Shadow Dancer

by Noble Cause

First published

When a young man loses his brother, and faced with a choice from Luna, which path does he choose?

Loss happens to all of us, but for Brandon Tallos, losing his little brother to the HLF's violence was the hardest thing he's had to face. Now, with Luna Herself overseeing the newest Bureau opening, She's trying to figure out how humanity works, Brandon's trying to come to terms with himself, and the HLF is gearing up for what may be their biggest victory yet.

Unfortunately for them, they didn't anticipate newfoals and potential converts alike willing to stand and fight. Everything comes to a head, eventually. The only question is, who's going to be left standing when it's all over?

Prologue - Life After Death

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Prologue: Life After Death

- April 18, 2022, Kingston, NY, USA -

The tuxedo itched. They always did, no matter how much he fiddled with them for all of his twenty-two years. He swiped at his brown hair irritably and shifted in the pew, looking around. No one here, human or pony, knew his little brother better than him. Not really. The preacher was droning on and on about how the life that was lost was a brave, heroic one, that he was in a better place and blah blah blah. Brandon didn’t want to hear it. He was hot, and sweaty, and emotionally shattered as it was, he didn’t want any comforting bullshit right now. He glanced over at the assembled group of humans and ponies from the local Albany New York Conversion Bureau. They were rather hard to miss, clustered together so close. He felt sorry for them, a little. It was quiet, suddenly, and he looked up. The preacher had finally shut his mouth.

“Would the family like to view their lost one first?” he inquired. His dad got up, then himself, then his sobbing mother. Ryan Tallos was rather quiet, the only real indication of his feelings being the grief in his eyes, while Alyssa, his mother, was openly crying. Brandon was the only one who didn’t let his emotions show, but internally he was a roiling river, despite the rest of him being numb. The trio stepped up to the raised altar that the open casket rested on. Brandon looked down at the body, found himself reaching out to the open casket to stroke the limp mane. White mane and tail, sea blue coat. Oceanic colors, for all he was an earth pony. The mortician had made him look pretty good, there wasn’t even a speck of blood.

“Jamie...” Brandon breathed. This was wrong. Desperately, badly wrong. The icy body beneath his fingers should be warm, strong, pulsing with life. The eyes should be glinting with the need, the craving to know everything that was out there. “C’mon, time to get up... wake up, baby brother, it’s time to experience Equestria, just like you said you would” he murmured, his throat dry, not noticing his voice rising, shoving sharply at the shoulder. “Come on, Jamie, wake up. It’s not funny anymore. Wake up! COME ON! GET YOUR FLANK UP, LITTLE BROTHER! WAKE UP! WHY WON’T YOU WAKE UP?!” he yelled, moving to shove again, ignoring the hand that his father had clapped on his shoulder to restrain him. Then the doors opened with a rather surprising boom in the back, and the trotting of shod hooves was clearly heard. Gasps arose from the pony side of the pews, and Brandon turned just in time to see them bow. A couple seconds later, he saw why.

Gleaming gold and white contrasted with polished silver and blue under the lighting, reflecting off shoes and chestpiece, helm and back. The quartet each of soldiers moved aside to let through six familiar ponies and one unfamiliar one Brandon recognized from the newscasts. The Elements of Harmony, the original six ambassadors to Earth, glinting jewelry around necks and on the top of Ambassador Sparkle’s head, though the flame-maned and dark-coated pony didn’t ring any bells of memory... then Brandon’s breath caught in his throat, and he forgot to breathe. Light and Dark moved in unison, manes flowing in an unseen wind, stardust and an aurora. Murmurs went up from the human side, and the preacher audibly choked in surprise.

What shocked everyone in attendance even more was the expression on the faces of the Ambassadors and the Princesses. Each and every one of them wore looks of sorrow and grief. Brandon’s mind raced... why were they here? what could they possibly want here, now? Celestia looked down at Luna, who nodded, and the pair stepped forward.

“I am sorry for the interruption, however, we felt it important to be here to honor this brave young man who chose to become a pony and join us in Equestria” Celestia said clearly. It was so quiet you could hear a pin drop. Luna shook her mane and moved forward further, her eyes meeting Brandon’s, then Ryan’s and Alyssa’s.

“Your son was an impeccable example of the kind of selflessness that all ponies strive for, for as brief a time as he was a part of Equestria. We of the Equestrian Diarchy mourn his loss as deeply as you” she stated, “we were informed that he desired to join my own Royal Guard of the Night, and, in light of his heroic sacrifice of his very life and saving seventy-six Bureau personnel, ponies, and innocent bystanders. He will be given full military honors in Equestria, regardless. It is the least we can do in his memory.”

Brandon leapt the pair of steps to the thinly-carpeted floor, walking up to Luna, his face a stone mask, while his parents just watched. “Tell me, Princess... You’re a goddess, right?” he asked, something glinting in his eyes.

“In a manner of speaking, my sister and I are, that is correct” the Night answered.

“Can you bring my little brother back?” he inquired.

Luna’s eyes lowered briefly, before she shook her head. “We are sorry, Young Master Tallos, but even escaping death is something we cannot deny. Even we, too, shall die someday” she said. The glint in Brandon’s eyes hardened to pure steel in that moment.

“Then you have nothing to offer me, Milady. If you’ll excuse me” he hissed curtly, stalking past her.

“BRANDON!” Ryan called sharply.

“Fuck off, dad! Unless you think you can bring him back somehow?” was the harsh reply, the ponies laying their ears back at the expletive, while the older man just looked like he’d been punched in the head.

“I...” he tried. Brandon nodded once, minutely.

“That’s what I thought.”

He stormed up the center aisle, his eyes staring straight past Celestia. She watched him, but made no attempt to block his path. His eyes flicked briefly over the guards. They were, as he expected, looking thoroughly displeased. He didn’t really care. The Ambassadors surprised him, emotionally, and he almost stopped. Almost. There was compassion from Sparkle, pity from Rarity, shared grief from Pie and Fluttershy... and utter, burning fury from Applejack and Dash. He supposed the last two weren’t that unexpected either. He passed the unfamiliar unicorn on his right, barely giving them a thought. He left the inner sanctum and passed through the foyer, opening the doors to the outside world and flinching at the bright sun, before slamming them shut behind him. Luna stepped up to re-join her sister with a sigh.

“That could have gone better” she murmured, then kept moving past. “Midnight Shadow, Ambassadors Fluttershy and Pie, with me” she declared. The two Elements and the dark unicorn joined their Princess wordlessly, and she shared an unspeaking look with her contingent of guards, shaking her head. They nodded in understanding, and stayed put as Luna made her way outside as well, accompanied as she was.

The quartet found Brandon sitting on a planter box, trying to light a Saf-T cigarette with shaking hands. The flame was shaking too much to ignite the faux-cig, from what Luna could tell. They may have been what amounted to an old-fashioned electronic cigarette in terms of the water vapor and miniscule amount of nicotine found in them, but they still needed to be lit like the ancient original variation. Luna’s horn sparked, and a blue flame lit the end. Brandon froze, then he took a quick inhale to keep it lit and smoldering as he closed his lighter and tucked it away, turning to glance at the approaching group. Well, that is to say, three of them approached. Pinkie Pie hopped.

“We are sorry that our meeting was under such terrible circumstances, Young Master Tallos. We were under the impression that thou intended to join thy sibling in Equestria in three months’ time, is that correct?” Luna inquired quietly.

Brandon took another puff of the cig and pulled it free of his lips. “At this juncture, Milady, I’ve no idea whether I’m going to go through with it or not. If the HLF are willing to do that to someone who was human so short a time ago... I just don’t know right now.”

“Um... are... are you all right?” Fluttershy nearly whispered. Brandon glanced at her, and she shrunk back. He closed his eyes, then stubbed out the cig in frustration.

“No, Ambassador Fluttershy, I am not. I have just lost my little brother, someone who I helped raise, someone who looked up to me, who came to me with all his hopes and fears, his anger and love. Seventeen years of life, gone in one explosion of hatred from the Human Liberation Front via a thrown grenade. He was stolen from me and my family, and they scurry back into their holes like the rats they are, praising their holier-than-thou rhetoric that ‘allows’ them to kill those they see as invaders. They are fools, and I shall see them dead for what they’ve done” came the answer in a rather flat tone.

“Do you blame us, too?” Pinkie asked, her blue eyes staring into Brandon’s. He blinked, and shivered involuntarily, hugging himself briefly.

“Blame you? I... I don’t know. Am I hurting? most certainly. Do I blame the HLF? without a doubt in every fiber of my being. You, though, Ambassador Pie? all of you? No... I can’t. Jamie... Jamie was so happy when Equestria appeared. He’d always felt restricted, confined, alone in his love of the natural world. He mourned what had been lost. He saw the photos of your world on the holo-set, and it was like his life had meaning” Brandon replied, perking up a bit now.

“All life hath meaning” Luna argued.

Brandon raised a finger at that and smiled a little. “Yet not all those that exist have that potential realized. We have a saying with humanity, ‘if you have no purpose in life, perhaps you were meant to serve as a warning to others’. In the case of Jamie... he always wanted to play the hero. He was always the protector when it came to military things. He really admired you and your Royal Guard, Princess. Your sister’s, too, but he always loved the night and stars. He’s actually the one that got me into astronomy, looking up at the night sky and finding the beauty in it...” he stopped, feeling a lump in his throat.

“Some of us live for the daytime, that’s true... but then, there are those of us that walk in the shadows, and the darkness is warm and inviting, and we dance. There is no harm in loving the moon high above, and living for My Lady’s evenings, even in the face of mourning and loss such as this” the flame-maned unicorn said into the quiet. Brandon flinched, and almost glared at the other.

“And just who are you to say such, eh? who are you, anyway?” he spat.

The unicorn smiled disarmingly and executed a small bow. “What, you thought you were the only one? You’re not the only one that lives in darkness, my friend. Midnight Shadow, student to Princess Luna... and formerly Martin Danielson of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, at your service.”

“You... used to be human? you converted?” Brandon asked disbelievingly, blinking in surprise.

“Absolutely. Best decision I ever made. Ex-programmer, no job prospects... and Equestria was paradise. It gave me my life back. It is only by the grace of Princess Luna that I am allowed such an honor as to be her student... for as long as she can put up with my flank, anyway” Midnight answered, snorting a bit of a laugh.

“Oh, make no mistake, there are times we wonder what we were thinking, but Midnight doth be a fine scholar and we would have him no other way” Luna prodded playfully, a smile on her face.

Brandon looked back and forth between them, then at Pinkie, who seemed to be watching him intently for some reason, and then Fluttershy, who was a bit more cautious in her looks at him. He then looked back at Midnight. “How long?”

“How long what?” Midnight asked, cocking an ear.

“How long have you been a pony?”

“Oh... what has it been, Milady? a year and a half?” he asked, looking at his teacher and Goddess.

“Closer to two, we would say” Luna answered, nodding.

“Two it is, and loving it. If I may be so bold, Brandon, your brother would have made a fine pony, and he truly is a hero for what he did. Mourn his loss, grieve of course... but do not ever discount that your brother did what he thought was right, and that his first thought was not for his own life, but the safety of those around him. That is the kind of pony whom I would have been proud to know, and it is an honor to have met the brother that helped shape him into who he was and became for Equestria. A symbol of what we in Equestria hold most dear, and that is selflessness” Midnight said firmly, red eyes glinting.

“I...” Brandon started, then got to his feet, “I think I need to take a walk... sort this out, I think” he muttered, holding his head. He seemingly picked a random direction and began pacing away from them. Pinkie moved to follow him, and stopped when she felt a tug on her tail. She looked back to see Luna’s hoof firmly holding her there.

“Let him go for now, Ambassador Pie... give the young one time, and room to breathe” she said quietly.

“Do you... think he’ll be all right, Princess?” Fluttershy asked.

“Hard to say. He be stronger than he knows. Let us hope his sorrow doth not consume him” came the alicorn’s answer. Midnight was silent, looking after where Brandon had disappeared behind a building, thinking deeply.

- Three months later, in Equestria -

There was a rough pounding of hoof against wood, the sound nearly booming into the quiet early morning hours. Private Stone Bola cringed a bit behind his commanding officer, fluttering his wings nervously and glancing back at their VIP. Rousted out of bed by their own Goddess of the Night, that was a new one for a wakeup call. Apparently it was important enough to have a contingent of the Guard accompany her to wherever they were going. Their liege still hadn’t revealed that mysterious bit of information, or why they were at the home of Celestia’s prize pupil. The door was opened by a VERY upset looking small dragon, who the Lieutenant remembered was the assistant to said pupil.

“What?” he said flatly, a flicker of green flame escaping him as he snorted, eyes bloodshot from lack of sleep. Luna stepped up from behind the guards and caught the dragonet’s eye. Stone noted that he instantly relaxed and bowed. Interesting... so they knew each other, but from where?

“We apologize for waking thee, young Spike, but we require Midnight Shadow’s presence. Could you retrieve him and tell him to pack his saddlebags? He has one hour to pack for an extended stay outside of Equestria at a new Conversion Bureau. We desire to rendevous in Ponyville’s town square, next to the fountain” the princess said politely. The so-named Spike blinked, then nodded in compliance.

“As you wish, Milady” he answered, completely court-formal. Luna smiled at him, and turned to the quartet of Guards with her, as Spike closed the door.

“Lance Corporal Tower Shield, please move out to Carousel Boutique and retrieve the Element of Generosity. Her name is Rarity. Please shake down her things to the acceptable minimum as needed. Also notify her of my intent to allow her to bring her sister, Sweetie Belle. It would do her good to see something beyond Equestria” Luna instructed. The earth pony saluted with a hoof, nodded, and took off at an impressively speedy gallop, despite his armor. Her attention next turned to the next officer. “Sergeant Curved Saber, please teleport thyself to Sweet Apple Acres and retrieve the Element of Honesty called Applejack, and her sister, Apple Bloom. Same request to meet at the rendevous.”

The unicorn saluted, and with a flicker of blue, he was gone with a popping sound. Luna finally turned to Stone’s commanding officer. “Captain Buckler, lastly, we would like thee to retrieve the pegasus Rainbow Dash, the Element of Loyalty, and also find the young filly Scootaloo. Same instructions as the others” she requested. The Captain flinched.

“Milady, I must protest. Why not send the Private to do so?” he asked plaintively. A dark look crossed Luna’s green eyes.

“We feel it would do thee well to remember that all of the Guard must do whatever is asked of them, Captain...” she answered, a dangerous edge in her voice. Buckler paled visibly and took a step back, lowering his head.

“My apologies, Princess Luna. I shall do as you ask” he said, his voice cracking, and turned to take off with a hurried flapping of his wings. Luna... snickered once he was far enough off, and turned to head towards the town square.

“Come with me, Mister Bola, it wouldn’t do to ask to meet some place, then not be there ourselves, hmm?” she inquired playfully.

“Yes Milady” Stone replied stiffly, moving to her right-rear flank. The princess shook her head, smiling.

“Up here, please. It’s easier to talk that way” she asked, and he trotted up, blushing all the while. “That’s better. So, tell me about yourself, mister Stone Bola. How long have you been in the Guard?”

“S-seven months next week, Milady” he replied shyly, eyes down. She looked at him curiously.

“Why so reserved, Private?” she queried softly.

“I’ve... never... spoken to anypony higher in rank than my commanding officer, Milady. I’m not sure what to do. Permission to speak freely, Milady...?” he all but squeaked. Luna stopped, blinking at him, then nodded. “You’re scary, Milady, just like Princess Celestia. I’ve grown up admiring your nights, spending my colthood looking up at the stars and your moon and feeling like all was right with the world... now here you are, and I’m talking to you and I really don’t know how to act, I don’t want to upset you or disobey your orders, and I’m babbling now...” he rambled, eyes wide, sweating nervously. The night princess smiled gently at him.

“Thou need not fear us, Stone Bola. It isn’t often that anypony is so... honest with us. It is refreshing, truly. There is one thing we learned at Nightmare Night that is very important to us, and believe it shall put thy mind at ease.”

“W-what’s that?” he stammered, swallowing roughly.

“One can never have too many friends” she giggled, and held out her hoof pleasantly, like Applejack had shown her how to what felt like a lifetime ago. Stone looked down, then shakingly raised his own hoof, and they met, and the pair shook. “Do not forget thy duty, mister Bola... but know that friends are an even more precious thing than any amount of guards could ever be.”

“I won’t forget, Milady. Thank you” he said, relaxing visibly.

“Good. Now, shall we proceed? Seven months in the Guard, you say? What of thy parents? any siblings?” Luna asked. Stone smiled, and began walking alongside her again, actually smiling a bit.

“Well, my parents certainly didn’t expect me to end up in the Guard, that’s for certain. I always had an accurate throw when taking down predators on our farm though. I once held off an entire pack of timber wolves that came from the Everfree for an entire night. Didn’t lose a single animal, either...” he began, as they slowly approached the town square, while false dawn began to break above them. Luna just knew it was going to be a beautiful morning.

One hour later exactly, the Elements, her own pupil in the ponyage of Midnight Shadow, and the colloquially named ‘Cutie Mark Crusaders’ were all gathered, along with the remainder of her Royal Guard contingent. More accurately, perhaps, while the Crusaders were in attendance, they certainly weren’t awake by any meaning of the word, all three snoozing on the backs of their sisters (or in Scootaloo’s case, idol). Luna couldn’t really blame them, it was rather early by everypony’s standards save her own.

Midnight yawned sleepily himself, but had the decency to blush when Luna gave him a look. the rest of the Guard moved back into formation with Stone and the Night Princess nodded to herself. Perfect timing, as the sun broke over the hills.

“Miss Applejack, Rarity and Rainbow Dash, I suppose you three, along with my Guardsmen, are wondering why you’re here. I suspect Midnight’s figured it out right about now” Luna said clearly. Midnight blinked, looked around, then facehoofed, muttering something impolite. The princess snickered. “As I was saying... the reason for such a meeting is that my sister has entrusted me with opening the next Conversion Bureau. She also suggested I attempt to bring the Cutie Mark Crusaders along. Something along the lines of ‘a learning experience’, as she put it, on the condition that they obey all royal decrees while in my charge. I’m yet unsure if she’s plotting something at my expense or not.”

“My pardon, Princess Luna, but in our experience, Princess Celestia has plans upon plans, some likely laid before our birth” Rarity said, a small smile on her face.

Applejack snorted softly. “We still haven’t figured out how, either!”

“You should see her play chess. She has this annoying little victory dance...” Luna said dryly as she slipped into informality, then shook her head, “apologies. Back on track. It is my intent to teleport all of us directly to the front door, thus the bare minimum of luggage. The less I have to teleport, the less strain, you understand.”

Midnight’s horn lit up, along with Curved Saber’s and, to a small bit of surprise, Rarity’s. Luna looked at the trio and smiled gratefully. None of them could dream of matching her, except Twilight and Midnight some far off day, but it still eased things slightly.

“One, two, three!” the Goddess of the Night called out, and with an audible POP!, the assembled group and baggage was gone from Equestria.

They arrived with a sonic boom, as a result of the magic backwash dispersing quickly. Saber and Rarity looked absolutely done, and Midnight wasn’t far behind. Luna approached the three of them and fed each a small magic boost to stave off the impending migraine. They raised their heads and looked around with the others. Midnight let out a sound that sounded rather like ‘ack’ and looked at his Mistress with wide eyes. She nodded, a bit sadly.

“Fillies and Gentlecolts, it’s time to open the Kingston, New York Conversion Bureau” she declared.

“Knew I recognized this place for some reason” Dash muttered, as Luna levitated the keys, and slipped them into the lock for the first time.

“Let’s go to work” AJ said, tugging her hat with a bit of finality.