113 Extremely Short, Incredibly Horrible, & Shamelessly Bizarre Slashfics, Plus 1 That's Just Plain Insane, Not to Mention a Character Uprising, a Bomb Threat, a Few Optional Stable Time Loops, a Foalnapping, & Additionally Saving the World

by Super Trampoline

Cassie the Kelpie/I Don't Give the Pony Any Identifying Characteristics So It Honestly Doesn't Even Matter. It Was Originally Roseluck, But That Felt Like a Waste.

''So, Cassie, I hear you almost flooded Ponyville.''

''Yes, I... regret that decision. I was not of sound mind.''

''Hey, we all make mistakes. I mean, I once went on a date with Cheerilee!''

''Was this 'Cheerilee' particularly evil?''

''Oh, hardly! She's a great mare. But the date was just a complete disaster!''

''I fail to see how our situations are similar.''

''What I'm saying is that I relate to you, Cassie. Tortured souls like you and me, we gotta stick together!''

''Uh huh. Are you done swimming in my lake?''

''Hardly! Now I'm swimming in love!''