The 7th Element of Harmony

by unknown_paths

First published

1 new pony will become the portal to adventure, romance, and a whole lot of surprise.

An ancient city of Romania lies relatively close to the region of Equestria. A mare by the name of Solaris lives a not so great life there. So... by the order of Princess Celestia, Solaris is given a chance to live in Equestria to start over.


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Romiania, an ancient city... 800 miles west of the prominent city of Equestria. Population:1,209.

Solaris the pegasus. 18 years old, blank flank, slow and graceful flying ability. Blue fur, Hot pink mane and tail with lighter streaks of pink.

This mare holds many secrets, has many enemies, and has learned many lessons the hard way. Her life has been full of struggle, through thick and thin but somehow... she manages to pull through. A message was sent to Princess Celestia, and she has answered with great news. Through all the crap Solaris has gone through... today on this Saturday morning, she leaves Romania to start her life over in Eqestria.This will prove to be the biggest change in her life, she will go through even more struggle and learn many more things. For a young pegasus with a bright future ahaead of her, she goes through as much as a 40 year old senior does...

"Goodbye everyone!!! G-Goodbye!" a pegasus mare waved her hoof at the small crowd of ponies who came to watch her departure. From her chariot she could see her small circle of friends, associates, and her parents. Her drunken father, who was dry heaving into a nearby bush, and her high mother, who's eyes were bloodshot and was laughing at every little thing.They never were good at being parents, but Solaris loved them anyway. She kept all tears in, as she knew crying would be worthless anyways. With one thing on her mind, Solaris looked towards the sky as her chariot took flight...

As Solaris's chariot made its way to the royal castle in Canterlot, she coudn't help but stare in awe. It was everything she had imagined it would be, she didn't look at Canterlot below due to her fear of heights, but she did manage to get a good look at a few landmarks.

The chariot came to a halt outside the castle gates. Solaris stepped off the chariot and flashed a friendly smile to her escorts, who bowed their heads in return. She trotted slowly up the guards at the gate and showed them a letter from Princess Celestia. They seem satisfied, because they opened up the gates a moment later and returned to their stiff positions. She stepped inside, and she just about felt her heart leave her chest.

Everything in the castle was beautiful! Amazing furniture, nice ornate decorations. What surprised her the most, though was that the princess had been waiting for her just inside the castle doors, a look of amusement on her face.

"I take it you enjoy what you see so far?" Celestia said, chuckling shortly after. "Come with me, I'll register you as a cititzen of Equestria and then we can pick a home for you." she said. Solaris just nodded softly, to mind blown to process any words.

After a long and frustrating process of 20 questions with the princess, she gave Solaris a small list of places to live in. Not really knowing what to expect, she picked Ponyville as a suitable home. "An excellent choice, it'll make your welcome a bit easier." Celestia said. "What do you mean princess?" "Well, I've taken a liberty to having my most faithful student and her friends to welcome you to Equestria, and since they live in Ponyville, it was very convienent for you to pick Ponyville as your place of residence. All that... just for me?

"W-well... thank y-you...umm will be going by chariot again? Because... I don't like heights" Solaris said, her shy nature finally breaking the surface. "Oh my apologies... you could have told me, I could have arranged a personal train ride. No matter, i'll do it now." Celestia said matter-of-factly. "Thank you..." Solaris said, her voice barely coming out than a whisper. " Your welcome and please... you don't have to be so nervous around me my little pony." was the reply. you have no idea...

The Ponyville Express pulled in to Canterlot station, an assorted mix of ponies and others coming out as the dorrs opened. Celestia watched from a few feet away as Solaris boarded. "Thanks again, princess!" she shouted happily. "Anytime Solaris, and please... call me Celestia." she mused, waving a hoof with a smile on her face. Solaris couldn't help but wave back excitedly as the train got into motion. Only a select few ponies are allowed to call her by her name alone. Wow! The princess actually likes me!

With Solaris's trip well underway, she couldn't find anything better to do but curl up and attempt to take a nap. But suddenly... "Wait a minute! Twilight Sparkle!!!? Isn't one of her friends Rainbow Dash?!? I know Rainbow!!!"

Flashback: Solaris age 11
In an arena in Romania, a younger Solaris is watching the Wonderbolts perform from a VIP booth. Above her, the Wonderbolts are just wrapping up their performance with a synchronized dive, with a Rainbow Dash quest staring. At the end of the dive, they all pull up, but its Rainbow Dash who finishes her signature Sonic Rainboom. The crowd around her erupts into cheers of enjoyment. And just as quickly as it began, it was over.
Outside the arena, fillies and colts of all ages were lining up to get autographs and other priceless pieces, Solaris among them.When it was her turn, Rainbow Dash gave her an autographed photo, and the necklace she was wearing. It held a ruby inside and looked like her element of harmony, but this was just a replica. That was one of the best moments of Solaris's life.

Solaris couldn't help but smile at the memory, and she looked at the necklace around her neck. It was the same one from that very day, and has been a good luck charm ever since...

Chapter 1: Preparations

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It was a just about average day for the cititzens of Ponyville, the sun was shining, profits were good, and no life threatening crisis was taking place. For Rainbow Dash, the day just got a little more interesting...

She was flying high above Town Hall, just brushing past the huge clock tower. She soared at a breakneck pace, her signature rainbow trail following her. Reaching the train station, she couldn't help put hover over and watch for any potential ponies she could hang out with that could get off of the train. Hey.... who's that mare? She's... different.

When Rainbow saw the blue mare with the hot pink mane step out of the train, a rush of emotions surged through her brain at one time, but the only one she could express was..."I gotta go tell the others!!!" she said aloud, making a dash for Sugarcube Corner, where her friends were enjoying a nice breakfast together.

The train came to a sudden halt, jolting Solaris from her nap and nearly knocking her out of her seat. Re adjusting herself, she stood up and trotted slowly towards the exit. She stepped outside and her jaw almost hit the floor for the second time today. "Everything.. I-its so vivid! And everypony seems so happy!!! Wow this... this is amazing!" she said aloud. Taking a quick look at the sky, she noticed a cyan mare with a rainbow colored mane staring in her direction before suddenly taking off towards somewhere in town.That was strange, I wonder who she is? She reminds me of....
"Rainbow Dash!!!!???" she exclaimed in disbelief. no no no no no that couldn't be her, there is no way! I mean is there?

Making a less than graceful landing in front of the bakery, Rainbow trotted inside and found her friends seated in a table in the back. She swiftly took her seat between Twilight and Rarity, where a half eaten muffin greated her. "Back already Dash? I figure your 'morning flights' would take longer than a few minutes..." Twilight asked. "Well I just saw something that's gonna make today 20% cooler! I saw this new looking pony at the train station, she looks like she's new to Equestria!" Rainbow said. Applejack snorted accusingly and raised her eyebrow at Dash. "Now what in tarnation' are ya sayin? What could be so darn great?" she mused. Rainbow narrowed her eyes in a death glare. " This new pony is in town and I just thought we could give her a little welcome... but if you find that funny then go ahead then..." Rainbow muttered in Applejack's direction.

"Now wait just a darn minute! This ain't my fau-"

"A new pony in town, wellwhydidn'tyousaysoRainbow! This is so superdupercuddlywuddlyamazing! I gotta throw a party!" Pinkie spewed, oblivious to the incoming arguement. Twilight smiled at Pinkie and waved her hoof in front of everyone to get their attention. "A party is a great idea girls! Pinkie, you plan it as quickly as possible with everyone else while I go and meet our esteemed guest. Rainbow, what did this mare look like?" Twilight lectured. Rainbow raised a hoof to her chin in thought, before rasing it triumphantly. "Oh! She has blue fur, a hot pink mane and tail, and she's a pegasus." Rainbow answered.

Twilight's body froze and all the gears in her mind stopped spinning. In a very loose attempt at keeping her composure, all she could say was a very distraut "WHAT!!!!???" and then in a flash of violet light, she was gone, scorch marks covered where her hoofs were just moments ago. "Oh I hope she's alright..." Fluttershy whispered, shivering against Pinkie Pie. Noticing, Pinkie gave her a hug and some encouraging words. "Hey no worries Fluttershy! Twilight's got it all under control! Now come on, we've got a party to start! Yippee!!!" she said excitedly, dragging Fluttershy into the kitchen, who let out an 'eep' and wore a light blush on her face.

Rarity stood up from her seat and whispered something into Applejack's ear. AJ blushed a deep shade of crimson and then headed for a nearby closet beside Rarity, fetching party supplies and looking very flustered. Rainbow Dash just snickered from her seat and flew arounds lazily. Man when your dating its like you just can control yourself.... thats why The Dash is staying single!

Twilight was making a dash for the train station, galloping as fast as her hooves would carry her. Why didn't I just teleport to the station! Stupid... wait no... focus Twilight!!! This is the mare that the Princess was telling you about just a few days prior! I must make sure her welcome is the best one imaginable!

Update News

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Ok so I'm just gonna get straight to the point, I've been a horrible author and maybe made a few people upset with my slow updating. For that I apologize, but I do have a life outside of the internet. From this moment forward, I will try to update at a much more frequent rate. This story is not abandoned, this is only the beginning.