Panic in equestria

by belmontzar

First published

Alex, Zero, and Shadowing VS the universe

A comedic idea that came to mind as I read the info on the Write off. While im not a good writer I cant help but share the Epicly comedic thoughts that came to mind. Cross over of alexander enter's equestria and Megman zero Legends never die. OMAKE story. has no actual place in either world, made for fun. I repeat, this story is just for random pointless fun, I wont focus as much on the usual errors. I wanted a story I could use to just Chill with and here it is if ya guys want a laugh.

The mane heroes of Ponyville are exhausted as they use the Full force of the elements of harmony for the third time. In fear for their health, Princesses Celestia and Luna force the ponies and their friends to all go on a vacation.
However the barrier between this world, and the thousands of others has been becoming steadily weaker due to multiple travelers to the land of ponies. From Harry Dresden to the many beings Pinkie pie has dragged over... PonyVille is in more danger than ever.

As darkness threatens to take over the world, Celestia Summons two Powerful beings.
Alexander Renard:The magic user son of Alucard Tepes and Maria Renard.
Zero Omega: The legendary Reploid hero of Arcadia.
But as the greatest heroes of Magic and Technology stand together, so stands the greatest forces of darkness.
Top that off with the Appearance of a Pegasus who was presumed dead and is Now seemingly teh master of the Ever free forest!

Things are going to get insane as Countless Monsters, villians, and Cataclysmic events Rock the world of Equestria. Can Alex and Zero keep PonyVille from being rubble? Eh.. Probably not
Made teen so I can be randomly descriptive and Partially disturbing at will.

Mission Prelude

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Alexander Renard stretches his body happily. His red fur flowing in the wind and sun as he stood in front of the Royal castle of Canterlot. He knew this area fairly well, but it was still strange how he had remained in his usual Kitsune state this time.. His three tails flowing about behind him. In his hand he held his preferred weapon, the spear of elements, Silver pole. A sentient weapon of Alex's own creation. The sound of metallic footsteps drew Alex's gaze away from the door and onto a familiar Red Robot. Zero Omega soon also reached the gate as he regards the strange red furred man with a raised eye brow. The fox man extends out his hand.
"Hello there, my name is Alexander." Alex says happily as the Robot takes his hand.

"I am Zero Omega." The reploid responds as Alex beams.
"Yes I know who you are sir. I know a few alternate realities of you old pal. Though you may not know me." Alex says smirking as the gates open. The two spend a few seconds stunned yet again by the impressive beauty of the castle before they both wander inside. The two of them passing many equine beings, some of whom they both recognized while others had never been seen before...
"You seem familiar with this place. I take it you have been here before?" Zero asks as they walk up the first of the grand flight of stairs.
"Yes, thought before I was also an equine. Seems strange how now I am... in my normal state." Alex replies with a nod. "Have you been here as well?"
Zero nods simply. "I was sent here on vacation by X after I destroyed Ragnarock."
Alex nods listening as they approach the princesses. Celestia stands tall, still stunning with the fact that she was as tall as both of the heroes.
"Alexander Renard. Zero Omega. It is good to see you both again. I see my magic has kept you in peak form mister Alex."
Alex nods. "Yes your highness... though I must admit I am surprised you know us both..."
Celestia gave her sly smirk. "I keep in touch with all forms of Equestria. Communicating with all of my other selves, and some times the selves of my dear sister." The princess chuckles. "So many of them are very amusing to me.. such as those featuring my emotional extremes.." Celestia smirks as she thinks of Molestia and Trollestia. Luna blushes after her thoughts drift to Lunacy and Lunaughty. "None the less I knew of all beings you two would be the best to start off with."

The princess clears her throat. "As you both know the Fourth wall Barrier that at one time only few ponies knew off has become very weak lately. As more and more creatures find, fall, and explore our lands.. the barriers that separate Equestria from the rest of the universe have become increasingly frail. With the Elements of harmony in Recovery, and my sister and I at work on the barrier we needed to contact beings who could Defend and protect Equestria while we worked. Your dimensions of interest where very close to our own, so you where the first brought here. Alexander Renard: the immortal Magical master. Zero Omega: the immortal mechanical hero. Magic and Force. I must admit it was great fortune that you where both so easy to find."

Luna nods. "Aye thy services shall be needed in the town of PonyVille. The city nearest the Everfree, and Closest to many Gaps in the fourth wall. Keep the town safe until the Elements have returned.. or until My sister and I have fixed the problem." Luna asks in a royal yet soft tone. "Dost thou understand thy quest?"

"I gotchya. Keep the city safe from who knows what monsters come out of the holes in reality. No problem we can handle that."
Alex's jaw drops as he and Zero look down upon PonyVille. A fire rages within the Forest, as an army of various shapes seems to pour towards the Town.
The heroes look at each other as Alex sighs.
"Well... uh... Shit."
Zero nods. "Shit indeed, but we can handle it. No problem. Lets go."

Alex nods as he watches Zero leap off the chariot. Alex turns to the pilot. "thanks for the ride." He puts his foot on the side as he smiels widely jumping off. "ALONSY!"