the Mau cat, though her larger breasts were more visible than Phase’s, and she only hand on a sports-bra on. “Woo, yeah. Who thought that you could use an killer whale to move a rowboat across a lake?” The setting sun in the background reflected on the large lake, along with the two dragon’s flames, gave it a beautiful shine.

“Yeah, this have been quite the trip.” Phase spotted the orca that worked so hard to pull them across the lake. It somehow managed to get the harpoons out of its hide. Phase solemnly bowed her head to the sea-mammal. “I thank you my sea-bound friend.” The orca blew a spout of water in the air as though its response.

Melody stood up in the boat, making it rock a little gaining the attention of both dragon-bloods, and staring at the large sea-mammal. “Thank you Mr. Whale! Sorry for my idiot friend for hurting you, also for him calling you a fish!” The orca soon dived down to the deep, swimming far away from the still traveling group. “Think he’ll be fine?”

“Oh yeah,” Volt called from the side of the boat. He blew another stream of fire to even the rowboat out before continuing. “Killer whales have a thick hide and they heal pretty fast, as long as he eats he’ll be fine.” Volt finished with another stream of flames.

“Well that’s good to know. But Volt, how did you know all of this,” Melody asked, never would she take Volt to be a knowledgeable fisherman.

Volt looked up from the side of the boat, the pier from the Crescent islands within drifting distances, and told Slag that he could take a break. The younger drake responded by collapsing inside the boat too worn out to even let Volt finish his sentence. Volt shook his head at the drake, he took a seat on one of the wooden benches. “Well, when I was a small cub, my father, brothers, and myself would head out to go fishing. Seeing as their was five of us it was cheaper to fish for ourselves and dad used it as a time to teach us a thing or two.”

“And the harpooning thing?”

“Heh, um...well you see,” Volt trailed off, knowing what he is about to say will get the two females in a rage. “There was one fishing-trip, we saw a red-head whale, and-”

“Wait a red-head,” Phase interrupted, surprise by the bit of information. “Those are one of the rarest whales in the world. Please tell me you didn’t.”

“Heh, yeah, yeah we did. In our defense, it was dark, and a storm started to brew. So we wasn’t sure at the time what kind of whale it was,” Volt said, remembering the red nose of the whale that nearly sunk his family’s fishing-boat. “We didn’t actually catch it, the thing was much too fast for us, and the storm came in quicker than dad thought it would. But man was it a trip.” Times were Volt would sit back and remember the days he spend with his father and elder brothers made him miss the small urban town he called home.

Melody sat in shock from Volt’s tail of wander while Phase shook her head; she always knew Volt had an interesting life but this was more than she could dream off. “Unbelievable, so how did you guys figure out that it was a red-head?”

“It was when we were leaving, the damn thing had its head down in the water the whole time, and if it wasn’t moving away from us then it was charging straight for our boat.” Volt still remembered the raging waters and also the enraged sea-predator. “Anyways, as dad started to take us home, Siege--one of my brothers--saw the whale’s fin moving alongside us. That’s when it jumped straight over our boat, nearly hitting dad on top of the head.” That one moment stuck out the most for Volt.

The lightning dancing across the darkened skies, waves crashing around him, and wind strong enough to knock him to the floor of the boat along with bone-chilling rain. That’s when the whale made its presents still known to the pack of dragon-blood half-breeds and their salamander father. The whale’s body alone was able to cast a dark looming shadow over the boat, its bright white body resampling the flashes that arched across the sky, and the strips of black along the very same tailfin that threatened to end the fishing-trip for good.

However, none of these things caught Volt’s--or his brother's--attention the most besides the bright fire-red spot on its massive hammer-like head. Like the very same flashes, the red-head whale was gone leaving the males of the family in shock and awe from what they had seen.

“Volt, Volt, Volt Flare!” Volt was dragged out of his memories by Phase shouting in his ear. The half-breed flinched slightly when he failed to notice Phase taking a seat in his lap with a concerned look written on her features. “Volt our you okay, you were just staring with a distant look on your face.”

“H-huh? Yeah, I’m okay its just every time I think about the thing, I sometimes get lost in some old memories,” He said, putting on a reassuring smile to put his lover’s worries aside.

Phase looked into Volt’s dull-crimson eyes, not fully believing him at first, but eventually giving up of getting through his lie. At least until later. “Oh alright, well we’re getting close to the shore, and I thought that you should know.” Volt turned around to see that the shore was much closer than he last saw it. He started to stand up, letting Phase slide off of him.

“Right now just gotta get this to stop somewhere.” Volt looked for any empty piers, he quickly found one, and started to lead the boat towards the open spot. He hopped on the wooden dock with a rope tie in his hand and wrapped the line to the wooden support-pole. “Well ladies its been fun.”

Phase was the first one to leave the boat with the help of Volt whilst she used her magic to lift their stuff along with her. “Yeah, but let’s not do it again. Please?” Volt chuckled at the cat while he helped Melody out of the boat.

She used her magic to lift her stuff out of the boat, noticing that some of it still had gotten wet, but nothing too important. “Yeah, this was cool, and all but I’m really tired right now. Also it feels like my arms are going to fall off.” Slag soon followed the mare, the smaller amount of stuff he had made it easier for him to exit the boat. “So Slag, how you like riding home with the crew?”

“It’s tiring, I think I’m going to need some time-off. Makers know that my mom is going to tell me to go and help with taking care of uncle until he gets better,” He answered, knowing that he always get’s volunteered for things like that, but he just shrugged it off knowing that someone has to do it. He also wanted to have the chance to ask out that gryphoness cashier from the local town shop near his uncle’s forest.

“Sure thing Slag, you earned far more than that.” Slag raised an eyebrow towards the unicorn singer, of which she caught onto quickly. “But that doesn’t mean you’ll get a pay-raise, up and coming musicians have to eat too.”

“Heh, yeah I guess. I’ll be seeing you all around, call me when you need me,” Slag said, opening his still growing purple and yellow wings, taking fight off into the night sky. The others watched until the drake became a small yellow dot the dark-night. Volt then thought that it was as good as time to get Phase home, the two lovers said their goodbyes to the lone unicorn mare, and started to make their way towards their hill-top home.

Melody watched the couple walk of, an image of them being her and Kat, flashed through her head. A soft smile formed on her face as she knew that she too had someone to go home to after the long day.

Ch. 4

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Melody's Home; 8:48PM

Kat floated around the house, it was nearly two hours since she predicted that Melody would be home, and she was starting to get worry. Normally if she could, Melody would have called to tell Kat what’s going on, but she hasn’t heard a single thing. And when she tried to call her crystal-phone, it would go to voicemail.

“This day is ruin… All that planning for nothing,” Kat said, only melancholy and disconsolate laced her voice, and her floating resembled that sadness would like in visible from. While cooking the anniversary dinner, Kat had forgotten that she doesn’t know how to cook at all, and through a series of odd mistakes she managed to burn boiling water. The ultimate sign of someone having no idea when behind the stove.

Luckily she was just as quick as her mistakes, each time she made one she was able to quickly prevent it becoming any larger one, and even made sure not to make the same one. However, due to all the setbacks, she was only able to make enough salad for barely two, and the apple-cake looked a little burnt--which she hid in the refrigerators along with the remaining portions. To add on that, the potion hadn’t kicked in yet, which was a good or bad thing; she couldn’t tell.

Through there at least were signs that it was taking effect, her body did started to feel hotter, and there was slight pressure around her cathood; all of the things the book said should happen--which is also the reason she was in a light-green tank-top and tight darker-green shorts. So if the dinner doesn’t work, she always had ‘dessert’ to enjoy.

Tired of staring at the dull wooden door that refused to answer her wishes, she floated back down to the ground without her usual thug that reminded her of the world around her, and she casted her sadden gaze to the ground. The longest and biggest sad sighs escaped her lips, a week and few days of planning gone to waste, and her prize was nothing but an anniversary talk on the phone. “Guh, today was to be perfect,” She sighed, staring at no particular spot on the ground. Through her sad sighs, she failed to hear the door open and close, or even the footsteps of the one that opened the door.

“I was going to remind Melody why I love her, why she was the only one to save me from the dark void that was my hollow life as a prankster, and why I’ll never break that trust...Ever.”

Unknown to Kat, Melody was standing right behind her on the verge of tears. She slowly wrapped her arms around the cat and placed a kiss on the side of her neck, alarming Kat before she realized who it was.

“Then let me tell you why I love you, Kat.” Melody started to sway on her feet making Kat do the same as she started to hum a sweet melody in her head. Kat rested her head on Melody’s shoulder, wordlessly overjoyed that she was wrapped in her lover’s warm embrace.

You are the light of my life,
Shining brightly through the night
Even a star cannot compare,
To your sweetness and delight

Look to the stars, my love,
See their silver twinkle shine
May they grant your wish, to find me
Freeing you from heart’s confines

Oh twintail, my love
Look towards the stars
Tiny white dots of love
We claim as ours

Once a time ago, in year’s time
Darkness was all I know
Strive to become the very best
Making my heart a stone

Now I sing, not for the fame
Self-interest gain
But for the kitty queen
It ease my strain

To see you smile, just for awhile
Even if I had to cross the sea
I’ll give you all of my love
That’s what I’ll do to set your heart, free

Oh twintail, my love
Look towards the stars
Tiny white dots of love
We claim as ours

Oh twintail, my love
You’re a love that glows
You keep me above
From the world’s woes.

As Melody ended the song with a soft hum, Kat started to cry tears of joy. It wasn’t over just yet, there was still time for her and Melody to enjoy this--no--their special day. Right now though was the time to savor her lover’s warm caring embrace.

The two continued the swaying their feet while Melody continued to hum the song. Kat sighed--this time it was one of happiness and joy--the stress filled week was now non-existing to her, and the slight dampness of her sports-bra along with her fishy salt-water-

“Melly, why do you smell like the ocean, and why are you in your bra,” Kat asked, breaking the loving mood that Melody worked so hard to make with her song.

Melody started to nervously laugh, the (mis)adventure she undertook with Phase, Volt, and a forced Slag brought an odd feeling in her stomach that she didn’t want to explain. “Heh, um...I’ll tell you later. So how was your week alone?”

“Quite, I didn’t really do much,” Kat lied, trying to keep the surprise going until the potion had finally took its intended effects. “But I did make dinner, through its nowhere as good as when you cook.”

“You managed to burn water again didn’t you?”

Kat blushed as she started to look towards the ground. “Maaaybe,” She confessed with an flustered laugh. Melody started to giggle at the twintail’s reaction as she placed another kiss on the back of her neck. “But I was able to get most of it done right after the...fifth try.”

“Well you have been busy.” Melody started to rub the top of Kat’s head, moving her rubbing to the sides of her cat ears where she knew her weak spot was. “We don’t that to waste now do we,” She asked, continuing the rubbing in between her fingers making soft ‘meow’ moans come from the shorter female. “Hehe, I’ll take that as a yes.”

Melody kissed Kat behind the ear making her moan yet again. “Happy anniversary Kat,” she whispered into her ear before giving it a soft bite.

“Happy anniversary to you too Melly, I love you.” The three words felt so much better to say with the mare in the same room with her verse saying it over the phone, which made them feel hollow, and without the meaning that they are supposed to carry.

“I love you too, Kat. Come on, I haven’t had anything to eat all day, and I’m sure whatever you made will be absolutely wonderful.” Melody started to lead Kat into the kitchen by the hand but the twintail pulled back on the hand, making Melody stumble towards her. Kat caught Melody in a week worth of waiting kiss straight on the lips. Melody eyes slowly fluttered close as she soon overcame the surprise and quickly lend into the kiss.

The two lovers bask in the warmth from each other, even though it had only been a short time away from each other that time alone was enough to make them miss the sweetness that the other had, and they never wanted to let it go again.

Melody slowly slide her hands down Kat’s back, as she did the same thing. Melody’s soft touch felt like an expert masseuse's hands easing out the stress of the week leading up to the--now saved--anniversary. Kat pushed her canines against Melody’s lower lips, sending a shivering chill down the mare’s spine. Melody returned the playful teasing with her own as she started to lick the sharp meat-tearing bones. Her hands trailed down to the cat’s fluffy twintails, Melody started to stroke, and play with the furry appendages; knowing that Kat always enjoys having them stroked.

The mare’s efforts were rewarded in getting Kat the moan out more meows. Melody always thought that Kat’s meows were cute, even if she didn’t like it when she did made fun of her about it, she’ll always tell her that it was a musical tune to her ears.

Kat started to brush her teeth against the mare’s, begging for permission to enter needing to remind herself what it felt like to mix her tongue with her’s. Melody answered the cat’s pleas with opening her mouth, giving her access.

The two’s tongues mixed together, neither looking for dominance, simply just enjoying each other’s warm embrace. While their tongues remained intertwine, Kat further slid her hands down towards Melody’s sore flanks. She roughly grabbed the tender cushions of fat and muscle, erecting a moan from Melody. As Kat continued to grope the large flanks, Melody could feel a day sitting in a boat that’s being pulled by a orca catch up with her, and the cat’s rough message was easing some of the stain.

The two broke the lip embrace, yet they stayed within each other wondering hands. “I’ve missed you Melly, it was hard to be here by myself,” Kat whispered, giving the mare’s tail a slight tug.

Melody moaned from the tugging as she started to nibble on the cat’s fluffy tan ears. “Well, I’m here now, and I don’t plan on changing that anytime soon,” She whispered, vowing not to ever make the same mistake again. “Now why don’t we enjoy that cooking of yours?” The smile on Kat’s face couldn’t be any more brighter along with the cherry-red blush on her face. The cat started to lead Melody towards the kitchen putting a sway to her hips that had Melody giggling at how silly Kat was acting.

Though she couldn’t complain. Melody had a nice house in one of the most famous islands in the republics. Even if she wasn’t the most famous singers, she was still well-known, and that was enough for her. But more importantly, more important than her singing career, she had someone to love. While most singers were in and out of relationships before it could even truly start, Melody had made it through a whole year with Kat, and she plans to have many more with the cat she loves.

Melody wanted nothing but to make Kat feel like she was special to her, the last nine days without her have shown Melody that, and tonight--regardless whatever plan the cat has up her sleeve--she was going to do that.

As they made it to the kitchen, Kat told Melody to take a seat--of which she noticed only one. Melody pushed any questions aside, wanting to see where Kat was going with it, and took a seat on the small wooden chair. The old piece of woodwork started to creak in defiance to the added weight of the mare. Melody always hated to hear the thing creak when she sat in it, she knew she wasn’t fat, and that the wooden joints were just old--but that did stop her from thinking that she needs to take a few trips to the gym with Volt.

Melody was cut out of her thoughts by Kat’s joyful humming, the tune sounded that of a happy one with a slight dark undertone. Melody guessed that it was a tune Kat used when she was still a wayward pranksters. From what the twintail told her, Kat’s previous life as a prankster was a mostly happy one, but that didn’t stop the hollow feeling the cat felt every time she got yelled at for said pranks.

The more she thought about it, the more she felt kind of sorry for any wandering twintail. No real place to call home, a disconnection with those around you, and a constant feeling of detachment. Melody couldn’t think of a life like that and she didn’t want to.

What she did want to do was spend her time with Kat, show her that there is someone else in the world that cares for her, and that someone will always be at her side no matter what happens.

“Hey Melly?” Again Kat’s sweet cherry voice shattered the train of thought that was rolling through Melody’s head. “So what happened? I mean, about Ace. Is he alright,” Kat asked, somewhat concerned for the falcon-griffon.

“Um...I’m sure he’s fine, we left him with a nurse, and I’m sure that she wouldn’t leave him in the hotel room alone--mostly,” Melody answered, almost completely forgetting about--no doubt--enraged falcon from the ride back home with Volt and the others. “Ace is a tough guy, I’m sure he’ll do just great on his own--maybe.” Both Kat and Melody started to laugh, knowing that if anything Ace is already on his way back with a few words to say to the rest of the band.

“Yeah you’re right,” Kat said after the fits of laughter was over. She snapped her fingers making the bowl of salad and two sparkling drinks to spark to life. Kat herself started to float towards Melody along with the dinner.

Melody stared at the floating cat in her eyes. Thanks to the fact that it was night time, Kat’s normally dark-green eyes were a bright lime, and her pure-black silted pupils had Melody in a trace. Annoying creaking from the chair was enough to momentarily break Melody out f her trace, only for her to see Kat hovering above the table. “Um...Kat where are you going to sit,” She asked, knowing the old chair isn’t going to like the answer.

Kat straighten up, putting her hand on her chin to make it look like she was deep in thought. “Oh, it does seem to be only one chair in here,” She noted in a sarcastic tone, really knowing what happened to the other chairs that belong in the kitchen, and reminding herself that she needs to wake up early to go fetch them from basement--even if she hated the dark, damp underground part of the house.

“Guess I’ll have to take one right here.” Kat landed on top of Melody's lap with her face towards hers and one leg either side of Melody’s body. Even with the light descent, the rickety chair whine from the added weight sending Melody’s thoughts back to the gym idea. Yet again the train of thoughts were derailed by Kat. “Yup, this seat does just nicely.”

Kat started to move around a little making the chair double it’s whines. “Um, Kat? I don’t think this chair can take this much weight,” Melody said, the thought of the chair breaking under her weight made her want to find the fastest diet plan on the market.

“Melly, you’re not calling me fat are you,” Kat teased, making it sound as though she was really offended by the suggestive comment from Melody.

Melody caught on to how her last comment could have sounded hurtful. “What, no, no, no I’m not saying that I’m…” She paused to think of a way to fix her mess without calling either of them fat, yet no thought came to her. “I’m saying that I’m...fat.” Melody looked away from Kat’s piercing gaze, the floor was much less intimidating than the cat’s glowing eyes.

“Melly, you are not fat. Hell, I’ve seen you old school pictures, not once were you fat.” Melody blushed, remembering the time Kat found her old school pictures of her fillyhood in the attic, and regretting when she found the one with her old bathing suit from swim camp. “So why do you keep thinking that?”

“Well, my chest have been feeling heavier lately, and it is getting hard to move around.” Kat deadpanned at Melody’s weak reasoning, she knew that Melody had a tendency to overreact to things, but this was taking the cake.

“Seriously? You are worried about these,” Kat grabbed the large pair of breasts on Melody making her yelp from the sudden groping. “are too heavy? Geez I heard Phase say that she wanted bigger breasts and here you are saying that they’re too big? You would think your a cow-mare sometimes.”

Melody’s jaw almost fell off her blushing face, the mere thought of being compared to a cow-mare--even though she has nothing against them--made the mare gasp. “I-I’m not a cow-mare,” Melody said, her face becoming hot from the cat’s groping. Melody’s empty stomach decided to make itself become known to them both, making a loud rumbling sound.

Kat ended the groping with a huff, looking down to Melody’s downward gaze that would briefly flash towards her only to turn away again. “Humh, I bet you can moo like one.” A dark and dirty thought reed itself inside of Kat’s had as she willed the salad bowl to land safely within her tails. “Moo for me and you’ll get to eat.”

The unicorn’s eyes nearly shot out of her head at the twintail’s command. She was going to dine the--debatable--kinky command when her stomach let out a roar of defiance. Kat let a victorious smile come on to her face, knowing that Melody couldn’t argue her way out of this any more. Melody intensely stared at the ground, as she weighed her options her stomach placed it’s vote, and only made her want to curl up in a ball.

Her eyes crept towards Kat, the same smirk on her face the last time she saw her, and sighed. “Once, you don’t ever bring it up, and if you tell anyone may both lunar princesses help you,” Melody threaten, knowing that she couldn’t ever do anything to harm Kat, but still wanted to get the point across.

Kat nodded her head and snapped her fingers making a fork float towards her. “But of course,” She said, grabbing the fork out of the air, and dipping it in the salad bowl. “Now moo for kitty.” Kat dangled the fork of food in front of Melody in a teasing manner.

Melody started to have second thoughts about the deal but another blast from her stomach made her rethinking that thought. She took a deep breathe, also closed her eyes in hopes that it’ll make it easier for her to say. “Moo,” she finally said in hushed voice, barely loud enough for Kat to hear.

“Nope,” Kat said, shocking Melody as she took a bite of the fresh smelling salad. All Melody could do was stare at the cat as she munched down on the large bite with pure content. As Melody watched Kat swallow the mouthful of salad, she wished it was her that was doing so. “Louder.”


Kat leaned into Melody’s ear making the chair scream from the shifting of weight. “I want you to mean it, say it as though you are saying ‘I love you.’ Because I do,” Kat whispered into Melody’s ear, revealing to her what the cat was thinking. Kat moved the bowl of salad closer to them, to where Melody could smell the freshness of the food, and jabbed the fork through it again.

The satisfying loud crunching sound of the vegetables and fruits made Melody’s mouth water. “Let’s try that again, moo for kitty.” Yet again the fresh food was dangled in front of Melody, the smell alone made the mare even more hungry than she already was, and now that Kat was teasing her with it made it worse.


Dissatisfied with the still hushed tone, Kat took another bite. “Louder,” she said with her mouth full of food.


Even though it was--slightly--louder than the last two times, Kat still didn’t like the way she said it. Kat munched on the new bite, even going back in the bowl for a second one, and moaned as though she was eating food that was cooked by a five-star chief. “Come on Melly, sing it loud. Its not like anyone can hear you. So...louder.”

Melody was hesitated with following Kat’s orders, her own insecurities prevented her from swallowing her pride. Kat saw this hesitations and started to openly eat the salad in front of the mare. Melody fought with herself and her stomach, not sure which one to give control to.

As the bowl started to get smaller, she knew that Kat was honestly going to eat the whole thing--even if it could feed two. Right as the cat was about to take another bite, Melody shut her eyes tight, and finally gave into the command. “MOO!”

Three letters. Three words.

When Melody realized what Kat was really trying doing, it made more sense, and the thought didn’t horrify her any more. “See? Now that wasn’t so hard now was it,” Kat teased, already full from what she ate, but also she felt an uncomfortable heat near her cathood. “Now it’s time for my cow-mare to get her treat.” Kat drugged out the largest bite of salad from the bowl and placed it in front of Melody. “Eat up.”

The mare didn’t have to be told twice before she opened her mouth to take in the bite of food. Even if the salad wasn’t the best she ever eaten, it was still good enough to make her moan in delight, and the fact that Kat was the one to make it for her made it that much better. Melody quickly chewed the food and swallowed it all before opening her mouth for more.

Kat satisfied Melody’s plea with another large bite of food. The cat was far overjoyed that Melody was enjoying the meal, if the happy moans were anything to go by. After another few bites of the--okay--salad, the bowl now was completely empty, and Melody was satisfied with her now full stomach.

Kat kissed her on the lips, still tasting the remaining pieces of fruit on her tongue and teeth. The two wrapped their hands around each other heads, savoring the remaining scraps of food in their mouths, and even sharing some of them. Kat pulled away, keeping her glowing green eyes half-lidded as she stared into Melody’s sapphire-blues. “Happy,” She teased with a wide smile on her lips.

“Moo- I mean, yes, and it wasn’t that bad. Kat, I’m sure that if you practice that you can get better really quick.” Kat blushed from Melody sweet comment, which was rewarded with another quick kiss on the lips. “Though I do have room for dessert.”

“Well, what kittyfriend would I be if I didn’t…” Kat’s vision for some reason started to grow black and an overwhelming heat overtook her body causing her to collapsed on top of Melody’s chest.

The mare rolled her eyes, she knew that cat had a thing for teasing her about her larger chest, and using it as a way to pull a prank or two at her own expense. “Kat this isn’t the best time for a prank.” Melody shook the unconscious cat, trying to get her to respond to her words, but all she got was heavy breathing as a response.

“Kat, Kat please tell me you’re joking,” Melody asked, becoming more worried for the cat as the seconds tick by. “Kat please wake up, Kat!”

The mare’s pleas were answered as Kat forced her body to move towards Melody’s ear. “ Mel...Melody Cord,” She whispered before collapsing again on the mare’s shoulders while she did her best to keep her conscious.

Ch. 5

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Melody’s home; 1:27AM

The sounds of water being drain into a bucket started to wake Kat. Her eyes quickly adjusted to the dark bedroom that was only being lighted by a single lamp on the nightstand next to the queen-size bed. A the feeling of a cold rag being placed on her head went unresponded as she tried to gather the blurry memories from the hours ago. Moments passed by before the memories of the day flowed back to her, most clearly the events that took place mere hours before.

When the gray ceiling came into full focus, Kat turned her head where she could faintly remember hearing the splashing water. Along with the dark-gray of the bucket, Melody’s white fur and black panties that had her white Quaver shape cutie mare on it came into focus, and she tried to work her mouth to speak.

But Melody stopped her with a finger. “Don’t talk, you just woke up, but the book said that you’ll have most of your energy soon,” She said in a soft yet authoritative tone voice. Kat was slow to process all of Melody’s words but it did eventually reached her hazy brain. The twintail was going to speak again only to be yet again stopped by a white finger. “Before you ask, I saw it sitting on the couch, and you left your mouse bookmark on the page.” Kat soon realized that the ‘surprise’ was now ruin, she could at least say that they had a good dinner--mostly.

Melody sparked her horn making a glass of fresh water appear in her magical grip. “Here Kat, drink up, but not too fast.” Melody willed the glass towards Kat’s mouth as she gently raised her head up from the pillow that was decorated with princess Luna’s royal symbol.

Any movement of any kind sent a sprawling pain through Kat’s body, through her dry throat won the war of choices along with Melody’s encouraging hand. Melody started to tip the glass down so Kat didn’t have to move any further. The cold soothing water was a refreshing change to the dry soreness. Melody pulled the glass away when Kat started to cough from drinking too fast.

“I just got done telling you silly kitty, not to drink so fast,” Melody said, patting Kat on the back to help ease the coughing. “You alright,” She asked when the coughing fit was over. Kat wordlessly casted her gaze towards the black sheets of the bed, tears started to from around her eyes taking a bright green shine from her still glowing eyes. “You want to tell me what’s wrong?” Melody already knew it was about her finding out about the ‘surprise’ in a way that Kat didn’t want but she wanted the twintail’s side first.

“You know what’s wrong,” Kat shouted, more angry at herself than Melody, but she couldn’t hold back her emotions any more. “I spent nine days planning all this out, only for it to fall apart because of Ace getting seasick. I mean he is a freaking falcon-griffon for Nightmare’s shake! How does a falcon-griffon get seasick Melly?”

Melody sighed, knowing that Kat didn’t mean any real harm towards the griffon. She reached out a hand and started to rub the top of her head along with her ears. “I don’t really know, I asked him myself, but he just replied with more throw-up.” Even with the petting and Melody’s joke, Kat still remained upset, and it shown on her face. “You’re not really mad at him are you?”

“, I don’t know!” The tears on Kat’s face started to stream down her cheeks, the beautiful emerald shine betrayed the sadness and rage they were to represent. “It’s not fair Melly, today was supposed to be our special day.”

Melody pulled Kat’s head down to her chest, knowing that the twintail likes to use it as a pillow sometimes. She started to stroke Kat’s long brown hair, humming a soft melody to calm the cat down. “And it was, dinner with you was great, and I’m sure that you liked that song.”

Kat wrapped her arms around Melody’s back, openly sobbing in the mare’s tank-top--which she must have changed into while Kat was unconscious. “Y-yeah, but even that I m-managed to mess up.” Kat’s grip tighten around her unicorn lover as her sobbing grew in volume. “Melly I-I’m sorry.”

“Kitty what do you have to be sorry for? You spent nine days without me to plan for our anniversary.” Melody started to rub the twintail’s soft ears, making her grip soften also getting her to meow in a hushed tone. “You went out of your way to study an alchemy book to find the right potion to use, which kind of makes me feel bad for not doing the same thing.”

“No! Melly, even with the book I managed to mess up. I was going to surprise you but the darn thing didn’t even work!” All Kat could tell from the potion that it just made her body feel hot for awhile and then--for no reason whatsoever--made her pass out. Nowhere near the effects she wanted it to have, so she thought.

“Um...Kat, I think you should look under the sheets,” Melody said with a hesitant voice, confusing Kat. The twintail looked towards her lover’s eyes, which only glanced towards the black sheets--particular in between her legs.

Kat did as she was told, lifting the sheets only to be faced with a limp eight inch dark brown shaft resting peacefully in between her legs like it belonged there. A heated blush came over both females as their eyes were trained on the thick shaft. “I-is it-”

“Yes,” Melody answered, knowing what was Kat’s question. “I’ve ran several magic scans on it, it’s real alright, and your cathood is still there.” Kat whipped her head towards Melody, who just nodded her head towards the shaft. The twintail wrapped her fingers around the shaft, already enjoying the shivers that it sent through her spine, and lifted it up to see that Melody was telling the truth. Her cathood still laid was nestled in between her legs, just now under the shaft.

“Melly I-”

“Kat there’s something I wanted to say first.” Kat’s voice became silent at the flat tone in Melody’s voice. “Kat, I love you, and nothing in this world will ever change that. You know that right?” The twintail’s voice failed to yield any responses so she just nodded her head. “I know that you worked real hard to make tonight special for the both of us, but you shouldn’t have done it alone, or better put I shouldn’t have let you done it alone.” Melody pulled Kat’s head back to her chest and started to sway from side to side. “I’m sorry Kat, I was too busy just trying to get home in time that I forgot to do something special for you, but now I think I know how.”

“Melody, you don’t-”

Yet again the twintail was interrupted by a white finger being placed on her lips. “Suhh, that’s enough from you. I already know I don’t have to but I want to, now lay down.” Kat followed Melody’s instructions as she laid her head back down on the bed. Melody stood from the chair she was sitting in, taking a spot on the bed on top of Kat, and starting to trail kiss down her body starting with her neck.

Kat had to bite back a fit of laughter from the teasing tickling, which turned into moans as the mare’s lips reached lower. Melody took a moment to play and lick Kat’s collarbone making Kat flinch and whine a little. The mare slowly lifted Kat’s tank-top, leaving her small breasts out in the open for her to stare at.

The twintail looked away from her unicorn lover, it was painfully obvious what Melody’s gaze was fixed on to. “S-stop staring Melly, we all can’t be cow-mares like you,” Kat said in a small flushed voice.

Melody started to giggle from the flushed look on Kat’s face. “But they’re so cute and tiny. I bet that they’re more sensitive too.” She rubbed a hand over the cat’s flat stomach, a single finger tracing up from her bellybutton to the center of her chest. Melody’s finger danced around the small breasts, daring to go across the perky mounds, but soon change course.

Kat started to shift around under Melody’s weight, the teasing becoming too much to bare, and she wished Melody would just get to the good part. Her silent wishes were granted when Melody took hold of one of the erect nipples and gave it a squeeze. Kat started to meow moan again, the cute sounds were their own individual masterpiece to Melody’s ears.

The mare soon took the rest of the breast in her hand along with the other one making Kat’s moans grow in pitch and volume. Melody leaned close to Kat’s ear, her hot breath tickling the soft fur. “You really like it when I play with your breasts huh? Your nipples are already hard and I can feel your ‘little kitten’ growing rather quickly behind me.” Melody bit on the sensitive ear making Kat scream from joy. She brushed her tail against Kat’s new shaft, sending a shiver down her cat’s spine.

Without warning, Melody removed her hands from Kat’s breasts, but quickly replaced them with her mouth and teeth. She licked the sides of the hardened nipple also circling around them as while. Kat grabbed hold of the mare’s dark blue mane, a clear line of drool forming around her mouth.

Keeping with the momentum, Melody slid down the rest of the twintail’s small body, trailing kisses and quick nibbles wherever she deemed worthy. As an act of playfulness, she sat down on the now hardened shaft making Kat subconsciously buck her hips upward.

The mare started grind her hips on the thick shaft, finding pleasure every time it rubbed against her marehood. “You know Kitty, you’re right I am a cow-mare,” Melody said, removing her navy-blue tank-top letting her massive breasts spill from the prison that’s known as fabric. “And I love it.” To tease Kat even more, Melody started to pinch and rub her own breasts. The soft angelic moaning coming from the mare made Kat want to do anything to hear more of it.

Kat started to reach out towards the breasts when Melody pulled them away with a seductive smirk. “Na-ah, after I get my treat--seeing that I didn’t get to have any dessert.” Melody lean down to Kat’s flat belly, she traced her tongue downwards, and stopped at Kat’s inward bellybutton to tease her even more.

Kat couldn’t hold back the overwhelming laughter from Melody’s teasing. She started to squirm about giggling like a little kitten. “M-Melly, s-stop I’m ticklish…” To get a better grip on the cat, Melody placed her hands on her small hips, and upped the teasing with her tongue. Kat grabbed onto Melody’s ears, when she started to rub them Melody took that as a sign of approval to continue with the teasing.

Melody circled around the cat’s bellybutton making her fits of giggles turn into moans of delight. While the mare’s tongue played with Kat, her breasts rested firmly on top of the fully erect shaft, and each movement form either sent a tingle through the twintail’s spine. Soon Melody grew tired of simply teasing Kat, so she resumed her travel downwards until her venture brought her to the course of the cat’s week of work.

She traced a soft finger on the shaft, sending more chills through Kat’s body, and making the large shaft throb. Melody was impressed by the sheer size of the meaty shaft, it was nearly twice the size of any toy they had used in the past, and the thought of it pushing past her outer petals sent a chill down her own spine.

“Kat, how many of those potions did you drink?” Kat blushed while she looked away from Melody’s questioning gaze.

“Oh I-I don’t know...nine maybe,” Kat said, blushing. At first she didn’t really like the bland taste of the potion but as time flew by she started to drink more and more after growing accustomed to the taste. “In a half.”

“Nine huh? Well let’s see what this thing can really do.” Melody wrapped her slender hands around the large shaft, the mare’s hands only made the shaft look bigger in comparison as she started to give an experimental stroke. She was rewarded with Kat’s soft moans, this prompted her to continue to stroke with more vigor.

Melody could feel Kat’s rapid heartbeat through the thick vines along side the shaft. With the approving moans from Kat, Melody started to lick the underside of the tip, and soon took the head in her mouth.

Kat shot up from the pleasure of having Melody’s warm mouth around her shaft. She placed her hands on the mare’s head and begged for her to go lower. Melody granted Kat her wish by taking more of the shaft in her mouth before coming back up. A slow pace soon found it’s way into Melody’s rhythm.

Her tongue started to circle around the twitching shaft, taking her to play with the head before going back down. She could feel the tip of the rod on the back of her throat, Melody was glad that she taught herself to control her gag reflex for when she performing on stage, or she wouldn’t be able to take most of the shaft.

Kat soon let Melody’s head go after she build a steady rhythm of her own, opting to cup her smaller breasts. She started to pinch and twist her hardened nipples as her eyes started to roll to the back of her head. Her thin cat tongue rolled out of her of mouth as she begged for release of the thigh pressure that was building around her shaft.

Melody recognized the violet twitching as a sign that Kat was close to the edge. She pulled the mouth off of the wet shaft with a ‘popping’ sound, which caused Kat to whine from premature release of her shaft, but was quickly replaced with louder moans when Melody started to lick her wet cathood and stroke the shaft at the same time.

As she continued to lick the leaking cathood, Melody savored the energy taste that Kat seemed to naturally have. She lick all along the outer petals before pushing past the wall. Kat couldn’t no longer think straight, the simulation from being stroked, and having her cathood lick was too much for her to process at the same time.

It wasn’t long before she was pushed over the edge and the first waves of her climax fired from both the shaft and poured from her cathood. Melody kept her mouth firmly around the gashing cathood, drinking as much of the wild-berry tasting juices as possible. Cum from the shaft landed on Kat belly and parts of Melody’s mane before the twintail finally collapsed onto the bed.

Melody took a few moments to lick the thick strands of cum from Kat’s belly, taking her time with the small pool that formed in the cat’s bellybutton, and the remaining cum from the still hard shaft.

Kat laid on the bed, too tired to even giggle from Melody’s tongue dancing around on her belly as she patted from exhaustion. “You know Kat, you’re smarter than you make yourself out to be,” Melody said after using her magic to clean up the cum in her mane. The twintail lazily looked down to see that the mare had already removed her black panties. “You single-handedly planned an anniversary surprise, was able to understand an alchemy book in less than nine days, and taught yourself how to cook a meal; all for me.” Melody placed a kiss on the side of Kat’s jawbone while the cat’s shaft pressed against her stomach.

“Melly, I love you, and I’ll do anything for you,” Kat whispered, wrapping her fingers in Melody's mane. “I’m sure you’ll do the same for me.”

Melody removed herself from the cat’s body as she looked towards the other side of the room in shame. “That’s the thing, I’ve haven’t been doing anything for you. I left you here all alone for a week while I was on tour and I didn’t do anything for you while I was away. Kat, I’m sorry, I’m a horrible marefriend.” Tears of her own started to form at her overdue realization.

Kat caught Melody by surprise when she suddenly sat up and placed a kiss on her lips. The mare tried to put of a fight but soon gave in the comforting kiss. The lover’s hands interlocked one another’s as their tongues met for a short-lived dance before Kat pulled away--even though Melody didn’t want her to.

The two remained in the close embrace, their eyes transfixing on one another’s. “Melody, just being with you is enough for me, and it all I can ask. I did all of this for you because I wanted to, not because I felt that I had to, and you know that.” Kat started to lick away her lover’s tears before she planted another quick kiss on her lips. “Melly the time we spend together is all the gift I can ask for.”

“But that’s not fair to you Kitty, I want to do so much more than just be with you,” Melody said, new tears forming around her eyes. “I want you to feel special, I want to give you something in return for your love, but this time I’m the one that falls flat.”

“Well, there is one thing you could give.” Kat shot Melody a seductive gaze as an obvious hint to something she’s been craving to do for a week now. Even though they have had sex in the past, Melody always have been reluctant to let Kat use any toy on her marehood. Even so, they still though it count, but there’s been a part of Kat that always wanted to take the mare’s purity, and now’s she thought was the best time as ever.

Melody blushed when she realized what the cat was talking about, through a warm smile spread across her face as she and Kat pulled each other into another kiss, this time Kat started to push Melody down to her back, and took the mare’s breasts in her hands.

Melody could feel the head of Kat’s shaft brush on her wet marehood, a slight ping of fear overtook her for just a moment, but Kat’s gentle message calm her down enough to where she wasn’t shaking. Kat moved the kiss down to Melody’s neck, in hopes it will keep the mare calm.

“Kat, I-I’m ready,” Melody shudder, knowing that the shaft is going to hurt at first, but she trusted Kat more than to be too afraid. Kat nodded her head, she moved off of Melody’s body to be able to line her shaft to Melody’s marehood. With one last reassuring nod from the unicorn mare, Kat started to push the shaft passed the tight walls, and almost doubled over from the amount of pleasure--and slight pain--she received from the entry.

Both females started to groan from the shaft’s entry, Melody’s tight walls squeezing around the meaty shaft, and the next few inches started to become easier as time went on. But Melody still felt immense pain from the girth and when Kat reached the finally barrier in the tight marehood.

Melody took hold of the bed sheets, the pain from the entry sting slightly more than she thought it would. “K-Kat it...h-hurts.” The pain alone was enough to bring tears to Melody’s sapphire eyes, now that the shaft rested deep within her right in front of her thin lining of innocence the pain was near unbearable.

The mare’s twintail lover started to rub her lower stomach to ease the strain the shaft was putting on her. “I know Melly, just wait a little longer, and I promise that it’ll get better.” Kat bend down to take one of Melody’s hardened nipples in her mouth and started to suck on it. Melody let the black bed sheets go to wrap her hands in Kat’s long brown hair to keep her mouth on the nipple--not like Kat was going to let go any time soon.

“O-okay Kat, do it.” Melody knew the pain was only going to get a LOT worse before it’ll get any better. Kat removed herself from Melody’s breasts, to look in the tear-filled orbs of pure sapphire. Melody could see the concern in the cat’s glowing green eyes, she started to rub the sides of Kat’s ears as reassurance. “I-I’ll be fine, just get it over with.”

Kat nodded towards her love, she started to push her hips further in Melody’s marehood, but couldn’t muster up the strength to break the wall of virginity causing more pain for Melody. “I-I’m s-sorry Melly, I...I can’t do it,” Kat said, giving a few more pushes only to meet failure.

Melody fought through the pain and tears to look Kat in the eyes. “Then let me help.” She wrapped her legs around Kat’s slender waist, keeping her from pulling out any more. With one more thrust Kat finally broke the seal, making Melody scream from the pain. Kat was quick to pull Melody in for a kiss, putting the pain-filled screams to rest, and cupped the mare’s breasts to help her overcome the pain before they continued.

A few moments went by before Melody gave Kat permission to being. The twintail pulled the shaft out of the mare’s marehood a few inches before pushing back in. Kat started to build a slow rhythm for Melody until she grew accustomed to the pain, which was becoming less of a worry with each thrust, and eventually the mare started to beg for more harder thrusts.

The slow rhythm soon became a quick and steady one that both could find pleasure in. Kat started to have trouble keeping up with Melody’s demands, so the mare started to buck her hips in time with Kat’s. Each thrust became deeper and faster within time, so was Melody’s demands.

Wanting to do nothing but make her happy, Kat throw out the steady thrusting in favor for more powerful long ones that had her burying the shaft deep inside of Melody. Kat couldn’t believe how warm Melody’s marehood was as it rivaled her mouth. The same pressure from before started to build in the shaft again, prompting her to up the thrusting so to please Melody.

With the new thrust, Melody’s chest bounced in time. Kat lunged for the massive mounds taking them in her teeth and sucked on them as if she trying to milk the mare.

Melody’s eyes started to roll to the back of her head, all feeling of pain gone from the shaft, and only pleasure was left. Along with bucking her hips with Kat’s, Melody reached down to her two tails giving them both a rough squeeze and pulled. Kat moaned around Melody’s nipples, increasing her thrusting from the mare messing with her tails.

Melody also took Kat’s ears in her mouth, biting down on them with her teeth. Kat could feel Melody’s marehood clenching down on her shaft, telling her that her lover was as close to the edge as she was. “M-Melly...I’m gonna-”

Kat was unable to finish the sentence because of Melody pulling her in for a kiss. “I-I know Kitty...I want it inside of me...please.” Kat couldn’t hold back the immune pressure that’s been building again in the shaft. Kat let loose a torrent of cum from both the shaft and neglected cathood, firing thick creamy gobs of cum deep in Melody’s marehood.

The force of the twintail’s climax was enough to bring Melody to her own. She tightened her grip around Kat’s waist, keeping her deep inside of her as she rode out the stream of cum the shaft was firing. Kat was able to give a few more thrusts before she passed out on top of Melody’s chest.

Both lovers basked in the warm afterglow of their time together, the only sound they could mustered to make was breathless breathing. Melody kept her hands on Kat’s head while the cat moved her’s to Melody’s sweaty back.

They could feel the excess amount of cum leak out of Melody’s marehood, also the absence of the shaft. Kat looked down conforming the feeling of the shaft being gone. “Hey wait, where did it go,” Kat asked breathlessly.

Melody caned her head downwards so she could see what Kat was talking about. “I-I think the book said something about it turning into cum after being used on a female,” She said, remembering reading the part in the book. “You read the book right?” Kat looked away with a sheepish grin on her face, telling Melody all she needed to know. “So you didn’t.”

Kat rested her head back on Melody’s chest to hid the flustered look on her face. “I did...kind of.” Melody simply rolled her eyes and planted a kiss on top of Kat’s head, getting a meow from her. “Night Melly, I love you.”

Melody wrapped her arms around Kat’s body also lighting her horn making the covers appear on top of them before closing her eyes. “Goodnight Kitty, I love you too.” The lovers soon found Luna’s and Nightmare’s world of dreams, creating ones that only had them in it in each other’s loving embrace.

-The End, Sid.