My Best Friend and Worst Rival.

by prototype-pon3

First published

Before applejack and Rainbow dash became friends AJ once had a different friend, but things changed as her world got flipped.

This is story a out how Applejack, and Rainbow Dash once worst enemies became best friends. But at the sacrifice of another once great friendship.

The First Friend.

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"NO GRANNY SMITH, I DON'T WANNA GO TO SCHOOL!" Applejack pleaded, but to no avail she was pulled to school put in a chair and was told to be on her best behavior, being the good filly she was she did as she was told. She sat there looking forward and waiting for the teacher to come in. She looked at her surroundings looking from student to student, one stood out in-particular, she had a rainbow mane that was more of a fuzz ball really, "H-howdy there, what's your name?" the rainbow filly looked at her, "are the one that was complaining she didn't want to come and sit?" applejack blushed but said "Y-yes i am" the rainbow filly simply said, "I don't talk to babies sorry." Applejack being a little hot head at the time screamed at her "I AIN'T NO BABY!" she said, "hehe nice try like i haven't heard that one before." Applejack went back to waiting for the teacher, Rainbow Dash sat there quietly chuckling to herself thinking about how clever she was. The teacher had finally walked in, "Good morning class how are we this morning?" The entire class except for Applejack answered with "good" she sat there thinking about how rude that rainbow filly is...

After what seemed like an eternity lunch came around, the teacher dismissed them, and Applejack sat at a table by herself, while she saw that every other filly and colt went and surround rainbow dash, all except one. The only colt that didn't surround her was one with black hair, red eye's, and glasses, he walked over to Applejack and sat next to her. He asked "what are you doing sitting by yourself?" Applejack looked at the filly amazed he wasn't zapped by the rainbow fillies beauty, she said "Nothing I'm new here and I haven't made any friends yet." she looked at the filly in the eye's as she said that, "Well if you want I'll be your friend, if it's OK with you." He said with a warm smile, Applejack looked at him as if he just asked her on a date, cheeks red as could be and eye's big and round, "I'd love to have you as a friend, what's you name?" She asked, he said "My name is Jeff, what's your name?" he asked, she said "Applejack, or AJ for short" she said with a smile. "Well then Applejack is it ok if I eat lunch with you?", he asked. "Of course come and sit next to me." He did as he was told and sat next to her and began eating his lunch as did she. From then on there friendship grew stronger and stronger as they grew closer and closer.

15 years have passed since then, Applejack grew into a full grown mare and Jeff grew into a stallion, they kept in touch through out the years, but after he had died Applejack feel into a deep depression. The details of his death where never reveled, but Applejack didn't want to know either way, it was then that she had gone to his house and looked at his house for the last time, they were going to let a new family move in. Applejack looked touching some of the memories they shared, photographs, old stuffed animals, and the lunch box he carried when he was a colt. All the memories came swarming back and she broke down crying, she had ran into his bed room and lied on his bed. She kept crying for several hours, after she was done she had ended up accidentally falling asleep. When she woke up she took one last stroll around the house, tears fresh in her eye's she saw something, something small that had a note that read "for Applejack thanks for being one of my best friends" as she read the note, her tears began over flowing again. She took the box and opened it.

The Box

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What was in the box only made her cry even more, inside of the box was a ring and on the ring it said, "For now and forever" in cursive. As soon as she saw this she couldn't stop crying, she cried for the rest for the day, when she finally got herself together she went home.

While walking home it started raining, hard, but she didn't care, the only thing she could think about was Jeff. As she walked home she noticed that the clouds began to clear, she looks up and see's a blue Pegasus, with a rainbow mane, but she took little notice and kept walking. That's when the Pegasus noticed her, she cleared the rest of the clouds and flew down to meet her.

"Hey what's got you so blue?" she asked, Applejack kept walking, "Hello? you in there?" she kept trying to get her to talk, Applejack looked at the mare and said "I lost a friend, and I found out that he." she held out the box in her hoof, "oh I'm sorry to hear that" she said in a voice of sadness, "it's alright" she said about ready to cry again. "Hey don't cry, I'm sure this guy meant a lot to you, more then I can ever imagine but ask yourself, would he want you to be doing this?"

Applejack looks at the box and then at the mare, "your right, he would want me to move on. But he was my only friend." she said, Rainbow dash looks at her, "Well if you want I can be you friend." Applejack looks at her, "You really mean that?" she asked in a voice mixed with happiness and sadness. "Yeah, I'm always looking to make new friends" she says as she smiles, "Thanks you kindly" Applejack says through tear filled eye's. "Anytime, now what do you want to do?" she asked, "Well I guess I should drop this off at my house first, and then we can do something." "Alright I'll be waiting right here." "OK I'll be right back" she runs home and puts the box in one of her dressers, "I'm sorry Jeff, sorry I didn't see the signs." She goes back to the place she met the blue mare.

The New Friendship

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On her way back to her new friend, Applejack couldn't help but wounder, wounder this blue mare new the exact same words as Jeff when he first approached her. She forgot about it as she reached her destination, "Sorry to keep you waiting. Oh and I'm Applejack, what's your name?" she said with a smile, "I'm Rainbow Dash" she to said with a smile. The name echoing in her head, and her mane being as colorful as it was, she tried remembering but it was no use, she couldn't remember.

"So Applejack, tell me, what do you like to do in your free time?" asked rainbow dash, Applejack looked at her "Well i usually spend most of the day bucking apples from tree's, so I can't really say i do anything because i don't really have free time." She said, "Hmmmm well are you athletic?", "Of course i am" she said. "Well then" rainbow dash said with a smirk, "I challenge you to an iron pony contest." Applejack looked at her with a questioning look, "Iron pony?". "It's when you do a series of athletic things, one right after the other" applejack smirked, "You'r on" she said with intensity in her voice.

"Good, I hope you can keep up." rainbow dash said with a wide smile, "I don't think I'm the one that's gonna fall behind." they kept bickering at each other trying to convince the other that they were dominate, this went on for 10 minutes until finally they set out to start the challenges.