Farewell to Innocence

by Giggly Tickles

First published

Rainbow Dash loses sight of her innocence after it is forcefully taken from her.

Big McIntosh's torments about his inability to please his urges and finally get satiated when he divises a plan to court a young mare named Rainbow Dash. His efforts leaves Rainbow dash in a state of disbelief and regret of a walk in Everfree Forest alone one midsummer afternoon.

Farewell to Innocence

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Today, she rests on the puffy white clouds of Equestria acting as if nothing ever happened. Like yesterday was but a dream. No one knew anything of it, and to be honest, even now she continues to doubt her recollection. Veiled in secrecy, Rainbow Dash keeps much of her past to herself. The following is a memory unbenounced to most.

There were indeed other inhabitants of Equestria besides Rainbow Dash. One in particular was Big McIntosh. Day after day Big Mac would spend hours on end working on the farm. There was something about doing such mundane tasks every day without a single hope of salvation. However, Big Mac had discovered one benefit of being a pony; the ever-so-popular young pegasus called Rainbow Dash. She was the most beautiful thing he had ever laid his eyes upon. His desperation was the raw material of simply being in a rut. The nights around the farm got awfully lonely, but now he would have someone to share them with; even if she wouldn’t volunteer to. After all, everyone needed some form of relaxation, and that salvation he dreamed so much of could only be offered by the one and only Rainbow Dash. Big Mac didn’t know a lot, but he did know one thing for sure; he was going to have her. All of her.

Several months passed as the cool of spring surrendered to the unbearable heat of summer. It was late June now, and Big Mac was growing more impatient by the minute. He had on several occasions visited the young Rainbow Dash while she spent time in her special place in the woods. He tried desperately each time to charm and woo her but to no avail. She spurned him each time, and each time she spurned him he got angrier. "What makes her so damn special?" he kept asking himself. After all, she was just a pony, and one of many at that. She should have been thrilled that Big Mac would try and court her, but alas, she wasn't. He had to formulate a new plan of action. After days of in depth analysis, he came to a conclusion; he would just rape her.

Big McIntosh had done a lot of things in his life that neither Celestia nor himself would have been proud of, but he had never gone so far as to physically harm a mare. He had had his share of scuffles with stallions, but never had he struck a mare. However he knew that all he needed was a gentle push in the right direction and the girl in the woods would be his catalyst.

Because of his limited social skills (which were nonexistant), he could never develop relationships with the female ponies. He just didn't have the looks or personality. After all, he only ever muttered a few choice words. Well, after seeing the young sweet Rainbow Dash he could dispel any remnants of shyness he still had.

Dashie was out exploring Everfree Forest on a lovely spring day, and life was abundant in every living creation. She found an old, long dead tree log and decided to sit down and view the small pond some twenty yards away. Dashie loved to watch the ripples dance across the pond. To her it was serene and peaceful. She had been there for what seemed only minutes but in reality had been most of the afternoon. She saw the sun sinking slowly behind the trees and with it the brilliance of its fiery orange light. It was time to be getting home for supper. Dashie sprang up and turned to cross over the log when, suddenly, she felt a sharp pain below her right knee. Looking down, she saw a water moccasin still coiled up and ready to strike again.

It was getting close to sundown on a hot Saturday afternoon. By this time, Big Mac was well through the apple picking for today. He began to think about his sweet Dashie in the woods. As he did so, lust was growing in his loins. Throwing the last few apples into the wagon, he decided it was time for action. If she was in the woods, she was going to be his; at least for several minutes. Today was the day he would get what he had lusted for all these months.

He crept quietly to where the thick oak trees of Everfree Forest began. From a distance he spotted his prey. She was where she usually was; sitting on that old fallen log daydreaming and watching the day go by. He proceeded to fall to the ground and crawl to within a few feet of her. All the while, thoughts like those a foal hoping for the sound of santa’s sled on the rooftop on Christmas Eve began to wind their way through his tormented little brain. This time there would be no conversing with her. He was going to get the drop on her and do what he came here to do.

Big Mac carefully moved closer trying to avoid detection. The beautiful pegasus was still ignorant of his presence. He realized he would need some way to subdue her. He looked down at his hooves and realized he had his method of subduction right beneath his nose. After all, everypony did pride him in his strength. One strike across the back of her head should knock her out. Yep, one strike and his dream would be in reach. He just had to control himself long enough to have the element of surprise on his side. This was going to be tough given his limited mental capacity and the clear inability to think critically.

He could feel the anxiety starting to tear him apart. He could wait no longer. If he didn't act soon, he was going to either alert her or back down from his plan. Taking one last look, he sprang up behind the unknowing mare and moved swiftly toward her. As he did, a branch of the aforementioned dead tree below his feet began to crackle, thus alerting Rainbow Dash to his presence. She turned around and saw the menace coming toward her, but it was too late to react. With one quick swing of his hoof, it connected with a solid blow to her skull.

Instantly, Dashie fell to the ground and bruise marks began to surface along her backside. She was too stunned to know what exactly was happening, but could calculate the fact that she was far from safe. Big Mac clopped over to her, positioned himself over her ferm buttock. Rainbow Dash reached deep down and tried to form words to move past her lips.

"Please don't do this to me." Rainbow Dash begged, "Please."

"Nnnnnope," Was the response from her attacker, now poised for rape.

There it was; the prize he had longed for. He stood up again, this time removing his collar. In a matter of seconds, he was inside her. With each thrust, he drove harder, deeper into her blue vagina, asserting his authority over her with each stroke. Low grunts emanated from his mouth.

“Yyyyup,” he moaned, “yyyyup.”

Rainbow Dash only lay there, quietly whimpering to herself as her womanhood and innocence was forcefully taken from her. Within seconds, he felt what he had dreamt of, his sweet release of lust for her. Quickly, he rose up, semen dripping down onto her cutie mark. He took one last look at her and spat on her for good measure. She sat there motionless, covering her eyes with her hooves. He quickly galloped toward home to get a good night’s rest for the long day of work tomorrow. Dashie on the other hand was in disbelief. She lay still long into the night, terrified to move.

The first rays of the morning sun were just peeking over the top of the oak trees when Rainbow Dash finally attempted to pull herself to her hooves. She shakily stood up, wincing at both the physical and mental trauma. What had quiet, gentle, sweet Mac just done to her? He as Applejack’s big brother for Celestia’s sake! She knew she had to inform someone of the villainous, abominable act that had just been enacted upon her.

But who was she kidding! Of course no one would believe such a grandiose tale. The days pass by at a drudging, menial pace. Rainbow Dash goes on like nothing ever happened and has almost managed to convince herself of the lie. Yet all the signs are there; her obvious shudders at a course touch, the way she jumps at a male voice, and the constant nightmares that haunt her very soul every night. When she awakens drenched in sweat during the early hours of the morning she lies there for hours on end, eventually crying herself back to sleep. To this day she goes on with her life as if nothing ever happened.