Twilight Sparkle Didn't Put That Snail in the Fishtank; THE FANFIC

by Just Some Random Guy

First published

The title says it all. A snail keeps on appearing in Twilight Sparkle's fish tank and she doesn't know how it got there!

When a strange, unknown gastropod finds its way into Twilight Sparkle's fish tank, she drops everything to find out how it got there. Upon coming up with no answers, she gives in and releases the critter to the wild. However, for some reason, every time she does this, the snail comes back... why does it do this? Nobody knows.

But Twilight Sparkle is determined to find out.

She Really Didn't

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Twilight Sparkle Didn't Put That Snail in the Fishtank; THE FANFIC

An original Fanfiction by Flaming Charge.

Twilight stared into the fish tank. There it was again. That snail. I seemed as though every time she removed it, it somehow ended up back in the tank. How the snail did so was a mystery, and she often pondered just how he did that as she lay in bed at night. Many of her nightmares revolved around the snail and its incredible ability to get into places that it logically should not be able to get to.

Gently lowering a hoof into the top of the tank, she gripped the snail softly and tugged, pulling it free from the thin layer of algae coating the bottom of the tank. The lavender mare looked closely at the snail. The snail’s shell was adorned with small, almost microscopic diamonds. Curious, she took the snail over and placed it under a microscope.

Focusing the microscope on the snail shell, Twilight peered down, looking closely at it. The shell itself seemed to be made of some form of titanium alloy. Frowning, she looked closer at the diamonds she had seen previously, she noticed that they were not diamonds, but were simply Cubic Zirconia. Upon realising this, she grabbed the snail and thought hard.

The snail was useless. It had to be destroyed.

With all of her might, she gripped it tighter and hurled it across the room with all of her strength, causing it to latch onto the wall. She blinked in disbelief before walking over and picking it up. She then carefully let it out the window and walked away.

She went upstairs and walked past her sleeping assistant, Spike. Looking at him, she smiled faintly and lay down in her bed. Twilight closed her eyes and tried to sleep, but she couldn’t. Thoughts of the demonic, magical, teleporting snail filled her mind. Deciding that she should calm herself down, she crawled out and slowly walked down to the kitchen. She opened up her refrigerator and took out a large block of cheese.

A purple aura surrounded the cheese as it floated towards her mouth. She wrapped her lips around the cheese and slowly clamped her teeth around it. The taste was purely orgasmic. God, she loved cheese. Why the Hell hadn’t she eaten cheese in so long? Cheese was clearly created to be as amazing as physically possible for one food to be. Twilight just wanted to feel the cheese deep inside of her… god it was addictive. Realising how creepy this paragraph had become, she decided to walk back to bed. As she turned to walk out of the kitchen, she slipped and fell flat on her face, dropping the cheese behind her. “Sunuva…” she muttered under her breath as she picked herself up, her vision blurred and slow. Carefully picking up her beloved cheese and placing it back in the fridge where her own stupid clumsiness would be incapable of harming it any farther. She then started the trek back to her bed

When the mare awoke the next morning, she slowly arose and looked at her still sleeping assistant. Spike being lazy as usual she thought to herself as she started to walk down the stairs to look at her fish tank. She was almost positive that the stupid snail would be back in it. She walked over towards the fish tank, but her eyes widened when she saw what was in it. The snail was there, yes, but it was at least twenty times its usual size, being squished into the tank.

Slowly approaching it, Twilight stared in disbelief, “How?” She asked to nopony in particular. As she went face to face with the tank, her horn glowed as a large wooden mallet appeared and gently struck the glass fish tank, causing the snail to pop out with ease.

larger in size. The massive gastropod soon towered over her, its growth only stopping as he hit the roof. Twilight was in a state of pure shock. Surely this was some sort of dream! There was a strange rumbling as several small tremors shook the ground, and Twilight cowered in fear, her wings fluttering in fear.

The snail glared at her, “Why, Twilight Sparkle? Why did you always throw me out?!” His loud, demonic voice boomed throughout the treehouse.

Twilight squealed, realising that it could talk, “I-I’m sorry, I-I didn’t know!”

DIDN’T KNOW WHAT!?” He screamed, his body darkening to a black colour. “YOU, TWILIGHT SPARKLE, TRIED TO KILL AN INNOCENT CREATURE!” His shell started to brighten, turning into a deep red colour as a jet black upside-down pentagram formed on his side, and a large tentacle sprouted from the centre.

Twilight opened her mouth to scream, only to get the tentacle rammed into it. The snail simply laughed as it slid around her, a thick, mucus trail forming on the path he walked. Twilight bit down hard on the tentacle, causing it to recoil in pain.

The snail screamed and jerked its newfound tentacle backwards, “HOW DARE YOU?” he screamed as the tentacle gripped her horn and pulled. With a loud, reassuring *CRACK* noise, her horn dislodged and she screamed out, tears forming in the corner of her eyes. “Pathetic…” He laughed quietly and wrapped his tentacle around her left hind leg, slowly lifting her off of the ground and spreading her legs, revealing her sweet, velvety, virgin slit.
Twilight blushed lightly, feeling herself exposed to the large gastropod. Slowly, the snail extended his radula, running it up against her hole in a vertical motion before slowly pushing it inwards, eliciting a moan of pleasure and protest from the mare, causing her to squirm against the tentacle holding her in place. However, her flailing was about as useful as a magikarp’s splash. She screeched, feeling her small, sharp teeth on the snail’s radula scratching against her inner vaginal walls. Eventually, Twilight gave up, tears streaming down her face as her body went limp. The snail dropped her to the ground and let out a hearty laughter, “What is wrong, My Princess? Do you not enjoy me giving you my pleasures?

Twilight tried to cry out, but to no avail. She then started to feel something slimy climbing onto her from behind. Turning back, she reeled in horror, seeing that the large snail was mounting her. The snail’s penis pressed against her small opening. Twilight started to panic, remembering that some types of snail’s penises could be larger than their whole body. This thing could potentially be capable of fucking her brains out - literally! She tried to pull herself out from under the snail as she felt his cock pressing inside of her, bursting through her hymen with ease and ramming against her cervix before starting to retract. A small trickle of blood started to roll down the massive snail’s cock, and as he rammed harder and harder, Twilight’s crying got louder and louder. Eventually, the crying and constant thrusts forced the snail over the edge, cumming deep inside of the tiny mare’s pussy. He pulled out and started to climb up, pressing his dick against her other entrance.

“P-Please no…” Twilight cried out as she felt his snail’s jizz slowly flowing out of her love canal. “I-I promise I’ll never harm another animal for as long as I live, I swear!”

Are you sincere in these thoughts, Miss Sparkle?” The snail’s voice echoed throughout the library.

“Yes!” Twilight screamed out.

I believe you.” The snail responded, and started to move off of her. The tentacle started to wrap around her throat, “But I must be sure.

Twilight’s eyes widened as she tried to inhale, the tentacle’s grip was too tight - she couldn’t breath! She struggled against the mighty grip, but as the remaining oxygen she had diminished, so did her strength, and her vision soon faded to black.

When Twilight’s vision returned, she was lying on the floor, and there was no slime on her back. Noticing this change, she sat upright and looked around. The treehouse was intact. No slime, the fishtank was still in one piece, and, most importantly, her horn was still perfectly attached to her head. Confused, she looked around, wondering what had just happened. As she looked to her left, she saw a familiar block of cheese sitting on the ground beside her.

“Oh yeah…” Twilight muttered, “NOW I remember why I stopped eating cheese.”
