
by CrimsonEquine

First published

When existence is out of reality for everypony, only one mare has the ability to save the day.

Twilight was watching intently, the time space continuum zone was shattering. Creatures from different dimensions were teleporting in and out of reality. Twilight was stuck in the world of equilibrium. She must fight her way through chaos entities and more.
Will she survive?


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The time continuum was shattering. Twilight stood near the portal she teleported to, she stood on a floating dark blue land that levitated from the pitch-black eternity below her. She looked at her portal, it was closing fast and soon disappeared out of existence. She wasn't the young filly she used to be, her mane was white and streaked with one lone purple color. She looked onward at the expanding darkness with a bubble of light shining off the distance, no doubt that was her destination. She began her quest, leaping off the land onto another and another leading her way until she made it nearer and nearer to the light.

She finally made it to the bubble of life, and lo' the eternal tree of knowledge was before her. It was beautiful, its branches golden and stretching onward to eternity. She entered the bubble and struggled to see what was the matter. To her astonishment, there was an icky black ichor inside the hole of the tree. The black ichor slithered out of the tree and made itself known, it was a snake, a black snake smiled at her entry.

"I never expected gods third species to go to such heights, even able to access the tree of knowledge, how quaint." said The Serpent.

"Leave this place! Fallen angel! You do not deserve to be in the vicinity of gods holiness!" said Twilight as she masturbated with her cross.

"Hah! Like a useless and weak pony soul can dominate me! I have devoured billions upon billions of your kind's souls as well as your predecessors as well, this tree's energy will allow me to dominate god once and for all!"

"As if! With this vampire killer whip and this simple bottle of water, I will disperse and destroy you even though you are all powerful and seemingly gods next equal after trillions of years of eating souls!"

Satan cackled a laugh that resounded through reality itself, it made Twilight experience a billion years of hell for a second. Little did Satan know that she was prepared.

"Hahaha! Don't make me laugh with your petty words, I am near godly completion! This entire universe and all of the multiverses will be mine!"

"Even I such a simple organism can defeat you! Prepare for my power, Betrayer!" said Twilight valiantly. Satan scoffed at her as she dabbed the holy water on the whip passed down by her descendants the Belmonts. With one powerful slap, Twilight smashed the whip onto the devil's face and he just grinned as it made its way to him. The smack of the whip hit him straight in his face, the force did not even scathe the horrible snake. Then, something was wrong, Satan noticed it quickly and found his snake penis grow incredibly. The Devil was incredibly confused and he looked at Twilight to notice her smirk.

"What!? What is the meaning of this!?" said Satan as he lost control of his entire body.

"Oh, I never really came to defeat you, for you see dark lord, I want to have your babies." said Twilight Sparkle.

"What the hell!? Why didn't you just ask me in the first place if you were gonna go these lengths!"

"Because, I don't want to waste much time, and I am such a huge fan, I just couldn't handle rejection..." said Twilight. She trotted her way on top of Satan's penis, with her winking vagina showing. Satan screamed in fear, he did not want to get raped.

"Oh yes, This is all for you..." said Twilight. She bent down and let the black organ penetrate her insides. She began to fuck Satan as he screamed for help.

"Please, Make it stop! I'll do anything! I'll stop eating souls! I'll accept Celestia as my savior! Please!" said Satan in agony. Twilight would have none of it, and his sperm would be within her.

She kept pumping and moaning, letting her orgasm take hold. Her vaginal walls tightened around Satan's cock and he could not hold it back any longer.

"YES!" yelled Twilight as she felt the black semen envelope her insides.

"No! My Virginity!" screamed Satan as he was violated, tears of blood seeped out of his eyes.

This was the day, her unsafe day, everything was going just according to plan. She would have his babies and be able rule the universe with super half-devil, half-pony hybrid children. She let loose Satan, black cum slid out from her pussy, and trotted back to her portal like red-riding hood that had fulfilled her life dream. Satan cried and curled into a ball with a pool of blood from his tears.

Twilight made it to the land she arrived to, then suddenly as she was preparing the portal magic, a ginormous god of incalculability arrived into that existence.


"Oh Yea? Now that I have the seed of Satan, I also have gained Crotch Tit powers! Fear my mighty crotch tit sin blasters!" said Twilight. She grasped her nips and squirted anti-matter all over the incalculable god. The god was screaming in pain. The god fazed out of existence with his screams slowly losing power. With that ordeal done, Twilight flared her horn and lit the portal from existence, she returned home to be greeted by her lesbian girlfriend Mrs. Cake.

Eight Months Later!

Twilight was laying in a hospital bed. She had given birth to two colt devils and three foal devils. She nuzzled them close as any mother would do. Satan was beside her as well as Santa Clause and The Easter Bunny who was currently french kissing Fluttershy at the moment. Twilight closed her eyes and slept soundly with her children, she gave an evil smirk as she slept.