Chaotic Love

by wolf smith

First published

Right before Night Wolfe, Discord and Nightmare have a nice day.

Before Night came, Discord and Nightmare are stuck in Limbo. Discord and Nightmare have a nice night. Nightmare has been stuck in Limbo for about a 200 years and when Discord comes into play, things get hot.

This is a prequel to This story, This story linked come after this one. This show how Discord and Nightmare had Night Wolfe.


Chaotic Love

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Chaotic Love

Emptiness. White, endless emptiness. A blank three dimensional canvas for the creators of the universe to paint. However, this was what they left it to be. Limbo: home to all without a home. For most, this would madden the mind of the average mortal. That is why they already have a plane to call their own. This dimension was deemed for those of more exotic who existed through time and space. This is where Nightmare Moon found herself today.

She had been walking aimlessly for the past century or two as she grew into the mare she was today. She often stopped and talked to those who passed by her. She never saw them again, but it was nice to hear a backstory or two of their old life and how they winded up here. As for her, Nightmare had yet to enter the real world. She often pondered the thought of possessing a mortal’s consciousness, driving the unlucky soul into insanity one memory at a time. It would be a nice life; definitely better than the one she owned now.

“Maybe next year...” She muttered to herself, glancing to her surroundings. White emptiness, like always. Summoning a park bench, Nightmare sat down to ponder over her existence.

This place is perfect, but...I don’t know...I just feel like I’m missing something in life. Maybe it would be the time to join the mortals and have my way with them. It would be a change in atmosphere. Her thoughts were interrupted with the sight of dark rain cloud slowly approaching her. In a land of nothing, it stood out like a sore hoof. Stopping roughly twenty feet away, the cloud just floated.

With her curiosity taking the best of her, Nightmare spread her ink-black wings and approached the cloud. She hovered next to the cloud, observing the texture and scent of it. Oddly enough, it smelled of...chocolate? With her excitement peeking, she stretched out a hoof and prodded the large cloud.

Out of the cloud poured a stream of chocolate rain, statolling the mare. Once the rain dissipated, a large figure dropped out from the cloud as well.

“Uhh, you would not believe how painful that is.” The figure said, standing to his normal height.
The figure was nothing like Nightmare had ever seen; he was part dragon, eagle,lion, pony, and countless other species of animals she could barely recognize. He seemed to notice Nightmare staring at him. “What? You never seen a draconequus before?” He said, an expression of annoyance bluntly across his face. He was met with a confused Nightmare. He rolled his eyes and turned his attention to his surroundings(or lack there of). “You don’t happen to know where we are, do ya?”

After a few seconds, Nightmare broke from her trance “ are in Limbo. Who are you again?” She asked.

“Limbo, hmm...” The draconequus said. “Anything to do here?”

“Not really... Did you say what your name is?”

“Ohh, this is going to be a long banishment.” He said, shaking his head. “Oh, the name’s Discord.”

“Nice to meet you, my name is Nightmare moon.” Nightmare replied.

“Don’t get used to it, I don’t plan on sticking around here for long.” Discord said in a disgruntled tone. He started walking of in a general direction, the storm cloud dissipation behind him. After a few seconds, he turned back to Nightmare. “You don’t know where I can get anything to eat?”

After summoning a manehattan style cafe, Nightmare treated her troubled new arriver to a nice warm meal.They had been talking over Discords past life among the mortals.

“So then after getting blasted by the rainbow of death, I was sent here.” Discord explained. “I mean I wasn't hurting anypony, I was just having a little fun. It’s not like Celestia doesn’t have her personal days with the commoners.”

“Celestia is the sun god, right?” Nightmare asked, finishing her sandwich.

“Ya. But if you ever meet her, call her sunbutt. It will really piss her off.” Discord laughed. “Before my time of rule, I came into her socalled day court and called her that. Best day ever.”

“And Luna, she’s the goddess of the moon.” Nightmare said.

“Luna’s got the moon, Celestia’s got the sun. Me, all I got is basically- No, precisely nothing.” Discord jestered to the lack of surroundings to emphasis his point. “So much for being the god of chaos.”

Nightmare could only feel sympathy for the fallen god. Discord had once stood tall on the mountain of success. But because of some maniacal dictators, he was forced to live in a world to him would drive a pony mad. While she pondered the matter, Discord was practicing summoning a glass of chocolate milk. It resulted with the glass appearing empty and falling to the floor.

“See, even chaotic magic is messed up here.” The god scoffed before slouching into his chair. After a few seconds of self pity, Discord finally spoke up.

“So, you know my life, what about you? I doubt a mare like you comes across as ignorant arrivals as myself.”

The question caught the mare off guard. Compared to Discord’s spontaneous life, her’s seemed as bleak as the would she occupied.

“There isn’t much to tell. I mean I come across a few interesting people every once in a while, but nothing too grand as your life.” Nightmare humbly said.

Discord rolled his eyes and leaned against his chair. “Oh come on. If you think my life was so grand, why do you think they kicked me out of it for being so chaotic. They were such snoobs there. At least tell me about the locals here.”

Nightmare was about to respond to the question, but then realised something. This is the first person who has ever taken interest in me.

“I...” She began, but lost herself as she began to feel nervous about the situation at hoof.

Discord looked into the mare’s eyes. “I bet you there is at least one being on this plane of existence that is somewhat interesting.”

“Well, besides you,” Nightmare began, earning a smirk from Discord. “There was this one colt that called himself starswirl the bearded.”

“I hear of that guy!” Discord said, lighting up a bit. “He always was working with time spells. One day, he just vanished.”

“Here, he has been using the ambient space for his newest experiment. Last I saw him, he mention something about thermonuclear something or another.” She explained. Discord only laughed at the information.

“Boy will he be in for a surprise when he cracks his first atom. I did it once. That’s why there aren't any hayiian islands today.”

Nightmare laughed along with Discord, although she didn’t understand the joke. Wow, this guy is actually nice. He’s funny, charming, and can make anything into a joke. I actually like this guy.