Flits of Passion

by adcoon

First published

Rainbow Dash goes to see why Flitter is skipping out on weather duty. She finds the young mare heartbroken in the shower nursing a tub of ice cream. Things get very messy from there.

Rainbow Dash goes to see why Flitter is skipping out on weather duty. She finds the young mare heartbroken in the shower nursing a tub of ice cream. Things get very messy from there.

Warning Blatant, unashamed clop with nothing to redeem it as a story. Contains hoof-fetish, hoofing, and messy clop.

Flits of Passion

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All of them had a favorite excuse for avoiding weather duty, and it was always Rainbow’s lot to find them, listen to the same tired excuses, and then tell them to suck it up and get back to work. If it wasn’t Thunderlane slacking off—and it usually was—it was somepony else trying to get a day off. Today it was Flitter; not the usual suspect, Rainbow had to admit, but it was always somepony, and they always had excuses.

“Ten bucks says it’s the pony pox this time,” she muttered to herself as she landed outside Flitter’s cottage. All the windows were dark, but she had done this enough times not to let that fool her. “Flitter!” she called out and knocked hard on the door. “I know you’re in there! Come out here and stop horsing around!”

There was no response. Rainbow huffed and looked through one of the windows, pressing her face close to the glass and shielding against the sunlight with both her hooves. It was dark inside, and the living room showed no signs of activity. However, a thin strip of light escaped through a crack under one of the doors at the end of the hall, barely visible from where Rainbow was standing. “Oh, so it’s the old ‘pretend not to be home and hope she goes away’ trick, is it?”

Rainbow Dash knocked again, harder this time. When that still got no response, she tried the door but found it locked. Rainbow looked around and grinned, searching behind one of the bushes beside the door until she found the key hidden in the wall. “Good thing I know your sister too and where she hides your spare key,” she said and unlocked the door.

“Flitter!” she called as she closed the door behind her and trotted across the dark living room. “You’re skipping weather duty, and I’m in no mood for excuses today!”

“Go away!” Flitter’s muffled voice sounded from the back of the cottage. “I-I’m not home!” she added, her voice breaking on the obvious lie.

“Yeah, I can hear that.” Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes and walked briskly down the hall. She pushed the door open and stepped into the bathroom.

“Don’t come in here!” Flitter cried and pulled close the curtain to the shower to hide herself from view. “G-go away!” she sniffed.

Rainbow Dash stopped and blinked. “Flitter?” She rushed over to the shower and pulled the curtain aside again. Flitter was huddled up in the corner of the bathroom, crying and hiding her face behind her hooves and a half-empty tub of ice cream. Two empty tubs lay scattered in the shower along with a still full one. “What happened? Why are you crying?” Rainbow Dash knelt down next to Flitter and reached out to her.

“I-it’s nothing,” Flitter lied and sniffed loudly. “J-just leave me alone.”

“No way, mare!” Rainbow Dash moved closer and sat down, picking the half-empty tub of ice cream off of Flitter and set it down on the floor. “Come on, what’s the matter?”

Flitter wiped her tear-soaked eyes and muzzle with an ice cream smeared hoof. “I-I found Riff in bed with another m-mare,” she wailed. “I was on my way to work and dropped by h-her house, and s-she was there with some … somepony else. They were a-all sweaty and moaning on her bed. T-the bed with the blanket I made for her!”

“What a horse!” Rainbow Dash frowned and wrapped a hoof and a wing around Flitter’s back, gently rubbing her shoulder. “I’m so sorry, Flitter.”

Flitter sniffed and rubbed her nose. “It’s because I’m ugly a-and … and boring!”

“Come on, Flitter. You know that’s a load of horse apples!” Rainbow said and pulled her into a hug, wrapping her hooves and wings around the crying mare. Flitter did not resist and buried her face in Rainbow’s chest. “You’re the cutest mare I know, no kidding. And I don’t use the c-word often, you know.”

“Y-you really think that?” Flitter asked and tilted her head a little so she could look up at Rainbow Dash properly through the stream of tears.

“Hey,” Rainbow said and wiped some tears and ice cream off her cheek. “I’d be all over you in a second if you weren’t already taken. Trust me, that jerk doesn’t know what a wonderful pony she just threw away.”

Flitter smiled a bit and looked down, wrapping her hooves around Rainbow to return the hug. “Y-you’re the best, Rainbow Dash.”

Rainbow Dash rubbed her back and just sat there for a minute, holding her tight. “Come on,” she said after a while and slowly released Flitter from the hug to stand up. “Let’s get you cleaned up. You’ll feel way better once you get all this ice cream and tears washed off.”

Flitter nodded with a quiet sniff and accepted Rainbow’s help getting up. She stood in the shower, head hanging, as Rainbow Dash disposed of the tubs of ice cream and began twisting the knobs of the shower to adjust the flow and temperature of water.

“You’ll see,” Rainbow said and felt the water with a hoof. While they waited for it to reach the right temperature, Rainbow turned and gently untied the bow in Flitter’s hair. “You’ll feel like a whole new mare in no time at all, ready to move on and tackle the world once more. Believe me, I’ve been there, and sitting in the shower eating ice cream is the worst way to handle it.”

She threw the bow aside and picked up the shower head in her teeth, letting the warm stream of water wash down Flitter’s front legs, moving up to her shoulders and neck. The water quickly soaked Flitter’s coat, running down her legs and flanks and washing away the stains of ice cream and tears.

Flitter lowered her head and said nothing as Rainbow Dash soaked her mane with the stream of water. She closed her eyes as warm water flowed down her face. She didn’t move or help, instead allowing Rainbow Dash to take care of her without protest.

Rainbow Dash moved the stream of water down over Flitter’s back, letting it run down her flanks and all four legs before reaching the tail. The stream of water soaked the long hairs, which trailed like a light blue river on the floor of the bath. Flitter raised her tail so that Rainbow could wash between her legs and under her tail. The warm water felt good back there, and she was a little disappointed when it moved on.

Rainbow lowered her head and turned the shower head around to wash along the underside of Flitter’s barrel. Flitter looked up a bit as she turned off the water and picked up a random bottle of shampoo from the shelf. Rainbow squeezed the bottle in her mouth, filling her hooves with the aromatic soap before setting it back down and turning around again.

Flitter watched her as she began rubbing and stroking the bubbly soap into her mane and the coat of her neck. Flitter looked down again to avoid getting soap in her eyes and to make it easier for Rainbow to reach.

Rainbow moved down over Flitter’s back, massaging the soap into her coat with long, deep strokes. Flitter turned her head and watched her work. “Damn, your coat is soft,” Rainbow remarked as she massaged her sides. “I swear, it’s like silk or something.”

A small grin came to Flitter’s lips as she spread her wings out wide. Rainbow Dash gently soaped the feathers and beneath the wings before reaching down under Flitter to do the same to her underside. Flitter watched it all and made no move or protest, except to make it easier for Rainbow Dash to reach.

The soap covered her in white, bubbly foam which ran slowly down her legs as Rainbow Dash rubbed her cutie marks. Flitter giggled a bit at the touch. “Ticklish, huh?” Rainbow Dash grinned and picked up the wet strands of her tail, soaping it in with long, smooth strokes.

Flitter bit her lip as Rainbow Dash reached the base of her tail. She raised her tail again, and Rainbow slipped a soapy hoof down to wash between her legs and under the tail. Her touch was gentle and as non-intrusive as it could be while making sure it got everywhere. Flitter couldn’t help but feel a slight heat of pleasure flow up through her body, as Rainbow’s hoof touched her small tits and marehood, circling gently to get the soap into every fold. Again she was secretly disappointed when it didn’t last.

Rainbow Dash lowered her hoof and picked up the shower head again, turning on the flow of water to wash out the soap. She used her hooves to brush away the soap along with the flow of water, and to get the water properly into the mane and tail. Flitter sighed as more than just the soap and dirt seemed to wash off her and swirl down into the drain, gone from her life forever.

“There,” Rainbow Dash said with a grin and turned off the water. “Much better, huh?”

“Mhmm,” Flitter smiled.

Rainbow Dash led her out of the bath and picked a large towel from the rack. “Just gotta get you dry and brushed then,” she said and began rubbing Flitter dry with the fresh towel. “Too bad I can’t do my patented Rainblow Dry in here, though.”

“That’s okay,” Flitter said and picked up another towel to help a bit with the mane while Rainbow worked on her body. Flitter spread her wings again and held them outstretched to let them drip while Rainbow dried her flanks. “I like this method much better.”

“Yeah?” Rainbow grinned and rubbed her flanks and cutie marks with the towel.

“Mhmm,” Flitter hummed in response.

Rainbow Dash picked up her dripping tail and wrapped it in the towel, rubbing it together. She went on to dry Flitter’s hind legs and under her tail last. Flitter bit her lip as the soft, warm towel rubbed carefully around her teats and the folds beneath her tail. “Oh,” she moaned as Rainbow dabbed the towel at the base of her tail.

“Heh, sorry,” Rainbow said and threw the towel aside. It landed next to the hair bow. “Don’t wanna get you more wet or anything.”

“No no, it’s fine.” Flitter blushed brightly and turned around, looking Rainbow Dash in the eyes. “I, um … Did you really mean what you said earlier?”

“About w—Oh.” Rainbow smiled. “Hay yeah! I mean—” She rubbed the back of her neck a bit uncertainly “—whenever you’re ready to move on, of course. I’ll be right here for you.”

Flitter moved a bit closer, their muzzles close enough for her to feel Rainbow’s breath. “I’m not taken right now, Rainbow Dash,” she said and smiled. “Will you take me and treat me right, like I deserve?”

“You sure you don’t wanna wait a bit? I don’t want to take advantage of you or anything,” Rainbow said and looked Flitter deep in the eyes.

“Wait? So she can make me waste even more of my life with pointless crying? When I can have somepony as wonderful as you instead?” Flitter said and frowned. “Buck her, Rainbow Dash! If she wants to screw around, then I’m done with her.” Flitter leaned even closer and said, “Take me, Rainbow Dash. Right here, right now!” She made a snap with her tail to punctuate her words, a gesture which sent a bright flash of lust through Rainbow’s mind.

Rainbow Dash gnawed on her lower lip as she stared at the sensuous mare in front of her, feeling the heat spread from beneath her tail to the rest of her body. Deciding that hesitation and second-guessing was for losers, she moved forward swiftly, closing the inch of distance between them, and pressed her nose and lips firmly against Flitter’s with a sudden passion. Flitter returned the kiss and opened her mouth, letting Rainbow’s tongue slip between her lips.

Rainbow Dash lifted a hoof and stroked the back of Flitter’s mane, pulling her head gently forward. Flitter returned the gesture, holding Rainbow’s head as their tongues played together.

Flitter moaned and felt her legs wobble a bit as Rainbow’s tongue took the lead, exploring and tasting deep inside her mouth. She closed her eyes and lost her sense of time as she let the experience fill her up, accepting Rainbow’s warm breath and giving her own, tasting the faint and intoxicating aroma of apples and oats in Rainbow’s saliva.

Rainbow Dash quickly sensed what Flitter wanted, and didn’t waste a breath pulling the mare deeper into the kiss and holding her there, exploring deep inside her mouth with her tongue. She tasted sweetly of honeysuckle and vanilla, a leftover taste of the ice cream she had consumed. Flitter moaned with pleasure at the raw passion of the kiss, unable to pull herself out of it with Rainbow’s hoof holding her head.

Rainbow’s tongue slipped out from the back of Flitter’s mouth at last. She nibbled and suckled hungrily at the mare’s firm lips before letting go of her head. Rainbow finished with a lick of Flitter’s nose and muzzle and accepted a lick back with a grin.

Flitter let go of Rainbow’s head and flashed her a blushing smile before turning around, raising her hindquarters and lifting her tail out of the way to show exactly what she wanted.

Rainbow Dash leaned forward and sniffed the glistening folds under Flitter’s tail. The lustful scent of mare was soft and inviting under the slightly stronger scent of perfumed soap. Rainbow Dash reached out her tongue to lick up a few drops which were stuck in the soft fur around Flitter’s teardrop slit. The taste was a light salty and fresh, with just a hint of flowers from the soap. She wanted to dive right in and taste it all, but Flitter stepped away before she could and walked towards the door, smiling back at her with her tail still raised and swaying seductively, inviting her to follow.

Rainbow Dash followed across the hall as Flitter pushed the door to her bedroom open and lay down on her side on the large double bed, looking up at Rainbow. “Take me right here, Rainbow Dash. Show me all that I’ve been missing.”

The bed sank slightly as Rainbow Dash crawled atop Flitter, licking her flank and nuzzling through her long feathers. Flitter lay on the bed, offering no resistance and merely watching as Rainbow Dash explored her body with her mouth and tongue. Rainbow Dash licked and kissed her stomach, breathing in her scent as she moved up around her front legs and kissed her neck. She lay down on top of Flitter, pressing her body into the soft cloud-like fabric of the bed beneath them, and licked her neck and face hungrily.

Flitter giggled as Rainbow licked her chin, and their lips met again. Flitter returned the kiss more actively this time, suckling at Rainbow’s lips and playing with her tongue. Rainbow Dash ran a hoof through Flitter’s mane and grinned as she broke the kiss and looked into her eyes. “Not getting away now,” she teased and gave her forehead a quick lick.

Flitter squirmed helplessly under Rainbow’s body. “What are you going to do with me?”

Rainbow Dash looked at Flitter with a teasing smirk, then leaned down and nuzzled her ear, letting her tongue drift around the edge. Flitter’s ear twitched and her whole body shivered at the unexpected lick. “I’m going to show you just how high I can take you,” she whispered and grinned as she pulled herself up and turned Flitter around on her back.

Flitter rolled over willingly and looked up into Rainbow’s eyes as the other pegasus stood above her, wings stretched out wide. She marveled at this view of Rainbow’s powerful wings, while Rainbow leaned over and kissed her hoof. Flitter giggled as Rainbow licked the sole and around the edge of the hoof with pleasure, smiling back at Flitter as she kissed the cleft softly.

She moved on to the second hoof, letting her tongue lick around the outside of the hoof for a long time before taking the front of the hoof in her mouth. Rainbow Dash slurped and closed her eyes as she sucked on the hoof, moaning and playing with the tip of the hoof using her tongue while paying attention to Flitter’s reaction.

Flitter snuck her hind leg up behind Rainbow, gracing the inside of her leg with a hoof and edging towards the hot, wet place beneath her tail. Rainbow Dash sighed as Flitter’s hoof touched her tender folds. Flitter watched her blissful face as she stuffed the entire hoof in her mouth and licked the sole greedily, rubbing the other hoof against her cheek and face.

“You really like my hooves, huh?” Flitter grinned.

Rainbow Dash nodded vigorously and pulled the hoof out of her mouth with a loud slurp. “Oh yeah!” she moaned and rocked her hindquarters back and forth, rubbing herself against Flitter’s hind hoof. “Your h-hooves are the best! Oh y-yeah!”

Flitter smiled and rubbed her hoof back and forth through Rainbow’s slick rift, picking up the rhythm. Rainbow arched her back and groaned, laying her head down on Flitter’s chest and pushing herself back against Flitter’s hoof, pushing the tip of it inside her.

“Aah,” Rainbow moaned, her wings beating erratically and her body tensing.

Flitter ran a hoof through Rainbow’s mane and kissed her between the eyes. Rainbow was lost at the peak, convulsing with the electric rush of pleasure flashing through her lower body and into her brain. She let out a single, strained cry as she came, coating Flitter’s hoof with the wet lust of her body.

She breathed heavily in short gasps and opened her eyes, staring at the inside of Flitter’s leg as her mind slowly came back down from the peak. “Wow,” she breathed.

Flitter grinned. “Holy hay, Rainbow Dash. You come real easy.”

Rainbow Dash blushed brightly and pulled herself up a bit. “I told you, your hooves are magic!” she said.

Flitter leaned up and kissed Rainbow Dash. “Wanna lick it clean, then?” She grinned and waved her hind leg, slapping it against Rainbow’s buttocks teasingly.

Rainbow Dash returned the kiss and smirked, turning around and lifting her tail. “Like this, huh?” she said and licked up the length of Flitter’s hind leg, stopping at the edge of the hoof and looking back at Flitter. “You want me to lick it like this?”

Flitter reached up and placed her front hooves on Rainbow’s haunches, pulling her down to inspect her lust-soaked parts up close. “Oh yeah,” she said and licked the inside of Rainbow’s legs, sucking up the drops caught in her soft fur.

Rainbow Dash purred and licked the hoof hungrily, making sure she caught every drop of her own lust as she moved down inch by inch along the leg. Flitter licked her hungrily back, burying her muzzle deep in Rainbow’s marehood, causing Rainbow to twitch with renewed pleasure.

Flitter’s tongue wriggled and moved inside her, burying deeper and lapping up the wetness. Rainbow Dash groaned and lowered her head between Flitter’s legs, taking her first taste of her lover. She brought her hooves around Flitter’s hind legs and parted the glistening lips, studying in detail the soft folds of skin surrounding her entrance.

She ran the tip of her hoof between the lips slowly, teasingly moving up and down before digging it in a little deeper. Flitter moaned, her hot breath tickling Rainbow’s marehood, and wriggled her lower body along with Rainbow’s hoof. Rainbow lowered her head and nuzzled her between the legs as she continued rubbing and teasing, now with both her hooves.

She stuck out her tongue to catch a taste of Flitter’s pussy, and the sweet drops of lust caught in the soft fur of her crotch. Flitter was moaning into Rainbow and sucked her wet folds into her mouth, sucking hard before pulling them back out with a slurp and sticking her tongue back inside for more.

Rainbow Dash arched her back and flapped her wings, planting a kiss between Flitter’s small teats. She let her tongue circle around the hard nipples before taking one of them in her mouth, still gently stroking and playing with her folds. Rainbow Dash closed her eyes and suckled at Flitter’s breast. She could feel the waves of pleasure through her lower body, building up again as Flitter’s tongue explored deep inside her.

Flitter slipped a hoof down between Rainbow’s legs to tickle and fondle her teats, while burying as much of her tongue and muzzle within the other mare. Rainbow Dash let out a loud cry as a second wave ran through her body, shaking and collapsing as she exploded. Flitter lapped up the flow of thick liquid before pulling her muzzle back out and licking Rainbow clean.

Rainbow Dash brought her wing around, using the tip of her feathers to tickle the inside of Flitter’s legs, sliding it further down until it touched the lips and the small sensitive nub hidden within the folds. She wasn’t going to leave Flitter hanging like that, while she herself had all the fun.

She parted Flitter’s lips, spreading them wide with her hooves, as she used the wing to tickle and caress the soft flesh around the entrance and the little head of her clitoris. Flitter moaned loudly and forgot about pleasuring Rainbow Dash, merely grabbing the other mare’s haunches and rubbing her own back and forth in rhythm with Rainbow’s touch.

Rainbow Dash wrapped her lips around Flitter’s teat again, nibbling at it before suckling gently. She let the tip of her wing slip down, pushing into Flitter’s pussy. Slowly, so not to bend the soft feather, she slipped it deep inside Flitter and began moving it back and forth gently.

Flitter shook, on the verge of orgasm. “Ah,” she gasped. “S-stop. P-please …”

Rainbow Dash pulled the feather out and looked back at Flitter, who swiftly descended from somewhere just shy of the peak. “Is something wrong?”

“I …” It took Flitter a moment to recover from her near-orgasm. “I want to feel you inside me.”


Flitter blushed. “Your hoof. I want you to stick your hoof inside me.”

“Oh.” Rainbow Dash grinned and rolled off of Flitter.

Flitter grinned back and rolled over, laying down on the bed with her haunches and her tail raised high, displaying her gleaming wet slit to Rainbow. “There’s a bottle in the bottom drawer,” she said and bit her lip as she watched Rainbow Dash crawl over the bed to open the drawer.

“Got it,” she said and jumped back, landing next to Flitter with the large bottle of lubricant. She grinned and squeezed out a large hoof full of thick white cream, letting Flitter watch as she smeared it all over her hoof and leg. Flitter blushed brightly and reached out to help her, rubbing both her hooves up and down Rainbow’s slick forelimb. “Mmm, oh yeah,” Rainbow moaned.

Flitter lay back down as Rainbow positioned herself behind her, gently running her sleek hoof between Flitter’s already soaked lips. “You’re real good and wet,” Rainbow commented, but squeezed out another dollop of cream and rubbed it all over and inside Flitter’s marehood anyway. “Mmm,” she moaned at the filthy, sleek mess of cream.

Flitter quivered and breathed deeply as the tip of Rainbow’s hoof slipped inside her with ease, an inch at a time, but not too far yet.

“You ready?” Rainbow asked and leaned down to kiss Flitter’s firm buttocks, right above her cutie mark.

“Y-yeah,” Flitter said and breathed long and slowly, relaxing herself as much as she could.

Rainbow lowered her gaze, watching and licking her lips as she pressed her hoof firmly into Flitter’s heated marehood. The tip of the hoof went all the way in and met its first bit of resistance. Rainbow Dash continued, pressing gently but firmly, watching how the hole slowly widened inch by inch to allow her hoof inside.

Flitter gasped and breathed with heated excitement as the last of Rainbow’s hoof disappeared inside her, forcing her pussy wide open. “D-deeper,” she gasped, pleading for Dash to continue.

Rainbow Dash pushed her leg deeper inside Flitter, careful not to move too fast. She watched the whole thing with perverse fascination, how her whole hoof and leg slipped smoothly inside, widening the hole and slurping loudly with the mix of cream and lust. She felt the walls of Flitter’s vagina squeeze her leg tightly in rhythmic motions.

“Ah!” Flitter cried as Rainbow Dash reached deeper inside her.

Rainbow had most of her lower leg inside Flitter now, almost elbow-deep in her sweet, slippery marehood. Rainbow grinned and pushed one last inch deeper, causing Flitter to cry out in mild pain and raw pleasure. “You like that, huh, you dirty little horse?”

Flitter just nodded wildly, breathing hard as Rainbow pulled her hoof back out a few inches and thrust it back in. “Ah! Ah yeah! Fuck me! Harder, just like t-that!” Flitter yelled, loud enough that Rainbow bet it could be heard outside. “Oh, Dash! P-please …”

Rainbow Dash picked up the pace, pulling further and further back before thrusting her hoof back in deep. Flitter’s body convulsed with sudden, violent pleasure as she came, dripping with lust and cream. Flitter collapsed on the bed, only able to gasp and cry and laugh incoherently.

Rainbow Dash didn’t stop, however. She thrust her hoof back in deep, now meeting almost no resistance, and gently turned her leg around inside Flitter, first clockwise then twisting the other way. Flitter convulsed with pleasure, her body squeezing Rainbow’s leg tightly in one last peak. Rainbow Dash obliged, keeping her hoof in deep and using her other hoof to smear Flitter’s firm rump and shapely haunches with the thick wet lust and white cream dripping from her crotch and Rainbow’s leg.

Flitter relaxed, still collapsed on the bed with her eyes closed and breathing hard. Rainbow Dash sensed that she was spent and pulled her leg out with a slurp, licking her lips as she watched Flitter’s wide pussy relax itself and let out a small trickle of the white lubricant. Once she was out, Flitter collapsed entirely, stretched out on the bed from exhaustion.

Rainbow Dash lay down, half on top of her. She kissed her neck and caressed her cheek with her love-stained hoof. Flitter smiled, but neither of them said a word as they lay together on the bed, messy, sweaty and spent, the sun shining through the window to warm their outstretched bodies.

Rainbow Dash smiled and closed her eyes as she breathed in the scent of Flitter’s hair and filthy desire. Perhaps it was about time she got to skip weather duty, for once.

She liked to think she had the best excuse of them all, sleeping right here with her.