Doorway to Olympus

by trance

First published

in the time of an ancient titan. five elements were born into the realm of trident. One element turns rogue and corrupt, he becomes the element of darkness. the four remaining ponies have to fight the first invasion from the corrupted element

The story is basically the first of many in the series. The story contains mythological creatures and characters. A lot happens in the first instalment and I hope you enjoy it. If you had any problem or have any improvements you can give, by all means please leave your comments.

Chapter 1

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This story is an idea that came into my head a while back when i started film class. i am currently animating and thought might as well give writing out the story first a shot. for viewers content, this story contains mythology implemented into the MLP: FIM universe, including characters and creatures.

In the olden times of the titan Chronos, five elements were born into the realm of Trident. These elements, were destined to inhabit the earth, learn from it, evolve it. the five elements by name, are Poseidon, the element of water. Hasani, the element of fire. Atlas, the element of wind. Tmolus, the element of earth. finally Aether, the oldest, the element of light.

Throughout the time on the earth, Aether had pitied over the mortal ponies. He believed that with his power he could do anything, even create more power for himself. Aether had used his element to turn light to dark, to threaten all life. But the darkness evaded the innocent, and returned to Aether. He quickly became corrupt and was moulded into the element of darkness, changing his form and colours into a demonic sight. His coat was Black, His mane was like a waving fire boldly red with tinted black. His eyes, glowed red with evil and the destruction. From that day, he was no longer Aether, he had chosen a different name which made him reject and forget his old one. his name was Ares.

Ares found a spell that would enable him to channel his dark powers to create demonic guards. Known as the horses of the Apocalypse. To some this was only a myth, to others an old ponies tale. However Ares used this newly found power to gather an army of sinister creatures, some even undead. Ares used the horses of the apocalypse to threaten these creatures and also to offer them a reward in return for their assistance and loyalty. Ares offered them redemption, a chance to take the land they once owned, a chance to control the world.

three years later on a cold, dark and windy night came upon Trident, Ares now commanding his own army, some ponies of the realm even joined him in his cause to confirm safety and guidance from him. Ares was alone in his fortress, a tall, dark and cloudy building. With blade like peaks and un-penetrable walls. Until one of Ares' pony commanders entered the room, disturbing Ares from his slumber. Ares opened his eyes with a red blaze, stands up and turns around. He walks down the ice cold steps, slowly and fierce. the sound of long thuds on the ground. Ares stares at his commander, not amused.

"We are ready master, the attack can be initiated through your word" ordered the commander.

"Are you sure we are ready" Ares asked in a deep croaky voice.

"The Weapons are loaded, the armour strong, all movement is a go, sir!" replied the commander.

"But are WE ready? " demands Ares, "what if the attack is not successful, what if something fights back, huh!. Are we ready for a counter-attack?".

"Sir!, the ponies have no defences, no lookouts and no hope in surviving the attack" orders the commander.

"Na-ah, that is where you are wrong commander. there will be a counter-attack, and I know who it will be. Fi...Fire the transporter!" Ares commands.
The commander walked out of the room and to the central control. He orders the soldiers to fire the cannon (the cannon is a mode of transport which gathers rocks and creates a shell around whatever is needed to be transported).

A blissful and cold night deepened upon the city of Temporia, the capital of Trident. A light grey Pegasus was roaming the dark roads. His mane and tail are a lighter grey than his coat, his mane, is swished back, neat and tidy, it glides with the wind and also makes him look rather good. his wings are sheathed from the cold, unable to open. We see this pony strolling by a field to notice a brown earth pony, Much more bulkier, and taller, but with an innocent look towards him. his mane is side-fringed, uncared for per say. his tail is short and spiked. The strange grey pony walked through the streets, until he walks past an alley, a silhouette is made out by the lights on the other side of the alley. The silhouette is dark red unicorn, with a yellow and orange careless mane, the unicorn looked somewhat angry and full of rage. The light grey pony continues to walk and looked towards the cliff to see the trio palace, a large palace, with three peaks and the symbol of Temporia, A large beacon with four drake wings. Upon the Palace on one of the look-out towers a blue unicorn emerged wearing the Realms armour. Golden helmet, chest-plate, flank-plate, and boots. all gilded and sealed with rubies.

The blue unicorn looked towards the sky. the clouds turn black with a red glow surrounding them, making the sky look like a great inferno. Suddenly a flash of Black rushed by the palace and a massive crash was overheard. in the distance in the field, a sight of fire and deformed ground mass can be seen. The two unicorns, the pegasus and the earth pony race towards the crash site. Simultaneously they all appear from the city buildings to witness a large crater, not inward, but outward. on top of it however was this giant Ball, which was black metal, and had red parts on its sides, and the top.

"What is that thing?" asked the light grey pony confused and scared.

"I don't know, but whatever it is, it doesn't look good" complied the blue pony.

"well then go touch it" said the dark red pony pointing at the blue pony.

"why should I go up to it, and why would I touch it?" exclaimed the blue pony.

"Because you are the commander of the Royal Guard, and You are the one wearing the armour" said the dark red pony.
"Fine" sighed the blue pony.

"Wait, we don't know what it is yet, it may be dangerous or even a bomb" suggested the grey pony.

"it's fine" the blue pony said calmly,"what's the worst that could hap..."

Suddenly at that moment the ball forms into a four legged mech, machine guns out of the red parts and at the sides are missile launchers.

"oh, great look what you did" moaned the dark red pony.

"my fault! how, is this, my fault!" roared the blue pony.

"well you clearly did something" said the dark red pony, sarcastically

"Guys!" asked the light grey pony.

"I didn't even touch the darn thing" pleaded the blue pony.

"so it just happened to just turn into a killing robot on it's own?" said the dark red pony.

"Guys! we need to move now!" yelled the grey pony.

As soon as the ponies made a run the mech chased them, firing the missiles and bullets after the ponies, destroying nearly a quarter of the city.

"I'm still blaming this on you" said the dark red pony panting.

"why, just why do you have such a *pants* problem with me, what have I done to you?" demanded the blue pony.

"it's you that made me be like this, you that made me angry and you that put me in that darn alley!" yelled the dark red unicorn

"Stop, this isn't really the time for this discussion" the grey pony panted

"fine". sighed the two unicorns.

The dark red pony runs down a narrow street, coming to a dead end. the mech spots him and closes in.

The dark red unicorn spots a hole in one of the buildings. The dark red unicorn runs in and without hesitation the mech opens fire and bombards the building with bullets and missiles. With half the building crumbling, a thick wall of smoke blurred out the mech's main vision, so it switches to thermal vision. out of the smoke a red blaze flew straight toward the mech. the dark red unicorn transformed into a bright red with a blazing mane. he dashed towards the mech and conjures a flaming fist and smashed part of the mech. The unicorn leaped on top of the mech and rips off the Red counterpart , he ignited his hooves causing sparks to appear. he smashed through the side armour.

"All right, we need to help him, c'mon" shouted the grey pony. the ponies rushed towards the mech, the brown earth pony was lifted into the air.

"Na-ah, you're coming with me" yelled the grey pegasus.

"um why?" asks the earth pony.

"Because I'm going to guide you and you are going to use your hooves to destroy that thing!" replied the light grey pony.

"But why?" asked the earth pony confused.

"what the heck is wrong with you boy, you high?" sarcastically asks the light grey pony.

"uh..." the brown pony looks down at the ground "yeah" says the brown pony as he looks back up towards the pegasus.
Meanwhile back on the ground the blue pony and the flaming pony, now are distracting the mech, keeping on target for the others.

"how you holding up buddy?" asks the blue unicorn.

"pretty fine I guess" replied the red pony while.
the red pony was spewing fire at the mech and the blue unicorn was simultaneously firing water to stiffen the mech.

"Imagine your legs are rocks, think of falling but having no impact on you whatsoever" shouted the grey pegasus through the piercing wind.

"O-glurgh-kayeyey" replied the earth pony through the wind.

"I'm letting you go soon" says the grey pony.

"when I shout, move!" Shouted the blue unicorn.

"Got it!" yelled the red unicorn.
the grey pony and the blue pony shout


The unicorns broke the distraction, quickly moving out of the way of the others. While the grey pony releases the brown pony with his hoof out aiming towards the open space on the top of the mech. With a loud crash, the Brown pony's hoof turns to rock and smashes through the mech.

Out of a black wall of smoke the brown pony is seen with one knee and one hoof pressed against the ground. behind him laid the flaming shattered remains of the mech. the four ponies reunited and stood in the midst of the ruins. suddenly a mysterious hooded pony appears from the smoke,all that was visible was it's golden eyes.

"well that did not go as I had expected but still, you have prevailed" said the mysterious pony.

"did you plan this attack on us!" shouted the now red unicorn.

"easy..." said the blue unicorn to the red one, calmly, "but what did you mean you expected?" asked the blue one.

"I saw this in a vision, of the four remaining ponies rising together to defeat Ares" The mysterious pony pointed at each of them.

"Poseidon, Hasani, Atlas and Tmolus" replied the mysterious pony.

"who, is Ares?" asked Poseidon. The mysterious pony narrowed it's eyes and looks towards Atlas.

"his brother" Atlas was out of words and had nothing to reply with.

"where do we find this Ares?" asked Poseidon

"oh, it will be no easy task, he has an army and is guarded by the horses of the apocalypse" said the mysterious pony.

"so what do we do?" asked Poseidon.

"well, you find Ares, you find the Doorway to Olympus, you find the horses of the Apocalypse, you kill them, you kill Ares". The mysterious pony then vanished leaving behind a trace of his golden eyes.

"so where do we start?" asked Hasani.

"I don't know" replied Poseidon. "but I do know, that we need to kill his brother?" Poseidon gazed at Atlas.