Nightmare Colosseum

by Bleedin 2

First published

Nightmare Moon wants some entertainment and that's what she is going to get.

After deceiving Twilight Sparkle and her friends for a promise of power, Nightmare Moon took over with The Bearers of the Elements of Harmony's help. Soon there was eternal night and Princess Celestia was executed. After taking over Equestria and breaking rebellion after rebellion soon the The Bearers and their new princess ruled. Soon after, Nightmare Moon created a Colosseum for the common ponies to fight to the death for glory and higher status. This is the story of one eventful afternoon with Nightmare Moon and her bearers enjoying the violence under the everlasting night.

Chapter One: Death Flayer

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The blood-stained battle grounds, the decapitated body parts decaying at the side while insects and other vermin turned the flesh to dust. The raw stench of blood and feces from the defecated bodies that became sliced, burnt, mauled, and bludgeoned. The broken blades thrown on to the trash pile of dead piercing the fast decaying bodies. There was also a horrid smell that emanated off the disgusting battle field.

On high there were hundred's of ponies enjoying the violence from the onyx protrusion of the Colosseum that worked as seats. Ponies were shouting in the crowd insults to the dead, cursing and throwing whatever at their severely damaged bodies. Ponies were mounting each other getting off from the violence and fucking each other violently. Some even got down and suckled on their partner's part until they climaxed.

There were two blood encrusted gates on opposite sides of The Colosseum that had two opponent's housed ready to outright decimate their opponents. Decked in armor painted in opposite colors of red and blue that represented blood and favor.

From up high on the stands you could see the murderous intent on the face of the gladiators as if they wanted to meet with death face to face and bitch slap him across his cheek like the little girl he is. Higher upon the stands there was an independent stadium made for the higher classes and nobles. On this particular day it housed a goddess and her loyal bearers watching intently on the vicious combat below.

From left to right, there was Rainbow Dash the Unfaithful who believed that pony kind did not need to believe in a higher god to succeed. She was clothed with a testament against religion and belief itself, a white regalia with spikes covered across her shoulder pads and her armored leggings as well. There was Fluttershy the Hurtful that believed in exploiting weakness to strengthen an individual until they are perfection incarnate.

She herself wore a hateful shirt that specifically said "You Suck" in bold black letters across the chest. Pinkie Pie the Suffering who believed pain was superior to all emotions. She wore nothing, only the scars across her body to show the joy of suffering to her subjects.

In the middle there was the Tyrant Goddess herself who was wearing her familiar armor that showed her tyrannical visage in all its glory. She sat intently just waiting and anticipating in excitement what the next bloody battle would turn out. Left of Nightmare Moon there was Applejack the Deceiver who believed that lies were superior to truth in every way. She wore an odd amalgamation of cloth that were bits and pieces of different fabric from denim to silk all patched up together in one single cloth.

Right next to her was Rarity the Hungry who believed the more the merrier and to get it at any cost except your own. She wore an illustrious dress with many gems and rubies that were from her crown to her gown. Finally, there was Twilight Sparkle the Perverse, who believed that sexual nature that is abused and was now masturbating to the image of the muscled and strong gladiators pounding her to oblivion. She wore nothing, but, striped red socks that went up all the way to the pelvis. There was one thing all seven ponies had in common, they were smiling gleefully at the devastation before them.

Rainbow Dash shifted put towards her sisters and said "Whats taking so long for the next battle?". Her eyes showing impatience for blood. "I want to see more ponies beg for their lives!"

"Unfaithful, you'll get all the pain and blood you want in but a few moments." said Nightmare Moon. "So stop complaining, sit down and wait."

"Rainbow! Don't you know how much I hate complaining? It drives me sane to see a pony not want to suffer!" said Pinkie Pie. She giggled a bit before returning to watch the vermin chew up the bodies of the dead.

"Well, excuse me! I just want to see some more violence, that stuff always gets me hyped up...." Said Rainbow Dash. Crossing her hoofs in a disrespectful manner before returning to her bored perch.

"Twilight! Can you keep it down with that moaning? I can barely hear the limbs being chopped up last battle by the sound of your constant clopping!" said Rainbow Dash. Twilight Sparkle completely ignored her "friend" and continued to masturbate once more before climaxing and squirting vast amount of liquid and sighing in satisfaction. The liquid dropped on to a commoner below right on top of his head.

Twilight sighed once again in relief after satisfying her insatiable libido for the time being. Rainbow would watch in disgust Twilight's self-pleasuring and grimace from her joy.

"Rainbow Dash your just jealous of my continued prosperity!" said Twilight Sparkle with a snide. She waved her wetted hoofs in defiance to Rainbow's disgust. "A stingy pony like you could maybe try it sometime?"

"Not on your life! Perversity is just so demonic and religiously callous. I would never partake in such abusive behavior, well not anymore..."

"You do realize that some religions are against perversity? It promotes sexual deviancy and makes you more bound to earthly pleasures." said Twilight Sparkle. Twilight then moaned a horrific orgasm just to spite Rainbow and her logic.

"Quiet down you diseased flesh! I know how much illness you have conjured up from your activities!" said Rainbow Dash. She stood from her seat and pointed out her hoofs straight at Twilight to judge her. "You are basically a walking black plague! Wherever you slut yourself, you kill all your lovers for the sake of pleasure!"

"At least I'm not a walking contradiction! You say that god doesn't exist when in fact she is has been here all along!" said Twilight Sparkle. She motioned towards Nightmare Moon where the Goddess just sighed in displeasure. "Your very logic is infallible and unproven."

"Well at least I believe in something understandable while you just slut around with your walking death of a body!" said Rainbow Dash with scorn. "Your pretty much a real-life succubus, sucking the life out stallions for your own selfish needs!"

"Shut up! You pompous and arrogant nuisance!" screamed Twilight Sparkle. The comment got her so riled up that she stood up from her chair.

"No you Shut Up! You'll kill everyone here with your diseased breath!" retorted Rainbow Dash.

Annoyed beyond measure, Nightmare Moon had enough of their bickering and screamed out "BOTH OF YOU QUIET DOWN!". The loud Canterlot voice sprung the two aggressors back on to their seats. With disdain the two looked each other in hate and turned to watch the battle field in disappointment. Returning to her original voice she then addressed them both saying "How can you two argue when we are all having such a good time? Now I want you to apologize to each other."

The two looked each other in the face and stared at each other until Twilight Sparkle got the will to say sorry. In turn Rainbow belligerently apologized as well with a bit of arrogance, but, apologized none-the-less.

"Good, I am glad you both made up. Now look the battle is about to start." said Nightmare Moon. With a gleeful demeanor, Nightmare settled everyone to look upon the metal gates for the violence that was about to begin.

"Just fer the record, Yer both right." said Applejack. Rainbow and Twilight looked at her for they could not understand if she was lying or not, but, they returned to watch the battlefield as soon as the metal clad warriors were coming out.


The smell of death, the monstrosity of stallions and their discarded remains left to decay like nothing. All was not well for the Red Gladiator. Shivering behind the rising metal gate he could not help, but, feel that he was going to become like those before him. Fear almost consumed him before he remembered everything that he was fighting for. His teeth gritting against each other in rage. He had his job and he had to pursue it to the end.

The only thing that worried him was the fate of his enemy who most certainly had to die. Nothing personal of course, yet, it had been done. His metal visor covering his face whilst his heavy chain armor clinked on to his body and his Cutie Mark that showed on his exposed side. He grasped the silver tipped spear in his teeth and walked forward.

The Red Gladiator met up with his enemy and they both directed their attention to the goddess. The goddess rose from her perch as her bearers watched intently while smiling creepy. The Goddess cleared her throat to direct her attention towards the opponents before her.

"Welcome all to this auspicious occasion! Today we shall be enjoying the favorable bloodshed from these two powerful warriors that are ready to kill each other for our entertainment!". Nightmare Moon raised her hoof up and lowered it down.


A blood shaking scream was heard from The Blue Gladiator as he charged violently with his magically lifted mace. The Red Gladiator pressed his spear at the enemy's direction only for him to slam The Spear down in to the floor with the force of his mace. Rushing fast, The Blue Gladiator jumped and slammed the mace at the general direction of his foe only for the Red Gladiator to dodge out-of-the-way swiftly.

The Crowd screamed for the blood, the violence, all to satiate there animal tendencies. The Red Gladiator seeing an opening thrust his spear only for the enemy to lower down under the spear very quickly dodging the penetration of the spear, ready to slam the mace right on to his face.

Too! Fast!

With a knee-jerk-reaction, The Red Gladiator stepped away as fast as he could to the side and turned his spear right on to the enemy hitting and cutting off his horn in one swoop. Seeing that he disarmed his enemy, The Red Gladiator charged his spear ready to impale. The Crowd was dumbfounded by the intense battle, even the Princesses and her bearers could not look away from it, not even for a second.

The Blue Gladiator chomper on to the mace and deflected the very tip of the spear causing The Red Gladiator to lose balance. With one last charge The Blue ran with all his might to close in and finish off his opponent. The Red Gladiator smashed the spear as hard as he could right on to the metal helm of the blue disorienting the crazed stallion.

They both charged with their weapons, there eyes strong with killing and ferocious intent. Then it was clear who had won for the spear completely pierced the Stallions flesh puncturing through his tough metal armor. Blood trickled down the spear as it shook from the ferociously dying stallion before him.

The Red looked upon his opponent's red face to see tears pouring from his eyes. He started to make something from his lips that The Red had to listen carefully.

"I.... failed... my... family...."

The Red, surprised by these words and dropped the spear from his teeth letting the poor stallion die on to the ground. The Red saw his enemy fall to the ground and go limp. He looked at his enemy dead on the ground so peaceful and sad. He directed his attention to the crowd and screamed while standing up, outstretched his hoofs a victorious battle cry.

"I am The Death Flayer! I laugh at death itself!"

The Crowd of the ponies screamed on the top their lungs the name that was sprung from the victors mouth.

"Death Flayer! Death Flayer! Death Flayer! Death Flayer!"

The Red now known as The Death Flayer was basking in his glorious victory.

End of part 1.