Plot Twist

by mindlessgonzo

First published

A yandere, young adult Twist kidnaps Applebloom and tries to show she's better now than before.

Update: DDB redrew the artwork. Thanks dear!
Cover by DarkDreamingBlossom
A young adult Applebloom gets kidnapped by Twist, her former friend before the Cutie Mark Crusaders. Twist tries to show off what she done to herself to be better than her friends in every way, like removing her lisp, bad eyesight, and Applebloom's virgin innocence.

All characters are depicted above the legal age. Slight bondage themes.

Plot Twist

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(Note: Twist won't have a lisp in her speech, as part of her story and because I can't do it quite right. The characters are also anthropomorphic.)

Ugh... Mah head... Gah, why won't the world stop spinning?

It took Applebloom a while until her focus became clear of... wherever she was. It was too dark, save for a small line of light in front of her, and all she could make out was some boxes, shelves, and some odds and ends.

A shed? She thought.

She tried to move, but she felt rope restricting her hands and hooves. She slightly panics and tried to yell “Help”. The sad muffled sound of her voice brought another discovery; her muzzle was tied shut.

How did I get here? She tried to remember, but all the poor pony could remember was walking home, satisfied that she'll be entering college, before a sudden black out.

Hoofsteps were heard a while after she tried to undo the ropes. The line of light grew wide as the doors were slid open and a stranger stood in it.

The mare looked familiar, but Applebloom couldn't quite make her out. A flick of a light in the shed then shown a sorta familiar face.

Twist? Applebloom beamed in her mind. An old friend from fillyhood, at the most perfect time! The farm mare was beaming in happiness to see--

“My parents are gone so now I can have my time with you, Applebloom.”

Her heart sank immediately. What?

“I was a bit sad when you left me just after I got my cutie mark and then you stopped hanging out with me. After that time, I was still pestered for being so ugly. So I went to some unicorns to fix my lisp and get me a curvy body.”

It must explain how come Applebloom wasn't registering Twist's body. The perky chest, the slim waist, less curls in her mane, even the slim pair of glasses, compared to the oversized ones Applebloom remembers.

“I know how you hanged out with those cute fillies you call Cutie Mark Crusaders. I noticed they had somewhat decent hips and breasts.” Twist propped Applebloom up as she spoke, and sat on her lap, facing the now panicking farmpony.

Twist then put her captive friend into her cleavage. “Feel them, Applebloom. Aren't they bigger than that Sweetie Belle, or that rowdy Scootaloo?”

Applebloom must admit, they were firm, yet soft and warm. It's reminiscent of Applejack's chest, when she would comfort Applebloom during the sad times of her life.

“I did it all for you, my super special friend.” Twist grabbed Applebloom's arm and dragged her to the house not far from the shed. Then it was up some stairs, the pain spared for the moment when Twist attempted to carry the hostage mare. A door was then flung open and Applebloom suddenly became horrified.

Taped, glued, and etched on two walls was copious images of Applebloom in everyday life, all from elementary to as recent as a week or so, as one picture was from when the Crusaders gathered to see the discovered Cutie Mark on Sweetie Belle. All were taken from various angles and zoomed to the red-maned Cutie Mark Crusader, some of which were thought of as impossible to the farm pony for anyone to take a camera and snap a picture of. Several was cut crudely and taped onto a vanity mirror with candles lit and the light's dimmed.

Twist tossed her captive onto a bed, covered in rose pedals and several more pictures. She then removed the cloth that silenced Applebloom's muzzle.

“What in Celestia's name has gotten into you?!” shouted Applebloom.

“I did all this just so we can stay together. To be more than super special friends. Forever and ever.”

The farm pony began to shake and sweat in the immense fear that enveloped her. Her eyes are fixated on the sultry yet predator-like eyes that stared from her face to her pants.

Twist grabbed and undone Applebloom's pants until her crotch is exposed. She brought her head close to sniff her scent. “Just as I dream,” she said. “Apples, like your name.”

Applebloom shivered. Not even her sister was this close to her sensitive area.

The former friend took her two fingers and began parting the cute slip of her captive until pink tissue was revealed. She brought her other hand up to slip a finger in between the tissue and felt around.

The farm pony arched in mixed horror and stimulation, most of the former from the sheer violation of her body. The horror escalated when she felt something seeping out of her pussy, and it's not urine.

“Uh-oh,” spoke the mad mare. “I popped your cherry. Guess now I can take all of your virginity to myself, since we're super special friends.”

If Applebloom's internal screams were heard outside, it would be a deafening sound of shock and desperation. She also felt her heart stopped cold and her chest tighted. Complete fear.

Twist continued her expedition into her victim, rubbing the inside with one, then two of the fingers that broke through. Applebloom thrashed about, still bound tightly by the ropes Twist tied her in. It was hard to figure out what some of the thrashing was herself; trying to flee or enjoying her captor's sick foreplay.

It became evident as Applebloom climaxed, a bit of cum squirting out onto Twist's hand and face. Twist took some to taste the sweet nectar of her labors, while Applebloom seeped a different liquid: tears.

“This isn't happening,” she spoke.

“It IS,” Twist responded. “You're mine now. Wife and wife. Now we can do something only the married can do.” She reached to an unmarked open box and pulled out... “This double ended dildo from e-Neigh is perfect for this.”

Applebloom's eyes widen in horror. First she's violated, now the fiendish sex act continues? Will this demented act ever end?

Twist inserted one end into herself as soon as the pants came off. It slid easily, but Twist still displayed a bit of strain in her face. “Mhm, it's bigger than my usuals,” she said.

Applebloom looked at her, still horrified. She has usuals?! She thought.

“Don't worry, dear. I saved myself for only you, my love.” Twist then took the other end and lined it up with Applebloom's flower. The farmpony continued to stare in her fearful state as the dildo was inserted, wincing as the pain and a bit of pleasure coursed through her body.

Despite the size, it went in far enough that both mare's bodies touched each other at the fleshy lips. Twist then laid herself on top of her victim, bearing all and pressing their bodies closer.

She then took a hand behind Applebloom's head, fingers intertwined with her victim's red hair. She brought the farmpony close and instigated a deep kiss.

Something clicked in Applebloom when Twist kissed her. Something that seemed unlike her and is almost unexplainable. It couldn't be right. Does she...

Does she liked it?

It would explain how come during the kiss, she felt more warm and relaxed. And she swore that she was even returning the favor during the kiss. She thought, This can't be real. It's gotta be some sort of magic mumbo jumbo.

Twist began to move her hips around, which made the dildo move around in Applebloom as well. The fear was still receding and Applebloom felt more aroused than afraid. It's strange; Twist was an obsessed, mare-napping stalker, yet she is giving her an astounding experience. Applebloom was her object of desire, and not only that, the farm pony never did had much going for her. She still remembers the many rejects of colts she asked, never did experienced sex or anything close. While it was the complete opposite of what she was expecting, Applebloom was gradually going along with Twist's sick perversions, even starting to pant while her heart raced to that very reason.

To the tied up Crusader, it's foreign, but it slowly became familiar, and addicting.

“You loved me, didn't you?” she asked.

“Every day, I couldn't stop thinking about you,” her captor replied.

A thought clicked in Applebloom. One that isn't like her but she couldn't think straight anymore. Not when the ecstasy became so overwhelming now.

“Harder,” she demanded, in a low whisper. “I want it harder.”


“I can't explain why. I just want more!”

Twist beamed. Finally, Applebloom has embraced her vision and is wanting her! She accelerated her movements and on a whim, untied her now lover's arms.

Applebloom wrapped hers around Twist, holding her close and feeling those firm breasts on hers. She now knows that she's enjoying it too much to take advantage and escape. Her own body has now continued on her sudden and ever-growing desire. It's too late to do anything but to let this ride on to wherever it may lead.

Both girls are now moaning quite loudly, and are thrashing about, riding on their instinct and desires. Their minds are now too clouded for coherent thoughts. A climax was within their reach. The two embraced for one good length of time, gasping while they came around the large dildo and onto Twist's sheets and crudely cut pictures. After their orgasm was ridden, both collapsed, Twist now exhausted, doing most of the work.

When the two's bodies have calmed down and their minds have cleared, Twist spoke. “Even with this makeover, I still had no guts to ask you and wound up, well, you know...”

Applebloom kept her silence, trying to calm down from her first sexual experience. Twist continued, “I bet you're gonna report me to the cops. And hate me for the rest of your life.”

All Applebloom could muster was “I just want to go home, now. I think something's wrong with me. And I rather be in my own bed...”

Twist attempted to get up and off her bed. “I'll just... call a taxi.”

Despite the fatigue, Applebloom noticed that now Twist is lamenting her actions. Maybe it was just an act of desperate love and attention, but sadly with an abduction. Then again, she just needs to be home, as a clock on Twist's nightstand displayed a time well past her normal curfew.

Applebloom was driven up the long driveway of Sweet Apple Acres, clothes haphazardly on and eyes weary. After giving the driver the fare, she approaches the door and knocks.

Applejack swung open the door with a mixture of anger and relief. “Where the hay were you, I was worried sick about you!”

Applebloom could barely stand still, drowsy and fatigued from Twist's doings. “I don't wanna talk now, I just want to go to bed. Please?”

AJ sighed. “Fine, go and rest up. But we're talking about this when you wake up.”

“Yeah, yeah, I'll tell ya when I can...” She retreated to her bed and collapsed on it in the dark bedroom. She tossed around to look out the window of her room into the dark glow of Princess Luna's moon.

She still felt it. The feeling of that large dildo inside her, Twist's probing fingers, her breasts and her deep kiss. Applebloom still felt it. The next thing she remembered before falling asleep was feeling her own fingers in between her pussy lips, trying to recreate that strange feeling she felt earlier in her own abductor's dimly-lit room, that was covered in cut-up photos and candles. She whispers Twist's name and slipped into nocturnal slumber.