The Conversion Bureau : Landfall

by Feefers

First published

The barrier separating Equestria from Earth makes landfall.

Set in the conversion bureau meta-verse, Landfall covers a time of great upheaval as Equestria makes contact with land for the first time.

The story follows Smith, a human that is struggling to find time to undergo pony transformation but with the magical barrier now clearly visible the choices are very limited.

Tuesday morning

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Falling, plummeting.
Someone watching.
“Was I pushed?”
“Did you push me?”
His arms reaching out, grasping, grabbing.
"Help." A pitiful cry. He just watches.
No emotion.
No reaction.
Staring with his bright blue eyes
Ground rising.

Tuesday Morning - 06:22

Time until Equestria First Landfall : 11 days 9 hours 21 minutes

Smith woke up with a gasp, grasping desperately at the thin sheet covering his body.
Another nightmare, it was the only thing he could recall from sleep.
Usually he'd be falling, which he always found odd.
He had never been afraid of heights and still wasn't.
"Lights..." He groaned sliding out of bed as it vanished slowly into the wall, an overhead light flickering into life lighting up the tiny room.
He had to remind himself, he was lucky.
Unlike so many he had a job, a place to stay and even three square a day.
He stretched as far as the small confines of his room would let him, pressing up against a wall as it became a transparent window, the busy throng of the city just outside.
"Good morning." The AI finally beeped as a small table and pop up chair slid out of the wall with a plate and cup.
"W... Is it my birthday?" Smith asked confused sitting at the table looking over the plate, there was a large bowl of cereal, two boiled eggs and an entire slice of toast smothered in melting butter and a thick layer of jam.
It was a feast the likes of which he had never seen.
"Negative." The automated voice replied, "This meal is sponsored in whole or part by Conversion bureau, Virginia Beach, bringing the delights of Equestria to a table near you. The sponsor message reads, please enjoy the benefits of Equestria and come join us soon."

Smith smiled a little sniffing curiously at the cup, finding hot fresh coffee inside with just a splash of milk.
He had thought about becoming a pony, few hadn't now that for the first time the barrier was visible, advancing still towards the coastline.
The panic which had been caused was notable, even the human liberation front had gone quieter with less protests and attacks.
Getting around the sprawl had become easier; there were simply less people, either gone for conversion or left the city, heading inland.
But for him, Smith Johnson, he had a job.
It wasn't a great job, it wasn't even that important a job but he had a drive to see it to completion.

He finished the amazing breakfast quickly gulping down the hot coffee, he then pulled on his uniform and shuffled out towards the door as it beeped and slid open a small lift platform appearing.
An droning voice announced, "Please ensure all limbs are inside the transport, in 2... in 1."
There was a sudden rushing feeling that Smith always loved feeling the world sinking around him as he emerged at street level.

It was a unusually cool morning, misty smog still hanging thick on the ground.
Smith stopped in the building airlock musing at some of the posters, a few were faded and old, "Come join us in Equestria" they boldly announced, pictures of humans lining up becoming slowly more ponyish along the line.
In neat writing mimicking that of the poster someone had scribbled in thick red ink, "OR DIE"
"Announcement" A quiet computerised voice said, "Due to building occupancy this building will be altered at 11 AM this morning, please do not be alarmed."
Smith nodded, the building had been getting slowly smaller, every day another floor vanishing here or there, the remaining occupied houses reassembled and the spare matter used elsewhere.
There was a loud click as the main door swung outwards as Smith left walking down the road.

The walk was rather pleasant, the sun starting to burn off the misty smog and it had the makings of a rather warm day.
The journey was a little under a mile, mostly downhill as Smith stopped briefly looking across the street to an already large line of anxiously queuing people, two automated sentry bots keeping watch over them for signs of trouble.
Smith nodded pleasantly to them but continued to walk onwards as the security bots tracked him silently scanning him for hidden devices, a soft blue flash from the drone confirming he was safe.

Smith felt suddenly dizzy, struggling to breath as he slumped to his knees his heart pounding and hammering loudly.
That blue.
He'd seen it before.
In his nightmares.
The one that pushed him.
He had those coloured eyes.

Smith staggered to his knees as he felt a soft warmth helping him.
"You okay there mister?" A sweet quiet voice asked as Smith looked across to a soft creamy yellow unicorn.
"You maybe shouldn't quite stand yet." The unicorn girl said quietly as he felt the warmth ebbing away an aura of magical energy fading from him.
"Th..thank you." Smith gurgled out, wiping blood from his face as his strength flooded back.
The unicorn girl blushed as Smith started to dust himself off, looking up at her as she smiled politely back down at him.
"You ... from here?" Smith asked trying to make conversation as he found the strength in his legs was still not quite there.
She shook her head softly, "Lyra, Lyra Heartstrings of Equestria."
Smith nodded offering her a hand to shake, "Smith Johnson of Earth."
Lyra looked to the hand extending her hoof likewise smiling widely.
"Do you think you can move?" Lyra asked looking over Smith.
He felt his sides and nodded carefully struggling up onto his feet, steadying himself against the wall.
"Well hope to see you soon Smith..." Lyra nodded.
Smith watched her for a moment as she trotted back to the building smiling and chatting to people in line.
When he felt the strength in his legs recovered and the shock gone from his body he started to walk onwards.

Ocean Survey Studies

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Large ominous signs warned that killbots patrolled this area, a heavy set turret tracked over Smith, scanning him intently.
He looked up at it directly as there was that pale dim light flash against the back of his eye, the turret scanned around him briefly before the fence grindingly crunched open.
Smith nodded up to the turret, he knew the AI didn't understand his action but it felt right to him to do so anyway.
He shuffled in to the ageing building, nobody else would be on site as the main AI lit up the path before him.

"Good morning Technician Johnson." A calm friendly voice greeted him, "You appear to have suffered physical injury and your biometrics are indicating high levels of stress."
Smith winced, he knew he was pretty much instantly replaceable and only good luck had ensured he kept this job.
"That's right April. I had another nightmare and I fell on the way to work this morning." Smith replied to the computer, breathing slowly and calming himself.
The main AI took a moment to reply, "I have prepared a psychometric test for you at your station, please respond to it as soon as possible."
Smith nodded a little surprised and continued to follow the pathway around the crumbling building getting to a large brightly lit office.
It was a little slice of history, carpeting on the floor, large windows that overlooked the sea and the reason Smith was here.
He walked up to an ageing bank of monitors, most of them hard large red crosses over them but there were still eight monitors with active displays.
Smith worked for the Ocean Survey Society and was a trained chemist, six years ago when he first started out there were two dozen people working here.

His job was simple, the company was to cheap to install an AI to monitor the buoy feeds, so he had to go to these monitors, write down the information, do some maths and type it in to another console.
All because the company didn't want to spend money modernising the system, it was after all an ancient out of date system still using binary to update the screens.
It had been cheaper to hire him and keep him on then to upgrade, it was always going to be cheaper to keep him on rather then upgrade and now .... there wasn't much point in upgrading.

He looked up at the monitors checking the eight still glowing ones, fine lines of green text glowed out from the blackness as he peered closely at one of the monitors.
He gave the plastic screen a brief confused tap before pulling out an old keyboard and notepad, carefully reading the hand written notes he'd taken he returned to a smaller central monitor.

Ocean Survey Studies
Buoy monitor and control

Command :>

Smith carefully looked across the keyboard typing in exactly each letter one at a time as he scanned the notes.


He stopped and looked to the monitor typing in the code from the top of the screen.


Smith pressed enter as the display changed from the green screen with text a grainy picture streaming from the monitor.
He could see it.
Waves of energy rocking the buoy.
Smith turned back to the keyboard flipping to the back of the notepad.

CON TERMCOM 30501347 ** EOF /S -F (STP)

Smith reached down pulling open a small drawer and taking out the roll of red electrical tape going to the monitor and waiting as lines of text whirred past.

Smith steadied himself sitting back in the seat feeling a moment of vertigo, taking a steadying breath as the AI that was in the room beeped at him.
"Caution elevated heart rate detected do you require assistance?" The computer chirped.
"I think I'm okay." Smith said catching his breath feeling the room still spinning a little.
The computer beeped again as a little monitor in the corner flashed up with another message, Smith hadn't even checked his mail yet as he shook his head clearing the feelings of sickness as he took the red tape looking up to the now black monitor with a single flashing cursor on it.
Smith reached up and pressed the power button before taping a red cross over the screen.

Smith rubbed his eyes looking down at the clipboard before looking across to the more modern station and the slight flashing indicator of new e-mail.
He sighed quickly noting down as many of the results from the seven remaining screens before sliding the chair across the smooth office surface to the main computer.
Smith loved looking out the window across the sea but now, he just didn't feel the same way that there was a large barrier of glowing energy sitting out there.
He angled his chair away from the window focusing on the screen, there were two notices already waiting for him on the display, a psych test from the AI and ... a doctor's appointment, he shrugged and hit accept on it accepting right away the meeting for this morning.
Smith raised his hand as the air before him came to life, filled with light as it traced the motion of his hand following it as he pressed a virtual button and a large menu appeared.
Carefully he moved his hand in a pinching motion as the menu focused and a form appeared with a little number pad beside it as he started to fill it in from the clipboard.

"April... Can the psycometric test be taken verbal?" Smith asked looking to the still flashing indicator.
"Yes. Should I proceed now or later?" The AI asked back the flashing stopping.
"Now please." Smith answered as he continued to fill in the form.
The AI beeped softly before responding, “Please state in the form of yes or no.”
Smith nodded “Yes?” He asked not sure that could be answered yes or no.
“Question: You have a wide range of friends.”
Smith thought about it about to say yes automatically when the stunning realisation started to creep in, all his friends were gone.
The first to go a few months ago were his co-workers, nobody cared about the ocean any more given it wasn’t going to be there soon. Only smith had stay on, his data mattered, it was being used by someone, somewhere to track just how long humanity had left.
Then his few school friends, not that he saw them anyway, just a pop up in a video window or a text chat client, but slowly they had been vanishing until Erin had said goodbye for the last time only a few nights ago, off to conversion.
Smith sighed a little before shaking his head, “No... No I don’t not.”
He looked to the chart data he had been inputting looking over it as he hit the large friendly submit button.
“Question: You often think about humankind and its destiny?”
Smith was slightly staggered by the question wondering if anyone hadn’t been before bluntly replying, “Yes”

Smith continued to answer yes and no to the various questions for a good twenty minutes before the computer beeped.
“Anaylsis complete, INTJ result with exceptional deviation from previous results.”
“How ... exceptional?” Smith asked slightly concerned as if this simple test had been a stunning revelation.
“Previous tests indicated high Introversion, intuition and feeling, these results have diminished some extremely.”
Smith blinked slightly stunned as he listened still to the computer.
“Intuition is so marginal without previous base results it would read as sensing.”
“O...okay. Is this something to talk to the doctor about?” Smith asked hopeful that it would not be.
“This is something to talk to the doctor about.” The AI stated coldly.
“Right...” Smith bit his lip slightly sighing as he put the clipboard down back near the bank of monitors and made sure the notepad was tucked up in the same place he pulled it out from.
“Map.” Smith said as a little digital map appeared downloading quietly onto his wrist computer.
“A transport is availble to take you to your destination, cost is 3 bits.” The AI noted as Smith looked to the map.
“A... transport? Like ... a car?” Smith asked confused, he’d never ridden in a car before!
“I would love transport, thank you April.”


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Smith left the office heading back along the lit path towards the main door, finding another path lit in a soft grey colouring.
“April... who is that for?” Smith asked.
“This is a new employee, Splish Splash.”
Smith looked to the blue path before looking outside where a small silver car was waiting, he cursed the bad timing and left heading out to the car.
“Transport for ... Smith?” The car spoke softly, it was fully automated with no driver and just a single seat.
“That’s right!” Smith held up is wrist computer as it bleeped.
The door of the car swished open as Smith climbed in carefully sitting in the small comfortable seat.
“Departing.” The car announced as the door swished shut, the car hummed quietly as it started to levitate before flying off.

The view from above the city was one Smith was familiar with but still inspiring, seeing the vastness of the city all before him filled him still with hope that somehow, something would survive from here.
As they flew Smith could see large queues of people, all waiting outside various conversion offices, waiting.
Ponies and even some people were walking up the queues doing tests and even handing out some potions on the street.
Smith pressed up against the window, heading out of town was a small line of traffic, people with everything they could carry leaving.

“Landing.” The car announced as the car started to descend the humming becoming quieter stopping in a rather more expensive looking area from what Smith was used to, AI drones buzzed around here scanning the area and there were ponies, just walking about.
He climbed out the car looking to his wrist computer and up to the building the car had dropped him off at starting to climb up the steps to the elegant entrance.

Smith walked into a reception area smiling a little as it appeared to be fully staffed by ponies as he walked up to the reception, a fuzzy brown pegasus girl looked at him as Smith’s wrist-computer beeped.
The pegasus turned to the screen, “Mister Johnson?” The pegasus smiled, “Oh gosh it really is you!”
Smith smiled politely and nodded, “Yes?”
The pegasus bounced excitedly her wings flapping, “It’s me, Hopeful Heart!”
Smith nodded now wondering if perhaps this was the best place for him.
“Oh gosh of course ... you knew me as ...” She dropped her voice to a quiet whisper, “Pam.”
Smith’s eyes lit up, he knew Pam, she’d been the cool fun one that waved to him whilst she was in the submersion tank getting water samples.
“...You are a nurse now?” Smith asked nervously.
She nodded, “My true calling, I guess I always cared somewhat and now I do even more.”
Smith sighed slightly, ponies didn't get a lot of human culture, that before Equestria; nurses were skilled, highly trained spending years at university to learn about all the required procedures; now, even converted humans could be a nurse just if a magical butt tattoo told them so.
“Okay.. Where do I wait?” He asked looking to the large room with uncomfortable chairs.
She shook her head, “Oh Doctor Windy is ready to see you now.”
Smith headed down looking at the rooms as he went finding Dr Windy’s office as he knocked.
“Enter...” A commanding voice came from the other side.

Smith pushed the door open to a soft white male unicorn who smiled at him softly, “Oh my been in the wars a bit have you?”
“I ... had a trip this morning.” Smith blushed slightly looking as he took a seat on the overly long couch, it’d been redesigned for ponies and he sat awkwardly on it.
Dr Windy nodded and trotted across focusing a magical aura around Smith as his face twitched, little cuts knitting together magically.
“Well there we go, hardly anything to see a doctor about I’m sure those would have cleared up in a few days.” Dr Windy beamed trotting back to his desk.
“It wasn't about the fall Doctor.” Smith quietly said.
Dr Windy nodded his horn bobbing softly, “Why don’t you tell me about it?”
Smith took a deep breath, “ I've ... been having these nightmares.”
Dr Windy nodded softly, “What happens in them? Being chased?”
“No...” Smith replied wondering if that was common just now, “Falling.”
“Ahh ... well that is also common.” Dr Windy smiled confidently, “Less so just now but not unexpected.”
“Someone pushed me.” Smith added almost as an afterthought.
“Someone?” Dr Windy leaned in curious now.
“I never see who he is, but he has these brilliant bright blue eyes.” Smith answered, he would never be able to tell a normal doctor any of this.
Dr Windy pondered appearing to think it over heavily before asking, “Is there anything else troubling you?”
Smith nodded, “Yes. This nightmare ... I've had it every night, for three nights.”
Dr Windy frowned, “That is most unpleasant.”
“Very, I wake up feeling tired every day and ... this is so totally random but I had to take a psych test today, apparently I should tell you the results showed exceptional deviation.”
“Well all this is expected in the early stages of ponification.” Dr Windy replied.
“I... Doctor. I'm not undergoing Ponification yet.” Smith stared heavily to the Doctor.

“What? No, no, no!” Dr Windy laughed, “A prank surely, you must be?”
Smith shook his head holding up his wrist computer, anyone undergoing ponification had to lose it first as they reacted badly to the altered biology.
“This ... is unsettling, my magic worked on you as easily as it would any pony.” Dr Windy thought aloud as he turned taking a pen magically levitating and starting to take notes for him, “You can come back tomorrow? I will try and get an expert in this field! Tonight ... Well let me get you a prescription for a mild sedative, dreamless deep sleep at least?”
Smith nodded, “That ... would be bliss.”
Dr Windy raised his hoof to shake Smith’s hand on the way out, “And please uh ... actually I don’t think I caught your name!”
“It’s Smith Johnson.” Smith replied shaking Dr Windy’s hoof.
“Please, are you considering ponification?” Dr Windy asked looking up at Smith pleadingly.
Smith nodded, “I ... have been, I want to go for it but I have some minor obligations to fill, mostly to myself.”
Dr Windy nodded softly, “I’m glad, I will see you tomorrow Mister Johnson.”

Smith took the paper from Dr Windy and headed to the counter, “Hey Hopeful...” He smiled quietly as the pegasus nurse turned to him.
“Hi again Smith, everything go okay?” She asked smiling as she took the note from him trotting across to the pharmacy area.
“Yeah, should be fine. Are there any rules on... you know meeting people you used to know?”
Hopeful Heart shook her head, “Good relationships carry across.”
Smith blushed a little staring intently at the reception desk, “I was wondering Hopeful if you have; now what was the phrase ponies use?”
Hopeful cantered back placing a bag on the counter and looking across to Smith, “A special some pony?”
“Y...yeah.” Smith picked up the back clutching at it for support.
Hopeful shook her head, “No... no pony yet.”
Smith crinkled the bag in the palm of his hands twisting it slightly as he spoke, “Would you like dinner with me, tonight?”
Hopeful smiled and nodded, “I know a place that will be welcoming.” She took a little pen in her mouth carefully scribbling an address on the bag, “Pick me up at 7.”
Smith nodded flustering softly as he scanned the address into his wrist computer.
“I’ll be there!” Smith smiled brightly scurrying out the door starting to walk down the steps.
“Transport for Smith?” The same silver car he had been in spoke up.
Smith stepped back into the car sitting with a large smile as the engine thrum built up again and the car soared up into the sky.


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The car flew back to the Oceans Study building opening up again as Smith climbed out, the lights were still on inside.
Smith walked back up to the gate waiting for it to open for him before heading into the building he looked around for the soft grey light he’d seen earlier as he started to follow it.
The oceans study building was quite large and the layout was exceptionally confusing, hence the lit lines showing you where to go and where other people were in the building as Smith found himself in a small neat office he hadn't seen before.
A unicorn with a lab coat on was busy with some test tubes as Smith looked carefully at them.
“Checking the water quality?” Smith asked finally guessing at the purpose.
The unicorn looked up and smiled nod nodding a bit, “Hello! I'm Splish Slpash!”
Smith nodded back, “Smith, please to meet you. Should you not check the PH levels?”
Splish Splash raised an eyebrow looking from behind her clipboard, slightly trying to hide the results.
“Whaaaat?! I haven’t been?!?!” She asked somewhat startled.
Smith moved across to the test tubes and clipped a small tube that had come lose into place, “Might need that to siphon it off to the litmus...”
Splish Splash watched as a little dribble of water ran off and down behind the test tubes to a little patch of paper dribbling on to them, four of the tubes bits of paper started to turn slightly red.
“There you go miss.” He looked at the last two tubes and the paper as they remained the same colour.
“Thank you gosh i’d have been given a row if I got this wrong...” Splish Splash blushed as she watched Smith examining the final two tubes.
“Control sample?” Smith asked looking at it.
“ It’s a sample from Equestria.” Splish Splash moved closer lifting one of the tubes up levitating it to Smith’s hand.
“This...” She paused as Smith drew nearer, “Is from post-Earth.” She said quietly the water distorting her face as she peered into the test tube at Smith.
Smith peered at the pure clear water, “Wow, it looks so good.”
Splish Splash nodded, “It’s a clean as the water in Equestria is.”
“I would imagine so, is it safe?” Smith asked looking nervously at the water.
Splish Splash nodded slightly, “I ... believe so, feel like being a test subject?”
Smith winced slightly at the thought but steadied himself, “Okay...”
Splish Splash levitated a little droplet of water up into the air as Smith held out his left arm.
“Ready?” Splish Splash asked as she dropped the water onto Smith’s arm.
Smith felt the cool water running down his skin before dripping off onto the floor, as it hit the floor surface there was a splash of colour spreading out for just a second before vanishing.
Splish Splash raised an eyebrow, “Huh; that. Maybe.” She got lost in her thoughts.
Smith waited for her to catch up as she blinked cutely.
“Ahh!” She exclaimed suddenly, “Sorry I totally zoned on you there.”
“That’s okay, anything else you need help with?” Smith asked.
Splish Splash shook her head, “If I do, I just follow that white line?”
“Yeah, I’ll be in the office at the end of it.” Smith replied.

Smith walked back following the grey line until it became a familiar white line as he walked into the office stretching a little.
He looked to the remaining seven monitors, Five of them were flashing as he sat down at the console a little shaken as he grabbed the notepad

Ocean Survey Studies
Buoy monitor and control

Command :>

He quickly typed in

CON SOURCE T92013102

The response was not the one he was expecting.


Smith felt a cold shudder at the exact wording of the text trying another

CON SOURCE T10100531


Smith rubbed his head confused looking to the still functioning buoy.


The screen changed to a grainy display the barrier was already close.

Smith slid the chair across to his work station as it lit up before him.
He gestured at the sheet first panicking a little as he dropped it and instead pulled up the communications suite.
The top entry was the only number he had never dialled, he hadn't even put it into the system it came in a file attachment he was told to save.
It read quite elegantly, 911 - In case of emergency
He pulled it across to the communication suite as the computer made a connection.
“ Emergency services, Elsbeth speaking.” A pixelated avatar appeared in Smith’s display.
“This is Smith Johnson at O.S.S.” Smith stated waiting, not really sure what he was supposed to do.
“Mister Johnson, thank you for calling please wait.” The avatar buzzed slightly as it was replaced by a video feed of a tired looking man.
“Smith isn't it?” The man asked from the monitor at Smith and past him looking around the desk and office.
“That’s right, I'm at O.S.S. buoy monitoring.” Smith hung his head a little embarrassed.
“I like your reports, very neat, always prompt.” The man said trying to reassure Smith who was surprised anyone had been reading them.
“Thank you but, I am calling to advise, Equestria is accelerating, at this point only two buoys remain this morning there were seven.”
The man nodded slowly, “Thank you Smith, this confirms other reports we have received from satellite. I think we have all the data we can really get from the buoys there.”
Smith felt a panic rising in him, “I’d like if it’s okay, to monitor the last two transmissions until they go off line.”
The man raised an eyebrow but nodded, “Very well, I appreciate your dedication.”
The call suddenly dropped and the screen returned to Smith’s communication suite.
He sat on the seat trying to take it all in looking out to the sea where the barrier was, it didn't look any closer but everything he could see was telling him it was approaching and more rapidly then anyone had expected.

Tuesday Morning - 11:25
Revised Time until Equestria First Landfall : 1 days 22 hours 45 minutes


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He slid away from the console back to the old bank of monitors getting out the red tape and putting it to good use, covering all but the two still active displays.
He spent some time looking up each code as he went through each of the buoys turning the display to churning data before going blank.
He put the notebook back and sighed heavily as the wristwatch AI beeped quietly, at least it was lunchtime.

Smith stretched as he walked following the line back to Splish Splash who was still busy looking over little test-tubes of water.
“Hi...” Smith said quietly not wanting to disturb her.
Splish Splash set down some things and smiled back, “Oh hello again Smith!”
“Hey Splish Splash, I got some lunch vouchers if you need something?” He asked looking to her.
Splish Splash nodded, “Oh that would be amazing!”
Smith laughed a little, “I wouldn’t get too excited quite yet.”
He waited as Splish Splash slid the lab coat off and started to walk with him along the corridor.
“You are pretty nice you know, not many people would have lunch with a strange pony they just met.” Splish Splash noted as she followed Smith.
“Well it’s probably my last day here, I might as well treat a co-worker to lunch.” Smith joked.
“Is that a common thing to do?” Splish Splash asked.
“Yeah, leaving lunch.” Smith opened a large door the led into a open area, disused tables and chairs had been piled up against the wall leaving just a single large table and seat in the middle.
Smith walked up to the food replicator holding up his wrist computer as it beeped.
“Two full lunches, one for a pony please.” Smith waited as there was a loud buzzing before the replicator opened.
Smith took the two trays there, one was obviously not for humans as it featured hay with flowers and bits of apple in it.
The other tray had some ... Smith could only really describe it as soup like substance with a chunk of hard looking bread by the side as he carefully carried both plates across setting them on the table before getting some water in a shallow glass for himself and Splish Splash.

Smith sat at the table as Splish Splash gently chewed on some of the hay.
“I think yours looks better...” Smith poked at the jellyish soup with the bread.
Splish Splash smiled nuzzling a little chunk of apple towards him.
Smilth picked it up and popped it into his mouth.
“No wait!” Splish Splash panicked as Smith bit into the apple chunk a little confused as he swallowed.
“Sorry I thought you didn’t want it.” Smith blushed a little.
Splish Splash shook her head, “No, but that was an apple from Equestria; it will make you ill.”
Smith felt his stomach turn, choking slightly on the apple as he took a large swig of water forcing it down.
“It tasted better then the soup still.” Smith laughed, recovering as best he could from the mishap.
Splish Splash smiled widely giggling as well, “Thank you for lunch, it was entertaining if nothing else.
Smith nodded and put the trays away on the counter, “I will see you tomorrow Splish Splash, last day here so we’ll have a little party?”
Splish Splash nodded, “Sounds fun!”
Smith raised his hand to shake her hoof as she raised her hoof meeting his hand, “Welcome to OSS Splish Splash.”
Splish Splash smiled, “Thanks Smith.”

Splish Splash started to trot back to her station as Smith watched her walk away before heading along to his own office.
He looked to the display of the remaining buoys checking they were still working before looking at all the red crosses on the blank monitors.
He’d marked the first one 021216 with a star around the numbers just in case he’d forget it was the first.
It’d been that way for 7 months, probably the first object destroyed by the advancing barrier of Equestria.

Smith wheeled across to the new console as he pulled up the sheets, they glowed in his hands waiting to be placed somewhere.
He placed them next to a large map on a forgotten wall.

Smith traced his finger across it finding 021216 deep out into the Atlantic ocean.
Smith pulled various parts of the glowing electric sheet apart placing them over the buoys, tracking when each had stopped working.
He reached 30501347 that had gone down overnight, trying to figure out why then so many had just stopped working.
His finger traced between the two buoys moving from the deep ocean up across the continental shelf.
There was a slow realisation of what he had just discovered and why the remaining buoys had gone offline so quickly.

Smith wheeled back across the office moving to the window this time, look out to see, watching the glowing barrier of Equestria as he spotted a human figure down at the beach front.
Smith couldn't quite believe anyone would want to be down here on the beach, he made his way to a stiff old door that hadn’t been opened in a long time as he peered along the beach he spotted more people.
There was about a dozen, some had taken seats most were standing not wanting to sit on the black and toxic looking sand, there were several police enforcers lumbering around as close as they could get, unable to move from the paved surface.
Smith moved to the edge of a rickety veranda that overlooked the beach getting closer to the people as they started to work out some large banner.
The banner was roughly made in basic paint but it read, “Humanity’s last stand.”

Smith tapped his wrist computer as it expanded before him a view screen appearing as a pixelated avatar appeared.
“This is Stribes Fraser reporting live here from the beach front at Virginia Beach; a number of the Human Liberation Front have set up temporary camp here right on the beach despite the public safety issues.”
Smith looked across catching a glimpse of the reporter he looked back to his wrist computer grinning as he could see himself in the distant background as he listened to the protester.
“We gotta right to be here! We been lied to all this time they knew those ponies were planning to wipe us all out and now they finally admit when it’s gonna happen! TOMORROW MAN! The fate of the human race ends tomorrow!”
Smith rolled his eyes drumming his hand across the wooden bannister, there had been lots of talk about it being the end of the world.
But Smith had seen water from post Earth before, there was something after the barrier he knew for sure and most of the ponies he met, they were mostly just happier versions of who they used to be.
He mulled over again the impending transformation he was going to undergo, nodding as he closed the wrist computer and headed back inside.

“April.” Smith said quietly, “How is the queue at Virginia Beach conversion centre?”
The computer beeped quietly before responding, “There is an appointment slot available today at 3pm.”
Smith rolled his eyes, “April... how long have you been booking this slot for me?”
The computer trilled quietly, “For the past four days.”
Smith sighed and rubbed his forehead, “Thank you April. I’ll be heading there now.”

Humanity’s last stand

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Smith walked out of the OSS building heading back up towards the conversion beuraux he had passed this morning a little surprised the queue had almost vanished.
He nodded softly, but kept his head lowered to the security bots this time not wanting an embarassing repeat of earlier.
He reached the door carefully opening it, inside there was a large reception area and several ponies trotting about whilst there was a small number of people sitting down anxiously waiting.
Smith walked up to the desk, “Hello, Lyra wasn’t it?”
The pony behind the desk beamed widely and nodded, “That’s me ooh hey you were that guy that fell over this morning.”
Smith nodded slightly embarrassed that would be how he was known.
“It’s okay, I sometimes struggle with four legs, I don’t know how you cope so well on only two.”

Smith smiled softly and followed the unicorn as she walked into a small room with a strange table, half at pony height and half level with a chair.
“Please take a seat?” Lyra prompted gesturing to the seat before Smith moved to sit on it looking across and slightly up at the pony.
“So it’s Mister Johnston?” Lyra looked up from a clipboard in front of her as Smith nodded.
“Please just Smith.” He smiled slightly trying to get comfy on the hard seat.
She smiled, “Thank you Smith, now what kind of pony would you like to become?”
Smith blinked slightly, “I ... get to choose?”
Lyra nodded a little, “Somewhat, it’s magical so you can never be sure but I’ve seen myself someone that really wanted wings became a pegasus.”
“And there’s Pegasus, Unicorn and ...Earth?” Smith thought carefully grinning a little at the irony of the last pony race.
Lyra nodded in confirmation, “There’s also Alicorn, princess ponies of course, we haven’t had any here but I heard there was a conversion down in Florida got one...”
“What would you be?” Smith asked sitting back.
Lyra beamed, “I’ve been asked that a bunch by people here for conversion, if I could be anything, i’d be a human; just for a bit get hands, hair, all that.” Lyra gestured towards Smith.
Smith giggled a little, “I see.”
Lyra nodded, “Hands were really awesome.”
Smith looked to her for a moment thinking before nodding slowly and quietly saying, “You volunteered to test the conversion process.”
Lyra grinned, “Hurt.. Lots, but was totally worth it.”
Smith looked to the unicorn noticing slight bandages now around her foreankles shuddering a little.
“I think you are very brave, thank you for helping us.” Smith mumbled not quite sure if he should be saying anything.
Lyra blushed a little flustering, “But this doesn’t help us with your situation Mister Johnson.”
Smith rolled his eyes and nodded.

“Normally there’s a period of week or so preparation, then you drink the potion and we get you acclimatised to being a pony.” Lyra explained, “Due to unforeseen circumstances, the period of preparation is pretty much gone, we are at potion as many people as we can and hope to deal with the consequences.”
Lyra walked over to the wall pressing against a secluded recess Smith hadn’t seen as she levitated a small purple vial onto the table in front of him.
“So ... this is it.” Lyra announced looking slightly deflated, “No big ceremony, no streamers and confetti, just you and me in a dark room with a magical potion.”
Smith carefully reached out picking up the vial holding it in his hand, it was light and there was a soft almost internal glow amongst the purple fluid.
“I never know what to say, i’ve helped maybe thousands of people become ponies now and just in this instance, there’s no words to help, nothing I can say.” Lyra quietly spoke trotting around the table.
Smith stood up as he felt the chair magically levitated away from him.
“I’m going to be here for you Mister Johnson.” Lyra said smiling at him softly, “The potion only changes you, it won’t hurt.”
Smith nodded softly as he popped the lid of the vial, the room was filled with a strong tingle of magical energy, Smith could feel his skin creeping and tingling, all the hairs suddenly flaring up and tickling against his clothes.
Smith steadied himself as he closed his eyes moving the vial to his mouth.

Smith didn’t really feel the impact as the wall suddenly stopped being a wall and became a rapidly exploding fireball.
Lyra jumped towards him reaching out as a golden field of energy surrounded her and Smith.
Smith’s eyes widened in terror as the boiling mass of wall and fire surged towards him, the heat scorching past the protective golden glow as Smith caught Lyra’s hoof holding onto her, spinning her as best he could away from the heat.
Smith’s world was suddenly noise, a rumbling deep low impact from the fireball now hitting into him shaking down to his bones, he was flying in the air with the unicorn now soaring above the ground even if it was for just a second it felt like minutes of freedom from gravity before there was a sickening dull thud as first Lyra hit the ground then Smith impacted into Lyra.

Smith looked up to the unicorn reaching out to her muzzle pressing his hand against it; sirens started to whine and whirr in the background.
Several ponies galloped in helping Smith and Lyra up from the large bits of masonry that had been a wall earlier.
“Anything broken?” A unicorn asked helping Lyra dust off as she looked herself over, “No.. thankfully, that was close.”
Smith dusted himself off, feeling his hand tingle significantly as a unicorn nudged against it carefully with its horn.
“Just dislocated here...” The unicorn said focusing hard as Smith’s hand painlessly cracked as it snapped back into place.
Smith wiggled his fingers nodding up at the unicorn, “Thank you.” He said before searching around for the potion vial seeing the shattered remains on the floor nearby.
A unicorn trotted in slowly shaking his head, “We got a picture of the guy but it’s unlikely we’ll find him.”

Lyra steadied herself wobbling as she looked to where the wall recess was, “I’m sorry I think we might be out of potion today.”
Smith nodded a little, “Maybe just a bit. Should I come back tomorrow?”
Lyra nuzzled at him softly, “I think we might need a new building.”
Smith stroked softly against her muzzle, it was strangely natural; somewhat relaxing.
Lyra sighed, “I’m sure we’ll get this fixed, it’s usually quite easy, it’s only walls nothing that can’t be rebuilt.”
Smith smiled a little thinking of that, it was the pony way, objects, houses, money, all things; people, other ponies, that was what mattered.
“Lyra...” One of the other unicorns nuzzled her softly, “We gotta go, this wasn’t the only attack.”
Lyra visible sunk shuddering a little as she nodded to Smith.
“I hope we can see you tomorrow under better circumstances.” Lyra said quietly.
Smilth shook her hoof, “Thank you. Good luck.” He watched as she and the other unicorns galloped off leaving Smith to pick his way out of the rubble.

The outside of the conversion centre was a mess, more bits of wall strewn everywhere as people shuffled off nervously.
“Attention.” A loud speaker announced, “This area is under curfew, please return to your homes.”
Smith sighed and looked to his wrist computer as it started to flash red.
He checked over his clothing, it was in a bit of a state but might be passable as he scurried to a road side booth.
“Cab please.” He spoke into the booth.
“Please wait, there is high demand, expected arrival time, 4 minutes.” The booth replied.
Smith waited as a sleek sliver cab finally pulled up and he held his wrist up again as it scanned it.
“Up town.” Smith said quietly.
“There will be a required checkpoint on route.” The car quietly hummed back to him as he climbed in.

“Taking off.” The car announced as the ground fell away the car soaring up into the air, Smith gasped slightly, the horizon was red with fire and dark with rising smoke.
Smith started to look around in a panic, it looked like the entire city was on fire, burning as the red as the sun in the setting city smog.
Humanity’s last stand was going to be more violent then he had thought.


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The car started to descend, landing in the square smith had been for the appointment earlier that day.
Smith climbed out as a guard pony cautiously approached.
“I’m just going to need to search you, sorry we are on high alert.” The pony advised looking to Smith.
Smith nodded and smiled a little waiting as there was a cool tingle of magical silver energy over his body.
“Thank you, sorry about that again.” The pony stepped aside letting Smith continue on his way.

Smith walked across to the restaurant Hopeful Heart had suggested, grinning as he saw a little hoof written sign, “Humans welcome.”
He opened the door his eyes adjusting to the dimmer light inside as a waiter pony approached.
“Oh good evening!” The waited nodbowed, “Do you have a reservation?”
Smith nodded, “I’m Smith Johnson, here with Hopeful Heart.” He replied as the waiter pony smiled, “Ahh Mister Johnson, we have been expecting you but, i must confess we did not fully expect you would make it.”

Smith followed the waiter pony as he led him into the large restaurant all fully fitted for both ponies and people as he took a seat a small menu being slid down before him.
“Thank you...” Smith smiled as he stood up again as Hopeful Heart trotted in, she was wearing an elegant flowing dress and had a small tiara in her hair.
“H..hi” Smith blushed sitting down again as Hopeful did, “I’m glad you made it.”
Hopeful slid closer to the table sitting on the larger pony bench, “It got a bit crazy nearer the end of the day, but I threw on some things I had at home and made it work.”
Smith nodded taking Hopeful’s hoof in his hand rubbing carefully across it, “You look amazing.”
Hopeful beamed happily tracing her hoof up against Smith’s face carefully, “You ... look like you need a shower.” She replied honestly with a little giggle.
Smith looked over himself and nodded blushing, “Well I was at the conversion building when it exploded, I think I’m looking pretty good.”
Hopeful frowned a little taking his hand between her hooves giving him a tender squeeze, “I... didn’t know are you okay?”
Smith smiled softly nodding, “Nothing they couldn’t fix.”
“I am really glad, it’s good to see you again.” Hopeful said looking over the menu briefly.
“Unless there’s another ... incident tomorrow, i’ll be a pony and I would like to keep seeing you.” Smith blushed slightly feeling very self-conscious as other pony diners watched on, he was the only human in the place.
“I’d like that too Smith.” Hopeful replied as there was an almost audible sigh of approval from the onlookers.
Smith’s growing embarrassment was spared as the waiter pony trotted up to take their order.

Smith ordered a simple salad as Hopeful picked out a floral mix as the food came out on two large trays.
Smith poked at the salad curiously, there were a lot of fruits and vegetables he wouldn’t have considered fitted quite in a salad.
Smith ate it anyway enjoying the freshness but feeling a little dizzy as he sipped on some water.
“Uh...” Smith clutched at his tummy as he belched loudly a little magical cloud of sparkles escaping.
“W..woah.” Hopeful stood up scampering around the table to help support Smith as he swayed slightly.
“O..oh gosh!” The waiter pony started to panic, “Get him outside quick!”
Smith nodded swaying more clutching at his chest as he was guided by Hopeful outside, he stumbled into an alleyway before collapsing to his knees and vomiting heavily, a multicoloured rainbow of sick spilling out before him.
Smith quickly recovered wiping the rainbow from his mouth a little and weakly standing, “I guess the kitchen didn’t hear about humans reacting badly to raw Equestria food.”
Hopeful smiled weakly and placed a hoof on Smith’s shoulder, “I’m sorry, it was a pretty good date.”
“Thanks...” Smith peeked his head inside as the waiter pony trotted out.
“I am so so sorry, the chef, he didn’t know.” The waiter explained.
Smith held up his hand for the waiter to stop, “It’s okay. I’ll be fine.”
The waiter pony nodded apologetically, “I’m again sorry sir, your meals are of course en gratis and when you are a pony, stop by again and we will see you right.”
“That’s really kind of you, thanks.” Smith held himself steadying himself against Hopeful.
“Apologies again sir.” The waiter pony bowed before heading back in.
“You going to be okay getting home?” Hopeful asked, “You don’t need a doctor?”
Smith shook his head, “I think I threw most of it up, I should be fine.”
Hopeful nuzzled against Smith cuddling him with her hooves.
“I look forward to seeing you tomorrow.” Hopeful whispered helping Smith to the still waiting silver car.

Smith held his wrist up as the car scanned it, “Home please.” He said quietly waving to Hopeful as the car started to rise up into the air.
The car sailed quietly over the still burning city, thick plumes of acrid smoke rising up as Smith sighed, looking down at the destruction before looking out the sky lit up in the distance by the glimmer barrier of Equestria now visible on the horizon.

The car started to descend arriving at a small five story flat as Smith looked up at the former skyscraper.
The car door slid open as Smith walked out moving up to the now small house his wrist computer beeping as the door slid open.
"Announcement" A quiet computerised voice said, "Due to building occupancy this building will be altered at 11pm this evening, please do not be alarmed."
Smith nodded as the air-lock hissssed behind him closing up a single white line appearing on the floor leading to the ground floor apartment, he looked inside, it was larger, much larger than before, almost the entire area was his.
Not that there was much in it still, a larger bed that still fitted into the wall, a large bay window and most curiously of all a table sitting there in the middle of the floor.
Apart from that there was a large empty space sitting forlornly unsure what it should be doing.

Smith sat on the bed stretching as there was a soft beep, “You have one package waiting.”
Smith slid out of bed and across to the doorway and opened a small cuboard space just to the left of it where a small bag sat, he carefully opened the bag finding a small bottle of pills inside.
There was also a small hoof written note, “Take two and relax.”
Smith grinned as he opened the bottle taking out two of the small pills.
“Water please.” He waited as the table wobbled and a glass clumsily rose out of it full of water.
He sipped the water and swallowed the pill hole before returning to bed sliding off his uniform and dropping it into a bin at the end of the bed.
“Hey computer, clothes ration, water rations?” Smith asked as he got comfy on the mattress.
“You currently have 30 credits clothes, 4 water rations.” The computer responded.
Smith did some quick maths and sighed softly, “Computer... I’m going to have a shower in the morning, water; hot.”
The computer beeped, “This will leave you with no water rations, are you sure?”
“Won’t need them computer, yes I’m sure.” Smith replied tiredly feeling his muscles pulse, it had been a busy day and he was really exhausted as he felt sleep washing over him.


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High, above the city.



A whispered voice, “Come closer.”

Landing on a roof top.

He is there; towering over.





“No.” The voice says, a magical aura extends, “Not this time.”

Arms ... No hooves reaching out.


Wednesday Morning - 04:05

Time until Equestria First Landfall : 1 days 6 hours 5 minutes

Smith started to feel his body lifted magically back onto the roof he was still asleep but it was like no dream he had before as he felt himself deposited on the roof landing and looking up at the large pony now towering over him.
He raised a hoof looking it over, just like a ponies he shook his head and tried to stand struggling to his feet.
“Perhaps.” The pony suggested, “We should take this somewhere safer.”
Smith nodded, “P..please.”
The pony nodded as she suddenly was flying large inky black wings stretching out as she nodded a magical aura of purple energy surrounding Smith as he felt himself lifted clumsily off the roof and a second later, on the ground safely.
Smith looked up at the pony, she had elegant feathery wings and a long prominent horn, her fur was dark purple all over.

“ are a princess?” Smith asked confused looking to the pony and then over himself.
“That is correct ... you are not a pony.” The princess replied looking Smith over as well.
Smith struggled with his hooves rubbing them over his body clumsily feeling around at his back as his hair was now trickling down his back into an elegant long bright silver mane.
“No I am not supposed to be.” Smith said with a little sigh, “But I was going to be until the attacks and then tomorrow, well i’m going for conversion.”
The princess smiled, “I am very glad to hear that, contrary to what many of your kind think; we are trying to help. Now how did you come to be here?”
Smith looked around, things were a confused blur of colour and shadows, nothing quite coming into view.
“I don’t know where we are.” Smith admitted.
“You are in a dream.” The princess said quietly starting to snuffle around at the shadows, “It’s close enough that I can enter it but it’s like no dream I have been in.”
“Do you go into many people’s dreams?” Smith asked.
The princess laughed a little, it made Smith feel good hearing it, somehow safer,
“Neigh, I only enter the dreams of ponies, which is again why I ask you how I come to be here.”
“I’ve seen you every night for the past three nights, you watch as I fall.” Smith said quietly.
“I have been trying to help, but you were always just out of reach, tonight. Tonight you are not.” The princess replied.
“And these?” Smith held up his hooves looking to the princess.
“Unfortunate side effect of a dreamstate, you are having a turning into a pony dream.”
Smith sighed softly moving his hooves around awkwardly as he glared slightly, “And i’m still changing because?”
The princess raised an eyebrow as Smith turned a short silvery tail swishing up near the princess’s muzzle.
“Because you are still dreaming, perhaps we should leave here...” The princess suggested opening her wings.
Smith shrugged, “I’m going to be a pony anyway... why not this way?”
“I believe as this is a dream, you would lose more of yourself then using a potion, there would be very little of ... you left.” The princess said.
Smith wondered if that would be such a bad thing as the princess drew close unfurling her wing up against Smith as there was suddenly blackness.

“Intruder alert. Intruder alert. Intruder alert.” The computer whirled softly as Smith sat up in bed.
“Cancel alarm.” He groaned rubbing his head feeling a soft fuzzy warmth against his temples.
“Wh.. LIGHTS!” Smith yelped as the lights flickered on, he could see by the table the princess was standing there looking slightly bemused as Smith looked in terror at his hooves.
“Waitwaitwait...” He stammered, “T..that was just a dream.”
The princess shook her head, “It’s never, just a dream. All those that enter my realm risk everything, some do not awaken.”
Smith could feel the truth in her words, stinging in his soul as he looked more at the princess pony invader in his room.
He slid out of bed pulling some pants on over his underwear before cautiously bowing to the princess, not sure of the correct etiquette.
“Your highness?” Smith gulped slightly, “My name is Smith Johnson.”
“I am sorry to intrude into your house this way Mister Johnson, I could not allow you to continue your transformation in a dream without understanding why it was happening.”
Smith wiggled his new tail slightly, “I’m glad you pulled me out when you did Princess.”
“I should have left earlier, you were deep into the dream still and would have stayed until you were fully changed if I had let you.”
Smith shuddered hearing that feeling a tingle along his new mane, “I must thank you even more, you said you think I would have lost myself.”
The princess nodded, “It would have been a twisted version, not you but the dream that came out this morning, I fear it is my fault for getting involved, if you had fallen you would have woken up without any changes.”
Smith sighed as he realised that his previous nightmares, had been protecting him and if he hadn’t taken the pill maybe he would have been okay.
“I can’t blame you princess, I took some medication to help me sleep.” Smith admitted digging around and setting the bottle on the table.
“I see but still there remains the question of how I was able to see you at all, as princess of the night I guard the dreams of all my little ponies; but you are very much not a pony despite your appearance.”
“I don’t know.” Smith said quietly.

The princess trotted about a bit apparently in thought before closing her eyes, her horn flashing with magical energy for a moment.
“I have sent a summons to one more able to determine what is going on.” The princess said, “Perhaps you would be so kind to open the window for her?”
Smith nodded walking over to the window pawing at it clumsily with his hooves taking a few moment to catch the button as the computer beeped.
“Checking atmospheric content, clear to open window.” The computer announced as it clunked and the window started to open.
Smith used both hooves pressing against the glass as it slid into the wall frame before walking back to the table carefully picking the glass up in his hooves and sipping on some more of the water.

There was a tense buildup in the atmosphere before a light pop as from nowhere a purple princess pony appearing suddenly in the room with a magical poof of smoke.
“Princess Luna! I came as soon as I could!” The other princess bowed slightly trotting close.
“Princess Twilight Sparkle, it is very good to see you again, I am sorry at the urgency of the request but I need your assistance.”
Smith Johnson looked on for a moment trying to pinch himself, checking that he wasn’t still in a dream, however his lack of fingers made that quite impossible.
“Of course, I am please to help you withohhmygoshthatmanhashooves.” Twilight gasped looking at Smith.
Smith raised a hoof as if to wave lowering it sheepishly as he realised it didn’t work that way.
“What has been happening to you then?” Twilight trotted across her horn glowing a light aura that surrounded Smith as she continued to talk, Princess Luna looking on; “Nothing directly magical here, no spells or even better no curses.”
“I have seen him Princess Twilight, he is known to me.” Princess Luna noted.
“How do you mean?” Twilight asked looking back to Princess Luna for a moment.
Princess Luna hung her head slightly and trotted closer, “Twilight, I have been able to see him just on the edge of dreams, tonight I was able to break that barrier and touch him.”
“That’s not possible.” Twilight stated bluntly but catching the wince from Princess Luna she bit her lip.
“I mean Princess, even you could not bring a human into your dreamscape, their minds ooh his mind!” Twilight suddenly turned back to Smith looking across to him.
“Nope he’s not crazy either, that would have explained so much.” Twilight sighed.
Smith flustered a little but decided not to say anything.
“Waitjustasecond...” Twilight said thinking, “You aren’t due for an appointment with a Dr Windy later are you?”
Smith nodded, “Yes.”
Twilight grinned, “Well, he asked me to come help him out said he had a really interesting case of a human that magic worked on really easy; I guess we know why now.”
Smith sighed slightly, “Except we don’t I mean i’m partially ponified now but, that doesn’t explain why magic was easier to do on me yesterday or the dreams!”
Twilight shook her head, “It does, it explains everything.”

Morning light

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Smith sat up listening looking to Princess Twilight.
“You’ve been having dreams for the past few days, correct?” Twilight asked him.
Smith nodded slowly.
“So clearly if you’ve been having dreams for the past few days on some level you are already partially a pony, it’s just taken a kickstart of magic from Princess Luna to awaken that in you.”
“I’m not sure how you mean, partially a pony. I mean I have hooves now.” Smith noted.
“I think, but I'm not sure, you and all humans are being exposed to magical energy from the barrier, it's been in almost impossible to measure small amounts but over time it's built up and now it's taking effect. But that's just a very loose theory.” Princess Twilight said.
“How about you?” Smith asked looking to Princess Luna who had been rather quiet, “Do you know why I am partially a pony?”

Princess Luna flustered slightly lowering her head, “I have an idea.”
Twilight turned to Princess Luna with a slight gasp.
“Why did you call me here then Princess Luna?”
Princess Luna nuzzled softly against Twilight, “You were going to find out very soon, you are the most clever student my sister has ever had and now you are a princess; it would have only been a matter of time.”
Twilight blushed a little at the compliments, “Please Princess, go ahead!”
Princess Luna trailed her hoof across the floor giving a little sigh.
“When we arrived here first, neither myself or my sister could figure out why, or what to do about it. After a few months we realised quickly as did humanity that Equestria is expanding, slowly but constantly.”
Smith shuddered nodding thinking of the magical barrier.
“My sister thinks it would be best to let humanity choose, to abandon Earth; which you would not be able to quite achieve yet anyway or to change and become a pony. I believe differently.” Princess Luna announced looking to Smith, “You in time would have chosen to be changed before the barrier became too close, but there are those who believe we are invaders, with a sinister intention to take over your world.”
Princess Luna took a small breath looking directly to Smith.
“They are not fully incorrect, we do not intend to take over; but it is happening and nothing myself or my sister have attempted; will stop it.”

Smith’s eyes widened as he felt a hard lump form in his throat struggling suddenly to swallow.
“My sister believes humans must be given a choice still but I have seen them...” Luna said her voice quieting as her horn glowed slightly, illuminating the room as she projected a vision into the room.
“His name was Michael, he was the first human I had met.” Princess Luna took a semi-step back letting her vision fill the room, it was dark and there was Princess Luna walking across a starry field as a young scared looking boy approached her.
“He was as surprised to see me as I was him, it took me only a few moments to realise how he came to be before me.”
The vision moved slightly the magical energy behind it changing the picture as the young scared looking boy ran up to the Princess cuddling into her tightly.
“A..a..are you here to guide me?” The boy asked looking up at the princess.
Princess Luna nodded her elegant wings extending outwards.
“Yes child. Fear not for you are safe now, your pain is over.” Princess Luna wrapped a wing against him as the boy broke down into tears cuddle holding into the princess more.

Princess Luna shuffled close to Twilight watching as the boy stopped being a boy and became a warm glowing ball of light which started to rise, joining the other stars in Luna’s flowing tail.
“Each soul is precious to me, I am the last guide that takes them from the land of the living, to what lies beyond.”
“What?” Smith asked in shock.
“When a pony passes from the land of the living, I am their guide, in my absence from Equestria my Sister performed these duties in my stead. But here now, I find it is not only the souls of ponies that need guidance, but it is human souls as well.”
Smith looked to Princess Luna in awe, it was so unbelievable but there was something in her words, in her voice that Smith knew every word to be the truth.

“More came, nightly, every night; humans are so fragile when it comes down to it.” Princess Luna spoke very quietly looking up to Smith, “Then we found out, Equestria is growing and humans can not enter it.”
“I took a rash decision, one that weighs heavily on my mind.” Princess Luna said, “I forced my way into the dreams of some of the most resilient, those that would never want to become a pony and planted an idea.”
“I don’t think that worked, if you mean the HLF they are just as violent as ever.” Smith noted.
Princess Twilight’s eyes suddenly lit up, “Evaporation?”
Princess Luna nodded, “Yes, I could never convince all of them, but there was another way.”
Princess Twilight wiggled a little suddenly interjecting, “The potion whilst magical is just a liquid, but you’d need exceptional energy like that in an explosion to release it.”
“It was a risk that I had to calculate just right, all the conversion bureau’s built in the same way, the potion storage at the easiest point of attack by design, not accident.” Princess Luna noted.
“Then waiting, the attacks became more frequent, each ensuring more potion would became part of the atmosphere.”

Princess Twilight walked towards Smith, “It would only be a matter of time before the effects manifested, as you are relatively close the barrier soaking up magical energy it combines with the traces of potion now in your body and well it’s not quite there but a sudden influx of magical energy and you’d get there.”
Smith sighed quietly, “Like, a magical barrier of Equestria passing by.”
Princess Twilight nodded, “Exactly!”
“I am sorry.” Princess Luna hung her head shamefully looking to Smith, “I can never atone fully for what I have done, what I have set in motion, but I can not...” She paused looking up at him her eyes full of an intense sadness. “I can not let so many souls pass on because they think we are invaders or monsters or whatever rational they use.”
Princess Twilight trotted up beside Smith turning to face Princess Luna, “I figured out a few weeks ago something had been slowly decreasing humans resistance to magic to the point they could tolerate it directly. I just never thought you would be the one that had done this.”
Princess Luna nodded quietly, “I have not told my sister even, the only one that will be held responsible, is me.”

Smith relaxed a little his new tail flicking slightly, “Maybe it’s this reduced magical resistance, but I can see you are trying to help, I won’t tell anyone.”
Princess Twilight grinned happily, “Well I guess it would just be one princesses word against another and whilst it’s a very convincing story, we have no evidence at all of any of this. It could just as easily be background magic from the expanding sphere of Equestria causing this, like I previously concluded.”
Smith nodded in agreement taking Twilight’s cue, “Background magic.”
Princess Luna flushed her eyes flickering as tears formed at them, “I can not thank you enough; but this is still wrong.”
“Wanting to save people sounds pretty right to me.” Smith said quietly as he walked up to Princess Luna offering her a cuddle.
The princess flustered as Smith cuddled into her, his clumsy hooves rubbing up against her soft mane.
“I can only hope others see it the same way.” Princess Luna sighed.

Smith nodded and squeezed Princess Luna tenderly, “I guess... you still need to see if it works fully.”
“NO!” Princess Luna for a moment appeared to pale slightly, “This is something you must not, it is too soon.”
Smith shook his head moving across to the window pointing outside at the visible glow with his hoof, the sky now glowing a soft light blue.
“See that Princess. That’s Equestria. We are all out of time.”
Princess Luna whined as Twilight trotted up to Smith, “You don’t have to do this.”
“I’ve seen how fast the barrier is advancing; I’ve seen those idiots down at the beach that won’t move no matter what.” Smith frowned thinking of the protesters.
Princess Twilight nodded, “Well we should maximise your exposure to the potion effects, just in case and also maybe wait until the barrier is nearer to land. Unless you want to go for a swim?”
Smith broke into a light giggle shaking his head, “I think that might be the best plan. The water is probably more dangerous than the barrier would be just now.”
Princess Twilight laughed a little as well, “Good to see you are still in good humours at least, we will see you about this time tomorrow then?”
Smith shook his head, “How about a sensible time, say 8am?”
Princess Luna nodded, “Until then, good luck Smith Johnson.”
Twilight nuzzled up against Smith affectionately, “Thank you.”

Princess Twilight trotted towards the window spreading her wings as she hopped up and flew into the dim morning light.
“I owe you much.” Princess Luna said quietly as she spread her wings looking back to Smith, “I shall ensure that tomorrow, you have good dreams.”