by prince cosmos

First published

A teenager gets transported to Ponyville after a freak accident but how is it going to end

A teenager gets transported to Ponyville after a freak accident.

this is for one of my friends he is also a brony and hes proud of it but also scared
oh and if you re asking why so manny chapters on one day i wrote them on wordpad my internet was screwed

Chapter 1

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Mark was normal teenager, well, kind of. Mark had just finished his first year of high school, only had a few friends. Before his school year ended, Mark had a conversation with a junior at his school who had a pink pony as his profile picture. The 11th grader then said it was from a children's cartoon show. Mark was always interested in anything that was popular, especially on the internet. 2 hours later, Mark found himself in a pony-induced coma while watching every episode in a row on his computer.

Within the month, he became an avid poster on websites and forums. He had an obsession with what a month ago he would never think of even thinking about. Winter Wrap Up on replay in his mind 24/7, constantly using the word "eeyup" instead up using the word "yes", and he even made himself an iPod case with cutie mark on it. He did all of this and more, but still never told anyone. One thing he never wanted to do was tell anybody about his new obsession with My Little Pony.

Mark always waited for his parents to go to bed to go on his laptop and watch My Little Pony, he always imagined it ending badly; he’d rather get walked in on while watching porn. Mark was all set up, he had a soda in his hand, the show queued up, and his earbuds in.

He was halfway through his 5th viewing of “Winter Wrap Up” when he heard footsteps, muffled from the song playing through his earbuds. Mark had planned this, he hit alt-f4 three or for times to make sure all the pages closed, muted the TV and fell flat on his bed with his eyes closed. After a few seconds or silence, Mark moved to the door, nothing. He opened his door slowly, trying desperately not to make a noise. He looked out into the darkness and saw a pair of eyes looking back.

“Oh my god I am going to KILL YOU!” Mark yelled. His dog ran back down the stairs. Mark turned back to the computer to find it covered in soda.

He sighed. “Great, now I need a new keyboard.” Mark said in an annoyed voice. He reached down to wipe some of the soda off the computer, when a spark jumped up and hit his finger. He could feel a lot of small electrical shocks jump up his body. He looked down at his hand in horror. His hand was engulfed in static. The static climbed up his arm; the shocking sensation getting stronger and stronger. He was completely covered in electricity, his body glowing like a light bulb, but with the electricity on the outside. As quickly as it started, it stopped. The static and sparks receded into the computer, taking Mark with it.

Chapter 2

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Mark woke up later; he was flat on his back. His head was throbbing and he vision was blurry. He felt grass on the back of his neck. He was staring upwards, all he could see an orange blur. His ears were ringing, but he could kind of hear someone talking to him.

“Hello, you okay?”

Mark tried to talk, but all that came out were a few small groans. Mark could hear someone talking to him, a few seconds later, his vision and hearing was back to normal. He could recognize the voice; a sweet southern accent. Emerald green eyes locked onto his. Mark, jumped back, startled at what he was seeing. He recognized the pony as Applejack, but was still desperately afraid. Mark turned to run, he had no idea where to, he just felt like anywhere would be better than here.

“Oh no ya don’t!” Applejack yelled out. She readied her lasso and tried him up effortlessly to a nearby tree.

Mark was still shocked, he didn’t know what was going on his fear was obvious, his eyes kept darting around the apple trees.

“Ya don’t need to be afraid, I ain’t gonna hurt you.” She said, her tone a mixture of calm and annoyed.

“What ARE you anyway? You don’t look like anypony I've ever seen.”

“I, uh, um, where am I?” Mark was stuttering, still trying to wrap his head around what was going on.

“Welcome to Sweet Apple Acres!” Applejacks voice immediately perked up. She seemed happy to talk about the apple farm.

“Okay, um, how did I get here?” Mark asked while looking around.

“I duuno, one minute I'm buckin’ apples, next I see you on the ground.” Applejack explained.

Mark sighed, he was hoping that there would be more to it then that. Mark yawned, he was obviously tired. He nodded off still tied to that tree you in the acres.

When Mark woke up, he was no longer outside. He was laid out on a couch inside of what appeared to be a library. He turned his head to find a strange sight; six ponies staring right at him. Mark was afraid and confused, he would have run, but it did not go well the last time he tried that. The ponies were talking amongst themselves. After a little while, one of the ponies slowly walked toward him. She had a pink mane and a yellow body.

“Um... Hello?” She spoke so softly. Her voice was calming, Mark wasn’t as afraid as has was before.

“Hi” Mark answered, making his voice as soft as hers.

She went on to introduce herself as Fluttershy, as well as the other five ponies. The pink pony was Pinkie Pie, the purple one was Twilight, there was blue Pegasus named Rainbow Dash, a White one named Rarity, and the orange one from before, Applejack. Mark knew them already, but he figured it would be better to play dumb. Mark was now sitting upright on the couch, the other ponies were now standing closer.

“So... you’re... nice?” Rarity said hesitantly, she seemed slightly confused that a person like him, being tall, standing on two legs, and being found near the Everfree forest was a nice creature. Mostly bad creatures are like that.

“Yes, I-I don’t want to cause any trouble.” Mark was trying to keep the calmest voiced he could have, the last thing he wanted was trouble.

“Phew, good.”

It was silent for a short time until Twilight broke the silence.

“Regardless of how you look, you can’t walk around looking like that.” She waved her hoof up and down at his human body.

“I’ve been working on a spell just for you, it will let you take the form of a pony.”

Her horn started to glow, soon Mark was covered in the light, all that could be seen was his silhouette. When the glowing stopped, Mark had been turned into a pony, even better, he was a Pegasus. He was light brown with a short dark black mane. He looked back at his flank to find a cutie mark; it was a mask, like ponies would wear to masquerade dances.

“Sorry, it only comes with one cutie mark choice.” Twilight told Mark.

“It’s perfect!” Mark said under his breath, just loud enough for them to hear. Mark figured the mask would be actually suited for him, considering he never told anyone about him being a brony, the mask seemed correct.

“Now, since you only know us six, I suggest you stay with one of us at all times.” Twilight instructed.

“OH OH OH OH OH OH OH! ME FIRST! ME FIRST! I LOVE MAKING NEW FRIENDS!” Pinkie Pie jumped over all the other ponies and landed inches away from Twilight

“Oh alright.” Twilight said with a smile on her face.

Pinkie Pie jumped into the air and grabbed Mark by the tail, and dragged him back to Sugarcube Corner.

Chapter 3

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It was already dark outside when they got back to Sugarcube Corner. Pinkie Pie ran up to her room, still dragging Mark’s tail by her mouth.

“Now you wait up here, I’ll go get us some snacks!” Pinkie Pie dashed back down stairs and brought up different snacks one-by-one. After ten seconds of food randomly appearing, the pink blur stopped. He was amazed at spread. Every kind of cake, pie, and pastry he could think of.

“OH! I also got something special!” Pinkie showed Mark a bottle Apple Vodka.

“Mr. and Mrs. Cake said that these are off limits to me because they’re special, but I’d say this is pretty special!”

Mark didn’t feel like he was in any place to argue, so he just started to eat and drink.

About an hour and many drinks later, Pinkie Pie was obviously no longer in control of herself. She was stumbling around instead of her normal hopping. The food was pretty much all gone and they were both tired.

“Okay, let’s get you to bed.” Mark was trying to be a voice of reason to this obviously tipsy pony.

“I’ll go find that sleeping bag you talked about.”

“No... No, you can share the bed with me.” Pinkie Pie smiled and grabbed Mark’s hoof.

“I don’t want to intrude, I’ll go find-” Mark tried to speak, but Pinkie Pie pushed her lips against his.

The sweet icing from the desserts on her lips. Mark could feel Pinkie Pie’s tongue exploring the inside of his mouth. She pulled away and smiled. She raised her hoof to cover her mouth as she giggled. At first Mark didn’t get it, but then he looked back. His wings were stiff as a board, he raised his hooves to his head. He was beet red from embarrassment. He knew what these were.

“Teehee, it’s okay sweetie.” She moved towards his ear and whispered, “I feel the same way.” Mark's eyes widened, he was not expecting this. As she pulled away, he could smell chocolate on her warm breath.

Pinkie led him to her bed and told him to lay down. Mark laid down on his back and she got on top of him. She kissed him. Then she started kissing lower. She got to his chest, she kissed his stomach, and eventually, she was kissing him down there. Mark felt great, not only was she kissing it, now she was licking it, and putting it and out of her mouth. He had gotten rock hard from the amazing BJ he was receiving from her, and this turned Pinkie Pie on even more then she already was. She looked up at Mark, he was staring up at the ceiling sweat dripping down his face.

"Can you tell I've done this before?" Pinkie started. "All I can tell you, is that Applejack's brother is called Big Macintosh for a reason!"

She stopped and took her tongue and licked him all the way up to his wings. She started rubbing and licking his wings. It’s felt so amazingly good. Mark had no idea wings could be such a pleasure spot. Pinkie Pie was rubbing his wings in a circular motion, she could tell she was doing it right because Mark’s breathing was getting deeper and his legs were kicking.

“Are you ready?” Pinkie Pie asked. She had an almost maniacal smirk on her face.

Mark couldn’t form words, he tried to push himself up to kiss her, but she pushed him back down onto the bed. She was basically dominating him. Without much warning, she stuck his rock hard member inside of her and started moving up and down on top of him. Pinkie put her hands down on Mark’s wings. He couldn't move, the weight of Pinkie Pie on top of him held him to the bed.

“Wait!” Mark said with some severity in his voice. He looked around the room. “I have this weird feeling that we’re being watched.”

Pinkie Pie couldn’t help but laugh.

“Oh you silly, don’t worry. No pony is awake at this hour.” Her voice was re-assuring, so Mark just forgot about the feeling of being watched and went back to enjoying himself.

She started up again, moving him in and out of her. She started moving up and down faster, and faster. After countless minutes of sex, Mark looked up at Pinkie Pie, she was looking down at him, straight into his eyes. She slowed down and started to speak.

“Enjoying yourself?” Her voice wasn’t as upbeat as usual, it was more slowed and, in his opinion, way more seductive. She gave a small laugh and continued.

“You look like you’re having a good time.” she ran her hands from the base of his wings down to his thighs, stroking them lightly.

At first he didn’t understand what she meant, then he realized he wasn’t controlling his body for the last few minutes. He noticed that his wings were twitching from the pleasure he was feeling. And that his legs were kicking hard enough to knock someone out cold.

“Oh, I'm sorry, I didn’t mean to-” But Mark was cut off when Pinkie Pie put her hoof to his mouth.

“It’s okay, I don’t mind if your wings twitch or you kick.” She grinned from ear to ear. “It just tells me that I'm doing a good job!”

She started up again, bouncing up and down on top of him, Mark closed his eyes as he took in what was the best feeling experience he had ever had in his entire life. Mark was close to finishing, but he definitely didn’t want this moment to end.

Mark started, “Uh, Pinkie, I think I'm gonna-” and then she stopped and pulled him out from inside of her.

“Oh no you don’t, not yet!” Pinkie Pie was teasing him. She was now squatting above him, still rubbing his wings. Mark was breathing as hard as he ever had, he was so close to cumming. She took one hoof and grabbed his cock and started rubbing the tip against her clit, giving her a feeling she hadn’t felt in a long time.

“You’re not allowed to have all the fun, Mark.” She told him. She moved his cock slowly as she enjoyed the feeling of total stimulation. She would slide the tip in and out of her, making her give a few deep sighs of ecstasy. Pinkie Pie was at this point completely using Mark as her pleasure toy, but Mark though she deserved it for what she had been doing to him. Pinkie Pie started going back to completely putting Mark inside of her. She brought her hoof down and started rubbing her clit. She moved her hoof slowly at first, eventually moving it faster, and faster. Pinkie Pie started screaming as loud as she could as she felt pure pleasure filled her entire body. Her hoof was now moving as fast as she could make it. Mark was afraid Mr. and Ms. Cake would hear them, he didn’t care though. He didn’t care if Celestia herself could hear them. With one final ear splitting scream, she had a huge orgasm, making her entire bed wet with her juices. She bent down and kissed his neck. As she lifted her head, she whispered into his ear again.

“I’m ready for you now.”

She quickly started riding him as fast as she could. Mark couldn’t control himself.

“Pinkie, I’m gonna cum!” Mark yelled.

Pinkie Pie was now screaming at the top of her lungs from the pleasure.

“Cum inside me Mark! Fill me with your frosting!” Pinkie said extremely loudly.

Shortly after, Mark came. Pinkie took Mark out from inside of her, and fell asleep on top of his body.

Mark couldn’t believe it, one day, he’s at home doing nothing important, and now he’s in bed with one of his favorite ponies.

The next morning, Mark woke up to find Pinkie Pie no where to be found. He walked downstairs hoping to find her.

Mark then heard Pinkie Pie from back upstairs, “Come back, I have breakfast for you in my room!”

When Mark made his way back to her room he found Pinkie Pie laying on her back with her haunches spread. In between her legs, a stack of pancakes with syrup and whipped cream.

“Ready for breakfast? And don’t worry, the cherry is at the bottom.”

Chapter 4

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Twilight was excited to get to meet a person from the “Other Side”. She had read stories from Princess Celestia’s personal library, which was completely off limits to anyone but the Princess herself. People from a place not reachable by land, sea, or air. The onlt way for these people to be reached was for there to be a break in “The Barrier”; The Barrier was never said to actually exist, but apparently it did. She had the day pretty much set up with lots of questioning. She was hoping to learn as much about the land beyond The Barrier, and the people who inhabit it.

Mark left Sugarcube Corner after breakfast and another little “party” with Pinkie Pie. He faintly knew how to get around. His knowledge of the show and the speedy trip to Sugarcube Corner the night before was not much to go by. After getting some directions from a few other ponies her found his way to the library.

He knocked on the door, he expected to see Twilight open the door, but instead he was greeted by a small purple and green dragon. There was an awkward silence as they both stared at each other for a few seconds, then Mark spoke.

“Uh, um...” Mark was stuttering. “I’m here to see Twilight.”

Spike immediately understood. “Oh, you’re that guy AJ found out in the field.”

Spike showed Mark into the living room, Mark sat down on the same couch he had found himself on the day before. Twilight came down the stairs from her bedroom, to find her guest already there.

“Spike, you could have told me he was here.” Twilight said, trying to cover her anger. “I’m so sorry, but I’m no where near ready, please, excuse me for a second.”

Twilight ran back into her room, leaving Mark and Spike alone downstairs. Desperately tried to break the silence, he tried thinking of a topic that that didn’t sound stupid.

“Er, so you’re a dragon?” Mark started, hoping it would lead somewhere.

Spike perked up, he was always ready to talk about himself.

“Yeah! But I’m only a baby.”

“So, can you breathe fire?”

“Absolutely!” Spike made a small green flame appear from his mouth, Mark was amazed.

“Dude, that is sweet, I wish I could do that.”

The conversation continued for what seemed like a half hour when Twilight came downstairs.

“Spike, I’ve arranged for you to sleep over at Fluttershy’s tonight, so you have to head over now.” Twilight tried to say it in the nicest voice possible. Twilight wanted Spike out of there, just in case something were to happen later that night.

“Aww, but I want to learn about where Mark is from.” Spike was whining, it had usually worked for him in many situations, but not this time.

“Spike.... Now!” Twilight’s tone was getting noticeably more stern.

“But, but-”

That moment Spike was lifted into the air and thrown out, the door shutting behind him.

Twilight turned back to Mark, his eyes wide after watching her magically throw a living being out a door with little to no effort.

Twilight let out a big sigh, “He’s always like that, sorry.”

“Hey as long as you don’t do that to me!” Mark joked, trying to get her to laugh. Luckily for him it worked, and he could tell she was comfortable around him.

“Okay, where to begin?” Twilight asked herself. She levitated over a quill and paper, and was ready to learn. “So... Mark, I was hoping we could use today for me to learn more about you and where you’re from. You wouldn’t mind doing that would you?”

Mark didn’t know what to say, would telling her about where he’s from make something bad happen? What if he accidentally told Twilight that her and her friends were just a bunch of TV characters? Mark didn’t want any of this to happen, so he left out some thing and just gave her little bits of information, nothing that would make a difference if she knew.

After Twilight had a reasonable amount of notes, she dropped them onto her desk.

“Thank you Mark, Princess Celestia will love to hear about this, but...”

Her horn glowed, Mark felt his body become covered by the magic, there was a flash of light, when the magic receeded, Mark found himself back in human form, without any clothes. Mark reached down to cover himself, he looked up at Twilight, she didn’t seem affected by his nudity.

“I was hoping you would let me get a few sketches of you in your human form.”

Mark couldn’t believe she would do this.

“Uh, I don’t know about this.”

“Oh don’t worry.” She smiled and using her magic, sketched his body. The quill moved along the paper at lightning speed. She got up and moved around him to make sure she got him from all angles. After some talking and a stare fro some puppy dog eyes that she learned from Rarity, Twilight was able to coax Mark into removing his hands, exposing himself.

“Um, aren’t you afraid someone will walk in and see me like this?” Mark asked while motioning to his nude body. “Like your boyfriend or something?” Mark knew full well Twilight was single, he just wanted to see what she would say.

“Psh, don’t worry, I flipped the sign to ‘closed’, and besides, I don’t have a boyfriend. What about you though, doesn’t your marefriend miss you?” Twilight new this question was him trying to find out if she was available, and she was ready to play back. Mark let out a big sigh and told Twilight how he’d never been able to have a steady relationship.

“Now that’s a shame, how could someone as nice as you not have a girlfriend?” Twilight asked, hoping that she didn’t make it too apparent. She finished up her drawings and took a look at them.

“Um, I’ll be right back.” Twilight ran off into the kitchen, the door shut behind her.

“What has gotten into me?” She had a lot on her mind, she took a look down at the pictures, he was tall, strong, and intelligent, her ideal boyfriend.

“I can’t be with him. He’s human!” She grabbed some lemonade and walked back into the living room, Mark was still there, naked and in human form.

She placed the glass in his hand, and they both took a drink. Mark was a noticeable amount taller than her when he was not a colt, and that made her even more attracted to him.

“Thank you so much for your help today Mark!” She walked up to him and gave him a hug.

Mark knew this was his chance. His heart was beating out of his chest. He kissed her, the taste of lemonade sweetened her lips. Twilight’s eyes widened; she wanted this to happen, but she honestly didn’t expect it. She didn’t immediately pull away, she just stood there, her heart beating faster and faster. After their lips broke, and they stared at each other. They could hear each others hearts; he noticed that their heartbeats were in sync with each other. Their eyes were locked, they were inches from each other, when suddenly, they met each other again, they touched their tongues together, doing an elegant dance in each others mouths. She threw her front legs around Mark’s neck, pulling him closer. He wrap his hands around her, and they fell back onto the couch, she was laying on top of him, her head laying on his chest.

“Should-shouldn’t I go back into my pony form?” Mark thought she would be more comfortable that way.

“No, this is fine.” Twilight liked him this way, it just felt right. His skin was warm, and she felt comfortable as has his fingers gingerly ran up and down her back. She had never felt this way. His five fingers felt amazing on her coat. As Mark’s hands traveled down her spine, he could feel her slightly jump from the pleasure. He ran his fingers through her mane, it was soft. She wiggled up until her head was under his, the part of her mane that hung down over her forehead brushing up under his chin. She lifted her head and kissed his neck, and he kissed her back. Mark suddenly lifted his head an looked around.

Twilight looked up at him confused.

“Something wrong?”

“I really feel like someones watching us.”

“Oh, don’t worry.” Twilight started. “No one really comes around to the library, It’s can get really quiet around here sometimes. Nopony’s watching us.”

Mark put his head back down on the couch and twilight layed out on top of him.

For what seemed like hours they just laid in each other embrace. Twilight eventually fell asleep, still laying on top of Mark. Mark lifted her up; she wasn’t heavy, no more than 100 pounds, and carried her up to her bed. As he put her down, Mark leaned over and kissed her forehead, he heard her give a small sigh of happiness through her slumber. Mark walked backwards out of the room, admiring her, she was beautiful, the fact that she was asleep made her even cuter. Mark went back down stairs to find his clothes folded nicely, he slipped his clothes back on and fell asleep on the couch.

He woke up the next morning, he had just had one of the most passionate nights of his life. He didn’t actually do anything, but the connection was there, and he prided himself on saying that. He went back upstairs to check on Twilight, she hadn’t woken up yet, so he quickly returned back downstairs.

“Well, since I’m out of options, I can’t believe I’m going to do this.” Mark walked over to a large bookshelf and looked around for a book. He swore to never even look at a library, but since he didn’t want to spend however long she slept in just sitting quietly, he grazed books looking for something he’d like.

“The Barrier.” Mark said under his breath. “Hmm, seems highly appropriate.” The book looked old, but the font on the front made it look like a fairy tale for little kids. He opened the book, sure enough, pictures, and lots of them.

“This couldn’t be the book Twilight has been reading, could it?” He thought to himself. This was a children's book. It talked about only how a legion of elder unicorns could travel through “The Barrier”.

“Find yourself a book?” Mark turned around to see Twilight at the top of the stairs. She walked down and gave Mark a hug and a kiss. They sat down on the couch and continued talking.

“I actually got to read the real book, that one was created for the kids.” Mark remembered Twilight saying that she had snuck into Celestia’s private library.

“How accurate was the real book?”

“Not very.”

“Am I the first to travel through the barrier?”

“Yes, that’s why I had to ask you all the questions, and had to get those sketches.”

“Don’t worry about it.” He leaned over and kissed her, “Anything for you.” Twilight blushed at this, she gave a small giggle, and leaned onto his shoulder. Mark lifted his arm and put it around her, pulling her close to his side. He moved his arm up and down her front leg. She gave a faint smile, and her horn started to glow, there was a flash of light and he was turned back into a colt.

After one more kiss, Twilight told Mark he had to go and meet up with Rainbow Dash. Mark obliged and walked out the door, as he left, Spike walked in.

“Good to see you’re back Spike, I have a few letters you need to send.” Twilight dropped a small pile of letters in front of him. Spikes face just glared a look of, “Are you serious?” He gathered them up and sent them all at once, it looked like only a little effort.

“I’m writing one more, so hold on a second.” Twilight told him while floating over a quill and paper.

“Dear Princess Celestia... Oh, do I have a story for you...”

Chapter 5

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Mark stared up a the cloud, he was supposed to spend the day with Rainbow Dash. He knew he had to fly up there, but he had never flown before. He looked back at his wings, he made them flap a few times, and was trying to lift himself up into the air. He took a small jump to test out his wing strength. He noticed that he didn’t fall as fast as he would without flapping.

Mark let out a nervous sigh. “Well, here goes nothing.” Mark jump the best he could, the mixture of his legs and wings propelled him up into the air rather fast, he almost lost control and fell to what he thought would be an extremely painful stop. Flying wasn’t so bad, he figured if Rarity could figure it out quickly, so could he. He elevated slowly up to the cloud, he didn’t want to do anything crazy. After a few minutes he could see the top side of the cloud, it was a lot larger and more open then he imagined. It had a large open are in the center, and a few small buildings placed around it. Mark was still floating, he moved along the outdoor area. It looked different then it did in the show. Pegasi could manipulate clouds, so he figured that she could just change her house whenever she wanted.

As he kept floating, he saw a cloud with a rain pouring down from it. Behind the wall of water, he could see a silhouette of a pony. He just floated there, watching the pony. A minute later the water stopped, revealing Rainbow Dash. Mark felt himself fall out of the air, his wings had gone stiff. If he wouldn’t have been able stand on clouds, he would have fallen down though the cloud and possibly died. Even though ponies normally didn’t wear clothes, Mark still found himself with a wingboner. The water droplets on her coat and the shine of her wet mane made her ever so gorgeous; add the steam behind her and it was downright jaw dropping. After she finished drying her mane, she looked down at the floor to find Mark, laying on his stomach, legs sprawled out, wings erect.

“Well you’re here early, I’m still getting ready for our day together.” Dash told him with an annoyed tone, she didn’t really mind, but she made it sound like she did.

Mark looked around, embarrassment on his face. He had basically been caught watching her take a shower. His eyes looked around the room, desperate not so lock eyes with her.

“Oh, well I just was walking-err floating, around, I just got here, and...” Mark had no idea what to say after that.

Dash turned around, looking back at the cloud where the waterfall had previously been.

“You saw me using my outdoor shower?”

Mark nodded

Dash smiled. “Don’t worry, you didn’t see anything... right?”

Mark nodded again, this time faster. He didn’t want to talk to her.

“And what about your wings?” She lifted her hoof and pointed at his wings, they were still erect.

Mark replied as fast as he could. “Oh, I-I just fell!” Mark tried to make himself sound more truthful. “I was flying, and I fell, I still can’t control my wings very well.”

“Well that’s for sure.” Dash knew immediately that he was lying. She knew all about wingboners, she was just glad that this time she wasn’t the one with them.

Mark got up, he wings went back to normal.

“Now, I was hoping we could get some flying, in.” Dash walked to the edge and turned to Mark.

“Okay, I guess I can work on flying a little.” Mark watched her sit down on the edge of the cloud.

“Good...” A small smirk came across her face. Mark didn’t understand. Dash leaned backwards off the cloud and free fell downward.

Mark ran to the edge of the cloud, he thought that she had fallen to her death. He popped his head over the side to see her floating on her back with her front legs crossed behind her head.

“Haha! You thought... I didn’t mean... to do that?!” Dash could barely talk to her laughter. Mark was just happy she was alive.

“Okay, your turn.”

“What?!” Mark didn’t expect to just start flying, he was hoping for some sort of lesson.

“Just jump!”

“Then what?”

“Then you fly.”

“And if I don’t?”

“You will, now come on, it’s not that hard, you were able to fly up to my house, weren’t you?”

She had a point, if he did it before, he should be able to do it again. He took a few steps back and ran forward, he was putting all of his trust into wings that he had just gotten three days ago. With one jump, he launched himself from the clouds. He was able to flap his wings fast enough to fly, and that was okay with him, he didn’t want to break any air speed records. Dash flew up joined him. She grabbed his hoof and they started to fly among the clouds.

Mark was to slow to keep up with Rainbow Dash’s normal speed, so it felt like she was dragging him through the air. Mark looked down, he could see all of Ponyville from up here. Mark started trying to move his wings faster, after a while of flying, he was able to keep up wit her. Rainbow Dash could tell that Mark didn’t need to be holding her hoof, but she liked holding hooves with him. She couldn’t remember the last time she held hooves with someone, it would have had to been back in school. But that was long ago, back before she had her cutie mark. They flew for a long time, it was nice. Just the two of them, no one was around. Rainbow Dash liked him, she liked the way that he had enough trust in her to jump off of a cloud and fly with only a little hesitation. She also liked him because he wasn’t like the other colts she grew up around. The other colts were just meat heads that didn’t care about her. She knew that Mark cared about her when she saw his face after she fell off the cloud backwards, he looked genuinely scared that something had happened to her. Rainbow Dash flew them over to a cloud, it wasn’t as up in the air as her house but it still gave you a good view of the surroundings. They both layed back into the cloud as if it were a couch. It was soft, it almost felt like it was plush. They just sat there, holding hooves. In the silence, Mark’s voice echoed across the canyon.

“OH FOR GOD’S SAKE ALREADY!” Mark had no idea how loud he said it, at least until the echos stopped.


“I swear to my god, and your Celestia, that someone has been watching me for the last few days.”

“Well, are in a very public area, and we are below usual flying height. Chances are somepony can see us from here. If it really bothers you, we’ll just go back to the house.”

Dash and Mark flew back to her house, they landed outside near where they met. They were both sweating, it was a real workout for both of them. Mark looked at Rainbow Dash the same way he did earlier. She was glistening as the sun hot the beads of sweat. She was beautiful.

“That was a good day of flying, huh Mark?” She looked back at him, he was covered in sweat as well.

“Haha, yeah. It beats walking.”

“That’s for sure.” Dash wiped the sweat off her forehead. “Well, I’m gonna get in the shower.” She walked over to Mark and grabbed his hoof. “Want to join me?”

Before he could answer, she led him under a cloud. As he followed behind her, he couldn’t help himself but to look at her rump. With every step she took her tail swung sideways, giving Mark a few, short looks at her. He felt his wings stiffen slightly, he tried his best to keep them down, and was actually doing a good job hiding the erection. She flew up on top and gave it one good kick, water poured down it. He couldn’t see outside of shower, she had it so that water was coming down so steadily that around the outside of the shower, was a solid wall. Moments later, the water broke as she stepped inside. He couldn’t take his eyes off of her. Hair flat against her head an neck and beads of water on her coat, It was almost too much for him. She walked closer to him. She leaned in an kissed him.



Both of them had wingboners. The looked around and noticed that the water created a mirror on all sides of them. They looked at each other, they were both blushing.They kissed again, their lips locked, still cold from the wind chill. Dash threw her arms around Mark’s neck, from here, Mark was able to caress her wings. He could feel her entire body shake from the pleasure. She took one hoof and started rubbing the base of his wing. Mark kissed her neck, her rainbow mane was in his eyes, all he could see was a mixture of colors. He knew she liked it, she started rubbing her wings faster. She stomped one of her feet, she was losing control of her body from the pleasure. Mark broke the kiss, he knew that she didn’t want to stop kissing him. He looked into her rose colored eyes, he stared deep into her pupils.

“Your eyes...” He was lost for words. “They’re beautiful.”

A small smile came across Rainbow Dash’s face, She closed her eyes and turned her heard to the side in embarrassment. Mark took this opportunity to get really close to her wings. He moved

around behind her, he ran his hoof from her cheek down to her wing. He grasped her wings in his hoof and started moving them as fast as he could. Rainbow Dash was no longer doing anything but standing still as she was being pleasured. The faster he moved his hooves, the better the reaction he got from her. “She likes it rougher.” Mark thought to himself. He wondered how far Rainbow Dash wanted to go. He took one of his hands and moved it back toward her rump slowly, not wanted to be caught by her. He felt between her haunches, soaking wet. He knew it wasn’t from the shower. As he removed his hoof, he accidentally brushed her tail. Rainbow Dash turned around and caught him with his hand at her back side. She gave him a small grin.

“I thought you were never going to get around to it. I’ve been waiting for you to mount me, but I wasn’t sure you even had the guts to go near there.”

Mark couldn’t believe she was letting him do this. Mark didn’t hesitate to mount her, fully putting himself inside of her. He felt her jump. A feeling of ecstasy came over her entire body like a shot of electricity was coursing through her. Mark started off slowly, moving in and out of her. Rainbow Dash was taking deeper breaths, her entire body shook with every thrust of his hips. Mark put his hands on her wings, using them for pleasure as well as for balance. Mark knew she wanted more, so he moved faster, and harder. He moved his hooves on her wings in circles as fast has he could. Rainbow Dash’s heart beat rose, her breathing got faster. The mixture of their body heat and the cool water made the room steam up. Mark slowed his hips, he started making slower, deeper thrusts into her. Mark took his hands and placed them on her rump, stoking them gingerly. Her coat was slick from the water, but still soft none the less. Her deep breathing was replaced by small “ahs” of pleasure with every gentle push inside of her. Mark looked at the steady falling water in front of him, it gave him a perfect refection that allowed him to see Rainbow Dash’s face. Her eyes were closed and she has a large smile from ear to ear. Mark wanted to try something he had learned from Pinkie Pie. He pulled himself out from her and and gently ran his cock up and down her slit. He heard Dash give a small yelp from the feeling, so he knew he was doing it right. He paid a lot of attention to her clit, since he knew how much Pinkie Pie enjoyed it. Mark spent the next few minutes pleasuring her, gently rubbing it with his tip.

“Ah! Yes! Yes! Yes!” Rainbow dash started to yell. Her cries were loud as they were amplified and echoed from he water on every side of them. He knew the sound couldn’t be heard from the outside, you would be downed out by the water. He moved his cock along her slit faster, occasionally fully putting himself inside of her. Rainbow Dash began thrusting in time with Mark’s own up and down gyrations, timing it so that every time she went down he thrust in so the head of his cock would press hard against her g-spot; every time it did she let out a fresh squeal. He pressed a free hoof on her clit as he pumped, further heightening her pleasure, as well as his pleasure as she tightened around him. Rainbow Dash was close, Mark could tell by her tightening around his cock. She was like a balloon, ready to pop at any moment. With one final deep thrust, Rainbow Dash came. The feeling of her warm juices made Mark cum only moments later. As Mark took himself out of Rainbow Dash, he could feel his wingboner receed, as well as watch Rainbow Dash’s wings go back to their normal position. Mark walked around in front of her and and kissed her. Rainbow Dash grabbed his hoof and they walked into her bedroom. They layed down on the bed and cuddled until they went to sleep.

(Author note): Serious block on this chapter, couldn’t think of any good ideas. This took 3 times longer to write than the last few chapters combined.

Oh, and they always cuddle/ go to sleep afterwards because not only is it adorable, it’s in the rules of Pony Sensual Fanfiction. That and I’m a softie... Okay it’s just because I’m a softie.

chapter 6 edit

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The road to Fluttershy’s cottage was long and winding through group of trees. Mark walked down the path, glad that the trees gave him shade from the sun. There were no clouds in the sky, he didn’t know if that meant the pegasi were working hard, or hardly working. Rainbow Dash told him it was about 2 miles from her house to Fluttershy’s, but he wanted to walk it, it would give him some time to think about his last few days. What had he gotten himself into? He felt like he shouldn’t be doing what he had been, but he knew he couldn’t pass these opportunities up. He stared directly up at the sky and started talking.

“God? Or god like figure? Celestia maybe? Whatever. I know you’re testing me down here, and I need you to know... I’m just a C student, okay? Cut me some slack.”

He didn’t know much about the pony lifestyle, but he knew one thing for sure, karma’s a bitch, and sooner or later, he’s gonna get screwed by her, and it definitely won’t be enjoyable.

Mark was walking down the path, not paying any attention, mostly thinking to himself, minding his own business.

“NOW!” Yelled a voice coming from some bushes beside him.

I giant net fell on top of him. Mark didn’t even have time to think. He just said what he would in any situation like this.

“What the fu-”

He looked down at his feet to find three fillies decked out in camo staring up at him.


The three ponies started running circles around him, chanting, “CUTIE MARK CRUSADERS ANIMAL HUNTERS!”

Great, these ponies. Mark pulled the net off him and started walking away, when he felt someone pulling on his tail. Mark turned around to find Scootaloo uncomfortably close to his face.

“We caught him! Did we get out cutie mark? Did you get yours?” The went on for way too long, when Mark felt like he could find a way to end this.

“Why would you want to be animal hunters?”

“We don’t know.” The three said at the same time. “We’re trying everything.”

“Well, you’ll probably get your cutie mark in whatever you’re good at already and what you like to do.”

Mark turned his head to Applebloom.

“What are you good at?”

“I’m good with animals!”

“There you go! You can be like Fluttershy.”

Mark looked at Sweetie Belle.

“And you?”

“I can sing really well!”

“Nice, you’ll be a great singer.”

Mark turned to Scootaloo to find her already staring back at him, it was unexpected how much she was staring into his eyes, and actually scared him a little.

“And that leaves you.”

“I can do awesome tricks on my scooter!”

“Awesome! Be a stuntpony daredevil or whatever.”

Honestly, Mark couldn’t care about their cutie marks, he just wanted them out of his hair for the time being. Mark started walking away, hoping that would be the end of the conversation. He was wrong. The three were spending the day at Fluttershy’s helping her with the animals. He figured this was the bad karma already starting to take effect. He just hoped it would be worth it.

Together, the four of them walked down the road, Mark was silent, while the tree little fillies wouldn’t shut up. Mark kept his thoughts to himself.

“These kids are are diving me insane! I swear if I didn’t get laid last night...”

Mark let out a chuckle, unfortunately, the three heard him.

“What’s so funny?” The three asked together.

“Oh, nothing. It’s nothing at all.”

They eventually arrived at the cottage, they were met by Fluttershy outside. Their day basically consisted of working with animals. Mark spent the day moving karts of supplies and carrying animal food for Fluttershy, seeing as he was a large Colt. The CMC messed around most of the time, but Mark got a few cheap laughs watching Sweetie Belle get chased by a chicken. Applebloom on the other hand seemed right at home, herding animals. At the end of the day, Mark and Fluttershy just sat down and watched the kids play around with the animals.

The sun went down and the three fillies had fallen asleep, leaving Mark and Fluttershy alone with each other. Fluttershy handed mark a cup of tea, and they sat down at her kitchen table. The house was silent, it was the most quiet it had been all day.

“So Mark,” Fluttershy started. “How’s your stay in Ponyville been?”

“It’s been good.” Mark had no intention of telling her about what he had been doing.

“That’s nice. Meet any nice mares?”

Mark felt his heart stop, he didn’t want to make eye contact, he took a sip of tea. He felt his body relax, a little to relaxed. His vision blurred, through his eyes he could see that Fluttershy had a smirk on her face.

“Wait a min-.” That all Mark could say. The last thing he saw was the wooden table getting closer to his head. With one thud, his head hit the table, he was out cold.

Mark woke up, his second rude awakening since he got to Ponyville, but it was probably worse this time. It was extremely dark, with one candle alongside him sitting on a table. He was tied to a bed.

“Hello, Mark.” He saw Fluttershy emerged from the shadows. Her body flickering in the light of the candle. Mark was lost for words, she had a riding crop in her mouth. This was the last person Mark expected to see.

“What am I doing down here?!” Mark yelled. “Let me go!”

“Oh, I can’t do that Mark, especially after how you’ve been acting.”

Mark was taken back.

“What do you mean?”

“You think I don’t know?!” She lashed him across his flank with the riding crop, making him scream. “I know what you’ve been doing, I’ve had my eye on you.”


Mark watched as a small blue bird flew in and landed at Fluttershy’s front hooves.

“A little birdy told me.” A smile crossed her face. Mark couldn’t control himself, anger rushed through his body, he couldn’t move, just yell.


Mark felt another lash across his rump. Fluttershy raised her voice to match his.


Mark knew fighting was pointless, he went whisper quiet.

“...but why...?”

“Girls stick together don’t they? I don’t want you hurting my friends.”

“I would never do anything to hurt them.”

Fluttershy smiled.

“Good, but let’s make sure of that.” She walked right up to him, right until her face was almost touching his. “You’ve been very bad...” he whipped his underbelly as she spoke. “And you... Need to be... PUNISHED!” She gave one extremely hard lash along his waist, a welt appeared almost instantly. She stepped back, Mark was holding back tears of pain. He knew this was the karma coming for revenge.

“Look at you, such a filthy little insect.” She started insulting him. “You think you can just go and fool around with my friends? You’re nothing but a little slut.”

She gave him many fast whips against his rump, causing him to groan from pain.

“Oh, baby, does it hurt when mommy spanks your wittle hiney?”

Mark got mad, he pulled against his restraints. She took a step back and grabbed the candle off the table. She held it up in front of Mark’s face, he could feel the heat. She let it singe the hair under his chin. She tipped the candle and watched as the searing hot wax ran down his chest. He opened his mouth to yell, but she shoved a ball gag in his mouth, cutting him off.

“No more talking!”

Mark let out a muffled yelp. He got whipped again.

“Do NOT talk back to me.”

Mark hung his head, he didn’t say anything.

“Aw, that’s my baby boy. Did you learn your lesson?” Fluttershy said through her baby talk.

Mark said nothing. He got whipped

“I said, did you learn your lesson?

Mark let out a muffled noise.

“Good.” She grabbed a vile and held it under his nose. He was forced to breathe it in.

*Pomf*. It was an aphrodisiac. His wings stiffened and his cock went hard. His heart was beating fast and he was breathing heavily.

She whipped him.

“How DARE you! That’s no way to act in front of a lady!”

Fluttershy moved right up in front of Mark, he could feel her breath rolling across his face.. “Aw, look at you.” She stuck her riding crop between Mark’s legs, using it stroke his member. “All full of sexual desire.” She removed the riding crop from between his legs. “And no way to get off. How’s that for punishment?”

She whipped his hind end again, making him groan.

“Don’t you talk back to me!” Fluttershy whipped him again.

Mark groaned, he got whipped again.

He snorted, he got whipped again.

He tried to beg her to stop, he got whipped again.

Mark finally held his tongue.

"Good." She said darkly. she got up on top of him and lowered her wet pussy to his snout. Mark knew what he had to do. He reached for it, rubbing the ball gag against her slit and clit. He couldn't like her, he couldn't taste her, all he could do was pleasure her. Fluttershy used her forehooved to gently caress his cock. She teased it just enough for him to almost cum, but never be able to. Mark was on edge, he could get off any second. The aphrodisiac had taken over him. What Fluttershy did next caused Mark to squirm and pull against his restraints. She opened her mouth wide and began sucking him. Mark was bound to go at any second. He could feel his body going crazy. His restraints kept him grounded as he tried to move any more than a few inches. This was it, he was bound to cum, he was completely set to do it when Fluttershy stopped. Mark's eyes widened, he couldn't believe it, of all the things she did to him, whipped him, burned him, tied him up, this was the worst. She had finally broken him. Tears rolled down his face.

Fluttershy released him, Mark lay limp on the bed, beaten and bruised. He had no strength to move. She stood over top of him. She took one hoof and lifted Marks head so he could look at her as she spoke.

“I didn’t want to have to do this, I was watching you, luckily you haven’t done anything unforgivable... yet.” She leaned down, and looked dead into his eyes. Mark looked back into hers, and stretched forward just enough to kiss the tip of her nose. Taken back, she threw a rag in his face, Mark got dizzy, chloroform, and was out cold once again.

Mark woke up on the couch back inside Fluttershy’s cottage, his rump was still in horrible pain he his stomach was burned from the candle wax. Mark didn’t know what to think, he actually enjoyed last night, it was probably the aphrodisiac. Mark stood up and met Fluttershy at the door. She seemed back to normal, or whatever normal is now. She told him that he had to go to Rarity’s now. But he turned to Fluttershy and kissed her on the tip of her nose again.

“Thanks for last night, enjoyed it.”

He headed down the path, he saw Fluttershy blush, and as she closed the door, he could hear a faint giggle. Mark thought to himself.

“Hehe, looks like I was the one... to break her.”

He puts on sunglasses and stood up on his back legs and yelled “YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!” out loud as he moved his arm as though he he’d strummed a guitar.

(I'm sorry for that)

Chapter 7

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Of all the places in this world, this place looked the best. Mark stood outside the Carousel Boutique, just staring a it. It was a large multicolored building with a giant carousel on top of it. Saying it was girly would be an understatement, but he though it had a fine style to it. He stepped inside the boutique, a bell above the door rang signaling his entrance.

"Just a minute!" He heard from the back of the shop. A moment later, Rarity stepped though a door, making what could have been an over dramatic entrance.

"Welcome to the Carousel Boutique!" She said confidently. She had her eyes closed and her nose pointed to the ceiling in an attempt to make things more dramatic. When she open her eyes, she saw Mark just staring around the room, he was amazed by all the dresses and suits. Rarity stopped smiling at the sight of Mark.

"Oh… it's you Mark." Rarity wasn’t upset, but she didn’t want to give a grand welcome to every person who walked in

"Ma'am." Mark and Rarity's eyes widened, they were both taken back. Did he mean to actually say that? Mark wasn't sure about the actual ages of the ponies, no matter how many quotes or math equations he saw on ponychan. He just figured that he was Twilight's and Rainbow Dash's age, and that Rarity was the oldest of them all, including him. Rarity didn't seem to mind at these words, she just smiled.

"Ooh, a gentlemen." Rarity continued. "Sorry, I was just expecting a customer, he was supposed to be picking up his suit."

"Sorry." Mark just said that because he didn't know what else to say.

"Oh, no worries dearie. But since you're here for the day, I'm sorry to tell you that you'll be put to work."

"No problem, it can't be as difficult as work around at Fluttershy's cottage and with animals."

Mark was right, he was just doing simple tasks, fetching materials, holding down material while she stitched them, and to his surprise, she even asked him his opinions on how she was doing.

The work day ended, and they had made many beautiful dresses and suits for the ponies of Equestria.

"Mark, thanks ever so much for your help." Rarity told him.

"No problem."

"Oh, one last thing, I was hoping I could make you a suit for any parties you may attend during your stay here. Could I get you to stand in front of those mirrors?"

Mark listened, he stood up in front of a wall of mirrors and watched as material and measuring tape wrapped around him.

"Mark, I have to tell you." Rarity started. "You're the nicest colt-cuddler I've ever met."

Mark's eyes widened and his voice got involuntarily loud.


"Oh, you don't have to hide darling. It's ok, maybe Applejack can introduce you to Caramel, he seems like a nice companion for you. "

Mark couldn't believe what he was hearing. "YOU THINK I'M-?" He didn't know how to explain it.

Rarity had an 'Oh Shit' look on her face. "You mean you're not?"

"Why would you think I'm gay?"

"Well, I figured, you're very respectful towards mares, you're extremely nice to everyone, and, let's face it, you know your way around a thread and needle, I just thought-"

"Wait, what?" Mark put the pieces together in his head, even in his thoughts it sounded like he was gay.

"Oh sweetie I'm so sorry." Rarity tried to be comforting. "Try to take it as a compliment."

Mark just stared at her, his face riddled with confusion.

Rarity spoke with a certain sweetness on her words that calmed him down.

"Think about it, most colts are meat heads and obnoxious idiots who treat girls like objects, you you're sweet, that would make anyone think you were a colt-cuddler, but instead you're just a genuinely nice boy."

Mark smiled. "Thanks, I guess."

Later, Rarity was taking some measurements, when she came across something that caught her attention.

"Mark what are these?" She poked at a bruise on his back side, causing him to jump. He was covered in bruises, welts, and burns. Rarity smiled, she knew exactly what these were from, she was a very experienced mare herself.

Mark forgot about the visible bruises, he hoped she didn't know what these were from, and he even more, he hoped that she wouldn't recognize them as Fluttershy's work.

"Oh, those?" Mark was thinking up excuses as he spoke. "I got those from… FLYING! Yes, flying. Actually crashing, I'm not very good yet."

"You're a horrible liar, dearie."

Mark knew he was, it was a long shot, and it didn't work. Rarity left the room, leaving Mark with a chance to think up a better excuse, unfortunately, it was too late. Rarity returned with a riding crop in her mouth.

"Mark, do you know what this is?"

Judging by the wing erection he had, she was able to answer her own question.

Mark, turned around to see he wings stiffened. He just hung his head and sighed.

Rarity was trying to hold back a smile as she said her next statement.

"It looks like you have some good memories involving this thing." She said with it now floating, hitting the tip against her hoof.

Mark didn't know what to do, she could tell when he lied, that pretty much gave him only one option. Mark fell to Rarity's feet and started begging that she wouldn't tell anyone. Causing her to laugh.

"Oh don't worry, what two ponies do behind closed doors is their secret, and it's nopony else's business."

"Tell that to Fluttershy." Mark said under his breath.

"What was that?"

"Nothing, nothing at all."

"Mark, just wait a minute, please." Rarity left the room for a second time. Giving Mark a chance to stand back up and calm down. Rarity emerged from her bedroom again, this time, she was wearing what appeared to be a maid's outfit. It was a really short dress that rode high on her flank. It had laces all down the front and frills along the bottom, and it got the desired effect from mark.


She took a step toward Mark, until her face was in front of his. She told him to follow her, as she turned around, she dragged her tail lightly across Mark snout, he could smell the perfume she wore, it almost smelled like the aphrodisiac that Fluttershy made him take. She she walked away, she still had he tail raised, giving Mark a perfect look at her as they walked back towards her room.

Her room was as large as the main part of the boutique. The room was lit with tons of candles, and Mark noticed the large amount of mirrors on the walls and ceiling. Rarity laid down on the bed on her back and spread her legs open, all four of her hooves where in the air. Mark already had a wingboner, but this view gave him the hard-on that Rarity liked.

"Mark?" Rarity looked up at him, making full eye contact.

"Yes?" He was finding it hard to keep eye contact, his vision kept traveling lower on Rarity's body.

"I know you want it, so come over here and give me a taste."

"Yes ma'am."

"Call me, 'Miss Rarity', dear."

Mark smiled and looked up at her eyes. "Yes Miss Rarity."

Mark lowered his head and licked up Rarity's slit, fully taking in all the juices. Rarity had a sweet and spicy taste that he definitely liked. He started licking with more and more vigor. Mark could hear Rarity breathing harder and harder as he moved his tongue up and down her wet pussy. Mark made it a point to gingerly kiss her clit every few licks, he could she liked it, she would always make a few audible 'ahs' as he did it. Mark started lightly picking his tounge inside of her, occasionally making her squirm from pleasure. Mark knew she was enjoying herself, so he decided to go harder. Mark took his forehooves and used them to pull part her lips, allowing him to go deeper inside of Rarity. Rarity was holding back screams as she took her forehooves and put them against the back of Mark's head, pushing him down againts her. As she did so, she came, her heavenly juices spilling out onto the bead, and completely covering the lower half of Mark's face. She looked down at Mark with a smile, but Mark wasn't done. Mark licked Rarity's slit, making sure to get as much of her taste as possible,. When he finished, he still had a hard on, he went up and layer down next to Rarity. She kissed him, his lips still tasting of her juices, and whispered something.

"Mark, we unicorns have more than one pleasure place."

Mark knew what she meant, but let her say it.

"It's our horn, just do the same thing you just did, but on my horn."

Mark knew that he was just going to be her boy-toy for the night, and that she probably wasn't going to return the favor, but Mark knew he couldn't pass up the opportunity. He moved up towards her horn. He slowly licked from the base to the tip. He expected it to feel like bone, but instead it was soft, almost like velvet. Mark felt Rarity taker her hoof and start to rub his chest, she liked the fact that he was a large colt, just like the ones she's dreamt about. He could feel her lightly kiss his chest as he began to stick the tip of her horn into his mouth. Mark started moving his mouth up and down the horn, Rarity's leg started to kick as he moved faster. Rarity started making cries of "Oh yes" and "Keep going" as recombined licking and sucking at the same time. He started to see a glowing emitting from Rarity's horn causing him to stop. Rarity grabbed him with her front hooves and moved her horn back in front of his mouth.

"Please, PLEASE! Keep going darling! KEEP GOING!"

Mark did as he was instructed and put his mouth over the horn again. He contented sucking and licking the horn from tip to base. He heard Rarity scream, during which he felt something happen inside of her mouth. It was almost like a magical discharge, it wasn't physically anything, but Mark still felt it, like a shock wave of magic.

He moved back down to where Rarity's face was, he body was entirely limp as though she was out of energy, even though he did all the work. Rarity kissed him and spoke through her heavy breathing.

"Are you sure you're not a colt-cuddler dearie? Because you sure know how to give an excellent horn job."

Mark just smiled and kissed her.

"I only do that for mares as beautiful as you."

Rarity laid her head on his chest and fell asleep, she was adorable. Mark just laid there and stared up at the ceiling, he could see them in a giant mirror. He dozed off to sleep, thinking about what he had just done.

The next morning. Mark woke up to already find Rarity working on another dress in the main part of the boutique.

"Mark, you still smell like last night! You should go take a shower, you're going to Applejack's next, and she might find out about what we did last night!" Mark walked over and started taking a shower, only to hear Rarity talking to him from the other side of the curtain.

"Mark, one last thing."

"Yes Miss Rarity?"

Mark saw a glowing on the other side of the shower curtain. He felt a tingling sensation along his member, it felt really good to him. Within seconds, he had a full hard on, and within a few more seconds, he had the best feeling orgasm of his entire life. He almost fell over because his legs started to buckle. Mark looked at her though the shower curtain, all he could see was her silhouette.

"Was that your magic?"

He heard Rarity laugh.

"I just wanted to reward you for your service last night. I hope you'll come back soon!" She walked back out of the bathroom and resumed her work.

Mark gave a sigh of pleasure.

"Me too."

Chapter 8

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Mark left Carousel Boutique with his head high, a good story, and and invitation to come back any time he wanted. He knew who he was going to stay with next; Applejack. He had always had something for her, he didn’t know why. He always figured he’d be more into a pony like Twilight, but something always drew him back to Applejack. Was it her sweet accent that left him waiting for more, her honest attitude, or her captivating looks, he’d never know. He walked back along the same rode he had to in order to get to everyponies’ house. He looked to his right and saw the library. The connection he felt with her was definitely one worth looking into. He walked farther and saw Sugarcube Corner, he knew he would have to visit again. He shook his head and walked away.

“Haha, that bitch.”

He looked up and saw Rainbow Dash’s cloud house, he knew she would probably still be sleeping at this hour, so he walked on. The final house on the way to Sweet Apple Acres was Fluttershy’s. He saw her working out front. He just stood there, he couldn’t move, he just stood there. She looked up and saw him bluntly staring at her. She walked over to him. Mark’s heart was beating more rapidly again, he was sure she could hear it. She stared directly into his eyes.

“I’ve still been watching you.”

As much as Mark wanted to run, he couldn’t, his legs wouldn’t let him. Fluttershy continued.

“I told you not to toy with my friends.”

Something in Mark’s head told him to say the worst thing he probably could have at that time.

“In my defense, I wasn’t toying with Rarity, if anything, I was her toy.” Mark expected to be hit with one of Fluttershy’s stares. She leaned in, looked directly into his eyes, he couldn’t look away.

“You know what I’m gonna do?”

Mark thought he would end up tied to a wall again. The next thing he knew, Fluttershy had leaned in and forced her tounge down into his mouth. Mark’s eyes widened, he couldn’t pull away. He felt her tounge explore his mouth, occasionally doing a dance with his. She pulled her tounge out of his mouth and smiled.

“I want you to come back over soon and show me personally what you did to Rarity.”

She walked back into her cottage and closed the door. He could hear the same faint giggle he heard before. Mark couldn’t help but smile. He definitely had broken her.

He knew that if he went down to Sweet Apple Acres now, he’d be sent to work for the entire day, and that really wasn’t what he wanted to be doing. So he sat down under a tree and waited out the day. He spent his time reflecting on his time in Equestria; he had been used, abuse, loved, and “loved”, all in one week. The day went by and the sun started to go down, so he made his way to Sweet Apple Acres. As he walked in, he saw Applejack pulling a cart into the barn. Without saying a word, he snuck up behind the cart and began to push it, lightening the load she was pulling.

“What in ‘tarnation?” She turned around to see Mark leaning against the cart. “Well, it’s good to see you Mark, too bad you showed up at the end of the day, we coulda used another set of hooves around here today”

Mark smiled, “Oh yeah, ya’ know, I was helping Rarity before I left.”

“Mark?” Applejack said flatly.


“You really expect to be able to lie to me? I’m the element of honesty for a reason.”

“I’m not lying!”

“You were hiding from work.”

“No I wasn’t!”

“You fell asleep under a tree.”

“I was helping Rarity!” Mark couldn’t believe it.

“No you weren’t.”

“Gah! Fine! You’re right! How did you know!”

Applejack smiled “I saw you.” Applejack started laughing as she walked away. Through her laughs, he could hear her say that he was to follow her inside and meet the rest of her family. Mark walked inside to see the remainder of her family. He had already met her little sister, but now he was able to meet her brother and Grandmother. Applejack introduced her brother first. He didn’t really say much just a simple “eeyup”. She introduced her grandmother next. Granny Smith motioned to Mark telling him to come closer. She whispered into his ear just loud enough for everyone to hear.

“Fell free to take this one to the rodeo, if you know what I mean!” Mark just stood there for a second, his eyes wide while he tried to take what he just heard. Applebloom was now at Big Mac’s front hooves.

“What does she mean? What does she mean?” Applejack took the opportunity to grab Mark and walk him up to her room.

Applejack opened the door to her room, it was larger than he expected. It was mostly bare walls with a large bed in the corner.

“I’m afraid we’re gonna have to share a bed tonight. Is that okay?” Mark was hoping this would happen, but he figured it would be better not to say that. Mark got into bed, he looked up a Applejack. Without warning she bolted from the room. She walked into the bathroom and stared at herself in the mirror. She could see Granny Smith behind her in the doorway.

“You really like this boy, don’t you?”

Applejack closed her eyes and spoke.

“Ever since I found him, I knew there was something about him.”

“I know, I can tell.”

“What do I do?”

“You do what feels right.”

“Thanks Granny.”

Granny Smith started walking away.

“Oh, and Applejack.”


“It might be good to fool around with someone besides your brother for once.”

Applejack’s eyes widened.

“Oh, and that rainbow haired friend of yours doesn’t count.”


Granny Smith just smiled as she hobbled away.

Applejack heard a crash from down the hall, near where her room was. She ran back to the hallway in front of her room to find Mark thrown against the wall, Big Macintosh pinning him to it with one hoof, Mark couldn’t move.

“Mark?” Big Mac said in his slow, deep voice. “You seem like a good boy.”

Mark was slightly intimidated, but he wasn’t afraid.

“Um. Thank you for the compliment?”

“Now, I don’t know where you came from, I don’t know how you got here, but you seem like a good pony. But Mark...”


Macintosh pressed him against the wall harder.

“If you do hurt my sister, I swear to Celestia, I will kick I will BUCK you off this ranch. You got it?”

Mark was genuinely afraid now. He didn’t know what to do, Big Mac was pushing on his shoulder hard enough to break the bone.

“Macintosh!” Applejack stopped him before Mark had to say anything else. He lifted his forehoof off of Mark and took a step back. Mark slid down the wall and onto the ground. Applejack lifted a hoof to Mark and help him off the floor. She told Mark to go back into her room, he happily obliged. Applejack turned back to Big Macintosh.

“What in the HAY, do you think you’re doing?” She yelled at him, fire burning in her eyes.

“I’m just looking out for you.”

“Well I don’t need you to. Mark’s a nice colt, err, boy, I can tell.”

She walked back into her room and closed the door. Big Macintosh turned around, it was the sigh, went back to his room. When Applejack walked back into her room, she found Mark with his hands on his head, his face buried in his lap.

“Ah don’t worry shug, he’s like that to all boys that get near me. Now let’s get into bed.”

Mark got into the bed first, Applejack got in a turned her back to him. She inched closer so that her back was pressed against his front. Mark was amazed at how close she was to him. She had dreamed of this moment for a very long time, and now it has finally happened. Her coat was soft against his underbelly. Mark didn’t want to push it, so he just held his hands behind for long time. He wanted to feel up and down her body, but he wasn’t sure if she felt the same feelings for him. Mark didn’t know what to do, you want to see how far he could go with her, but had no idea if the feelings were mutual. But then all of a sudden, he heard her speak.

“Put your arm around me.” She said in a calm voice.

Mark threw his arm around her waist, feeling the soft undercoat was still pleasing to his hooves. He heard her give a few moans of pleasure as he and he stroked across her stomach. She turned around to face him, they couldn’t see each other very well, the only light in the room was a lit candle in the corner. Mark could see her beautiful emerald eyes, her blond mane around her forehead. They looked at each other, a series which criticized for what seemed like forever. Applejack broke the silence.

“There’s something special about you, you're not like the other colts."

Mark leaned in and kissed her. Their tongues met in each other's mouths. It was almost like an elegant dance between them. Mark took his hand and put it along her back. He slowly moved it down her spine and eventually down to her orange rump. He ran his fingers through her tail, and slowly caressed her back side. Applejack placed one of her hooves along Mark's chest, feeling up and down his body. This continued for what felt like forever when Mark broke the kiss and went down beneath the sheets. Mark and had found her slit. He carefully pulled her lips apart began to eat her out. He took a few short licks at first, then without warning did a deep, long lick from bottom to top. Applejack was now squirming with pleasure. Her breathing got fast and she grabbed his head and pushed him down into her. Mark started licking and sucking faster, and harder. "Harder!" she told him, "Harder!" Applejack had a quirting orgasm that drove her wild. She slumped back down onto the bed as Mark popped his head out of the covers.

"How was that?"

She couldn't answer.

Mark positioned himself back on top of her, looking into her eyes.

"Are you ready?" He asked her.

All she had to do was nod. Mark guided himself into her, she was perfect. Not too tight, just perfect. He went slowly, letting her recover from her last orgasm. After 5 minutes of passion and slowly going, Mark picked up the pace. He started going faster, and deeper into her. She threw a pillow over her head to keep her from waking up everyone. Mark was getting close, and AJ was too.

"Mark! I'm cumming!"

"I am too!"

Mark kissed her.

"At the same time then."

Mark started to count down.


Mark woke up the next morning, Applejack beside him, just playing back that night in his head. It was the best night of his life. He sat there, just thinking about everything he had not only done last night, but that entire week. Maybe being here wasn't so bad after all. Maybe he could stay here. Get his own place, or maybe travel from house to house as he did before. Mark knew one thing was for sure, no matter what he would do, he was the luckiest pony in the world