My Pony's Destiny

by Pinkie Pie The Awesome

First published

Shining Armor, and Hay Stack try to rescue Pinkie without any arguments. They only have a short amount of time before she is 100% on Sombra's side.

Pinkie Pie is in darkness. Her soul has been corrupted by King Sombra. She meets a mysterious girl who helps her. The girl has a dark past, and is on the verge of revenge.

Chapter 1 (Pinkie's p.o.v.)

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The first thing I felt was pain. My body ached and pleaded for medication. My head throbbed so much, I wash sure it would bust. My top left hoof felt like someone was taking a hot iron and burning my skin to the bone. I wanted to pass out again to stop the pain. I laid there on the cold, stone floor as the pain still coursed through my muscles. I didn't even dare to move. A faint, rusty smell filled my nose, and I craved for sweet, clean oxygen. I felt like I was in a dream; no, a nightmare.

I have been with King Sombra for only 3 weeks, but it seems like many tortuous months. I have succeeded in distracting him from not taking advantage of me (something he wants to do for a sickening reason); but that comes in a heavy price. I have been slashed, beaten, burned, put under spells, and tied so tightly that the ropes cut my fragile coat. My energy has been drained from me. My soul has been damaged, and scarred mentally.

For the first few days if my torture, I had vivid dreams about my colts. Some dreams were sweet and peaceful; others were depressing and sad. The happy ones were when Shining armor and Hay Stack would hold me tight, and soothe me with their native language. I cherished those most after Sombra would torture me. The sad ones were when my colt's were just of reach before they were pulled from me into the endless darkness. I pray every day to Celestia for their safety.

After one week, the soothing dreams never returned and the frightened nightmares took their place. I never saw Shining Armor and Hay Stack; I always saw Sombra haunting my nightmares. He would either be chasing me through darkness or holding me down and stroking my cheek with his hooves. Sometimes, I would wake myself up screaming with warm tears streaming down my face. After two weeks, I was afraid to go to sleep and now I never sleep. The only sleep I get is when I pass out when Sombra is torturing me, and my body can't endure the excruciating pain.

Suddenly, I heard the faintest sound of chains clinking together. My body cringed as it knew more pain was about to come. I heard my cage open, and my breath got caught in my throat. My frightened heart started racing, and my muscles ached when they tightened. Suddenly, something heavy and solid knocked into me. I yelped as I felt my body smash against the cage bars. My top left hoof burned like hot lava was coursing through my veins. I heard another faint cry, but it wasn't from me.

"Have fun," a colt's voice barked and slammed my cage door.

Have fun? Oh, I hope they didn't put a bloodthirsty predator in my cage. I thought desperately. I heard the colt's hoofsteps grow fainter, and I heard another door slam. I heard a soft groan as something slowly slid off of me. I winced when it slid against my wounds. My eyes flew open and looked down at my "visitor". I couldn't hold back a gasp as I saw a helpless mare about my age lying beside me.

She was shaking with silent sobs and kept repeating, "My family. My family."

I stared at her wide-eyed, and she silently shifted away from me. She slowly started to curl up in a ball. I looked over her for injuries. Oddly, she didn't have any, but her coat was matted and bloody. I was about to speak when she suddenly screamed and sobbed. I heard her mumbling something, but I couldn't make out the words because sobs and chokes got caught in her throat.

I slowly sat up, ignoring the pain as best as I could and crawled in front of her. It took every ounce of my energy to crawl to her, but a part of me wanted to comfort her and also talk to somepony. After I was satisfied, I sat up and gazed at her. Her long brown, curly mane hid her face and tears. I reached out and touched her hoof, and she flinched. She lifted her head, her hazel eyes wide like a scared deer. I noticed dried blood was smeared all over her golden-tint coat, but I didn't see any wounds. She started breathing heavy while choking on sobs.

"Shh, I won't hurt you. My name is Pinkie pie. What's yours?" I asked softly; my voice sounded hoarse from the lack of food and water.

She studied me with wide eyes. Her almond shaped eyes appraising me. Then her eyes stared at my stomach. I watched in amusement when another tear coursed down her cheek, and her hooves covered her lips to hold back a sob. I glanced down at my stomach and held back a scream.

My coat was peeled back, revealing my muscle. Blood oozed out of my broken coat and soaked into my withered fur. I knew it was a blade by the faintest slash marks on my bloody fur. I gulped when a picture of a skinned deer entered unwillingly in my mind. I felt like passing out, but I just stared at it with a wide, open mouth.

"What did he do to you?" she whispered in horror. He tortured me. I wanted to say, but my mouth couldn't function.

I realized that's why I felt so weak because I was losing so much blood. I slowly lay down on my side and started panting. I didn't want to bleed to death. I have only been on this planet for nineteen years. It's too early to go now. I glanced at the girl for help; like she could. She had to be a surgeon to fix me back up.

More tears streamed down her face as she gazed sadly at me. She closed her eyes shut like she was seeing something frightening and gruesome. I probably wasn't a pretty sight. Suddenly, she kneeled down beside me. I was surprised she could move so gracefully. I watched her warily as she stared down at me like I was injured animal.

"I'm sorry," she whispered as she placed her hands on my shoulders.

I screamed because fire blazed down my left hoof she was holding tightly, and I was afraid she was going to put me out of my misery. Then, I felt an odd, warm sensation soothe the fire in my body. It was like a drug as it coursed through my body. The feeling relieved the pain in my muscles and dissipated the fire in my arm. It was like a drug that I craved for in so long. I smiled and sighed.

When the warm sensation was gone, I felt better than I had in weeks. I felt restful and peaceful. I finally, after weeks of restless sleep, I drifted off; letting the darkness finally take me.

Chapter 2 (Shining Armor's p.o.v)

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We waited anxiously outside a dark, abandoned building. The building was surrounded by the thick rain forest and desperately needed some tender, loving care. Nightfall had settled; giving the jungle an eerie appearance. I heard animals scurrying through bushes and leaves. I smelled the light dewiness in the air. So many sounds and strange smells surrounded me, but I was focused on saving the mare I loved.

We finally found Pinkie after three weeks of searching for her. We were in the depths of the Everfree Forest; the mysterious woods of Ponyville. The game Akuma was playing with us was sort of like a cat and mouse game. We would get close to her, and then she would be moving. It would frustrate me when she was just out of our reach. But now, he is keeping her in that building. As I stared at it, the task seemed too easy.

"Are you sure she is here?" I asked; my stomach tightened in uneasiness.

I glanced at Henko and he was staring at the little balloon on his phone.

He nodded his head, "Yup she's here." He slipped his phone in his back pocket. Silence stretched between us as we stared at the building. I started to get impatient because I wanted Pinkie out of King Sombra's hooves. "Do you have a plan?" I asked impatiently. Hay Stacks's golden gaze settled on me and his face hardened. "Do you?" he snapped. I clinched my jaw and breathed out a heavy sigh. My muscles started quivering; my dragon inside me ready to take action. "Well, he has to sleep sometime doesn't he?" I suggested. Hay Stacks's lip tightened in a hard line in deep thought. "I guess. But first we have to take those guards out by the door," he implied.

I glanced at the guards, and I heard my chest rumble as I growled. The guards looked kind of scrawny in my point of view. The quivering in my muscles increased as the thought of saving Pinkie entered my mind. "Well, what are we waiting for? Let's get them," I said fiercely. I sprang up, but Hay Stack held me down.

"We have to come up with a plan first," he growled through his clenched teeth. I glared at him as I shook his taunt hand off my shoulder. I heard him give a low, warning growl, but I ignored it. "There's only two," I observed. "So you take one, and I take one. Unless, you want me to do all the dirty work," I said dryly.

Hay Stack snorted. "I know that, and I won't let you have all the fun," he paused, "but doesn't seem too easy to you?" My lips tightened into a hard line. Would King Sombra be expecting us? He doesn't know where we are, does he? I just wanted Pinkie Pie safe in my arms. "I don't know," I whispered. "But we better get going or we might lose her again," I muttered. Hay Stack glanced at me. "You're really impatient aren't you?" he asked freely.

I had the urge to growl at him, but I stopped myself because I knew he was right. I was always a patient man, but now, I just wanted Pinkie out of harm's way. And in my view, the faster the better. "I just want to get her out of there," I whispered harshly.

"You don't think I do, too?" Hay Stack asked in disbelief. "Then, what are we waiting for?" I asked while glancing at him. His face hardened again, and he gave a heavy sigh. "Once we take down those guards, we won't have much time to get Pinkie out of there," he whispered. A pained expression crossed his face, but it was wiped away in a blink of an eye. He glared at the guards. "Okay, let's go."

We both charged at the guards. I was in the middle of beating the guards head in when Hay Stack stopped me. "What do you want!" I growled. "I think we should ask them stuff first... they might know where Pinkie is." he explained. I thought hard on what he was implying. In a low whisper i said, looking at the guard,"Do you know where Pinkie is?" his blank expression told me that he didn't know.

"I know the one you speak of." the second guard said very quietly. I noticed that he had a strong accent. "Tell me then!" i said after a long pause.

Chapter 3 (Rosie's p.o.v.)

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What have I done? I thought while my blood ran cold. The girl named Pinkie was now sleeping soundly on the stone floor. I can't believe I let my emotions get the best of me. I grabbed my hair as I paced restlessly in the cage. I know when she wakes up she is going to ask me a lot of questions. She might even think I'm a freak. I stifled a groan and sat against the cage bars. A part of me was happy that I healed her. The girl could have died if I didn't act. I can't believe King Sombra was capable of doing something like that. I cringed. Well, he might because he killed my family.

I tilted my head back as my tears returned. Silent sobs filled me as the horrible images of their lifeless bodies entered unwillingly in my mind. I choked on a sob when my little sister's bloody body invaded my mind. I felt my bottom lip tremble. I could have saved them, but he took me away. I sobbed as I remembered what happened.


Somepony broke into the house. I didn't know what was going on except my mom yelling to hide. I heard a lot of glass breaking, and I cringed. I cradled my little seven year old sister as we hid in the closet. I heard my parents' screams from downstairs, and Lilac whimpered.

"Shh," I soothed. I felt her tears soak into my fur, but I didn't dare move. I heard my mom scream, and my blood ran ice-cold. My heart was pumping so hard that my chest began to hurt. Suddenly, our bedroom door creaks open. I held my breath as my sister stiffened in my arms. I prayed that whoever it was couldn't find us. I heard their footsteps echo in our bedroom, and an eerie silence grew from downstairs. I prayed that my parents were okay. Suddenly, I heard something heavy crash onto the floor. My sister wiggled in my arms. I kissed her blonde head to soothe her.

Suddenly, I saw their shadow creep onto the closet door. I could see their silhouette through the cracks of the closet. My light breathing stopped completely. I covered my sister's mouth, so the intruder couldn't hear her whimper. The closet doors sprang open, and my sister screamed. I looked up as the intruder grabbed us. I fought as hard as I could as my sister was taken out of my arms. Her horrific screams filled my ears. Someone was holding me, and I thrashed wildly in their arms.

"Lily!" I shouted.

"Rosie!" Lilac called.

A colt was holding her over his shoulder as he carried her downstairs. I saw tears stream down her face as she reached out to me. No. I thought in agony. I punched and kicked whoever was holding me "Celestia, you're feisty," my attacker grumbled. Cold, unwelcomed shivers scattered down my spine. I didn't like his hot breath on my neck. I kicked some more, but something hard knocked into my head from behind. Black spots covered my vision, and they consumed me.

When I woke, I was laying on the floor. My hands were tied behind my back, and my feet couldn't move because something was holding them together. My body ached, but I was more concerned about my family. I heard someone stir beside me, and I turned my head. Lilac was on the floor with blood streaming down her angelic face. I screamed her name, but she didn't respond. I felt my heart stop cold, and I cried her name in agony. I looked frantically around, searching for my parents.

When I saw them, my world felt like it was crumbling into dust. They were a couple feet away from me, and their bodies were sprawled on the ground in a pool of blood. No! I couldn't see their faces, but their coats were matted and bloody. I feared the worst. I called to them; my voice choked and cracked. They didn't move; I didn't even see the rise and fall of their chests. I closed my eyes shut as tears blurred my vision. My worst fears are now confirmed. There gone. A sad, agonizing tear coursed down my cheek and splashed onto the bloody, wooden floor.

"Rose," Lilac choked out. The sound of Lilac's voice made my courage grow. I had to protect her. That was now my duty: to keep her safe and get her out of here. "Rosie!" Lilac called out desperately.

"I'm right here. Shh, now. Everything is going to be all right," I whispered. I wished I could touch her, to soothe her, to heal her, but the stupid restraints were holding me back. I turned my face to her and gave her a comforting smile. I read fear in her innocent blue eyes, and I cringed as I watched more blood stream down her face. "Are you all right?" I asked.

She nodded, but I could tell she was in pain. Anger took over the worry and fear within me. Whoever did this to her, was going to have a broken neck.

"Sir, they're awake," I heard a colt's voice bark. My little sister's eyes widen as she looked above me. "Lily, don't look," I whispered to her. I thought she saw our parents on the floor, but I didn't realize she was looking at the man standing over me. A man with a black ski mask picked up my sister. I heard her scream my name.

"Let her go!" I screamed. "If you hurt her, I'll kill you," I threatened. "Now, now, no need to be hasty," I heard a colt say from behind me. I felt my eyes widen, and my fearful heart began to pump faster. I didn't like the sound of this colt's voice. I glared at the turd who was holding my sister. His hand was covering her mouth; I wanted to rip his hand off. "Untie her," I heard the man snap.

Suddenly, I felt the restraints on my hands loosen. I flexed my sore wrists, but I didn't dare move as someone cut the restraints around my ankles.

"Pick her up," he ordered harshly. Someone's dirty hands grasped me and pulled me up abruptly. I yelped because their fingers dug into my oversensitive skin. I thrashed some more, but suddenly I felt a cool object on my neck. I froze.

My eyes met unpleasant brown ones. The man was tall and had a little stubble on his chin. I realized the cold object on my neck was a knife the man was holding. I wanted to grip his black hair and rip it out of scalp. I narrowed my eyes at him.

His eyebrow's raised the slightest bit from my attitude. He gave a wicked grin. "If you don't behave, your sister will take your punishment," he emphasized on the s on sister. I cringed. His hot breath made me squirm uncomfortably. "That's better."

He took the knife on my neck and twirled it on his long fingers. "Do you know why we are here?" he asked coyly. I shook my head in response. He raised his eyebrows. "You should, you have something special that I want." Suddenly, he walked over to my fearful sister and raised the knife. "NO!" I shouted. "Slash me!" Tears rolled down my face. The knife froze in mid-air. He gave me a skeptical expression. "But I want to see it in action," he said menacingly.

He raised the knife again and slashed my sister's arm. I screamed so loud that I thought my eardrums would burst. I thrashed wildly in my person's arm, but I could be fighting a statue. I heard my sister's anguish scream, and my heart deflated. The man gave a coy smile. The man that was holding my sister released her, and Lilac crashed to the ground sobbing. I glowered at the man as he stepped back from my sister.

"Now, heal her," he said simply like it was just another discussion topic. How did he know? I wondered. But I didn't care, my sister needed me. The person who was holding me back released me. I rushed over to her as blood gushed out of her dainty arm. My sister started crying. "It hurts, Rosie," she sobbed. I felt my heart lurch in my throat when I saw that the knife cut into an artery. If I don't heal her now, she could die. I sat her on my lap as gently as I could. She sniffed.

"I know. I know. Everything is going to be okay," I gasped as I brushed her bloody mane out of her eyes. I laid my hand gently on her arm, and I felt warmth surge from my very core. I saw my hand glow as little white rivers flowed from my hand into Lilac's arm. The white, glowing rivers flowed to her wounds like they always do. I have been doing this since I was little, so I knew what to do. It flowed to her head and her arm. Once the rivers met her wounds, the wounds started to heal slowly. I breathed a sigh of relief when my sister smiled considering the horrible situation we were in.

"Feel better?" I asked gently. My sister nodded her head as her tears dried up. "Thanks, Rosie." Suddenly, I heard somepony clapping. I looked up, and the eerie colt had an awe expression on his face while clapping his hands. The man that was holding me stepped toward me. I sat Lilac down gently and stood up. I stepped in front of my sister instinctively and shielded her. The second colt that was holding my sister stepped toward me, too. I heard my chest rumble as I gave a warning growl. The eerie colt held his hand in the air to stop colt One and Two.

"It seems like she is hiding something from us gentlecolts," he said in wonder. My eyes widened. The eerie colt gave a wicked grin and stepped toward me. I felt my hairs rise off the back of my neck. I snarled at him. I couldn't help it; my animal side was taking over. Eerie colt gave an unpleasant chuckle and clapped his hands once more. "Gentlecolts, take her. We finally found her." Found her? Colt One and Two stepped toward me once more. I felt my muscles quiver and another warning growl escaped my throat. One more step and they're dead. My dragon was ready to come out.

They took another step, and my dragon exploded from me. I felt my bones and muscles mend themselves in a blink of an eye. I lurched for them; my claws retracting from my paws. The men's eyes widened underneath their black ski masks as an angry purple and blue dragon lunged for them. The only thing that was going through my mind was, Protect my sister. Protect my sister The mantra kept repeating in my mind as my claws dug in Colt One's shirt. I heard him howl in pain, but I didn't care. They killed my parents. It's payback time. I trapped Colt-Two in a corner; I was baring my teeth at him.

I was about to attack him when I heard my sister scream my name. I turned to her voice and the eerie colt was holding her with his knife touching her throat. More tears streamed down her dainty face, and her bottom lip trembled. "Stop and come with us without resistance or your sister here will be dead," the eerie colt threatened with a heartless grin.

I snapped my jaws in aggravation. I stepped back from wimpy Colt Two, and gave a low growl. I didn't like giving up, but for my sister, I would. "Good girl," the colt said as he took his knife off my sister's neck. Suddenly, a sharp pain entered my shoulder, and I glared at Colt Two who held a tranquilizer gun. I crashed to the ground as my world grew dizzy. At least she is safe. Hopefully, my healing powers could erase the tranquilizer's venom soon, but I doubt it. I could only heal wounds and I can't bring my parents back. I whimpered for them, but at least my sister will live.

Then, before I blacked out, I saw the eerie colt raise his knife and stab my sister in the stomach. I heard her painful screams ring in my ears. NOOO!I thought in horror as I struggled to get back up, but the blackness took me away from my dying sister.


I sobbed in a ball once more. Oh, my poor Lilac; she was such a fragile flower. I should have known. I was so stupid, and now she is gone. I shook uncontrollably with sobs. My dragon within me was shaken up and was sulking in a corner. I could have protected my family with my freaky powers. My bottom lip trembled. I only found my dragon side last year when I was mugged in an ally last year. I don't know how to control it or use it. It only comes out when my emotions are the strongest. I didn't even want these powers anymore because look where my family ended up. I shook my head; it's all my fault. I was only visiting my family from college. I only wanted o see how they were doing, but now the eerie colt or King Sombra wants me because of my powers. He says I could be of great use. I should have stayed at my apartment, but . . . I sobbed and choked as anguish tears game gushing out of my eyes.

My whole body began to grow numb as my world grew into nothing but darkness. The light in my world was gone. My body felt cold as I sobbed more on my wet knees. Lilac's angelic face kept entering my mind. Oh, I'm so sorry, Lily. I was letting the numbness and darkness consume me when suddenly I am lifted. My eyes flew open as my dragon wakes up. I hear myself give a low, ferocious growl. But I stopped short when my eyes meet sad, gentle, golden eyes. The man that was holding me had a golden-brown complexion and his black mane was unruly. I glanced at the mare named Pinkie Pie and a guy with only white clothes on carried her across the room. The cage door was busted open. How did I not hear this? Pinkie hung limply in colts's hooves. I heard him say something to the guy that was holding me, but I couldn't comprehend his words. My eyes were still blurry with tears, so I couldn't really see the man that was carrying Pinkie. The vibe I got from the guy that was holding me was good.

"You're going to be all right," I heard my carrier whisper to me. My tiger relaxed within me and went along with the ride. I was surprised how the men could move so gracefully and quietly. I couldn't get a hold of my surroundings because my eyes were glued to the gorgeous colt that was holding me. A thought entered my mind that they were angels. Then, I felt mildew linger on my skin. I smelled the fresh scent of rain, and I knew we were outside. I was free. I started to relax as my horrible life in the last twenty-four hours began to dim. I dreamed of my sister and my family. They were all right.

Chapter 4 (Pinkie's p.o.v.)

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I awoke with a start; sweat started trickling down my forehead and back. My breathing was ragged as fear coursed through my veins. Images of the dream I just had sent unwelcome shivers down my spine. I was pinned down by King Sombra; he was laughing darkly at my feeble attempts to escape from him. He would trail his sharp hooves along my cheek, making them bleed under the process. I screamed loudly, hoping someopony would hear me. I wanted the images of the nightmare to go away. I closed my eyes tightly as my body began preparing itself for another day of torture. I knew that today I would get my shot; the shot that kept me from using my lightening power. I don't know what the shot contains, but it weakens my power. I felt so helpless and powerless. I wished my ponies were here with me, but I'm grateful that they are safe.

Suddenly I heard, "She's awake."

I sighed contently. I knew that voice from anywhere. It's been so long since I heard Shining Armor's voice. The darkness that surrounded me faded away, and my wilting heart perked up a little. I knew I was dreaming, but I didn't want to think about it now. I prayed that this dream would last forever, but I knew I didn't have much time. I fluttered my eyes opened and my gaze met cobalt blue ones. I soaked in his features: his silky, blue mane, his round, his concerned expression, and of course those captivating blue eyes. He gave a sad smile while tracing his hoof down my cheek. My heart accelerated from his touch, and I took a sharp intake of breath as I felt warm tingles shooting down my limbs like an electric current was coursing through me. His touch felt so . . . real and alive; I absorbed his touch as best as I could. The dream almost seemed real.
I realized we were both in a jungle; I began to panic. Now, my suspicion of this being
dream was confirmed; my heart turned cold and numb. I loved these kinds of dreams, but they left me heartbroken when I woke up. My bottom lip began to tremble and the false Shining Armor cradled me in his strong arms. He started to rock me back and forth, and I held him closer to me. I didn't care if he was an illusion; it was as close enough to the real Shining Armor. The barrier that I set up between the real Shining Armor and me corroded into dust. I heard him soothe me with his native language, and my heart swelled at the sound of his voice. I was surrounded by his sandalwood scent; I buried my nose into his chest. Oh, I missed this so much, even from the real Shining Armor. I wished HayStack were here too, but I knew that I would suffer more pain when this dream was over. My heart could only take so much.
"Don't leave me, please," I begged softly to the false S.A. I just wanted to hear his voice some more, so I can remember him when I wake up. I closed my eyes shut tightly; I didn't want this to end.

“I won't, priya .I won't," he soothed as I felt him hug me closer. My arms that were around his neck tightened into a chokehold embrace, but he didn't complain.

“How is she doing?" HayStack! I opened my eyes and I saw HayStack kneeling beside us. I drank in his features too: his antique-bronze coat, his ink-black hair, and his golden eyes with specks of copper. More tears streamed down my face; they are both here with me. In dreams like these, this usually doesn't happen. It's either S.A. or HayStack, but in this dream, I get the advantage of both of them.

HayStack gave a strained smile and asked gently, "How are you doing, Pinkie?" I didn't respond; I didn't even want to speak to ruin this almost perfect dream. It wasn't perfect because they weren't real. I banished the thought away; I wanted to spend as much time with them as I can. I wasn't going to saying anything, but something in HayStack's expression made me speak.

"I'm fine," I lied to the false HayStack. I knew if I said those two words, HayStack would relax a bit and I could enjoy the dream.

HayStack wiped away a tear on my cheek with his hoof. I shivered a little because this was the first time he touched me in my dreams. I finally, after three weeks, felt secure and content. The damages that Sombra left in my soul, was now forgotten. My world became brighter: the cloudy, terrifying storms vanished, my dying flowers became green and grew a little, and sun rays were shining through the clouds. My trembling lips turned into a smile as more tears coursed down my cheek. Stupid tears. I can't see them; stop crying. I swallowed thickly as I looked at my two ponies.

"Don't cry, iadala. It's over," I heard Shining Armor say softly Oh, I wish. I wanted to say, but I didn't want to ruin this almost perfect moment. I tightened my hold around his neck in response.

“I'm going to get some water for her," HayStack said as he got up; I felt my eyes widen, "No!" I shouted. "Don't leave me. Don't go away. Just stay here until I wake up," I pleaded desperately. I lifted one of my arms from Shining’s neck and reached out to him. If I let him go away; he will disappear. I felt Shining Armor tighten his hold on me so I wouldn't fall over. HayStack furrowed his eyebrows with concern. "You're not dreaming, Pinkie Pie."

I shook my head in denial. "The false HayStack would say that. No, I am not letting you out of my sight!" HayStack knelt down beside me again and took my trembling hand. His hooves stroked my mane to comfort me. He kissed the top of my hoof and whispered, "We finally saved you," he closed his eyes like he was relieved to say those words. "We were afraid we would never save you, but we did." I felt Shining Armor's chest rumble as he growled. I tightened my arm around his neck and began to stroke the back of his head absently. I miss this too. Haystack continued, "But the task seemed too easy, but we had to get you out of there. We didn't see King Sombra . . ."

I shivered again and stammered, "What do you mean you didn't see him?" I didn't want to talk about King Sombra in my dream. He haunts my dreams as it is. "If he was there, he didn't approach us for some reason. It only took us fifteen minutes to find you," S.A. said tightly.
Now, my brain began functioning. Maybe I wasn't dreaming, but I didn't let my hopes rise up. "How did you find me?" I asked while my voice wavered. "We tracked you with the cell phone, of course," Haystack replied softly. I felt my eyebrows furrow; they were talking to me like I was some scared parasprite. I felt like one. Maybe they could see the fear lingering in my eyes. "It wasn't hard taking the guards down. Like I said, it was too easy, but at least you're safe now," HayStack said as he stroked my mane again.

"Pinkie, did Sombra put a tracking device in you?" Shining Armor asked urgently. "I—I don't know," I stuttered. I tried to remember, but I couldn't. My mind was still thinking I was dreaming. I heard S.A. give a heavy sigh, and he loosened his hold on me. I automatically tightened my arm around him.

"Don't you dare move . . ." I was interrupted by a soft voice. "Where am I?" the soft voice asked hoarsely; it sounded like a mare.
Images of the mysterious mare in my cage flickered across my mind. I gasped, "You saved her?" HayStack looked back over his shoulder without dropping my hand. He turned his golden gaze back to me and nodded. I wiggled my hand out of HayStack's hoof and placed it on his cheek. He closed his eyes and gave a light sigh. "Thank you. I don't know what he was going to do to her, but she doesn't deserve the treatment I received . . ." I drifted off and instinctively looked at my stomach.

My breathing ceased. How? What? I dropped my hand from HayStacks's cheek and touched my healed flesh. I didn't have the amulet on me, so I knew that wasn't the reason for the fast healing. My clothes were still shredded where the wound was and dry blood stained my coat.

"What did he do to you, Pink?" Shining Armor asked; his voice sounded strained. I even heard HayStack stop breathing. Shining Armor's voice brought me out of confused thoughts and disturbing images of Sombra torturing me replaced them. I shook my head violently as I felt my eyes water. "Don't ruin this dream, Shining Armor," I choked out.

"Oh, Pinkie," Shining Armor said in an agonized voice as he held me tighter to him. "And you're not dreaming." Yes, I am. I wanted to argue.

"Is someone there?" the mare asked desperately."I'm going to go check on her," HayStack said softly as he stood up. I started to protest, but HayStack gave me a comforting kiss on the forehead to soothe me and walked away. My eyes were glued to his back as he took a water bottle out of a backpack and strolled to the frightened mare. She was looking around frantically, and she froze when she saw HayStack. I watched him hand the fragile mare a water bottle. The mare hesitated and looked at him with huge minty eyes, confused. She looked around and finally saw me. She stared at me for a moment, and then looked back at HayStack. I heard him saying something, but I couldn't hear. She reached out with a shaky hand and took the water bottle from him. She swallowed gulps of water vigorously.

Then, I realized I wasn't dreaming. The smells and the sounds of the jungle seemed too real. HayStack wasn't fading away as I watched him and the mare talking in low, hushed voices. I know dreams are not this descriptive. Oddly, my body was aching anymore, but I did feel filthy. This isn't a dream, this is real. I stiffened in the real Shining Armor's arms as the thought entered my mind. He noticed.

"What's wrong?" he asked concerned. His hot breath blew on my neck, making me shiver. You. I thought while taking a deep breath to clear my foggy mind. "I'm not dreaming," I whispered to myself. "No," he said cautiously. "You're safe now." Stupid dragon ears.

My body was relieved, but my mind was in distress. This is where I left off when I left him. My soul began to cry out to the real Shining Armor because it wanted him. Now, with all the wounds bestowed by Sombra, it needed him desperately like how a plant needs water. But I belong to HayStack. I belong to HayStack. I repeated the mantra in my head. HayStack can sew me back up, right? Stop it. Don't think about this now. Think about it when you're better. You survived for them and that's what counts. Shining Armor and HayStack need you. Give yourself time to heal. Thinking about this mess won't solve anything. My more logical side cried out.

I felt my tears cease, and I noticed I brought in some inner strength within me. I've now made my decision. It's not what I want, but it's what we need. We need to focus on the task at hand. And I don't think in my condition, I'm certainly not ready for a relationship. Friendship, yes, but more . . . no. I was determined with my decision that I have just made.

"What's wrong," I heard Shining Armor ask again. I looked at my colt and gave a small smile. He searched my eyes; worry and agony ruining the planes of his face. I placed my hoof on his cheek to ease his aguish, and he leaned into my touch as he placed his hoof over mine. He kissed my hoof as softly as a butterfly landing on a flower petal. I ignored the tingles he left on my palm.

"Nothing," I reassured him, but I knew that a lot was bothering me. Just Sombra's face in my mind made me want to hide in the shadows, but I knew I had to be strong for my dragons.