Return of the Akatsuki

by Akasuna no Sasori

First published

The Akatsuki return to Equestria to see what has become of the land they ravaged so long ago.

Set 10 years after the Akatsuki destroyed Equestria, the new Akatsuki return after a fatal event in Konoha.

Their old comrades have divided the land amongst themselves, and sent the remaining ponies in exile across the land.

With few allies and resources, the Akatsuki must fend off the ponies' counterattack, hide from their own world, and stay alive to prevent the collapse of the Akatsuki.

Chapter 1: Deja vu

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'And it is with great sadness in my heart, that I impregnated her without proclaiming my love. Hotaka would've been disappointed, and he would also have used a much more polite and advanced vocabulary.'

Nagato stopped reading for a moment to laugh.

'If I should die, and Hotaka is not willing or able to care for the child, I want it to fall to Sasori. I know he will want to care for him, or her. If it's a girl, I want her to be called Setsuko, and if it's a boy, I want him to be called....'


Nagato cringed at the screaming voice.

He stood up from his chair and walked over to the door leading out to the hallway of the Akatsuki hideout.

He peeked outside just in time to see a young man running down the hallway, holding the head of a puppet.

Nagato sighed, and started to walk back to his chair, when someone grabbed him.

"Nagato, I require your assistance. Izanagi..."

"He stole the 3rd's head again, didn't he?"

"Yes, as a matter of fact he did."

Nagato sighed once more. "Whatever happened to this place? Ever since we came back and Rokuro's son showed up here, everything's become...disturbed."

"I would use the term....Armageddon. The boy has no self-control, and acts like he's a young child. He's twenty years old and he's pranking everyone."

"His father wasn't in his life to teach him self-restraint or anything else for that matter. You're the closest thing to a father he's ever known, and everything you do is too strict for him. He'll never grow up until you change your habits, Sasori."

"What can I do? I've taught him all I've ever known..."

"Your parents weren't in the picture for you that long either, if you remember. Rokuro never knew that, but if he did, he wouldn't have saddled you with the responsibility of raising him."

Sasori stared straight ahead, almost as if he was looking through Nagato, thinking about something else.

"You're right, but it doesn't matter, now. All that matters, is Izanagi is my responsibility, and I have to try my best to turn him into a member of the Akatsuki."

Nagato looked coldly at Sasori.

"He's not you, Sasori. He's free to choose his own path, even if that means not joining us."

"But why should we let him go? He's lived here with us for so long, he knows everything about us. If we let him choose his own destiny outside of the Akatsuki, it could mean our downfall."

"He doesn't everything, and the things he does know isn't enough to uproot us completely. Not only that, but you act like he would attack us in cold blood if he should leave and, perhaps, join the Anbu Black Ops. You're still his father, in his eyes. He wouldn't do that to you, nor do I think he would anything to hurt the things or people his father loves. Have faith in your son, Sasori."

Nagato waved Sasori out, and he closed the door behind him.

'He could be right. Izanagi does view me as his father, even if I'm not what he wanted as HIS father.' Sasori thought, as he walked down the hallway.

Sasori picked up his pace, in order to catch up to Izanagi. He rounded several corners, and ran outside to a terrace on the backside of the hideout. There was a single tree and several bushes here, as well as a large pond with ducks swimming around in it.

Sasori slowed down and listened for Izanagi. After a few moments, he heard sobbing and voices.

He looked around quickly, and darted into a nearby bush.

"Izanagi, you can't be so sensitive about things like this."

Sasori's eyes widened; that was Konan!

Within moments, Konan and Izanagi appeared from inside the hideout, and walked over to the tree, then sat down.

Izanagi was crying, and still holding the 3rd Kazekage's head.

"But why? Sometimes I don't feel like he cares about me."

"Sasori does care about you. He's your father, Izanagi."

"If he was my father, how come I look nothing like him? If he was my father, how come he never told me what happened to my mother? I don't even know if she's alive!"

Konan gazed towards the setting sun in the distance before looking back down at Izanagi.

"It's difficult to say, but you must understand he has his own reasons."

"Reasons for what? He keeps everything from me! I don't even know who my senior is!"

"You don't have a senior yet; you haven't earned your robes."

"I've been slaving away for the Akatsuki for almost 10 years! You said you became a member after 11 months!"

Konan sighed and looked away from Izanagi.

"Those were different times."

"Well what about these times? How long does it take to earn your robes now?"

Konan looked back at Izanagi, and stared thoughtfully at him.

"Izanagi, you must have patience, as well as faith in your father."

Konan stood up and started to walk away, but stopped when Izanagi spoke.

"He's not my father!"

Konan's eyes grew wide, and Sasori felt something he hadn't felt in a long time. From inside the bushes, he clutched at the core in his chest that contained his vital organs, including his heart.

Konan was shocked, but continued walking without saying another word.

Izanagi turned back towards the sunset, and started picking at the 3rd Kazekage's hair.

Sasori sat motionless in the bush.

'He doesn't think of me as a father at all. I've tried my best and I've failed him, nonetheless.'

He took a deep breath, then stood up, creating a loud rustling noise that disturbed Izanagi.

He turned around from the tree to face where the noise was coming from. When he saw Sasori, his jaw dropped.

"Sasori! How long were you there?"

Sasori brushed the leaves off of himself, and stared at Izanagi.

"Long enough."

He started to walk back inside, but stopped when Izanagi started to speak again.

"Wait! Sasori!"

Sasori turned, and looked at Izanagi walking towards him. He dropped the puppet head into Sasori's hands, then quickly turned and walked back to the tree.

Sasori looked at the 3rd's head, then at Izanagi. He sighed, then walked back inside.

As he walked back to his chambers, Sasori wondered why Izanagi said the things he said.

'I told him what I could. There was only so much I could say, otherwise he would know I wasn't his real father. Even so, why does it matter to him? I raised him, and taught him everything he knows about the world.'

Sasori arrived at his room, and walked inside. He undressed, and crawled into bed; but just before closing his eyes, he remembered something.

'Everything he knows about the world in the hideout, he knows from me. What about the outside world? He's allowed to come and go as he pleases, so he's seen things outside that contradict my teachings. The boy is confused, and doesn't know who to believe.'

With his mind more at peace, Sasori closed his eyes and fell asleep.

- - - - -

The next morning, Sasori woke up, but didn't get out of bed. He stared straight up at the ceiling, thinking about the previous day's events.

'He doesn't think of me as his father. I don't think I'll ever get over that.' Sasori thought. 'He's the only thing in this world close to me that isn't a puppet. Well, except Deidara, of course, but I never raised him. I never taught him my beliefs and how to make his way in the world. Izanagi is special.'

Finally, Sasori decided he would show Izanagi that he is a good father, and deserves his love and respect. With new determination, he got out bed, got dressed, and left his chambers. He walked down the corridor to the main chamber, where the Akatsuki ate their meals and discussed missions for the future.

Just as he was passing the last corner in the hallway, a voice called out to him.

"Sasori, my man! You never take this long to wake up! Hmm!"

Sasori stopped walking, and looked up from the floor to see his partner, Deidara, leaning up against the wall.

"What kept you?"

Sasori shrugged. "I just didn't feel like waking up early today, that's all."

Deidara stared hard at Sasori before starting to walk. Sasori walked quickly to catch up to him, then slowed his pace. It was the two's tradition: they wake up early, walk to breakfast, eat, then head out to the garden balcony to discuss art. Sasori broke that tradition by waking up late, and despite not talking about it with Sasori, Deidara was suspicious.

The walk was quiet, with neither party willing to strike up a conversation, but that was usual. The two never were much for words.

When they arrived at the main chamber, Kisame and Itachi were already there eating breakfast.

Kisame was eating his usual: sashimi with a glass of shark's blood. He believed drinking shark blood would increase his physical strength, but that wasn't true. Everyone thought it was strange, but never said anything about it.

Itachi wasn't eating. He was just watching Kisame eat, waiting for him to finish.

Sasori and Deidara walked to the larder and looked for something to eat. As usual, there was always what they wanted: hot and spicy ramen with crab meat for Deidara, and biscuits and jam for Sasori.

They got their food, and walked back to the table; sitting beside Itachi and Kisame.

"Good morning." Said Deidara.

Kisame just nodded, and continued eating. Itachi broke his trance for a moment, and looked at Deidara.

"What's so good about this particular morning?" He asked.

Deidara rolled his eyes. "Really, Itachi? It's just a casual greeting, jeez...."

Itachi didn't reply, but stared at Kisame and his food again.

Deidara looked at Sasori, who had already finished eating.

Deidara's eyes grew big. "How did you finish already?!"

"I have a lot on my mind, Deidara." Sasori replied, ignoring Deidara's question. "Izanagi doesn't consider me as his father."

Kisame stopped eating, Itachi stared at Sasori, and Deidara spit out the food that was in his mouth all over the table.

"That's a load of crap! Does he not love you either?!" Asked Deidara.

"How can he not? You raised the little brat since he was only a babe!" Said Kisame.

"Did you wrong him in some way?" Asked Itachi.

Sasori answered Deidara first. "He loves me, but only just. He only thanks me for raising him, but he knows I'm not his real father and he wants to know who is."

Sasori looked at Itachi. "I did by not telling him who Rokuro is. Had he known, well, maybe he wouldn't have minded as much. But I felt that if I kept him in the dark, I could keep him safe from the world until the day came that he joined the Akatsuki, and became a ninja like his father. Then, and only then, would I tell him."

Itachi shook his head. "There are many paths in the world, and being a ninja is just one of those many. It's not likely he will become a ninja just because his father was one."

"But what else can I do? I don't know how to groom him to be a ramen chef, or an archtiect, or anything else. I've only known myself to be a ninja for the longest time."

"Then maybe it's time you let him out into the world. If you don't do it soon, the harder it will be to let him go. He will love you for it now, and he'll love you even more when he comes back to you with a new set of goals in mind."

Sasori's eyes grew wide. "Release him into the world?! Have you gone mad, Itachi? He knows almost everything about us! What if he should tell someone about our location?"

"He wouldn't do that to the father who finally let him have what he's wanted for the longest time."

Sasori's shoulders sunk, and he took a deep breath. "You're right. I have to trust him. I'll go to him, and let him know of his new found freedom immediately. If you all will excuse me...."

Sasori stood, shook the crumbs of breakfast off himself, and walked back into the hallway leading to the bedrooms. He made his way to Izanagi's chambers and knocked.

"Izanagi, it's me. Open the door."

There was no response, so Sasori knocked again.

"Izanagi, wake up! I have something important to tell you!"

There was still no response, so Sasori tried the door handle. Surprisingly, the door opened, indicating Izanagi hadn't locked his door when he went to bed last night.

Sasori walked into the room and looked at the bed. Izanagi wasn't there!

"What?! IZANAGI!" Screamed Sasori, as he fell to his knees.

Konan heard the screaming, and ran to Izanagi's room. "Sasori! What's wrong? Why are you in...." Her voice trailed off as she looked at the empty bed.

"Sasori, where is Izanagi?"

"I don't know...."

Konan walked to Izanagi's bed, and looked around for a note, or some indication of where he went. When she found none, she returned to Sasori's side, and knelt beside him.

"We'll have to search for him."

"Of course, but where do we look? We have no idea where he'd be!"

"I do...."

Sasori looked up at Konan. "How....?"

Konan walked to the bed, and sat down. "Izanagi has been confiding in me everything he couldn't or didn't want, to tell you."

Sasori stood up, walked to the bed, and sat down beside Konan. "Did he tell you about somewhere he wanted to go?"

Konan nodded. "He wants to go to the Land of Tea. He intends on stealing the daimyo's statue that Rokuro and Hotaka failed to do so many years ago."

"How would he know about that unless....."

Konan looked at Sasori intently. "I told him about it."

Sasori jumped to his feet angrily. "WHAT?! Did you tell him about his father, as well?!"

Konan nodded. "He knows about Rokuro, and he wants to complete his mission in order to honor his memory."

Sasori glared at Konan. "If he get's killed, the blood is on your hands!"

With that, Sasori dashed from the room. He ran down the hallway, into the main chamber, and towards the hideout's exit.

"Sasori! Where are you going?" Asked Deidara.

"I'm going to find my son!"

Itachi, Kisame, and Deidara stood up.

"We're coming with you." Said Itachi.

Sasori stopped, and turned to face his comrades. "No, this is something I need to do by myself. He's my son, and it's time I started to act like a responsible father and look out for him."

Sasori turned again, and continued running towards the exit.

"Sasori!" Said Deidara, who started to go after him, until Itachi put a hand on his shoulder.

Deidara glared angrily at him. "What gives?! Let me go!"

"Let him go. He's right, this is something only he can do."

Deidara sighed, and sat back down. "You're right! My man Sasori can do anything! Taking on a weak place like the Land of Tea is something he can do himself. Hmm!"

Sasori jumped from tree branch to tree branch, attempting to move as quickly as he could to the Land of Tea.

'Don't worry, Izanagi! I'm coming!'

- - - - -

Izanagi leaped from the tree he was standing in to the ground below. He looked down at the Land of Tea, and the ultimate goal: the daimyo's castle.

A grin spread across Izanagi's face. "That's it!"

Izanagi jumped down from the ledge he was standing on to a tree below him. From there, he jumped down yet again to the road underneath the trees. He raced along the road until he reached the gate leading into the Land of Tea. Two guards were on duty an stopped Izanagi where he was.

"Halt! What business have you in the Land of Tea?" One of them asked.

Izanagi gulped, tried to think up a lie.

"I am just a weary traveler wishing to seek refuge from the harsh wilderness."

The guards looked carefully at Izanagi. "No travelers walk this road anymore because of the bandits camping on the outskirts of town. If you're going to lie, you should at least research the area you're going to, so you're lie is reasonable. Shove off, or we'll have you arrested, vermin!"

The guards stood back at attention, and stared straight ahead.

Izanagi started to walk away, but then quickly turned and threw a smoke bomb.

"Gah! What the hell happened?!" Said one of the guards.

"He threw a smoke bomb!" Replied the other.

Izanagi quickly darted between the confused guards, and entered the village. Knowing he was now an outlaw in the village, he moved quickly up the street and towards the castle.

By now, the guards were on high alert, and it was difficult to avoid the patrols. Finally, Izanagi's luck caught up with him.

"Hey! You there! Stop!"

Izanagi turned quickly to see 4 guards pursuing him! He laughed at their worthless attempts to catch him, and threw another smoke bomb; blinding his pursuers to his location.

Izanagi jumped onto the roof of a nearby building, then gazed at the castle's compound. The walls were too high to climb, and his ninja abilities were only beginning to flourish. These things accounted for, even if he found himself inside the castle, his chances of fighting off the daimyo's personal bodyguards were unlikely; but he knew it was a chance he had to take in order to bring honor to his family name!

Izanagi took a deep breath, reached into his ninja tools bag, and pulled out a coil of ninja wire and the accompanying hook-shooting device. He wrapped it around his wrist, then aimed the hook at the castle walls. He fired, and the hook latched into the castle wall. Izanagi pulled on it a few times to make sure it was taut, then leap off the building.

He flew across the streets, over the castle's compound walls, and into the castle compound itself. Once he landed, he was surrounded by 5 guards, all brandishing spears pointed right at him.

"It's all over! Surrender!" One of them said.

"It's all over for you!" Said Izanagi, pulling a kunai from his ninja tools bag.

He leaped at the nearest guard, and slit his neck open. Blood poured out from the guard's wound, and he sunk to the ground.

The four other guards rushed at Izanagi, but that's exaclty what he wanted them to do. With all the guards within close proximity of each other, Izanagi was able to easily cut three more of the guards throats, and then throw the bloody weapon into the face of the last guard. As his body fell, Izanagi removed the kunai from his bloody face, wiped it off, and put it back into his ninja tools bag.

He proceeded up the castle steps to the front door.

"I've gotta be some kind of stupid for doing this." Izanagi said to himself. He sighed, then pushed the doors open. Waiting inside were several more guards and the daimyo himself!

"Well done! It's been so long since anyone has managed to infiltrate my castle! Two ninja did it a long time ago, but that's just history." The daimyo said, laughing.

"Was one of them....a puppet master?" Izanagi asked.

The daimyo stopped laughing and stared at Izanagi. "Neither of them used puppets in front of me, so I wouldn't know. Why? Was one of them someone you knew?"

"One of them was my father!"

The daimyo laughed again. "If one of them was your father, then that can mean only one thing. You're here for my statue, aren't you?"

Izanagi nodded. "I am here to restore honor to my clan by completing my father's mission!"

"I hate to disappoint you, young man, but you won't be doing that today! Not while my guards and I are still here!"

"Then let's remove that little obstacle, shall we?"

The daimyo and Izanagi turned to see a short, red haired man standing in the doorway.

"Sasori!" Said Izanagi.

"An Akatsuki?!" Said the daimyo, in complete surprise. "You're supposed to be dead! All of you!"

Sasori chuckled quietly. "No, we were never eliminated. But you will be!"

Sasori removed a scroll from his robe, unfurled it, and unsealed the puppet within. The usual smoke cloud appeared from the unsealing process, and once it cleared, the 3rd Kazekage could be seen resting on Sasori's shoulders.

"Get him, Sasori! There's no way he can stand up to that one!"

The daimyo looked in horror at the puppet. "That's...That's...."

"It's a human puppet." Said Sasori, finishing the daimyo's sentence. "Now die to it!"

Sasori extended chakra threads from his fingers to the puppet, enabling him to control it. Once all the threads were attached, he clasped his hands together.

"Iron Sand: Scattered Showers!"

The puppet's mouth opened and black granules spilled out. They reformed into floating diamond-shaped objects, then flew straight at the daimyo and his men.

"Run away! There's no way we can fight this!" Said one of the guards, dropping his weapon.

The other guards quickly followed suit, but they didn't get far. The diamond-shaped Iron Sand raced towards the fleeing guards; striking them in the back. The Iron Sand lost it's shape, and removed itself from the guards' backs leaving large, gaping holes. The guards bled out quickly, and soon, only the daimyo was left standing, who managed to block the Iron Sand from harming him by using a chakra shield.

"Very good! You're very talented, Sasori of the Red Sand. I'd heard of your skills being legendary, but I didn't think it was true."

Sasori clasped his hands together again.

"You're about to see how legendary my skills are, daimyo."

"Iron Sand: 6-Inch Nail Cluster Attack!"

The Iron Sand reformed into a giant, nail-shaped object and sped towards the daimyo.

The daimyo quickly recreated his chakra shield, but it wasn't useful against the Iron Sand. The nail pierced straight through the chakra shield, and then through the daimyo.

"Huuuuhh...." Said the daimyo, struggling for air.

Sasori pullled the nail out of the daimyo, and walked towards the dying man.

"It's over, now give me the statue so we can leave."

"You....really will be....that easy?"

Sasori didn't' change his emotionless expression as he spoke. "Tell me where the statue is."

The daimyo tried to laugh, but coughed up blood in doing so, stopping him. He looked up at Sasori and spit the blood on his face.

"Look for it....yourself...."

With those words, the daimyo slumped to the ground, dead.

Sasori removed a scroll from his robe, and resealed the 3rd inside it.

"Come on, Izanagi. We don't have time to look for the statue and we need to get back to the hideout."

"Actually Sasori, I found it."

Sasori stopped, turned, and looked at his adopted son.

"What do you mean 'you found it'?"

Izanagi had been kneeling by the daimyo's corpse. He stood up, looked at Sasori, smiled, then showed him the statue of a very fat man with a bowl of ramen balancing on his head.


Izanagi grinned even wider. "Yes! This is the statue my father sought!"

Sasori smiled weakly. "Well, come on. We'd better get back to the hideout. Nagato will be wanting to see that."

The two walked out of the castle, where they met Deidara. But not just Deidara, it was all of the Akatsuki on one of his clay owls.

"What are you all doing here?" Asked Sasori.

"You needed to rescue your son on your own, but you still need a way out of the city." Said Nagato.

Sasori and Izanagi walked toward the clay owl, boarded it, then flew back to the hideout. Upon their arrival, Nagato stopped Sasori and Izanagi.

"You two have let the enemy know we are still alive. It won't be long before this hideout is found."

"Where can we go?" Asked Izanagi.

"Equestria." Said Nagato. "That place is still safe for us all. Since the war was won by our faction, we should still be welcomed there. We can hideout for hopefully a couple of months, maybe even a year, if need be."

Izanagi looked at Nagato.

"What's Equestria?"

Nagato sighed, and looked at Sasori.

"Tell him. It should be you that does the deed."

Sasori took a deep breath, then looked at Izanagi.

"Equestria....Is where your father died...."

Izanagi's eyes grew wide. "Then we have to go there! I need to find my father's killer!"

"That's out of the question. We would only go there to hide, not go another killing spree." Said Nagato.

"But why?"

"Because if you start a fight there, our former allies may turn against us. They own Equestria, now! It's their land!" Said Nagato.

Izanagi huffed, then looked away from Nagato and his adopted father.

"Fine, I won't cause any problems."

"Good, then I'll begin preparations to leave immediately."

Nagato removed a stick from his sleeves, and began to wave it around.

"Nagato! Is that....?"

"Yes, Sasori. It is Hotaka's wand. I had our Changeling allies enchant it so we can use it to return to Equestria. I knew the day might come, and our allies desperately wanted us to stay, so it was only natural that this was done."

Nagato continued waving the wand around, until finally a portal opened in the room. At this point, the other Akatsuki members had gathered around Nagato to watch their old comrade's wand in use.

"Everyone! Step through the portal."

With that, Nagato, Konan, Kisame, Itachi, Hidan, Kakuzu, Zetsu, Deidara, Sasori, and Izanagi walked into the portal, and began a journey that would change their lives for a second time.

When the Akatsuki walked through the portal, they were in Equestria - the legendary land where they fought many years ago. It was also the place where Izanagi's father had been killed.

Despite what he told Nagato, it was Izanagi's goal to hunt down his father's murderer, anyway. He felt it was duty, and he would accomplish it; no matter what.

"Welcome to Equestria, Izanagi. Home of the peaceful creatures we slaughtered many years ago, and site of your father's grave. If you wish, we may venture out to see it...?"

Izanagi shook his head.

"No, I just want to do what I came here to do. Hide out from the enemy back home, and then go back. Nothing more."

"Very well. In that case, we'd best hurry. We have a reception waiting for us in Ponyville. Or should I say, Griffonville?"

"So the griffons received that fief? And in doing so, they renamed it? How fitting." Said Kakuzu.

Nagato nodded.

"Yes, but we've no time to dawdle. Let's move out!"

As Nagato and the rest started to run towards Griffonville, Izanagi stared up at the night sky for a moment.

'I wonder how my father felt when he first arrived. I'd heard they'd been turned into horses the first time! How frightening! But now that we are humans, I wonder how we'll be received as old allies?'

"Izanagi! Stop daydreaming, and get moving!" Said Nagato.

Izanagi shook his head to bring himself back into reality.

"Oh! Uh, right! On my way, sir!"

Izanagi started to run, and eventually caught up to his comrades.

"Now remember that the Griffons are, shall we say, uneasy with new appearances. They had never seen a Diamond Dog before, and when they did, they almost killed 2 of them. They were their allies, and yet they almost killed them just because they hadn't seen them before. I wish I could've told them before hand that we were coming, and we would look different, but everything doesn't always pan out the way we want to, so approach cautiously. Clear?"

"Yes, sir!" Said the Akatsuki in unison.

With that, the group continued, then finished, their journey in silence.

Upon arrival at Griffonville, the Akatsuki could see that dragons had indeed come through here years ago. Many of the buildings weren't rebuilt yet, and some were still being rebuilt. Only one dragon flew over Ponyville, and only for a few minutes. After that, it was called Griffonville.

"Well this is....receptive." Said Kakuzu.

"Where are the Griffons?" Asked Konan.

"I don't know." Replied Nagato.

"Something doesn't feel right." Said Itachi.


The Akatsuki whipped around to see a Griffon standing on top of a building.


"Wait! It's the Akatsuki!" Said Kisame.

The Griffon stopped yelling for a moment.

"What? Who did you just say you were?"

"We're the Akatsuki; your allies from long ago. We look different now because we came through a different portal to get back to Equestria." Said Nagato.

"Hmm, if that's true, then what's the name of the first Griffon leader you spoke with when they arrived at your hideout?"

Obito stepped forward to speak to the Griffon.

"Commander Steel Wing was the first one I spoke to."

The Griffon looked astonished.

"That's....correct. Only the Akatsuki would know the answer! Please, accept my apologies. Had I known who you were immediately...."

"It's fine, you were just doing your job. Now please, lead on." Interrupted Obito.

"Of course!" Said the Griffon, flying down to the street below. "Follow me!"

The Griffon led the Akatsuki through the war-torn city, and into a large, pillar-like building at the center of town. A burnt sign to the left of the door said 'Town Hall'.

"Go in. They're waiting for you." Said the Griffon.

The Akatsuki walked inside the burnt-out building. This particular building must've been favored for attack by the dragon, because it was more burnt out than any other building the Akatsuki had seen. The roof was gone in many places so the moon lit up the entire room. The walls had charred holes in them, here and there, and occasionally a bird or some other creature would stir and move about when the Akatsuki came near.

In general: the entire place was a wreck, and it seemed like the Griffons had done nothing to fix it.

At last, after walking down this trail of misery and debris, the Akatsuki reached a door at the end of the hallway, and Obito knocked.

"Enter!" Said a booming voice on the other side of the door.

Obito opened the door, and led his comrades into the room which looked not too different from the rest of the building.

At the end of the room sat two very large Griffons. Both were sitting in chairs behind a desk, only they couldn't be any more similar than that.

One carried a bronze spear with a head made of bright red ruby. The other carried a large hand-and-a-half sword on his back.

The one with the sword spoke first.

"Who are you strange creatures, and what are you doing in Griffonville? Speak quickly!"

Obito bowed before the Griffon.

"My name is Obito Uchiha. I told you my comrades and I would be returning one day, only I didn't tell you I would be returning in my true form. Had I known I would, I would've warned you before you saw me."

The Griffon raised an eyebrow.

"If you're really Obito Uchiha, then who am I?"

"You are Iron Beak, commander of the Flying Needle Clan."

"Impressive! Then who is this?" Said Iron Beak, gesturing to the Griffon sitting beside him.

"That is Bronze Claw, commander of The Piercer Clan.

"Incredible! Only our clansmen, each other, and Obito Uchiha would know us!" Said Bronze Claw.

The Griffons laughed for a moment, then regained their composure.

"Excellent! You must be who you say you are! That being said, please, stand. You don't need to bow before us any longer." Said Iron Beak.

"Thank you, both." Said Obito, standing.

"Is there some reason you came to see us again, old friend?" Asked Bronze Claw.

"Yes, there is. But before we get to that, where is Steel Wing?"

The two Griffons looked at each solemnly, then back at Obito.

"He was killed in the final battle against the Buffalo. Leatherhorn's greatest warrior slew him in combat. It was a grim day for us all." Said Iron Beak.

Obito bowed his head.

"I'm sorry to hear that, he was a fine warrior and an even finer leader."

"He was! But there's no use in mourning those who are gone. That is the philosophy of our people. So tell me, why are you here?" Asked Bronze Claw.

"We are here to hide from the residents of our own world. One of the Akatsuki has stirred things up a little too much, and we need to let the heat die down before we go back. Would it be possible for us to stay in Griffonville for a while?"

"Well...." Began Iron Beak.

"Well what?"

"Well, you see, the ponies aren't completely gone. They've formed a small, but well-coordinated, rebel army. Even as the Changelings sit the Equestrian Throne in Canterlot, they still fight us. Everyday, we come under attack by small guerrilla fighters that manage to do a small amount of damage, then get away completely unscathed! If this goes on for another year, they might destroy Griffonville."

"How were they not eliminated?"

"We had thought the dragon had cleared up this city, but we were wrong. Now, we have to deal with what's left. Our guards tell us that the ponies they do see don't operate in groups bigger than 2 at a time. So this probably means the entire guerrilla force that comes to terrorize Griffonville shouldn't be more than 20."

"Why not more than 20?"

"They just poke at us all over the village! The most attacks we've ever heard about is 10 at a time, and only 2 ponies to each group. So we've assumed there are only 20 ponies at max, but it's possible that was a one-time thing."

Obito sighed.

"It's not enough to assume, you need better intel on the enemy."

"Exactly! Which is why we were hoping you could stay and help us eliminate the pesky rebels!" Said Bronze Claw.

"Why should we do this? It was agreed this land would be yours, and yours alone. The problems that come with it are your responsibility."

"We know, but we weren't promised this! The dragon is who's to blame! So why should we be punished for what the dragon has done?"

"Then find the dragon and have him finish the job right."

"Well, it turns out that dragon took the gold we paid him and went to live in the desert far, far away from here. We don't know where he is exactly, and searching the whole desert could take years. We would die of thirst before we found anything."

Obito sighed again.

"Very well, if we help you, then you must shelter us in Griffonville for as long as we need."

"Done! And as an added bonus, you can stay here for the duration of your help against the rebels." Said Iron Beak.

"Where will we be staying, exactly?"

"There's a hotel built into the old bakery here in town. You can have the whole building for your comrades and yourself. It's quite large, and we have many beds in there. I'm sure you will be comfortable. Said Bronze Claw.

Obito bowed.

"Thank you, I'm sure we will."

With that, the Akatsuki took their leave, and walked out of the burnt building.

"How could this happen? A dragon couldn't kill all the residents here?" Asked Kisame.

"Apparently not. I agree that it's very sloppy work, and I'm not pleased. That dragon was paid a quarter of his weight in gold, and we didn't get the work we paid for." Said Obito.

The Akatsuki remained silent for the rest of the walk to the hotel. When they arrived, a Griffon saluted them, and opened the door. Inside the hotel, they discovered more scorch marks here and there, but the holes had been patched up. Just like the Griffons had said, there were over a dozen beds in the room, more than enough for all of the Akatsuki. Each chose a bed, and laid down to go to sleep; getting rest for the coming hard day's work tomorrow.