7 Human in Ponyland

by shiftylookingcow

S2 Chapter 7: Another reason to hate Valentines Day

Warning: Light colored text may be hard to read. I recommend darkening your background via formatting.

S2 Chapter 7: Another Reason to hate Valentines Day

-Xavier's recap-

Last week wasn't fun. It was pretty uneventful with the girls mad at me and all, Dash being an exception, up until last Wednesday. They might've convinced her or something to stay away from me, and she did as told. I've seen her around though, and she would also give me sad looks. I see how it is. They're pressuring Rainbow to avoid me to get to me. That is low. Twilight's no longer asking me for help around the library. She either completely relied on Spike or try to get Applejack to let up on Jack so he could help her instead, to which she stubbornly refused. Poor Jack. They gave Jeff the silent treatment, but he didn't really give any shits. I decided to take a lesson from his book and go on about my own business. If they wanna take it like a bunch of children, fuck 'em. Lesson to learn: If a girl gives you the silent treatment, focus on something else and not them. Silent treatments don't work if you ignore it. At the very least, they weren't jerks to the kids. Since Jack is paying his dues, it was me against them in this figurative game of chicken. Who will crack first? Game on, bitches.

Although, Luna was laughing like crazy when I told her about the prank (She had already told me that even Equestria had its fair share of gore in the distant past), even more so when I told her how I had got into Twilight's head to get her into bed with me after I pranked the living shit out of her and got away with it, no harm done. "And we thought we were a pranking legend!" was her comment. She had also told me that her sister was onto her. Celestia apparently knows she has a crush on somepony, just not the fact that he's not a pony. I didn't know if I should believe her when she stated that Celestia was trying to very subtly pry information from her. That was also when I told her how I felt about us. You know, for one who apparently turned evil from lack of love and appreciation, she was pretty cool about it. I basically told her that it would take a while to get used to polygamy and this herding idea (I stayed quiet about her being royalty because frankly she wasn't to me). Even though she has a major crush on me, she didnt get upset probably because I had already told her about it before my "confession." However, this didn't mean that she was going to stop messing and flirting with me, so not much changed. She just told me to tell her whenever I was ready to add more to the herd. She was serious, but it sounded like she was messing with me again, laughing when I twitched. Would I be her boyfriend, or her personal human jester? Again, not much changed. I did, however, start feeling another presence in my dreams recently.

-End of Recap-

I was sitting in the Kodiak shuttle that was currently docked within the Normandy SR2's hangar. Commander Shephard had told me that we were going to shut down defenses on a Cerberus fighter base on Noveria. This mission will be cake. To be truthful, it always was, even when I played platinum multiplayer with Jack and one of his friends, Chris. There I was, in my N7 Destroyer armor yet again, equipped with my N7 Crusader and my Paladin heavy pistol. I go in heavy. And I never disappoint. I'm usually the last man standing when my team is down and I'm a pro at staying alive.

When the Normandy reached Noveria, the shuttle door opened. Cortez went to the cockpit while I was again greeted by the commander and Kaidan. By the way, I often greet her as-

"Hey, Commander Luna M. Shephard. I take it you're all set and ready?"

"Must thou always include our rank and last name we didn't choose and cannot change?" Luna said in slight annoyance. "It's just Luna to thee, Xavier."

"I know. It's a bit fun though."

"It's still odd being the only equine in this dream."

"Well, we could always go back to Ontarom." I joked.

"Oh?" She said unamusingly. "Thou mean where that poor and miserable excuse of a creature that loves to steal our credits when our back is turned? We will pass!"

"Haha! And you thought it was the end when you killed it! Nope!"

"Going there was thou's idea."

"I know." I said with prankster's pride.

Luna commanded our crippled pilot to bring us over the base. When he did, Cortez flew us out of the hangar and towards the base. I turned on my shoulder-mounted rocket launcher that somehow has infinite rockets installed and got the first kill as soon as we landed... before being pinned down by 2 autoturrets. Fuckin engineers!

"Hey uh, Luna? Why didn't we bring Tali with us again?" I asked.

"Why doest thou ask us such questions?"

"Because we need a hacker, not a biotic when taking on Cerberus? She can hack those turrets!"

"Oh right! So thou can stare at her hips once more? We say nay!"

"Any electronics they have, Luna, will be a problem for us." I said in an annoyed tone.

"And why not Sir Vakarian?!"

I tried to take out the turrets with my scopeless sniper rifle, but had to duck back down real quickly due to being fired upon. "Because Garrus can't hack! And he's a sniper! We don't need one on this level!"

"Still. We feel confident in thoust abilities to handle this without her." And this is why stubborn commanders aren't really allowed to get romantically involved with one of their subordinates. "We can hear thee!"

That's right. She's romancing me. No big surprise. When I told her that she could romance one person on her team, she picked me. She asked who I picked, and of course, I told her Tali. Just like an idiot would. Now I'm regretting it. Since then, she always picked me on missions, but never Tali, no matter how useful she'd be. I should've lied and said Ashley, had I not told her I chose to save Kaidan for not being a stubborn space racist. That wasn't a hard choice for Commander Luna though. Since this is a monogamous game made by a mostly monogamous species, she chose to eliminate the competition. She literally assumed that I'd automatically be more attracted to another human, which is normal I guess. She still ain't real.

"You're being ridiculous!" I said, retreating inside while launching grenades at the turrets.

"Us? Ridiculous?! We see thee look at her whenever we pass her!" She said, using her vortex ability on a pair of Cerberus soldiers.

"Uh, guys, you're still on the squad comm frequency." Kaidan interrupted.

"Oh... Sorry."
"We apologize."

"It's times like these in which I'm glad I'm gay." Cortez chipped.

(Wednesday, 2/15)

-Jonathan's POV-

I woke up from a good dream! It was a dream that I was a super hero that became the king of time and space!! They called me... TIME SPACE LORD MAN!!! Anyway I got up and went to pee before going downstairs. I felt my tummy growl but I didn't feel like eating gross fish or boring cereals again, so I woke up Jack! He is supposed to be up anyway so he can go on his kissy kissy time with his pony girlfriend. He must be immune to cooties. That must mean I inherited cootie resistance too! Xavier has been staying away from his pony girlfriends a lot. Maybe he caught the cooties?

"Jack! Jack!" I said, gently (roughly) shaking him.

He groaned waking up. "What? What do you want?!"

"Gimme bits please! I wanna go get muffins from Sugarcube Corner! I'm HUUUNGRYYYY!!!"

"Fine.." He groaned reaching for his bit pouch and giving me the bits. "And don't spend them on cupcakes or candy..."

I didn't hear him because I ran out of there with the bits, got dressed and went out to that place. At Sugarcube Corner, there was a line. Awww but I'm hungry NOOOOW! My stomach growled again and I saw that yellow pony lady that's Button Mash's mom! She looked sad with two boxes of chocolate cupcakes and one empty one. How is that possible?!? Chocolate ALWAYS make me happy! So I ran up to her.

"Hi Misses Mash!"

"Beat it, monster kid!" She said in a mean way. "And that's not my name."

"That's mean!"

"Don't you have innocent creatures to feed on or something?" She said, stuffing another cupcake in her mouth. I was gonna say something about her being mean to me when my tummy growled again. I stated at the cupcakes. Oooh... Those cupcakes look yummy! I didn't see her looking at me. "Do human parents teach their kids how to ask for things nicely?"

"Can I have one pretty please?" I held my hand out.

"Here." She hoofed me a cupcake. I quickly ate it. It was yummy! But I had to axe (ask) a question.

"Why are you sad?"

She let out a sad sound (a sigh). "Kid, you won't understand until you're older."

"I am older by a few seconds!"

I made her smile! Yesssss! "I mean years older. My age." I grinned at her. "Button always says that when he wants to stay up late or do other adult things." I frowned.

"Bedtimes stink!"

She laughed again. "A growing boy needs his sleep."

I crossed my arms, tired of hearing that. First mom and dad, then Jack, and now other moms?!? "Misses Button's Mom?"


"Why are you sad? Jack says that you shouldn't keep bad stuff in your head. It eats you up."

"He's right." She said, making that sad noise again.

"He also says that if I listen to girls problems, they'll be easier." I said.

She had almost spat out her cupcake. She covered her mouth with her hoof, laughing. "Is that so?" After she stopped, she made that sound. "I suppose there isn't any harm in telling you. Today is... Heart's and Hooves Day."

"Sounds gross!"

She giggled again. "At your age it might." She looked sad again. "It is also Button's father and my 9th anniversary. Or it would've been if he didn't leave me to avoid responsibility for our child!" She stuffed another cupcake in her face.

A half an hour later, she was crying and I was uncomfortable with it. I thought moms didn't cry!

"And now I'm a single mother with Button Mash being the only family I have left!" she sobbed. I was bored and she was out of cupcakes. After she finished, she smiled at me. "*sniff* Thanks for listening to me. I-I really *sniffle* needed that. You're a good listener."

"Uh... I was lost at 'anniversary.' Sorry.."

"Oh... Well, it's the thought of you trying that counts, dear." She said. "What was your name again?"

"Jonathan Williams!" I said proudly. "Also known as Time Space Lord Man!"

"Well... It is nice to meet you, dear. You can call me Miss Joy." Speaking of names, I had another question to axe.

"Why did you call me monster kid? That wasn't nice!" I whined.

"I guess I should say sorry. Nopony should talk to a kid that way, even if they eat meat."

"Well we used to eat cows and chicken, but Jack and Hiroto says that's bad here so we can't anymore. We eat fish and beans now."

She lightly smiled. "You really don't eat ponies, do you?" She asked.

"What?! Ew! No! Most of my friends are ponies!!" I said.

"That's a relief. I always worried that my little Mashy would end up being a dish around you humans." She chuckled. "You wouldn't lie to me, would you?"

"Lie? No way! I'm not a lier!"

"There you are!" Called an angry voice.

-Jack's POV-

I was so furious when I found him sitting with Misses Mash with chocolate around his mouth. And after I had told him "No sweets!"

"There you are ya little runt! I thought I said no sweets for breakfast!"

He looked at me, grinning. "I didn't have any sweets for breakfast! Oh look at the time! Gotta go to class, bye!" And off he went. I'll take care of you tonight.

"It looks like I'm to blame. The line was long and he was hungry. I also had plenty of cupcakes. More than I should eat anyway." Button Mash's mom said.

"How much do I owe you, ma'am?"

"Nothing. You're Jack, right?"

"Yes ma'am I am."

"You gave your little brother some good advice, other than the girls being easy part. It really helped me today." Wait a minute...

"Don't you hate us? You know, for being meat eaters?" I asked.

"Oh I'm over it. I'm sorry if I caused any stress. I was just nervous with my son being around you guys. He's... really all I have left." She smiled weakly. I guess I'll let the runt off the hook this time.

"Well, you have my name, and I can't keep calling you Button's Mom."

"It's Joy. Joy Stick." She got up from her seat.

"Would you mind bringing joy to my stick?" Heh heh heh...

She smirked. "Okay Mr. Funny Guy. Maybe if you can handle the extra package that comes with this mare."

"You mean you and Button Ma-" Hold... up... "Wait wait wait... are you... and him... gamers? You're a gaming mom?!"

"Well, yeah. My ex-husband and I met each other at an arcade in Manehattan." She raised an eyebrow.

"That... is... awesome..." I wish my mom was a gamer.

"You think so? I usually get criticized for-"

"Fuck dem nerds. Gamerz 4 Lyfe!" I said a little too loud.

Joy giggled. "That's very charming, but aren't you and Applejack a thing?"

Shit! I dunno if AJ's the herding type! "Well, yeah, but I'm sure she won't mind starting a herd." I hope...

"Not so fast, stud. I'll need to get to know you a lot better than I do now before we do anything." She walked past me, giving me a peck on the cheek. "In the meantime, let's keep in touch." She hoofed me a paper with her mailing address on it before leaving. Joy is some mare alright.

-Brianna's POV-

I was half way to school when I met the girls carrying a large pretty glittery something rolled up. I knew today was pony Valentine's Day, but I was curious.

"Hey girls. Whatcha doin?"

"Howdy Brianna! We were just headed to school to give Miss Cheerilee our gift so she'd know how special we think she is." AB replied.

Aaawww.. "Can I see?" I asked.

Sweetie Bell shook her head. "It's not easy rolling it up like this without losing too much of the glitter."

"Oh. Well we don't wanna be late for class." We picked up the pace. We saw Jonny running to our direction. I managed to stop him so he could give us a hand in carrying it. Since we were taller, he and I were the ones carrying the girls' rolled up project there. Jonny and I took our seats when we made it to class while the girls showed Ms. Cheerilee their gift to her. After they did that, I took out one of the cards I had made with Traevon and handed it to Jonny. He took the card and looked at me funny.

"What's this?"

"A card I made for you." I said. "Don't you like it?"

Jonny cringed. "Ew, you aren't coming into me are you?!"

I heard Hiroto snicker. "You said it wrong, and I'm not coming onto you. Don't you know what today is?"

"Hearts and hoofs day?"

"Yes! It's pony Valentine's Da-"

"You mean icky gooey cootie spreading day?! Ugh!"

"For the fifteenth time, Jonny, there are no such thing as cooties!" I said, agitated.

"That's what every girl says!"

"We've known each other for years! If cooties were real, you'd already be infected!"

"Oh yeah?!?" He started making a few jestures on his arm with a smug look. "Double double dot dot now I got the cootie shots! Hah!"

"Double double square square, now you have them in your hair." I said, kissing my finger and putting it in said hair.

"EEEEEEIIIIIIAAAAAGH!!!!" As our classmates laughed at the spazzing out Jonny, the girls sat by us.

"Guess what, Bri! We know what we're gonna do today!" Sweetie said.

"What's that, Phineas?" Jonny was too busy flailing with Snips and Snails on the ground to laugh at the reference. The teacher ran out of the room.

"Uh... I'm not Phineas. And we're gonna find Ms. Cheerilee a special somepony!" She said.

"The teacher doesn't have a stallion?! She's like the nicest pony there is! ...besides Fluttershy."

"Ah said the same thing!" Apple Bloom quoted as said teacher came back with a nurse. "We need to find the perfect stallion for her."

"But who would be good enough for her?" Scootaloo asked as the boy and two colts were taken out of class. We were let out early.

-Jack's POV-

I was slaving away at AJ's farm. Why? She's still pissed about me scaring the living shit out of then a while ago. I didn't even know if I could say it was worth it anymore. Whereas it's easier for AJ to apple buck, human legs aren't that strong!

A couple of times, I was taken off of apple kicking duty and was told to carry the basket of apples back to the barn. For a second I was relieved, thinking AJ was starting to let up. Yeah right... The Apples never let up on punishment. Nope. She fastened the pace, telling me to get the apples before they went rotten. I would've argued that apples don't rot that fast, but we were alone far out in the middle of the orchard. No one would find my body. I'm not whipped or a punk, but I'm not stupid.

I was tired. Beat. Sitting against an apple tree like Golden Freddie. I had long stopped sweating. I think I was becoming dehydrated.

"Sleepin' on the job, sug?"

I gave out a loud enough groan as Applejack approached. "AJ! Don't you think you've been going overboard with this? I know I said I'd make it up to you but damn!"

"Ya shoulda thought o' that before ya pulled that there awful trick on us." She stated, bucking another tree.

"Shiiiiiiiiit..." I deflatingly sighed. "That was ages ago... you mares can hold a grudge..." Speaking of mares... "AJ."


"You know how Xavier has 2 mares in his herd?" She nodded. "I was wondering if you're the herding type."

She stopped mid-buck and paused for a moment. She let out a breath. "Ya know, maybe it is time for a little break." THANK GOD ALMIGHTY!!! "Ah wanna show ya a lil' somethin'." She said, walking off towards her home.

"Okay.." I followed. She had lead me to her house and to her living room to a bookshelf. She pulled out a book with an apple on it. She opened it up and sat down on a couch and patted the spot next to her. I sat next to her before she showed what was in the booklet. It was a family album that had pictures from all of their family reunions dating all the way back to the foundation of Ponyville.

"Ya notice anything in these pictures?"

"Yeah. Granny Smith was a looker back then." That earned me a soft hoof to the back of the head.

"What else?"

Looking closer at the group photographs, I could see that most of her family were almost all females. "Oh."

"Ya know, half of em were invited to our family reunions because they were either in a herd with a stallion in out family, or with one had an Apple in a stallion's herd. That makes em all Apples, ya know?"

I pondered in thought. "I guess that means I'm the first human Apple."

"Ah guess so." She planted a kiss on my lips. "Ah love ya Jack."

"Love you too, but you know... you could've just said yes when I asked if you were okay with herding."


-Xavier's POV-

Today's shit. Everyone's shit. This entire holiday is an idiot. I walk out of my house and find a couple cuddling on my deck. They both got the boot of course. I ain't havin none of that shit today. But no, it wasn't just happening in front of my house. No. It was happening everywhere I turned. Couples cuddling. Herds smooching. Get a fucking room and fuck already!! I wasn't in the mood to deal with any of this shit. I had half the mind to stay at home and barricade myself in my room to keep myself from dealing with this shit, but NO! I had to go out and run fucking errands! And the least I wanna do is run into the four backstabbing bitches I called 'friends' and the two traitors I called marefriends. To hell with all of them!

In fact, to hell with this fucking errand! Guys at home can get their own shit themselves today. I ain't dealin with it. I started to turn back to the house. The sooner I'm back at home, the better. The sooner I'm in my room, the better. Half way there, I heard someone calling me.

"Xavier! Hey!" I turned to see who had the balls to call out to me today, only to find that it was Brianna along with the three fillies she hangs around with. Ain't these little girls supposed to be in class right now?

"What?" I replied.

"Do ya have any plans today?"

"Fuck no! I just wanna go home and sleep away this miserable day."

The three fillies flinched. Brianna whispered something to the three and they nodded their heads. "Well, we were hoping you'd come to the park to help us with something. It's an... uh... it's a school project we're working on!"

"Yeah!" Sweetie Bell replied.

I rolled my eyes and gave out an annoyed sigh. "Fine."

"Great! Meet us at the park in an hour!" Apple Bloom hollered.

"Oh God... Fine!" I wasn't looking forward to doing anything that day, but if it was to help sis, why not?

-3rd Person POV-

An hour later, Xavier went to the park as told. He looked around for his sister, wishing to get whatever it was over with fast. Eventually he found his sister and her friends on a picnic basket. Their teacher, Ms. Cheerilee, approached then just as he did. He figured since this had something to do with school, her being here would make sense.

"Alright sis. You know why I'm here and where I'd rather be. What do you need?"

"Oh we just wanted the two of you to be the first to try our punch!" said Bri. Just then, Xavier noticed something odd as Apple Bloom was pouring two small cups of punch.

"Say, where's Jonathan?"

"He's at the hospital with Snips and Snails. He had a contagious human disease known as 'cooties'." Cheerilee said, remorsefully. Xavier covered his mouth and nose as he snickered. "Am I missing the joke? I had to end class early." She said, unamused.

"Cooties is a made up disease told to boys to keep them from falling for girls at that young of age, lady. It ain't real." He told her before laughing again.

Cheerilee just facehoofed, groaning. "Of course..."

"Here's your punch! Drink up!" Sweetie said, sliding the glasses in front of them and hid in a bush with her friends

Cheerilee and Xavier stared at the cups and at each other for a moment. Now it was her turn to laugh. "I'm sorry Mr. Roberts. I told the girls that I didn't have a special somepony. First they tried to set me up with Big Mac, and now they're trying to set me up with you. Isn't that just silly?"

"So this isn't extra credit?" He asked.

"No, sorry."

"Go figure."

"Well, we might as well humor the girls and not let this punch go to waste." She staged, picking up her glass.

"Sure... Sooner I get home, the better." Xavier picked up the glass. "Bottoms up." They both drank their cups together, not knowing what was in their drinks was actually a love potion. The moment they downed their drinks, they felt it. Cheerlee's face began flushing as she stared into the eyes of the human.

"Was something in my drink? I feel weird..."

Cheerilee's only response was her locking lips with him. Shocked at first, Xavier returned the kiss, noticing that it felt right to him. When they broke the kiss, he stood up.

"Hey, Cheers. You uh, wanna head over to my place for some, uh... Netflix n Chill?" He asked.

Cheerilee stared at him amorously. "I don't understand what that means, but it sounds... alluring." she said lustfully. As they walked on their way to the house of human, four girls cheered in a bush.

"Success!!!" Sweetie cheered.

"We actually did it!"

"Wait a minute... What's Netflix and chill?" Scootaloo asked.

"Oh, Netflix is something you use to watch movies and stuff. You can basically watch any movie you want."

"That sounds awesome!"

"But... You need internet.. We hadn't had internet since we appeared in Equestria." Brianna pondered in thought.

This confused the girls. "Internet? What's that?"

"It's... Hard to explain but... Maybe Hiroto or my brothers found a way to get internet!!"

"Great! Let's find him!" Scootaloo commanded.

The teen in question was reading a book at Golden Oak's library. Twilight had came in a while ago, talking about her run in with the crusaders while stacking books. He wasn't really paying any attention to anything until said girls came bursting through the doors, Bri calling out for him.

"Hiroto! Hiroto Hiroto! Did you really reinvent the internet?!?"

Hiroto stared at her as if she had large boils on her face. "Uh... What?! No.. How did you even get that idea? Who told you I did?"

"Well, Xavier said he was going to watch Netflix and chill with Ms. Cheerilee. He can't do that without internet."

The boy started to feel uncomfortable as he tried to explain what it actually meant. "Netflix and chill means..." he started. "When a man loves a woman.. or in your case, a stallion loves a mare..."

Twilight dropped her books, teleporting between Hiroto and the crusaders, chuckling nervously. "H-Hiroto, I don't think the girls are old enough to know about that. Why don't you leave that to the adults to give them the talk?" This is when Hiroto started whispering in Twilight's ear. When he was done, her face dropped and her eyes went wide. "WHAT?!? He's supposed to talk to me and Rainbow before allowing another mare to the herd!! Oh that no good-" At seeing her upset reaction, Apple Bloom decided to come clean.

"Actually..." Apple Bloom interrupted. "We did that. We wanted Ms. Cheerilee ta have a special somepony, and.. you remember that book ya let us borrow? The one with the ingredients for that love potion?"

Twilight nodded as her head ticked before she put two and two together. She looked at the girls with great concern. "Oh please tell me you didn't do what I think you did.."

"You tricked Xavier and our teacher into drinking love potion?" Hiroto asked.

"No, they tricked them into drinking love poison!!" Twilight exclaimed. She turned to the girls. "You girls are in so much trouble, but now we need to get to Xavier and Cheerilee fast!" Twilight dashed out of the library with the kids in tow. She stormed off to the human house and signaled the kids to wait outside as she went in. When she went upstairs and into her boyfriend's room, she could tell from the stench that it was already too late. She magicked the door open to find Xavier and the town's favorite teacher under the covers, both asleep. She closed the door quickly and went around to see if anyone else was in the house when he heard Jeff coming from the garage.

Needless to say that Jeff, to this day, still made every grown mare and stallion nervous. And here Twilight was supposed to hold a grudge against him as well, but she had to ask him something however. "Hey Jeff?"

"What do you want?"

"How long has Xavier been here?"

"He's been in his room with that teacher mare for a while now... I don't even wanna think about what they were doing.."

"I need your help. We need to help separate Xavier from Cheerilee and with your strength, we can-"

"Like hell I will!" Jeff interrupted. "I'm not wakin' up that horse fucker! They finally stopped all that racket an hour go! Why the hell do you think I was in the garage in the first place?!" He turned around and grumbled back into the garage where no pony was still allowed. Twilight went deep in thought. If Xavier and Cheerilee have been asleep for an hour...

That's right. The potion's spell is broken when the two affected are out of each other's sight for one hour. Since they've been asleep for an hour from physical exhaustion, they've been out of each other's sight. The spell had broken. It wasn't long before they both woke up, one unintentionally waking the other. Needless to say, they both weren't happy as Cheerilee was heard shrieking as Xavier was swearing.

-Xavier's POV-

"GET YOUR HANDS AWAY FROM ME!!!" Cheerilee tearily screamed, violently swatting her forelegs at me. "YOU...YOU MONSTER!!"

"FUCK! I DIDN'T EXPECT THIS TO HAPPEN!! ...Shit Rainbow and Twilight are gonna kill me..."

"I'm never going to get married!!!" She sobbed.

"Look! I don't know what happened either!" Twilight came in through the door. She could smell what went on. We all could. Shitshitshitshitshit... I was fucked. "Twilight! This isn't what it looks like!"

She sighed. I was scared shitless until I heard what she had to say. "It is what it looks like, but it wasn't your fault, Xavier."

"Wait... what? Who's fault was it?" I looked to Cheerilee. She knew what I was thinking.

"What?! Don't look at me like that! I'm not a whorse!!!"

"It's not her's either. You both were tricked into drinking a love poison. You two were under a spell when you both... rutted." Twilight explained. Cheerilee looked like she was about to faint. It took a moment of thinking before I remembered. That punch...

Oh... She gonna feel my wrath tonight...


Twilight tried to calm me down. "Xavier! They didn't know better!"

"THEY FUCKING DRUGGED ME!!!" I couldn't think straight. "AND THEY MADE ME...."

"I know. I'll punish them in class tomorrow for this too, but I'm with Twilight. They're little girls. I'm sure they didn't mean for this to happen. Their hearts were in the right place." Cheerilee placed a hoof on my shoulder. "Besides, it's not that bad.. since we both were in love with each other in a way."

"Take deep breaths." Twi instructed.

I did as told. I closed my eyes, breathed in, and then breathed out. When I was done, I faced Twilight. "Twi, tell Brianna she's staying at Fluttershy's for the next few days..." Twilight nodded her head and left.

It was a long moment of silence between me and Cheerilee. An awkward silence in which we could hardly look at each other. Soon after, Cheerilee broke the silence. "Mr. Roberts-"

"Just... call me Xavier."

"Xavier, I'm sorry I accused you, and I'm sorry that I.. indirectly caused this. I didn't expect the girls to go this far, but those four are an unpredictable bunch I suppose."

I didn't even turn my head to her. "We're cool... I just need some time alone.."

"Okay, well, if you need anything from me, you know where to find me.."

"No I don't." I said blankly

"At the bar.. I think I need a drink or twelve..." She left my room, walking in a limp that looked like she would be feeling it for days. It was only me sitting there in my room, alone in the 'good time' stench. I knew that I was going to have to get up soon to put the sheets in the washing machine and hopefully get rid of every ounce of evidence of today ever happening. A laundry load, shower, and a can of odor-eliminating air freshener later, I was back in bed, having said nothing to anyone else. The day was far from over, but I didn't care. I wanted it to be as soon as possible. Only one thing crossed my mind before I went back to sleep again.


I fuckin hate Valentines Day...