
by Idiotcornball

First published

(Futa) Chrysalis releases some stress on enemy turf.

Chrysalis is humiliated. Her plans have failed and her army is in disarray. Wishing only to spite Celestia, she makes her way into the center of Canterlot once more to release her tension in the most visceral, carnal, and futile way she knows.

Contains futa, some sounding, and a rape-y domination fantasy on Chrysalis' part. A bit darker than my usual writing.


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Chrysalis bounded from rooftop to rooftop. She didn't need her wings much, just a quick hover here or there as she leaped across the Canterlot side streets. There was no danger of being seen. She had chosen her night well. A true storm raged over the city; so wild and strong that the weather teams threw their lot in with the others and battened down the hatches, waiting for it to pass.

Here or there, the Changeling Queen would see someone scuttling between buildings. They wouldn't look up; they were too focused on shielding themselves against the onslaught of the wind and rain. Even if they cast a glance in her direction, they'd simply see a blur in the distance. Even if a flash of lightning illuminated her, it would be for a mere instant. She would be a spectre, an illusory figure that was merely a trick of the eyes. They could never conceive that their foe would return on a night like this.

But they had no reason to be concerned; she had no more designs of conquering the place. Not for years, at any rate. Her army would never again be what it once was, and she had no illusions of a second strike. Even her own power had waned. Celestia, Luna, Cadance, even Twilight... she couldn't even hope to lay a finger on them now. But yet she would have her revenge, if only in her own mind. Celestia might very well never hear of her ever again, but even so Chrysalis would know what she had done.

She scurried to and fro along the outskirts of the grand palace. There were guards, yes, but they were more preoccupied with keeping their hoods dry than with anything else. No one would ever know that she had been here, and that was fine with her.

She began her ascent, bringing her wings to bear as she leaped from tower to tower, making her way upwards. A sharp smile crossed her lips as she saw her destination. To most, it simply looked like any of the other dozens of towers of Celestia's palace, but Chrysalis knew it inside and out. She knew that it housed Celestia's own personal chamber. Beneath that roof -and now, beneath her own feet- Celestia was sleeping soundly. Chrysalis had no desire to wake her. It was unnecessary. She didn't need Celestia to validate her revenge by being aware of it.

Chrysalis shivered, not from the cold, but from anticipation.

"Yes, this is the place."

She stood, and dramatically cast off of her cloak. As the fabric fell to the roof behind her, a convenient flash of lightning illuminated her now-naked body. She was slender, toned but not chiseled, edging into skinniness as was the natural inclination of her race. Her breasts were small, but perky, her nipples standing fully erect in the coldness of the rain. But she barely cared about them in any case. Her pride and joy was in the massive penis that dangled between her legs. Being a shapeshifter came with certain benefits, and while the cock couldn't quite be considered a natural part of her anatomy, she was so seldom without it that it might as well be.

What a sight she would be, if the rain would subside. The eyes of every last inhabitant on the city would gaze upon her. For a moment, she almost wished that they could witness her display. Or rather, her performance.

She was still for a moment, letting her hair and her penis sway in the wind as it whipped around her. Then she began. She slid her hand underneath her dick, gently rolling its flaccid length in her fingers. As she reached the tip, she slid a single finger beneath her foreskin, letting her fingertip rub the sensitive skin of her head. A low chuckle escaped her lips as she pinched the edge of her foreskin and used it to lift up her penis. It sagged limply, but she didn't care. She bent her knees slightly, letting her balls dangle freely. Cupping them with her other hand, she savored the texture of the goosebumps that the freezing rain had drawn out upon her skin. She had been waiting for this.

She released her nutsack and let go over her foreskin letting, her penis slap against her thighs. She swiveled her body, swinging her penis back and forth, letting it swing against her hips. It began to harden, ever so slightly. She closed her eyes, and a scene formed before her in her mind.

Celestia lay before her, defeated, on the floor of the grand hall. But now it was as it should have been. Cadance was nowhere to be found, and Shining Armor remained in her thrall. Those pesky element bearers were held down by her minions, and were powerless to stop her. Victory. The simple thought warmed her, so that she could barely feel the lashing of the cold rain. In her mind's eye she reached down and tore Celestia's crown from her head and cast it aside. She saw herself entwining her fingers in Celestia's ethereal, flowing hair, and lifting her up. She saw herself cackling in triumph and throwing away her royal garments, standing shameless in her nakedness before everyone.

How humiliating! Not for her, of course. When one could change one's whole appearance at will, one could dispense with modesty; what did she care everyone that could see her? She looked precisely how she desired. But for Celestia, it would be excruciating. To have such a spectacle in her grand hall, she would never be able to walk through the door again! Chrysalis once again swiveled her hips, her semi-erection flapping back and forth. She imagined it slapping across Celestia's cheeks, leaving a spatter of precum glistening on her skin.

The Princess of Equestria would stir, her cheeks blushing profusely at the utter disgrace. It made Chrysalis laugh so hard that she could hardly tell if the sounds echoing around her were her own laughter or the rolls of thunder. The mere thoughts of degradation made her heart beat faster. She grinned, and slid her hands up and down the shaft of her now-hard penis. The head had forced it's way out of the foreskin, throbbing. She squeezed it gently, relishing the softness of her own glans.

Her mind was still in the throne room with Celestia. Her dick prodded the princess in the face, mocking her. So powerless to stop it, forced to endure the molestation. Her face covered with drops of sweat and secretions that Chrysalis left on her. Tears too. Celestia would try to be strong, making her best attempt to put on a brave face for her subjects, but it would be futile. Her disgrace would break her, and tears would drip down her cheeks mingling with the trail of precum that hung between the tip of Chrysalis' dick and Celestia's lips.

Chrysalis' knees were weak with just the thought. But she couldn't let it end there. One of her hands crept to the tip of her cock. One of her fingertips rubbed against her dickhole for a moment before sliding into her urethra. The sudden rush of pressure nearly made her come, but she held back. She swirled her finger, which was now buried almost entirely in her cock. When one could control any aspect of their body at will it was easy to make room inside herself. Her knees wobbled dangerously as she fought off the urge to let the orgasm go. She still had fantasies in which to immerse herself.

In her head, Celestia was still before her. Chrysalis imagined that her hands were no longer on her dick, but rather clasping the sides of Celestia's head. She forced her head downward, making her bow. But that would be the least of the mortifications. She rubbed the tip of her penis up and down the length of Celestia's horn. Then she drew back slightly, bringing the tip of her penis against the tip of Celestia's horn. Celestia would look up and whisper, begging for the last shred of dignity.


Celestia's final begging would be ignored.

Chrysalis threw her head back, laughed, and pushed her penis forward around the horn. It would take all her strength to hold Celestia's head still, but with as each inch of horn was swallowed up by Chrysalis' cock, any desire to live would drain away. That was how it should have gone. That was what Celestia deserved. It wasn't fair. Bizarre as it seemed, the changeling queen bore no ill will to Cadance, nor to Shining Armor. Even the Elements of Harmony escaped her ire. They had earned their victory. They had fought their way through all opposition and won the right to keep their dignity.

But Celestia had not. She had fallen, failed, been utterly defeated. And yet, she stood alongside those who had won. What had Celestia suffered for her loss? Nothing! Chrysalis had won, and the winner owned the loser. If the ponies didn't want to exercise that right, it was their loss. But Chrysalis would not be robbed. If only in her head, she would have her reward.

She screamed in a perverse combination of anger, pain, and pleasure, as she imagined her completely covering Celestia's horn. The head of her dick touched Celestia's forehead, oozing precum as the lobes rubbed against her skin. Chrysalis gave a final deep, wracked breath, and roared into the thunder as she came. She glared downward, willing herself to see her cum spurting around Celestia's horn, pouring into her hair and dripping down her face. She relished that image, and never wanted to forget it.

She opened her eyes and sadly returned to reality, where her semen had simply shot over the edge of the roof, most likely landing on Celestia's balcony. Hardly as satisfying as blowing a load across Celestia's face, but it was the best she could manage. She shivered, as much from the cold as from the orgasm. Her legs were already soaked by rain, but how the secretions from her vagina ran down them as well. Her toes uncurled slowly as she crouched to pick up her coat. Her dick was already flaccid enough that the tip brushed the cold roof, sending a final chill through her. She groaned. That would have to do for today. She turned and leaped off the roof, half-hovering as she descended. If she were lucky, it wouldn't be long before another storm rolled through.