
by Longshanks

First published

The Great War Against Discord is finally over, but at what cost?

Harmony has returned to Equestria once again. However, the traumatic events of the Great War Against Discord have left a mark on the hearts of the Elements of Harmony and their loved ones. One autumn evening, a nightmare prompts them to revisit the days of the War... and confront a secret or two.


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Prologue: A Time of Peace
Discord had been defeated! The Elements of Harmony had been re-united, and all of Equestria had returned to its normal, non-chaotic state. But the costs were unlike anypony could have predicted…

For the first time in a thousand and one years, war had come to Equestria. The mutating powers of Discord allowed him to raise an army of evil doppelgangers and lay siege to Canterlot. For five years, chaos tore at the very heart of the kingdom. Armies of corrupted ponies, four-headed Hydras, and stranger beasts fought against the loyal defenders of Equestria, almost none of them having seen battle. In a climactic conflict at the palace of Canterlot, Luna and Celestia managed to slay the Lord of Chaos, while the Elements of Harmony unleashed their powers to defeat his army.

But peace had come at a terrible cost. Trottingham and Manehattan lay in ruins, while the great farmlands of Appleloosa were reduced to crater-marked plains. Ponyville and Canterlot, where the fighting had been the fiercest, were not much better off. However, life in Equestria was slowly making its way back to normal. Five years after the beginning of the war, ponies all over the world could sleep easily once more.

However, for the Elements of Harmony, things would not return to normal for a long time…

Applejack sat under her favorite tree with the pony she loved, a tear rolling down her cheek. “You OK, Applejack?” Rainbow Dash asked, though she knew perfectly well what her friend was crying about. Two fields away, behind the barn, were two simple gravestones; one marked CARAMEL, the other BRAEBURN.

The earth pony forced a smile. “Oh, Dashie… Ah know Ah’ve got a li’l sister to take care of an’ a farm to run, but if Ah didn’t have you, Ah don’t…” Her voice trailed off. Rainbow Dash put a foreleg around her, pulling her close. “Shh, Applejack… shh. It’s OK, we’ve still got our friends! We’ve still got eachother! Think about how lucky we are.” Applejack knew that Dashie was right. Applebloom was almost a grown mare, but as a filly who had grown up in the midst of a war she needed her big sister around more than ever. Big Macintosh had taken the loss of his brothers hard, but Fluttershy had been helping him through it all, and these past few weeks Applejack seen him the happiest he’d been in years. And Granny Smith, the tough old mare, still moved with a swiftness that belied her years.

She leaned in towards the pegasus for a kiss, feeling better as their lips met in the cool autumn twilight. Just being around Rainbow Dash was enough to lift her spirits. “Dashie, sugarcube, can we go pay ‘em a visit? Please?”

“Of course, babe,” Rainbow Dash replied. “Here, hop on my back. I’ll fly us over there!” The Pegasus strained for a second before taking off, scattering red and orange leaves behind her.


The bedroom door flew open. Fluttershy, rubbing her eyes, dashed into the room, followed closely by the lumbering form of Big Macintosh. “Somethin’ the matter there, miss Pinkie?” Fluttershy was already holding the sobbing earth pony, rocking her back and forth. “Oh, Fluttershy, I had the dream again! THE DREAM! The one with the violence and the knives and the blood… Why does this keep happening to me? WHY??!” Pinkie Pie buried her face in Fluttershy’s mane, Big Macintosh placing a protective hoof on her back. “There, there,” Fluttershy whispered, holding her friend tightly. Pinkie’s nightmares had started about three days after the Battle of Canterlot, and almost every night she woke up screaming. She never told anypony exactly what the nightmares contained, but from her nocturnal mumblings they seemed to entail blood, carving knives, and… cupcakes. After a week or so of the gory dreams, Fluttershy and Big Mac had taken her in, and although the dreams were becoming less frequent she still woke up the house at least twice a week.

“Fluttershy, listen to me… All those horrible things in my dreams… Things I see myself doing… Oh, Fluttershy, I’d never hurt you! I’d never hurt any of my friends! She sniffed, wiping her nose on her foreleg. “You… you know that, don’t you?”

“Of course, of course,” the yellow Pegasus soothed. “We all know that. Now, don’t you think some nice cocoa will get those nasty dreams out of your little head?” Pinkie Pie, still sniffling, nodded. “All right, then. I’ll go put on some water…” There was a sudden knock at the front door, making Fluttershy jump. “Oh my goodness… Mac, please go see who that is?”

Twilight Sparkle and Rarity stood on the doorstep, worried expressions on their faces. They had heard the screams, and knew at once what had happened. Pinkie… Big Macintosh opened the door grimly. “Evenin’ Miss Twilight, Miss Rarity…” The big colt looked like he hadn’t slept in weeks. Between the loss of Caramel and Braeburn, and Pinkie Pie’s recurring nightmares, he probably hadn’t. “Mac, we brought some tea,” Twilight said sadly. “And brioche!” Rarity piped up. “Please let us help, any way we can…”

The five ponies gathered around the dining room table, Pinkie Pie shaking like a leaf as she sipped her cocoa. Rarity had wrapped the hysterical earth pony in a warm shawl, and Twilight Sparkle had conjured up a tissue box for her friend. “Thank you,” Pinkie Pie squeaked. “Thank you all so much, I’m so sorry… Please, please forgive me.” The door opened again, and Rainbow Dash and Applejack came running in. “We heard the screamin’ and figured somepony was havin’ a nightmare!” Applejack said. The orange-coated pony and her girlfriend sat down at the table on either side of Pinkie. Rainbow Dash patted her on the back. “Look,” Fluttershy whispered, taking the earth pony’s hoof. “Pinkamina Diane, look at all these ponies who love you, who care about you!” Pinkie Pie smiled weakly. “It’s… it’s the war, isn’t it, Twilight?”

“Yes, Pinkie,” Twilight frowned. “But we should be grateful for all of this, for what we have, after so many ponies lost so much.” The ponies all shifted closer to eachother, remembering what life had been like during those dark years…

Chapter One

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A medical tent was frightening for any pony, but these past few weeks had been especially hard on Fluttershy. The timid Pegasus was eager to help in any way she could, but this was different from mending a mouse’s hurt paw or curing a sick ferret. These were her fellow ponies getting hurt out there, in a real war with real injuries. Every day brought new horrors- just this morning she’d held the hoof of a white Pegasus whose wings had been badly singed. It was Cloudkicker, the cute, outgoing new recruit to the Air Corps. The expectant look on the poor mare’s face, and the grim news that she would never fly again, were more than Fluttershy could bear. While Nurse Redheart comforted the sobbing pony, she stepped outside into the cold, rainy morning.

“’Scuse me, ma’am,” drawled a low voice behind her, making her jump five feet in the air.
“Oh, um… hello…” Fluttershy squeaked.

“Ah beg your pardon, didn’t mean to startle ya. Big Mac’s the name, and Ah’m in charge of the defenses ‘round these parts. The Mac’s short for Macintosh, if you’re wonderin’.” Fluttershy looked up for the first time. The red colt in front of her must’ve easily been seven feet tall. Around his neck were a heavy wooden yoke and a tarnished medal, and scars covered his muscular frame. However, his eyes were kind and he was very polite, and Fluttershy knew that this was a pony she could talk to. “Oh… hello,” she said. “Um… My name is Fluttershy…”

The Pegasus and the earth pony sergeant walked through the camp, occasionally stopping to give an encouraging word to Fillydelphia’s beleaguered garrison. The Pegasus Corps had suffered the hardest- only a few of them sat around the fires, huddling under blankets or clutching mugs of strong tea. There were dark circles under their eyes- most of the army hadn’t slept in days. Big Macintosh led the way to the mess hall, where they collected a mug of tea apiece. Fluttershy took a sip and almost spit it back out. The tea wasn’t very good quality, but it was a nice gesture nonetheless. She smiled up at the earth pony. “Thank you. This is… wonderful.”

The two ponies sat down under a nearby oak tree, away from the hustle and bustle of the encampment. “Now then, Miss Fluttershy, what’s troublin’ ya? Ah couldn’t help but notice that ya seem a mite down.” Fluttershy raised her head, peeking out from behind her mane. “Well, um, you see…”

And just like that, it all came pouring out. Her concern for her friends on the front lines, the heart- wrenching events of the medical tent that morning, the constant fear of-well, everything these days. Much to her surprise, the big colt was a very good listener, nodding in solemn agreement and encouraging her with a friendly “eeyup”. Amidst the sounds of artillery fire and Pegasi streaking overhead, the two ponies chatted for what seemed like hours.

“Sergeant Macintosh! What in Celestia’s name do you think you’re doing?”
Big Macintosh snapped to attention immediately, while Fluttershy squeaked and hid behind her mane. The stern voice belonged to a slim-waisted but powerfully built earth pony, her brown mane streaked with gray. “Ah do apologize, Captain Deadeye,” Big Macintosh replied. “Ah was just tryin’ to help poor Miss Fluttershy here.” The captain looked at Fluttershy appraisingly and mouthed the words: New recruit? Big Macintosh nodded. They’d both seen what a campaign like this could do to a pony like Fluttershy. “Well met, Nurse,” said Captain Deadeye, smiling grimly. “Macintosh, as much as I appreciate what you’re doing, you need to be preparing for the attack tonight.”

The red colt saluted. “Will do, Captain.” He turned to Fluttershy. “Beggin’ your pardon, Miss, but If you’ll excuse me...” He hugged the yellow pegasus gently. “Oh,” Fluttershy replied, blushing. “Um... Please be careful.”

Big Macintosh looked around at his squad, slumped around the campfire. These ponies would go “over the top” again tonight, in an effort to take the fight to Discord. Lyra looked over a crumpled note for the hundredth time, tears falling on the paper as she read. Caramel re-adjusted his war-harness again and again, trying not to betray how nervous he was. As the youngest member of the squad, he was determined to prove himself on the battlefield. Bluegrass strummed a few chords on his old guitar, humming weakly. Only Braeburn seemed unperturbed, munching on an apple as he gazed into the flames.

“What’s up, big bro?” Braeburn chuckled, tossing his apple core into the fire. “Nice night for a rumble, ain’t it?” The younger colt grinned recklessly. “Can’t think of anythin’ I’d rather be doin’... of course, there is a little filly waitin’ for me back home in Appleloosa.” Big Macintosh shook his head. “This is serious, Braeburn. Ah don’t want any o’ my kin gettin’ hurt out there!” He gestured with one hoof to the rest of the squad. “These here are the finest ponies Ah’ve ever had the privilege of servin’ with. Now, Ah know y’all can look out for yourselves, but I want ya to stick with Caramel, OK? Just make sure the kid don’t get too roughed up.” Braeburn nodded. “Don’t worry, Mac, I’ll take care of the li’l fella. YA HEAR THAT, CARAMEL?!” he shouted. “LOOKS LIKE I’LL BE SAVIN’ YER FLANK!” Caramel chuckled in spite of himself. Even Lyra cracked a smile, folding up her letter from Bon-Bon. “I’m ready for anything, Sarge,” she piped up. Bluegrass swung his guitar over his back and pawed the ground. “Ah reckon Ah’m as ready as I’ll ever be,” he murmured. The five ponies tensed, eagerly awaiting the signal.

Back at the medical tent, Fluttershy’s heart pounded in time with the war-drums. Nurse Redheart glanced nervously at the little pegasus for what seemed like the hundredth time- she was shaking like a leaf. Macintosh and Deadeye were leading the attack tonight...

Thunder crashed. War-drums boomed. All around, the maniacal laughter of Discord could be heard as an army of evil ponies teleported onto the field. The first Pegasus squadrons darted out to engage the enemy. “This is it, y’all!” Big Mac cried over the sounds of battle. “Jus’ stay behind me an’ don’t do anythin’ stupid! CHARGE!!!!”

The earth ponies galloped forth, charging into the jaws of Chaos itself. Boulders and lightning bolts crashed to the ground around them. Pegasi fought against each other in the skies above, and every so often a small, winged form would fall to earth. Oh, please don’t let that be anypony Ah knew, Big Mac thought. His squad was approaching Discord’s army now, and a small group of gray ponies moved to intercept them. “Git ready...” he murmured through gritted teeth.

Big Mac lowered his head and plowed into the nearest anti-pony, knocking the grey colt backwards. Braeburn windmilled his hooves and caught another in the face, sending the evil pony reeling. Lyra hung back and cast protective spells as Caramel and Bluegrass galloped forward. More of Discord’s evil minions circled around Big Macintosh and were felled by a vicious flurry of hooves. However, across the field, Deadeye’s troops were falling, brought down by foul magic and sheer weight of numbers. The one-eyed mare stood alone, surrounded by doppelgangers. “Is that all you’ve got?” she growled, knocking a black-maned unicorn to the ground. “Come on, you filth!” She leapt at another enemy, front hooves flying. “PONIES! TO ME!”

Big Mac looked up, the captain’s shouts ringing in his ears. He glanced over to the hillside, where a host of black and grey unicorns were levitating boulders in mid-air. Laughing maliciously, they launched the boulders eastward. Lyra was the first to react. “C’mon, guys! Move!” The squad galloped forward as fast as they could, keeping their heads down. Rocks crashed around them, throwing up huge clouds of dirt and earth. Coughing and choking, Big Mac emerged from the cloud. “Roll call, everypony! Who’s hurt?”

“I’m okay, I think,” Lyra moaned, rubbing her head. Bluegrass grunted in agreement, inspecting his precious guitar. “Takes more than that to hurt me!” Braeburn replied with his usual cockiness. “Hold up now... where’s Caramel?”

Macintosh’s heart pounded in his throat. “Caramel! CARAMEL!” he called through the dust. Bluegrass’ voice shook as he raised a hoof in the direction of a large impact crater. “L...Look,” he croaked. Poking out from the rubble was a cream-colored hoof. Big Mac felt his eyes begin to tear up. Lyra, huddled into a sitting position, choked back sobs. Only Braeburn seemed unmoved. “I’m goin’ after him,” he muttered. Before the other ponies could respond, the earth pony was running back in the direction of the craters. “I’m goin’ back for ‘im!” Big Mac galloped at his cousin’s heels. Ah done told him not to do anything stupid...

Braeburn reached his little brother’s body, and stooped down to hoist the lifeless colt onto his shoulders. “C’mon, Caramel,” Braeburn laughed darkly. “Let’s go home.” A sinister cackle echoed above him. A midnight-blue pegasus, clad in the uniform of the Shadowbolts, perched on the cliffside. “Aww, isn’t that sweet,” the mare laughed in a gravelly voice. “How’d ya like to join him, cowboy?” She took flight, crashing into Braeburn and shattering his ribs. The earth pony lashed out with his front hooves, coughing up blood as he did so. The Shadowbolt circled around and rammed into him again, knocking Braeburn to the ground. “What’s the matter, stupid? I thought earth ponies were supposed to be tough!” She removed her goggles, looking down into her victim’s eyes as she planted a hoof on his bloodied chest. In one final act of defiance, Braeburn spat in her face. “Nopony... calls me... stupid.” As the deputy sheriff of Appleloosa drew his last desperate breath, the evil mare zoomed away. Big Mac sank to his knees, repeating Caramel and Braeburn’s names over and over.

The yellow pegasus closed her eyes as another pair of bodies were carried into the medical tent. She’d seen this dozens of times over the course of the night, but that didn’t soften the blow any. Willing herself to look, she saw the frayed remnants of a Stetson hat and a brown vest. “Oh, no...” she whispered, hooves covering her eyes again. Applejack’s cousins were both dead. With a frightened squeak, she realized that Big Macintosh was still out there...

A commotion at the tent’s makeshift door shattered her thoughts. Big Macintosh, pushing his way past the orderlies and nurses, staggered over to where his cousins lay. Caramel was still covered by a sheet, and Mac couldn’t bear to lift it, couldn’t bear to look at the little guy. Braeburn’s eyes were wide open, and his trademark vest was black with blood. “No...” Big Macintosh whispered. “You idiot. You great... big...” He swung around, knocking a shelf of medical supplies to the floor. “...stupid... applebuckin’... IDIOT!”

“Um, excuse me,” a timid voice squeaked. “Please stop dropping things on me.” Big Mac’s eyes grew wide as he heard the familiar voice. He caught a glimpse of a pair of large green eyes before Fluttershy jumped him, knocking the wind out of the weary colt. “I’m so sorry,” Fluttershy whispered. “I’m so sorry... I’m so sorry...”

“Miss Fluttershy,” Big Mac gasped. “What’re ya still doin’ here? The rest o’ the army’s retreatin’.”

“I... um... just wanted to make sure that you know... not dead,” she squeaked. “Well, you see, you’re Applejack’s brother, and Applejack’s one of my best friends, and that makes you my friend... and, well...” She muttered something Big Mac couldn’t hear.

“Sorry, sugarcube, Ah didn’t quite catch that.”

“Um... oh my goodness...” she blushed even more. “I think I have, um, feelings for you. You listen to me and you’re a good friend and a great brother to Apple Bloom, and...” She broke off. Big Mac stood there, jaw slightly askew, eyes glazed over. “W...what’s the matter?”

“Nothin’ at all, ma’am,” Big Macintosh replied. “I dunno whether it’s this war an’ all, or just mah less than spectacular track record, but Ah reckon Ah feel the same way towards you.” Fluttershy gazed up at the tired soldier, green eyes wide. “You mean...”

“Eeyup. Ah love ya, Fluttershy.” That was all she needed to hear. All shyness forgotten, she threw her forelegs around his neck and planted a kiss on the startled farmer’s face. Gesturing wordlessly, Fluttershy led the red colt out into the moonlight, gazing up at the stars. The armies of Celestia had been dealt a grievous blow today, there was no doubt. Many good ponies had been lost, and dark days lay ahead for Equestria. However, there was one thing Discord could never take away... hope.

Chapter 2- Flight of the Wonderbolts

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Manehattan had been under siege for two long years, and it showed. The city walls were cracked and crumbling, and in the residential districts burned-out houses bore testament to heavy Pegasus raids. However, in recent weeks the skies had been relatively clear, allowing the beleaguered ponies to concentrate their efforts on Discord’s earthbound troops. The city’s savior stood atop the tallest watchtower, cropped orange mane blowing in the wind as she cast another anxious glance westward. Misty should’ve been back by now...

Far below, on the city’s inner wall, the crew of a trebuchet wrestled the cumbersome siege engine into place.

“Range 450 meters, captain!” the unicorn crewmare cried, a spyglass held to her eye. Behind the catapult itself, a weather-beaten mare adjusted her cowgirl hat. “Angle?”

“36 degrees, captain!” called a cream-colored pegasus.


Spitfire sighed. It was all the same. Since the beginning of the Great War, the Wonderbolts had acted as Equestria’s shock troops, moving from city to city and providing air support wherever the fighting was thickest. Her team had brought down Pegasi, griffons and even a dragon- but the constant fighting and retreating, fighting and retreating had taken a toll on their health. She knew that most of her troops hadn’t had a good night’s sleep since they left Cloudsdale. Equestria’s military might was formidable, but against an enemy who defied all known laws of physics, what chance did they have? If her torn blue jumpsuit was any indication, not much.

A rainbow blur streaked across the sky, interrupting her reverie. “Hey, beautiful!” the rainbow-maned pegasus called, touching down and brushing off her wings. Rainbow Dash looked the polar opposite of her commander, vibrant and full of life even in a war zone like this. Her goggles and flight suit were heavily damaged, but her trademark cockiness remained.

“Status report, hon,” Spitfire replied, grinning for the first time in weeks. Annoying as she could be, there was no denying that Rainbow was a laugh to have around. And she’s cute, too.

“Aww, nothin’ much. Got attacked by a squadron of Griffons on my scouting run- nothin’ Rainbow Dash couldn’t handle, of course.” She unpacked her saddle bags, several small packages tumbling out as she spoke. “And I got us breakfast. Hope you like muffins!”


“Huh? You mean muffmmmphhh-“Rainbow’s sentence was cut off as Spitfire placed a hoof over her mouth. Wordlessly, the yellow mare raised a hoof overhead, where a grey yellow-maned pegasus zigzagged across the sky.

“Ohhhhhh.” Rainbow Dash nodded in understanding. Then, louder: “HI, DERPY!” The grey mare waved back to them, almost losing her balance as she struggled with her heavy mailbag. While it was nice of Princess Celestia to give Derpy a battlefield role, it was anypony’s guess what she actually did. “Anyway, all’s quiet to the South. Any word from Misty yet?”

“No,” Spitfire replied. “That’s what has me worried. The girl’s a great flyer, and she’s too smart to get lost. The only thing I can think of is that she’s-“She broke off. Misty couldn’t be dead. She had to be delayed somehow...

But for the rest of the day, the green-maned Wonderbolt did not return. It wasn’t until the following morning that Misty came flying back, listing to the left from a wing injury. Her jumpsuit was reduced to blue-and-yellow scraps, and scars covered her face and body. Upon landing, she leaned against the battlements, her breath coming in short, wracking gasps.

“Spitfire...” she gasped. “They’re coming from the west. Hundreds...Thousands...and-” She paused. “The Shadowbolts. I saw them- I didn’t even think they were real...” A tear rolled down her bruised cheek. “Spitfire- Dash- we’re screwed.” Even as she tried to reassure Misty, the Pegasus captain knew it was true. Manehattan had only a few hundred Pegasi, and barely 150 were battle-ready. “Shh... Hit the showers, sweetie. Rainbow Dash, alert Princess Luna right away.”

Princess Luna lay on the floor of her temporary study, her mane and tail a tangled mess. For weeks now she’d been poring over the logistics of the war, coordinating attack runs and supply lines. Her kingdom needed her more than ever, and this war was her one big chance to redeem herself. She was putting the finishing touches on a supply drop for the embattled citizens of Appleloosa when a rapid knocking caused her concentration to break, the quill she was levitating dropping to the ground. “Enter!” she commanded.

“Princess Luna!” Rainbow Dash gasped. “I’m really sorry to bother you, but we’ve got a HUGE problem on our hooves right now!”

“What is this ‘problem’ of which you speak, Lieutenant Dash?”

“Misty just got back from her scouting run. There’s thousands of flyers inbound, and they’ve got the Shadowbolts with them.” Luna shook her head in disgust. The sadistic Pegasi had made a name for themselves these past two years, launching lightning raids on Manehattan, Trottingham and even as far as Stalliongrad. Luna also knew of Dash’s personal vendetta against their leader, Nightshade, who had killed Braeburn and...Gilda, during the initial blitz of Cloudsdale.

“Curses,” Luna replied. “Rainbow Dash, spread the word to Spitfire, and tell her to marshal the Wonderbolts immediately. The Pegasus Corps will rally atop City Hall. Quickly, my dear!”

A few minutes later, Cloudsdale’s finest were suited up and ready to go. The skies had grown dark, and lightning flashed while thunder rumbled ominously. The other Wonderbolts exchanged nervous glances as Rainbow conferred with Spitfire.

“We can’t split up the team, Rainbow Dash.”

“Why not? If each of us leads a squadron we can catch ‘em on the approach and take ‘em out!”

“Dash, I will not stand by and watch my teammates get picked off one by one! If we stay together as a unit, we can take down key elements of the enemy’s air support. How long do you honestly think we’ll survive individually?”

“Long enough to WIN! These are the best fliers in Equestria!”

“Enough. As captain of the Wonderbolts, I will stand by my decision. The Wonderbolts will remain together for the attack.” Rainbow Dash stewed for a second- she hated losing arguments. Meeting the yellow mare’s eyes, however, her face softened.
“Okay,” she said. “But none of you better die on me!”
As if on cue, a crackling portal opened in the clouds, tearing the very fabric of reality at the seams. Black and grey Pegasi poured from the vortex, smoke and lightning following in their wake. At the head of the attack, seven pegasi flew in close formation, clad in matching black-and-purple jumpsuits. These, then, were the Shadowbolts- those who were destined to kill-or be killed by- Spitfire’s team. Cackling, Nightshade pointed a hoof towards the walls of Manehattan. Her squad-mates, in close formation, followed suit. A wild-eyed purple mare, her mane crackling with static electricity, darted in and out of the squad, giggling like a madmare. The rumors were true then- Blueball Blitz had escaped from the Cloudsdale asylum. Stratus, second-in-command of the Shadowbolts, rammed into the smaller pegasus with his shoulder, sending her spinning. The two ponies began to jostle each other in midair, until a barked command from Nightshade silenced them. Blueball still wore her maniacal grin.
“Wonderbolts,” Spitfire spoke, addressing her team. “Today, we fight not only for our honor, but the honor of Equestria itself! The Shadowbolts came looking for a fight, and that’s what we’ll give them! FOR THE PRINCESS!”
“FOR THE PRINCESS!” shouted the Wonderbolts, kicking into the air. The breeze rushed through their manes and ruffled their tails as they picked up speed, heading straight for Nightshade’s raiders. The Pegasus Corps fanned out behind them, ready to intercept Discord’s flyers. “Attack formation, ponies! On the double!” The Wonderbolts formed into an arrowhead-shaped formation as they rocketed towards their target. Spitfire lowered her flight goggles when a gravelly voice sent her reeling, scattering the ponies behind her.
“Well, well, well- if it isn’t the Wonderbolts,” the voice snickered. “Celestia sending her winged lapdogs to do the dirty work for her!” Spitfire bristled at the insult. “You should’ve wised up when you had the chance, Rainbow Dash,” Nightshade continued. “You could’ve had everything. We offer you the entire world in your hooves and how do you repay us?”
“You call this ‘everything’?” Rainbow Dash growled. “A group of outcasts and nutjobs ask me to join them- gee, let me think about it!”
“No matter,” the black-clad mare replied. “Your deaths will be a fine offering to the Lord of Chaos!” As soon as the words left her mouth, she launched herself at Spitfire, teeth bared. The two mares grappled with each other in midair as the Shadowbolts engaged their enemies. Stratus dove towards Misty, who twisted in midair to avoid the larger colt. Surprise was knocked backward by a lavender mare, an expression of disdain on her darkly beautiful face. “Wanna dance, little filly?” she chuckled.
“Ooh, I love dancing!” replied the yellow-maned pegasus. “Come and get me!”
Scanning the skies, Dash spied the trademark static trail of Blueball Blitz. “Hey, crazy!” she yelled. “Up here! You think you’re fast, huh? Well, let me tell you-“The words left her mouth as the madmare shot right past her head, cackling. “No,” she giggled. “I know I’m fast.” Twitching, Blueball took off into the clouds. “Better keep up!”
“Oh, no you don’t,” Rainbow Dash growled.
Misty circled around and slammed into Stratus’ ribs. The impact was like flying into a brick wall. “Hey, cutie,” he chuckled gruffly. “What’s a little mare like you doin’ out here? Shouldn’t you be back at the Playcolt shoot or something?” Red spots grew under Misty’s cheeks. She dodged a vicious kick to the head and came down again, this time striking the colt’s wing. “Okay,” Stratus growled. “I was gonna kill you. Now I’m gonna do worse .I’m gonna-” His voice was cut off as the mare bit down hard on his other wing, tearing it clean off with her teeth. “Not so tough now, are ya, big guy?” she laughed, as Nightshade’s brutal lieutenant spiraled out of control, crashing to the ground.
Blueball streaked through the storm clouds, dodging between the lightning bolts. Rainbow Dash struggled to keep up, yelping as a white-hot bolt passed within inches of her wing. “Still can’t catch me!” the midnight-blue mare giggled. “Wheee!” Infuriated, Rainbow Dash piled on the speed. She could feel the air heating up as she flew, building up into the all-too-familiar Sonic Rainboom. Blueball’s tail was just a few inches away. Right as she broke the sound barrier and the rainbow streak flashed across the sky, the electrified mare seemed to disappear. Only a blue trail of lightning remained. Another pony had broken the sound barrier? Impossible! Dash flapped her wings even harder to catch up.
Nightshade dug her teeth into Spitfire’s wing, causing the yellow mare to cry out in pain. The two mares flew just a few feet above the ground, trying to slam each other into the earth. Spitfire’s goggles had long since shattered, and her piercing blue eyes watered from the neck-breaking speeds. Steering her assailant towards the main keep, Spitfire took Nightshade’s mane in both hooves and rammed her into the floor. The two ponies rolled as they hit the tower, Nightshade bleeding profusely from a deep gash in her forehead.
“You are a brave one indeed, Spitfire,” the mare’s silky voice reverberated across the battlements. “Has it really been so long? Has the high and mighty Spitfire forgotten her former captain?”
“You were NEVER captain!” Spitfire shouted, circling the grounded pegasus. “You were an arrogant, egocentric mare who put her stupid publicity stunts before the safety of the ponies she was supposed to be PROTECTING!” She brought her hoof down on Nightshade’s wing with a sickening crunch. “You’re lucky Celestia didn’t kill you right then and there,” she spat. “Too bad I’m not in a merciful mood.”
Bringing her hoof down again, Spitfire was thrown off balance as Nightshade caught it between her forelegs. With a sharp twist, Nightshade snapped the yellow mare’s leg, leaving her doubled over in pain. Looking up at her attacker, tears of pain and humiliation in her eyes, Spitfire tried to speak. No words came out, only a thin stream of blood.
“That’s funny,” Nightshade purred, though there was no amusement in her voice this time. “Neither am I.”
Surprise dodged her assailant again, throwing Starry Skies off balance. “Gotcha!” Surprise laughed. “Looks like I beat ya!”
“Oh, I wouldn’t be so sure of that,” the lavender Shadowbolt chuckled. “You see, darling, I am the bad guy. And I’ve always got a trick or two up my sleeve.” Clicking her front hooves together, Starry Skies ducked into a cloud bank, and seconds later emerged behind a juvenile dragon, black scales glistening. Roaring, the beast spat a stream of acid-green flames at the white pegasus.
“Yikes!” Surprise shrieked. “My wings!” It was true, her wings had begun to smolder. Losing altitude fast, the Wonderbolt attempted to veer away from the scaly beast. However, the dragon was faster, and caught up to her in seconds. Surprise got a good look at the beast’s slavering maw before a yellow-and-green blur punched straight through one of its wings. Snarling, the dragon turned to face his new prey- just in time for Soarin’ to tear through its other wing. The dragon plummeted from the sky- and so did Surprise, a high-pitched scream emanating from her lips.
“I’m comin’, Surprise,” said Misty, through gritted teeth.
Blueball Blitz darted through the clouds, Rainbow Dash right on her tail. The turquoise pegasus was sweating now, despite the freezing could of the autumn sky. Nopony was faster than Rainbow Dash! This couldn’t be happening! With one last, desperate burst of speed, Rainbow Dash caught hold of Blueball’s tail, dragging the pony into an elegant free fall. As they grappled in midair, Rainbow came face to face with the crazed Wonderbolt- and froze. Blueball’s face was split by a manic grin, and static electricity danced across her mane, but those eyes were unmistakable.
“No... no... Bluebottle?”
Ten years ago, at summer flight camp, a field trip to the weather factory had gone horribly wrong. All the memories came flooding back- The weak little pegasus flying too close to the rainbow vats, her flight instructor trying to save the filly, the terrible storm that almost destroyed Cloudsdale itself...
“Rainbows...” Blueball muttered, a look of comprehension flitting across her face for an instant. Then, her mind snapped back to its addled state as she headbutted Dash, trying to break free. “Told you I was faster!” she laughed, accelerating towards the battlefield. Rainbow struggled with the insane pegasus, but couldn’t get her forelegs free. They were getting closer to the ground now...500 meters...400 meters...
“Bluebottle, let go! I promise I can find a way to help you!”
“Isn’t this fun?” Bluebottle giggled, not loosening her grip. Rainbow Dash squirmed and twisted in the air, freeing her forelegs as the ground rushed up to meet them. She pushed the mare away from her, bracing herself for impact-
“Dash, I’m scared,” the Shadowbolt whimpered, lightning crackling through her mane. Horrorstruck, Rainbow Dash could only watch as Bluebottle- or whatever had become of her- smashed into the ground, sending shock waves in all directions. She allowed herself a moment of sorrow for the mare she had thought dead, a friend from flight camp she would never see again. Her grief was interrupted, however, by the sight of Spitfire’s limp body tumbling from the roof of City Hall, a battered but triumphant Nightshade raising her hoof in a gesture of contempt.
In that instant, something snapped in Rainbow’s mind. Whether it was the shock of seeing the indomitable Spitfire fall, the awful, jeering expression on Nightshade’s face, or the memory of that one night they spent together, long before Applejack came along, it didn’t matter. With a scream of primal rage, Dash launched herself at Nightshade, her momentum carrying the startled Shadowbolt down into the street. Before the mare could react, Dash brought her hoof down into her chest- again, and again, and again. Nightshade opened her mouth to speak, but the words were lost to Rainbow Dash. The rainbow-maned pegasus slammed her attacker’s body into the pavement one more time, until she lay cold and lifeless. Frightened at the death of their leader, Discord’s flyers gave the signal to retreat, disappearing back through the portal. Rainbow Dash was too weak to even think about pursuing them. Holding up Nightshade’s bloody goggles for all to see, she staggered from the city, searching for Spitfire’s body.
The captain of the Wonderbolts had survived her fall- barely. Panting, she tried to force herself to a sitting position and collapsed, coughing up blood as she did so. A rainbow blur in the distance materialized itself as Dash walking towards her, a pair of bloody goggles in her teeth. “Rainbow...” she coughed. “You made me proud, kiddo.”
“Spitfire, please don’t-“
“Are those Nightshade’s goggles?” Rainbow Dash nodded, blinking back tears. “Good. I want you to keep them. Remember this day- wait,” she added, indicating her own shattered goggles. “Take mine, too. You’re in charge of the Wonderbolts now.”
“No- Spitfire- don’t talk like that! We’ll get you to a healer-“
Spitfire laughed weakly. “Honey, I’m too far gone. The Wonderbolts need a captain, and I wouldn’t trust anypony but you to carry on our legacy.” She winced again, fighting for breath as she forced her last words out. “The team- tell them how proud I am of them, and always have been of them. Rainbow, I...” Her voice grew weaker, barely a whisper now. “I love you.”
“I know,” replied Rainbow Dash. She couldn’t bear to say it back. She loved Spitfire, but in a different way than she loved Applejack. The captain of the Wonderbolts had been her idol, and in later years the mother she’d never known. “Spitfire-“
But as she turned back to the yellow mare, she knew it was too late. The yellow mare’s eyes were closed for good.
“Oh, Rainbow-“
Rarity’s sympathetic wailing brought her back to the present, transporting Rainbow Dash from the war-torn skies of Manehattan to Fluttershy’s kitchen table. Her friends had gathered around her during the tale, cold mugs of coffee forgotten. She glanced around at them, feeling weak and ashamed, not meeting anypony’s gaze except Applejack’s. The orange-coated earth pony stared back at her with the saddest eyes Rainbow Dash had ever seen.
“Um, could you excuse me for a second? I need to talk to Applejack... alone, Pinkie Pie.”
The two ponies unlatched the screen door and stepped out into the cool night air, flopping down on the old porch swing. “Applejack, I’m sorry for getting all emotional like this...”
“’T ain’t nothin’ to be sorry about, sugarcube,” Applejack replied, wiping the tears from her lover’s face. “Everypony gets emotional when they get to thinkin’ about... Well, you saw me this afternoon, didn’t ya?” Rainbow nodded, but kept her eyes closed as she huddled closer to Applejack. “Look, what’s done is done, an’ there ain’t anything y’all can do about it. Everything happens for a reason, don’t it? Spitfire was yer idol, an’ now that we’re all grown up who knows? Ah reckon Spitfire did the right thing, puttin’ ya in charge. You’re a great mare, Dashie, better than anypony Ah know. You’ll do great things. Ah know it.”
Rainbow Dash looked up at her marefriend with red, watery eyes. Applejack gazed back at her, a warm, trusting smile on her freckled face. She pulled the rainbow pegasus closer, and their lips met for the briefest of moments- but it was enough. Slowly disentangling herself from Rainbow’s embrace, Applejack led her back into their friend’s cottage. The whistle of a tea kettle broke the silence- that and the sound of hoofbeats on the front door.
Fluttershy, rubbing the sleep from her eyes, pulled open the door to let Lyra and Bon-Bon into her small, crowded home. “So sorry to trouble you,” the mint-green unicorn smiled. “We heard Pinkie was upset, and wanted to bring you over some brownies.” “I just took ‘em out of the oven!” Bon-Bon added, holding up a small, steaming wicker basket.
“Well, Miss Bon-Bon, you an’ Lyra just sit yerselves down,” Big Mac replied, mouth watering as the smell of freshly-baked brownies wafted through the cottage. “Seems like everypony’s feelin’ a mite restless tonight.”