
by Anonymous Pegasus

First published

A young, down-on-his-luck pegasus finds himself in a relationship with a princess

Windshear, an ex-wonderbolt and now-jobless pegasus, finds himself somehow in a romantic engagement with one of the Princesses.


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Windshear gave a long sigh, flumping out across his cloud lazily, stretching his forehooves out in front of himself. His wings gave a fitful flutter before splaying out to either side, giving a weary twitch. The soft scent of sweat was apparent in the air around the pegasus, and his mane was slightly damp with his exertions.

His name was Windshear, and he was a Wonderbolt. Or at least, that was his job description up until an entire week ago.

Spitfire herself had kicked him out of the best flying team in Equestria for ‘conflicts of interest’. That was to say, Windshear didn’t much care for authority figures. He didn’t like being told what to do. And he sure as tartarus didn’t appreciate Spitfire’s tone.

Far from a bad flier, Windshear had been one of the strongest in the Wonderbolts. His strengths were in flying straight and true no matter what nature threw at him. His special talent was not giving even a single buck what the wind decided to do and just ploughing through it.

Windshear was average for a pegasus in almost every way. His wings were average length, his mane was average length and, even though it was styled in the particular way of the Wonderbolts, spiky and swept-back, it was quickly losing its shape without regular tending. Powder-blue from his nose to the stylish ‘wind’ marks that comprised his cutie mark, and with a stark white mane and tail that were an absolute terror to keep clean, he was completely unnoticeable in a lineup.

Windshear gave a faint yawn, stretching out lazily across the cloud and rubbing his eyes with a hoof. They were red-rimmed from a lack of sleep, and he had the hazy expression of a pony that was coming into the start of a lovely hangover.

A fat droplet of water splashed down onto Windshear’s nose, and he blinked and shook his muzzle firmly in surprise, purple eyes glancing up towards the overcast sky. “Great, rain,” he stated to himself, rubbing a hoof against his ear in distaste, before just splaying across the cloud again with a heavy sigh.

Raindrops started to fall all around him, slowly at first, but gaining in intensity. Very quickly, the pegasus was drenched, but completely uncaring.

Windshear stared into the raindrops, humming happily in the back of his throat. He had always enjoyed the rain, and it was a warm day, so he wasn’t unnecessarily cold or at risk of getting sick from the water. He just felt lazy.

There was a rumble in the clouds above him, and Windshear looked upwards with a slow frown. Thunder was building in the clouds, ready to send bolts of lightning to the ground.

A flash of lightning lit the afternoon sky, so very close to the pegasus, and he wished he could say that he didn’t jump, but jump he did. Windshear almost left the cloud entirely as the thunderclap reverberated in the air so loudly that it made his head hurt, and his already light-sensitive eyes felt as though they had jagged pieces of glass shoved into his eyesockets.

Windshear shielded his face with a hoof, and then dropped off the cloud, barrelling down several hundred feet so that he wasn’t so uncomfortably close to the clouds, before coasting along towards Cloudsdale.

The natural magical barriers around Cloudsdale kept stormclouds from reaching it. It was a natural safe zone, and every pegasus knew to go there during freak storms.

Windshear squinted into the wind, wishing for a moment that he still had the Wonderbolt goggles, as the wind was causing his eyes to tear up and clouding his vision even further than his building hangover was.

There was a shape in the storm ahead, somewhere between the calm skies of Cloudsdale and the roiling clouds of the storm. It looked like a carriage, with a pair of gleaming metal ponies at the front of it.

As he got closer, Windshear realised with a start that the shape was the royal carriage, ferrying Princess Celestia herself through the storm. The gleaming metal ponies were merely Royal Guards, pulling the carriage.

Windshear’s eyes widened as he tasted iron in the air, and he felt a tingle right behind his eyes, that selfsame unnerving tingle buzzing between the feathers of his wings.

Immediately, the pegasus closed his wings about himself like a cocoon and plummeted downwards, shielding his face with a hoof as though that might somehow help.

He felt it before he saw it and heard it. A white-hot blast of heat rushing by his body. And then he was deafened and blinded instantly by the intense power of nature’s fury.

A jagged fork of lightning tore open the air all around him, missing him by metres, a current of electricity jumping and searing across one of his hindlegs in a stripe of white fire.

Windshear arched and convulsed helplessly as the lightning strike grazed him, sending him tumbling end-over-end, wings splayed as he was buffeted unpredictably by the wind.

By the time Windshear came back to his senses, he was plummeting towards the ground in a wholly clumsy fashion. The pegasus growled and bared his teeth, arresting his fall by spreading his wings wide, wincing and arching helplessly as he stretched his freshly-branded hindleg. His cutie mark on his right side was disfigured now, with a mark across it that looked somewhat like a jagged fork of light, cutting across the mark and marring his otherwise perfect fur.

As he started to backwing to a stop, Windshear became aware of a gleaming silver object approaching from above.

“I’m fine!” he snarled savagely, settling into a backwing before he even realised that the royal guard falling towards him was unconscious and smoking slightly.

His eyes widened as he stared up at the falling, flaming wreckage of the once-pristine carriage. It was approaching from above him, blackened and wrecked from the mighty fury of the lightning bolt, likely attracted to it by the metal surfaces and the guards themselves with their fancy golden armor.

Windshear’s eyes dilated, and he felt adrenaline flush his system.

A piece of the carriage whipped past, slashing across Windshear’s face, causing a gash to appear instantly along one cheek. He snarled in pain, head whipping to the left, a hoof cradling his cheek as blood began to seep from the fresh wound.

The unconscious guard plummeted right past Windshear, and he snatched at the falling pegasus with a hoof, catching onto an edge of his armor.

The sheer weight of the armor dragged Windshear down, and he snarled in pain and was sure he felt his shoulder dislocate with the violence of the motion, tugging him downwards instantly.

And then, he was falling again, clasped to an unconscious royal guard.

Windshear snarled and bared his teeth from the pain in his shoulder, slapping the guard hard with a hoof as he tried to backwing them to a stop, his usually powerful strokes laboured and rapid with all the extra weight.

“Wake up!” he snarled, giving the guard’s helmet a rough smack with the back of his hoof.

The guard gave a groan, his eyes fluttering open and his wings giving a feeble twitch, as though he was trying to fly.

Windshear bared his teeth again, grasping the guard’s armored back piece with both forehooves, hooking a hindleg against the base of his chest piece and then shoving as hard as he could with all four hooves. The straps holding the armor together gave out and the two pieces separated, liberating the pegasus within. Windshear ate a faceful of armor, smashing against his nose and giving him a nosebleed, but only really hurting his pride more than anything. He tumbled away from the guard, letting the armor spin away from them.

With the weight of the armor gone, the guard’s feeble wingbeats started to level him out, and he lifted a hoof to shakily remove his helmet, tossing it aside as well, kicking off all his remaining armor before focusing on getting to the ground in one piece.

Windshear looked upwards then, noticing that the carriage was listing heavily to one side. It was on fire, and the one remaining guard still tethered to it was labouring under the weight of the metal carriage, his wings beating hard and fast at the air to try and keep level.

Wiping the blood out of his eyes, Windshear took several moments to rest before he tilted upwards and started ascending as fast as he could. His face was assaulted by stinging droplets of rain that thankfully helped keep the blood out of his eyes.

It took Windshear a good minute or so to get level with the carriage, panting hard and almost wretching. Flying on a stomach devoid of anything but cider was a bad idea.

“H-help!” the guard demanded, pointing a hoof back over his shoulder. “I’ll keep it level, get the princess out of the carriage!”

Windshear nodded in determination, slipping back to the carriage itself. It was blazing merrily along the edges, where the paint itself seemed to have flaked and caught ablaze. The centre of the carriage was relatively untouched, and a singed alicorn princess was splayed across the seat, unconscious. The edges of Celestia’s pristine white wings were marred with blackened soot, and her entire form seemed powdered with ash.

The carriage had a pair of booms extending in front of it, made of a metal of some kind that was once painted gold. Now, one of the booms was cracked and bent backwards, covering the princess, trapping her inside the carriage. The other boom, connected to the remaining Royal Guard, looked no better.

“Princess, Princess!” Windshear shouted above the wind and rain. “Wake up!”

Straddling the carriage, Windshear prodded and shook the princess hurriedly with his hooves. “Wake up!”

A low moan left the princess, and she stirred fitfully, one pink eye opening and staring up at him.

Windshear gave a sigh of relief, grinning down at her. “Morning!” he said, sketching a salute. “I was just thinking it might be a good id-”

An ominous creak interrupted him, and his pupils dilated as he turned to stare wide eyed at the golden boom holding the carriage up.

There was barely any warning. No further sound of protest left the boom before it just folded and snapped, and the carriage, sans the Royal Guard that had been holding it up, plummeted towards the ground.

A high-pitched squeal was snatched away into the rushing air as the carriage scythed through the air towards the ground. Windshear was ashamed to admit he didn’t even know whose mouth it was coming from.

Celestia tried to rise, trapped by the bent golden boom, as she struggled to wriggle free, pushing her forehooves against it with a low whine.

Windshear went to leap from the carriage and save himself, and had to mentally berate himself for it. No bucking way was he going to be the pony that let the princess die! With a snarl of exertion, Windshear wiggled down beside the princess and pushed off from her flank, hindlegs pushing hard against the golden boom. Smaller than the princess, he had all the leverage that she didn’t, forcing the boom to creak and shift, bending slightly under their combined efforts.

Once the boom was off her enough, Celestia put all her strength into a hard shove, using her newfound leverage. The boom creaked and snapped, falling away from them into the air.

Celestia leapt from the carriage without an instant of hesitation, a hoof grasping against Windshear’s as she threw herself clear, dragging him with her. Large white wings spread, catching the air like a parachute, arresting their fall almost immediately as the carriage slammed into the ground not far away. The sound of the impact was deafening, and pieces of shrapnel whizzed about them.

Windshear felt something graze his tail in passing, ruffling his fur, but otherwise they were free and clear.

And then they thudded down into the grass lightly.

Windshear gave a low groan of triumph, panting hard, before he realised that he was splayed across Princess Celestia’s front while she was laying in the grass on her back.

Immediately the pegasus leapt to his hooves, panting to try and catch his breath, casting a gaze back at the flaming wreckage of the carriage, and then to the panting princess laid out in the grass like a flat white rug, winded, but otherwise fine.

“I saved the princess!” he declared with an ecstatic laugh, bouncing in place before performing a strutting sidestep. “I am the be-”


Windshear was crushed into the wet grass as the golden boom from earlier landed across his back, slamming him into the ground mercilessly. He winced heavily, baring his teeth and trying to reach with a hoof to drag himself out from under the hunk of metal, before he just gave a low groan and went limp.

Windshear gave a low groan, stirring fitfully and opening his eyes. Blinding light assaulted his eyes, and he clenched them closed again as his head reeled. After the spinning stopped, he opened his eyes again, peering around.

He was lying in some kind of hospital room, on a very, very white bed that was already getting dirty just from his presence. A nurse was bustling this way and that, checking an array of beeping machines attached to him. A pair of electromagical pads were attached to his temple with another set on his chest. A slight wriggle of his form gave him the odd tightness of bandages around his haunches and chest, and his left eye was covered by another bandage.

“You’re awake,” the nurse said with a warm smile.

“I hope so,” Windshear muttered, rubbing his temple with a hoof. “I’ve never had a dream start like this that ended well.”

“I assure you, you are awake,” the nurse said, frowning as she leaned over him and shined a light into his eye.

Windshear blinked rapidly and then pushed her away with a hoof. “I’m fine, I’m fine.”

“You were injured quite badly when you came in here,” the nurse pointed out gently, shaking her head. “And the princess wishes to see you.”

“She wants to see me?” Windshear asked doubtfully. “I’m afraid I’m going to have to pass.”

“You would turn down a personal ‘thank you’ from the princess herself?” the nurse asked, mystified.

Windshear shrugged, reaching up to tug the bandages off his head. “I don’t need a ‘thank you’ from the princess.”

The nurse scowled as Windshear tugged the bandage off, revealing the raw wound on his head, smeared with some kind of ointment.

Windshear reached to the side, picking up a spoon from beside a cup of jello, holding it up to inspect his reflection. “Ugh, talk about some kind of sick joke.”

Frowning, the nurse raised an eyebrow. “What?”

“I was already ugly enough without a nasty scar,” Windshear said with a heavy sigh, putting the spoon down.

“Some girls find scars distinguishing. And you did acquire it while saving the princess,” the nurse pointed out with a faint smile. “I’m sure they’ll be able to look past it.”

Windshear frowned at that, pursing his lips. “Well... maybe,” he admitted, shrugging as he rolled off the bed and landed neatly on his hooves, wincing. “Ugh... feels like training week.”

“You exerted yourself quite a bit,” the nurse explained, trying to usher him back into bed.

“Look, just tell the princess that I appreciate her wanting to help me, but I’m not one for standing at ceremony,” Windshear stated, reaching back to tug at the bandages on his haunches, until they tugged free. He winced at the sensation of friction on the burns all over his right flank, and peered back at them with interest. “How lovely.”

“The lightning seared your fur to your flesh. Kind of like a brand,” the nurse said with a sigh, shaking her head as she danced away to reach into a cupboard, coming up with a jar of white cream. “Apply this to the burn three times a day.”

Windshear took the jar, an eyebrow raising. “You’re not going to keep trying to stop me?”

“We both know you’re going to leave anyway,” she said with a shake of her head.

“I like a mare who knows what’s what,” Windshear said with a grin, saluting her, even as he shrugged out of the bandages around his chest and then stretched his wings outwards to test them. Finding that they extended properly, he bounced backwards and then threw himself out the open window, wings spreading to catch the air as he headed for Cloudsdale.

That night found Windshear sitting on his bed in his admittedly large cloud house on the outskirts of Cloudsdale, reading a book, occasionally sipping from a bottle of spirits tucked neatly under one wing.

There was a curt knock on his door, and he gave a faint groan, rolling onto his hooves and setting the book aside, slowly stretching out.

The knock resounded again, and Windshear growled softly. “I’m coming!” he called, frowning as he adjusted his mane and then bounded down the stairs, coming to a halt at the front door and then pulling it inwards.

Windshear’s eyes widened and he felt his jaw drop, and he had to mentally will himself to close his mouth. “P-princess?”

“That would be I,” Princess Celestia said calmly, pink eyes watching him curiously.

Celestia’s feathers and fur were all remarkably clean again, pristine and white, and her silky mane was once more soot-free.

“I uh... don’t know what to say,” Windshear said with a helpless shrug of his shoulders.

“I wanted to thank you, but you ran off,” Celestia said bluntly, watching him intently.

“Well, you know, I’m not so big on the whole... thanking thing,” Windshear admitted with another shrug of his shoulders. “I’d invite you in for a drink, but that would be... ahh... uncouth?”

“I graciously accept,” Celestia stated, stepping inside the doorway before Windshear could protest, a wing extending to grasp the edge of the door as she looked around.

“I’m ‘fraid my personal space isn’t exactly fit for a princess,” Windshear pointed out unnecessarily.

His house was clean, but very untidy. Some old Wonderbolt posters littered the table, a pair of candles had melted right down and dripped candlewax all over the table, and several empty bottles of spirits lay littered around the place.

“This is... evident,” Celestia said, the merest of grimaces crossing her features.

Windshear gave a short chuckle at that, shaking his head and turning back to the stairs. “Well you’re the one that decided to come in,” he stated, pointing up the stairs. “My room is up there if you really want that drink, if you think can hoofle* a commoners bedroom.”
Celestia’s eyes narrowed slowly and she drew herself up to her full, regal height. “I am no shrinking violet,” she stated, waving a hoof airily.

Windshear was already upstairs however, and completely ignored her proclamation.

Celestia harrumphed at that, her eyes narrowing up at the stairs before she stalked towards, and then bounded up them.

Windshear was already resting back on his bed, having hidden his book away under the pillow, and was holding his bottle of spirits, hunting around for a cup.

Celestia paused in the doorway, an eyebrow raising. “How... homely,” she said flatly, looking left and right around the cluttered room.

“Home decorating on a budget,” Windshear said proudly, pointing at a discarded candy wrapper. “Two bits for a candy bar and the way it decorates the room is absolutely free.”

Celestia wrinkled her nose. “I... see.”

“Hey, I never asked you to show up,” Windshear said with a shrug, holding out the cup for her to take and then pouring a measure of the clear liquid into it.

The princess frowned slightly, staring down at the cup and then taking it from him with her magic, pulling it over to her nose and scenting it, before wrinkling her nose deeply, eyes watering. “Is this... safe to drink?”

Windshear raised an eyebrow and then shrugged, taking a long swig from the bottle. “Probably not.”

Celestia furrowed her brow, and then tilted the cup back suddenly, drinking down the entire small cup of alcohol in one hard swallow. Immediately, her hooves went to her throat and she gagged and gasped, spluttering in surprise.

“It’s a bit stronger than the wine you’re likely used to,” Windshear said with a faint laugh, shaking his head slowly as he watched the princess splutter. “It goes well with beetloaf.”

Celestia spluttered a little more, muzzle parted and tongue hanging out, her ears splayed back and horn giving a little fizzle of magic. “V-very... p-potent...” she wheezed, wings giving a little reflexive twitch.

Windshear snickered, holding the bottle out to give her a refill.

Celestia immediately backed away a step, shuddering. “I-I am fine.”

“Is it because I was drinking from the bottle like a commoner or because you can’t handle your spirits, hmm?” Windshear asked challengingly.

“I rather think a mix of both,” Celestia admitted with a deep frown.

Windshear smiled helplessly and waved the bottle in her direction. “Well, whenever you wanna lower yourself to my level, feel free to come back,” he said, taking another sip from the bottle.

“Is there anything that I can... ah... do to repay you?” Celestia asked awkwardly. “I owe you my life.”

“Well, you had a drink with me, I guess that’s enough,” Windshear said with a shrug. “Not everypony can confess to having a drink with the princess, yeah?”

“That is correct... but I could imburse you for your damages. I noticed you took quite a beating in my rescue.”

Windshear grinned at that, his eyes narrowing challengingly. “And your two guards that got the shit beaten out of them in that thunderstorm. Did they get ‘imbursed’ for their troubles?”

Celestia pursed her lips. “They have been put on paid leave for the next few months for their troubles.”

“Well that’s good then,” Windshear said, sipping at his drink again and then shrugging slightly. “But unless you can give me a job, I doubt you can help me much.”

The princess pursed her lips at that, frowning slightly, before shaking her head. “No, I’m afraid we don’t have a position for somepony of your ahh... unique talents.”

Windshear nodded at that, unsurprised. “Well... go on a date with me then,” he said bluntly.

Celestia jerked backwards at that, brow furrowing. “What? You expect to woo a princess?”

Windshear gave a slow, soft laugh at that, shaking his head slowly. “You’re not my... you know, type,” he said with an airy wave of a hoof. “But if you go on a date with me, then we’ll be seen together, and I will at least be seen as some kind of... well, public figure, yes?”

“That... would be an accurate assertion,” Celestia admitted, nodding once.

“And I’ll use all that extra publicity to find a job with somepony who cares more about fame than ability,” Windshear stated confidently. “So... one afternoon of being stuck with me and you can consider your debt ‘paid’.”

“One afternoon only?” Celestia asked cautiously.

“Dinner, maybe a movie or something, nothing special,” Windshear said with a shrug. “Deal?”

Celestia frowned thoughtfully, chewing her bottom lip, before extending her hoof to shake his. “Deal, then.”

“Very well,” Windshear said, nodding in the direction of her hoof and taking another sip of the spirits. “I’ll try to be sober for it. No promises.”

Celestia dropped her hoof, and then nodded gently. “Tomorrow?”

“No point in waiting,” Windshear admitted, nodding in assent. “I’ll wear my very best nothing.”

The princess gave a frown, her ears pinning back. “I shall... try my best to wear something that I won’t mind if it gets dirty.”

“Yeah, us filthy commoners, with all that dirt and such,” Windshear said with a blank smile. “See you tomorrow, Princess.”

Celestia nodded once. “I shall show myself out.”

“See that you do,” Windshear responded, waving the bottle towards the doorway.

Celestia rose to her hooves, stumbling slightly and swaying, blinking several times.

“You gonna be able to make it down the stairs?” Windshear asked, perking an ear upwards.

Celestia nodded confidently. “I shall,” she stated, placing a hoof against the wall to steady herself, before taking a deep breath in and then stalking out the door, leaning heavily against the frame as she went.

“Lightweight,” Windshear muttered as she left.

Windsheer woke up near midday the next day, stretching out lazily and giving a groan as his abused wings stretched and shifted, letting their aches and pains be known.

With a long sigh, he pushed himself up onto his hooves, grabbing his bottle of spirits on the way to the bathroom.

Five minutes later found Windshear sipping idly from the bottle in between dabbing the selfsame alcohol on the wound on his cheek. It was scabbed over, and thankfully didn’t look or feel infected. But there was going to be a nice scar there when it healed.

Windshear gave a long sigh, checking the clock in the hallway, splashing his face with water and capping the bottle of spirits, setting it aside for later. He had a date to prepare for.

Windshear harrumphed, staring up at the front gates of the canterlot palace, frowning to himself.

After several long moment of staring, he shrugged his shoulders, straightened up his wings, and then strode confidently towards the front gate.

The two guards there crossed their spears over eachother, barring his way.

“I’m here to pick up the princess, for our date,” Windshear said with a smug grin.

The two guards didn’t even blink. One of them inclined his head, making a motion with his nose, and the two guards uncrossed their spears, allowing him entry. The large front gates swung inwards under magical power, and Windshear veritably strutted up the length of the driveway and to the palace itself.

After a good five minutes of walking, Windshear finally, finally made it to Princess Celestia’s quarters, led by a pair of guards in gold dress armor. One of them knocked curtly on the polished mahogany door.

There was a rustle of movement from behind the door, before it swung open, revealing the princess in all her splendor.

“You look... nice,” Windshear said, looking her up and down.

Celestia gave a wry smile at that. “Why thank you, I did absolutely nothing different.”

“Exactly,” Windshear said with a nod and a faux-bow, grinning up at her.

Celestia’s cheeks pinkened imperceptibly. “So... where are we going?”

“Well, there’s a bar I’m rather fond of, and they’ve got a DJ playing there tonight, so it should be packed,” Windshear said with a thoughtful hum. “Plus, I’ve set up somewhere for us... that is to say me, to cook dinner afterwards.”

Celestia gave a single blink at that, and then frowned. “You are sure that... you can cook acceptable food, yes?”

“It’ll be edible,” Windshear said with a shrug. “So, c’mon. The longer we’re there, the more ponies’ll see us together.”

Celestia gave a long-suffering sigh, pursing her lips. “Just for one night?”

“One whole night,” Windshear agreed.

“Very well, let’s get this over with,” Celestia said with a heavy sigh, stepping forwards and closing the door behind her.

Even before they reached the club, the sound of heavy bass was audible.

A flyer flitted on a zephyr, wrapping around Celestia’s foreleg. ‘DJ P0N3 HERE TONIGHT!’ it attested in bright red letters. Celestia wrinkled her nose, shaking her hoof firmly to dislodge the flyer.

“The music is going to make my ears bleed,” Celestia complained. “If the record doesn’t skip and everyone doesn’t stare at me the moment we enter.”

“That only happens in the movies,” Windshear said with a wry smile, waving to the princess with a wing. “C’mon. What’s gonna happen is gonna happen and putting it off won’t help anything.”

Celestia gave a weary nod, falling into step beside the pegasus. They both walked up to the front door, and the bouncer stared. And stared. And stared.

Windshear waved a hoof in front of the bouncer’s face. “I have tickets, you need to see em, yeah?”

“Yeah. Cool. Go in.” The bouncer continued to stare at the princess, his gaze unwavering.

Celestia stepped around the bouncer awkwardly, proceeding into the club after Windshear.

The music didn’t stop, but every eye in the place turned towards the front door as the princess entered.

“Wow, I feel like there’s a spotlight on us,” Windshear mused, looking around at all the ponies staring back at them. Even DJ-P0N3 was watching them from behind her usual glasses.

Celestia cleared her throat, raising a hoof. “Return to your business,” she said, using the full power of her voice, somehow carrying over the deep bass beat of the music.

The ponies reluctantly returned to their drinks and conversations.

Windshear waved a hoof towards one of the back rooms. “Let’s go to the seedy, dimly-lit back room!” he said excitedly.

Celestia’s eyes widened and she baulked. “I think I’ll pass.”

“No, seriously, let’s go,” Windshear said, a little more forcefully, placing a hoof on her side, just behind her wing, pushing her firmly.

Celestia danced slightly at the touch of the hoof, grimacing but allowing herself to be led, keeping her head down, wincing with each heavy thud of the bass that reverberated all around them.

Windshear led her forcefully to the backrooms, ushering her into an unoccupied room that was much longer than it was wide, with a booth at one end and a dartboard at the other. Along the wall was a set of boxes, one holding two packets of darts with three darts apiece, and another for ordering drinks.

Humming thoughtfully to himself, Windshear closed the curtain behind them, and a tingle of magic raced up it. Immediately, the music from outside was drowned out by the magical soundproofing, and just the heavy, but quiet thud of the bass remained.

“This is... hardly as bad as I thought it would be,” Celestia stated blankly, moving to sit at the booth, having to squeeze her large frame into it. “We can sit here in quiet repose until we are done.”

Windshear gave a faint laugh and shook his head. “Oh no, I’m not going to just sit here. I’m going to have at least some fun,” he stated bluntly, humming as he hit a number on the side of the ‘order box’, and then placed a hoofful of bits on the revolving tray. He rolled the bottom of the tray to spin it, and the wall in the centre turned until he had a dinner menu sitting in front of him. He took the menu, turning around to sit at the table next to Celestia, offering the menu to her.

“Snack?” Windshear asked.

Celestia stared down at the menu, brow furrowing. “I don’t... recognize a lot of these meals.”

Windshear rolled his eyes at that. “This bar caters to earth ponies as well, so they make a lot of heavier meals. A lot of it is new-agey, too. You want the snack menu,” he said, pointing with a hoof. “I suggest wedges with sweet chilli sauce.”

“That’s so... plain,” Celestia complained, frowning deeply.

“I’m cooking dinner later, so quit your complaining and just order something,” Windshear stated bluntly.

Celestia blinked at his candour. “I... I guess I’ll try the wedges? Are they seasoned?”

“They’re wedges of potato that you will dip in sweet chilli sauce,” Windshear said, pursing his lips as he snatched the menu from her. There was a buzz from the lazy-susan style revolving table in the wall, and Windshear turned to spin the turntable. A pair of drinks appeared, and he picked them up, carrying them over to the table, setting one down in front of Celestia. “Now drink up and try to relax. We’re going to be here a few hours and it’s going to be exceedingly boring if you keep acting like you’re on ceremony.”

“You really don’t care that I’m the princess of Equestria, do you?” Celestia asked blankly.

Windsheer gave a thoughtful hum and then shook his head. “Can’t say I do, really.”

Celestia frowned slightly, lips pursing again. “I... well, that’s certainly refreshing.”

“Now shut up and try your drink,” Windshear said with a grin at the princess.

Celestia’s eyes widened, and she lifted herself to her full, regal height. “You dare speak to m-... Why are you laughing?!”

Windshear shook his head slowly, chuckling. “I was joking, princess. But seriously. Do shut up and try your drink.”

Celestia’s eyes narrowed, and her expression darkened, the princess glowering at the pegasus. “Is the rest of the night going to proceed like this?”

“Pretty much,” Windshear admitted with a shrug, picking up his drink and taking a sip of it.

Celestia scowled again, picking up her own drink and sniffing at it curiously, before delicately sipping at it. Her eyes widened and she shuddered, working her jaw. “It’s so... strong!”

“It’s not wine,” Windshear reminded, shaking his head as he moved over to the second recess in the wall and slid three bits into the slot. The case unlocked, and he reached in to pick up the two cases of darts.

Turning back to the princess, he held up one of the packets. “Ever played darts?”

“No,” Celestia said blankly. “I assume it involves throwing those at that board?”

“There’s a lot more... finesse to it than that,” Windshear said with a shake of his head.

“Very well, teach me,” Celestia said, rising to her hooves.

“Well first, you wanna learn to play the game itself. I don’t even remember what it’s called. Buuut you have to throw the darts at the board and count to twenty,” Windshear explained, waving a hoof at the board.

“So it is a game to teach young foals how to count to twenty? I can see why you would find this an engaging game,” Celestia said with an easy smile.

Windshear stared at her for a long, long moment, before breaking out in a smile. “Oh look, now I’m too proud of you to be mad,” he said with a slow shake of his head. “It’s more a game of aim than counting, though. You have to hit the ‘one’, with a dart. And then the ‘two’, and so on. Until you hit twenty. And then you have to hit the centre.”

“This will be easy,” Celestia said smugly.

“I... think you’re overestimating your abilities,” Windshear said uncertainly, handing her the packet of darts. “See the rings in the centre in the outside?”

“Nope, can’t see them,” Celestia quipped.

“The middle ring is triple, the outerside is double. So if you’re on three and you hit the middle one, you bounce right up to nine instead of going onto four, okay?” Windshear explained, putting down his packet and tugging out the three darts.

“I get it. And the throwing order?” Celestia queried.

“You can go first. Throw three darts. Swap out,” Windshear said, standing back with a slow smile. “Stand behind the white line and throw.”

“Very well,” Celestia said, placing down her darts on the table. Her horn glowed, and the three darts neatly slotted out from the packet, levitating in the air.

“Hey, that’s chea-” Windshear started.

Celestia held up a hoof, cutting him off, looking thoughtful for a moment. The three darts hovered, and then fired into the board one after the other and other.

The first dart hit the centre mark for the ‘one’, jumping her to the ‘three’. The second dart hit the centre of the ‘three’, bringing her up to ‘nine’, and then the third dart hit the middle of the ‘nine’.

Windshear stared.

“Does that mean I’ve won? I’ve gotten up to twenty-seven by my count, and that is far above the required ‘twenty’,” Celestia said with a smug smile.

Windshear pursed his lips, shaking his head. “You’re supposed to use your hoof.”

“You told me the rules beforehoof, yes?” Celestia asked calmly.

“I... did? I guess?” Windshear said uncomfortably.

“And did you mention anything related to ‘hooves-only’?” Celestia asked coolly.

“I didn’t,” Windshear said in a small voice.

“Then your crushing defeat is clearly your fault,” Celestia said, clearly enjoying herself. “Now, have I won?”

“You still need to hit centre,” Windshear said, pointing at the board. “But first, retrieve your darts.”

Celestia jerked her head, and the three darts glowed and tugged out of the wall, levitating over to the table, setting themselves down neatly.

“You’re like the queen of hearts,” Celestia said smugly.

“The queen... of hearts...?” Windshear asked blankly.

“You fold under pressure,” Celestia said coolly, even as Windshear threw his dart and missed his mark completely.

“Laugh it up, princess. You’re only going to win because you cheated,” Windshear huffed, lining up his second shot.

“You’re throwing so bad I’d still win if I didn’t,” Celestia said smugly.

“You admit that you cheated!” Windshear said with a triumphant smile, even as he managed to put his dart into the ‘one’.

“And what could you possibly do about it?” Celestia asked simply.

“I could be mean and petty?” Windshear offered with a wry smile.

“Don’t fold under pressure,” Celestia said calmly, motioning towards the board.

Windshear’s eyes narrowed, and he took a long, deep breath, giving the princess a winning smile and then closing his eyes. “Don’t worry, I won’t,” he said, confidently throwing the dart at the board.

He opened his eyes to find that he had missed the board entirely, and then hung his head.

Celestia gave a soft, mirthful giggle. “Impressive.”

“That would have looked awesome if it worked,” Windshear said with a heavy sigh.

“But it didn’t, and it certainly didn’t,” Celestia ticked off, taking a sip of her drink, even as she levitated the darts one after the other. She didn’t even glance at the board as the three darts thudded in the bullseye one after the other.

Windshear pursed his lips, shaking his head as he moved to remove his darts from the board. “Well I guess you win.”

“What’s my prize?” Celestia asked bluntly.

“...Prize?” Windshear asked with a slow tilt of his head, returning his darts to the packet on the table.

“Games of skill have an incentive for winning. Generally, a prize,” Celestia pointed out bluntly.

Windshear gave a helpless smile at that. “Uhm... how about we go for prizes next round?”

“Very well,” Celestia accepted, tugging her darts from the board with her magic and placing them on the table, taking another sip of her drink. “This drink is quite pleasing when one is accustomed to it.”

“It tastes good,” Windshear said flatly.

“I already agreed to that,” Celestia said blankly.

Windshear shook his head. “No, say after me, ‘it tastes good’.”

Celestia wrinkled her nose. “It... tastes good?”

“See, was that so hard?” Windshear asked, patting her shoulder condescendingly.

Celestia’s eyes narrowed slowly. “Remove your hoof from me or I will remove it.”

“For me?” Windshear asked with a smile.

Celestia just continued to glower at him.

Windshear gave a slightly nervous smile, removing his hoof. “So, next game, huh?”

“Next game,” Celestia said, picking up her darts with her magic.

“No magic this time,” Windshear said flatly.

“Very well, I’ll beat you manually,” Celestia stated.

“New game,” Windshear said with a slow smile. “This is a completely different kind of game.”

“Very well, teach it to me,” Celestia said with a wave of her hoof.

Windshear pointed at the board. “We start with three hundred and one points, and we have to hit numbers. Each hit reduces our points. The goal is to hit exactly ‘zero’, but you have to end by hitting a double or a triple. The bullseye is worth a hundred points, and the outer middle circle is worth fifty. Three darts a shot. Hooves only. Understood?”

Celestia took in all the information, nodding slowly. “Okay, so... how do we keep scores?”

“Write them on the board when you take your darts back,” Windshear suggested.

There was another ‘ding’ from the lazy susan, and Windshear moved over to spin it around and grab the basket of wedges off it as well as the small cup of sweet chilli sauce, placing them on the table. “Feel free to throw first,” he suggested to the princess.

Celestia paused, looking back over her shoulder at the doorway, where several sets of eyes were watching from a crack in the curtain. “Yes?” she asked.

There was a series of scared squeaks as the ponies watching scurried away.

“Admirers?” Windshear asked with a wry smile.

“I’m used to it by now,” Celestia said with a soft sigh, shaking her head and returning her attention to the board. “So... I just need to hit high numbers, right?”

“For now, sure,” Windshear said, motioning towards the board.

Celestia concentrated, weighing the darts in her hoof, eyes narrowing slowly at the board, before she pegged the dart with every ounce of strength she had.

With Celestia’s lack of training and lack of ability in throwing anything with her hoof, the dart rolled end-over-end, smacking against the board and bouncing off violently.

Windshear automatically shielded himself with his wing, covering his face and head, protecting himself as he winced backwards in anticipation. He was not disappointed as the dart thudded not into his wing, but into his forehoof, just above the hoof.

Celestia gasped, covering her mouth with a wingtip. “I-I’m so sorry!”

“I-It’s nothing,” Windshear said with an obviously strained smile, lifting his hoof and grasping the dart in his mouth before tugging it free. Immediately, a small trickle of blood began to seep from the puncture wound.

Grimacing deeply, Windshear offered the dart back to Celestia, even as he reached for a napkin to press against the wound.

“I-I didn’t mean it!” Celestia stammered, her cheeks flushing hotly and ears splaying back. “I-I think I’m done with this game!”

Windshear snorted derisively. “C’mon, you’re throwing pointy, sharp objects. Of course somepony is gonna get hurt. I’m glad it was me.”

“You’re... glad?” Celestia asked, staring down at the blood seeping through the napkin.

“Are you kidding?” Windshear asked with a strained laugh. “If the dart had rebounded and hit you, your guards would murder me.”

“They wouldn’t even know,” Celestia said stiffly.

“Despite the fact that there’s two of them out there on the dancefloor right now?” Windsheer asked, pointing lazily with his uninjured hoof.

Celestia blanched at that. “H-how did you know?”

“Puh-leeze,” Windshear said with an airy wave of a hoof. “No pony dances that badly except somepony who doesn’t belong in a club.”

Celestia gave a frown at that, and then gave a long sigh. “So... what are we going to do since I am a deadly assassin with a dart and a cheater when I use magic?”

Windshear rolled his eyes as that. “I really, really shouldn’t make a joke about teaching an ancient dog new tricks, but there it is.”

Celestia’s eyes narrowed slowly.

Windshear gave her an innocent smile, stepping up beside her and then slapping the dart into the hoof, end-flat. “Now, hold the dart up near your cheek.”

Celestia frowned, lifting her hoof up to her cheek.

Windshear stepped closer to her, so that their wings were brushing against eachothers. “Now, try and feel where the tip of the dart is.”

“I am not psychic,” Celestia said flatly.

“Try and envision where it is. Hold it level with your eyes. Now push the dart with your hoof. Not hard, but gently. You’re trying to make it move over there, not trying to kill somepony,” Windshear explained, taking her hoof in his own and leaning his cheek against hers, tugging her hoof in a smooth arc to demonstrate how to throw.

“L-like... this?” Celestia asked uncertainly, pushing her hoof forwards and releasing the dart. The dart sailed into the wall beside the board. Celestia winced.

“Again,” Windshear said, placing another dart in her hoof. “With a little more force.”

“I’m not... good at this. And the last time I threw it with force, I put it in your hoof!” Celestia protested.

“Yeah, I noticed you went from sexy, bitchy mare to demure princess the moment you saw blood,” Windshear stated with a wry smile, tugging her hoof again. “Loosen up.”

Celestia scowled, loosening up her hoof to allow him to manipulate it. “You don’t want to make your throw arc so long. Keep it short, and fast. That way, you’re less likely to make angular mistakes.”

“That makes no sense,” Celestia stated, ears flattening.

“Yes, it does make sense, try it,” Windshear cajoled, wiggling her hoof for her and then ducking in underneath her wing. “Lean your head to the side.”

Celestia frowned at the extra physical contact, but allowed it, leaning her head to the left, out of his way.

Windshear held her hoof in his own, and then pushed it back and forth slowly, before grasping around her ‘elbow’ joint and making her hoof snap forwards. The dart sailed forwards and smacked into the wall above the board.

“See? Like that, but... you know, lower,” Windshear said with a helpless shrug, moving to retrieve her two darts, placing them back on the table and picking up a wedge, nibbling at the edge of it.

Celestia frowned, peering over at the darts on the table. “Why’d you take my two darts away?”

“Mulligan,” Windshear said with a shrug.

“Mullet?” Celestia asked blankly.

“No, ‘mulligan’. It means a ‘do over’,” Windshear explained.

“You’ll... let me throw them again?” Celestia asked blankly.

“Yeah? Why not?” Windshear said with a shrug.

“We’re playing for a prize,” Celestia pointed out, frowning deeply.

Windshear laughed faintly. “Wow, trying to work deals with you must suck.”

“I guess I... misjudged you,” Celestia said, pursing her lips. “Is it possible you’re not just a hard-bitten drunkard pegasus with a heart of stone?”

“Nope,” Windshear said with a shrug. “Now shut up and throw, I’m tired of waiting.”

Celestia’s eyes narrowed at the pegasus, and she paused, before giving a slow smile. “Very well.”

A half hour later, and both Windshear and Celestia were one turn away from winning. Windshear was in the unfortunate point position of ‘three’, meaning that he had to hit ‘one’ so he could then aim for double-ones to win.

Celestia was on ‘eight’, and only needed to hit double-fours to win. Her aim had improved markedly in the preceding half-hour.

“You know if you miss and hit the four, you’ll need to aim for double twos. And if you miss that, you’ll have to aim for double ones,” Windshear pointed out with a blank smile. “You wouldn’t wanna fold under the pressure, would you?”

Celestia’s eyes narrowed, and she focused on the board, biting the tip of her tongue in concentration.

“You know you’re cute when you’re concentrating?” Windshear asked with a faint laugh.

Celestia’s eyes widened as he went for her throat, sending the dart so off-aim that it skidded off one of the walls instead of hitting anywhere near the board. “Stop trying to unnerve me!”

Windshear chuckled, shaking his head. “I was telling the truth. Just because you’re a stuck-up princess doesn’t mean you’re displeasing on the eye.”

Celestia scowled at that, her eyes narrowing again, moving to stand to the side, to allow the pegasus to throw his darts.

Windshear narrowed his eyes at the board, testing the weight of the dart. He threw before Celestia could say anything, but his dart went low, impacting a high number and voiding the shot. Carefully, he started to set up his aim again.

“You must just love standing behind me,” Celestia said suddenly.

Windshear raised a brow, carefully judging his shot, getting ready to throw. “And why would that be?”

“Because you can stare at my butt without me noticing,” Celestia said calmly, giving her rump a little wiggle in his direction.

Windshear’s eyes widened and his shot thudded into the wall, adding a new hole to it.

Celestia giggled innocently. “I seem to have found a weakness.”

“Well, you are quite attractive,” Windshear said conversationally, picking up his final remaining dart. “But I’m going to win.”

“I doubt it,” Celestia said calmly, leaning closer and whisper gently into his left ear, “Can you concentrate with your princess so close? Not gonna fold are you?” she purred huskily, before licking his ear slowly.

Windshear gave a shudder, his wings fluffing slightly, before he huffed and threw his dart as accurately as he could. He hit far to the left, but managed to land on the board.

Celestia gave the board an appraising glance. “Not bad.”

“Your turn,” Windshear stated, stepping to the side.

Celestia stepped up to the line with a coy smile. “I’m going to win this turn. Feel free to try and distract me with your feeble distractions.”

Windshear’s eyes narrowed, and he sidled up beside her, peering up at her with an innocent little smile that did nothing to hide the deviousness in his eyes. “You have no idea what I would do to a mare like you...” he purred, lightly stroking a hoof down over one of her wings with a lustful growl.

Celestia started, her eyes widening and her wings tensing at the physical contact, her cheeks flushing. “Y-you don’t even have a chance,” she murmured nervously, aiming up her next shot.

“Oh come on,” Windshear said coolly, leaning down to nibble at one of her wings slowly, “A little more alcohol, some nibbles, some compliments... I could have you wrapped around my hooves and in my bed-”

Celestia gave a soft ‘eep!’ at the brazenness of his words, her cheeks flushing heavily, her next dart sailing wide and smacking against the wall, bouncing off and embedding in the floor.

“You’re losing...” Windshear sing-songed, grinning up at her and then dragging a long, slow lick up the length of her neck, nibbling lightly at the side of her neck. “I still haven’t decided what I’ll take as my prize...”

Celestia inhaled deeply, closing her eyes and focusing for several long seconds. Her pink eyes narrowed as she opened them again, focusing intently on the board, weighing the dart in her hoof, and then throwing it expertly.

The dart thudded into the double ones, and Windshear gave a huff, clicking a hoof against the ground in distaste. “Damnit, losing my touch,” he stated, slinking away from the princess and sitting back down at the booth.

“I win,” Celestia said with a triumphant grin, her cheeks still flushed, one hoof thrust in the air in a pose of victory.

“I know, right?” Windshear said with a faint smile. “I actually didn’t think you’d beat me.”

“What were you gonna take for your prize, hmm?” Celestia queried, a faint note of nervousness making its way into her tone.

“Ohhh, I think I’ll let your imagination wander. Then I can be a charming rogue, or a complete gentlestallion without the resulting slap in the face,” Windshear said with a wan smile.

“What, and mar my hooves with your commoner face?” Celestia asked with a gasp, covering her mouth with a wingtip in a mock-scandalised expression.

Windshear gave a faint smile at that, dipping a wedge into the chilli sauce and then popping it into his mouth.

“You know... this food is simple, but I like it,” Celestia said, picking up her own wedge and chewing on it thoughtfully.

“It must have been a thousand years since you didn’t have a personal chef, huh?” Windshear asked, raising an eyebrow.

Celestia lowered her gaze at that, her ears pinning back.

“You mean... it has?” Windshear asked with a slow shake of his head.

“Closer to two,” Celestia admitted.

“What’s it like living for so long?” Windshear queried.

“Very... fast,” Celestia explained, frowning down at her forehooves.

“...Fast?” Windshear asked, confused.

“Well... the thing is, how old are you?” Celestia asked of him.

“Somewhere in the realm of twenty-two? I don’t exactly make a big deal out of my birthdays,” Windshear admitted with a faint smile.

“Well, each year of your life is... five percent or so of your total memories,” Celestia explained, chewing on another wedge. “For me, each year is... half a percent of my total experiences. Less, actually. And well... the years literally just fly by for me.”

“That must suck,” Windshear said with a frown. “Can’t you just... do new things to make fresher memories and make the time sorta feel longer through differentiality?”

“I get what you’re trying to say, but you need a bigger vocabulary,” Celestia chided.

“My word-list is being smallerised by happy-drink and no sleepy-times,” Windshear responded with a grin.

“I never have enough time for myself,” Celestia admitted with a frown. “Now that Luna is back to take care of the moon and her half of the duties, I spend all my time catching up on a thousand years of owed sleep.”

“So how is it that you managed to get out for an entire afternoon of playing darts and being fake-hit on by a washed-up alcoholic pegasus?” Windshear asked, taking a sip of his drink in between another bite of a wedge.

“I convinced Luna to take over my duties for the afternoon so that I can repay you for saving my life,” Celestia admitted with a faint, nervous chuckle.

“How was it that you got struck by lightning anyhow?” Windshear queried, head tilting slightly to the left.

“Freak thunderstorm. A regular storm was scheduled but the wind patterns must have changed or something. Turned it into a lightning storm,” Celestia explained.

“So... tonight must feel longer than the preceeding week, huh?” Windshear asked curiously.

“More like the last month,” Celestia responded ruefully, rubbing a foreleg with the opposite hoof.

“And Luna just let you go out for the afternoon with a pegasus?” Windshear asked with a shake of his head.

“She probably thinks I’m getting screwed,” Celestia said candidly.

Windshear and Celestia peered at each other for a long, long moment, before they both burst out laughing. Celestia with nervous laughter, and Windshear with incredulous chuckles.

“C’mon,” Windshear said with a slow shake of his head. “There isn’t a single pony in Equestria who thinks that I stand a chance with a princess. I am far too ‘uncouth’.”

“Some girls like that in a pony,” Celestia said with a slight frown.

“Not princesses,” Windshear reminded with a wave of a hoof. “You all prefer the charming unicorns with roses in their mouths and tongues of silver. My tongue is tin at best.”

“I don’t know...” Celestia said with a frown. “You make me laugh, that must count for something.”

“So I could bypass the foreplay and go right to the friendzone?” Windshear asked blankly.

Celestia snorted into her drink, before swallowing and then nodding gently.

“But hey, friends with a princess is better than nothing, eh? I can at least say that the scenery is nice,” Windshear said with a slow nod, peering at her with sparkling eyes.

Celestia flushed faintly again. “I-I’m not throwing darts any more, you know.”

“I noticed,” Windshear stated calmly, taking another sip of his drink.

Huffing, Celestia picked up another wedge and chewed on it slowly. “So... what’s the plan for the rest of the night?”

“Well, we’ve been here long enough for people to make all sorts of wild rumours, and we can probably go eat dinner now, and then you can return to your gilded castle,” Windshear said with a slight nod.

“Lead the way then,” Celestia said, waving a hoof airily.

Celestia frowned deeply, casting her gaze back and forth. “We are in the woods... why?”

“Dinner,” Windshear said with a grin.

“Given the direction we’re headed, I’m more confident that I would be dinner, were any movies I watched indication of real life,” Celestia pointed out with a slightly nervous laugh.

“Oh shush,” Windshear said with a shake of his head, hefting his basket to point behind them lazily. “Those two guards lurking back there in the shadows would be all over my the instant I tried.”

“Correct, if you survived me,” Celestia said with a slightly eerie smile.

“Anyhow, we’re here,” Windshear said, setting down his basket underneath an apple tree.

“It is very... nondescript,” Celestia said with a deep frown.

“Just a spot in the woods with an apple tree and a clearing with a stump,” Windshear said with a wry smile, reaching into the basket. He pulled out a self-lighting candle, wiggling it down against the stump in the clearing to make it light. He then used the flame to light a twig and start a small fire. A silvery plate came out of the basket, which he placed over the fire. The plate levitated slowly over top the of the fire, spinning gradually in a counter-clockwise direction.

Celestia watched with a tilted head. “What are we cooking, exactly?”

“Apples!” Windshear said with a happy hum, leaping up into the tree with a sweep of his wings and balancing on a tree branch, reaching down to start tugging off some apples. He tested each of them with his hoof for freshness, before dropping down with forelegs full of apples, setting them in the grass.

“Just... apples?” Celestia asked blankly. “No entree?”

Windshear stared. “Consider the wedges your entree,” he stated blankly, even as he reached down for the apples and started to peel them with a small knife.

“So... you can cook?” Celestia asked curiously.

“You don’t need a cutie mark in cooking to be able to cook,” he pointed out with a shake of his head. “Though, it certainly helps.”

Once the apples were peeled, he began to slice them into relatively thin portions, dropping them onto the heated plate over the small fire. The smell of cooking apples immediately filled the air.

Celestia leaned closer to the fire, inhaling. “Ohhhrrr... I do so love the smell of cooking food.”

“Best smell in the world,” Windshear said with a slight smile. “Wanna learn to cook them?”

Celestia gave a faint hum and a nervous laugh. “I haven’t actually... cooked anything in years. Hundreds of years, in fact.”

“It’s easy,” Windshear said, holding out a spatula for her to take.

Celestia took the spatula, and Windshear moved to stand behind her to direct her motions, before seeming to realise that she was much larger than himself. With a faint frown, the pegasus instead slipped between her forelegs, lifting the hoof that was holding the spatula. “Just slide under and flip,” he demonstrated.

Celestia frowned deeply, staring down at him. “You understand that I can flip apple slices without direction, yes?”

“I know,” Windshear said with a slow smile up at her. “But this is cozy.”

Celestia flushed faintly at that, flipping the apple slices over one by one, prodding them with the spatula after a few seconds so that they didn’t stick. “Are you treating me like a young filly just to engage in physical contact with me?”

“Something like that,” Windshear said with a grin up at her, leaning forwards to sniff at the apple slices. “They’re almost done.”

“They’re barely cooked on the inside,” Celestia scolded.

“You want them to be crunchy, not crispy,” Windshear pointed out, even as he reached over into the basket and came up with a jar of honey. “Now, take them off there and drop them in here,” he said, unscrewing the lid of the jar and holding it out for her.

Celestia neatly flipped the apple slices into the jar.

Windshear hummed, recapping the lid and then turning it over, letting the honey roll slowly over the apple slices while they were still hot.

“And how do you intend to get them out of there?” Celestia asked blankly, staring at the way the sticky honey drooled over the apple slices.

“With our hooves and tongues,” Windshear said with a shrug.

“What?” Celestia asked, blinking slowly. “That’s... just... no!”

“I could dig them out with a stick?” Windshear asked, hunting around for one.

Celestia’s eyes widened and she gave a low growl in the back of her throat. “That is uncivilised!”

“Look, you walk around everywhere wearing those gold hoof-covers,” Windshear said, tapping her forehoof with his own. “Take it off, dig out an apple slice, eat it.”

“But... but... it’ll be messy...” Celestia said with a deep frown, ears splaying back slowly.

“And? You can clean it off later,” Windshear said with a shrug, opening the lid of the jar and then leaning in to inhale the scent rising from it. “Ohhhh... they smell nice.”

Celestia frowned, peering at the sticky apple slice, before she pushed down on her hoof with the opposite hoof, tugging off the gold covering and then lifting her bare hoof to accept the apple slice.

“So sticky...” Celestia whined, wrinkling her nose deeply as she brought the apple slice up to her lips and then gently nibbled at it.

“But nice, yeah?” Windshear asked, before popping the rest of the apple slice into his mouth.

“It’s... acceptable,” Celestia said with a slight frown, nibbling a little further into the apple slice, before sliding the entire thing into her mouth, chewing it thoughtfully. “Simple... but nice. Kind of like you.”

“I’m complicated!” Windshear protested with a deep growl. “I’m a washed-up ex-wonderbolt with a bastard outer shell, a heart of gold, and a drinking problem!”

“You’re cute,” Celestia stated, licking her hoof slowly.

Windshear raised an eyebrow slowly. “What?”

“You’re cute,” Celestia said with a slow smile, watching him with intent eyes. “You don’t... stand at ceremony with me. You treat me like a normal pony. And as somepony who has been treated like royalty for thousands of years... it’s refreshing.”

“Yeah, but... back on that ‘cute’ thing,” Windshear said, making a circular motion with a hoof. “I’m not cute. I’m handsome, maybe. Rugged and manly and I have a scar,” he said, pointing at his cheek. “Or well... more a half-open wound right now.”

Celestia gave a soft laugh and shook her head, suckling at her hoof delicately to clean it of the honey. “Cute.”

“Argh!” Windshear threw up his hooves helplessly, sighing.

Celestia gave a low whine, flailing her hoof. “This isn’t working! It’s all stuck in my fur!”

“You’re not cleaning it properly,” Windshear pointed out. “Use your lips more and sort of... suckle it off, like cleaning the outside of a lollipop.”

“Show me,” Celestia said, holding out her hoof.

Windshear tilted his head to the side slowly. “Are you serious?”

“Maybe? Find out,” Celestia said, wiggling the hoof slightly.

Windshear pursed his lips thoughtfully, before leaning forwards and clasping her hoof, closing his lips over the upper edge of it and then suckling at it firmly, grinding his tongue through the soft white fur to get it nice and clean, suckling the honey into his mouth.

Celestia giggled faintly, twitching in place. “That tickles.”

No matter how careful Windshear was however, he got some of the honey on his nose and chin.

“Bah, now I’m all sticky as well,” he said with a wrinkled nose, pulling back.

“I’ll get it!” Celestia declared, leaning in and then fastening her lips around the very tip of his nose, suckling faintly.

Windshear blinked slowly into Celestia’s very large and very close eyes, feeling his cheeks warming faintly. “S-so why didn’t you just use your magic to get the apple slices out?” he asked suddenly.

Celestia gave a faint smile, sliding her muzzle a little bit lower. “...Because it wouldn’t lead to this,” she said softly, leaning in and kissing him full on the mouth.

Windshear gave a start at that, his wings flaring and stiffening in surprise, exciting his fight-or-flight reflex, before he slowly relaxed, giving a slow, low rumble in the back of his throat. “You are devious,” he pointed out as he drew back for air, staring into her eyes.

“And you are holding my gaze after I kissed you,” Celestia responded, entranced. “I like that.”

“You’re just another pony,” Windshear said with a faint shrug, leaning in to kiss her again, pressing his lips against her own softly.

Celestia gave a low groan of delight at that, her ears splaying back slowly. “If only...”

Windshear gave a faint chuckle, pulling back from the kiss, head canting to the right. “If you ever want me to treat you like a regular ol’ pony, just ask.”

“I want you to treat me like ‘a regular ol’ pony’,” Celestia said immediately, with a wistful note in her tone. “I’m... kind of sick of being pampered.”

“But I pamper the mare’s I like and treat them like a princess,” Windshear said with a sly grin.

Celestia tossed her mane with a roll of her eyes. “Figures.”

“Shut up and kiss me again,” Windshear said with a smile, leaning forwards.

A low hum left the alicorn as she leaned in and kissed him in response, tilting her head slightly and pressing her tongue against his lips.

Windshear gave a low growl of delight, his head tilting to the side opposite the princess’s, deepening the kiss, letting their tongues mesh against each other in a heated fashion.

A low moan left the princess, and she lifted a hoof to gently cup Windshear’s cheek, before pulling back again with a low purr. “It’s been so long since I kissed somepony like that...”

Windshear gave a low rumble in response. “Same here...”

“Who was the last mare you kissed?” Celestia queried.

“A gentlestallion never tells,” Windshear said, holding a hoof against his chest sincerely.

“Yeah... and?” Celestia asked blankly.

Windshear broke into a grin. “It was Spitfire. In her defense, she was drunk, and I was wearing my wonderbolt uniform at the time. She thought I was Soarin.”

“I always suspected those two were hitting it off,” Celestia said with a gentle nod.

“You have no idea. I walked in on them in the shower once...” Windshear trailed off with a slow, sly grin.

“So why were you kicked out of the Wonderbolts?” Celestia queried curiously.

“Something to do with my attitude,” Windshear said airily, waving a hoof lazily and then flopping over onto his back, staring up at the night sky and the stars. “I don’t... really like being told what to do. And I kinda suck at staying in formation with the other Wonderbolts... or flying in the back instead of in the front.”

“You’re very candid about your shortcomings,” Celestia pointed out, delicately stepping past him and then rolling onto her back as well, stretching out slowly and wriggling closer to the pegasus until her head was besides his own, though she was upside-down to him.

Windshear gave a wry smile. “When you have them shouted at you day-in and day-out for a few months, you kinda get less self-conscious about them.”

“I’m sorry,” Celestia said helplessly.

“Eh, it’s not your fault,” Windshear said with a shrug. “And if I wasn’t kicked off the team then I wouldn’t have been drunk, lazing in the clouds and ready to rescue you.”

“This is true,” Celestia admitted with a faint smile. “I’ve never really... looked at the stars before.”

“Never just laid out and looked up at them?” Windshear asked incredulously.

“Not in thousands of years, I just... don’t have the time any more,” Celestia said, heaving a heavy sigh.

“You should make the time,” Windshear said with a faint smile.

“It’s kind of hard, what with the sun having to be raised every day,” Celestia pointed out, tone laced with sarcasm.

Windshear rolled his eyes. “That happens in the morning. And you lower it at night, right?”

“That is correct,” Celestia admitted.

“So? You’ve got all day and all night,” Windshear said with a lazy wave of his hoof.

“Which is taken up by the general running of Equestria. I can actually sleep most nights now without needing magic to get me up the next morning, what with Luna running her half of the duties,” Celestia explained with a slow shake of her head. “This is a rare night of calm for me.”

“Then we should end it here,” Windshear stated immediately.

Celestia blinked, turning to stare at his upside-down face. “What?”

“We should end the night here,” Windshear reiterated, shrugging slightly. “If it’s your only day off, you don’t want to be spending it stuck here with me, right?”

“But... I...”

“No ‘but’s,” Windshear said, waving a hoof. “I got to spend an evening with the princess of Equestria. And hey, I don’t hold princesses in high esteem, but that’s certainly something to put on my resume.”

“At least let me fly with you to your home, yes?” Celestia asked hopefully. “It’ll look pretty good, what with a princes turning up on your doorstep. It’ll get everyone talking!” she added quickly, sweetening the deal.

Windshear pursed his lips thoughtfully at that, his wings giving a little bit of a twitch. “I... guess that would work.”

“Good, let’s go!” Celestia said, rolling to her hooves and brushing herself off with firm sweeps of her hoof, getting all the grass and twigs out of her mane.

“So, I guess this is goodnight,” Windshear said with a slight smile, standing at his door with the princess standing in front of him, her long mane waving in the wind.

“Do I get a kiss goodnight?” Celestia asked with a faint smile.

Windshear smiled, stepping forwards and kissing the princess gently on the lips.

Celestia purred softly, lifted a hoof to stroke up and down the length of his neck, before drawing back. “Thank you for tonight... I actually had fun. It felt nice to be treated like a normal pony for once.”

Windshear gave a smile at that. “I’m glad you had fun,” he said sincerely. “But if I were treating you like a normal pony, I’d already have given you the offer of staying for the night to make the night truly memorable,” he said with a sly smile.

Celestia looked left and right, biting her bottom lip, her cheeks flushing faintly. “Really?”

“Well, it was a nice night, you’re slightly tipsy, I cooked you dinner, and we already kissed. I think my chances of getting you in my bed would be pretty decent,” Windshear said with a confident smile.

Celestia raised a brow slowly, taking a step forwards, a hoof lifting to idly play with her mane. “You’re sure of this, hmm?”

Windshear nodded sagely. “The signs are all there.”

The princess gave a low laugh, stepping even closer, leaning forwards to kiss his nose, before whispering gently. “Invite me in for the night.”

Windshear raised an eyebrow slowly. “Uhhh... would you like to come in for the night?” he asked formally, before instantly raising a hoof to fend off any blows that might be forthcoming.

Celestia lifted her hoof, pushing his own out of the way and then stepping directly into him, forcing him backwards into his house as she kissed him eagerly.

Celestia kicked the door closed behind her with a careless hindleg, even as a forehoof lifted to hold the pegasus tight against her chest, kissing him with a fiery fervour.

Windshear was momentarily stunned by the princess’s brazenness, kissing her back eagerly, tilting his head and pressing his tongue against her lips.

The princess gave a low purr, pulling back from the kiss with a gasp for air, eyes narrowing down at him. “The bed,” she stated flatly.

Windshear grinned at that, drawing back from her, a hoof trailing down her foreleg right to the end before he turned away and bounded up the stairs.

Celestia followed him eagerly, though much heavier on her hooves given her large size, bounding up the stairs after him and pushing into his bedroom.

Windshear smiled as he turned and grasped her cheeks, kissing her eagerly, even as he backed towards the bed. Celestia kept with him the entire way, stroking a hoof down the length of his neck.

Bumping into the bed, Windshear stepped up onto it, pulling the princess up with him before rolling them both onto it. The pegasus scooted in close to the alicorn, pushing his smaller body up against her own with an eager purr.

“You’re not worried about how big I am?” Celestia asked candidly in between kisses.

“There’s just more of you to love,” Windshear said with a sly grin, pushing his nose up under her chin with a lustful growl, nibbling and nipping at her throat.

Celestia shuddered, her ears splaying back and hooves wrapping around him firmly, even as her wings gave an eager little twitch, stiffening slightly.

“Ohhh, a sensitive spot,” Windshear said with a grin, nibbling lightly at her throat, rubbing his soft nose in against her with a low purr.

Celestia gasped softly, arching against him slightly, a hindleg twitching at the repeated nibble to her sensitive flesh.

One of Windshear’s hooves slipped down her form, grasping at her rump, right over her cutie mark, squeezing gently. “Oh wow, I do so love how big you are,” he admitted with a low rumble. “So fluffy, and warm!”

Celestia gave a soft giggle at that, shaking her head and then kissing his nose. “You are so very, very cute.”

“Ruggedly handsome!” Windshear protested, huffing and pouting up at her.

“So.. what now?” Celestia asked breathlessly, quite aware of where his hoof was.

Windshear squeezed her cutie mark innocently. “Well, now we do what everyone wants at this hour of night!”

Celestia gave a hushed sound at that, pink eyes narrowing down at him slowly, her heart thudding in her chest. “And what would that be?”

“Sleep!” Windshear said with a silly little grin, leaning up to kiss her chin.

Celestia stared at him for a long, long moment, even as he pushed his nose up under her chin and then pulled the much larger princess against his form. With the way he arranged her, her cheek was resting over his neck, in a strangely comfortable position, allowing her to nibble affectionately at one of his ears. “I... I actually think I’d like that,” she murmured, even as she wiggled to get more comfortable and then closed her eyes. “I do... want to thank you, though.”

“What for?” Windshear asked, nuzzling into her chest slowly, blinking at the golden metal barrier there.

“For treating me like a normal pony. I haven’t felt this... normal in so long,” she said with relish, nuzzling down at him.

“Well, since you have to do that whole ‘raising the sun’ thing, I like my coffee with a shot of brandy in it,” Windshear said with a teasing little smile up at the princess.

Celestia gave a slow smile at that, leaning in to kiss his nose again, before resting her cheek back on his neck. “I think I like you.”

Windshear gave a long shudder, giving the longest sigh of relief he ever had.

Celestia blinked once. “That’s an odd response.”

“I thought you were going to say you loved me!” Windshear said with a long shudder, nudging her throat with his nose. “That was terrifying!”

Celestia gave a faint laugh at that. “We’ve only been on one date! It would be highly irregular for me to fall in love with you before that. Not even you are that suave. Perhaps we shall save that for our second date?”

Windshear pulled back at that, grinning up at her, before leaning in to kiss her nose delicately. “I’ll hold you to that.”

Windshear was awoken by the sharp scent of coffee in his nose, and he jerked away, flailing a hoof in an attempt to escape the surprising sensation.

Celestia gave a faint scowl at that, pursing her lips as she pulled the cup back so that it wouldn’t get hit and spill. “Hey! Don’t spill it!”

Windshear blinked, lifting a hoof to rub at his eyes as he stared around. Light was streaming in the window, with the weak quality of early-morning light.

“You... made me coffee?” Windshear asked, suddenly nervous.

“Indeed,” Celestia said with a faint smile, jiggling the cup faintly. “Now take it before it starts to burn my hoof.”

Windshear reached forwards, taking the cup gingerly, frowning deeply. “You... didn’t have to. I was joking about the coffee.”

“There is something nice about the tactile sensation of making coffee,” Celestia admitted, swirling her cup gently under her nose, inhaling the scent and then taking a sip. “Though I had to wash these filthy commoner cups three times before they were fit for holding any liquid above the quality of pond water.”

Windshear gave a helpless smile at that, sipping his coffee and not even complaining about the lack of sugar in it. He would fix that himself if it got too unbearable. “I’m kinda disappointed.”

“You like sugar in your coffee?” Celestia asked, wrinkling her nose.

“Well yes and no. Yes, I love sugar in my coffee. Three or four lumps minimum,” he said with a wave of a hoof. “Buuut, I went to sleep snuggled up against the lovely expanse of a princess and woke up to the delectable scent of coffee but not the lovely expanse of pony.”

Celestia’s cheeks tinged a faint pink. “Well some of us have duties.”

“You understand, of course, that there will be some very vicious rumours circling considering you spent the night here? People will assume I goaded you into explicit sexual actions or at the very least tied up and raped you,” Windshear said with a wave of a hoof.

A slow smile spread across Celestia’s muzzle. “I shall help foster said rumours with a response of ‘no comment’ to each allegation.”

Windshear grinned. “Naughty, I like it.” After taking another sip of his drink, he peered over his cup at the princess. “Are you asexual at this point?”

“Not... exactly?” Celestia said with a strained laugh. “I am... more uninterested in sex in the simplest of base forms.”

“I don’t understand.” Windshear admitted.

“I’m simply not attracted to sex for the sake of sex. Surely, intercourse is a splendid sensation, but I’ve done it so many times over the millennia that it simply got... boring,” Celestia said candidly, sipping at her coffee again.

“So basically, you enjoy getting fucked but it’s happened so many times that it’s gotten boring?” Windshear simplified.

Celestia flushed faintly, nodding once. “I need to feel genuine affection with someone or it’s just... boring.”

Windshear gave a faint laugh at that. “So the perfect gauge of your affection of me would be how good of a lay I am?”

The princess flushed further. “If that is the stick you would wish to measure with, then... yes.”

“So, how long are you here for?” Windshear asked, tactfully steering the subject away from what was obviously making the princess uncomfortable.

“I think...” Celestia paused for effect, taking another sip of her coffee before setting it down, narrowing her eyes at him slowly. “I think long enough to measure my affection for you...”

Windshear raised an eyebrow slowly. “Do you mean...? Because it really kinda sounds like you were-”

“Offering you sex? Yes,” Celestia stated bluntly, stepping up onto the bed with him, standing over his form. “I felt... disappointed when you didn’t take advantage of me last night.”

Windshear gave a nervous laugh. “Well... I was treating you like a regular mare...”

“You wouldn’t have taken advantage of me?” Celestia asked, stepping over him properly, leaning down until her nose was almost touching his own.

“Nope,” Windshear admitted, shaking his head. “I tend not to shove my hooves between the hindlegs of ponies on the first date.”

Celestia leaned closer, to lick across his uninjured cheek and then whisper heatedly into his ear, “And if you were guaranteed a favorable response?”

Windshear hummed happily at that, forehooves lifting to hook around her middle, lightly resting on her sides, just beneath her wings, rubbing slowly. “Now that, is completely different.”

Celestia shuddered faintly in place, her back arching and wings giving an eager twitch at the sensation of the hooves rubbing along that sensitive spot where her wings usually sat. “So what are you going to do to me?” Celestia asked huskily, staring down at him with narrowed eyes.

A soft hum left the pegasus, and he squeezed the larger princess with a sly smile. “I’m going to rock your world so hard you’ll want to call out your own name.”

Celestia blinked at that, brows furrowing. “...What?”

“Your name,” Windshear said, making a circular motion with a hoof. “It’s commonly used to express surprise or strong emotion. ‘Sweet Celestia!’ and whatnot, yes?”

Celestia blinked again and then flushed faintly. “You think you’ll do that good, huh?”

“I know I will,” Windshear said with a sly smirk, grasping the princess’s sides a little more firmly, lifting his weight from the bed so that he could push himself down between her legs, leaning up to kiss right at the midpoint of her stomach.

Celestia gave a shudder, twisting to stare at him, even as he wrapped his hooves around her rump and squeezed gently. “Where’re you going?”

“South,” Windshear stated, peering up at her innocently, placing another soft kiss against her stomach, working his way slowly lower, licking and nibbling in turn.

Cheeks flushing further, Celestia seemed to cotton on to what he was doing, her eyes widening and wings stiffening outwards, quivering in the air even as she lifted a hoof to cover her mouth, watching him intently. “Y-you can’t be serious...”

“Okay, I’m not serious, I’m just going to kiss at the inside of your thighs, that’s it,” Windshear said calmly, kissing lightly along the inside of one of her thighs until he was nibbling against the inside of one of her knees. “Are you a prude?”

Celestia gave a huff at that, glowering at him, unconsciously widening her stance, hindhooves digging into the bed. “I’m no prude! I just... I haven’t... done that before...” she admitted in a small voice.

Windshear perked his ears upwards. “Really?”

“Well, I don’t have a lot of time on my hooves,” Celestia admitted with a slight frown. “And sexual practises of such... decadence have been sorely lacking in Equestria until the last few generations.”

“So you’ve never had somepony go down on you?” Windshear asked blankly.

“I have not,” Celestia admitted.

“Never gone down on somepony?” Windshear pressed.

Celestia gave a heated huff. “Of course not. That’s... disgusting.”

Windshear slowly raised an eyebrow. “Well I guess a return of the favour would be out of the question then,” he said with a faint smile.

“Favour?” Celestia queried, confused.

“Favour,” Windshear said with a firm nod, before pushing himself down between Celestia’s hindlegs before she could protest, spinning around to roll onto his hooves, crouching behind her.

Celestia’s eyes widened, and she gave a faint quiver, her wings giving a little flutter as she felt him push her flowing tail out of the way, exposing her to him.

Windshear gave a faint grin as he watched the princess’s cheeks flush quite visibly with heat, and she became completely unable to meet his gaze. Returning his attention to the object of his curiosity, he leaned in close to inspect her.

Celestia had the tight, well-defined slit of a virgin, or at least that of somepony who hadn’t been used in decades. The outer lips were plump, and looked very soft, with just a hint of pink visible in the middle of the softly-furred white cunny.

“That’s hot,” Windshear said appraisingly, consciously closing his mouth and swallowing audibly.

Celestia turned her head to shape a response, but was cut off as Windshear leaned in and gave a light kiss to the very top of her tight slit. The princess gasped, her hoof flying to her mouth again as she shuddered, her eyes wide as her entire form quivered.

Windshear gave a low little hum at that, grinning and reaching a hoof up to grasp her rump, squeezing reassuringly. “Just relax.”

Celestia frowned, biting the edge of her hoof, her ears splaying back against her skull. “N-no promises.”

A smile spread across Windshear’s muzzle at that, and he leaned in again, until his nose bumped up against her plump pussy. He gently kissed her again, grinning at the way it made her twitch and start, before he grasped her rump to keep her from doing anything too crazy and then gave a low, swirling lick right up the length of the tight cunny.

Celestia arched heavily, her eyes widening as she bit down on her hoof further, stifling the gasp and whimper that left her muzzle. Her hindlegs tensed, her rump lifting higher into the air, tail quivering as her wings stiffened again.

“Feel free to make all the noise you want, princess,” Windshear said with a grin, tilting his head to the side and pushing a hoof up against her rump, applying enough pressure to spread the plump, pliable outer lips apart, exposing the soft inner flesh to his attentions.

Celestia’s eyes widened further and she gasped as the pegasus dragged his warm lick right across her exposed flesh this time, causing a warmth to fill her belly and a trickle of moisture to start dribbling from her clenching cunny.

Windshear gave an eager growl, pressing his lips over the drooling sex and dragging his tongue up and down the squeezing slit, eagerly starting to push his tongue into the tight depths.

Hindlegs spreading a little further, Celestia threw her chest and head down on the bed, a forehoof dragging a pillow close for her to bite helplessly, eyes clenched closed and horn starting to glow.

Windshear purred against her, one of his hooves pushing up between her thighs to rub and push at her hidden clit. His free hoof grasped at her rump, helping to spread her open and allow him to push his powerful tongue a tiny bit deeper inside the tight pink cunny.

Celestia bit down harder on the pillow, her horn glowing and fizzling with magical energy as her wings stiffened and fluttered reflexively, the muscles of her stomach rippling as her hips rolled helplessly.

“Going to cum already?” Windshear asked with a soft snicker, the hoof at her clit sliding down to stroke across her spasming stomach playfully, even as he let his nose drop, his tongue sliding from her spread cunny, shiny and wet with her liquids. He fastened his lips over her clit, suckling firmly and grinding his tongue back and forth over it as best he could, having a ringside-seat to watch the way her clenching slit convulsed and rippled urgently around a non-existent object.

Celestia bit down on the pillow even harder, spasming wildly, her wings giving several hard sweeps that sent the blanket flipping off the bed and onto the floor. Her hindlegs tensed powerfully, squaring and pushing down into the bed as her already tight cunny clenched urgently at nothing, convulsing in front of Windshear’s nose. A slick burst of her liquids spilled down across his muzzle and tongue, making a mess of his snout, even as her horn erupted with a blinding golden light and she gave an audible scream of delight around her mouthful of pillow.

Windshear could only stare, blinking slowly, drawing back from the drooling slit, licking his lips on reflex, tasting her orgasmic liquids and then giving a faint chuckle. He squeezed and rubbed at her rump soothingly, before leaning in and giving a slow lick up the length of her drooling slit, cleaning her up slightly.

Celestia gave a low groan, shuddering and twitching at the sensation of his tongue on her over-sensitive sex, her back arching a little as she lifted her head, dazed.

“Enjoyed that, hmm?” Windshear asked with a sly little grin, licking his lips as he drew back.

A soft whimper left the princess, and her ears splayed back slowly. “Was it evident?”

“Quite,” Windshear replied with a grin, sidling up beside her, stroking a hoof along one of her wings gently. “Did you have the urge to call out your own name?”

Celestia gave a soft shudder, before slowly relaxing and stretching her forehooves out in front of herself. “I can’t even remember my name.”

Windshear chuckled at that, shaking his head and leaning in to kiss her cheek.

Celestia’s brow furrowed and her nose twitched at the scent of herself strong on Windshear’s muzzle. Her cheeks flushed heavily as she turned and delicately kissed his nose. “I don’t believe I’ve never let somepony do that before!”

“Gonna get it done more often?” Windshear asked with a sly smirk.

“I might start accepting it in lieu of taxes!” Celestia said with a breathless giggle, her wings slowly relaxing and laying against her sides.

“You know you drop your rump now, right?” Windshear asked, stroking a hoof down the length of her form and squeezing over the expanse of her cutie mark.

“My legs are all shaky,” Celestia complained, her hindlegs buckling and dropping her onto her stomach with a shudder.

“There, that’s better,” Windshear said, nudging at one of her large wings with his nose until it extended, and then wiggling his way under it with a smile. He reached over to grab his cup of coffee, lifting it to his muzzle and taking a sip. “Ugh, it’s tepid now.”

“So what... what usually happens after you... you know, do that to a mare?” Celestia asked with nervous curiosity.

“I usually cajole them to go down on me in kind,” Windshear said with blunt honestly, leaning up to lick and nibble at her jaw affectionately. “I give you special treatment though on account of the fact that you’re a princess, you were on the world’s oldest dry streak and you are literally ancient. I don’t expect naughty kinky things from you.”

“So you’re somewhat of a... stud?” Celestia asked after a few moments.

“You could say that...” Windshear said, looking thoughtful. “Or at least, I was.”

“When was the last time you...” Celestia trailed off awkwardly.

“Like eight seconds ago,” Windshear said with a grin, nudging her with his elbow.

Before that,” Celestia corrected, pursing her lips.

“A month ago? The last big show I had with the Wonderbolts,” Windshear said with a short nod. “Some groupy unicorn snuck into the showers and I gave her a ‘personal tour’.”

“Are you afraid of leaving unfathered foals everywhere?” Celestia asked blankly, scowling.

Windshear rolled his eyes. “I tend not to screw anyone I’m not ‘serious’ with,” he explained with a shrug of his shoulder, sipping his tepid coffee again. “Oral? Sure. Sex? No.”

“You have such amazing morals,” Celestia said scathingly.

“Are you... jealous, princess?” Windshear asked with a slowly growing smile.

Celestia’s eyes narrowed and she gave a huff. “What? No!”

Windshear slowly raised an eyebrow.

A long sigh left the princess, and she looked away, her cheeks flushing again. “You’re the first stallion I’ve let... touch me in that way in a millenia... and now I find out that you’re some kind of... what’s the male word for ‘harlot’?”

Windshear gave a laugh at that, shaking his head. “C’mon princess, we’ve been on one date, and already spent the night together. You expect monogamy from me?”

“I’m surprised you even know the word,” Celestia scowled, wriggling away from him.

Windshear huffed faintly, staring down into his cup of coffee, and then up at the princess. “I’m not going to hide who I am. I’m me. I thought that that was what you liked about me? That and the fact that I can treat you like a normal pony without stumbling over the fact that ‘oh my gosh she’s the princess!’.”

Celestia frowned, her ears splaying back. “I... I do like that about you. That’s basically the only thing that’s really... alluring about you. It sets you apart. But... I just have this jealous monster rearing it’s ugly head every time I think of you with another pony.”

“There’ve been a lot of other ponies,” Windshear said with a shrug of his shoulders. “Just as you’ve likely had thousands of partners over your lifespan.”

“It’s not even past a hundred,” Celestia admitted with a frown. “But... still.”

“What do you see me as?” Windshear asked with a raised eyebrow. “I thought this was just some simple fun.”

“There is no such thing as ‘simple fun’ with a princess,” Celestia stated bluntly. “Nothing about me is ‘simple’.”

“I’ve kinda noticed,” Windshear said with a helpless smile. “But still... when you look at me, what do you see?”

Celestia pursed her lips, staring up at Windshear. “I see a pegasus. A filthy commoner. A scruffy pony that smells vaguely of alcohol and sweat.”

Windshear rolled his eyes. “While all of those are correct, that doesn’t say what you see me as.”

“I don’t know,” Celestia admitted, rubbing a hoof against her cheek uncertainly. “I think I need time to think...”

“We’ve only been on one date,” Windshear reminded with a faint smile. “This is only as serious as you’re making it.”

“And if I want it to be serious?” Celestia asked sharply.

“You’re thinking of making a project out of me?” Windshear asked, head canting to the left.

“I like you,” Celestia admitted with a frown. “I like you enough to let you put your muzzle under my tail without a swift kick in the nose as a reward. But you’re so... inaccessible. Aloof. You could be going out with another mare this afternoon and not even see anything wrong with it.”

Windshear frowned at that, and then shrugged his shoulders. “Hey, if you want commitment, just say so.”

“I’m... not sure,” Celestia said with a long sigh. “I just don’t know. You’ve shaken my world up so much with just one date.”

“I’m good at making waves,” Windshear said proudly.

“I just... don’t know,” Celestia said, rising to her hooves and peering sideways at him. “I... thank you, Windshear. Thank you for a lovely evening, and an even more lovely orgasm, but I... I need time to think. I will see you later.”

Windshear stared after the princess, taking another sip of his drink. “I’ll be here, y’know, if you ever get over this little emotional breakdown.”

Celestia stared back at him over her shoulder, her expression unreadable, before she slipped out of the room and down the stairs, heading for the front door and to the skies outside.

One Month Later

Windshear was sitting at a table, listening to the music pumping out from the speakers. DJ-P0N3 was behind the turntable, rocking her head back and forth to the music. Windshear had a new job, helping on the ‘public weather team’, a position that had him spend the majority of his time making the weather team look good.

After his one-night-stand with the princess, Windshear hadn’t even seen her again. He thought, once or twice, that he had caught a glimpse of one of her guards following him in the days after their date, but he couldn’t confirm anything. And now, he was dating a fiery young Wonderbolt-wannabe.

Windshear smiled across the table at his new girlfriend, tilting his head to the side slightly. “Enjoying the music?”

The music in question was a fast techno beat, with thudding bass. The only illumination in the room were glowsticks of various sizes and shapes. Some of them were threaded through ponies’ manes and tails, affixed to their hooves, or even held in their mouths. Various vibrant colours of blue, green, and red cast varying shades of colour everywhere, interspersed with sections of darkness.

“I’m enjoying myself!” she replied over the music, grinning and taking a swig of her drink from her cup. The rim had been magically enchanted to glow a soft golden colour, so that it wouldn’t be lost in the dark. The liquid within was infused with a specially made, non-toxic, glow-in-the-dark formula that, while tasting particularly terrible without any alcohol to mask it, would make a pony’s saliva glow for hours.

Windshear smiled at her across the table, taking a sip of his own drink and stretching lazily. It was his first date with the wannabe-Wonderbolt, and he wasn’t too worried about getting anywhere with her. Not that night, at least.

“So what are you going to ord-” Windshear brought himself up short when a shadowy figure appeared next to the table, staring back and forth between them.

Windshear shifted in his seat, turning his hoof over to let the red glowstick light up the pony, confirming that it was indeed Princess Celestia standing there in the dim bar, staring back and forth between them, glowering.

“Windshear,” she stated flatly by way of greeting.

“Uh... uh hi, princess,” Windshear said with a slightly nervous laugh. He turned to his date. “I told you that I hooked up with the princess once, right?”

“You might have mentioned it once or twice... every other day,” she responded with a shake of her head.

“So... you’ve moved on, yes?” Celestia asked flatly, her eyes narrowing slowly.

“‘Moved on’?” Windshear asked blankly. “That would imply there was something to move on from. It’s been a month, and you never responded to my letter.”

“I was thinking,” Celestia hissed.

“Going senile?” Windshear asked unwisely.

Celestia turned towards him slowly, her horn flashing faintly with magic.

Windshear leaned backwards slightly. “Now now princess, we don’t want to make a scene. We can go somewhere quiet and discuss this if you’d like.”

Celestia scowled faintly, turning to the female pegasus. “Leave.”

Windshear gave a long sigh as his date got up and bolted for the door, leaving him alone with the princess.

“You. The back.” Celestia pointed with a hoof, her tone forceful.

Windshear gave a long sigh, rising to his hooves, and then mincing towards the back of the dance floor. He found a doorway, pushing through into a dimly-lit hallway. Celestia was right behind him, pushing the door closed after them and then ushering him into a storage room, closing the door behind them before pushing an old carton of drinks against it to ensure no one could enter.

“That’s.. ominous,” Windshear said dryly, taking one of the blue glowsticks out of his mane and setting it on top of a crate for light.

Celestia tilted her head, her horn glowing, taking the glowstick out of his tail, a red one, then idly twining it in her mane, giving her a very demonic appearance. She sat down on her rump, watching him with narrowed eyes, the glowstick casting an odd series of shadows over her features. “Who was she?”

“She was a friend. Girlfriend, really,” Windshear explained, leaning against a crate casually, an ear perking at the princess.

“And what were you doing here with her?” Celestia pressed.

“We were about to order dinner,” Windshear explained, pursing his lips.

“Did you... do anything with her?” Celestia asked flatly.

“I don’t see how that’s any of your business,” Windshear responded bluntly. “It’s been a month. I’m a pegasus with ‘needs’ as it were, and you sure as tartarus weren’t going to satisfy them, so I went and found somepony else”

“Did you do anything with her?” Celestia asked quietly, a certain note of danger creeping into her voice, her mane covering one of her eyes, the other eye fixed on him intently, glowering.

Windshear gave a long sigh, rubbing a hoof against his muzzle wearily. “No. Okay? I hadn’t gotten that far. This was our first date. I don’t screw every pony on the first date.”

Celestia seemed to relax at that, her brow furrowing. “...Good.”

“Good?” Windshear asked, an ear pricking upwards lazily. “And why is that? You don’t want me but you don’t want anyone else to have me?”

Celestia scowled, glowering at him.

Windshear opening his mouth to say something, but in an instant, Celestia was upon him, pushing him back against the wall and kissing him with a fiery fervour.

Momentarily confused by the sudden course of events, Windshear struggled vainly, before relaxing, blinking slowly as he was kissed so eagerly. After several seconds, he started to kiss her back, tilting his head to the side and letting their tongues mesh in a heated embrace.

“I want you,” Celestia growled, breaking the kiss, panting softly. “I want to own you. I want you to be mine.”

“You just had to wait until I found somepony else first, huh?” Windshear asked with a faint smile.

“The jealousy just pushed me to action,” Celestia admitted in between a slew of kissed across his nose and cheeks, feathering his face with her affections.

“Oh, I see,” Windshear said with a sly grin. “She’s a better kisser than you, you know.”

“You’re going to pay for that,” Celestia said with a low, heated growl.

“I’m counting on it,” Windshear responded with a grin, leaning in to kiss her cheek and then her forehead, accidentally prodding himself in the forehead with her deceptively long horn.

“I want you to commit,” Celestia growled, laying a slew of heated kisses against his throat and chin. “Can you do that?”

“Well I don’t think I’ll ever see that mare again,” Windshear said with a soft laugh, shaking his head slightly and stroking a hoof through the princess’s mane.

Celestia gave a heated growl, biting at his throat with a lustful purr rolling from her muzzle. “Good,” she hissed, pushing her muzzle a little lower, biting heatedly at the inside of his foreleg.

“Where’re you going?” Windshear asked, picking up the glowstick from off the crate with his mouth, to light up the princess and see what she was doing.

“Exploring,” Celestia purred, ducking underneath him.

Windshear almost bit straight through the glowstick as he felt Celestia’s muzzle push right up underneath him, his wings springing out and slapping against the crate and the wall as the princess pushed a heated kiss right up against the end of his sheath. “W-woah, did you get some practise?” he asked nervously, before gasping heavily and shuddering as he felt her tongue slide forth to wash against him, quickly bringing about the expected reaction.

Celestia shook her head, tilting it far to the side to stop her horn from hitting his stomach, closing her lips over the end of his sheath and suckling firmly, grinding her tongue along the end of it until she could feel the thick length of pony flesh starting to swell free. Only then did she draw back to answer verbally. “No... just fantasies...”

“You fantasized about this?” Windshear asked, amazed.

“You were much... bigger in my imagination,” Celestia said candidly.

“Oh you did not ju-” Windshear was once again cut off as Celestia suckled him into her muzzle, tugging the few inches that had appeared right into her mouth and suckling heatedly around him.

Windshear bared his teeth, a hoof going to the back of her neck while the other rested on one of her wings for balance, even as the swelling member began to fill her mouth, spreading her jaws wider and wider with each eager inch that grew and stiffened free under her stimulation.

Celestia’s eyes narrowed at her mouthful, and she gave an eager groan around it, watching the length of flesh, silhouetted in red, growing and swelling right in front of her nose. She worked her tongue around the rim of the tip, deliberately trying to stimulate where she knew the most sensitive areas would be.

The pegasus groaned helplessly, his hips rolling on reflex, hindlegs splaying a little further, shaking at the sensation of the princess suckling around his stiffened cock. Windshear gasped faintly as his legs gave out, ending up sitting on his rump, pressing up against the wall, wings flared and stiff, stuck in place.

The princess didn’t even falter, a hoof grasping around his rump to hold him in place as she pushed her muzzle down his length, letting his thick tip grind against the back of her throat.

Windshear bared his teeth, held immobile by his position and her hoof, feeling her suckling so eagerly around his stiff length, his ears splaying back and the glowstick dropping from his quivering muzzle, rolling away to rest against the crate. He leaned forwards slightly to try and rock his hips into her muzzle, and once more found her horn poking him. He squinted slightly in the gloom, a hoof lifting to find her horn. With a bit of twisting, he managed to slip the very tip of the horn into his muzzle, suckling at it intently, in much the same way she was suckling at him.

Celestia gave a low moan around her generous mouthful, her tongue working at him all the more eagerly, bobbing her muzzle fervently upon him, even as her free hoof slid back to push between her thighs, rubbing and grinding against her moistening slit eagerly.

“H-holy f-fuck...” Windshear panted, pausing in his motions to arch helplessly under the assault of pleasure she was giving him. The entire thick length throbbed and a gooey dribble of precum drooled across Celestia’s tongue.

Pausing, Celestia blinked several times, brow furrowing as she tasted the salty droplet of precum washing over her tongue, quite oily and slick, but not entirely unpleasant.

A shudder and whimper left the pegasus as the princess started to suckle even more firmly, closing her lips over him and working her muscles in a swallowing motion as though trying to suck ice cream through a straw.

“P-princess... s-stop!” Windshear gasped, hissing through clenched teeth, his hoof at once trying to push away and trying to pull her closer, his wings stiffened and twitching in vain against the wall as his hips rocked back and forth.

Celestia panted heavily, tugging backwards entirely and just standing there, panting, her mouth opened slightly, a line of saliva spilling from one corner of her mouth. “W-why did you make me stop?” she asked in between pants.

“Because I was about to make a huge mess of your mouth,” Windshear admitted with a breathless laugh, rolling onto his hooves and then rising shakily to all fours.

“Would you have stopped me if I was a regular pony?” Celestia asked bluntly, licking her lips and wiping her chin with a hoof.

Windshear frowned at that, ears splaying back. “I want to say ‘yes’, but that would be a blatant lie.”

“So you would have...” Celestia trailed off, biting her bottom lip, taking a deep, steadying breath. “You would have come in her mouth?”

Windshear gave a slow nod, his eyes wide.

Celestia’s cheeks flushed a shade of pink that was visible even in the red glow of the glowstick in her mane, even as she leaned forwards and lowered her chest slightly, opening her mouth. “Then do it... treat me like a normal pony...” she ordered, her tone shaky.

Windshear gave a heavy shudder at that, his wings stiffening again, staring at the delectable sight of a princess offering her muzzle to him. “A-are you sure?” he squeaked.

“Windshear... shut up and let me taste you,” Celestia stated bluntly, eyes narrowing at him.

Quivering faintly in anticipation, Windshear stalked up to the princess, his forehooves grasping around her neck and shoulders as he shifted to bring the tip of his cock right up against her nose. “I can’t believe I’m about to do this...” he murmured, shaking his head slowly.

“N-neither can I...” Celestia muttered against the flared tip of his member, before leaning forwards slightly to capture the very tip of his cock between her lips, suckling heatedly at it.

Windshear bared his teeth at the sensation, a hoof sliding down to grasp Celestia’s horn, tilting her head to the right so that he wouldn’t gore himself on her horn, even as his wings fluttered and he heaved his hips, sinking several eager inches of pony cock into her muzzle.

Celestia’s eyes widened, and she gave a breathless shudder, panting around his member for a few seconds, while one hoof slid forwards to grasp his nuts, squeezing them encouragingly.

The pegasus needed no further urging, leaning over the alicorn further and starting to rock his hips, grinding back and forth within her muzzle.

Celestia shuddered faintly, her hoof pushing back between her thighs, rubbing at her aching cunny even as Windshear started to fuck her muzzle in earnest.

Already on edge from the previous treatment, it took very little time for Windshear to start approaching his orgasm again, feeling his tip flaring against her tongue and the ridged roof of her mouth, spreading her jaws even further.

Celestia soldiered on, her eyes widening at how much her mouth was being wedged open by the swelling pony flesh, suckling around it as best she could, even as it was thrust back and forth almost urgently.

The princess gagged as Windshear pushed too far in his eagerness, almost forcing the thick girth down her throat, even as he humped violently a few more times and then held himself there, holding her horn and jaw, keeping himself buried deep inside her mouth as the entire length of pony cock starting to throb and pulse wantonly.

Celestia heard Windshear’s cry of triumph, and her eyes widened as she felt the flared tip throb and jerk, a sudden splash of warmth filling her throat. She swallowed repeatedly on reflex, shuddering and arching in orgasm against her hoof at the realisation that the pegasus was actually climaxing in her mouth. In a matter of moments, she was overwhelmed, streamers of the pegasus’ urgent spunk starting to spurt and gush from the clumsy seal her mouth made around his swollen flesh.

Finally sensing her distress, Windshear tugged backwards with a gasp, his rump bumping into the wall, but managing to pull back far enough to clear the princess’s muzzle and allow her to gasp for air, wearing several more thick bursts of his essence across her cheeks and nose.

Celestia panted for air, her chest heaving and cheeks rosy under the lines of his essence, a long string of it connecting her lips and the tip of his member. She gave a heavy shudder, feeling the thick liquid drooling from her mouth messily, dripping off her chin. She was vaguely aware that it was all over her face, in her mouth, on her chin, her cheeks, and even somewhat between her eyes, but the overpowering, musky taste of male was muddling her senses and not letting her think of anything else.

With a soft whimper, Celestia drew her hoof from between her thighs, and then sat down heavily, in a daze. “T-there is no reason for me to enjoy that as much as I did...”

Windshear gave a low groan, collapsing onto his side and staring up at her, panting for air. “That... that was awesome.”

“Better than the others?” Celestia asked suddenly, swallowing thickly to clear her muzzle of his mess.

“Much better,” Windshear assured with a faint, breathless smile. “I noticed you rather enjoyed it yourself...”

“That I did,” Celestia murmured, her cheeks flushing again. “That was... quite arousing.”

“It was hot,” Windshear corrected.

“Hot,” Celestia agreed, nodding once.

“So... why did you ambush me in a club, scare off my girlfriend and then go down on me?” Windshear asked blankly.

“I’ve been wanting to approach you for a week now,” Celestia explained, straightening up and then rubbing her chin with a hoof, just spreading his mess around. “But it wasn’t until I saw you with her that I got the courage up to seek you out.”

“A princess needing to gather the courage to speak to me,” Windshear said with an incredulous chuckle.

“You affect me greatly,” Celestia pointed out simply.

“In many ways,” Windshear said, licking his lips slowly.

“In many, many ways,” Celestia agreed.

“So... are we going to go all the way?” Windshear asked as casually as he could. “Or are we going to stick to the not-so-serious sexual antics?”

Celestia stared at him, her eyes slowly narrowing, her hoof pushing back between her hindlegs to rub slowly at herself. “Do you... do you think you would have one more in you?”

Windshear’s eyes widened, and his pupils dilated, his wings instantly springing back up. “For you? Yes!”

Celestia gave a soft giggle at that, turning around slowly and then pushing her chest to the ground, lifting her rump upwards and curling her tail aside. She tugged the glowstick out of her mane, and then rolled it backwards to rest between her hindlegs, affording the pegasus a clear view of her present, moist sex. “I-I won’t stop you...”

Windshear gave an eager growl, his eyes narrowing at this lovely sight, his wings twitching feebly and the length of softening pony cock immediately springing back to life, sensing that its job wasn’t quite done yet.

The ex-wonderbolt sidled up behind her, lifting a hoof to rest on her rump, his nose twitching as he inhaled her scent. “Are you sure about this? You can’t get... pregnant from this, can you?”

“I have magic at my disposal that can fix that problem,” Celestia responded simply, giving her rump a little bit of a wiggle. “Now, don’t keep your princess waiting, you filthy commoner.”

Windshear grinned at that, leaning in to give a single long lick to the exposed princess pussy, dragging his tongue right across the soft outer lips.

Celestia shuddered, her rump lifting a little bit higher at the lick, her hindlegs squaring further, allowing him complete access.

Without hesitation, Windshear leapt atop her back, hooves grasping around her sides just behind her wings, shifting to grind his tip along her drooling sex slowly.

A shudder ran the length of the princess’s form, her hips rolling slowly, before she pushed back against him encouragingly. “T-take me...”

“With pleasure,” Windshear purred, leaning over her and then shifting, shoving his hips forwards. The thick tip of his member ground up against her before pushing right between the plump outer lips of her eager cunny, spreading her around him as he sank deep, deep inside.

Celestia whined faintly, her back arching and wings stiffening, making Windshear push one of them down out of his face, the pegasus panting faintly as he ground his hips against her and then shoved forwards a little more firmly. They both gave a low groan in harmony as he hilted himself inside her tight, squeezing depths.

“O-oh sweet C-Cel... You’re so tight,” Windshear panted breathlessly against one of her ears.

Celestia gave a breathy groan, turning her head to peer back at him. “W-were you about to take my name in vain?” she asked with a teasing grin.

“M-maybe,” Windshear gasped, sliding his grip back to her hips, grinding against her slowly, sliding the stiff cock back and forth deep inside her the tiniest amount he could while still creating friction enough to feel.

“Don’t hold back...” Celestia purred, turning to regard him with a single pink eye. “F-fuck me...”

Windshear gave a low growl at her words, nodding in earnest, leaning forwards to bite one of her ears. “Going to fuck you into the floor...” he promised, growling around her ear as he shifted his stance.

Celestia bit her bottom lip, her forehooves squeezing at the ground as she felt the pegasus draw back, sliding the thick length of flesh out of her body. The tip was much thicker than the rest, and she could feel it dragging out of her form, causing a delicious kind of suction deep inside her, even as her squeezing depths clenched around him, trying to hold him in place.

And then, Windshear thrust, burying himself deep inside her again with a single swift motion, and she screamed in delight, surprising even herself with the sound.

Clapping a hoof over her muzzle, Celestia froze, her cheeks flushing heavily.

“They won’t hear it over the music,” Windshear assured her, even as he grasped her hips and started to shove himself into her with an eager, rapid rhythm.

Celestia was completely unprepared, her balance disrupted by the hoof at her muzzle, the single forehoof supporting her weight folding under the strain and sending her crashing onto her chest with a helpless whimper of delight.

Windshear just took it as an invitation to take her harder, stepping into the motion of her fall and using the new position to gain even more leverage. His hooves gripped her hips surprisingly firmly, allowing him to sink himself in her to the hilt each time, his flared tip brushing up against something deep inside her that made her feel so deliciously full.

The princess whimpered helplessly, trying to regain her feet, but Windshear’s accelerating pace was keeping her entirely off balance. Her legs were already shaking, and she could feel her orgasm starting to well up deep inside her. She just wanted to scream to the ceiling with how hard he was screwing her.

Windshear growled heatedly, biting down on her ear dominantly, a hoof reaching forwards to grasp around the base of one of her wings, even as he started to almost desperately rut the princess, shoving himself roughly in and out of her squeezing, rippling, coaxing sex.

Celestia bit her tongue so hard she tasted blood, her hips rolling and twitching with the firm thrusts so deep inside her, the rough pace soon pushing her over the edge and into orgasm. Her already-tight depths squeezed around him intensely, clenching firmly around the flared tip of his cock, so tightly that it was an effort for him to draw back and forth within her.

Windshear snarled, feeling the princess tensing up underneath him, viciously driving his hips into her own over and over again, forcing his way through the intense tightness and squeezing to give her his final eager thrusts. He wedged himself deep inside her, holding himself there, grinding against her urgently as the entire length of cock flexed and quivered powerfully.

Celestia’s eyes widened, and she stared at the wall, gasping heavily, before screaming out in delight, loud and proud, forehooves scrabbling at the floor and hips jerking back against him in orgasm as she felt heavy splatters of his heated pony spunk splattering across her inner walls, coating them in repeated splashes of molten warmth that pooled so very deep inside her.

Windshear held against her, rocking back and forth just slightly as he spilled himself inside her, the clenching, rolling motion of her squeezing sex drawing out every last droplet of his essence, coating her soft pink depths in the waves of urgent white. He remained buried deep inside her, even as all the available space was filled and the mess began to dribble and drip from their joined bodies.

Both pegasus and alicorn gave soft, whimpery gasps and moans as they enjoyed the euphoric afterglows.

Windshear was the first to speak, panting out an emphatic, “H-holy fuck!”

Celestia gave a low, soft whimper in the back of her throat, her wings giving a helplessly twitch. “I concur...”

Windshear chuckled breathlessly, nibbling lightly at the side of her neck. “Was it worth the wait?”

“Hundreds of years?” Celestia asked tiredly. “Definitely.”

Windshear shuddered faintly, drawing backwards, making them both gasp and twitch as the used cock slid out of her well-fucked body, followed by a thick dribble of their mixed liquids. He slipped up besides her, worming up underneath her wing and leaning heavily against her side, while she finally relaxed and lowered her rump to the ground. “That was goooood...” she crooned.

“I agree,” Windshear said, hefting her muzzle with a hoof and then laying a kiss on her lips.

Celestia purred faintly, kissing him in response. “But I need to get cleaned up. You made a mess of me.”

“A good mess,” Windshear pointed out with a sly grin.

“A very good mess, but highly undignified,” Celestia retorted, leaning up to kiss his nose.

Windshear rose on shaky hooves, pointing towards the left. “I know there’s a bathroom down there where we can get cleaned up, if I don’t end up just bending you over the sink in there.”

“Careful,” Celestia said, rising to her own hooves with a shaky, happy groan. “I might like that.”

Some Time Later

Windshear stretched out lazily, leaning up to nuzzle along the underside of Celestia’s wing.

Celestia swatted him with a wingtip. “Stop it, you’re upsetting my writing.”

Windshear smiled faintly, nibbling at the base of her wing. “You’re always writing,” he complained.

“It’s part of my duties,” Celestia said with a heavy sigh, suckling at the end of the quill.

“Duties this, and duties that. I come to the castle to spend time with you, not watch you write memos,” Windshear said with a huff.

“You know, if you lived here, it wouldn’t be such a problem,” Celestia said in an offhand way.

“Are you asking me to move in?” Windshear asked carefully.

Celestia paused, turning to peer at him, frowning thoughtfully. “Why... I think I am.”

“You understand that I’ll be able to bug you for sex on a daily basis, right?” Windshear asked with a smirk, nibbling at her jawline.

Celestia rolled her eyes. “So... it’ll be like normal then?”

“Except I’ll be right here in the castle so I can do it early!” Windshear said with an eager nod.

“So... you’re going to accept?” Celestia asked hopefully.

“I don’t see why not,” Windshear admitted. “It’s not like it isn’t public knowledge that you’re doinking the average-joe weather-patrol pegasus.”

“So, you’ll move all your stuff into another room even though we both know you’ll be spending all your nights in here with me, yes?” Celestia asked with a wry grin.

Windshear nodded, peering up at her. “If it’ll keep you from sneaking out to your commoner boyfriends room in the middle of the night.”

Celestia smiled at that, leaning in to kiss him gently. “I love you, you filthy commoner.”