For you... Mother

by AngelShy24

First published

Dinky gains revenge on Ponyville... in tribute to her Mother's execution.

This is a 'What if' story I came up with that's based off from the story "Derpy's Finest Hour" that was written by headless_rainbow. This story idea has been approved by him/her and has given me permission to make it be. If you haven't dared to read that sick, twisted story or if you decided to not read it, then do not read this story; you have been warned!

What if... during Derpy's execution, Dinky ran away into the Everfree Forest where she cried for her Mother's demise, but then slowly over time grew a newfound hatred of Ponyville for taking her Mother away from her and planning to end her life as well.
2 years have passed, and Dinky is back; but now she has her sights set on Ponyville's destruction with enhanced deadly ablities in tow, and the numerous murders she has planned for her revenge will be bloody glorious!

Contains the obvious...
Over-exaggerated violence, gore, non-physical rape, some language, and the 'R' word I hate so much... yet I used it just for this.

Think you can handle it?

(Cover art is from a tumblr site; its not mine)

What if...

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In an alternate Ponyville in an alternate Equestria, a blonde and grey mare by the name of Derpy Hooves was executed for causing many different accidents everywhere she went. She caused fires, toppled buildings, ruined a lot more properties of other citizens; but… did she really mean any of them? Did she deserve to gain the ultimate punishment for it? Apparently, the citizens of Ponyville and many others seemed to think so, and the mare was soon brought forward to the public to die.

Everypony there found her to be a total klutz; a stupid retard; and many other things that seemed to cruel to just say alone; and they all wanted her to be gone forever from their lives. But before they executed her, they put her through many different painful torture; whether it was smacking her in the face, beating her with their hooves, sticks or other things, or having many ponies rape her constantly. But it wasn’t just the grown ponies, many colts and fillies were there to give their share of torture as well, including Derpy’s own daughter, Dinky! It was the worse day of her life when Derpy saw her daughter who she thought was the only one on her side beating her and ridiculing her like everypony else.

However, despite all of that, the pony named Fluttershy agreed with some others and planned to privately kill Dinky off too, because they thought that she would gain her Mother’s retarded genetics (at least that’s what they called it). Fluttershy did the deed while freely raping the little filly herself, and her friend, Twilight Sparkle, soon came to her to help her out a little. After that, Derpy was gone, done and dead, and so was her daughter; and Ponyville couldn’t have been happier.

That execution brought out the sick and twisted side of the town, but no pony felt ashamed about it; all they really cared about was ridding themselves of Derpy Hooves and any offspring of hers for good.


But… what would happen if one little thing had changed? What if the execution still took place? What if Derpy’s daughter, Dinky, still loved her Mother? What if she was the only one in Ponyville who didn’t want her Mother executed but couldn’t do anything about it? And what if she overheard the plan of them getting rid of her as well… just because she was Derpy’s daughter?

Well… this is what would happen.

The young filly couldn’t watch as the entire town, everypony that she knew and thought she loved brutally torture and kill her Mother; and she wasn’t planning to hang around to be killed herself either. So, the best thought she came up with was running away into the Everfree Forest where no pony would even think of looking for her.

After the execution, Fluttershy and her friends looked all over for Dinky hoping that they could find her just hiding somewhere, but they had no luck. But they soon found some yellow fur from Dinky’s mane stuck on some branches that led inside the Everfree Forest. They realized then of what happened and thought that maybe this was a better idea. If Dinky ran off into forest, then maybe they should let its monsters and dark unknown forces take care of their job for them. After all, Dinky was just a 7-year-old filly, there was no way she was going to be able to survive out there on her own; one less worry for them.

Now picture this; it’s been 2 years ever since Ponyville and all of Equestria was free from Derpy’s klutzy, destructive lifestyle, and when Dinky was presumed dead. Everypony was living in peace not regretting their actions from that moment at all; things were much easy and relaxing without worrying about wasting money on destroyed property or hospital bills. But then one day, Ponyville got a bit riled up when a certain Zebra by the name of Zecora came into their town and gained their attention nearby the town. She shouted…

“Beware, beware, pony folk, the news I bring you is no joke! All of you here are living calm and free, feeling that your lives are finally at ease! But be warn, for your tranquility will not last, your lives will be destroyed by somepony you know from the past! The crime you all committed, your sins that you’ve developed; it shall come back on you in one big wallop! Beware of this foe, filled with hatred and dread; if you make one wrong move… you’re dead!”

After that, she disappeared in a puff of smoke. A lot of the town’s citizens were scared and spooked by Zecora’s speech; especially the foals. But there were still many others who were skeptical of the whole thing. Who was this somepony from their past that would be here to ruin their peace? It couldn’t have been Derpy, could it; she was dead.

Three days had passed since Zecora’s dreaded speech, and most citizens began to forget about it or at least ignore it. But unfortunately, that day as the dark clouds were rolling in, Ponyville was about to receive a visitor. Who was that visitor, someone they knew pretty well but had no idea that she was still around? The dark, maleficent figure creeped out of the forest, looking at Ponyville with pure hatred in its eyes and an intention to kill. It waited quite a while to finally do this, and now while wearing a murderous scowl, it was finally ready to send this town… to hell.

The Library

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(Major language words are censored; why, cause that's how I roll.)

Twilight’s assistant, Spike, came running to the door after hearing someone knock upon it and when opened it, he was greeted by a mail pony.

“Ah, hello there, Spike.”

“Good afternoon, my good man,” said Spike as he greeted the stallion.

“Wonderful day we’re having, huh?”

Spike looked outside and saw that the sky seemed all dark and cloudy and the sun wasn’t even shinning. He scoffed, “Sure, if you like gloom and doom and stuff like that.”

“I hear that.”

The mail pony reached into his bag and carefully pulled out some mail and handed it neatly in Spike’s hand.

“Here’s your mail for today.”

“That’s great,” said Spike, “and thank you for having them so nice and neat instead of them being spilled out all over the ground and taking you 10 minutes just to pick them up.”

“Huh, what are you talking about?”

The stallion was confused at first of what Spike was implying. But soon, he had a little smile on his face as he finally got it, “Ooooh, I get it now; heh, good one, Spike.”

“I know, I try.”

“Enjoy the rest of your day.”

After the mail pony left and Spike closed the door, Twilight came downstairs to see what was going on. “What was that all about, Spike?”

“Nothing, I was just remembering the almost everyday havoc that we went through when Derpy used to deliver our mail.”

A disgusted scowl came upon Twilight’s face as rolled her eyes at the mention of that name, “Ugh, please don’t remind me of that stupid retard of a mare.”

“I know, but I can’t help it. I know we got rid of her 2 years ago, but I still laugh to myself thinking about her always crashing into our door and spilling all of the mail all over the floor and being so disorganized! Ugh, and her only excuse for all of this is… sorry, but I just don’t know what went wrong! Oh I can tell ya what went wrong alright, she came into this world’s life!”

A smile found its way back onto Twilight’s face as she felt highly amused of Spike’s Derpy impersonation, “Heh, that is pretty amusing, but thankfully we don’t have to worry about her causing anymore freak accidents or tiresome moments.”

“Yeah; and plus the execution of that dumb mare was the happiest day of my life!” said Spike excitedly, “I was finally able to make sweet, messy love with thy fair Rarity and it wasn’t even a dream; it was all soooooooo worth it!”

“I know, you haven’t stopped talking about it since then; it’s kinda getting old.”

“S-sorry, I guess was getting carried away. Ooh, maybe if I go ask nicely, she’ll let me do it again!”

Spike was suddenly halted by Twilight’s magic before he was out the door, “Spike.”

“Yeah, you’re right… I need to rest first!” Spike then made his way into the other room and towards upstairs. “I’m gonna catch a few Z’s; wake me up in 2, would ya, Twilight?”

“Sure thing, Spike,” Twilight chuckled.

As Spike went upstairs, Twilight grabbed some paper and a nifty quill in her possession to write a letter to Celestia. As she wrote, she somehow thought about that wonderful day she and her friends helped to literally brutalized Derpy and end her meaningless life; a bright smile shinned on her face, and she didn’t regret it one bit. But suddenly, another slight concern came across her mind.

“I can’t help but wonder about what Zecora warned us about 3 days ago,” she wondered to herself, “And what she meant by we’ll be destroyed by someone from the past? Hmm… maybe I should mentioned this to the princess as well.”

But just when she was about to write more in her letter, she heard something quite terrible.


“Oh no, Spike!”

It was Spike; it sounded like he was yelling for her before he released a giant blood-curdling scream. Dropping everything she was doing, she ran upstairs as fast as she could. But when she got there, she saw a terrible sight that almost made her heart stop.

“Spike, what’s going…”

She suddenly gasped as saw her assistant out cold on the floor, and he wasn’t moving.

“Spike, what happened?!” she pleaded as she went over to him, “Are you alright!?”

Once Twilight carefully turned Spike over on his back, she received another frightening surprise. Under spike, Twilight saw a puddle of blood right where he was previously laying, and she looked on in horror suddenly seeing a huge, deep gashing wound in Spike’s stomach.

“Oh sweet Celestia,” she softly grieved.

She held Spike in her hooves trying to see if she could possibly save him as the blood was leaving his body, but she feared that it might be too late.

“Spike, hang on,” Twilight cried, “Who did this to you?!”

Spike was heavily breathing and his voice very sore and dry; clinging on whatever amount of life he had left, he looked up at Twilight with weak eyes and said, “Tw-T-Twli…. l-l-light, Zecora… she was r-r-right after all. It was… i-i-it was…”

But before he could spout out the perpetrator’s name, Spike finally passed out permanently and was now dead in her hooves. Twilight laid him down and began crying for his sudden death. She didn’t understand why this suddenly happened or who would have the gall to kill Spike to begin with. After a few seconds of grieving, Twilight conjured magic in her horn and began looking all around her surroundings with a face of pure anger.

“Who’s there? Whoever you are, I’m heavily armed!”

Just then, all the windows of the library tree closed shut and most of all the lights disappeared. Twilight was now surrounded in darkness, not knowing where someone would attack her as well.

“What are you, a coward?! You just killed my baby dragon and yet you’re hiding from me?! Come on out and show yourself!!!”

Suddenly without any warning, a shadowy figure zipped by Twilight too quick for her to notice and completely sliced her horn clean off her head. She screamed in immense pain feeling the mighty sting in her head, and she also feel the slight movement of her own blood running down her face from her major wound.

“My horn, my all-powerful horn!!!”

“Oh quit your sorry-ass whining, teacher’s pet,” said a sudden, chilling voice behind the tearing unicorn, “you won’t need it any more anyway.”

Twilight cautiously turned around and saw somepony moving towards her from the shadows. Suddenly, the figure lit some candles in the room with some magic to shed some light; but once Twilight could see, she became almost at a loss for words as she saw Spike’s killer. A familiar light-purple filly with a blonde mane and tail; her voice suddenly trembling realizing who it was.

“N-no… way; Dinky?”

It was Dinky, but something was different about her. She was once a sweet little filly who always loved everypony without a care in the world; but now her appearance made her light fur a bit darker and dingy, her mane and tail all wild, rustled and loose, and there was a dark, menacing, and murderous look in her eyes as she focused her stared at Twilight. Plus, Twilight noticed the dried blood on the young filly’s horn, and that was proof enough for her to know where it came from.

“Hey… Miss Twilight,” Dinky said in a sweet yet creepy tone, “it’s nice to see that you still recognized me… after 2 long years.”

“I… I-I don’t understand,” said Twilight feeling frighten of the filly’s presence, “you ran into the Everfree Forest; we saw your fur as proof, and y-you never came back! You’re… y-y-you’re supposed to be dead!”

“Oh, I’m afraid that it’s quite the opposite,” said Dinky with no hint of a smile on her face. “It’s true that I ran away while you and the other bastards killed my mother… but it’s like the forest itself got to me and understood my sudden pain. It didn’t choose to kill me, but instead, it took me in its care; it became my friend… my new, true friend. Thanks to its mysterious wonders, I was able to take care of myself and thrive on and enhance my magic. It was truly a magnificent experience.”

Twilight saw that Dinky wasn’t moving an inch, but she was still unnerved of what she could do; and since she now had no means of using her own magic, she was a sitting duck.

“So… wh-wh-hy did you c-come here?” questioned Twilight hesitantly.

“Isn’t it obvious? I’ve emerged from my new home so I can get rid of my old one. I’m gonna make this town pay dearly for the dastardly sin they have committed. Your dear little assistant was just the first; and now that I’ve gotten rid of your horn, you’re the next to go.”

Magic began emanating in Dinky’s horn as she began to slowly make her way towards Twilight who was slowly backing away. What was she going to do now?

“C-c-come on now, Dinky,” said Twilight shuddering in fear, “you really don’t want to choose revenge, do you? I mean… w-we could talk this over somehow; maybe settle things over tea?”

“Not a chance.”

Dinky crept closer and closer to Twilight and she didn’t know what to make of this situation; the only offspring of the pony that everyone hated and despised was about to kill her and she couldn’t do anything to defend herself.

“Come on, Dinky, you have to understand; I know that you’re upset that your… M-Mother is dead, but it had to be done… for Ponyville’s safety and well-being! And b-besides, why did you run away anyway; i-i-it’s not like we were planning to harm y-you as well!”

Dinky suddenly shot Twilight in her left foreleg with a spear spell and caused her to scream and fall to the floor. She looked up at Dinky who was now right in front of her feeling quite irritated in her presence.

“Do you honestly think that I’m going to believe that lying crap?! In case you don’t know, I overheard you, Fluttershy and the Mayor planning to kill me off too because you all thought I was going to grow up to be retarded like my Mother!” She then used her magic to raise Twilight up to her face level and showing a slight hint of a cynical smile, “Well… whose the retarded one now?!”

“Pl-please, Dinky,” Twilight pleaded, “I’m… I-I-I’m the Element of Magic’s wielder! I’m the one who balances the Elements of Harmony; the strongest power source in Equestria! Y-you can’t afford to kill me!”

Dinky once again picked up Twilight as she answered, “Wanna bet?”

Dinky then zoomed her upwards and smashed her against the ceiling; then she released her body and Twilight came back down on the ground hard. Groaning in more pain, Twilight knew that this wasn’t going well for her.

“As if I cared about those useless trinkets anymore. If what you tramps did is considered restoring order and harmony to you, then f#*K all of you and your friendship. Once I finish killing you, all of your whores you call friends will be next.”

Despite her injuries, Twilight tried a last attempt move by trying to bash through the window. However, when she did, she crashed into it and stopped to a halt. She fell and slightly whined from her failure… and her pain.

“Don’t even try to escape,” said Dinky, “I have all of the doors and windows bounded shut. It’s impossible to escape, and nopony is going to hear you squirm.”

Still unable to do anything, Twilight felt herself being lifted up in the air again by Dinky’s magic and then was slammed on the ground on her stomach with her hind legs spread open. Possible horrible thoughts went through Twilight’s head wondering what Dinky was about to do to her. While holding her down, Dinky suddenly brought out a jagged, broom handle that was filled with lots of sharp splinters. A maleficent smile returned to her face as she looked down at her trapped victim.

“I found this old, splintered broom handle in your basement. I wonder just how excruciating painful it will be if I shove this straight up your ass.”

The thought of that splintered handle being rubbed up against her anal insides caused Twilight to freak out and was squirming to get loose, but it was useless. As Dinky positioned the handle up to Twilight’s anal hole, Twilight was trying her best to plead for her life.

“No, please; I’m sorry Dinky! I’m sorry for everything, I swear!”

But it did no good as Dinky solemnly responded, “Funny… my Mother said the exact same thing.”

Dinky then continued on by immediately shoving wooden handle all the way inside Twilight’s tight plot. The splinters had harshly grated against her anal insides causing searing pain to shoot throughout her entire body. Twilight shrieked out loud feeling the overly- uncomfortable feeling; but no one would hear her anyway, so she couldn’t call for help.

As Dinky retracted the handle out of Twilight, she grinned a bit seeing blood dripping out and sticking on the splintered object. She commenced with her torture as she began to violently shove the splintered broom handle in and out of Twilight’s anus. Twilight was screaming now louder than ever feeing her insides being grinded by wooden splinters. Tears were filling her eyes and she didn’t know if she could take it anymore.

Dinky suddenly got up in Twilight’s terrified face and looking at her cynically as she didn’t cease to case her unbarring pain, “Tell me, does that feel good?! How do you like being on the other side of the f^#!ing stick!?”

Twilight couldn’t respond; she was too busy withering in pain of her plot being shredded from the inside. Dinky on the other hand was enjoying herself immensely watching Twilight being helpless before her while she gave her torturous pain, just like how her Mother was to the whole town. But she knew that it was only a matter of time before other ponies would be suspicious of the Library being boarded up, so she decided to end things here.

Dinky pulled out the long handle slowly watching the internal blood pour out of Twilight plot hole. It was quite a treat for Dinky seeing blood oozing out of another mare other than her Mother… who didn’t deserve her fate. Although, when Dinky looked lower behind her victim, she saw arousal juices seeping out from her pussy.

“Wow, is this unbearable pain is strangely turning you on?” said Dinky with a smirk, “You sick bitch.”

“N-n-no more…” asked Twilight in a weakly moan, “please, no more…”

“Aw, can’t I do one more thing before I leave?” said Dinky carelessly as she held the now bloody splintered handle in front of Twilight’s face, “FORE!!!”

Dinky brought the handle up in the air and then swung it down with much force against Twilight’s face and sent her flying once again into a wall. After falling back down, Twilight felt her body being lifted again and brought in front of the sinister filly, but this time on her back; her body battered and her own blood all over her, she could now fully see the face of her assaulter while in her dismay. She looked to the side and could still see Spike lifeless body lying on the floor; and she had a strong feeling that she was about to become the same way.

As Dinky was staring down at her with no remorse in her expression, Twilight tried to plead to the filly one more time, “Pl-l-lease, d-d-don’t do this. I-I-I’ll give you w-whatever you want; a-a-anything…”

Dinky scowled at her knowing that she was lying through her teeth and said stated, “Oh really; how about bringing my Mommy back.”

The pissed off filly stared deep into Twilights frighten eyes waiting for a stupid answer. However, Twilight knew that her one wish was impossible, and any Dark magic to wake the dead was illegal in all Equestria. Twilight sighed as she closed her eyes and placed her head back on the ground giving no answer.

“Yeah,” Dinky scoffed, “I didn’t think so.”

Dinky then used her magic to form a sharp steak knife and held it right over Twilight’s body. The bruised mare looked up at it in horror knowing what was happening. Dinky glared down upon her prey, and her last words to her were…

“Farwell, Miss Twilight; rest in peace… well, not really.”

Dinky suddenly jammed the knife into Twilight’s body as hard as she could, and the mare’s body jolted from the violent strike. Twilight’s screams of death echoed throughout the library, and more pain was felt as Dinky sliced her open downward. Streams of blood flowed from under her, and organs were giving out; Twilight could feel her life fading as she faintly said…

“I’m… s-s-sorrrry… Celestia…”

Then her spirit left her.

Dinky just sat there looking upon the now two lifeless bodes of those who helped in the effort to rid the world of her Mother; and knowing that they were going to kill her too didn’t make her feel any happier. This was only the start of Dinky’s bloody revenge for her Mother, who to her was murdered, not executed. She calmly walked away from her fresh kill, immediately focused on her next target; a dark scowl remained on the filly’s face thinking of the terrible things this town has done.

“By the end of the day, your death will be avenged and this town will pay for their sins; and it will all be all be for you… Mother.”

And then… she disappears into the darkness without a sound.

Sweet Apple Acres

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A healthy little farm just a small walk away from Ponyville, Applejack and her little sister, Apple Bloom were busy doing their best to complete the harvesting of their trees. Applejack saw her sister having a good time and was very proud of her.

“How are ya doing over there, Apple Bloom?”

“Ah’ve don knocked down all of the apples from 7 trees, sis: 7 trees!”

Apple Bloom was very proud of herself as well.

“Whoo howdy, good for ya, sis; that a new record!”

“Too bad Big Mac didn’t see this, he would have had his mind blown! He would have been like… ‘wow, our little sis sure is getting big and strong all of a sudden.’

Applejack just laughed at her little sister being amused, “Nice impression of our brother, AB; although yer voice can’t get low enough to do it justice.”

“Maybe, but Ah know who Ah can do… Granny Smith! ‘Well gosh golly, Apple Bloom, aren’t you becomin’ a strong, little filly. Ah’m so proud of you.’

Both sisters began laughing together having some nice sister bonding time.

“That was spot on;” chuckled Applejack, “ya sounded just like her. She really would have been proud of ya.”

“Yeah,” Apple Bloom suddenly said sadly, “Ah still miss her, AJ; has it really been whole year since she passed away?”

“It sure has,” said Applejack as she placed her hoof around Apple Bloom, “but don’t worry about her, AB; she’s lived a full life and got to see many great things.”

“Like whut?” Apple Bloom questioned.

“Well… she got to see you, me and our brother. She got to see the return of Princess Luna, and probably many other thangs that we don’t even know about.”

“Ooh ooh,” shouted Apple Bloom, “how about when we all finally got rid of that dumb mare, Derpy?!”

Applejack suddenly leered at her young sister upon hearing what she said, “Apple Bloom, Ah thought that we all agreed that we would never bring up the name of that stupid retard again?”

“Ah… A-A-Ah’m sorry,” Apple Bloom brooded, “but that really was a great moment for all of us, and even Granny Smith got witness it herself before she died a year later. She got to enjoy a whole year without any worry of that dumb b…. um, mare; yeah, that’s what Ah was going to say.”

Applejack was still leering at her sister a bit, but then she just smiled and gave her a rough-housing hug, “Yer right, AB; Ah bet Granny died with a smile on her face knowin’ that her home was now safe and free of that hazard with wings. And what you were going to say before, yer right about that too; she really was a dumb bitch who never seemed to care about anypony’s safety.”

“But there’s also something that still worries me sis,” said Apple Bloom, “What Zecora said; Ah know it was 3 days since then, but do ya think what she said is true? Is somepony… really going to try and… kill us?”

“Appple Bloom,” said Applejack as she hugged her sister closer, “you really need to stop worryin’ about that. Ah don’t know what Zecora was spoutin’ about that day, but Ah can assure ya that there is nothin’ to worry over. Besides, if anypony tres t harm any of us, they’ll be sorry for ever pickin’ a fight with us.”

Apple Bloom looked up at her big sister with innocent eyes, “Are ya sure about that?”

“Hey, this pony never lies.”

Apple Bloom once again felt glad that everythang was going to be alright; well, as much as knew for now. She was showing a bright smile again and it definitely made Applejack’s day.

“Say Apple Bloom, could ya do me a favor and go to the barn and get Big Mac. I know that he might be busy, but we could sure use his help if we wanna finish up this here harvest.”

“Of course,” Apple Bloom shouted with a salute, “Ah’m on it!”

As Apple Bloom ran off towards the barn shed, she watched proudly seeing how well she was growing up; and she was being taught well too. But she couldn’t help but ponder on the same fact that her little sister was thinking about. Perhaps there was something more about Zecora’s speech than they thought. But then at that moment, Applejack heard something that she didn’t wish hear.


“Apple Bloom?! No… Ah’m comin’ Apple Bloom!”

What Applejack heard was the sound of her sister screaming at the top of her lungs and calling out her name desperately. She ran toward her sister’s cries as fast as she could, almost scared of what she was going to find. If something got to her sister, she didn’t know what she would do.

“Damn it, why the hay did Ah sent Apple Bloom on her own to get Big Mac; anypony could have gotten to her like that. Ah’m so stupid!”

But much to her relief when she got to the scene, she saw her sister lying on her flank right outside the barn doors and she was still alive; although, something seemed wrong seeing that she was crying with wide and terrified eyes.

“Apple Bloom, oh thank Celestia that you’re still alive; you almost gave me a heart attack!”

As Applejack cuddled and hugged Apple Bloom tight in her hooves, she couldn’t help but realize that Apple Bloom wasn’t even looking at her; it was like she was stuck staring in place straight at whatever was ahead.

“Apple Bloom, what happened?! Snap out of it; what terrified you so much?!”

Still being terrified, Apple Bloom hesitantly pointed forward with a shaking hoof. When Applejack turned her head and saw what was in their sight ahead of them, not only did she feel terrified, but she also felt sick to her stomach. What Apple Bloom saw was their big brother Big Mac tied down on a wooden platform wedge; blindfolded so he couldn’t see and gagged to cut off his ability to scream. But the worst part about it was that there was a giant pitchfork impaled through his body against the platform; and even worse, his giant horse cock that he was so famous for was completely sliced off from him and was now laying on the ground in front of him.

It was a horrifying sight, especially to Apple Bloom who witnessed it firsthand. Applejack looked at the horror; all of her brother’s blood that was staining the platform and running on the ground; plus the horribly removed penis that was spouting blood and ruined veins. Their brother was as good as dead.

“They… th-th-they ki-i-iled him,” sobbed Apple Bloom, “somepony killed him, Applejack!”

Applejack held her sister even deeper in her hooves feeling sorry that she ever saw such a sight. Was what Zecora said to them actually coming true?

“Ah’m sorry that we couldn’t stop this from happenin’, AB,” said Applejack with both tears and anger in her eyes, “But ah promise ya, whenever we find out who is responsible for this, their asses are mine.”

Suddenly, Applejack noticed a sheet of paper that was stuck to the door and had some kind of writing on it. She tore it off and read what was on it; and Apple Bloom listened.

“This monstrosity of your brother f*#ked up my Mother, so Ah decided to detach it from him and render it useless. You thought that your incestral sins would go unpunished; well think again. I’m going to enjoy watching you struggle.”

Applejack and Apple Bloom suddenly caught something at the corner of their eyes and saw a lone chainsaw on the ground with a blade that was stained with their brother’s genital blood. Apple Bloom hop on her sister’s back and held onto her very tightly shaking in vigorous fear and crying.

“We’re gonna die, Sis; we’re gonna die!”

“C-c-c-calm down, AB,” said Applejack hesitantly trying to not sound scared herself, “you’re wrong; you and Ah are not gonna die!”

“Actually…” said a creepy voice behind them, “Apple Bloom couldn’t be anymore right.”

They both turned around and a strange looking young filly just sitting nearby all dark and dingy. It was looking at them with bloodshot eyes and grim smile.

“Wh-wh-who the hell… is that f-filly?” stuttered Applejack.

Because of its grim and dark appearance, Applejack didn’t recognized the strange filly at first; but Apple Bloom did. Just by looking deep into her eyes, she realized who it was, and she became totally confused.

“Dinky? I-i-is that really you, Dinky?”

Applejack suddenly became confused herself, “Th-th-that… that messy little filly is… D-Dinky?!”

“That’s right,” said Dinky, “What’s the matter, Miss Applejack, shocked to see me alive after 2 years…” Suddenly, her smile disappeared, “assuming that I was dead… like my mother?”

“Wait a minute,” said Apple Bloom, “Mother… dead… you’re the one that wrote that note, aren’t you?”

Applejack suddenly stared back at Dinky with an angered expression, “You… you killed Big Mac?!”

“That’s right, I did. What do you think of my work; beautiful isn’t it? It was quite suiting for a dog like him.”

Apple Bloom looked at Dinky with tears filling her eyes while also looking back at her dead brother. “Why did you do it, Dinky; why did ya kill Big Mac?!”

“Oh please, Apple Bloom, even you can’t be that dumb. It’s not like you can forget seeing your own brother brutalize my Mother’s ass with that monster-sized cock of his! The more I kept thinking about that monstrosity wrecking my Mother, the more I just wanted to walk right up to that stallion and rip that thing right off of him… and that’s exactly what I did. Sure, I had to use my magic temporarily pleasure him to stiffen him out; but once he was hard enough, it made it easier to make a nice, clean cut… if you don’t count the splattered blood that is.”

The excited tone in Dinky’s voice while explaining her fresh kill frighten Apple Bloom, and Applejack couldn’t believe the way she changed.

“You’ve become one messed up little filly, Dinky.”

“And while we’re on the subject,” said Dinky glaring at Applejack, “let talk about your deal. The way you were standing there on that balcony supporting your brother while he f@#k my Mother, and pleasuring him in your own way. Ugh, sick.”

“Hey, what Big Mac and Ah do is our own damn business and not yers!” Applejack protested, “And speakin’ of your Mother, she deserved everythang she got. She was a complete danger to everypony and a fatal hazard to everythang; she’s was a stupid, clumsy retard, and that’s the honest truth.”

“Be quiet!” Dinky shouted slamming her hoof, “That is nothing but a load of crap! Mother deserved none of what you bastards did to her! She meant everything to me and you… all took her away! My Mother…”

Suddenly, Dinky stopped shouting and fell on her flank, sobbing and thinking about her mother and that she was no longer with her.

“Dinky…” said Apple Bloom softly suddenly feeling a little sorry for her.

But then, Dinky suddenly stopped crying and aimed a glare back at the two farm sisters, “But now… you will all pay for your sins; all of it. I’m gonna thoroughly enjoy drawing blood from your tortured bodies.”

“Forget it, Dinky;” said Applejack pulling out a rope from her side saddle “Ah won’t allow you to harm any of us anymore. Ah don’t care if you are a filly; you’re gonna pay fer what you did to Big Mac!”

Suddenly, Dinky got lost in her twisted thought of how she killed the giant, red stallion; smiling and sighing at the wonderful fantasy, “’Sigh’ Oh yeah, my time with him was just mind-blowing. I even gave him a good ol’ whipping before delivering my main punishment. The way he squirmed, and the delightful muffled screams he made as the saw’s spinning blade violently sliced into his testical skin and shredded his balls… it was just delicious.”

As Applejack got more furious, Apple Bloom hid behind her shaking and feeling more frightened than ever.

“You’re really askin’ for it, little filly,” said Applejack, “Even if Ah have to risk mah own life, you ain’t leavin’ this farm.”

“Correction, miss cowpony;” said Dinky grimly, “I’ll go and roam wherever I damn please… but you are the ones who ain’t leaving.”

“Apple Bloom,” whispered Applejack, “on mah mark, Ah want you to run off to as fast as you can to Ponyville and warn everypony about this.”

“But what about you?” whined Apple Bloom.

“Don’t worry about me; Ah’ll hold her off for as long as Ah can. This freaky filly ain’t killin’ anymore ponies.”

“Hey hey, Apple Bloom,” said Dinky suddenly with a twisted smile, “you’re not thinking on escaping, are you? That would just give you a chance to warn everypony, and we can’t have that.”

Her horn began to glow as she began to slowly walk towards them, focusing her glare at the terrified filly.

“Perhaps I should kill you first.”


Applejack was now swinging her rope in the air preparing to stop the psycho filly in her tracks, “Don’t ya dare touch one hair on her body, ya freak!”

But as she launched the rope at her, the whole rope suddenly stopped mere inches from the unicorn filly encased in her magic. Applejack began sweating seeing that she couldn’t pull away her rope. Dinky suddenly looked over at Applejck not looking amused at all.

“You didn’t honestly think that a cheap rodeo trick like that would work on me, did you? I’m a freaking unicorn… against a mangy, stupid earth pony.”

Dinky then grabbed the rope and threw it around her hooves. Applejack fell on her back with her hooves tied tight and got dragged over to Dinky.

“Applejack, no!” screamed Apple Bloom.

Dinky glared into Applejack’s nervous eyes and stated, “And with none of your whore friends here to help, you don’t stand a chance.”

Apple Bloom tried to intervene, “Dinky, don’t!”

But her sister stopped her, “Don’t, AB; just go! Go warn everypony now; Ah’ll be fine!”

“Oh, I doubt that,” said Dinky with a smirk.

Ignoring Dinky, Applejack told her sister, “Go, now!”

Apple Bloom began running feeling startled by her sister’s shouting. But before she escaped, Dinky formed another rope from her magic and lashed out to catch the fleeing filly by her hooves. She yelped and fell face forward into the ground; there was no way she could get away now.

“I don’t think so, Apple Bloom,” said Dinky, “the show is about to start; I’d hate for you to miss it.”

“Wh-wh-what show?” Apple Bloom quivered.

Applejack tried to show no fear in front of her little sister to give her faith, “Go ahead and try to kill me all ya want, it’ll only draw more possible attention to yourself; and others will avenge us!”

But given the situation, Dinky was making it impossible for that to happen.

“Wow, you speak so boldly for somepony who is about to die a horrible and painful death,” said Dinky with a sarcastic smile, “But I guess being the brave, tough fool was your title anyway; or was it that lesbo freak, Rainbow Dash… heh, I never really knew.”

Applejack was suddenly raised up in front of Dinky wrapped up in her own rope, and it was tightening up around her squeezing her so much she could barely breathe.

“Ready to join your brother, pony slut? That way you two can f#!K each other for all eternity; congratulations.”

“Y-y-you know that yer n-n-not gonna gain anythang out of any of this, right? This is all completely unnecessary, es-s-specially because your revenge will be pointless! After all, why avenge your s-s-sorry excuse of a m-mother if she totally deserved… w-w-w-what she got?!”

Applejack suddenly felt the rope around her loosen up a bit, but then found herself feeling a huge sting as a giant whip lashed on her body. A huge red mark was left where it landed, and Applejack released a huge, painful scream; it was music to Dinky’s ears. Apple Bloom who was scared for her life felt a wince in her body; almost like she felt the sting of the whip herself.

Applejack then saw the whip wrap around her and then slammed her down on the ground. When she looked up afterwards, she saw Dinky staring down at her with a cold-blooded stare.

“You’re absolutely right, Miss Applejack. My Mother meant everything to me; so without her, I have nothing else to live for or to protect… except, you know, my new home.”

Suddenly, Applejack saw a whole slew of whips suddenly surrounding her in the air; all of them made of barb wire.

“So all that’s left for me to do to is to eliminate those who tortured my Mother to death… and their wretched home as well.”

“No, stop it;” shouted Apple Bloom with tears filling her eyes, “please stop!”

Dinky then controlled all the whips to rapidly strike downward upon the defenseless mare’s body. Apple Bloom quickly looked away from the sight; but unfortunately it didn’t help keep her from hearing the frightful sounds of the wired whips hitting against her sister’s flesh and the constant screaming that went along with each whip crack.

“This poor apple farm,” said Dinky nonchalantly while looking at her surroundings, “it definitely won’t survive without its owners to nurture it; such a shame. But then again, I don’t care; it can die and rot for all I care.”

Dinky was enjoying the immense pain she was afflicting on Applejack, and she got ecstatic chills as she started to see little drops of blood fly into the air from each strike she made. But Dinky knew that she couldn’t waste too much time on this mare; she wanted to move on to her former schoolmate and then continue her plan.

When she stopped her assault, she smiled seeing Applejack laying still on the ground; her body covered in open wounds and puddles of blood covering her coat and the ground surrounding her. She was harshly groaning and barely breathing and couldn’t get out a single word.

“That’s it; no more trash talk from the country gal?” said Dinky lightly kicking the damaged mare, “Nothing else before I squeeze the life out of you? Hmm… that doesn’t sound like a bad idea.”

Apple Bloom bravely looked over behind her only to see her badly wounded sister being lifted up in the air in front of the ledge at the top of the barn.

“What are you doin’ with mah sister?!” she cried.

Dinky replied with a creepy smile, “Giving her one more good view of your crappy farm; that’s all.”

Applejack slowly lifted her head and she could see it; she could see the entire acres of their farm from where she was; but she feared that it would be the last she would see of it, and that her sister was gonna suffer like her too. She looked down Dinky with a light scowl feeling a deep hatred for her coming out.

“Looks like Zecora wasn’t kiddin’ after all; Ah guess you’re the somepony from our past that would try and kill us all. And to think Ah almost thought that we were going to have to deal with that damn retard, Derpy again as a zombie or somethin’. But who would’ve thought that it would be her daughter seeking revenge for her death.”

Closing her eyes and remembering what the deranged filly did to her brother, she could only wish that she could actually gain some revenge herself.

“Just know this, you monster; your actions will be noticed, and once the rest of the Apple Family finds out what you did here, they’ll all be after ya! And if they don’t get ya, Celestia will.”

Applejack suddenly felt the ropes tightening around her feeling them pressing against her freshly-made wounds. She was in so much pain she began to cry a bit; almost wishing that the pain would stop

“Are you done;” Dinky questioned feeling irritated and sounding a bit crazed, “you’re boring me to death. I don’t care about anything you say, and I am not scared of any pony.” Applejack then watched as she saw a long piece of rope floating in front of her. It then suddenly began to form into a noose, and then it was placed around her neck and tightened as the end was tied to the top barn ledge. Dinky held Applejack high above the ledge and was prepared to make the drop as she said, “No matter what you or anyone else says… my Mother will be avenge, and nothing is going to stop me.”

Apple Bloom saw the position of her sister and cried out desperately, “No, don’t!”

But shortly after her plea, Dinky released her magic around the rope, and Applejack’s body fell down and then her neck got caught on the rope; and there a slight ‘SNAP’ sound. Her bloody body became limp and not another word came out of her; Applejack was dead.


Dinky always imagined what seeing an actual hanging in person would look like, but now she finally saw one; and it was worth it.

“Now for you,” she suddenly said turning to the constantly tearing filly. She automatically grabbed the same chainsaw that she used to castrate Macintosh with her magic and gave the frighten filly a menacing glare, “Perhaps I should just get rid of you quickly.”

“How could you do this, Dinky?!” Apple Bloom screamed, “Ya just killed mah sister and brother; how can you live with that?! Yer… y-y-y-you’re a monster!”

“Thanks for noticing, Apple Bloom,” Dinky responded sarcastically, “but do you really think that you have the room to call me a monster? All of you had no logical reason for your killing… but I do.”

With her 4 hooves still tied up, Apple Bloom couldn’t attempt any form of escape. She looked up in horror as Dinky was finally standing in front of her holding up the chainsaw above her. She could still see the blood stains from her brother coving the blade; and as she saw the blade roar to life with a frightening sound, more tears filled her eyes, and then she closed them awaiting for her body to be sliced in half.

However, she suddenly heard the chainsaw stop and Dinky sat it to the side. “You know what, screw killing you quickly. What you and your crusader friends did to my Mother was unforgivable.” She then wrapped another rope around Apple Bloom’s body, and the end of it held her up in the air, “So, let’s pretend you’re a piñata… and I get to try busting you open and get the yummy candy inside.”

“No, pl-please don’t!” the frightened filly pleaded, “Ah don’t wanna die; Ah haven’t even earned my cutiemark yet!”

Dinky then formed a nice sized wooden right beside Apple Bloom. The helpless filly was confused at first by this move, but then she felt serious pain as she felt the plank slam right against her face. Just that strike alone formed a huge bruise on the filly’s cheek and she felt like crying feeling the inside of her mouth become sore.

“That’s really not my problem.” Dinky turned to the side showing her bare flank, “Do you see a cutiemark on me yet? No you don’t; and do you know why? Because I’ve given up on it; who gives a crap about them about them anymore.”

“Wh-w-what?” Apple Bloom replied in slight shock.

“If a cutiemark represents who you really are, then it’s all a lie.” A slightly insane tone returned to her voice, “And the Elements of Harmony, ha! If they represented peace and friendship, then your sister and the rest of her friends wouldn’t allow this to happen!”

Apple Bloom braced herself as she was hit again with the wooden plank; and again, and again, and again. She couldn’t do anything dangling in the air as she was; she had to endure every single sting Dinky struck on her. She squeaked in pain with every smack she received and her body kept swinging all around. She felt her body becoming as badly bruised as her sister’s, and she just wished that it would all stop.

“D-D-Dinky, Ah’m b-bleedin’ and hurtin’ all over. A-A-Ah don’t… feel so good.”

“That’s the whole point, genius.” She then gave Apple Bloom another good ol’ smack in the face causing some blood to spurt from her mouth, “And be quiet, piñatas don’t talk.”

After another assault, Apple Bloom just hung there limp in the air feeling nothing but constant pain coursing through her body. Right now, she was really wishing that Dinky should’ve just sliced her in half in the first place to end her pain. However, it seemed that she was about to receive her wish as she slowly looked up in front of her and saw Dinky floating in the air by her magic. The dark glare in her eyes just proved of how much she truly didn’t care for her well-being.

“Just think about it, Apple Bloom; you’re probably thinking or hoping that I don’t hate because we were once friends in the past. Well let me tell you; I dismissed you as my friend the very moment you decided to give in to that frat party struck against my mother constantly. And that goes for your other friends too.”

“My Mother never hated anybody; she always did her best to be friendly and to work hard! And yet just because of her personality and the few accidents she caused, nobody gave her respect. Everypony hated her and wished that she never existed; none of you really gave a crap about her… or me!”

Dinky then changed the wooden plank into a giant club; well, a giant spiked club that is. Apple Bloom saw it herself and knew what was coming; but she knew she couldn’t stop it. Dinky brought the filly’s face with hers and said…

“So guess what; I don’t give a crap about you.”

With much inner rage, Dinky took a big swing and hit a home run on Apple Bloom. The wind got knocked out of her as she was sent flying and crashed right through the barn wall and into the interior. After the crash, nothing else was heard. Dinky looked inside and saw Apple Bloom’s body twitching on top of some hay bales stained in her blood. She could’ve snuffed out the last bit of whatever bit of life she had left, but she just smiled and left deciding to just leave her there to suffer until her last breath.

Taking a quick breather after her newest accomplishment, Dinky just wiped off some access blood on her face, and she looked back at the siblings; each of them in a different fatal state, and the psycho filly felt very proud of herself.

“This is way too easy, Mommy. Shedding their blood for you is like a cake walk, only easier. This is going to be more fun than I thought.”

Suddenly when she was about to take her leave, Dinky sensed two other citizens of Ponyville nearby; two ponies she knew very well… all too well. But as much as Dinky completely loathed who it was, she couldn’t help but bring a devilish grin to her face. She gets to have some extra fun.

The Rich Brats

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Ponyville was warned of their future, but did they take necessary precautions; they did not. As of now, Dinky has gained a good start on her bloody revenge taking out Twilight Sparkle and Spike, and then rallied on down and brutally murdered what was left of the Ponyville’s Apple family. Dinky was satisfied and was headed off to prepare for her next kill; but then she realized… that she was being watched.

They weren’t there for the whole show, but standing behind a row of some far off bushes, two young earth fillies noticed the dead bodies of Big Mac and Applejack; and then witnessed as Dinky finished off Apple Bloom in a flash. Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon were horrified at what they saw, and the fact that Dinky had returned could only mean one thing… that they all were going to die.

“O…M…G, Tiara,” quivered Silver Spoon as she and Tiara bent down behind the bush, “did you see what just happened? Dinky’s come back as a complete freak and like totally slaughtered Apple Bloom… and her siblings!”

“Shhhhhhhhhhhh, of course I did, I’m like right here with you and saw it. It’s obvious that she’s doing all of this for revenge; revenge for the execution of her dumb, stupid Mother.”

“It’s kinda bad though,” Silver Spoon lamented, “Maybe there was something that we could’ve done to save her.”

Tiara begged to differ though, “What, and risk becoming slaughter bait for that freakish filly; no way. As much as I might have wanted to save that blank flank, it just wasn’t worth it to go out there and risk getting ourselves killed along with her.”

“Well… I guess you might have a point.”

Tiara and Silver Spoon slowly looked back over the bush to see what Dinky was doing; but when they did, she wasn’t there.

“Huh, sh-sh-she’s gone,” said Silver Spoon, “I wonder where she went?”

“Who cares,” Tiara protested, “I’m not going to stay around here to find out. Let’s go back to Ponyville and like warn everypony of what we witnessed.”

“Oh yeah, Tiara; of course.”

But just as they turned to run off to Ponyville, their time was suddenly cut short when they saw the psycho filly in front of them, greeting them with a grim smile.

“And where do you two think you’re going?”

“Holy crap, Tiara,” shouted Silver Spoon in terror, “how did she get over here so fast?!”

“P-p-p-probably her m-m-magic,” said Tiara cowering with her friend.

Dinky didn’t think that this could get any better. She was hoping two run into these two in her quest for revenge.

“It must be my birthday,” she said with a slight eerie chuckle, “I didn’t know that you two would actually be dumb enough to spy on me and then think that you could get away.”

“H-h-h-hey, D-Dinky,” stuttered Silver Spoon, “Long time no see. W-we were like just t-talking about you.”

“Oh… I just bet you were,” Dinky responded as the smile from her face suddenly disappeared.

“Y-yeah… a-and weren’t sp-pying on you,” said Tiara, “heh, we were just… RUN!!!”

The two fillies suddenly dashed off away from Dinky without any warning. Dinky just watched as they ran away from her; eyes suddenly glowing of dark magic.

“’Sigh’ they always run… pathetic.”

Silver and Tiara continued to run in the opposite direction from the psycho filly running past rows of trees down a dirt path to try and hide their appearance.

“Don’t look back, Silver Spoon!” Tiara shouted, “Just keep running!”

“I’m running, I’m running!” Silver Spoon responded.

However, they didn’t get too far before they both felt something grab ahold of one of their hind hooves. They both fell over and tried to get up again, but it was hopeless.

“Augh, my hoof!” shouted Tiara trying to pull away, “I’m like stuck!”

“Me too,” said Silver Spoon, “I can’t get loose!”

They both looked behind themselves and saw that tree roots from underground came up and were wrapping around their hind hooves, and they wouldn’t let go.

“What’s going on?!” shouted Tiara, “what’s making the tree’s roots do this?!”

“Who do you think,” said an approaching voice.

Silver and Tiara suddenly saw Dinky approaching them from behind with magic still emanating in her eyes; and she didn’t look happy.

“You know, it really pisses me off when my prey tries to run away from me; it won’t do them any good as you just witnessed.”

“Why are you trying to kill us?!” shouted Tiara, “You’re just after the ones who attended that execution of your Mother, right?!”

“Y-y-yeah, we weren’t even at the stupid event anyway,” Silver Spoon added.

But Dinky already knew that fact. “Yes, because you 2 were grounded that day, were you not?”

Silver and Tiara both hesitated, “Um… uh…”

But then, they both found themselves being held down on their backs by tree roots wrapping around all four of their hooves. They panicked trying to get loose, but just like Dinky’s victims so far… it was no use. Even though both of them never even got the chance to attend her Mother’s excecution, she knew good and well that if they weren’t grounded they would’ve been there without a second notice.

“But forget about that; my beef with you two has nothing to do with that meaningless event.”

“Then why; why are you doing this?!” Tiara protested, “Like spill it already!”

Dinky placed her face right over Tiara glaring down at her feeling annoyed that she was being treated like an idiot, “Gee, I don’t know, Tiara; maybe it was the countless moments of you two making my life a f#@ing nightmare!”

Tiara knew what she was talking about and was suddenly at a pause, shaking and fearing Dinky’s murderous stare. However, Silver Spoon was pretending to be oblivious of Dinky’s point.

“Wh-what, d-d-don’t be ridiculous! Wh-what did we ever do to you?!”

Silver then started shaking herself as she saw Dinky suddenly walking her way not showing a single smile. When she got to the lying filly, Dinky raised her flank over Silver’s face and slammed it right on it. Silver squeaked in shock and was screaming out loud, but it was muffled too much by Dinky’s filly buns.

“Do you see this?” said Dinky looking back at Silver, “You two have been picking on it for as long as I can remember!” The more she went on, the more she pressed her flank against Silver’s face. And the fact that Dinky hasn’t washed herself properly for quite some time, it wasn’t exactly fresh. “You two mocked it, ridiculed it, and totally disgraced it; just like you did to those crusader bitches.”

After Dinky got up, Silver Spoon was repeatedly coughing harshly and gaging from the wretched smell; and all she could do was shout out while gasping for air, “Your ass smells!”

“See, exactly my point,” Dinky stated, “I bet you two are so fond of your precious cutie marks, aren’t you? Sure, my flank may still be blank, but I really don’t care; so I could care less of what you two smart asses have to say about it now.”

“Let us go, now!” whined Tiara in a high pitched tone, “Your freakish tree roots are ruining my circulation!”

“Ugh, and those whinny voices coming from your stupid mouths,” Dinky added, “complete annoyance! I have to hear those almost every single frickin’ day!” The ropes suddenly became even tighter around the fillies’ hooves; causing them more unbearable pain, just the way she liked it, “But you know what’s worse, the fact that I keep having to hear you two ridicule my Mother as well!” Dinky’s tone was getting a bit cynical again scaring the fillies even more, “Every time when you two are around when I was with her, you always call her stupid and dumb, and you always… made me cry when you bad mouth her in front of me or bad mouth both of us at the same time! But… do you see any tears now? No you don’t, because this time, I’m actually going to do something about it.”

Tiara and Silver knew what was coming next; Dinky was now planning on how she was going to kill them, just like she did to the Apple Family.

“Come on,” said Tiara hesitantly, “you know that we were like just joking around you, right?”

“Y-yeah, we were totally messing with you,” Silver spoon added, “You didn’t think we were serious; because we weren’t.”

“BE QUIET!” shouted Dinky stomping hoof down and causing the ground around them to shake violently, “Call me a freak, a creep, a retard or anything all you want, but I am not stupid! You both meant every single word that came out of your damn mouths, and I hate you for it with all my heart!”

Dinky’s horn suddenly started to glow, and the roots around Silver’s hooves released themselves. But then she was pushed up against a tree where it wrapped its bark all around her body holding her in place, and she freaked out as it muffled her mouth too.

“Silver Spoon,” Tiara shouted.

But pretty soon, Tiara suddenly found herself being cocooned in a box made of more tree roots with her head and fore hooves sticking out on either end.

“Let me out; let me out of here right now!” she shouted while feeling terrified for her life.

“And why should I do that,” said Dinky as she approached the boxed filly; and a little smile found its way back on her face, “If I did that then you’ll miss out on a new magic trick I learned.”

Tiara shuddered just imagining what Dinky meant by that, “Huh, m-m-magic trick?”

“Yeah, it’s one of my favorites.” Dinky then used her magic to form a giant handsaw (or hoofsaw) to appear over her and grinned with delight, “It’s called… sawing a rich bitch in half.”

Tiara became overly terrified seeing the sharp saw, and she couldn’t believe what was about to happen to her, “What?! Are you like freaking kidding me?!”

“A word of warning though,” said Dinky in a grim tone, “the end result of this trick is quite… fatal.”

Silver Spoon saw what Dinky was about to do to her friend and was struggling with all her might to get loose, but… it should’ve been obvious to her by now.

Tiara was literally crying as she saw Dinky trying to angle the saw at a perfect position to slice down on her, “Please, don’t do this; I-I-I-I’m sorry for what I did! I was like being a bitch, I know that! Just p-please, have a heart and let me live!”

“Aw, how cute,” said Dinky smirking at the quivering filly, “begging for mercy at your point of death. But you know, the truth is… I had a different, special plan for young foals like you and I.”

“R-r-really,” said Tiara with a slight hint of relief in her eyes, “y-you do?”

“Yeah, I sure do. But unfortunately… neither of you have made the CUT!

And with that line pun, Dinky began sawing her way inside the wooden box that held Tiara’s body. Tiara knew that her demise was at hand. She began panicking and started to screech out loud as a last resort.


But Dinky ran another tree root across Tiara’s mouth to silent her cries; and they suddenly became loud muffles that no one would be able to hear.

“We can’t have you screaming out to others, now can we?”

Dinky was getting ecstatic as she continued to cut into the box, awaiting for the moment when the blade makes contact to Tiara’s flesh. Silver Spoon couldn’t bear to watch and tried to turn her head away from the sight. Unfortunately, Dinky used some more of her magic to get a hold of Silver’s head and held it and her eyes in place so she forced to watch.

“Uh uh, don’t look away now,” said Dinky in a crazed tone, “you won’t want to miss a minute of this.”

Silver saw the blade go in deeper and deeper into the box, until… she saw her friend’s eyes go wide as she began shaking uncontrollably, and her muffled screams sounded even louder. Even though it seemed highly unlikely, there was a part in Silver’s head that made her hope that this really was a magic trick and that Dinky was just messing with them; but that was far from the truth. As the saw went down more going back and forth, Silver started to notice some blood appearing on the saw’s sharp teeth. She tried to scream herself, but the roots around her own mouth still prevented her to do so.

The unfortunate filly being put through pure torture; that being because Dinky was sawing into her slowly. She was enjoying each of Tiara’s painful groans for each inch she made into her, and the blood that was pouring out from under her.

“Ah yes, I just love the fresh, enticing sound of tearing flesh,” said Dinky in a sensual tone, “Wouldn’t you say, princess?”

Of course Tiara couldn’t answer; she was too busy screaming her head off from feeling a manually moving saw blade slicing her body open.

“Oh, come again? Oh, I’m sorry, I can’t quite hear you. I’m too busy listening to your delicious and satisfying screams.”

Silver couldn’t take it anymore; seeing her friend being killed right in front of her was too much for her carry on. But before long, Dinky successfully sawed all the way through the box, and no sound or movement was coming from Tiara’s body. She cried knowing that her friend was now dead and that she was next.

After making her saw disappear, she did the same to the box; exposing Tiara sawn through body, with her blood and innards flowing out.

“Ta da!” Dinky shouted; smirking while taking a bow towards Silver, “Thank you, you’ve been a wonderful captured spectator.”

Silver was still crying as Dinky was approaching her. For fun, she decided to unwrap her mouth to see what she had to say. She looked into Silver’s sorrowful eyes as the she looked up at her with a distraught expression.

“I’m sorry,” said sarcastically, “did I kill your best friend? Too bad, the bitch deserved it… as are you going to deserve your fate.”

All Silver Spoon could say to the deranged filly was, F-f-f-f-f#%k you.”

“No thanks,” said Dinky nonchalantly, “but instead… I think I’ll f#%k you instead.”

Dinky suddenly snatched Silver’s glasses right off her face taking away her ability to see clearly.

“W-w-wait, what are you doing with my glasses?!” questioned Silver as she looked around.

Dinky smirked know that Silver couldn’t see meaning that she could surprise her. She lifted Silver up a little from the ground and placed her folded-up glasses right under her anus. Silver felt the slight feeling of something poking her there and she began to panic.

“Wait, is that… no, you’re not like gonna…”

Then with one push, Dinky forced her body down causing the glasses to be shoved up all the way in Silver butt. Dinky hear some glass brake in Silver as well as some rather disturbing cracking sound of who knows what being ruined in there by the object’s presence.

“Ooh, that didn’t sound good,” said Dinky sarcastically again.

Silver had tears running down her face, and she didn’t even scream; she didn’t have the will to do so. But that’s not to say that she was feeling immense pain. Dinky even saw some results of her action seeing some blood leaking from her anus; she knew Silver was suffering.

All Silver could do was lay there against the tree moaning and panting in pain while Dinky came up to her and held her face up to her level enjoying the sight of her pain.

“I would’ve loved to play with you and your bitchy friend a little longer, but I’m afraid that’s not going to happen. There’s more ponies that needs to be judged, and you’ll all suffer for eternity.”

Silver suddenly saw Dinky’s horn glowing again as the insane filly was grimly grinning and said, “Heads up.”

“H-h-h-heads… up?” Silver questioned, “Wh-wh-what do you mea…”

Then Dinky suddenly took her horn and swung her lethal magic right in front of Silver. Silver’s eyes went wide and her body didn’t appear to move.

“3, 2, 1.”

Then a thin stream of blood leaked out from around her neck, followed up by her head sliding right off her body. It fell down and rolled a little ways on the ground with some blood trailing behind it; Silver was now dead.

Dinky just laughed at the sight of a headless Silver Spoon in front of her; that joke of hers was never going to get old to her. Killing these two rich fillies wasn’t one of her main objectives, but she was sure glad that she was able to fit it in her schedule. As she walked off feeling satisfied, she looked back at the two corpses and smiled and said to herself…

“Well, Mom… I don’t think those two will be making fun of you anymore.”


A little while later… at the Library Tree…

The Mayor and many medical and police ponies were there witnessing the awful crime scene that awaited them there. They were all around the place investigating and trying to find some clues to find out who the killer was, but there was luck.

The Mayor just sat there in Twilight’s bed room as she sorrowfully watched the medical ponies cover up the dead bodies of Twilight and Spike and carrying them away; her eyes filled with much anger.

“What kind of monster would do this sort of thing?”

Suddenly, one of the police ponies came up to the Mayor and she expected some answers, “Did you find anything yet?”

“Negative,” the police pony responded, “we can’t find any evidence of who or what could’ve done this. However, we found some hoof prints scattered around, but something is keeping us from finding out who they belong to. Although, they are smaller than the pony victim.”

The Mayor wasn’t quite sure if she followed him correctly. “So are you saying that our murderer is… a foal?”

“Either that or something completely unknown to our knowledge.”

The Mayor decided to not take any chances, even if they didn’t know what they were up against, “We must prevent this from happening again; send word out to the town and let this be known!”

Suddenly, another pony came rushing towards them in a panicked state. “Miss Mayor!”

“Ugh, what is it now?”

“I have more unfortunate news! There was some suspicious activity that was sensed near Sweet Apple Acres. But when we got there, it was already too late; the remaining Apple Family members, they’re… they’re all dead!”


“However, the youngest one, Apple Bloom was still barely breathing when we spotted her and we did our best to rush her off to the medical center for some help. But unfortunately, her heart gave out before we even got there; I’m sorry.”

“How… h-how could this happen?” said the Mayor to herself.

“And not only that, 2 more filly bodies were found in a forest area nearby the farm. And the worst part is that we still don’t know who’s responsible for all of this!”

The Mayor couldn’t believe it; ponies were mysteriously being killed without any of them knowing; and who knows who is going to be the next target.

“It seems that Zecora’s sayings is starting to come true,” the Mayor thought to herself, “But… who is this menace?”

The Mayor was becoming very furious of this whole situation and she was not about to stand by and let it go unpunished.

“Have your stallions squandered all over town and be on the lookout for this… killer. Whoever it may be, they are not going to get away with this.”

The Boutique

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Note: More main fan-favorites are going to die. If you don't like it, turn back now!

(This chapter contains implied foalcon)

“What… the hell… did you just say?!!! Pardon my sudden use of foul language, but did you just say that somepony murdered Twilight and my Spikey-Wikey?!”

“And Applejack and her siblings too I’m afraid; the mayor thought that you should be informed of this sudden tragedy.”

Rarity came back from a gem hunt in the mountains nearby Ponyville only to run into a random police pony named Pistol who told her of the unfortunate events that happened here in town. She felt completely heart broken and pissed-off at the same time hearing that some of her main friends were murdered.

“Who in their uncouth mind would ever do such a thing?! I oughta find the perpetrator and beat their pony ass myself!”

“We don’t know who it may be other than possibly another pony,” said the police pony, “but we believe it’s linked to the execution of Derpy Hooves 2 years ago; the murderer is probably targeting all of those who officially attended it, which is almost everypony.”

“Well that’s just dandy,” said Rarity feeling annoyed, “I thought I was never going to think about that dumb retard of a mare ever again. Oh well, if that killer comes after me, at least I have some fresh ammunition to use. They were for my newest clothing line but oh well, they’re suddenly no longer important.”

“Do you wish for me to escort you back to your house? We been ordered by the Mayor to guard and protect as many ponies we can and evacuate if need be.”

“Well I’m not leaving, I’m not cowering away from this; not after what whoever this killer is has done. And besides, Sweetie Belle is there too; the poor darling is going to tear her mane out when she hears what happened to her earth pony friend.”

“Lead the way, mam; I’ll follow.”

Rarity led the police pony to her place all while wearing an expression anger from the tragedy that befell her friends.

“Here we are, my magnificent… Bou… tique?”

As she opened the door, she saw that her shop was in shambles; model racks broken, outfits torn and many materials scattered all over the floor.

“That is... just wonderful.”

“Do you know this means?” Pistol said.

“Of course," said Rarity, "it must be Sweetie Belle again. You have no idea what that little filly goes through just to try and gain a cutiemark with her friends; it’s simply barbaric.”

“Actually, I was referring to maybe the killer doing all of this.”

“What, don’t be silly,” Rarity nervously chuckled, “from the sound of it, the killer is out to kill ponies, not wonderful attire that takes many precious hours to do. If that’s true then Sweetie Belle would be…” Just then, a terrible conclusion just came into her head, “Oh no, Sweetie Belle!”

Rarity started to rush around in her boutique, pushing things over and moving them with her magic in hoping to find her sister somewhere in the mess… alive that is.

“Sweetie Belle! Where are you, Sweetie Belle?! Please be alive when I find you! If you can hear me, scream out to me!”

Suddenly, Pistol pointed her attention to the door that led downstairs, "Perhaps we should check your downstairs level."

“Of course!”

They both cautiously went downstairs checking all of their surroundings. However they couldn't find anything that seemed suspicious.

“Where could she be?" wondered Rarity, "She wouldn’t just leave out of here without my consent, would she?”

Just then, they heard some rummaging sounds coming from Rarity's storage basement room.

“That sounds suspicious.”

Rarity burst into her room seeing what she could find; but what she did find was a single chair at the opposite end of the room, and sitting in the chair was her little sister.

“Sweetie Belle!!!”

She rushed over to her feeling relieved that she was still alive, “Don’t worry, I’m here now; everything will be okay.” But something was wrong; as she held Sweetie's face close to er, she noticed that she wasn't responding to her. Rarity held her up and noticed that her eyes were blank and unresponsive; like she was zombified.

"Um... Sweetie Belle? Sweetie Belle, what is wrong with You?!"

Pistol took a good look at Sweetie and realized, "It seems that she's in some kind of trance; she can't hear us."

Suddenly, the door behind them slammed shut and surprised them; and when Pistol went over to try and open it... it wouldn't budge, "Well... obviously, this was a trap."

Knowing who was probably behind this, Rarity got close to her sister and shouted, "Show yourself, coward!"

"You dare call me a coward?" a chilling voice said nearby. Suddenly coming from behind some empty boxes was the one responsible for all the recent carnage, "Why don't you say that to my face."

Pistol looked at the dingy filly in horror upon seeing who it was, "It's... i-i-i-it's you; y-y-y-you're... Derpy's daughter!"

"Dinky?!" said Rarity in shock, "That little foal did everything that has happened here today?!"

"Surprised; I can't blame you. After all, you all thought I was dead, am I right?"

Pistol stood on the offensive in front of Dinky slightly shaking in her sinister presence, "St-st-stay right where you are! The M-M-Mayor has given us orders to capture you... d-d-dead or alive."

Dinky looked at the shaking police pony feeling slightly annoyed of his comment, "Yeah, well the Mayor can kiss my furry foal ass."

Pistol suddenly charged at Dinky head-on, but Dinky easily launched him over her with her magic. But as he did, he quickly whipped out some kind of chain attachment and clamped it around Dinky's horn. Dinky tried to to use magic again, but the ring attachment denied her from using it.

"Not so tough without your magic, aren't you?" said Pistol smirking.

Dinky tried a couple more times but t still proved to be no use. She chuckled and smiled at the proud pony, "Wow, how clever of you to use a powerful magic-sealing ring such as this to cut off my power."

"I guess we were lucky to still have some of these in stock."

But Dinky had already planned for such a situation, "Unfortunately for you, I have a little secret help." She then suddenly turned around to where Rarity's sister was and commanded, "Oh Sweetie Belle, do be a dear and... help me out."

Suddenly, Pistol and Rarity heard Sweetie lightly moaned and watched in shock as she got up from the chair and got up on all fours. She looked up wearing a lifeless expression.

"What the... S-S-S-Sweetie Belle?" said Raraity concernedly.

Sweetie's horn suddenly glowed very bright, and with one shot destroyed the ring that concealed Dinky's magic.

"No!" shouted Pistol.

"Sweetie," shouted Rarity, "What are you doing?! Why are you taking orders from this... freakish murderer?!"

Sweetie didn't respond and stayed right where she was. Dinky shook herself off and grinned at the police pony who was suddenly shaking again and rapidly sweating, "You don't happen to have anymore of those those magic seal thingies, do you?"

Pistol tried to stay cool, but he knew that weapon was his only chance of capturing her. In panic, he quickly whipped out a gun and began firing at Dinky; but Dinky halted every single bullet that came her way. Pistol suddenly knew his mistake and he froze from fear; something that he had a slight problem with.

"Didn't think so."

In a blink second, Dinky sent the bullets back in the opposite direction, and unfortunately Pistol wasn't quick enough to dodge. Rarity watched in horror as Pistol was bombarded by his own bullet shots. His eyes blanked out, and his body fell lifelessly on the ground with his blood running out of his open wounds.

"O-o-oh... my... no..." said Rarity grieving for the pony that was protecting her.

"Good job, Sweetie," said Dinky as she went over to the white filly and stroked her mane, "I guess now I owe you a little.. favor."

Rarity glared back at Dinky who she saw caressing the backside of her young sister while she just stood there with a blank face; not caring what was happening around her.

"You monstrous freak," Rarity growled, "what have you done to my little sister?!"

Dinky held Sweetie close to her while giving Rarity a mischievous grin, "Sweetie is with me now, bitch. I was going to kill her like I did to Apple Bloom, but... who would want to murder this face?" She then proceeded to give Sweetie a little lick on her cheek, "We even had a little... fun before you and your not so strong protector got here. Did you know that she had some mad skills with her tongue?"

"Get your filthy, messy, uncouth hooves... off my sister!"

Rarity suddenly pulled out dozens of the pure gems from her bag with her magic and aimed them carefully at Dinky.

"You really don't want to do that," said Dinky nonchalantly.

"Oh trust me, darling, I really do want to do this. You're the one who killed most of my best friends. How were you able to get rid of Twilight and Spike so easily anyway; you're just a filly born from a stupid mare!"

"Oh wouldn't you like to know. It's true that if I had gotten into a one on one fight with Twilight, she would've had more of an advantage. That's why I baited her by killing her loyal assistant." Dinky's horn suddenly gave off a powerful glow that took Rarity by surprise, "Sure, penetrating Spike's tough dragon hide isn't easy, but my newly attained power was strong enough to do the job; he was too weak anyway."

Rarity continued glaring intensely at the psycho filly; angered of hearing her talk trash about Spike.

"Once that eggheaded unicorn heard his screams, she foolishly ran to his aid and into my trap. It proved her no good though since her assistant was going to die anyway." Dinky began showing a little more of a insane tone in her voice as she kept on ranting, "And once I was in position, I swooped down and sliced her horn clean off her head; and without that, she had no means to defend herself at all. It was so... satisfying."

"You... y-y-you did what?!"shouted Raarity in horror.

"Oh yeah, it was that easy; to think that somepony like Twilight was such a fall-pony."

Dinky suddenly fixated her stare at Rarity as she slowly lurked towards her, and Rarity was backing away from her with each step she made and kept firing her jewels at her; but none touched Dinky as each one kept shattering before they reached her, "You... and all of Ponyville have no idea of what has happened to me. In that forest, I've learned things no foal my age would be able to do. It's like the forest itself took me as it's own; it felt my rage, my anger, and my pain, the pain that... this entire town... bestowed upon me."

"You mean the execution of your retarded mother?!" Rarity exclaimed, "D-d-don't be absurd; she deserved everything she got, especially what she got from me!"

Dinky suddenly got enraged again and picked up Rarity with her magic and slammed her against her mannequins and and sowing supplies, "My Mother... is not...RETARDED!!!"

At some point upon one of her landings, Rarity felt some of her sewing pins puncture into her skin and blood was trickling out. The pain was too much for her as she let out a high pitched scream; but because they were at basement level, no one could hear her. How unfortunate for the white mare.

Dinky was approaching Rarity again; enjoying the sight of her crying in her own agony, "You and you're so called friends have degraded my mother's soul, and now... its my job to redeem her. I've killed Twilight, I've killed your horny dragon, I've killed your southern pal and her family, and now... I'm planning to kill you, and the rest of the wretched elements are next. I must eradicate everything here that has harmed my Mommy!"

Rarity couldn't believe how far into darkness that this filly had gotten; she was starting to scare her. She then tried to reach for her bag on the floor that housed more of her found gems, But Dinky ignited them all to explode, and now she didn't know how else she could defend herself.

"Y-y-you're insane; everything you're doing and have done is insane!"

Dinky then laughed psychotically and stepped over to the side, "Oh no, I haven't done anything insane yet."

Rarity then saw her Sister still under Dinky's trance walk up beside the dark filly and stared nonchalantly at her, "Sw-w-weetie Belle"

"Oh, Sweetie Belle?" said Dinky to the hypnotized filly, "your sister has been a bad pony. Care to... punish her for me?"

"You must be off your rocker if you think Sweetie is going to lift a hoof against me;" Rarity protested, "and neither will I harm her. We care too much for each other!"

"I know you do," said Dinky.

Then in a split second, Sweetie Belle charged at her sister and rammed her lengthened horn into her backside. More blood was trickling down Rarity's beautiful white coat as she looked in horror at her younger sister, "Ahhhh; Sweetie, wh-wh-what are you doing?!"

Then Rarity received a strong hind leg buck from Sweetie right across the face that sent her tumbling on the ground.

"Unfortunately for you, Rarity... she no longer cares about you."

Rarity looked up and saw Sweetie Belle looking down on her with an expressionless face, "S-S-Sweetie, please stop this! That filly is controlling you; you must fight it! I don't want to hurt you, and... y-y-you don't want to hurt me... right?"

Strengthened by Dinky's magic, Sweetie lifted Rarity in front of her and suddenly spoke in a gloomy tone, "Sorry, Rarity, you hurt Dinky really badly; and all who hurts Dinky... must die."

Suddenly, Rarity felt a hard tugging sensation on her horn, like it was being pulled off. Rarity knew that horns can't come off, but the tugging kept getting harder and harder, and the harsh pain she felt was getting worse and worse. Dinky then smiled as she heard Rarity scream in agonizing pain as Sweetie ripped Rarity's horn right off her head. It snapped off and blood ran down Rarity's face as it poured out of her head wound.

"Ahhhhhhhhhh!!!" screamed as she flailed around on the ground in pain, "The pain, it hurts; sweet Celestia, it hurts! You... psychotic filly, you're g-g-gonna pay for forcing my l-little sister to do s-s-such a thing to me!"

"Yeah, I highly doubt that," said Dinky, "Good job, Sweetie, you're such a helpful slave." Then she gave her a little tongue kiss, enjoying the sweet sensation of Sweetie's lips.

"Y-y-you barbaric m-m-monster, "grumbled Rarity.

"Says the mare that helped to mercilessly rape my mother to death," said DInky as she looked back down at the injured mare, "Which reminds me..." Suddenly, Dinky pulled out a stallion-sized dildo that she created and it was made of iron... and Dinky had kept it hot, scalding hot. "I've saved this special toy just for you. I saw how much you enjoyed causing my Mommy pain while you F@#ked her. So... I think its time that I return the favor and give you a nice pounding."

Even in her shattered state, Rarity tried to get away; but like all of Dinky's prey, she was caught by her magic and couldn't do anything to stop her torturer.

"Please don't," Rarity pleaded, "I beg of you! You have no idea what this will do to my reputation!"

As Sweetie held her sister in place on her back and her legs spread apart, Dinky came up to her with a devilish scowl holding up her instrument of torture, "By the time I'm done with you, you won't have a reputation to worry about. And besides, every time I hear one of my victim plead for mercy, I keep thinking of how my Mother did the same thing. But none of you did that, did you? Heh, oh what the hell am I talking about, of course you didn't, because she's dead! So what makes you think I'm going to show you any mercy?"

Rarity struggled with all of her might, the magical hold on her was too strong. Dinky smiled as she pressed the steel dildo against Rarity's private lips. Just the slight touch of it was causing her pain and was actually melting her outer lips; she could feel the searing heat burn her opening as if it was on fire. But to Rarity's dismay, Dinky immediately slid the burning iron dildo into her... very slowly.

Dinky was now enjoying on how Rarity's grinding screams sounded; it sounded more painful than what her Mother went through with her. As the dildo was pushed in, Rarity could feel the inside of once beautiful vaginal flower burning up. It was like there was an inferno flaring up inside her body and spreading all over. Her eyes filled to the brim with tears and her dramatic screaming was set all around them echoing off walls; but none escaped their confined area. Finally, the dildo was all the way in, but Dinky made sure that it didn't lose any of its scorching heat. She let it stay there for a little bit to let it do its work, to cause Rarity unbearable pain; just as she wanted.

"What's the matter, drama queen," said Dinky with a smug smile, "can't take the heat? Can't take a rough f#!king from my toy? I bet your insides are melting into bloody goo even as we speak."

Sure enough, blood was pouring out from her vagina; the searing heat from the iron dildo was burning her flesh inside and melting into inner canals. Rarity couldn't take it; the burning pain was too much. She was on fire and not an ounce of of pleasure was ignited in her system.

"G-g-g-get this... th-thing out of m-m-me now."

"I really don't want to; it's too much fun watching you scream and wail in agony. Bet you wish you and your friends had executed me along with my Mom now; don't ya, old slut?"

Rarity groaned in pain as she said, "Y-y-you've turned into s-s-such a c-c-cruel b-bitch."

"Takes one to know one," Dinky responded smartly, "No pony gave my Mother a chance to defend herself; and knowing that you all planned for my death... makes me feel even crueler."

Dinky suddenly pushed the scorching dildo up even farther into her body than it should have; but because of it's scorching temperature, it literally melted anything that it pressed against. Rarity once again howled in unbearable pain feeling the hot tool melting her internal flesh and organs; she wanted it all to just end.

Sweetie was still looking at the scene still emotionless in her eyes. Sweetie no longer was Rarity's sister who loved her so much, she was now Dinky's slave willing to do anything she wishes.

"You can let her go now, Sweetie," Dinky commanded the tranced filly.

Sweetie ended her magic and Rarity's body was free. But it didn't matter seeing that her body was too critically injured for her to move... or barely breathe.

As Dinky finally slid the hot dildo out of Rarity's body, the white mare made a slight sigh of relief, but with the state the inside of her body was in, she almost felt like she could die, "Oh s-s-s-sweet Celestia, just p-p-please take me now."

"Don't worry," said Dinky with a creepy smile, "we're getting to that. But first, I have a little surprise."

Rarity looked up and her little sister float over some of her sewing thread and needles over to her side; and for a split second, she saw a creepy smirk flash upon her face.

"Sw-w-weetie Belle, what are you d-d-doing?!" she said in a dry tone, "S-s-stop this right n-now?"

"The little sister you knew no longer exist," Dinky responded, "She may have helped out at my Mom's execution, but... secretly... I love her too much. So instead of killing her like she so much deserves, I decided that she'll be my personal mind slave until my dying day."

"A s-s-slave?!" Rarity tried to get up again to do something, "I w-w-won't... l-let you..." But just the slightest movement that she made caused her unforgiving pain and suffering to go with it and she fell back on the ground.

"She doesn't deserve freedom, but I'll still give her my grateful gratitude, and her life. But for you... heh, well that's another matter."

Rarity couldn't believe what was happening; she had planned to find the murderer of her friends and get revenge, but now here she was about to be killed as well. And the fact that Dinky had taking away the sister that she once loved, she knew that her life was officially over.

"Just... go on and kill me already," she growled hoarsely, "I can't stand to look at you anymore."

"The feeling is mutual, Miss Rarity; believe me." Dinky suddenly grabbed some of the sewing thread and a needle and looked down at the dying mare showing her an eerie smile, "But before I kill you... I'm going to help celebrate your death... by making you one last masterpiece."

Rarity didn't like the sound of that; this was her final hour in her lifetime.


Some moments later...

"Sweetie Belle! Sweetie Belle, are you here?!"

The third member of the C.M.C, Scootaloo was at Rarity's place looking for her friend, Sweetie Belle. She heard of the unfortunate news of what happened to Apple Bloom and came to tell her the bad news. However, it sounded like no one was home. Luckily, the door was unlocked and Scootaloo let herself in. She was being careful of what could happen in there, especially when she saw what state the inside of the building looked like.

Her search eventually led her to the stairway that led to the basement room level.

"Are you down here?!" she curiously called out. But as she went down, she had to cover her snout for a minute from something that she accidentally sniffed, "Whoa, what's that horrible stench?!"

When she finally got to the basement room, she slowly creaked the door open to see if anyone was there. "Sw-w-w-weetie Belle?" But she got a horrible surprise when she suddenly saw the dead corpse of the police pony, Pistol lying nearby. "Ahh, wh-wh-what's going on?!"

She still couldn't find Sweetie Belle any where, but what she saw next would scar her for good. It was Sweetie's older sister, Rarity; her body was laid out on the ground completely still. But it was only when she got closer that she noticed that she was dead too. The blood stains all over her corpse, her broken horn and the gory mess that was pouring out of her ruined vagina and was now a dried mess; she almost wanted to throw up. But worst of all, she saw sewed into her stomach in colorful thread was a message that read...

'All of Ponyville must die!'

Scootaloo always swore to herself that she would never scream like a high-pitched little girl in her life, but at that grim dark moment... she did.

Rainbow and her Scoots

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(The following chapter contains a sexual intimate moment between a grown mare and a filly)

Scootaloo was officially scarred for life. After finding Rarity's dead body inside the Carousel Boutique, she came running out of the building screaming her little filly head off. The Mayor and some police ponies was nearby and they stopped the terrified filly in her tracks to see what was going on with her.

"Scootaloo, what is the matter" the Mayor asked, "Why are you freaking out so much?!"

With tears flowing from her eyes and her heart constantly pounding, Scootaloo did her best to describe exactly what she saw.

"C-C-C-Carousel... B-Boutiuqe... Rarityandotherponyd-d-dead... b-b-bloodeverywhereshopisamess... can'tfindSweetieanywhere!"

"Whoa whoa whoa, slow down and calm yourself, young filly," the Mayor pleaded, "Now repeat what you saw in recognizable detail that we can understand."

"It's Rarity; I went inside her Boutique to find Sweetie Belle, but the place was in shambles! But the worse thing is... is... Rarity is dead; I saw her corpse and a police pony's corpse in there! It was h-h-horrible, and I couldn’t find Sweetie Belle anywhere; wh-what... wh-what if she's dead too... just like A-A-Apple Bloom?"

Scootaloo sobbed constantly as the Mayor held her in her hooves, and the Mayor was glaring at the Boutique feeling distraught of what she couldn't do.

"Well... it looks like our murderer has struck again, and there was nothing we could do to stop it."

Suddenly, a familiar rainbow mane mare came swooping down from above in an angered huff shouted, "Hey, Scoots; did I hear you incorrectly, or did you just say that Rarity is dead?!"

Scootaloo quickly turned around and saw her favorite Pegasus and idol, Rainbow Dash! She quickly broke away from the Mayor and dashed into Rainbow's bosom and held onto her tight still crying her eyes out.

"I'm afraid... you heard correct, Rainbow Dash," said the Mayor, "This little filly got to see what she saw firsthand, and we still have no idea of who is behind all of these killings."

Rainbow Dash was furious about the loss of her friends; she wanted to find this killer and make them pay. "I can't believe this; first Twilight, Spike, and then Applejack and Rarity! I'm losing my best friends left and right! This murderer is going to pay!"

The Mayor then brought up something important to the angered Pegasus mare, "As much as I'm sure you would do that, I'm afraid that I have to ask you refrain from doing so."

"Why the hell not?!" Rainbow shouted, "This killer is slaughtering my friends!"

"That is exactly my point, Rainbow Dash. According to our findings and hypothesis, we believe that this killer is mainly going after the ones that that were mainly responsible for the execution of... D-Derpy Hooves."

That was a name that Rainbow thought she would never hear again, "What, are you kidding me?! Not that retard mare again! What sicko would even want to gain revenge for her death anyway?!"

"I don't know," the Mayor responded, "but I'm afraid that this killer might be going after you next; and seeing that Apple Bloom is dead and Sweetie Belle is missing, I'm pretty sure that Scootaloo will be a target too... seeing that all three of them fully participated in the execution."

"What," Scootaloo cried out, "I'm going to die too?!"

Rainbow held Scootaloo close to her again claiming her down, "There's no way in hell that I would let that happen to you, Scoots! What you and the other crusaders did was noble, brave and totally necessary! If that killer wants you they'll have to go through me first!"

"That's exactly what I was counting on," said the Mayor, "I need you to take Scootaloo and fly somewhere safely in the sky until this situation is dealt with. The murderer is not a Pegasus, so with the lack of wings... you two shall be safe."

Rainbow still wanted to find the killer and kill them herself, but she knew that Scootaloo was in dire need of comfort and she was the very Pegasus for the job.

"Alright, Mayor, but make sure that my other friends are safe, okay?"

The Mayor nodded her head, "We will do our best; and if we ever need your assistance, we'll notify you."

Rainbow Dash then picked up Scootaloo who was still crying and held her in her arms, "Come on, Scoots, let’s go." And then she flew off away from the town.

"Alright, boys," the Mayor commanded the police ponies around her, "I want you to seek out Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy; tell them the unfortunate news and make sure they are safe! The rest of you, follow me and let's investigate what Scootaloo found inside the Boutique. I want this killer found and identified. Whoever it may be will serve the same sentence as Derpy did... but only worse if that's even possible."


Rainbow falls; it was one of Rainbow Dash's favorite hangout spots on Cloudsdale. It usually is filled with other pegasi who fly there to talk, hang out, play on the playground or even swim in the giant lake that was connected to a rainbow colored waterfall. However at this time, there was no one there, and it came as a bit of a surprise to Rainbow Dash as she approached her destination.

"Nopony else is here? Huh, weird."

Rainbow Falls was barren and completely empty with no one around, but Rainbow Dash sorta like it that way.

After they landed and settle down, Rainbow looked over at Scootaloo and told her, "Oh well, it looks like it’s just you and me, Scoots."

Although, Scootaloo was just sitting there in a slumped position and she was still crying. Rainbow held her closer and tried to comfort her, "Come on, Scoots, don't be like that; you need to cheer."

"How can I cheer up, Rainbow Dash?!” Scootaloo shouted, “My best friends were killed, so... I-I won't be able to see them again! Most of your friends were killed too, so don't you understand how I feel?!"

"I do know how you feel,” Rainbow responded, “trust me. To be honest, I just want to find this killer pony and buck their f#@$ing asses! But you know what? Don't tell anypony, but I feel that the Mayor was right in what she said."

"She was?" Scootaloo said curiously.

"Yeah; rushing in head first into something like this is pretty stupid. It might even get us killed."

Scootloo didn’t like the sound of that, but it still seemed too much out of Rainbow’s character to her, "B-but... rushing into things is sorta your thing, right?"

"It definitely is, but even I have limits. Anyway, we need to be patient and stay up here where it's safe since we're possibly the next targets. The Mayor did say that the killer isn't a Pegasus, so everything will be fine. And once they find who’s responsible, I'll make sure to get the Mayor to let you get first beating dibs."

Scootaloo wiped away some of her tears and slightly smiled, "Promise?"

"You can count on it," said Rainbow while rubbing the little filly’s mane.

"Thanks, Rainbow Dash; I do feel a little better. I may have lost my best friends, and you may have lost most of yours…: Scootaloo then gave Rainbow a little hug and gazing in her eyes, “but at least we still have each other."

"We most certainly do."

They both just relaxed and cuddled a little enjoying the silence around them. But realizing that time could go by slow for them, Rainbow asked, "Well... we might be up here for a while; is there anything you want to do to pass the time?"

Scootaloo’s cheeks blushed a little as she sheepishly smiled and said while twiddling her hooves, "Um... maybe we could..."

Scootaloo then arched up and whispered her suggestion to Rainbow Dash. The Rainbow mare’s eyes went wide and she blushed herself saying, "Come on, Scootaloo; do you really wish for another private moment with me at a time like this?"

"It would help keep my mind off of things," Scootaloo replied.

Scootaloo was looking up at Rainbow with innocent and adorable eyes; eyes that she couldn’t easily ignore. She sighed and smirked as she picked her up in front of her and said, "Alright, you win; so let’s just see if you're ready to take it up a notch."

Fully prepared to start things off, Scootaloo went forward and kissed Rainbow Dash right on her lips. Rainbow was a little surprised that she was desperate to get straight to the point, but she didn’t mind one bit. Rainbow and Scootaloo have been doing things like this since the day Derpy Hooves was executed; it was something about the ecstatic atmosphere of others getting off of Derpy’s demise.

Rainbow eventually was lulled in as she felt Scootaloo’s tongue inside her mouth as she kissed her, and she returned the favor. Rainbow held her as they did that for about 5 minutes; the filly was good. Then as she broke the kiss, Scootaloo pleaded to the rainbow mare.

"Can I be the dominant one this time?"

"I don't see why not,” said Rainbow as she laid on her back smiling with her legs spread, “let’s see what you got."

Scootaloo wasted no time as she brought her snout to Rainbow exposed private and began to lightly lick it. Rainbow moaned immensely from the pleasurable feeling realizing that the little filly hadn’t lost her touch. After warming up, Scootaloo partially climbed up on Rainbow and was then vigorously rubbing her aroused pussy against Rainbow’s. This was always Scootaloo’s favorite part of doing this with Rainbow; it made both of them feel good at the same time. Their levels of ecstasy was rising from doing this for a few minutes, and then eventually caused them to moan loudly as they came together; both of their juices leaking out from between their vaginal folds.

After letting it all out, Scootaloo climbed up all the way on Rainbow Dash and rested herself on her smiling and lightly saying, "I love you, Rainbow Dash."

Rainbow kissed her on the nose and responded, "I love you too, Scootaloo."

"Aw, what a sweet, sentimental scene,” said a sudden random voice, “Too bad it won't last for long."

Both Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo brought their heads up looking around them for whoever spoke. Rainbow wondered, "What the..."

"Um... R-Rainbow Dash,” said Scootaloo nervously as she got off of the rainbow mare, “I-I thought you said we were alone?"

"I thought so too," said Rainbow suspiciously, "Hey, whoever you are, you have a lot of nerve spying on us during our private moment! Show yourself now!"

The intruder was in no rush to hide though as Rainbow and Scootaloo saw a faint shadow of a living figure approaching them from the Darkness. However in Rainbow’s eyes, she knew something odd about it, "Who’s that? It looks like a filly.” But she still wasn’t amused, “You're lucky you're just a foal, otherwise I would beat your..."

Suddenly, the figure came into light and realized something ususal about their snooper, "Wh-wh-what the hell; a unicorn?"

It was a light-purple unicorn with a yellow mane, and it seemed a little dingy looking.

"Dinky!" shouted Scootaloo suddenly; realizing right away of who it was.

Rainbow looked at her closer and then became shocked realized that Scootaloo was right, "Dinky?! As in Dinky Hooves?!"

Dinky stood there flashing a small smirk at the young Pegasus, "Hey there, Scootaloo... my former classmate. Having some lesbian fun with your idol I see; how very sweet."

"What's going on Rainbow Dash?!” said Scootaloo feeling uncomfortable, “I-I-I thought you said that she was... dead!"

"She is; a-at least... she's supposed to be. No normal filly her age could go into that forest alone all this time and survive."

They were both a bit nervous if not scared of Dinky appearance. She didn’t look normal; not by filly standards. The very dark, evil look in her eyes was enough to make Scootaloo shudder in fright.

“D-D-Dinky… you look different. What happened to you?”

“Sadness, anger and heartache…” said Dinky in a low, gloomy tone, “that is what happened to me. It’s something that I had to endure for almost two whole years. After what you and Ponyville did to me… I had no place to go but the darkness. After all, why go back to the town who was going to kill me too… just like my Mother.”

“Hold the freakin’ phone!” shouted Rainbow Dash, “I just realized; how the hell are you even up here?! You’re a Unicorn, not a Pegasus! Are you doing a spell that lets you temporarily walk on clouds… if that’s even possible at your age?!”

Dinky just laughed sarcastically and sighed while glaring at the rainbow mare, “Please, that’s a complete waste of spell magic to me. Don’t you even remember that I was born from a Pegasus? I maybe mostly a Unicorn, but thanks to my Mom, I have some essence of a Pegasus in me; and obviously it’s enough for me to walk on clouds without any magic.” She then flashed a grim smile at the cornered ponies, “And it certainly helps me… to get closer to both of you.”

Rainbow and Scootaloo were taking a few steps back away from the crazed-looking filly seeing the way she was looking at them. Bu then Rainbow noticed something on Dinky that questioned her, “Wait… is that… blood on your fur?”

“Oh, you finally noticed,” said Dinky with a smirk while rubbing the stains on her, “Doesn’t it look good on me; it definitely feels satisfying knowing where all of this came from. You know what I mean?”

More tears started to form up in Scootaloo’s eyes as she caught on what Dinky meant, “No, you… i-i-it couldn’t have been…”

Rainbow finally realized it too. Knowing now, she was staring intensely at the psycho filly who was still smiling at their fear. Although, seeing now that it was the blood of her friends that was on Dinky, some of that fear went away as she became enraged, “You… you’re the one… all of those senseless deaths… those were… ALL YOUR DOING!!!?”

“Took you long enough to finally realize it, miss clueless,” said Dinky smartly, “And you all call my Mother dumb. But yes, I did kill all of them; all of your friends, Apple Bloom and those rich brats… they’re all dead thanks to me, and their blood now settle on my body.”

“What did you do to Sweetie Belle?” shuddered Scootaloo.

“I wouldn’t worry about her, Scootaloo. Seeing that I’m the one who is going to kill you for the sin you committed against my Mother… you should worry about yourself.”

Scootaloo felt confused of what she was saying to her, “What sin?! The other crusaders and I only did what we thought was the right thing to do; what everypony else was telling us what was right!”

“Really,” said Dinky with an irritated expression, “did you all do what you did because you were told to do so… or maybe it’s because you also hated my Mother… just like all of Ponyville did?”

Scootaloo was almost afraid to answer her due to the way she was staring intensely at her. It was like Dinky could read her thoughts or something… even though she really couldn’t, “You can’t fool me, Scootaloo. You and the rest of your little group enjoyed abusing my Mother immensely, and you were glad to do so without getting in trouble.” She then started creeping slowly towards the frighten filly with a psycho expression filling her face, “What I’m going to do to you… I will enjoy immensely myself.”

Scootaloo cowered up in a ball shaking, “N-n-no, please!”

Suddenly, Rainbow Dash zipped in front Dinky’s path with her wings up and in defense stance. She planned to do what she originally planned to do in the first place, “That’s enough out of you! In case you haven’t noticed, I’m here too. You made a big mistake revealing to me about you being the killer!”

“Have I really?” said Dinky coyly.

“You’ve killed many of my friends already, and I won’t forgive you for that! But Scootaloo is safe as long as I stand in your way!”

“An angered rainbow mare against a slightly mad filly,” said Dinky feeling amused, “Hee hee, doesn’t seem too fair… for you that is. I’m going to kill you just like I killed your friends, and you won’t even see it coming.”

“That’s only if you can catch me, smart ass!” shouted Rainbow. She then took off in the air faster than Dinky could see. She flew circles all around the unicorn filly at ridiculous speed. When she landed back in front of Scootaloo, she made sure Dinky got the point, “I doubt your fancy new magic can’t even keep up with that speed; now can it?”

Dinky just scoffed, “Let’s just see, shall we.”

Dinky fired a lethal shot at Rainbow, but she was quickly on her feet and dashed up in the air easily avoiding her attack. Dinky smirked knowing that this mare was going to be a bit harder to get rid of than the others. But that didn’t bother her; after firing a few a few quick shots, Rainbow aimed right for the little filly and was planning to knock her out. Dinky took this opportunity to fire another shot at her in which she still easily dodged; but the shot came back around without her knowing and rammed into her. She yelled as she fell on the ground trying to get herself together, and she heard Scootaloo call out to her.
“Rainbow Dash, no!”

While she saw Dinky grinning at her, she slowly got up and said, “D-don’t worry about me, Scootaloo; I’ve felt worse than this.” Then she spread her wings once more, “This is nothing!”

“Wow,” said Scootaloo to herself as she saw Rainbow Dash rise up into the sky again, “so cool.”

“You’re not going to shoot me down again!” Rainbow protested.

But Dinky didn’t care; she released a huge burst of magic from her horn that divided into multiple shots that would be fatal. Rainbow gasped and began flying around very fast as Dinky’s magic propelled right in her direction. There were many close calls, Dinky’s shots all missed her. Rainbow went way high in the sky and then zoomed down at Dinky at an intense speed. Dinky actually hesitated a little as she frantically shot at Rainbow rapidly. Rainbow used her quick moves to avoid fire, but at one point one of the shots went into her shoulder. She winced a bit, but kept on going towards her target head on.

Then in one burst, she went through the rest of Dinky’s shots and raised up her hoof and shouted, “This is for my friends!!!”

Dinky was a bit surprised and became shocked as Rainbow’s hoof came into contact against her face, and she went flying backwards with some blood flying out of her nose. Her body tumbled across the ground and then came to a halt as she laid there on the ground unconscious. After landing back down, Rainbow had a little smirk on her face while she was heavily huffing and puffing; feeling exhausted of the workout she just did. Scootaloo was so star stricken by Rainbow’s performance and was filled with glee.

“Whoa… that was so cool, Rainbow Dash! You totally knocked her lights out!”

“I’ve never punched a little filly before,” said Rainbow while rubbing her slightly bleeding shoulder, “but this was a definite exception.” Rainbow then started to approach Dinky’s unconscious body in means to abuse it even more for revenge, “Heh, wait till the Mayor finds out that the killer was nothing but the offspring of that stupid, retard who only got lucky in her senseless killing.” Once she was over her, Rainbow raised her hoof and was about to slam it down as she shouted in anger, “It ends now!”

But before she could, Dinky woke back up and shot a huge electrical current on her body. She screamed highly feeling the shocking sensation and her body was propelled back and she landed on the ground; her body bruised and twitching.
“Rainbow Dash!!!” Scootaloo cried as she rushed over to her idol, “Rainbow Dash, are you okay?!”

Rainbow held her head up and groaned in slight pain, “I’ve b-been better. Man, I did not see that coming; I’ve should’ve known better.”

Dinky was already back up on her hooves and was wiping away some of the blood that was leaking from her nose and mouth. She stared at Rainbow slightly grinning and chuckling in a sarcastic manner, “That definitely was a strong punch, and you’re pretty agile too; but I’m afraid that you’re both going to fall here, and my revenge will be that much closer to being done.”

“Forget it, Dinky!” Scootaloo suddenly shouted in her own anger, “Rainbow Dash is too fast, too cool, a-a-and too awesome to be beat by you; and… you’re nothing!”
Dinky’s slight smile suddenly disappeared as she was glaring at the ranting filly.
“You hurt Rainbow Dash by killing her friends!” Scootaloo cried, “Plus, you killed Apple Bloom and her siblings, and you probably killed Sweetie Belle too!” Then, a little smile came on her face as she continued, “But you know what, you’re right, we did enjoy executing your Mother! She was so dumb that she made me feel good about my underdeveloped wings! We didn’t need any special permission to do what we did; the possibility of getting our cutiemarks from it just made us more excited is all. Yeah, we’re glad she’s gone and no longer spreading her dumbness around here. But now, you need to be gone, because you’ve become… a monster! Rainbow Dash is going to stop you; magic or no magic, she’s too tough and too fast for you to stop!”

Rainbow Dash smiled feeling proud of Scootaloo for standing up for herself against this menace, “Couldn’t have said it better myself, Scoots.”


“Listen to yourself, Scootaloo,” said Dinky nonchalantly, “sticking by that dumb mare’s side, always kissing up to her like a little puppy, and now you have make-out sessions with her without her pushing you away. It must be a dream come true for you.”

“You’re darn right,” Scootaloo responded strongly, “the execution of your dumb Mother actually brought us closer together, and now we’ll always be there for each other. That’s the only useful thing your Mother ever did for me. And you… you were never our friend! We were only nice to you because… because Cheerilee told us too… and even then I noticed that she had something against you.”

Dinky’s eyes suddenly went wide in slight shock hearing what Scootaloo said, “She did, did she?” She then slumped down on her flank with her head down and a slight tear trickle came down her face, “So… does that mean that… no pony at that school… was my friend?”

“I wasn’t sure at first… that if what Cheerilee thought of you was true,” said Scootaloo, “But… after all of this meaningless bloodshed; if this is how you are just because your Mother got what she deserved, then screw you! As far as I’m concerned, you no longer exist; I hate you, and I want you to die!”

“Such bold words from somepony like you,” said Dinky as she raised her head back up at Scootaloo giving her a dark glare and smiling again, “You hate me and you want me to die? Heh heh, I’m afraid you don’t realize who still has the upper hoof here, you little traitor.”

“She’s no traitor, Dinky!” shouted Rainbow Dash suddenly as she stood back up in front of Scootaloo, “But as for you, I hope you’re ready for a major ass kicking, Rainbow Dash style!”

However, Dinky had contingency plan, “Then go ahead, it’s true that you maybe too fast for me to beat properly, but will you be fast enough… to save her?”

“What was that?” said Rainbow Dash.

As she saw Dinky’s horn glowing again, Rainbow was on her guard preparing for anything that the filly had planned. But before she knew what happened, she suddenly hear Scootaloo scream out loud from behind her.


She quickly turned around and saw that there was a huge opening in the place Scootaloo was sitting. She looked in the opening and saw the helpless filly plummeting towards a mountain pit below; and because her wings weren’t fully developed yet, she couldn’t save herself.

“What the… Scootaloo!” Rainbow shouted as she was about to go down after her, “Hang on, I’m com…”

Just then, Rainbow was hit by some kind of spell from Dinky that caused her to trip and fall. She glared back at Dinky who was acting coyly and pretending to be oblivious, “Oopsie, my magic slipped.”

“You little…”

But Rainbow ignored Dinky and went down below to catch Scootaloo. They were a long way up so Rainbow still had time to catch the little filly. But as she had her sights set on Scootaloo, she felt herself not going as fast as she knew she could; she wasn’t getting any closer at all.

“What’s going on, why the hell am I not catching up to her?!” Rainbow panicked in her head.

Scootaloo was crying; feeling scared for her life as she kept falling and falling, “Help me, Rainbow Dash! I can’t fly!” But she knew without a doubt that her Rainbow Dash would save her no matter what.

But Scootaloo saw herself getting farther and farther away from her hero and was afraid that something bad was happening. Rainbow Dash knew it too and was wondering why she wasn’t going so fast. But then… her mind brought her attention to something.
“Could this be because…”
She remembered when Dinky hit her with a spell earlier; it must’ve been making her fly slower, “No, that little sneak! Scootaloo!!!”

They were almost near the earth as Scootaloo was headed towards the mountain’s crevice. Rainbow still did everything she could to catch up to her, “Damnit damnit damnit damnit damnit damnit damnit damnit!” But it was already too late.

Scootaloo… seeing her death near approaching, she tried to hover with her wings it little to nothing. Scootaloo never thought that her life would end so soon, but she closed her eyes and accepted it.
“I’m sorry… for being… so helpless,” Scootaloo thought to herself as some tears flew from her eyes, “I love you.”

And right on those last words, Scootaloo’s body made contact to the mountain floor. Rainbow Dash saw it happen with her own eyes and heard a loud thud as a result. Her eyes suddenly filled with tears of sorrow as she zoomed towards the now still filly.

Rainbow finally reached her and saw that she wasn’t moving… or breathing. Rainbow brought up Scootaloo’s upper body and felt that her bones were shattered inside, blood was leaking out of her mouth, and her eyes still open but blank and lifeless. Rainbow’s arms trembled holing the limp filly; the filly she grew to love and adore was now dead.
“Oh Celestia, no! Damnit, Scootaloo,” she cried while holding the filly’s body close, “why did you have to die on me like this?! I can’t believe it; I promise that I’d protect you, but… I failed.” She then laid Scootaloo down and then shut her eyes closed. She was suddenly grieving over her and everything that has already happened, “First my friends and now her… why did this have to happen?!”

Suddenly, Rainbow heard a familiar voice behind her, “My my, that was quite a nasty fall she had. I always knew that her wings were underdeveloped and the fact that she couldn’t fly properly with them yet. How unfortunate for her.”
Rainbow held her head up knowing that it was that little filly menace, Dinky; the same one who caused Scootaloo’s death. Without turning around her face became pissed; her eyes became narrowed, her teeth gritted, and her blood was boiling up inside.
“Oh well, I guess we won’t have to worry about that anymore now that’s she’s dead. But tell me… was she really all that important to this world? Me personally, I say she wasn’t worth s#!t.”

Rainbow couldn’t stand it anymore; she turned around and immediately zoomed towards Dinky feeling enraged, “YOU SON OF A BITCH!!!”

Dinky smiled knowing that she got her right where she wanted her. She quickly went to the side at the last minute to avoid Rainbow’s strike; but at the same time used her magic to slice of her wings in mid-flight. Rainbow shrieked in horror feeling the sudden stinging pain on her body as she crashed into the mountain wall and on the ground.
“You’re too easy,” Dinky chuckled evilly, “not so tough without your tough wings, are ya?”

Rainbow was slowly getting up with blood running down the sides of her body from her open wounds; glaring at the psycho filly still fixated on paying her back, “I-I-I don’t… n-need my w-w-wings to… beat the snot out of you!”

Rainbow then looked up and saw a random thunder cloud hanging over her, “What the…” Then she look over at Dinky who was still grinning and her horn was glowing, “Ah crap.”
Before Rainbow knew it, a lightning bolt came down on her, sending strong electrical currents shooting through her body. She screamed in more pain feeling her body getting charred, and the lightning eventually stopped causing Rainbow to drop down on the ground twitching.

Dinky then started to approach her wounded prey vibrating with excitement of what to do to her next, “Oh, how the great Rainbow Dash falls. You know, it’s a bit of an irony; could you believe that at one point my Mother and I actually liked you and looked up to you in a way? Yeah, what a bunch of crap, am I right?”

“Wh-wh-why… did you do it?” Rainbow Dash shuddered while holding her head up, “T-t-tell me why?! Scootaloo was just an innocent filly; she d-did nothing to you!”

Dinky scowled at her and struck another bolt on her silencing her words, “Innocent? You call a filly who helped to beat mother to death and also engages in sexual acts with a grown mare innocent?!!! And who are you to say that she did nothing to me?!!!”

Dinky then struck a couple more bolts on Rainbow’s body out of anger. Rainbow laid limp; her body slowly giving away by the fatal electricity.

“That little bitch got what she deserved for slaughtering my Mother,” she shouted as she got in Rainbow’s face, “as does everypony else I’ve killed. You all took what mattered the most to me in this world. She was everything to me and you all took her away from me!”

Rainbow tried to get up despite her injuries, “Y-y-y-you… s-stupid piece of…”

However, she was so weak that Dinky held her back down with a single hoof. Rainbow couldn’t believe that she was being done in by filly; a psycho filly, yes, but a filly nonetheless. She was going to become just like her friends.

“I… will never forgive you for what you did that day. Element of loyalty or not, you never had loyalty to my Mother even though she was part of your own race! She was always nice to you; even if she made mistakes, she blamed herself and always apologized! And how do you repay her… by being a total dick!”

Suddenly, Rainbow looked up again and saw the thunder cloud over getting bigger and bigger and bigger; and darker too. There was a ton of electricity stored up in it now, and anything hit from it would be completely annihilated.

“But that doesn’t matter now,” continued Dinky in a dark tone, “your loyalty has just ran out.”

Rainbow watched helplessly as Dinky floated herself over the cloud and gave it one big kick; and outside the mountains, a huge pillar lighting shot out from the crevice and into the sky. No scream was afterwards, only silence.


A random Pegasus saw what happened nearby, and once the lightning died down, the Pegasus went down to investigate. But when it got there, it was shocked and horrified of what it found. Two dead corpses; one bloody and limp, and one completely black and burnt. It identified the two ponies as Scootaloo and Rainbow Dash and reported it to the Mayor… who after hearing the report became completely devastated.
Once she was at the site, a bunch of police ponies were already there. But what did it matter to her anyway, once again two more lives were taken that fast and there was nothing she could do about it. She got so mad that she slammed her hoof on the side of the stone wall and caused a huge imprint on it.
“Are you okay, Miss Mayor?” said one of the other ponies, “Wait a minute, what am I even saying?”

The Mayor shook her hoof and rubbed as she said, “I… haven’t created a dent that big since my early mare years. How are your other stallions doing?”

“Everything is set, Mam,” the pony responded, “Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie are being heavily watched over by them and are ordered to capture any suspicious pony that comes near them. We will stop this menace.”

“But… we were obviously too late for them,” said the Mayor sorrowfully as she cried, “I just don’t get it, I thought they were safe up in the clouds; our murderer is a unicorn, not a Pegasus… unless…”

A certain thought came to her of what could possibly be happening.

“What; what is it?” said one of the other ponies.

But then, the Mayor shook the thought from her mind and wiped away her tears, “Never mind, it’s a silly thought. I’ll inform the Princess of everything that is happening. The death of Twilight and the others will not be in vain… I promise you all that.”

Nearby hidden in the shadows, the little filly menace, Dinky was secretly watching the investigation. She grinned menacingly and licking her lips while eyeing the Mayor, “Keep promising yourself, Mayor; I’ll be coming for you soon enough.”
And with that, she headed off in a certain direction… with a certain objective in mind, “But first… I have to find… an old admirer of mine.”

The Schoolhouse

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After mourning over the death of Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo, the Mayor sent a letter to the Princess stating what was going down in Ponyville. It was only after 10 minutes of her sending it did she receive a reply note saying…

“This is most unfortunate and a complete disaster. I’m facing my own major crisis here in Canterlot with my sister. But I shall send you special help to find and bring the murderer to justice. The Elements of Harmony will be avenged. And speaking of which, I do believe your murderer is…”

When the Mayor finished reading the letter, she became shocked and surprised at who the murderer was, but she was also not surprised at the same time… if that’s even possible.

“So it’s her… how is that even possible?”


Meanwhile, at the Ponyville Schoolhouse, Cheerilee was inside preparing things and was all ready for some of her students to arrive for some volunteer work that they were going to do that day. But it was only recent that she found out what was going on in town; and when some of the police ponies came to her and told her of what happened she became devastated. They told her of the different murders that occurred, and they mention of some of her students being victims. On top of that, they said that other foals were mysteriously disappearing and nopony knew where they were. After they left, Cheerilee closed the door and began crying down on the floor; upset of her students being killed and that she would never teach them or see them ever again.

“Oh sweet Celestia, this must be a dream! How could this happened; and… and who is responsible! How am I going to fulfill my talent now?! Those poor little foals, they didn’t deserve this.”

But pretty soon, she got up and pull herself together. She decided that she would grieve some more later, but for now the least she could do was go through her stuff that she got from her students and cherish them more than she already was.

“Oh well… I guess I should t-try and finish my business here and… perhaps just imagine that they’re still here with me. Yeah, that’ll make me feel better.”

Poor Cheerilee, she was beginning to be in denial of the students she suddenly lost and was beginning to go through many drawings and works that they gave to her and kept for safe keeping in some drawers. She smiled looking at them; she could remember every time each of her students would come up to her with a bright smile showing her their work, and she would feel proud of them. Then suddenly, she got to a certain stack of drawings that she mostly adored.

“Aw, I remember these,” she said to herself, “These are the drawings from when I told them to draw themselves with the most important pony in their life.” And tears kept filling up with each one that she looked at, “Here’s Apple Bloom… with her sister, Sweetie Belle and… h-her sister, Scootaloo and her number one idol… Rainbow Dash. And here’s Rumble with his brother; Tiara drew her Dad, and Silver Spoon drew Tiara. Heh, I always thought that was cute.”

Cheerilee kept reminiscing over each of them realizing how much value they were to her now. But then at one point… she notice something sticking out in the far back corner of her file cabinet. She pulled it out and held it up to notice that it was a paper with another drawing. But as she looked at it, the others dropped out of her hooves as her body was shaking and her eye slightly twitching.

“What the… how did this get here? I thought I…”

It was the drawing she got from Dinky Hooves; it was a picture of her… and her mother, Derpy Hooves. She thought she got rid of it; she remembered when she received it.


It was more than 3 years ago during class, Dinky came up to her smiling and hopping and then she handed up her paper to her and said…

“Here’s my drawing, Miss Cheerilee!”

“D-D-Dinky…” she said hesitantly, “w-w-what… I-I mean who is this sup-p-posed to be?”

“Don’t be so silly, Miss Cheerilee; you said to draw us and the most important pony in our lives, so I drew me giving my smart mommy a hug!”

“S-s-smart huh? Wow, you must really love your Mother a lot.”

“I sure do! I’m even making a second one for her because she’s so special and because I want you to have this one.”

“Wow, you shouldn’t have Dinky; thank you so much.”

“You’re welcome, best teacher in the world; you’re the best!”

“Yeah… best teacher in the world; th-that’s me.”

After that, she remembers storing it a drawer so she wouldn’t upset Dinky when she gets rid of it. She respected Dinky’s talent, but unfortunately, she knew that she was the offspring Derpy, the pony that she and everyone else despised. It was only a matter of time until her daughter became just like her; and she was already showing signs of it being oblivious to the things that her mother has done; and she even had her own clumsy moments. But to her, those clumsy moments could turn into disasters.


“I thought I shredded this,” she thought to herself, “I guess I must have forgotten about it and now it’s here to haunt me.”

She took it over to the shredder that she had in the room and held the paper up over it, but she hesitated a bit, “No wait… maybe I shouldn’t. It’s so well drawn and colorful; and it came from Dinky’s…” Then she shook herself out of it realizing what she was thinking, “No… Dinky… is not here anymore… and neither is her retarded Mother. Keeping this will only bring me more heartache.”

She took a deep breath and calmly sat the drawing on the opening and it was immediately shredded; no longer there for her to witness anymore.

“Whew, well that’s done with,” she said feeling relieved, “Now to deal with more important matters.”

But right at that moment, Cheerilee heard a knock on the entrance door. She groaned and rolled her eyes knowing what that might have meant, “Oh great, probably more morbid news; just what I need.”

After turning the shredder off, she walked over to and opened the door expecting someone to be there, “Who died this time?” But she soon realized that no one was there; there was no sign of anyone in the area, “Huh? Um, h-hello… a-a-anypony there? Hello?”

A chilling sensation began to run down Cheerilee’s spine, and the creepy atmosphere didn’t help her any as she talked to herself. “Okay, heh, you’re beginning to lose it, Cheerilee; you’re starting to hear things that aren’t even there.” She closed the door and began to walk back to her desk, “Maybe I just need to… sit down for a few minutes and calm down; this tragedy is taking a toll on my head.”

But once she got there, she received a little surprise. The very artwork of Dinky that she just shredded was back on her desk in one piece; like it wasn’t shredded at all. She screamed upon seeing it feeling that she really was being haunted. “Ahhhhhhhhhh! Wh-what the… how did… d-d-didn’t I just… shred that? What the hell is going on?”

“Feeling a little on edge… Miss Cheerilee?” said a sudden voice that spoke within the dimmed classroom. Cheerilee looked up and saw a single filly sitting in one of the desk chairs, and it happened to be the one that Dinky used to sit in; in fact, it was Dinky. The creepy filly smirked at her as she stated, “I’ve been looking for you.”

Cheerilee wiped her eyes and was looking at the desk again only to still see Dinky there staring at her. She held her head shaking it feeling that that she was losing her mind, “Sweet Celestia, I must be going crazy. First I’m hearing things, then this drawing magically fixes itself, and now I’m suddenly seeing my former student, Dinky; she’s supposed to be dead and out of my mind.”

Suddenly, Dinky got up and approached Cheerilee while keeping on her creepy smirk, “Trust me, Miss Cheerilee, you’re not going crazy. Everything you’ve been seeing is quite real.”

She then used her magic to pick up her drawing off of Cheerilee’s desk and held it up admiring her work, “I think I did well putting this back together;” she then looked over at Cheerilee as her smirk disappeared and turned into a dark glare, “you know… after you shredded it.”

Dinky’s sudden menacing appearance was making the magenta mare feel a little uneasy and she tried to stay calm, “Um… D-D-Dinky, it’s not what you think it is.”

“Oh sure, it’s absolutely not what I think.” Dinky responded while rolling her eyes feeling annoyed, “After all, I watched you shred it with my own damn eyes!” She then slammed it back in front of Cheerilee as she continued to rant, “This drawing meant a lot to me when I made it, and I gave it to you because I thought you were the best teacher in the world; and then you do this behind my back?! So what’s up, are you going to shred the other drawings too?!”

“U-u-uh… u-um…”

Cheerilee couldn’t answer right away, she was too shaken up from the creepy/awkward moment she suddenly found herself in. But she didn’t need to answer, Dinky already knew her reasons.

“Oh wait, of course you’re not; those other stupid students meant everything to you as if they were all your own. You always enjoyed working hard to make us happy, to get us educated, and to make us proud of ourselves. But you don’t care about me at all, do you? Do you think I’m too stupid to learn anything… like you thought of my Mom?!”

“P-p-please, Dinky, calm down,” said Cheerilee as she took a few steps away from the angered filly, ‘’d-d-don’t do anything rational! W-w-want me to go out to the town and g-get you something to make you feel better?”

Cheerilee suddenly jumped as Dinky fired a shot right beside her on the floor. Dinky looked at her lightly growling and staring her down, “You really do think I’m stupid; you’re not going anywhere.” Suddenly, Cheerilee noticed a little smirk appear back on Dinky’s face as she said, “As for doing something too rational, I believe I already did… as you can see the evidence all over me. Figured it out yet?”

Cheerilee didn’t noticed, probably because she was freaking out too much to do so. But now as she looked at Dinky closer, she noticed different red stain marks all over her; and then… she smelled it. The horrible stinky stench of blood, she could smell it in the air as Dinky kept getting closer to her. But then, she gasped and a horrified expression came onto her face as she finally got it.

“D-D-Dinky… you didn’t…”

“Oh yes I did,” said Dinky proudly in a dark tone, “every single one of them. I did with my own hooves; hooves filled with bloody vengeance. They feel a little satisfied with each fresh kill they make, and guess who is next on their slaughter list?”

Cheerilee panicked; tears filling her eyes and her heart rapidly beating, she was suddenly afraid of the now psycho filly, “No… no no no no no; oh dear sweet Celestia, no!” She rushed past Dinky and tried to open the entrance door, but the knob wouldn’t budge and she couldn’t beat it down either, “Get me out of here!”

With no success, Cheerilee turned around and was pressing herself against the door as she saw Dinky approaching her once again with no hint of remorse in her eyes, “There’s no escape, Cheerilee. I’m afraid you can’t leave until I teach you a lesson… your FINAL lesson.”

Her horn started to glow with her stare still fixated on her former teacher just imaging in her twisted mind of what to do to her. But knowing now of about what happened to some of her other students, Cheerilee suddenly asked while still shaking in fear…

“Wh-what… have you done with th-them?”

“What was that?”

“The children, your classmates! Are you planning to kill all of them too… like you did to Apple Bloom and the other foals you killed?!”

Cheerilee sounded very upset despite being frightened, but Dinky just calmly replied, “Calm down, they’re just fine, including Sweetie Belle; I have much different plans for them.”
“Then why do it at all?!” said Cheerilee while tearing up, “Why did those few deserve to die?!”

“You’re kidding right?” said Dinky angrily, “Do you not remember the three of those crusaders voluntarily walk up onto that platform stage and beat up my Mother with sticks… and she couldn’t even defend herself?!!!” Cheerilee suddenly saw Dinky’s magic die down as she suddenly, said, “But Sweetie is not dead because… I just couldn’t do it. Even though she would’ve deserved it, the fact is that… I secretly love her. But after what happened, no matter how angry I got, I couldn’t hate her.” Then another small smirk appeared on her face as she leered back at Cheerilee, “So instead… I made her my mind slave.”

“M-m-mind… slave?” said Cheerilee hesitantly.

“Yeah, I already used her to help betray and kill her own sister; it was so much fun seeing the look on that bitch’s face when she realized what was going on. But there’s nothing she can do to stop me now that she’s dead.”

Cheerilee just sat there feeling shocked and terrified of what this filly had become… and all because she lost her Mother. She couldn’t believe that she could love her this much.

“Apple Bloom and Scootaloo though… once I got past the fact that they used to be my friends, I didn’t have much trouble ending their lives. But murdering Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon was no problem for me. Those little bitches f@#!ed up my life enough as it was, so they had it coming for a long time.”

Dinky was going on and on about what she had done so much that her view was off of Cheerilee for a moment. She used this opportunity to try and sneak out the back way; but when she was about past her desk, she freaked out when she was suddenly enwrapped with Dinky’s magic halting her where she stood. She was then brought up back in front of Dinky’s view as the psycho filly smiling at her terrorized face.

“Oh, I’m sorry, I’m going on too much about those I already killed. How about I bring my attention back to you now.”

“Please, don’t do this, Dinky,” Cheerilee pleaded, “You can’t kill y-your favorite teacher!”

Dinky’s smile disappeared as she violently slammed Cheerilee through some of the students’ desks and right against the wall behind hers. Cheerilee shouted in pain feeling some wooden splinters from the desks that punctured into her skin, and some blood was slowly leaking out. She was wincing feeling the pain even if she tried to get up, but the splinters were too much on her. Her terror returned when she looked up and saw Dinky right in front of her wearing a pissed expression.

“You never really were being a true teacher to me, Miss Cheerilee. The way I see it… the only pony I truly learned things from is dead; killed, mutilated and murdered in an unfair trial that she couldn’t even control. But knowing how you really felt about my Mother and me sickens me; and to believe that I loved you so much to my heart’s content and felt like you were the 2nd best pony in the world right behind my Mommy!”

Dinky then lifted up two of the desks and slammed them down on Cheerilee’s body so hard they shattered. Cheerilee was now on the ground shaking from fear and the immense pain she was feeling from the sharp splinters buried in her skin. Seeing this sight was making Dinky barely smile again, but just barely.

“But… now I know that it was all a lie, and you have your precious Pegasus filly student to thank for letting me know that.”

“Wh-wh-wh-what?” said Cheerilee weakly.

“That’s right, Scootaloo told me everything; about how you really felt about me and my Mother to trying to keep secrets from me. What kind of teacher keeps secrets from her own students?”

Suddenly, Cheerilee said something to Dinky softly, “I’m sorry.”

Dinky looked at her feeling a bit confused from her words, “What?”

“I said I’m sorry; I know you feel a lot of pain right now, and… you want to take away that pain by getting rid of those that caused it. But… I never meant to truly hurt you. I was only… following what the Mayor told us to do. I might have not cared much about your Mother, but… I still care about you.”

While she was saying all of this, Cheerilee was slowly dragging herself closer to her desk eyeing a certain opened cabinet door.

“And how is that supposed to make me feel any better?” Dinky scoffed as she was watching Cheerilee’s movement carefully, “Honestly, you’re not very good at lying are you? And I guess I was just too dumb to realize it. That’s probably what you really thought of me, isn’t?”

Cheerilee was now at her desk trying not to look troubled as she stuck her hoof in the cabinet and was hesitantly saying, “N-n-n-no, that’s not it at all. Just give me a chance to…”

But as Cheerilee was beginning to pull something out, Dinky realized it and decided to not take any chances by gaining a hold on Cheerilee’s hoof and pulled away whatever she had. Dinky looked at the item closely, and then her teeth gritted and her eyes narrowed as she recognized that it was the same instrument that police pony who was protecting Rarity used to cut off her unicorn magic; and she wouldn’t be able to take it off.

Cheerilee began to sweat and heavily breathe as Dinky leered back over to her and angrily asked, “What… the hell… is this?”

“E-e-e-emergency tool?” Cheerilee tried to claim.

Dinky knew she was lying what the item was. She used her magic to enwrap the tool around Cheerilee’s neck; but since it was only meant to be placed around a unicorn’s horn, it was cutting off Cheerilee’s windpipe choking her and she could barely breathe. Dinky leered at her as she tumbled on the ground and was trying to take the tool off from around her neck, but it was futile. She was gasping for air but wasn’t receiving any and she felt like she was about to give out. While she was gasping from her lack of air, she did her best to finally admit to Dinky as she spoke in a hoarse voice.

“Okay, o-okay; the Mayor gave it to m-me… s-s-s-suggesting that I might have to use it in case you might… you know… act like your Mother… and I agreed.”

Cheerilee felt like she was going to give out right there after using up more of the air she had left. But then she finally had a huge breath of relief when Dinky suddenly shattered the tool choking her neck. She gasped real loud taking in a huge amount of air that she missed and held herself with her hoof despite still being in pain from the wooden splinters.

However, it wasn’t over; Dinky was furious. She was so furious in fact that while staring intensely at Cheeriee, she used her magic to gain a hold on every splinter in the magenta mare’s body and slowly forced them even deeper into her. Cheerilee literally cried and screamed as she felt the pain increase. Blood was oozing out of her wounds and was running all down her coat; and once Dinky was done, Cheerilee was on her back sobbing and was taking in all of the painful feelings.

Dinky walked over to her still with no smile staring at her with no regrets of her actions, “I should’ve known; you were never on my side to begin with. And let me guess, it was for the sake of Ponyville, right?” She then picked up Cheerilee’s huge desk and held it over the wounded mare, “Right?!”

Then Cheerilee helplessly watched as her desk was slammed down upon her. She didn’t screamed, but she was groaning in immense pain not being able to barely move as more of her blood was leaving her as she laid there all hurt and broken. When she finally had the strength to look up, she noticed Dinky standing on the far side of the room, and she appeared to be… drawing something on paper. This sparked Cheerilee’s curiosity a bit.

“Wh-wh-what are you… d-doing?” she questioned weakly.

“I know just how much you love my drawings,” said Dinky in a slightly sarcastic tone, “so… I decided to make you another… for old time’s sake.”

Cheerilee was almost afraid of what Dinky was talking about, but how could a drawing harm her. But soon enough, Dinky floated and laid her drawing on Cheerilee face down.

“What do you think? I really tried to imagine the terror in your eyes.”

Cheerilee cautiously grabbed the paper and held it up to where she could see the drawing. But much to her horror, her heart became filled with fear again as saw the picture was a drawing of Dinky slamming an axe into her body; and she even noticed that Dinky used red crayon for drawing in the blood effect. Her hooves were shaking again at the possible thought o that happening.

“Wh-wh-wh-wh-what is this? What kind of joke are you playing?”

But when Cheerilee held the paper down and looked in front of her, she suddenly saw Dinky standing over with a menacing grin… and holding up a giant axe I an attempt to live out her newest drawing, “Oh it’s no joke, it’s your fate.”

Cheerilee screamed as Dinky held the axe back; but despite her injuries, Cheerilee somehow managed to just dodge to the side when Dinky slammed the axe down in front of her. Cheerilee tried to get away, but feeling impatient Dinky used her magic to gain a hold of her and held her down to get a clean shot.

“Please, Dinky,” Cheerilee pleaded with tears, “j-j-j-just give me another chance; please?!”

But Dinky didn’t feel like falling for more of Cheerilee’s heart feeling lies as she down at her, “Sorry, Cheerilee… but unfortunately for you… you failed.”

Dinky once again swung the axe back; but when she was about to swing down, the entrance door was suddenly kicked down, and a large group of police pony stormed in holding their weapons out in front of them… including the Chief.

“Frezee! Place your hooves where we can see them!”

But suddenly, as Dinky tilted her head towards them with an expressionless face, one of the ponies recognized her, “W-w-w-what the… it’s the foal of that Pegasus mare; it’s D-Dinky!”

“What, are you sure?!” questioned the chief.

“That is her, sir, without a doubt; and she’s about to gut that mare with an axe!”

All of them suddenly pointed their weapons at Dinky ready to use them if necessary, which was very likely. But Dinky wasn’t worried, she still had the upper hoof here and she knew it. She just slightly smiled at them while stating…

“Think real carefully about what you do next, fellas. Do you feel lucky?”

Most of the police ponies there were faulting a bit from Dinky’s creepy demeanor not sure of what could happen if they attack; after all, they already heard about everything she has done so far.

“J-j-j-just let the mare go, young filly,” said the Chief, You’ve caused too many deaths already! Just… just let her go!”

Cheerilee was quite relived that they were here and that she had a possible chance to live, but then she started thinking about her students that were already killed by Dinky and suddenly felt that was more important to her.

“F-f-forget about me,” she suddenly spoke out, “just go; find and protect the children!”

The others were kinda shocked at her and were worried for her well- being, “Huh, but what about…”

“I said go!” Cheerilee shouted even louder feeling desperate, “Those children’s lives are more valuable than mine. Find them and protect them from this freakish psycho!”

Suddenly, Dinky turned her intense glare back at the pleading mare… and her smile was completely gone. Cheerilee didn’t mean to say that out loud, but she was too panicked and said without thinking. She suddenly gasped and covered her mouth while looking into Dinky’s angered eyes.

“I-I-I-I’m so sorry, Dinky; I didn’t mean that! Honestly, I didn’t!”

But Dinky had enough, she quickly took the axe she still had and slammed it into Cheerilee’s chest with blood spurting out from her flesh; and a huge blood-curdling scream was heard from her afterwards.

“Damnit,” the Chief dreadfully shouted, “get her!”

All of the police ponies started to shoot continuously at the murderer filly, but all shot kept dissipating at near contact of her. But that was only a distraction as some low-class unicorns launched some of the ring tools at her to cease her magic. Unfortunately, Dinky sensed those too and lifted the axe out of Cheerilee to slash them down.

“Holy s#!t,” muttered on of the ponies in horror.

Dinky then completely turned to them and began shooting down some of the group while others she just lifted in the air and slammed them into random corners of the schoolhouse. Dinky was able to take out that whole group in mere seconds, but all of them were still alive; badly bruised and shot, but still alive.

“Sh-sh-she… didn’t kill us,” groaned the Chief, “But… wh-why…”

“You idiot weaklings couldn’t even listen to single order Cheerliee said,” Dinky scoffed, “None of you are worth slaughtering… at least for now.” She then around back to Cheerilee who was coughing up blood and feeling endless pain in her body, “But she is.”

The last thing Cheerilee saw was the sharp axe floating over her once again and the demented filly grinning evilly at her. She couldn’t take her pain anymore; she wanted to be released from it and no longer suffer. But then, her wish was fulfilled when Dinky slammed the axe’s blade into her body once more. She felt a quick two second jolt of pain, and then… her breath left her.

Afterwards, Dinky nonchalantly walked up to Cheerilee’s body and then laid her drawing on top of her face, “Class dismissed, bitch.”

The others couldn’t believe that they couldn’t save her, this filly became too strong within the two years she was away from Ponyville. They all watched as she calmly went by all of them and stood in the entrance way and told them, “By the way, you can go ahead and protect the remaining Element bearers all you want, but it won’t make any difference. And tell the Mayor… I’m coming for her.”

Then in a flash, she disappeared. The police ponies were still badly wounded not knowing what to do from here, but then the Mayor suddenly rushed in and saw all of the wounded ponies around her.

“What the hell is going on here?!” she shouted

Suddenly, she looked in front of her and saw the horrifying sight of Cheerilee’s dead body with an axe stuck inside it. She walked over to it trembling a bit and looked at the drawing on Cheerilee’s face. Just looking at it frighten her, but also boiled her up inside.

“We tried to stop her,” said one of the other ponies, “but she… sh-sh-she was too quick and t-too strong. It was…”

“I know who it is,” the Mayor responded as she idly walked away from the body being careful not to step in any blood puddles surrounding her.


The Mayor then told them her reasons, “After everything that has happened and all of the possible scenarios, it all makes sense now. The only thing that shocks me now is how she became so deadly, and why she had the gall to show her face back here… just to do this.”

“Sh-she says that… sh-she’s coming for you too,” said the Chief.

A small chill went down the Mayor’s spine upon hearing what the Chief pony said. But then she shook off refusing to tremble before a psycho. She looked at them with a small angered glare, “Then let her come; I’ve prepared for her thanks to Princess Celestia’s help.”

After seeing her good friend, Cheerilee dead, the Mayor lost any little bit of sympathy she had for the murderer filly and was planning to end her.

“In hindsight I hate to do this to a foal,” she said in a pissed-off manner and then shifted her glasses, “but… when she does finds me… she’s as good as dead.”

The Birth of a Monster

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(Less than an hour later…)

“This is terrible. Who… who could’ve done this?”

A young, yellow Pegasus mare by the name of Fluttershy suddenly found herself standing in front of a frightening sight. Sugar Cube Corner was engulfed in flames, and there were many ponies there facing the flames head-on to put it out and try and find anything or anyone inside.

As Fluttershy stood there feeling devastated of what she was seeing in front of her, a random police pony came up to her and asked, “Excuse me, Miss; you’re Fluttershy, right?”

FLuttershy turned her head towards him and slightly lamented, “Yeah… that’s me.”

“Then I’m sure that you’re aware of everything that has happened here today, correct?”

“Yes, I do; it’s all quite unfortunate. Pinkie is devastated as well.” Fluttershy then turned back to the burning and asked, “So… is the murderer responsible for this too?”

“We’re positive that it was,” said the police pony, “In fact, we believe that it was due to the murderer looking for your friend, but failed to find her.”

“So… I hate to ask, but what is the news here?”

“My men here have been searching all around in there the best they can, and… unfortunately, they found the bodies of the owners completely charred by the flames; they’re… gone.”

Fluttershy gasped with tears sheading the about the death of the Cake couple, “But… b-but what about their two sweet foals? They’re not dead too, are they?!”

“We couldn’t find them anywhere. No remains of them was found yet so we believe that maybe they were foal-knapped… like a lot of the other foals that have been mysteriously disappearing ever since this whole thing had started.”

Fluttershy couldn’t believe it; Mr. and Mrs. Cake murdered and the Cake twins missing… this was indeed a dark day. “As if Pinkie wasn’t devastated enough, this is going to make her lose it.”

“Perhaps she already has,” said the police pony, “Many of my men have already delivered her the news a few minutes ago; although it was meant for both of you since we found out that you two were hanging out together today.”

Fluttershy just continued to watch the others as they were putting out the fire with partnership of some pegasai. She never knew that something like would happen in her life; but now with Pinkie as her only main living friend left, she feared that it may not last for long.

“Just what kind of monster would do something like this?”


(Dinky Narrates..)

Ponyville… it used to be my home; a place where I would smile, have fun with my friends and hang out with my Mother anytime I could. But then… that wretched day came when I found out the truth about Ponyville; they’re all a bunch of F@#ing assholes. It’s like their attitude towards me and my Mom completely turned around; like they finally revealed their true colors. They all killed her… my Mother… because they thought that she didn’t deserve to live, that she had no useful meaning to be alive, that she was nothing but a stupid, pathetic, worthless retard that deserved to die. And the worst part is… they were planning to end my life too… because I was her daughter, and I was showing mere signs of her personality.

Well… how unfortunate for them that I escaped before they had a chance to do so. Letting me sneak away from their grasp was their undoing. They all believe that I was dead… being a little filly lost in the Everfree Forest and was nowhere to be found. Too bad for them that they would all be dead themselves soon. All day today I had so much fun getting my revenge for my Mother’s meaningless death by slaughtering all those who were responsible and/or enjoyed her suffering immensely. Just a little while ago I went to Sugarcube Corner in search to find that giggly twit, Pinkie Pie and make her suffer. Unfortunately, she wasn’t there at the time and instead I ran into her two bosses. They were a waste of my time, but I did have a little persuading moment with them to get them to tell me where Pinkie was… but they weren’t very cooperative at first.



They were quite startled at first by my presence when they saw me… assuming that they thought I was dead just like everypony else. But not only did they realized that it really was me and I was still alive, they also noticed my wonderful blood-stained coat; because of that, they suddenly started to fear me knowing of what I did.

“Where is she; where is Pinkie Pie?” I demanded in a lowly tone.

Of course they weren’t going to tell me right away. Mrs. Cake freaked out and tried to run away from the scene, but I quickly shot her down against the wall with my magic. Mr. Cake cried out to his wife, but I shot him down too to get him out of the way. I went back up to Mrs. Cake who was trying to get back up, but I held her against the wall to my eye level and demanded again.

“I said… where is she?!”

“Please,” she pleaded helpless, “s-s-stop; Pinkie i-i-isn’t h-here.”

“You’re lying, aren’t you; you’re lying to keep her safe?”

Mr. Cake somehow found the will to stand up again and then came at me from behind holding a baseball and swung. But I sensed it and stopped it when it was but mere inches from my face. I yanked it away from him and then made a home-run with his face as I sent him flying with two bloody teeth flying from his mouth.

I looked back at Mrs. Cake who was literally crying her eyes out and said, “I won’t ask politely again; now… where’s PINKIE!?”

Neither her nor her husband was going to reveal Pinkie’s location to me; neither of them was going to crack… but I had a sudden idea of what might.

“Oh my, both of you are braver than I thought you would be. I could end your life in an instant, you know; but since you won’t listen to me… you might listen to this!”

I suddenly made their twin foals, Pumpkin and Pound Cake appear in their view, and I had them down on their backs with some sharp knives hanging over them. Both parents panicked and suddenly feared for their kids’ lives, and the two foals were crying mostly because I woke them up from their nap.

“Tell me where Pinkie is right now or I swear to our stinkin’ ruler that I will impale your twin offspring on these knives and you can both watch as their blood spills on your damn floor; and I will do it too.”

I was giving them to the count of three, “One… two… thre…”


Mrs. Cake suddenly spoke up… heh, right on cue.

“Please, leave our babies out of this; they’ve done nothing to you! But… what I told you before is true, I don’t know where Pinkie is. All I know is that she was spending some time with Fluttershy today and that’s it! I don’t know exactly where she could be right now… h-honest!”

“Cup Cake,” said the husband, “why did you do it?”

“I had to do it; I didn’t want our children to die. They deserve to live! And besides, you would’ve done the same thing!”

She did seem to be telling the truth, but my best guess is that Pinkie was at Fluttershy’s cottage… the same place where they were probably going to take care of me.

“Now that we told you,” said Mr. Cake, “please let us go; you have what you wanted!”

I looked back at him with a little malicious smile thinking such cruel ideas.

“You’re right, I do have what I wanted. But now that I look at this place, I’m afraid that Ponyville won’t be needing this sweet shop anymore… or its owners.”


After that little conversation, their foals were spared… not that I was planning to kill them in the first place; they’re just a couple of babies after all. But once they were out of the way, I had the lovely Cake couple tied tight side-by-side each other to spend their last moments together. I ignited a small spark near their location and cause their entire shop to burst up in flames with them inside. By the time anypony got to them, it would’ve been too late.

Ahh, I smile because I could still hear their blood-curdling screams in my head as the fire’s embers engulfed their bodies and slowly burned them to a crisp. It was a wonderful thing to look back on, but my mission is still on. I have to remind myself of why I became who I am today; the very reason of why Ponyville have seen its last days.


(Flashback—more than 2 years ago…)

I remember that day very well as if it was just yesterday; it was a day that started out like any other day for me. I was spending some quality bonding time with my Mom, just hanging out at the park, going on some of her mail routes, not caring at all of what others around us thought. And whenever my Mom goofed up on something, she would just smile and laugh and I would laugh along with her. For me, my Mom was everything; she would always be there for me and I would always be there for her. I wouldn’t trade my Mom’s life with anything.

But then… it happened. During one of our strolls in the park… just like that, we were suddenly surrounded by some royal guards from Canterlot and they were closing in on us. I helplessly watched as they placed shackles on my Mother’s hooves and neck, and told her that she was under arrest and that she was to come with them quietly. I was crying watching this unfold wondering to myself of what was going on, but some of the guards blocked my path as my Mom was carried away. She looked at me still smiling and told me…

“Don’t worry, Dinky, you don’t have to cry; everything is going to be alright. I’ll come back to you as soon as I can, okay?”

But little did I know… those were going to be the very last words that she said to me.

I was escorted back to my house and was guarded so I wouldn’t leave. I was up in my room continuing to cry because I was still about what was going to happen to my Mother. I knew that she said that everything was going to be alright, but why did I have a slight suspicion that everything was not going to be okay? I had to find out for myself; and luckily for me, the guards watching me were only guarding the front entrance, so I quietly snuck out the back way while they weren’t looking. Either those fools underestimated my intelligence or they were just plain dumb.

Afterwards, I ran into town searching everywhere I could wondering where my Mother was taken. I got certain suspicious looks from the residents as I was running around; it scared me. All of their eyes were on me and nopony looked very thrilled to see me either. I eventually stopped at a certain corner to catch my breath; all that running was making me tired. But suddenly, I heard voices nearby; familiar voices. I couldn’t quite make out what they were saying, but the ones talking to each other was Twilight Sparkle, Fluttershy, and Mayor Mare. As I got a little closer, I suddenly heard Twilight say…

“It’s been done, Mayor. Everything is finally all set and has been fully approved by the Princess.”

What was she talking about? What was taking place that it had to have the Princess’ approval? But then, I suddenly heard the Mayor speak.

“Excellent work, Twilight. After all these years dealing with the frustration, we’re finally ridding ourselves of that retarded mail mare.”

Being as young and naive that I once was, I wanted to believe that they were talking about another mail mare besides my Mother. I mean… they couldn’t have been talking about my Mom; right? But I was proven wrong when I heard Fluttershy speak.

“I’m pretty relieved myself. I tried my hardest to endure her stupidity, but it was just… too much; I can’t take it anymore! Derpy has got to go!”

It was then that I realized that they were talking about my Mother! I couldn’t believe what I was hearing! Why were they talking so mean about my Mother, and what were they planning to do to her? But then I heard them talking about something else as I heard the Mayor speak again.

“By the way, Twilight, have you figured out what to do with Derpy’s… child?”

“Oh, you mean Dinky?” I heard Fluttershy suddenly say… a bit excitedly, “Don’t you worry about that unfortunate, cute little filly, Mayor, I’ve already have everything all planned out. I’ll do the honors to… take care of her; I promise.”

“Do whatever you wish,” said the Mayor, “just make sure that you get the job done; got it?”

“Understood,” Twilight answered, “you can count on us.”

I don’t know what was going on, but I didn’t like it. Despite what I heard about me, I was focused too much on the matter about my Mom! I suddenly rushed out towards them and shouted…

“NO! Leave my mother alone! You can’t do this!”

All three of them jumped and suddenly saw me in front of them. The Mayor didn’t look happy though; in fact she looked a little annoyed.

“What is she doing here?”

“I-I-I-I don’t know,” said Twilight hesitantly, “she’s supposed to be at her house.”

“Hey there, Dinky,” said Fluttershy as she looked at me with a low-eyed smile, “we were just talking about you.”

I was standing there staring at them, and my regular staring soon turned into a light glare as more tears were flowing from my eyes; I just wanted my Mother back.

“Where is she; where is my Mother? What are you planning to do to her?!”

The Mayor apparently didn’t wish for me to waste her time and told me…

“I’m afraid that will no longer be your concern, child. Your Mother has caused many misfortunes for this town, and everypony here will not tolerate it any longer. She has to pay for her actions.”

“Wh-wh-what actions?! I don’t understand!” I whined, “My Mom isn’t bad, she’s good! She hasn’t done anything wrong! You don’t know what you’re talking about!”

“Shut the hell up!” he Mayor shouted as she stomped her hoof near me, “You don’t think I know what I’m talking about?! Ever since before you were even born your stupid Mother had destroyed property, caused many casualties on other ponies and… because of her, the town’s budget always skyrocketed! I mean seriously, what kind of pony can even do that much damage anyway?! A stupid, idiotic, retarded klutz… like your Mother.”

Even those other two were a little shocked at how the Moayor reacted towards me, but they did blame her at all.

“Yep, that about sums it up,” Twilight stated.

“Our town survived our financing problems only because the Princess lended her support, and even she is fed up with this foolishness. By her rule, we are ordered to have Derpy executed; not that we needed her order to do it.”

Everything that she was saying to me I didn’t want to believe. I knew that she caused some mishaps, and I understood the consequences behind them; but this is was going too far and I didn’t want it to happen. I shook my head and continued to plead constantly…

“No, I don’t believe it. I don’t believe a word you say! My Mother would never do any of things; and even if she did, she didn’t do it on purpose… and she’s not retarded!”

“Sorry, Dinky,” Twilight said to me, “but Ponyville can’t survive with her around anymore. Remember last week when your Mother dropped a piano that she was carrying and it fell through the Town Hall roof and nearly killed the Mayor? That couldn’t be tolerated.”

“But what about me?” I cried.

“Twilight is going to take you in today,” said Fluttershy as she came over to me and placed her hoof around me holding me close, “and after tomorrow, you’ll be with me. I’ll take good care of you from now on; I won’t let you out of my sight for a moment.”

“No! I don’t wanna!” I shouted while trying to push away, “I hate all of you! My Mother doesn’t deserve this! I won’t let this happen!”

“Just be quiet and accept the truth, Dinky,” said the Mayor not caring about my feelings, “it’s already come to be. Please, just… take her out of my sight.”

I was still crying, but I still found myself glaring intensely at the Mayor as she walked away. However, I still wasn’t aware of how I was feeling right now deep inside.

“Come along, Dinky,” said Twilight as she dragged me along, “you’ll get over this soon; I’m sure of it.”

But she couldn’t have been farther from the truth; I couldn’t get over it. The entire town of Ponyville hated my Mom, and she was going to die because of it. This wasn’t fair to her… or me; didn’t I have a say in this?! Twilight took me to her library tree and kept me there overnight, and she had a shield outside so I couldn’t escape. I couldn’t run away, I couldn’t see my Mom, I couldn’t stop this whole execution from coming. This was the worst moment in my entire life.

The following day soon came, and that unfortunate event was about to take place. I mean seriously, practically every single pony in Ponyville were present for this maddening event; damn bastards. I had no choice but to be there to because Fluttershy kept to her word and wasn’t planning to lose sight of me at all. The execution began and I thought that it was going to be quick and painless, but you all know what happened… anything but. They tortured her, beat on her, raped her, and anything else excruciatingly painful that they could think of. Even those Cutiemark Crusaders bitches had their share of giving pain to my Mother thinking that it could earn them their cutiemarks; such idiocy.

Everypony was getting into it, and everypony were showing me a different side to them; a side of lust, ecstasy, and pleasure from seeing my mom dying; it was so sickening that I couldn’t watch anymore. But then luckily at one point, I noticed that FLuttershy had her eyes glued to her friends that were torturing my Mother and was getting off of it. She was even getting excited seeing the crusaders up there too; no doubt imagining that it was her that they were wiping instead. But this was my chance; a chance to finally get away. I knew that it was already too late for my Mom, but I could at least try to escape from their grasp; so that’s what I did.

I quietly snuck past Fluttershy as she was fapping and went by everypony else who were too distracted to even notice me. I finally got out and went away; but before I left, I quickly turned around so I could see the podium stage where my Mother was. It hurt to just look at her now the way her body was mutilated and beaten, but this was the only time I was going to see her; even if I didn’t like it. Once I had enough, tears filled my eyes as I fled from Ponyville into the one place that I didn’t think anypony would try to look for me… the Everfree forest.

Inside there, I let it all out. I cried, I sobbed, I yelled in anguish and all of the emotion had held up inside me was being let out at once.

“Why, Mother; why why why?! Why would they do this to you?! Wh-why would they do this… t-to me? All this time I thought everypony there were my friends; I wanted to believe that my Mother wasn’t hated by them… especially Twilight and the others. But I guess I was wrong… way wrong. They killed my Mother; they took her away from me. She was the most important pony in my life and they all took her away from me! They all hated me and my Mother and wanted to get rid of us; I’m not ever going back there again. I hate all of them!”

Just then, in the middle of my lamenting, I heard a voice nearby…

“Dinky… Dinky…”

“Huh… what’s that…”

The voice itself sounded a bit familiar, but I couldn’t quite put my hoof on it. But anyway, I wasn’t planning to be found already.

“Wh-wh-whos there? Wh-whoever you are, I-I-I’m not going back to that backstabbing town, and you can’t make me! I’ll… I-I-I’ll live in these woods for the rest of my life if I have to!”

But then, I was face-to-face with a glowing purple orb that suddenly showed up behind me. I jumped and was prepared to run, the orb told me…

“There’s no need to worry, young filly. For even though the ones you loved and thought you could trust have betrayed you… I’m still your friend.”

“Who are you?” I curiously asked the mysterious orb.

“I’m afraid that I can’t tell you yet; but you better find some place to hide.”

“Why is that?”

I then heard the reason; some other voices in the distance that I definitely recognized.

“Dinky! Dinky, where are you, you bad little filly; running away like that!”

“Come on, girls, her scent must be getting stronger. Lead us to her, Winona!”

Damn, it was Fluttershy and Applejack; and I think I heard Twilight as well. They were looking for me; I couldn’t let them find me.

“Oh no, they’re looking for me?! Are they that determined to find me?! What do they want with me?!”

The orb went ahead on a path and said…

“Follow me, I’ll lead you a place where you’ll be safe.”

Well… what did I have to lose? This stranger who is an orb of light seemed legit for the time being and I wasn’t going to let the other find me, so I ran and followed this strange light to get from the others that were approaching. I was running as fast as I could keeping my breath in check and was being careful to not falter at all in my step; but after running through what seemed like an endless paths of trees, I eventually followed the orb to a rocky wall; was it a trap?

“A dead end; I have nowhere to go! Now what?!”

I was almost afraid whoever this orb of light was led me into a trap; but then the aura around it began to glow and a hidden door opened up in the wall. Once I realized it, I quickly ran inside the wall and the door closed behind me. I was now safe from their eyes, but they still had that stupid dog dog with them who could easily sniff me out.

“What now?” I asked the orb who was still with me, “What if they figure out about this secret cave too?”

“Just leave that to me,” it told me.

I wasn’t quite sure what it was going to do to throw them off my trail, but I listened carefully as the search party outside came right outside of the hidden door.

“Where is she?” said Twilight.

I almost hear Winona whined a bit out of frustration as she was trying to find my scent.

“I don’t know,” said Applejack, “it appears that Dinky’s trail stops here.”

“Oh my, look,” I suddenly heard Fluttershy say in slight fright.

What did see? Maybe it was whatever the orb was planning.

“Blood; and some blonde mane remains,” Twilight observed, “It has to be Dinky.”

So that was it; it actually made replica samples of my mane and blood to throw them off; pretty cool… and pretty clever.

“Yep, its Dinky’s alright,” said Applejack, “It the same bit of hair that we found outside the forest that led us in here.”

“So what do we do now, Twilight?” asked Fluttershy.

Thankfully for me, Twilight seemed too tired and aggravated to try and search for me in this forest… especially after the full activity they all had; ugh.

“I’m too tired to deal with this crap now, so let’s just assume that Dinky is dead now too. No foal her age could survive in this place alone for long. That’s one less problem for us.”

“So… just tell the Mayor and everypony else that Dinky is presumed dead?” questioned Applejack.

“Exactly; no pony needs to worry about Derpy or her daughter anymore.”

“Aw, too bad,” said Fluttershy sadly, “I was really looking forward to having some last minute fun with her cute little foal body… even though she was Derpy’s offspring.”

It was only then that I finally realized that Fluttershy literally liked little fillies. It was no wonder why that pedo mare kept making weird looks at me; sicko.

“Fluttershy, sometimes yer weirder than Pinkie when she’s on a sugar spree,” I headrd Applejack say to her, “C’mon, Winona, you work hard. I’ll give ya a treat back at home.”

It was such a relief hearing them finally leaving from where I was not knowing that I was right in front of them and still alive. Heh, they were such idiots.

“Thanks for doing that,” I told the ball of light, “I really owe you one for…”

But suddenly when I turned around, light illuminated inside the dark cave and the walls along the long tunnels were completely covered in crystals. Although, there was something about them that made me cower a bit.

“Whoa, wh-what is this place? I’m feeling a discomforting vibe here.”

“This is the Crystal Caves of Reflective Emotions,” the orb told me, “Here, every individual can witness their deepest, darkest emotions within themselves. However, only one with strong enough unicorn magic can access its corridors. You will find you relief here.”

I wasn’t quite sure how this could be possible, but eyes couldn’t lie to me as I saw bright, shining sight in front of me.

“How can this be possible?”

“There is a crystal for everypony here, you know; and one can only see his or her own reflective glow.”

“Everypony; b-but how can that be? And if only a unicorn’s magic can gain access in here, then that must meant that you’re a…”

Even though I was quite curious of that thought, I was suddenly distracted by a certain glow in the distance down the shimmering tunnels; a glow that somehow was calling my attention like it was summoning me.

“Hey, wait a minute; I… I think I see mine!”

I hurried down the cave tunnels going towards the glowing light that I’m sure only my eyes could see. Compare to it, all the other crystals that I saw just looked like… um, regular-looking crystals; nothing more. Eventually, I came to a huge room area filed with the biggest crystals that I had seen in that place. If only… if only my M-Mommy could’ve seen it.

“Those are some big crystals,” I said in awe as I looked around.

“The deeper and darker one’s emotions are,” said the light beside me, “the bigger their crystal will appear to be.”

“But why would my crystal be in here?” I wondered, “Are my emotions really that deep… and dark?”

Suddenly as if on cue, one of the crystals in the area shinned brighter than any of the other and caused me to draw closer to it staring at its brilliance.

“This has to be mine right here; am I right?” I curiously asked.

But when I turned around, the orb of light that was following me was gone.

“Hello; glowing orb thing?”

It was a bit weird that I didn’t sense it leave, but I guess that it wanted me to face my crystal alone… or however it was going to turn out. I didn’t know what was going to happen, but nothing could be more out of place for me right now than being without my Mother. I slowly approached the crystal being cautious of the unknown; but as I looked into it, I saw a familiar figure. A figure lying down in a slumped position with its face buried in its hooves crying and sobbing. It was… it was me.

‘Why, why did they do it? Why did they kill my Mommy? She meant everything to me, and they kill her for no good reason!’

This was all too strange; it was like… I was looking at my own feelings buried deep inside me. I wasn’t even crying, but deep inside… I was; and I was seeing it with my own eyes. But the more I watched myself, the more I noticed that I was getting angrier.

‘Now… I’m all alone because they want to… k-kill me too. What did I ever do to any of them?! What did my mommy ever do to them?!’

A weird but enraged sensation went over me as my inner feeling were channeling through to me; tears flowing though my eyes and my rage rising to higher heights.

‘I hate them! I hate them! I hate them! I hate them! I hate them! I hate them! I hate them! I hate them! I hate them!!!!!’

Just then, a huge light burst through my crystal that lit the whole area and I fell to my hooves being almost blinded by it. Once it died down, I glared into my crystal again, except this time I saw something different. It was still me, but… I looked darker, angrier, and more ominous. My inner feelings were drastically changing. The figure looked back at me… and it actually spoke to me.

‘So… you’re finally realizing how much our lives now suck.’

“Wh-wh-who are you?” I asked it.

‘I’m the embodiment of your darkest emotions. That other embodiment of yours was nothing but a crybaby. Not to say that crying out your sorrows is bad, it’s just that it was already getting a bit old.’

I couldn’t believe what I was seeing in front of me. From the look of this look-a-like, was this how I really felt inside? I felt confused… and a bit afraid.

“I-I don’t understand, what are you saying?”

I was still acting to weak; too afraid to unleash what I was feeling deep inside. But… I couldn’t ignore this; I needed to face reality and express myself.

‘Quit denying yourself; I am your inner feelings, remember? You know exactly how you are feeling now; of how you were betrayed by your own home. Those damn bastards think they are all better than us. They thought nothing of us but inferior space.’

It was right, that is what everyone thought of my Mother, which means it’s what they thought of me as well.

“I just don’t understand; all of this time, my Mother was being nothing but nice to everypony even when she may screw up at some things, but they never liked her! Does this mean that… th-that they never liked me either?”

‘Well… it’s quite obvious, isn’t it; of course they never liked us. Everypony in Ponyville never liked you except your Mother, and the same goes for the other way around. Those so-called bearers of the Elements of Harmony; for what they’ve done makes their very title all a lie! Not to mention the Mayor and these you call friends… everypony; they all probably hated us the very moment that we were conceived from our Mother’s womb.’

I suddenly began seeing past visions in my head of everypony back at Ponyville; the looks and leers and disappointed expressions on their faces that they made behind our backs. And to think that I didn’t noticed any of this and always thought they were sincerely smiling whenever me or my Mother were around. I began to feel sickened just thinking about it.

‘Look at all of them; they think that they are better and smarter than us. They dare to think that we’re unfit to live.’

I was beginning to finally realize everything that has happened and what it all meant and the truth of it all. My dark heart was finally becoming known to me and my inner dark thoughts began to come forth through my emotions.

‘They didn’t care what Mother or what we thought of things. They didn’t care for our well-being, and secretly plotted our destruction. And just look at what hatred of us did to these damn idiots. They all think that their lives with us was f*#@ed up before, then how about we give them a real reason to despise us.’

Being in contact with my inner dark feelings was defiantly taking a toll on me and was changing me. My magic turned dark, my heart turned dark, and the sweet look in my eyes that I had all this time also disappeared and turned dark. The dark reflection in my crystal was now gone because it was now one with me. The once sweet filly that cared about everypony in Ponyville was now gone and was replaced with one now filled with pure hatred for it and a thirst for vengeance.

But during that moment, something strange happened. I suddenly heard a familiar voice speak out to me nearby.


My eyes; even though they were now filled with hate, produced tears and was looking all around with wide eyes wondering if I was dreaming.


In a cracked crystal beside mine, I saw… Mother… looking at me with tears in her eyes trying to talk to me. I guess at that moment her spirit was still lingering around.

“It’s okay, Dinky; stay strong. Everyting is going to be okay. There’s no need for revenge. Just forgive them and move on; for they don’t know what they… f-f-for wh-what they…”

Then just like that, her Crystal shattered right before my eyes which meant only meant one thing… she was officially gone from this world. As I just sat there thinking about what she just said to me in her last moment on this planet, I almost had a thought of doing exactly what she said. But, it didn’t matter; pretty soon the darkness returned to my eyes, and I decided to dismiss her words… and instead… heed my own.

“I’m sorry, Mom,” I said with my voice trembling, “but that is not going to happen.”
Afterwards, I made my way out of that cave and was much different than when I went in. Before, I was upset, confused, scared, and afraid; but now, all of that was gone. I was a new filly no longer caring for the life of anypony who dared crossed me. But once I was out, that same glowing orb who saved me was there waiting for me… like it was expecting me.

“So… did you find the relief you were looking for?” it asked me.

I gave it a little scowl and then slightly looked away as I responded…

“Y-yes… I did. You brought me here to this place so I could clear my head and realize what was going on and what I should do about it; didn’t you?”

“Perhaps; so what do you wish to do about it?”

I thought hard about it and figured out the exact words that I wanted to say.

“I want them to pay. I no longer wish to call Ponyville my home. After what they did to my Mother and what they planned to do to me… I will never forgive them. They all took away everything I cared for, so I’ll do the same to them! I’ll make them all suffer… just like my Mom suffered.”

“I was expecting you to say something like that,” the orb told me, “which is why I will help you to fulfill your wish.”

I walked by the orb not caring what it said as I automatically was planning to make my way to Ponyville and do whatever I could do to make them all regret their decisions.

“No offense, but I can do this on my own.”

But then the orb suddenly flew up in front of me to stop me from progressing. I leered at it feeling a bit annoyed.

“Out of my way!”

“Look, I understand how you must feel right now,” it said to me, “Now that you understand the whole truth, your heart yearns for revenge. However, in the present state that you’re in there is nothing you can do about it; you know that.”

Even though I was still upset and filled with hatred for my former home, I knew that it was right. No matter what I could do and no matter how angry I might get, I would easily be apprehended in seconds. It frustrated me just accepting that fact.

“That is why I’m here, Dinky,” the orb said to me, “I can help you. You deserve every bit of revenge that you want, and I will help you gain the ability and skills that you need to do it. It’ll take some time, I’ll admit, so just be patient and it will all be worth it in the end.”

I really wanted to do something now, but I decided to hold back my angered vengeance and go with that alternative plan.

“Fine, I trust you… and I’ll hold back… for now.”

Since then, I hung out in the forest for 2 years building up my magic and learning some killer survivor skills that helped me to survive in the forest for so long; and no creature in there dared to mess with me. At first the glowing orb didn’t revealed its identity to me; but once it did, I finally knew who she was. She was somepony who was against my Mother’s execution just like me and wanted her to live. Well… thanks to her, I was finally strong enough to carry out my plan… and I couldn’t wait.

At one point though, that freakishly stripped zebra, Zecora found me and realized what I was planning. She was quite surprised at how I was acting towards my former and was wondering why I would do such a thing. Once I told her, she couldn’t believe that she never witnessed that event take place. I warned her that even though I had nothing against her and wasn’t going to kill her, I would if she ever chose to stand in my way. She chose the smarter choice to stay out of my way; even though she wasn’t fully supporting what I was doing, she understood my reasons.

Once that fated day finally came, I was ready; ready to slaughter those who killed my Mother; ready to slaughter the town that despised her… and rejected me. It was at that moment when I was overlooking the town that Zecora came to me again… looking over what she knew was going to be her last view of Ponyville in her existence.

“I don’t mean to intrude, but this is your last chance to bail; do you dare to go with this for a risk that you may fail?”

I glared at her feeling annoyed that she ever thought of such a thing. After all, I wasn’t planning on failing. I looked over at the doubtful zebra and told her…

“Trust me, Zecora, this is no risk at all. I’ve been waiting for this moment for two whole years. Besides… thanks to her teachings and support, there is no way I can fail.”


That’s how it all happened; that’s how I came to where I am today. I don’t regret anything that I have done. Everypony that I have killed so far; mare, filly or stallion, I don’t miss them at all. They no longer meant anything to me. Right now, only two things mattered to me; my Mother, who is now gone, and now that she is, the 2nd is revenge; sweet… soothing, tasty revenge. That is all I care about.

Speaking of revenge, the bearers of the Elements of Harmony are now down 4 members, and only two remain. And thanks to that sweet ol’ married couple that I burned alive… I know exactly where they are. Pinkie and Fluttershy; the party bitch and the silent foal molester. Won’t they be happy to see me; I know I’ll be happy to see them… share their final screams.

The Cottage

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(WARNING!!!) The following chapter contains a scene of violent vore near the end... thankfully not by Dinky.
Read at your own risk!

A young unicorn filly, on a path of hatred and destruction. Dinky Hooves had not failed thus far on her mission for revenge for the execution of her Mother. Her task was close to completion as she had her sights set on the small cottage near the Everfree where she knew her next two final main targets might be. She was slowly trekking through the forest wondering how she was going to carry out her next torture merriment. But she was soon halted in her tracks by a single police pony who got in her path.

“That’s far enough, you little murderer” he demanded, “I’m not letting you go any further.”

Dinky looked at him and then rolled her eyes feeling like her time was being wasted.

“Get out of my way and stop trying to amuse me. You can’t possibly think that you can stop me all by yourself after everything I’ve done, do you?”

The stallion made a little smirk at Dinky and responded, “Of course not.”

Suddenly, Dinky found herself surrounded by large group of stallion soldiers from Canterlot that were obviously waiting for her to come down this path. Dinky sighed and said to herself, “Of course; can’t believe I have to deal with this crap again.”

“There’s nowhere for you to run now!” one of the stallions spoke out, “You have slaughtered too many in one day and we can no longer tolerate it! We’re ordered to take you in alive; but if you force us, we won’t hesitate to kill you instead!”

Despite her possible odds, Dinky wasn’t fazed one bit by the group of ponies surrounding her, “This is foolish; I’m not going to let any of you stop me from fulfilling my mission. Now out my way or I’ll paint this forest with all of your blood.”

“I’m afraid that is not going to happen. If you know what’s good for you, you won’t take one step in this direction.”

Dinky smirked at the pony who made the remark at her and began walking in the exact direction she was told not to go, “Oh yeah, and what will happen to me if I do?”

Suddenly, during the one of her steps, one of Dinky’s hooves was caught into a bear trap that was dug deep into the ground. It clamped against her flesh hard and she slightly yelped from the sudden pain she felt.

“Ahh, what the hell…”

And with her mind set on the pain and her running blood, an unknown item was suddenly shot from the darkness and clamped right onto Dinky’s horn. Dinky knew this feeling and it was pissing her off. Once again her magic was sealed off thanks to the magic seal ring.

“Yes,” said one of the stallions smirking proudly, “it worked! Throwing off her concentration with that bear trap was genius! All right, ponies, prepare for the target’s capture.”

“Damnit,” was all that Dinky could groan out of her gut feeling her magic sealed off by the ring and slowly taking the bear trap from around her bloody hoof. What was she going to do now?

“Not so powerful now, are ya?” said one of the stallions, “Without access to your magic you’re completely defenseless. You’re coming with us now!”

But Dinky still wasn’t afraid; she stood there smiling; slowly licking the blood off her hoof to rid herself from some of the pain. She glare at the lead soldier and said, “Bravo, mister; bravo. You all planned out this whole thing; and I fell for it. However, I’m afraid that it would still be a lie to call me defenseless.”

“Oh, yeah,” said one of the stallions that approached her, “then why don’t you prove it!”

He reached out to grab her only to be caught by Dinky’s fore hooves, and he couldn’t get loose from her tight grip.

“What the what?!”

Dinky then flipped him over and then punched him on the ground knocking him out. She suddenly groaned while shaking her wounded hoof, “Ow, I shouldn’t have stricken with that hoof.”

The other police stallions were a bit shocked at first, but then decided to not waste any more time as the lead stallion shouted, “Get her, now!”

They all rushed at Dinky at once, and Dinky kept calm wearing an assuring smirk knowing that these ponies had no idea what they were in for.


A little later, Fluttershy was heading back towards her cottage with a small entourage of guard ponies escorting her, “Thanks a lot for walking back with me to my cottage. I almost feel like it’s too much trouble to ask you to do this.”

“Nonsense, Miss Shy,” said one of the stallions, “you and Pinkie are the only bearers of the Elements of Harmony left. We can’t afford to leave you unguarded. We need to get you two together and then get out of this place. It’s no longer safe for you to stay here anymore.”

Flutterhsy was trying her best to stay calm in her time of grief, but it was quite hard for her accept her friends’ deaths, “It… i-it just won’t be the same w-without Twilight and the others; they were everything that I lived for. I-I’ll miss them too much.”

The stallion nearest her noticed her sobbing continuously and told her, “J-just stay strong, and maybe you can…”

But then… they all stopped in their tracks when they came upon a frightening sight. A whole different group of soldier stallions were scattered all over the ground, and hanging on tree branches.

Fluttershy gasped placing her hooves over her mouth softly saying, “Oh dear…”

Surprisingly, none of them were dead, but they were badly wounded, and most of them were knocked out unconscious. One of the stallions with Fluttershy went over to the lead pony there who was still barely conscious and asked, “What the hell happened here?!”

The barely conscious stallion did his best to keep his head up and explained, “Sir, it… i-i-it was… D-Dinky; sh-she came here and… w-we almost had her.”

Fluttershy heard what he said and she became quite shocked, “Wait… d-d-did you say… Dinky did this? Is Dinky the murderer?!”

“Our trap worked and we successfully sealed off her magic with a sealing ring,” the wounded stallion continued saying, “W-we had her right where we wanted her, but then she… y-y-you should’ve seen it. She took us all out with her own bare hooves. I-i-it was… unreal; unlike anything I’ve seen before.”

“That’s impossible! No magic and she still got away?!”

“But… since she couldn’t take the ring off herself, after she took us out, she used one of the knocked out soldiers’ hooves to do it; and then she left.”

The stallions with Fluttershy couldn’t believe what they heard, and neither could Fluttershy. They were just imagining of just how dangerous Dinky seemed to be now. It was like she was no longer a filly anymore.

“Where did she go now?!”

“Sh-sh-she went off in th-that direction,” said the wounded stallion pointing in the direction of Fluttershy’s cottage, “I-I’m afraid… she’s g-going after her next target.”

Flutterhsy’s eyes suddenly went wide with horror knowing what that meant as she said, “Oh no… Pinkie!” And then she suddenly ran off towards her cottage leaving the others that were with her; and they quickly followed.

“Miss Shy, Wait!”


Meanwhile at Fluttershy cottage, there was a secondary team of stallion soldiers securing the place both outside and inside. They were doing everything they could to look out for the murderer and to keep Pinkie Pie safe.

“Everything is secure here! Once the others get here with Fluttershy, we’ll escort them to safety… away from this place! We can’t allow this murderer to win!

“Any word from the ones that set the trap?”

“Not yet, but hopefully they can buy us some time to get the final two Elements of Harmony bearers out of here. But if the others don’t get here in the next few minutes, I’m afraid that we have to leave without them.”

The leader of that group was standing nearby couch where the Element of Laughter, Pinkie Pie was sitting behind it curled up in a ball with the poof drained out of her mane and she was softly whimpering to herself. The leader stallion looked down at her with concern and asked…

“Will… y-you be okay, Miss Pie?”

“O-oh, d-don’t worry about m-m-me; heh, I-I’m fine,” chuckled Pinkie sarcastically feeling that she was cracking under pressure, “I mean… sure; my friends have all been murdered, Mr. and Mrs. Cake have been burned alive and the Twins have gone missing; and not to mention that this same killer is coming to kill me as well. Heh… but, y-yeah… other than that… heh heh, I-I-I’m fine!”

After that, she went back to rocking back and forth in her balled-up position and was lightly singing to herself trying to stay calm, ‘C-c-come on everyp-pony, smile smile smile. Heh; c-come on, e-e-everyp-p-pony, s-s-smile smile s-s-smile…’

“I think she’s snapped,” said one of the stallions, “her mine is totally gone.”

“Being the Element of Laughter, can you blame her? Everything that she always smiled and laughed about has been taken away from her. Just give her some space so she can let out her sorrows.”

Suddenly, there was a huge commotion that was heard from outside that caught their attention.

“What the… do you guys hear that? What’s going on out there?”

“I-i-it sounds like…”

Then, there was a whole lot of screaming that was making Pinkie shake even more; and before long, the others had a horrifying fright when the body of one of the stallions from outside came crashing through a window and onto the floor. Pinkie leapt into the air and shrieked upon hearing the sudden sound.

“AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH; what was that?!”

Pinkie looked as she saw one of the stallions go over to the pony lying on the floor and placed his head against its chest. His eyes went wide as he came back up with a dreaded expression and said, “He’s dead.”

Pinkie dived back down behind the couch whimpering in fear of seeing another killing happen in front of her. The other ponies suddenly surrounded her in an attempt to escape.

“What do we do now?”

“We have no choice, we have to get Miss Pie out of here now!”

But right on cue before they could do anything, the lights inside the cottage went out and everything went pitch black.

“What’s going on!? I can’t see a thing!”

Suddenly, there was a quick slash sound, and a single scream was heard.

‘Wh-what the hell?! What was that?!”

Then one by one, there was a sound chain of blood-curdling screams that echoed the darken room; and then it all went silent. When the lights came back on, Pinkie suddenly saw splotches of blood that were suddenly all over body. She made a horrifying gasp as she felt it running down her coat. However, it was nothing compared to the scream she made when she saw all of the bodies of the stallions that were trying to protect her lying all around her soaking in their own blood. Pinkie Pie was frozen in place completely terrified of what happened knowing that she was possibly next.

“OhmyGodohmyGodohmyGodohmyGod! This isn’t happening! They’re all dead… and I’m next. Wh-what do I do? I don’t want to die.”

Suddenly, Pinkie heard a slight rustle sound beside her; and when she looked, she saw a darken body looking back at her. It smiled and said, “Boo.”

She screamed, “AHHHHHHH!!!” and jumped back and scooted away from the figure.

When the creature came more into the light, Pinkie saw that it was Dinky, the daughter of Derpy who was believed to be dead.

“Boy, aren’t we jumpy,” the filly said, “What’s the matter; have no laughter to offer today?”

Seeing how dark and dingy her coat was, and the blood stains all over her body, Pinkie thought of something that wasn’t true. “Z-z-z-z-z-z-zombie pony!”

“I’m not a zombie, you idiot!” shouted Dinky as she stomped her unwounded hoof, “I’m still very much alive.”

Pinkie didn’t want to believe it, she realized that she wasn’t lying, “B-b-but… h-how? Y-you went in the forest, we saw the evidence, and… you’re supposed to be… d-d-dead. Wait… did you just call me an idiot?!”

“It’s a little thing called false advertisement. I didn’t really die, I faked my own death! Can’t you see that already?!”

Despite seeing someone who she thought was dead still alive, Pinkie was slightly relieved that she was not dealing with a dead pony, “Oh… what a relief. For a minute there I thought I was dealing with the undead. But wait… wh-what exactly happened to you? Y-y-you look like a bloody mess.”

A grim smile appeared on Dinky’s face as she responded, “Do I really?”

But the obvious answer didn’t exactly hit Pinkie right away, “Well n-never mind that, we have to get out of here NOW! There’s a murderer out there killing everypony like these unfortunate stallions. You look like you went through an ordeal yourself; but anyway, come on! We can’t let whoever it is find us!”

Just then, Pinkie saw the couch she was hiding behind suddenly float up in the air over her. “Wh-wh-what the…”

Then without a second thought, the sofa came slamming down right on top of her splitting in half. Pinkie groaned as she climbed out of the middle of the mess. She rubbed her head and said, “Ow… my aching body. Wh-what just happened?”

Then one of the couch’s halves went up and hit against Pinkie that cause her body to slam against a wall. Pinkie was feeling the pain build up as she fell back down on the ground. When she looked back, she saw Dinky standing in front of her with her horn glowing.

“D-D-Dinky… what are you…”

“Has it really not hit you yet, you clueless, dumbfounded, hyperactive, party whore?!” said Dinky with an annoyed expression, “It’s me; I’m the murderer! I’m the one causing all of this turmoil! I’m the one who killed all of your friends… and you’re next.”

Upon hearing what Dinky said, Pinkie finally understood what was going on and her main terror returned to her as her body began vibrating with fright once again. “Y-y-y-you? Y-you’re the one; you’re… the murderer? You’re the one who did all of this?!”

“Wow, nothing gets past you, does it,” said Dinky with a sarcastic smirk, “And you all said my Mother was dumb… in which she wasn’t!”

“Why… why did you do all of this?” Pinkie cried with tears filling her eyes, “Why did you slaughter all of those innocent lives?!”

Pinkie was then lifted up by Dinky’s magic and was brought up right against the filly’s enraged face that was glowing intensely, “Innocent? INNOCENT?!!! You all f@#*in’ murdered my mother on public display for anyone to see and did it in front of me; not to mention you were all planning to kill me too! You call doing all of that… INNOCENT?!!!”

Dinky then grabbed a nearby metal pipe and began to rapidly beat Pinkie with it. She kept slamming it on her left and right with no sign of stopping. Pinkie kept wailing with each hit and was trying to get away. Unfortunately for her, the pipe kept following her wherever she dragged herself. She was becoming a bloody mess herself with blood soaked bruises appearing on her from the constant beating from the metal pipe. Eventually Dinky grew tired of the metal pipe and tossed it to the side while she re-approached the wounded pink mare.

“Looks like somepony doesn’t feel happy to see me now,” said Dinky with a psychotic smile, “However, I’m so happy to see you. I once enjoyed your countless parties and excessive laughter, but now… I just want to see that laughter die.”

Pinkie rolled on her back and was trying to back away despite how pointless it was, “Please… don’t kill me; I-I-I know what we did might have been… a l-little overboard, but your Mother des... I-I-I mean… cheer up, I’ll do anything for you. I know, a party; I’ll throw you your own… private… party… compliments of P-Pinkie.”

Pinkie then found herself being lifted up again by Dinky’s magic, and the pissed off filly was glaring up at her not falling for any of her words; not that any of it mattered to her anyway.

“Sorry, Pinkie, but I’m afraid that you’ve thrown your last party.”


Fluttershy was galloping her way to her cottage after running into the group of stallions earlier that were taken down by Dinky with the ones that were with her not far behind. But by the time they got there, a horrific sight awaited them. There were bodies of stallion guards everywhere, and none of them were breathing or intact. Fluttershy almost wanted to throw up at what she saw.

“This is… terrible. How could little Dinky do something like this? It’s just too much.”

“It seems that we’re t-too late,” said one of the other stallions, “That filly menace already went by here, and it appears that she showed no mercy.”

“But… what about… Pinkie?” Fluttershy wondered.

They went inside the cottage to take a quick look only to find the same sight they saw outside. But at the moment, Fluttershy was more concerned in finding Pinkie.

“Where is she? I don’t see her anywhere, and… and I can’t stand to be in my own cottage anymore! Curse that cute, se… I-I-I mean, evil little abomination.”

The stallions with her looked everywhere as well but couldn’t find anything themselves. They just assumed the worst and were about to abandon the cottage.

“Looks like there’s nothing more we can do here. We need to leave this… ugh, unfortunate scene and get Miss Shy to safety.”

“Yeah… I guess,” Fluttershy sadly responded.

But before any of them got out of the house, the entrance door slowly moved making a cringing creaking sound. The door then closed shut, and when they all turned around, Fluttershy shrieked to find her friend, Pinkie Pie nailed to the back of the door. Her head was limp and bloodstains were seen on her coat from her wounds.

“PINKIE PIE!” Fluttershy shouted.

“It looks like she’s still alive,” said one of the stallions, “I can still see her breathing. We must get her down from there now.”

Suddenly, they heard Pinkie lightly groan and she slowly picked her head up a bit with her face peeking through her drooping mane. She tried to warn them of something.

“Run… r-r-r-run… get out of here. Sh-sh-she’s here.”

The others stopped trying to hear what she said.

“Wh-wh-who’s here?’ Fluttershy shuddered, “You don’t mean… the murderer?”

“Who else would it be?” said another voice.

The stallions there were all suddenly on alert.

“Where are you?! Show yourself!”

The voice chuckled menacingly, “As you wish.”

Out of nowhere, a long magic whip appeared and surrounded the stallions. Then, it enclosed itself, binding all of them together tightly and they couldn’t get loose.

“Damnit! How the…”

Suddenly from a dark corner, the dark-turned filly emerged and had her eyes set on Fluttershy. The yellow mare quivered and was slowly backing away.

“This… is so wonderful!” shouted Dinky with delight, “And here I thought I would have to hunt you down, but instead you came straight to me. Good thing I decided to stay here; otherwise I might’ve missed you.”

Fluttershy wanted to run, but she couldn’t bring herself to abandoning her pink mare friend… no matter how hopeless her situation may have seem. She continued to look at the dark filly realizing how much she changed in appearance and didn’t look innocent or defenseless anymore.

“I… I-I can’t believe it’s… y-you; you’ve changed. And y-y-you’re the one who killed all of my friends and the other victims in Ponyville. You’re a murderer!”

“Gee, what gave it away?” said Dinky sarcastically, “Was it the body number count all over this town, or was it all the blood on my coat? Oh, cares about that; I have Pinkie and now I have you. Soon both of you will join your wretched Harmony friends, and you can all live forever in your friendship.”

Dinky took a few steps towards Fluttershy just to instill more fear into her; keeping her guessing of what she was going to do next.

“But you know, now that I think about it... I should thank you. You did me a big favor.”


“H-h-huh?” wondered Pinkie as she hesitantly looked up.

“That’s right; on that day of my other’s execution, it was your fault that you were paying too much attention to that travesty and got into it. Because of that, I was able to get away and none of you fools could find me. So you just assumed that I was already dead; big mistake.”

Thinking back on it, Fluttershy realized her mistake, “Oh no.”

“Oh yes,” said Dinky with an evil sneer, “so that means that technically… it’s your fault that all of this has happened. It’s your fault that your friends are dead.”

Fluttershy plopped on her flank with her hooves on her head trying to convince herself that what Dinky wasn’t true, “No, no, that’s not true! Don’t say that!”

“But it’s true. I was your responsibility, remember? You were supposed to get rid of me yourself; you promised your friends, the princess and that Mayor whore! After all, you just couldn’t wait to give me the time of my life before doing me in; you sick f#@k.”

Fluttershy then saw Dinky trot over to Pinkie who was still hanging by her hooves on the door, “But you let them all down, and now… this is happening.”

Dinky whipped out a steak knife and impaled it right into Pinkie’s chest. Pinkie screeched a blood-curdling scream feeling the blade in her body and her blood was rapidly leaving her.

“No, stop it!” Fluttershy pleaded with tears in her eyes, “Stop it, please!”

Holding another knife with her magic, Dinky smirked at the sobbing mare and said, “Why don’t you make me, pedo mare.”

“S-s-s-stop calling me that, I-I-I mean it.”

“Hmm, what are you more upset about anyway; your friends that I killed, or all of the missing foals that you can’t try to molest anymore?”

Suddenly, a small burst of anger came out of Fluttershy as she lightly growled and flew at Dinky with her hoof raised up and ready to swing, “SHUT UP!”

She took a swing, but it was easily dodged by Dinky who simply ducked and pushed the yellow mare back with her magic. Fluttershy fell backward and landed on her wing causing it to get sprung.

“Oops, too slow,” said Dinky as she slowly punctuated the second knife into Pinkie’s stomach.

Dinky grinned seeing the blood oozing out of the pink mare. Pinkie screamed again, followed by rough coughing and she threw up blood in front of her and onto the floor. Dinky had to side-step to the side to avoid getting puked-up blood on her coat.

“Ooh, that didn’t sound good, now did it,” said Dinky with a sneer.

Dinky looked over at Fluttershy who was trying to make her way over to her. She enjoyed how pitiful she looked and wanted to see her even more miserable, “Let me guess, you’re going to try to beg and plead me that I don’t kill you or Pinkie and that you’re sorry for what happened in the past and you want me to give you another chance. Is that what you’re hoping? Well I got a news flash for you that’s not going to happen. The only thing that could make me happy is being with my Mom… and she’s dead. So the only thing that can make me happy now… is your death.”

Pinkie was coughing up more blood again from still feeling the knives in her chest. Dinky smiled knowing that her time was almost up, “Seems like the party pony is almost gone. Any last words before I blow out her candle? Heh, I crack me up.”

Fluttershy looked at Pinkie with her eyes overflowing with somber tears feeling guilty about no being able to save her, “Pinkie… I’m sorry. I’m so sorry that I let you all down. Things… weren’t supposed to end like this.”

Despite the shape she was in, Pinkie looked down at Fluttershy and smiled telling her, “D-d-don’t b-be. We all h-h-had our fun, right? Wh-who cares what this filly thinks, we had the t-time of our lives. And b-besides… all I ever wanted was…”

“Times up,” said Dinky suddenly.

And then, Dinky took one of the knives in Pinkie’s chest and slashed downward to slice her body wide open. The sudden movement cause Pinkie convulse and gag loudly instead of screaming; and after about a minute or two of that, her body hung still. Blood was pouring out from her body and organs became loose and were dangling out from the opening.

Seeing Pinkie dead brought a smirk to Dinky’s face, “Ahh, that felt good; no more laughter from that party pooper.” She then turned back to Fluttershy who was constantly sobbing seeing her friend die in front of her. But from already seeing her Mother being brutally murdered in front of her, Dinky didn’t really feel sorry for Fluttershy. She grinned menacingly at the terrified mare and said, “Five Elements down… one whinny one to go.”

Fluttershy wanted to run as the deranged filly was staring her down, but she was so deep in terror that she couldn’t move.

“Don’t you dare, you psychotic, sick filly,” said one of the tied up stallions, “we won’t let you!”

Dinky’s gaze suddenly turned to the stallions that she tied up together and started to walk towards them, “Ah yes, I almost forgot about you lovely pack of stallions.” The stallions were calm but still a little tense once the filly got in front of them feeling a bit ecstatic, “Ready to join your comrades?”

Seeing that this was a perfect chance to escape, one of the stallions shouted out, “Run, Miss Shy, run! Don’t worry about us; just go and run far away from here.”

“But I…”


Fluttershy didn’t want to abandon the very ones that protected her, but she realized that she didn’t have choice. She made a break for the door, but strangely, Dinky just stood still and wasn’t doing anything to try and stop her. Fluttershy opened the door, but a shocking surprise was waiting for her. A huge group of forest animals big and small and different species were crowded in front of the entrance, and she was wondering what was going on.

“Huh? What’s going on here?! You all have to get away from here, now!”

But then much to her horror, she noticed all of the animals’ eyes glowing red and glaring straight at her, “Uh oh.”

A bear that was in front of the group took a giant swipe at Fluttershy and launched her back in the cottage and on the ground. The impact caused her to twist her two back hooves and she couldn’t get up. She was trying to recollect herself trying to make sense of the situation.

As the animal made their inside the cottage, they started to surround Dinky who was still standing in front of the tied-up stallions who were still a bit uneasy of the scary-induced creatures, “Oh, I hope you don’t mind, but I invited some of your animal friends over… for dinner.”

Fluttershy then realized that the animals were being possessed and controlled by Dinky’s magic. But what did she mean by what she said?

“D-d-dinner? But… I-I don’t see any food.”

“Of course there is,” said Dinky slightly grinning, “it’s all sitting right here.”

Fluttershy gasped as she saw Dinky evilly smirking at the stallions. They all shivered as the possessed animals glared at them with their sharp teeth showing and drool dripping from their mouths.

“What? Y-y-y-you wouldn’t dare?!”

“You don’t know the new me very well, do you?”

Dinky then turned away from the stallions and walked outside of the surrounding animals; and without turning around, she commanded, “Bon appetite, my little pets.”

The animals started to close in on the defenseless stallions, and they had no means of escape. They knew what was coming, and they weren’t going to enjoy it one bit.

“No… not like this!”

The animals all rushed in creating a horrible sounds harsh growling, and all Fluttershy heard afterwards were the stallions screaming in pure agony. Dinky sat there right outside the frenzy smiling while enjoying the agonizing screams, and the sounds of flesh being ripped apart and blood splattering.

“Good animals, make sure not to leave anything left.”

Poor Fluttershy had to lay there on the ground seeing the horrible sight. Those stallion guards were literally being eaten alive by these animals, and some of them don’t even eat meat. Fluttershy had enough; she cried while using her fore hooves to try and quietly drag herself away from this hellish moment while Dinky was distracted.

“I’m getting out of here, this filly is all kinds of psycho crazy!”

But unfortunately for her, Dinky hadn’t forgotten about her and she stopped the fleeing mare wrapping a rope around her fore hooves when she but a mere few feet from the door. However, with her wings snapped out of place and her back hooves broken, Dinky took away the use of her only intact body part, and now Fluttershy couldn’t escape at all.

“Where did you think you’re going?” said Dinky as she stepped near Fluttershy, “I don’t think I told you to go anywhere.”

“Please, just let me go!” shouted Fluttershy as she was pleading for her life, “I’m sorry; I won’t bother you ever again! I promise!”

“But you see, that’s the thing; I will never forgive you, nor do I forgive your bitchy friends. It’s about time I end your life as well.”

Fluttershy cried some more wondering what Dinky was planning to do to her. Seeing the animals nearby still feasting on the now deceased stallions, she was afraid that the evil filly was going to send them over and have them feast on her.

“D-d-d-do wh-wh-whatever you want to me, just please don’t make those animals eat me.”

“Heh, oh don’t worry,” Dinky chuckled, “I’m not going to let them eat you.”

“R-r-really; seriously?” question Fluttershy.

But then, Fluttershy looked in front of her and saw a huge group of bunnies entering the cottage and stopped in front of her; and they were led by Fluttersy’s bunny friend, Angel.

“I’ll leave your defenseless body to those guys.”

They seemed normal at first, but the way they were strongly staring at Fluttershy made her feel very uncomfortable, “Angel?! H-h-hey there. Any chance I can get you and your friends some healthy, tasty salad to munch on instead of on your best friend?”

But her words fell on deaf ears when she saw Angel carefully put on a bib around his neck and then whipped out a knife and fork. Then his eyes suddenly turned red and he showed his newly sharp teeth letting out a huge hissing sound. All of the other bunnies soon followed his lead and then began launching themselves onto the helpless mare.


To Fluttershy’s dismay, they all began to dig into her body with their utensils and teeth carefully munching on her meaty flesh.

“Stop it!” Fluttershy began shouting as she felt her flesh being ripped apart, “No, bad bunnies; bad bunnies; bad bunnies!”

She saw Angel along with a few other bunnies gnawing on her stomach trying to get into body, “Angel! Angel, stop! This is excruciatingly painful… and not natural! Stop!”

But none of them listened, and they successfully got through and tore her chest apart. Flutterhsy released a terrifying scream as much of her blood was spilling out of her and she could feel little bunny teeth munching on her insides; as well as the rest doing their work all over the rest of her body.

“That’s right, little bunnies,” said Dinky as she was enjoying the sight of Fluttershy suffering, “make sure not to rush too much tho, and let her suffer as much pain as possible… up to her last harshly breath.”

As Dinky watched, Fluttershy tilted her head towards her with tears still leaking from her eyes and said, “H-h-h-how… h-how could you… bring yourself… to d-doing this? How could you…”

Dinky suddenly scowled and went near her face and spouted, “Why am I doing this? Why am I doing this?!”

Dinky was getting more pissed off every time someone asked her that question when she felt that they knew exactly what her reasons were. To her, it’s like they thought that her actions had no reason. But this time, she gave up and turned away from Flutterhsy and began to make her exit.

“You know what, forget it. I’m tired of answering the same damn questions over and over to you backstabbers. Figure it out yourself, I have a Mayor to take down.”

The other nearby animals were done with the tied up stallions, and already they had started dining on the corpses of the ones Dinky slaughtered before. The feeling in Fluttershy’s mutilated body was slowly wearing off as she could feel her life slipping way; but it was a very slow process.

“By the way,” said Dinky, “by killing you, I’m actually doing all of the innocent foals of this world a favor. If it were up to you I bet you would molest every single cute foal you could get your hooves on. Oh how the Element of Kindness has fallen…” She then stopped and looked beside her to see Pinkie’s corpse just lying there, “and the rest of you wretched Elements.”

She then used her hind legs to kick Pinkie’s butchered body across the floor and away from her. Without turning back around, she walked out the door and said to Fluttershy, “May you all burn in hell.” And then she slammed the door behind her.

Now Fluttershy was in her cottage all alone with the bunnies still ripping away at her flesh and tissue in a way that was killing her slowly. She wanted to softly say something towards her friends feeling that she was sorry of what happened, but she couldn’t say anything. All she could do now was lay there and take the torture and wait for it to end. But she feared that she would be feeling this for a little bit longer.

Dinky didn’t turned back knowing that she snuffed out the light of the last Element bearer that help sponsor her Mother’s death. But now she was headed back to main part of Ponyville where she would focus her magic towards her final main target… who she knew was probably already waiting for her.

“I’m coming for you, Mayor.”

Town Hall

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(Flashback): A few days before the present.

Dinky was summoned to the one who helped her in her time of need and presented her a box. When she opened it with her magic, she scowled upon seeing what was inside.

“Is this some sort of mockery for me? What are you doing bringing me the Elements of Harmony; and how did you get them here anyway without... her finding out?”

"Not to worry. She knows nothing about this. If things go right, then once she does find out... it will be too late."

"You didn't answer my question!" Dinky strongly protested, "Why bring these to me when they are nothing but an eyesore to me?!"

The shadowy figure then explained, “Don't you understand? These are the representation of the ones who took your Mother away from you.”

“Like I didn’t know that already. What use will these be once I murder those pony bitches?”

“Well… if I remember correctly, the Elements will automatically choose the next being who has the means to control their power.”

“With bearers like Twilight and the others” said Dinky, “Who else could be more worthy?”

“I guess there’s only one way to find out.”


The sky was dark and foreboding. Rumbles of thunder and flashes of lightning was active high in the sky in tune to the aftermath of the recent deaths of the Elements of Harmony bearers. Dinky was on the warpath through the streets of Ponyville no longer bothering to keep herself hidden. She was relishing over her accomplishments and of how much fun she had doing it. But she had one more main target in mind; the one who was main mastermind of her Mother’s execution. Mayor Mare.

As she was on her way to Town Hall at the center of the town where she knew the Mayor was waiting for her, Dinky kept glaring from side to side seeing some of the residents who hadn’t left yet. Some were shuddering and not moving a muscle, and others ran to hide from the demented filly. Dinky made a little evil smirk and thought to herself…

“That’s right; flee in terror, Ponyville. Flee in terror. Quake in fear of the disappearance of your children, and the fall of your so-called saviors of Equestria. Heh… saviors, my ass.”

Before long, Dinky finally reached her destination; Town Hall. Dinky scowled upon it’s tall and giant stature knowing what it represented. To her, it meant nothing now as she came to the doors, turned around and simply kicked the doors down with her hind hooves. She walked in searching for her target. It was dark, silent, and it seemed empty… like no one was there. But Dinky knew for sure that someone was there. But just then, someone did speak up.

“I have to admit, I didn’t think you would be able to get as far as you have now. But… I guess that was too silly of me to assume.”

A dim light suddenly shone down on the main head desk where a single chair sat. Then the chair spun around and Dinky saw another pony staring back at her.

“Well… am I right, Dinky Hooves?”

Dinky lightly growled suddenly glaring upon the one she was searching for, “Mayor Mare.”

The Mayor didn’t seem frightened of the crazed filly, she just solemnly sat in her chair and was looking down at her with discontent in her eyes, “I suppose that since you’re here it means that the last plan of attack failed… and Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy are gone. As of right now, I… am not… a happy mare.”

“Like I give a crap about any of that,” said Dinky angrily, “Do you have any idea of how I am feeling right now?”

However, Mayor Mare still didn’t care for Dinky’s reasons, “You disappeared 2 years ago, and now you have the nerve to come back into this town to cause panic, and murdered many ponies! I mean for hoof-sakes, you killed the bearers of the Elements of Harmony! Do you even realize what you have done?!”

“I know that I have rid this world a bunch of ponies not worthy to be living… after what they’ve done to me. Every single one of them I trusted; I trusted this whole town, and what happens, they all took my Mother away. They murdered her… so I’m just giving back.”

“What was done is done, and it what this world needed," said the Mayor, "If you’re Mother was still living right now, she probably would cause more fatal casualties than you have. Guess the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.”

“You shut your mouth right now. You’re the main one behind my Mother’s death; I’ve been saving this moment for last.”

With a small sarcastic smile, the Mayor lightly chuckled and said, “So let me guess, you’ve come here to try and kill me as well, is that it?”

“Don’t patronize me;" Dinky growled, "there’s nowhere for you to escape now.”

“And who said I was going to try and hide like a coward?”

Dinky was all ready to kill the Mayor where she stood. But there was still something that she wanted to know, “Although, before I graciously spill your blood all over this damn Town Hall floor, I wish to receive an answer from you.”

“And what could that possibly be?” questioned the Mayor.

“Why did you do it? Why did you all kill my Mother?”

The Mayor suddenly sighed and rolled her eyes not wanting to go thorugh this again like she more than two years ago, “This again? Are you honestly asking this question again? I already told you my reason and its all you need to know; trust me.”

“You will tell me right now," said Dinky as she was storing up magic in her horn, "or I’ll make your death slow and painful… just like the others did.”

The Mayor just looked at the enraged filly and knew that she wasn’t going to take no for an answer. So she decided to go ahead and tell her everything.

“Very well; you want to know the whole truth of why we did what we did, then I’ll tell you.”

Dinky decided to subside her magic while she heard what the Mayor had to say.

“As I already mentioned before, your Mother was nothing more but a danger to everypony. Ever since I first laid my eyes upon that pony, I knew that there was something about her that I didn’t like. It seemed that every task your Mother was given was doomed to fail. She couldn’t even do the simplest of tasks like her last job as a Mailmare without being so clumsy and reckless; and she always had some stupid excuse to make us apologize to her. She was a really major annoyance to Ponyville, but we learned to cope with it. Even so, the mistakes she’s made… the simple tasks she’s screwed up… the countless lives she’s endangered… it was almost too much to bear. But seeing as young and naive that you were… or should I say that you still are, you can’t possibly understand anyway.”

As Dinky continued to listen, she kept glaring at the Mayor while a spark of her magic kept igniting every time she heard her insult her or her Mother.

“You may think your Mother deserves respect; you may think that she was the best thing to happen to this world. But the truth is that she was the worst thing that has happened to this world. She was like a health hazard, a plague, a bad luck charm. Everywhere she went she always seemed to bring misfortune to this land.”

Dinky wasn’t giving in to the Mayor’s words and was ready to kill her, but she was holding herself back so she could hear more of the useless excuses that she had to say.

The Mayor saw that Dinky wasn’t convinced and sighed out of frustration, “Still can’t understand? Well understand this. Your Mother has caused many incidents over the years if you haven’t realized; from small things like mixing up mail orders to major things like damaging town property and causing harm to others! Ugh, the horrid hospital bills.”

Dinky knew that her Mother had created some accidents during her lifetime, but she also knew that she never did them on purpose, “So my Mother made some mistakes, and maybe she’s not the most perfect pony to all of you idiots; but she was to me. And how you all reacted made absolutely no sense!”

“Some mistakes, my bare ass!” the Mayor strongly protested, “Try countless mistakes! You have no idea how much trouble that senseless mare gave to many ponies in this town. It’s no wonder your biological father left her after you were born.”

“What?” Dinky deeply growled.

“You shouldn’t be surprised that your Mother didn’t tell that; after all, it would have broken your little heart. But after all of the damage she has caused, she should’ve been lucky that we didn’t sue her and make her pay her pay for everything… seeing that she wasn’t exactly made of money in the first place. Yes, fixing all of her mistakes and living every day trying to not let her shenanigans ruin our life; it was something we had to deal with for many years. But… what happen about a couple of weeks before your Mother’s execution is what finally crossed the line.”

Dinky couldn’t wait to hear what her Mother possibly did to cause the the entire town of Ponyville to revolt against her and wish for her death, “What are you talking about?”

“It was a special task; a task that required licenced pegasus’ to set up and activate small little storm clouds to give Ponyville a little shower to water the plants. Many pegasus made for that job were sick that day and others who were qualified for the job were brought to do it; and apparently your Mother was one of them. We had no choice because we were too limited to what we had. And since she was qualified for the job, we figured that maybe she could handle this. But oh… how wrong we were.”

“I do remember her leaving me to do that,” said Dinky, “but… didn’t something else happen that day?”

“Yes, something else did happen that day,” the Mayor responded, “and it all happened because of her. Once it was time for her to do her part, it would have been all over and done with; and it almost was… but for a completely different reason. Her actions sent a chain reaction throughout the clouds, and Ponyville was suddenly barraged by lightning strikes. It was so widespread and out of control, and most of the entire town was caught on fire! Many ponies were screaming and fleeing in terror from the destruction that was caused, and many lives were injured; but thankfully, nopony got killed. But all of this only happened because of your stupid, clumsy, retarded Mother!”

Normally, Dinky would be furious of hearing that insult again, but instead she was just standing there at a complete shock of what she just heard, “Wait… she caused that town fire?”

“Obviously,” said the Mayor, “She was the only one capable of screwing up like that. We should have taken our chances and chose somepony else. I was so mad, so pissed out of my mind that I commanded that mare to come down to where I was. And once she was close enough, I gave that mare a piece of my mind and gave her right hook across her mug that sent her down in the dirt which suited her so well. I had never been so mad in my life, but your Mother finally sent me over the edge.

‘What the hell is wrong with you, you stupid bitch?! Can’t you do anything right?! You’ve caught fire to our entire town! I will never understand why you were brought into this world, because you definitely don’t deserve to be in it! You’re clumsy, reckless, and downright retarded! Nopony likes you, and you do not… deserve to born! Now get your sorry excuse of your presence and get out of my sight!’

“She had no words to say to me as she was pitifully crying and flying away from me, and it was a good thing to. If she did I probably would lashed out at her again, but I had a town to save and thanks to some extra help it was. But what happened that day was unforgivable, and it couldn’t go unpunished.”

Dinky was at a loss; for the first time since that dreaded day she had no words to say about what the Mayor explained to her. “I don’t understand; that’s… not how my Mother… told me.” She remembered that moment when her Mother came to her with the entire town engulfed in fire.

‘Mommy mommy, I’m scared! Where did all of this fire come from?! Who did all of this?!’
Dinky had saw her face that looked very scared and troubled, but she was trying to stay calm for her daughter and was holding her close.

‘D-d-don’t worry about that… Dinky; I’m here now, and… I’ll protect you.’

Then Dinky remembered looking up and seeing her Mother’s eye all beaten and bloody.

‘Wh-what happen to your eye; it looks all black and bruised!’

But instead of telling her the truth, Derpy just smiled at her and said…

‘Oh, this? I, uh… I-I-I wasn’t paying attention of where I was going again… and I ran smack into a tree. It did hurt really bad, but… I’m okay; see?

Dinky truly believed what she told her and thought that everything was going to be okay, but now she knew that she was just trying to make her feel better because the real truth would only upset her. Dinky was crying thinking of what her Mother went through and how the town must have treated her afterwards; and yet she had no idea of what was coming.

“Your Mother lied to you,” said the Mayor scowling, “her own daughter. How disgraceful. But what can I say, she never made smart choices to begin with anyway.”

For a moment, Dinky’s dark, magical aura disappeared, and she was just sitting there in deep thought. She was contemplating over what her Mother did and of how it affected Ponyville forever.

“So… now do you understand?” questioned the Mayor as stared upon the tragic-stuck filly, “Do you understand what has happened now and why our actions was for the best of Equestria?”

Dinky wasn’t making eye contact to her, and more trickles of tears were rolling down her cheeks as she said, “Okay, fine; I understand. I understand... why you were upset; why everypony hated my Mother. I understand why you wanted to get rid of her so badly.”

“Nice to see that you’ve finally come to your damn senses… even though its a bit too late.”

But suddenly, the dark magic aura returned to Dinky’s horn, and she looked back up at the Mayor with a murderous glare saying, “But… I still don’t care. If… if my Mother needed some kind of punishment for her actions, then… fine. I wouldn’t be mad at anypony. I would only care about my mom's life. But what you bastards did to her instead… was unforgivable! She didn’t deserve anything that you all did; and for that, I despise you all!”

The Mayor got up out of her chair and slammed her front hooves on top of her desk shouting, “It had to be done! Don’t you get it already; if she had continued to live, Equestria could have been doomed! That pony was prone to causing destruction everywhere she went with her stupidity! We had no choice but to do it, and it was worth every moment of planning to execute it.”

“I don’t care! I don’t care how clumsy sh-she may have been, and I don’t care that she may not seem like the brightest pony on the planet! You all may have not cared about her, but I did, and you all took her away from me! So this entire town can die and burn in hell for all I care!”

The Mayor just groaned while rubbing her forehead, feeling that she was having a migraine trying to explain things to Dinky, “Why did I even bother? Just as I thought you’re too incompetently stupid to understand anything… just like your retarded Mother.” She sat back in her chair to try and relax and continued to state her plans for the psycho filly, “However, whether you understand or not, it doesn't exactly make up for all of the countless lives you took today; mainly Twilight and the rest of the Elements of Harmony bearers. Filly or not, murder is murder, and you will be executed severely for what you have done.”

“SHUT UP!!!” shouted the angered filly, “I’m sick and tired of your s#!%! You have no right to say that when you were all planning to kill me as well in the first place! And what makes you think you can do anything to me?! I killed the Element bearers, and I took out most of your sorry excuse of a police force and soldier guards; I think I can handle killing you!”

Dinky was ready to murder the Mayor in any way she wanted as she was storing up power in her horn. However, the Mayor remained to be unmoved as she was just sitting in her chair and staring at Dinky through her old-styled glasses, “Fine. You want to try and kill me, then go right ahead. But unfortunately for you… you won’t succeed.”

“Oh yeah?” said Dinky brushing her hoof against the floor, “then why don’t we test that theory!”

With her horn at full glow, Dinky dashed towards the Mayor in an attempt to skwer through her and her chair. She leapt up in the air and was about to decend down upon the middle-aged mare, “This town will have a Mayor no more!” But unknown to her, as the Mayor looked up at her, she had a little smirk hidden underneath her expresion.

Just when Dinky was about to reach her, she had a slight sense that this was way too easy and that something was up. But it was too late when she suddenly felt one her hind hooves get wrapped up in some kind of iron rope; thus halting her in mid-air. She looked back in shock.


Before she knew it, her other hind hoof was wrapped up as well; and then her two front hooves too. She was then pulled down on the ground and was held back so she could reach the Mayor. She was still shocked and looked behind her only to see the ropes leading into dark sections at the top of the Town Hall. She knew someone was trying to stop her, so she decided to not waste time and was about to shoot a fatal beam at her target. Unfortunately, she was stopped as another iron rope wrapped around her horn and sealing away her magic before she attacked.

“NO!!! Let me go!” Dinky yelled furiously as she tried to bronco her way out of her sudden situation, but the ropes proved to be too strong even against her newfound power.

The Mayor looked up above Dinky and did a nodding movement with her head like she was signaling someone. Sure enough, about ten ponies wrapped in dark cloaks came jumping down from the shadows and surrounded the captured filly. Some were the ones holding the ropes and the other ones were just there for support. Dinky grunted harshly and saw the Mayor slowly approach her with a proud smile on her face.

“What’s going on?” Dinky strongly questioned, “Who the hell are these ponies?!”

“Oh, these Ponies?” said the Mayor solemnly, “Nothing much, just a special group of guards from Canterlot. They are an elite stealth force that has secretly been trained by Celestia herself, and now they have the ability to hide away in the darkness and strike without warning in a flash. They even wear special armor that helps them to not be detected by anypony’s magic. Pretty impressive, I’ll say. But don’t try to intimidate them, they are more of the silent type.”

“So that’s why I couldn’t sense them.” thought Dinky to herself, “Damn it all.”

The Mayor brought her face down to Dinky’s level while she was still being held down and said, “What do you have to say for yourself now, little Dinky? What was it that you said about a minute ago; you thought you could handle killing me? Looks like you failed.”

“You ungrateful bitch,” Dinky growled, “you had these wannabes do your dirty work for you! You’re nothing but a coward!”

“There’s being a coward and then there’s being smart of not going in over my head. If I thought I could handle somepony who took out someone like Twilight or Rainbow Dash, I’d be just as stupid as you and your Mother are.”

“Stop bad mouthing my Mother already. Do you have a death wish?!”

Dinky was getting more and more furious by the minute. She thought that if she could she could just go forward a few meters she could shut the Mayor’s mouth. However, she was still unable to do so as the Mayor stayed at a close but safe distance and continued her gloating speech.

“It’s actually quite a shame really. A teeny, tiny piece of my heart really doesn't want to watch a young filly die, but unfortunately that what it has come down to. Perhaps… if you came back to us peacefully, we would have spared your life.”

“You complete liar! None of you cared about my Mother… and none of you cared about me either! You would have gotten rid of me the first chance you got!”

“I guess we’ll never know, now will we?” The Mayor then stood back up and was headed back to her desk, “Oh well, I think I had enough of this senseless banter with you. The death of Twilight and the others shall be tributed… by yours.”

“You little…”

Dinky was tugging very hard on her restraints again, but the soldiers holding the ropes tightened their grip and Dinky was brought down on her four hooves again not being able to move a muscle, “Stop being so silent, you fools! Say some words, damnit!”

After getting back to her desk, The Mayor stood beside her chair and looked back over to Dinky pushing up on her glasses and giving her a pitiless expression, “Any last words before your spirit is put to rest?”

Dinky just stood there not saying anything except huffing and puffing strongly from her anger and glaring intensely at the Mayor.

“Well… that’s that then,” she sighed; and then she sat back comfortably in her chair and gave her orders to the soldiers, “Execute her where she stands.”

The soldiers who were not holding the restraints took their places and were charging up the magic in their horns and were about to go through with their orders and execute Dinky. Dinky knew if that happened, her revenge would be ruined. But she still couldn’t move, nor could she do something to avoid the upcoming blast.

She was crying thinking about her Mother and thought to herself, “No… no! This can’t be how it ends!”

But before her life ended, there was a loud crashing sound of glass from a window at the top of the building. It disrupted the business that was taking place and they all looked up to see what it was.

“What was that?!” shouted the Mayor in shock.

It was quite faint, but the Mayor saw some kind of shadow standing in front of the broken window. It emitted a beam of light that shot down and went across the soldiers faces knocking them all down and losing their hold on Dinky.

“Hey!” the Mayor shouted at the shadow and she stood on her desk.

Afterwards, the shadow quickly fled in the dark of night. The Mayor was still pondering of who that was that interrupted Dinky’s execution, “What... just happened?”

But then it just hit her looking down at the silent soldiers that were trying to get themselves together and DInky who was restoring her magic in her horn. The pissed-off filly looked back at the group of soldiers that were about to end her life and knew what to do next.

The Mayor freaked out and tried to call to the soldiers’ attention, “No; get up, all of you! Stop her before she…”

But quicker than they could react, Dinky let her magic loose on the assassins; and with one slash movement, she sliced them all down. The Mayor watched the horrifying sight of the soldier's bodies falling lifelessly on the ground. The blood was everywhere, mostly over the psycho filly who dealt the blow and was now huffing and puffing in pure anger. Dinky suddenly turned her angered glare back at the now frighten mare. Without thinking, she pushed her desk at Dinky and tried to make a break for a back door. Fortunately for the Mayor, the desk didn’t stall Dinky much as she just jumped over it and then sealed off the Mayor’s exit with her magic.

“Trying to escape me, Mayor?” questioned Dinky in a cynical tone, “I thought you said that you weren’t stupid!”

Dinky then fired shot at the Mayor, but the middle aged mare quickly dodged out of the way. However, in doing so, she tripped and stumbled, and her glasses fell off of her face. She began freaking out now that she couldn't see clearly around her and was trying to feel for her glasses.

“No, my glasses! I can’t see without them!”

Dinky saw the pair of glasses and floated them over to her with her magic and smirked while looking at them. “Ooh, what a pretty pair of glasses.”

The Mayor suddenly turned to the figure who she knew was Dinky. She knew that she had her glasses and was aware of what could happen.

“Don’t you do it,” she strongly pleaded, “Don’t you dare do it. Give them back to me now!”

Dinky then idly dropped the Mayor’s glasses on the floor and then smashed it and grinded them up with her hoof, “Oops, my hoof slipped.”

“You little incompetent brat!”

The Mayor dashed at Dinky in anger, but Dinky didn’t even have to move since the Mayor went right past her and ran right into a pillar.

“Wow,” Dinky chuckled, “you really can’t see without your stupid glasses.”

Feeling a bit out of it, the Mayor was suddenly picked up by Dinky’s magic. Even without the glasses, the Mayor knew what was going on; and her terrified face was just what Dinky wanted to see.

“What’s the matter Mayor? Where’s that proud, stuck-up and sarcastic personality of yours? You were so confident that you were finally going to be rid of me. We're not so confident now, are we?"

Dinky’s horn suddenly glowed and then she took a shot at the mare knocking her down to the ground hard. The Mayor groaned in pain while trying to avoid what was next. Thinking back with her time with Cheerilee, she smirked while lifting the Mayor’s desk and slammed it into the injured mare before she got back up.

"You were really pissing me off from the way you were constantly insulting my Mother,” said Dinky feeling annoyed, “You were enjoying yourself way too much. But now… oh how the tables have turned.”

Getting up out of the broken, wooden mess, the Mayor hesitantly stood onto her hooves with some splinters hanging out of her flesh and drawing some blood. “H-h-how did this this happen? It wasn’t suppose to end up this way. Who was that on the roof that helped you? Who else is with you in this sick and twisted escapade of yours?!”

Dinky stood right beside the Mayor looking into her eyes with a smug look, “I would be happy to tell you,Miss Mayor; but then I was thinking… why should I tell you anything? Why should I give you what you want. You didn’t give my Mom forgiveness; you didn’t give me my wish to not kill Mother. Yeah, it’s just like that saying… we can’t always get what we want, right?”

DInky then used her magic to fling the Mayor high in the air, and she came crashing back down on the ground with a painful scream. Now unlike before, the Mayor couldn’t move; her body was in too much pain. She could barely lift her head, but when she did, she suddenly saw Dinky already back in front of her staring her down.

“Now then… what to do with you?” she said out loud, “Oh man, the possibilities of how to torture your ass, it’s endless! Oh I know, I think I’ll start by doing this.”

Dinky suddenly raised her hoof and struck it right against the Mayor’s face. A spurt of blood launched from her mouth and a giant bruise appeared on her cheek as she felt it with her own hoof and teared a bit.

“That was for the strike you made against my Mother."

She then struck the Mayor’ opposite cheek with her opposite hoof bruising that one as well.

“That was for what you did to her at the stupid execution.”

Then she used her magic again and shot the injured mare against a wall.

“And that was for trying to kill me.”

The Mayor was wondering how she got in this mess. She had Dinky where she wanted her; but now she was lying on the floor in massive pain at Dinky mercy.

“My b-b-body is too old for this… kind of roughhousing,” she groaned.

“You want rough?” said Dinky, “Oh, I’ll give you rough!”

The Mayor wished that this torture session would be over by now, but it wasn’t. Using her power, she materialized a stockade out of nowhere; similar to one that was used for a certain execution. Dinky forced the her victim onto it’s platform and trapped her neck and appendages within it. The Mayor struggled a bit knowing what was going on, and Dinky was standing in her view enjoying the marvelous sight.

“Does this situation feel familiar to you?” said Dinky, “It should, seeing that its exactly the way you had my Mother displayed to the public.”

“You… w-wouldn’t dare,” the Mayor groaned while glaring at the young filly.

“That’s kind of dumb for you to suggest since I killed the Element bearers in some of the most gruesome ways just just like my Mother was. But don’t worry, I won’t do it in front of this wretched town, this will be our private little moment.”

“This won’t solve anything!” the Mayor protested, “Doing this won’t bring your freaking Mother back! What do you possibly hope to accomplish from all of this?!”

“What I will accomplish is gaining peace of mind knowing that those responsible for f#@%ing up my Mother are butchered and dead. I can’t get my Mother back, but there are other ways for me to heal my wounded heart.”

Dinky then turned away from the Mayor wondering what she could do next, “Now let’s see… how did this go again?” Then an evil smile came onto her face as she thought of something, “Oh yeah, I think it started out like this!”

She turned back around and gave the Mayor another punch across her face… in which of course she didn’t see coming.

“And little of this!”

She then gave the Mayor’s a few hard whacks with a wooden plank until it was glowing bright red. Plus, the Mayor was crying having flashbacks of her childhood punishments; only this was much worse.

“And a little of this!”

Then the Mayor received a major kicking on her underside repeatedly from the punishing filly who was enjoying herself so much. After all of that, the Mayor felt queasy and her body felt so sore, just the slightest movement sent pain shooting right through her. She still couldn’t see what was happening without her glasses, so it made the torture all the more frightening.

“You look lovely,” said Dinky sarcastically as she looked upon the Mayor’s beaten body, “Enjoying yourself, Mayor bitch?”

The Mayor refused to say a word to her as she was concentrating on taking in the pain that she was feeling. But this didn’t hinder Dinky’s amusement at all.

“Not saying anything, huh? I can change that.”

Using her magic again, Dinky formed two giant-sized dildos right in front of the Mayor. They were much bigger than any she has ever seen.

“Wh-wh-what… are you doing… w-w-with those?” the Mayor questioned.

“Isn’t it obvious?” Dinky responded, “I’m about to shove these two stallion-sized dildos into your ass and your pussy. And the best thing is… they’re both a triple extra large; a real crowd pleaser.”

Not for the Mayor though; she knew that she could only handle half that size. Having two of these pushed into was a terrorizing thought to her itself. Dinky lightly chuckled as she went around the back and saw the mare’s entire back half shaking; but was it of fear or slight anticipation?

The Mayor’s backside jumped as she suddenly felt the tips of both dildos teasing at both of her entrances. As much as she felt that she may get some sexual relief from this, she knew for a fact that she wasn’t.

“I sure hope your old hag body can handle it,” said Dinky snickering under her breath, “Wouldn’t want you to pass out just yet.”

Helpless to get away, the Mayor felt the first dildo slowly enter into her vagina. Originally, the Mayor wouldn’t feel any pain seeing that she had sex plenty times before, but the toy’s size was more than she was used to. The Mayor cringed as her vaginal walls were being stretched more and more by the entering dildo and DInky wasn’t even taking pauses. She kept going until she got more than half of it in and then stopped; but she wasn’t done.

The Mayor was slightly panting and her body was shivering from what she was feeling. She never had anything this big inside her, but she was actually enjoying it despite who was doing it to her. Seeing the Mayor leaking some arousal juices from her private, Dinky grinned as she started to push in the second dildo into the Mare’s flank hole. The pleasurable feels suddenly changed for the Mayor feeling her tight opening being forcefully opened to the size of the toy. She began to cry some more as each push kept causing her pain. She knew what it was going to feel like in the beginning. Having two didlos of their sizes in her at the same time was unreal. Only one was bad enough and she actually could handle it, but two was way too much for her. She felt like she was going to be ripped from the inside; and it if Dinky was to push them even further, that might actually happen. But the Mayor had no idea that it was going to get worse.

“Oh, I almost forgot,” said Dinky slyly activating some of her magic in her horn, “I gave these babies a little surprise.”

Suddenly without warning, pain shot through the Mayor’s body that made her screech in pain, “Ahhh, what the hell?!”

Tiny but sharp little barbs lengthened out of both dildos and were now sticking into her inner flesh. But that was nothing compared to what she felt when Dinky slowly retracted them out of her. The barbs roughly scraped against her from the inside drawing blood that was slowly leaking out of both openings. When just the tips remained inside her, the Mayor was trying to relax her head and endure the pain, but it was short lived as he saw Dinky looking up at her smirking and licking her lips.

“Now then, let me hear those delicious screams.”

From there, the Mayor began screaming in constant horror as Dinky forced both barb covered dildos back into her openings and was constantly pushing and pulling them in and out. The Mayor wanted the pain to stop but she get away from it. It was like having a cheese grater move around in there and they were literally scraping and tearing away her inner skin tissue. Dinky was enjoying the sudden sight of blood that was pouring out of the tortured mare. It was quite satisfying after seeing her Mother going through a similar ordeal; except Dinky was making sure that this was more painful.

Once Dinky was done, she pulled the dildos out and admired the dripping blood and the pieces of skin that was stuck to the barbs. Also, both openings of the mare was completely ruined and shredded to pieces with skin hanging off the outer rims. All the Mayor could do was hang there by her trapped front with her bottom half slumped down on the ground feeling slight relief.

“C-c-curse you…” she lightly mumbled under her breath while still crying, “Damn you to hell…”

Dinky was enjoying watching the Mare suffer just like her Mother suffered. Since she was the main one behind the execution, Dinky was looking forward to this moment forever… at least it felt that way for her.

“Don’t think we’re done just yet,” she suddenly said, “I still have more fun to be had with you.”

Dinky was making sure that the Mayor was suffering to the highest extant. For the next 10 minutes or so Dinky kept going with her torturous activity. Every thought, and every memory of her Mother’s execution that went through her head, she took it all out on the Mayor. As a result when Dinky finally felt bored and stopped, the Mayor was released from her stockade and was nothing but a beaten, bloody mess just lying on the ground. Bloody whip marks, torn pieces of her mane missing and her face was badly bruised and was hardly recognizable; truly a work of art in Dinky’s eyes.

Dinky got up close and personal to the Mayor’s face not caring that she was stepping in her blood and fur and was giving her last words to her, “Did you enjoy yourself? Do feel like crap and wish to be put out of your misery? Now you know exactly how my Mother felt when you all treated her like garbage… right in front of me!”

Then out of frustration, Dinky gave the Mayor another kick to her face, and all the she did was lightly groan in pain.

“Did you do that purpose by the way?! Did you all think I would be fine watching my own Mother’s death; thinking that she deserved it!? Did none of you even cared for the sanity of a young, little foal?!”

Dinky kicked her yet again getting her hooves covered in the splattered blood covering the Mayor’s body.

“Apparently not. Blame me for all this carnage all you want, but it was all of you who drove me this. You all turned me into what I am, and now you are all just getting what was coming to you.”

She then turned away from the suffering mare and suddenly smiled and chuckled to herself realizing how much she has accomplished, “You were high in power running this town and doing what you wanted; and now look at you. A bloody, beaten up mess lying right at my mercy. Too bad I don’t have any to give.”

The Mayor was on the brink of closing her eyes forever and she knew that she was going to die. However, she felt that Dinky hadn’t won despite everything she’s done.And even though she was pretty much dying, she managed to speak out these last words to the dark filly.

“You… y-y-you will… n-n-never… get away w-w-with this. I s-swear on my life... that all of your senseless and murderous killing w-will b-b-be brought to justice. Killing me and the other ponies will solve nothing. Celestia… w-will stop you. Not even your so-called newfound power will be any match for her Majesty’s majestic b-brilliance. She will show you... n-n-no mercy, and I’m sure her young sister, Princess Luna will be right there joining... her at her side. You are through, you hear me… you are through!”

“You let me worry about those two royals, okay?” said Dinky coyly as she turned back around to the dying mare, “Oh, and by the way… I know I promised that I wouldn’t put you up on public display, but… I’m afraid that its necessary for this last part.” Then the tone in her voice sounded more grimly as she said, “Time for you to die... and rot just like the rest.”

Before she knew it, the Mayor felt her sore and limp body being lifted in the air by Dinky’s magic. She was lifted higher and higher until she was outside at the very tip top point of the building. When she looked down, she couldn't see much of anything. She couldn’t see the other ponies who were still there looking up at her and panicking of what was happening to her. She was wondering what was about to happen and why couldn’t it be over with already. But suddenly, she felt herself being placed on the town hall’s needle butthole first. Her body was leveled onto it a couple of times; which was not at all pleasuring, and then her body was forcefully pulled down on it so that the length of the pole impaled through her and out of her mouth.

Not a single scream was heard from the Mayor; she was too far gone to release any kind of painful cry. Once impaled, the Mayor was dead. Her blood and inner guts smeared all on the needle of the Town hall as her body was dragged down on it. Dinky released her magic and now the Mayor’s dead corpse was on display for all who passed by to see.

“I… I did it. I finally did it Mommy,” said Dinky to herself and she started crying a bit, “I killed them all… just for you. Aren’t you proud of me?”

Dinky wished that her Mother could’ve been with her to see her killers’ deaths one by one. But in some way, she felt like she was. But now that her mission had finally come to a close, she began to ponder on what to do next.

“Now what? Do I simply leave this stinkin’ town in the state that it is? And what should I do once everypony knows what happened here?”

Dinky knew that as long as this town existed, a piece of her pain would still exist as well. Her old home was nothing but an eyesore to her now and she refused to let it continue to exist. A nasty scowl came upon Dinky’s face as she kept thinking about this town's attitude and judgement of her Mother and herself. If they weren't going to let them live, then why should she let any of them live? Her scowl suddenly reverted back to an creepy, eerie smile knowing just how to end her day.

"Don’t worry, Mommy. In a few minutes, this town will be nothing but a mere memory."

The New Bearers

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Whether you love or hate it, the ending is now here! What will happen now?

(Dinky narrates)

Through all my life so far, I never knew how hard my Mother had it. No pony took it easy on her and never gave her a break. I don’t know what may have happened during my first years on this planet; afterall, I was too young to understand anything. That’s one thing those bastards kinda got right. However, I began realizing somethings going on with my Mother and the town when I turned 6, but I never understood how bad of a rep my Mother had with them. In my eyes my Mother was sweet, kind, gentle and very forgiving. She was probably one of the nicest ponies to ever walk... or fly into this world. However, all Ponyville seemed to see her as one who was clumsy, stupid, destructive, dumbfounded, and ret... ugh, I can't even say that word anymore, it just gets me more pissed off. They could've done anything; put her in a stockade or jail cell for who cares how long, community service; hell, even banishing her from Ponyville or the outskirts of Equestria would be tolerable for me, because I would be right there with her the whole way. But no, instead they torture her and make her suffer while slowly killing her... and they did it in front me. All of them... pointing and laughing at my Mother’s pain and no pony was giving a s#!÷ about her feelings... no pony! And they were going to get rid of me as well just because I was her daughter! No pony liked us; they hated us and they laughed and mocked at what they called our stupidity. Heh heh, well... who's laughing now?


It was a plot of revenge that was more than 2 years in the making, but Dinky finally fulfilled her mission; murdering those who were responsible for torturing and killing her Mother. She even got to get rid of some few extras along the way, and they were just as satisfying to her. But she knew that everyone in Ponyville played their part in the whole ordeal, and she had a plan to make them all regret that very day.

After murdering the Mayor, Dinky stayed inside the Town Hall building for a little while to rest and meditate on her success. The bloody stench of the corpses of the assassins that she killed earlier were not bothering her at the slightest. She became quite fond of the wretched stench after that day and she wasn’t ashamed to accept it. With a slight smile on her face, Dinky felt at peace with her Mother now avenged. Now it was just a matter of wiping the town off the map.

Once she was well-rested, Dinky walked over to the ruined doors and was going to make her presence known on the Ponyville streets once again. But once she took one step forward outside, she suddenly found herself caught inside a strong aura bubble that floated her up in the air. She quickly tried to use her magic against it, but she failed to make even a dent in it. But as she looked in front of her, she saw the one who suddenly had her trapped; Princess Celestia. The Alicorn ruler was glaring at the filly with much anger and rage in her eyes with some of the citizens standing right behind her waiting to see what happened next.

“That’s far enough, you little monster,” Celestia said, “This… ends… now.”

Dinky just chuckled seeing the situation she was in; not showing any form of fear. “Ah, Princess Celestia. Nice to see that you’re finally here, but I’m afraid you’re a bit too late. What happened; did something happen in Canterlot that prevented you from coming to Ponyville’s rescue?”

“Be quiet!” Celestia demanded, “You’re in no position to be back-talking like that to me! For some weird reason around the exact time you were causing all of this destruction, Canterlot was mysteriously invaded by an army of shadow creatures and was causing massive panic. You had something to do with that, didn’t you?”

“Who's to say,” said Dinky with a sarcastic smirk, “but I was a bit busy myself… killing ponies, y’know.”

“My sister and I had to fight off these creatures ourselves. Our power was the only thing that seemed effective against them, but the more we took down, the more others came back. I couldn’t abandon my Kingdom, so that’s why I sent my best soldiers down here to end what was happening.”

Dinky then started laughing, “Your best soldiers? Heh, is that what you called them? Those guys were nothing more than a cake walk in a field of daisies. Even your so-called elite assassins failed to take me down… once their guard was down and wasn’t sneaking in the shadows anyway.”

“To think that after all these years we were finally rid of that pathetic mare, then it turns out that her daughter is still alive. It’s impossible that I knew none of this.”

“Yeah, well… you can blame that on your faithful and now deceased followers,” Dinky responded in an amusing tone, “It was them that assumed that I was already dead since I ran into that forest after escaping their grasp. They were complete fools to even doubt my survival skills since I’m only a foal. Maybe you can give them a good scolding for making such a foolhardy move. Oh, wait a second, I guess it doesn't matter now that they’re all dead, and I don’t regret doing it; not one… single… bit.”

Celestia was getting angrier by the minute hearing this filly talking smart against her about the tragedy she created, “Just who do you think you are? You murdered the bearers of the Elements of Harmony, the strongest source of power in Equestria. They were what kept this world in balance! You did all of that, and for what; because you lost your pathetic Mother?!”

Dinky’s smile suddenly disappeared as she was glaring at the Princess intensely for the comment that she made, “First of all… I didn’t lose her, she was taken from me by you damn murderers. And second… so what if I did? None of them deserved their title after what they’ve done anyway. I really don’t care if the elements decides to choose another set of bearers to store their power. Whoever they may be, they’re probably more suited than the last group of bearers; and I know for a fact that they will never come back to you and your cold, cruel heart… your majesty.”

Suddenly, the orb that Dinky was in became filled with electricity and began shocking the filly's body. She could feel the pain coursing through her, but she stood strong not letting out any screams of agony. Once it stopped, Dinky was still smirking while panting hard, and smoke could be seen rising from her blood soaked fur.

“You're lucky that I held back on you," said Celestia, "If I wanted to, I could execute you right now with a mere lethal spell. You may have gained stronger abilities that a normal filly would never obtain and was able to do what you did today, but don’t think for one moment that you can challenge me... and my power.”

“The truth is…" stated Dinky, "I didn’t get this strong on my own. Somepony helped me; somepony helped me unlock the true potential I had inside me by letting me expose myself to my inner anger. It’s only thanks to her… that I was able to succeed in my mission. Pretty soon everypony will know about me and how this town paid a terrible price. And anyone who goes against me and my actions and questions me… will meet the same fate.”

“Not while I’m around you’re not,” said Celestia as she strengthened the orb that housed the filly murderer, “And what do you mean by that? Who helped you?! For your crimes, I’m afraid that I will not show any mercy on your soul! You will perish here!”

Dinky still remained calm looking at Celestia and she knew what to do next, “I’d love to stay here and continue to chat with you, princess, but I’m afraid that I’m rather tired and need to rest.”

Her horn began to glow brightly and that signified Celestia to stop her while she had the chance, “Oh no you don’t!” But when she tried to cut off Dinky’s magic, it seemed to not have any effect. Celestia gasped seeing the filly continue to smirk at her, “What; why didn’t anything happen?!”

The light from DInky’s horn was growing brighter and brighter until Dinky was almost out of Celestia’s focus. “Gotta go. Oh, and by the way, I hope you have strong enough magic to save this wretched town.”

And with that, Dinky disappeared. Celestia looked closer and saw that Dinky was no longer in the orb and she stomped her hoof down in frustration“No, she got away! Damnit!” But then, she looked at the inside of the orb again and saw some kind of speck of light shimmering. Celestia wasn’t sure what it might have been at first, “Wait, what is this that she left behind?”

But then she realized that it was some sort of spell that Dinky left behind. Pretty soon, the shimmering speck of light was getting brighter and bigger. It was then that she looked at it in horror realizing what kind of spell it was, “Oh no. Everypony, run! Get away from here now!!!”

But it was already too late. From some distance away it could be seen. From the center of Ponyville, the entire town was suddenly engulfed inside a huge pillar of an explosion that almost reached as high as the clouds. The flames soon died down and not a single building in the town was standing. Even Sweet Apple Acres nearby was completely obliterated. Were there any survivors? No, there wasn’t, except Princess Celestia who used up a lot of her magic to protect herself a few other citizens that were around her that also survived. They were badly injured and unconscious, and the rest were nothing but roasted corpses lying all around them.

Celestia was slowly getting up with her horn aching. Protecting what she could from that blast took a lot out of her and she was suddenly feeling weak. “H-h-how… was she… able to create a blast… so massive? It’s not… p-possible; that dirty...” She looked around her and saw the terrible sight. She cried a bit seeing that despite the power she has and her loyalty to Ponyville, it was now all ruined. “I couldn’t stop it. I couldn’t… save this town… just like I wasn’t able to save Twilight and the others.” Anger suddenly came into her eyes thinking about that filly who murdered her #1 student and her friends, and magic was building up in her horn, “That ungrateful little pest, she is going to pay dearly for this."

But the worst possible thing that could happen to her did. Celestia’s eyes went wide with fright as she felt a harsh snap of pain from her head, and then she saw her horn fall to the ground in front of her. She could believe it; the very thing that made her an alicorn was now stripped from her. It was lying on the ground as a bloody stump and she felt blood running down her face from the wound that was there. All she could do was stand there staring constantly at her broken horn with tears flowing from her eyes, and then all of her grievance came out at once.


Atop a small hill that stood over the once vibrant town, Dinky was looking over the result of her destructive move. A bright smile came on her face seeing the reaction on Celestia’s face. To her, it was sweet, tasty pudding.

“Heh, look at her. She sounds so pitiful. She should be lucky that she’s still alive, that ungrateful bitch. But still… ‘ugh’ perhaps that last spell was a bit too much; but it was all worth it.”

Dinky was holding her hoof against her horn to keep the mild pain she was feeling down. She had never used a spell that powerful and it took a slight toll on her. But in the end, it worked out in her favor. Suddenly, as Dinky was catching her breath, another pony was approaching her from behind. It was the same being that had helped her prepare for this day, and it spoke with an utmost, proud voice.

“Well done, young Dinky. It looks like you were able to do the next phase of the plan ahead of schedule. Lucky you.”

Dinky looked behind her slightly smiling and sighed with relief, “Well just remember, it was because of you that I was able to carry this out in the first place. So thanks again… Princess Luna.”

The Princess of the night came up beside Dinky placed her hoof upon her head, “What we did was give your magic a push, but the magical potential was in you all along, young Dinky; and the darkness in your heart didn’t hurt either.”

“But I have to admit,” said Dinky hesitantly, “if you didn’t get me out of that jam in the Town Hall, I might’ve been killed. Those bastards really went all out to get me.”

“Well, thou did go on a murder spree killing many ponies they all deemed innocent and worthy to live. What did thou expect? So… how do you feel now that thou hath accomplished what you aimed for?”

Dinky looked over the destroyed town and remembered some nice moments that she had there… and it all went over her head, “Well... some would say that deep down, they would have felt a sorry for destroying their hometown, but... I don’t feel sorry in the least.” Dinky then sneered down at Celestia and stated, “I just wish you would’ve let me finish her off.”

“She may have allowed to let your Mother die and showed no concern for her or you,” Luna chuckled sarcastically, “but… she is still our sister and nothing with change that.. But at least she is no longer a threat to you now. That is unless you somehow allow her to trample over you.”

Dinky and Luna laughed together thinking of such a foolish thing. But of course, Dinky knew that she wouldn’t even let that happen.

“So where are the other foals?” Dinky asked, “Were you successful in… changing their perspectives?”

“It was a challenge I have to admit,” Luna responded, “but I think you might find the result quite the accomplishment.”

Luna steped to the side and suddenly, Dinky could see a huge crowd of young and older foals coming up the hill towards them. They looked the same and didn’t appear to be different in any way, but she had to see that for herself as she asked them, “So tell me… do you all... dislike me?”

The foals gasped hearing Dinky say such a thing.

“What, of course not!”

“Why would we dislike you? You’re our friend!”

“Yeah, nothing is going to change that!”

That was exactly what she wanted to hear. She smirked as she said, “Great. And what are your thoughts of the entire town of Ponyville killing my Mother… and trying to kill me?”

Luna’s work proved to be successful as the foals scowled and shouted…

“That was totally uncalled for; I hate all of them for that!”

“The two of you didn’t deserve this!”

“They should all pay for what they did!”

“Even your families?” Dinky questioned

Some of them hesitated a bit, but they replied, “Y-yeah… even them.”

Dinky knew she had to keep an eye on those certain ones who hesitated, but she was satisfied overall. It seemed that Luna really was successful in doing a reverse spell on their minds so now they were all on her side and finally saw things her way. She then led them to the top of the hill and showed them what used to be their home.

“Well… take a good look at that.”

“You did all of that… by yourself?” one of the foals said in shock.

“With a little help, of course. My Mother is finally avenged, and now we can all be free of this town’s stupidity.”

“What about them?” said one of the foals pointing at Pumpkin and Pound who were just staring idly at her.

Dinky just stared at them and saw could tell that they were not upset but more like they were curious of what was happening. “They’ll learn soon enough.”

Another voice was suddenly heard, “Dinky!” It was Sweetie Belle who was rushing towards the purple filly feeling a bit worried for her safety. She came up to her and kissed her on the cheek and then asked, “Are you okay?”

“A little bruised,” Dinky responded rubbing her forehead, “but it’s nothing serious.”

Sweetie Belle smiled and blushed, “I’m glad. You know… that blood soaked look looks kinda good on you. It’s pretty hot.”

“Thanks. By the way, you’re not too upset that you’re sister, her friends, and your crusader friends are all dead now because of me, right.”

“Forget about them," Sweetie retorted, "they had it coming. My sister and her friends should’ve been nicer to your Mother, and Apple Bloom and Scootaloo… I can’t believe that they tricked me into doing such a horrible thing." Then Sweetie brought Dinky closer to her holding her chin up with her hoof, "But... at least I have you.”

Sweetie was surprisingly no longer under Dinky’s mind-control magic. It seemed that Dinky’s dark magic had a permanent effect on her; so even without being controlled, she chose to stick by her side. Dinky was proud of this development and she and Sweetie Belle could be together. She suddenly found herself in a slow deep kiss with her fillyfriend feeling pleased of finally being with her.

While not being too disgusted by the mushy scene in front of them, one of the other foals asked, “By the way, what’s going to happen to the Elements of Harmony now that the recent bearers are dead?”

That was a question that was pondering on Dinky’s mind for quite some time now. But she was about to get her answer when Luna came back up to them carrying the box that she had the Elements in. “Well… why don’t we find out.”

They all watched carefully as Luna lifted the top of the box; and at first, nothing happened. But as Dinky kept staring at them, the Elements started to glow brightly and then they soared and started to circle around above them. The other filles stared at them in awe as they were entertained by their brilliance. Suddenly, the most unexpected thing happened. The Elements came shooting back down and then latched on to some of them. Also, their shapes changed to the cutiemark of the foal they came to.

“No way, I got one!” shouted one of the foals.

“And so did I!”

"Me too!"

Four of the many spared foals had received four of the Elements and they were so excited and proud of themselves. Even Sweetie received one of them, but she slightly scowled at its color. “Even I got one… my sister’s. Huh, how ironic.”

And the last one, the Element of Magic came down to Dinky. It shined brightly upon contact and Dinky could see it was in the shape of an orb since she still didn’t have a cutiemark… not that she cared anyway. “So it’s come down to this. Hard to believe that this chose me after what I’ve done.”

“You should be honored that it chose you,” said Luna, “you all should. You and the others here are now the ones who will represent the true meaning of these gems and shall keep peace and balance to this world. But thou question now is… will you allow yourselves to abuse them in the end like Twilight and her friends unfortunately did?”

Dinky thought that if the Elements of Harmony really did have meaning, that Twilight and the others sure didn’t show it in the end. However, with this new outcome, she now had a reason to live; to fulfilled the true purpose of friendship and not what caused her Mother’s death. After careful thought, this is what Dinky had to said to the others.

“It’s pretty clear now of what needs to be done. Our home has done a terrible sin, and they’ve paid the price. And now that Celestia’s magic has been cut, she’ll be no threat to us and Luna now stands over her in power. The Elements have chosen us, so we have to continue their true legacy and show their true power; that is our destiny now.”

Suddenly, the Element around Dinky’s neck began to glow unexpectedly. But when it died down, she noticed that the shape changed to a star similar to Twilight. But if it changed , that could only mean one thing. Dinky looked on her blood-soaked flank and saw that she gained her cutiemark; a shining black star and nothing more. But even so, Dinky suddenly smiled again seeing that her true destiny was now realized while looking across the land from her view.

“From now on, everyone will respect us and the spirit of my dead Mother. And any pony who dares question my judgement and insults my Mom in any way… will share Ponyville’s fate.

Epilogue: Extended Conclusion

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(Luna narrates)

We remember it like it was just yesterday; the day that we had returned to Equestria… as Nightmare Moon. We remembered when our sister, Celestia sealed us within the moon when we were filled with jealousy and rage. But after we returned, a group of ponies came together and used the Elements of Harmony to not only defeat us but extinguish the darkness that controlled us for all of these years. We were all so grateful for Twilight and her friends, and we owed them our life. So why… why would they do such a thing? It didn’t make any sense.

We knew... of a small family of two; a pegasus and a unicorn. They were quite an unusual pair of ponies living in a normal town. But since I was brought back from the darkness, we began to realise something about Ponyville. While many ponies seemed to be kind and always treated each other equally, the same could not be said about the gray pegasus mare, Derpy Hooves. It seemed that many of the town’s resident had come to dislike her because of how clumsy she was and the way she acted; and those who were too young to understand were taught to think the same. I soon noticed this and the number of those thinking this only kept increasing. This began to worry us. But as for her young foal, Dinky, I’ve noticed how she was picked on, teased, and kept being bothered by other foal talking bad about her Mother. Not to say that something wasn’t done about this sometimes, but the effort behind it was completely lacking.

We don’t know exactly what had happened to Ponyville’s morals about a single pony, but it troubled us so. Even Twilight and her friends didn’t seem to show too much compassion and care towards Derpy and none of them seem to care much for her feelings. They were just like everypony else in this town; it didn’t make any sense. But that wasn’t even the worst of it. We have the ability to wander through the night and witness many dreams without interfering the dreamer. But on some certain nights, we’ve seen something… disturbing. Dreams… dreams that ponies of the town had that were about Derpy going through some gruesome torture whether it was short or really long. Some were so horrible that even we had to look away; and the worst part is that these weren't even nightmares, and some of these dreams belonged to some of the foals as well.

One day, we were so troubled by this that we talked it over with our sister, Celestia. We figured that maybe she would know what to do about this. However, all she told us was to not worry; that all of this will be over soon. We weren't quite sure about what she meant by that but we continued to bring it up to her for a while hoping to get a better solution from her. But she always calmly gave us a similar answer each time. Well, at least she was patient about it. Despite us continuing to see reactions and actions of others towards Derpy, we soon decided that maybe sister was right, that maybe there was nothing to worry about; that nothing terrible would happen to her. After all, Derpy Hooves was probably one of the most sweet, honest and most cheerful pony that we’ve ever seen; and her daughter was not falling too far in her footsteps. But that didn’t prepare us for what happened that fateful day.

That very day when Derpy accidentally caused that widespread town fire that could have been worse. Everypony’s hatred and disrespect of Derpy intensely heightened that day. We even witnessed when the town Mayor slapped Derpy across her face with her hoof. She seemed to be the one who was the most angry with the mare; she definitely showed it. Things seemed to become a bit awkward afterwards, and it was uncertain of what would happen in the following days. Derpy and her young foal continued to mind their own business though and both were staying content of their situation not caring about what anypony said. We understood what Derpy did was major, but it wasn’t like she did it on purpose. And hopefully nothing was going to happen that would ruin this moment. But a couple of weeks after the town fire, something terrible did happen.

One day out of nowhere, Derpy was brought into custody by some of Celestia’s guards while hanging out with her daughter and was taken away from her… just like that. It turned out that she was sentenced to be executed in public on Ponyville grounds, and the order was carried out… by our sister! That was it; that was the last straw for us. We were done hanging back and waiting to see how things turned out, we needed to speak with our sister about this and find out what was going on. We were slightly pissed as we busted the doors to the throne room open and saw our sister sitting proudly upon her royal seat. We spoke our minds and shouted out to her…

“Sister, we need to talk… right… now!”

She didn’t appear to look so surprised; in fact, it’s like she was expecting us to come to her. She looked over at the soldiers that were standing guard and ordered them...

“Would you all mind leaving us for a second. It appears that my sister has something on her mind that she wish to discuss with me privately.”

“Understood, your highness.”

After they had all walked out of the room, it was just us and our sister at a stand off. She walked down from her throne and stood a few feet from us as she asked us...

“What is it that you wish to speak to me about, Luna? If something is bothering you, I’m pretty sure it’s nothing to worry about.”

“Would you shut up already with that 'no need to worry about' junk! You know just as well as we do of what the hell is going on!"

Our sister’s face didn’t change as she looked down upon us pretending to be oblivious about the subject of our conversation. How could our own sister be behind something that’s so unfair?

"Why sister? Why are you allowing such a thing to happen? You're better than this! We know about the huge devastated event that Derpy caused; and if she has earned some kind of punishment because of it, then so be it. But this... this is unnecessary! It was probably an accident anyway! She doesn't deserve this; she hath done nothing wrong!"

We were hoping that we were getting through to our sister somehow since she cared for us so much; but unfortunately, that wasn’t the case.

"Do you even hear what you are saying, Luna?"


"It's not just because of what happened that day, but also of what has happened in that town for years. Everything that mare has done has been considered an 'accident', and it has driven the ponies of that town bonkers. Those moments have caused many damaged property in which so much bits has been used to fix, many injuries to fellow ponies and required even more bits to care for them, and her lost sense of direction that has caused confusion and annoyance to those at her job and customers. I'm actually surprised that we decided to put up with it all this time; but after what happened with the huge fire spread, Ponyville has finally had enough of her and requested to me that she be put down for good; and I couldn’t have agreed more."

So all this time, this is what our sister meant all along; about it would all be over soon. No, the town fire was not a set up unfortunately, but this was not something that Celestia would do… well, that’s what we thought at least.

"We beg of you, sister, please reconsider your decision. She’s just one pony!"

"One pony that has obliviously caused too much damage for them. If this keeps going on as a regular basis, Derpy is going to bankrupt that town; or worse… she may actually kill somepony.”

How could we say no to that? It was true that some of the things Miss Derpy hath done nearly endangered the lives of many, but… we couldn’t deny it. But we still couldn’t allow our sister to do this.

“So tell me, Luna, do you think its a good idea to spare one pony’s life at a risk of the lives of many others?”

“N-no, of course not; but you have to understand…”

“I understand completely, and so does the rest of that town. And I should also let you know that it was Twilight and and her own friends that came to me exclusively as a favor to the Mayor to give them the right to hold the execution, and I approved.”

That very fact shocked us. Who would’ve thought that Twilight and her friends would be the ones to personally suggest such a thing.

“Wait, even Twilight and her friends are in on this?!”

“That’s right. Are you surprised?”

But there was still the matter of the mare’s young foal.

“And what about Derpy’s daughter, Dinky? What happens to her… after you have her Mother killed?!”

You wouldn’t believe the answer our sister gave us.

“Well… we talked about it and did some careful thinking. And based on Dinky’s recent behavior that I have been getting from her teacher, there’ a chance that Derpy’s clumsy genes are starting to take effect within her. This could cause a bit of a problem for Equestria in the future; so…”

Our eyes grew wide, and our anger began to show once again.

“Oh hell no, you are not planning of ridding the foal as well?!”

“It’s a small sacrifice to make for the safety of this land; it’s just a shame that she had to be born out from that retarded mare’s body.”

We could not allow this to stand! Killing off a foal because it supposedly is becoming like their parent?! Now we knew that they were going too far!

“This is insane; how can you let this stand?! The Elements of Harmony are not supposed to subject to such matters! What kind of message are we giving the rest of Equestria with this kind of judgement?! Executing a single pony for accidentally causing trouble in many places she goes, and executing her only daughter… just because she might become like her?!”

“There’s nothing you can do now, Luna, the execution will carry on as planned. It’s about time that you just accept that fact and move on.”

We couldn't accept it; not ever. What our sister and Ponyville decided was ridiculous and we couldn’t allow it! Our power began to circulate through our body and our eyes glowed ever so bright as we rose up in the air and demaded to our sister in our commanding voice.


Unfortunately, our sister was not worried.

“I had a feeling that you might have thought that; but I’m afraid that you won’t be doing such a thing.”


“Because of these.”

Our sister used her magic to bring out a small treasure box where inside housed the Elements of Harmony.


“I love you very much, Luna, and you have no idea of how grateful I was that very day you came back; but if you try to do anything to prevent this event from happening, I will personally have Twilight and her friends use the Elements to subdue you… at least until after execution anyway.”

“You wouldn’t dare?”

“Do not try to test me, Luna. We all know what happened last time you tried such a thing.”

“Fine, sister, do whatever the hell you want. But do know this… one of these days, you are going to regret ever making a decision… as foolish as this! ”

There was absolutely nothing could do. Our arrogant sister couldn’t see the major mistake that she was making; claiming that executing Derpy and her Daughter would be the best for Equestria. That was the most stupidest piece of crap that we’ve heard! However, even though we thought that they were simply going to let that mare speak her last words to the public before she was executed, what the town did instead was… a nightmare.

Never did we see such a huge act of sin-driven monstrosity. Everything that they did to that mare just to get rid of her was a huge, terrifying shock us. Never did we think that Ponyville would degrade themselves to doing such a thing; especially the Element of Harmony bearers. But after that day, guess we were proven wrong. Thankfully, the only good thing that came out of all of this is the fact the little foal Dinky had managed to escape their grasp and ran into the forest, and of course it was because of us that they never found her. Dinky was devastated, afraid, and angry at the same time, and we could not blame her feelings. What happened to her was unforgivable to her, and once she she gave in to her inner darkness, we granted thy young foal to seek her vengeance. There was no way we could do such a thing to Ponyville because of what they did for us, so that’s why we left that job to her and allowed her to drown her sorrows through blood and slaughter.

Of course it was only because we lended her some of our power that she was able to succeed, but it was her drive for revenge that helped her get the job done. Of course we knew that our idiot sister would try to stop her if she found out, so that’s why we used our power to summon random shadow creatures that kept appearing in Canterlot and frightening the residents. We knew that Celestia wouldn’t abandon her home; so instead she sent many of her strongest and most resilient soldiers to Ponyville. She even sent her special elite assassin squad as a last resort, and they almost succeeded in taking her out. But thanks to our support, she survived. May those soldiers rest in peace. If there were specific ponies that didn’t deserve this fate were the young foals of the town. Although, the ones Dinky killed was her decision alone, and we chose to not question it. We had some of our shadow creatures take away the young foals and brought them to safety while young Dinky did her dirty work. It wasn’t easy to do all of this without our sister knowing, but in the end she completely fell for it. She even realized the Elements of Harmony were missing as well, and she didn’t even suspect us of doing it… which we did.

By the time Celestia got to Ponyville after we secretly called off our creatures, she was too late. Dinky had already did what she wished to accomplish, and her Mother was finally avenged. And by using the extra power that we bestowed upon her, our sister was now striped of her magic, and was no longer a threat to the young foal. As she rested along with the other foals that were spared, we calmly went down to the gorific surroundings where the few survivors and our sister were lying… weak and defenseless. Once Celestia saw us, she felt somewhat relieved.

“L-L-Luna… y-you’re here, but I’m afraid… that its too late now. Twilight and the others… they’re all gone… and my magic has been dissipated. But… perhaps you can still finish the job. The murderer is strong… but now weak. You must find that foal… and make her p-pay.”

But unfortunately for her, she soon found out the shocking truth as she saw some of the same night creatures shadow creatures that attacked Canterlot gather up behind us.

“L-Luna? Wait… don’t tell me…”

“Trust me, sister, this whole ordeal pains us as much as you do… but it had to be done.”

“The shadow creatures... were your doing; and… you actually helped that foal murder this town? And… you’re the one who took the Elements of Harmony, aren’t you?”

It was nice to realize that our sister had all of the facts straight. It would be bothersome to explain everything.

“Don’t worry, they have new owners now. But interestingly enough, Dinky now bears the Element of Magic. At least this way the harmony of this world won’t be unbalanced.”

Our sister scowled upon us feeling a bit enraged that we allowed such a thing to happen let alone help it along; but she was one to talk.

“How could you do this, Luna? How could you betray me… and the others? How could you help that little murderer kill off our own kind?! How could you let her kill the very ones… who saved you from the darkness?!”

“Do you think that we wanted this?!” we strongly protested, “Do you think that we would do such a thing without reason?! We warn you that one day you would regret making such a foolish decision, didn’t we? What you and this corrupted town did to this filly was far worse than anticipated. But its too late to take it back now. We didn’t want this to happen either, believe us; but… you gave that foal no choice. Her Mother meant everything to her, so by taking her away… you took her only source of happiness. She eventually realized it and decided to to return the favor… and we didn’t stop her.”

We would miss Twilight and the others greatly, but… their antics were unforgivable. They… they deserved their fate.

“Luna… you have m-made a grave mistake. Allowing that… foal to get what she wanted… you’ve doomed all of… Equestria. Do you know what happens now that you've delved into matters not concerning you?"

"What, dear sister?! Tell us what! You think the rest of the world is going to be against us... against Dinky?! Once all who live in this world hear about what you have promoted, they'll all be against you! Besides… all is not lost. The new bearers will carry on the responsibility, and we will take over your duty of sun and moon as you have before we returned."

“I c-can’t believe you… you don’t care about anything that I’m saying, are you?”

Guess now she knows how we have felt all of this time. Perhaps now she’ll learn from her actions.

"Face it, sister, you’ve dug yourself down to the very bottom of thy low barrel. But... if you choose to cooperate and come on our side, things won't have to be so... lonely for you."

But unfortunately, it didn’t seem like she was going to learn any time soon.

“You’re… s-s-still my little sister… and I s-s-still… love you… but I will never… be on the side th-that you have chosen.”

“Well… that a real shame, now isn’t? Too bad it had to be this way.”

Everything that happened that day… we did not wish to happen; but what Ponyville did that day that our sister not only allow but joined in too, it went against many things that we stood for. Miss Derpy Hooves was no exception to that fact, and neither was Dinky; and we would’ve done the same for any pony in that town if the same situation happened to them. Speaking of which… allowing that foal to release her rage upon her former home was for the best, and maybe then the rest of Equestria would not allow such foolishness to overcome them.

Before long, the news of what happened in Ponyville reached to the citizens of Canterlot thanks to the voice of Dinky herself. Once they heard of what happened, they were devastated and appalled. How could Ponyville ever become the way they did? Perhaps it was Derpy’s antics that drove them to insanity. And while most grieved for Ponyville’s demise, they understood Dinky’s demands and reason; especially since we were by her side. And as for our sister, as expected… they all lose respect for her. As for the still large groups of Celestia’s guards that were still alive… once they saw that Celestia was no longer in power and knew what Dinky was capable of, they swore their loyalty to us. We knew this was going to happen; how unfortunate for our sister… the ruler of the sun. Oh well, guess now we will have to be the one to raise the moon and the sun. We always wanted to do that.


It’s been 3 days ever since Dinky had her revenge upon Ponyville; mainly killing off the bearers of the Element of Harmony who played a big part of executing her Mother in the most brutal way possible as well as the Mayor who in Dinky’s retrospect was a total bitch. Once most of Equestria found out what happened and who the responsible one was, they were all shocked and a bit afraid of how violent this filly became. But eventually, they accepted the truth and came to respecting her for her Mother more than they feared her; mostly because Princess Luna was right by her side.

There were those who didn’t take it as well, like those in Appalooza, or the Pie Family, and other close friends. But they knew what those they loved had did and how hard it was for Dinky to take it all in; so while they grieved for those they lost, they knew that it was just their unfortunate fate.

As of now, Dinky and the rest of the foals spared from Ponyville had moved into the Canterlot Palace with Luna’s approval, and Dinky stood by Luna’s side as the newest upcoming ruler of Equestria. Those foals lived and thrived there as their new home and they were allowed invite any others in Canterlot to play with them if they want. It was a wonderful new life they’ve gained. But what of Celestia?

Presently, we find Dinky temporarily leaving the throne room and was heading down towards the nearly abandoned dungeon area below the castle. She walked amongst the dim lit halls not feeling scared of its creepy surroundings. She approached a single cell that was guarded by a different group of Night Pony Guards every few hours; a cell that held the once proud ruler of Equestria… Princess Celestia. The guards stepped to the side as Dinky came up to the cell and saw Celestia in a laying position on the floor.

“Good day to you, Celestia. As always I’ve given you time to think through things. Have you decided to prepare for a full apology to me and to give your loyalty to the new Element bearers and your sister?”

Celestia slowly picked her head up to glare at the young filly with much anger in her eyes. She stood up and took a few steps towards the cage front and said, “Apparently… you still don’t seem to understand… little filly. I give my loyalty to nopony; especially one who murders a whole town and strips me from my magic. And you can tell my little sister that until she comes back to me and has you dead at my feet… I no longer have a little sister.”

Celestia didn’t hate her sister for what she did, but she was devastated of what she allowed to happen. She figured that her real sister wouldn’t do such a thing; so unless she came back to her, she wasn’t her real sister. Dinky shook her head and sat down while lecturing the imprisoned princess.

“You know… you should count yourself lucky that Luna cares for you and still loves you as a sister and had me spare you. If it were up to me, I would’ve killed you long before we placed you in this cell. All of Equestria knows of your wretched doing now and most of them have lost their respect for you, and we can’t exactly release you while you’re still like… this. So I’ll ask again; are you ready to give me a full apology and then give your loyalty as you bow down to us? If so, I’m willing to turn the other cheek and no longer treat you like the trash I think you are.”

Celestia had her face right against the bars of the cell staring intensely at Dinky. She gave her usual answer as she had since she was imprisoned,“You… you will never… get me to bow down you… or anypony who sides with you. I would rather rot and die here in this cell… then to give in to you and your s#*+ty demands! Do you hear me, never!”

Dinky smirked and chuckled a bit as she turned away from Celestia and said, “Very tempting, Princess; very tempting.” She then began to walk away from the cell as the guards went back to their positions. DInky then stopped and looked back at Celestia stating, “I think we’re done here for today. Here’s hoping you’ll calm down by tomorrow.”

Celestia lightly growled as the young filly walked away from her and out of her sight. She wanted to do something about her situation, but she knew very well that was impossible.

Once Dinky got back up to the throne room, she smiled a bit seeing some of the other foals playing with each other without a care in the world. She was headed towards the throne itself where Luna was waiting to rest her head; but suddenly Sweetie Belle came up to her from behind.

“Hey there, Dinky.”

Dinky got a little smooch on the cheek from her and it made her feel a bit more content. She smiled back at Sweetie as she returned the favor. “Hey, Sweetie,”

“A couple of my friends and I were going to go fetch some Ice cream down at the ol’ Ice cream parlor,” said Sweetie as she placed her hoof around Dinky’s neck, “Maybe you’d like to join us? And maybe later... we can have some time to ourselves?”

DInky was almost tempted from the way Sweetie was grazing her hoof across her chin and staring and giving her bedroom eyes. But Dinky just softly pushed her away as she sighed and said, “Sorry… I’m not interested at the moment. Maybe we can get together later.”

Sweetie was a bit disappointed, but she respected Dinky decision, “Suit yourself.” She hugged her and then walked towards the exit waving to her, “See you later then.”

DInky was trying to not show it, but she had a lot going on in her mind that day; and as she laid beside Luna on the throne, Luna could tell that something was up… but she chose to not bring it up just yet.

“So… did our sister somehow come to her senses yet?”

Dinky scowled slightly as she answered, “As I expected, she still denies our request. I think that royal whore was more pissed off than the last time.”

“Oh well,” Luna sighed, “its only been three days. We know she’ll come around one day or another.”

“Or… we could just save us the effort and put her down like the dog she turned out to be,” said Dinky without a change of expression.

“Just give it time, young Dinky. There is nothing she can do to change the past… nor does she have the means to hurt you. Even if it takes years, our sister will see things our way.”

“Whatever you say.”

Dinky laid her head down to rest, but her eyes didn’t close. Even though everything was done with and her revenge was complete, she still felt like something was missing that was making her till feel a bit empty inside. Thinking back then… when she was in a serious conversation with her Mother; she remembered what a frightful moment that was for her.



“Mommy… why do a lot of ponies in this town hate you? Did you do something wrong? Is it something I did? I don’t understand.”

“What, d-d-don’t be silly, Dinky. They don’t hate me, they just… dislike some of the things I do. It’s just a normal thing.”

“But Mom… yesterday I saw some ponies throw a bunch of fruit at you, and calling you weird words out loud.”

“Don’t worry, they didn’t hurt me; in fact, those fruit were delicious. It was like having a fruit smoothie.”

“I also overheard some ponies that threatened to hurt you… beat you up… or even… kill you.”

“K-k-kill me?”

“Even some of my classmates ridicule you, and they won’t be my friends because of you. They think I’m stupid, and retarded… just like the other ponies say about you. I’m scared mommy, why do they hate us so much?”

“Its okay, it doesn't really bother me that much. I know that I’m not perfect, but then again no pony is. I don’t want to worry too much of what others say about me, and you shouldn’t either. Everything will be fine as long as I have you, my little muffin.”

“But… what if somepony… does try to kill you? What will I do without you? I don’t want to lose you! You’re everything to me!”

“You won’t lose me, okay? Nothing is going to happen that will split us apart. I bet on my cutiemark and my screwy eyes that everything will be alright.”

“You… p-promise?”

“Y-yeah… I promise. Just promise me that you won’t get angry at others and you won’t try to get revenge on anypony that tries to hurt me or you. It’ll just cause more trouble.”

“Okay… I promise.”


“Dinky… Dinky?”

Dinky heard Luna call out to her in the midst of her spacing out.

“Huh… wha?”

She looked up beside her and saw Luna looking down at her with much concern. “Dinky, we noticed you were spacing out a bit. Is everything alright?”

“Y-yeah, just thinking back on things.”

Dinky was hiding it… a certian feeling that she was holding back for some time ever since she came into her position of power. But thinking back upon some sweet moments from the past, she hesitantly looked back over at Luna and said...

“Princess Luna… you know… during most of my life as a younger foal, I always thought that I could seek comfort of everyone in Ponyville. I thought… that everypony there loved me and cared about me; mostly because I thought that they all loved my Mother too. But I eventually that I was wrong… so wrong.”

Luna was quite curious of where Dinky was going with this conversation. Was there possibly something that she was trying to explain?

“Everypony despised my Mother and they never really loved either of us. My Mother promised me that nothing was going to happen to us and that we would always be together; but I guess that was a lie too. She just didn’t want me to worry too much and be scared all of the time. That’s why I loved her so much, she cared about me so much and never wished to abandon me. She was the only one that truly felt that way about me.”

Luna suddenly noticed that the hatred demeanor in Dinky’s expression was slightly fading as she carried on.

“After seeing her brutally killed in front of my eyes, I felt that I was all alone… that there was nopony else out there that would care about me again.” She then smiled as she gaed upon the Princes of the night, “But then you came. You protected me and chose to care for me and stuck by my side. You even betrayed your own sister just to help me because you knew I didn’t deserve the fate I was given. You’re the only one who cared for me after my Mother was killed, and now even more in Equestria feels that way about me. This is… the best feeling I’ve felt in a long time.”

Tears then began to fill up in Dinky’s eyes as she was trying to get something else out of her system. “I’ve missed my Mother… so much, and I’ve appreciate everything you’ve done for me to help rid myself the source of my pain. So... if you don’t mind me asking, is it okay… if I called you… M-M-Mom?”

It was then Luna became shocked at Dinky’s sudden request. It was a bit weird for her to see Dinky like this after everything she’s been through. But with tears filling up in her eyes as well, she smiled as she held her forehooves out the young filly. Dinky dashed into her arms latching onto her releasing the rest of her tears into Luna’s bosom. Luna comforted her... brushing her hoof down her back to calm her down and holding her close.

“There is no reason to fret anymore, young Dinky,” Luna whispered happily, “We wouldn’t have it any other way.”

And that…. was all Dinky could’ve asked from her. “Th-th-thank you.”


The hatred for Ponyville and its citizens still remained in Dinky’s heart and it almost seemed that it would never go away, but her overall anger was beginning to subside. The source of Dinky’s emotional pain was finally gone, and a new rise of power upon the land of Equestria. Dinky ended up loving her new life, but she still had a while to go before her full sanity could return. However, Luna and Dinky’s new friends and supporters would always be there for her and to comfort her in the way her old home never gave her. And with that, her Mother’s spirit could finally be at peace…

… and so was she.

Art by: ro obsidian solitaire