7 Human in Ponyland

by shiftylookingcow

S2 Chapter 6: Spikezilla

Season 2 Chapter 6: Spikezilla

-Xavier's Recap-

Well, the Mare Do Well prank was a success. Twilight kept insisting that it was a plan to teach Rainbow a lesson, but I still say that it was a prank Rainbow well deserved. Rainbow didn't talk to me for a couple of days after The Prankening. She still wasn't open for forgiving me for kissing her nemesis rival hero in front of her even though she knew it was Twilight, and the fact that the Mare Do Wells put their costumes away for good. Sometimes she gave me the silent treatment, other times she made it rain. In return, I gave her the finger. I mean it was just a prank! I didn't even go too far with it! Damn! Pinkie, being the dear that she is, had us meet up on a Saturday night when she knew what was going on between us. It was then mutually decided that the three of us will not prank each other (or Fluttershy), but everyone else. After that, Rainbow apologized for her recent behavior, saying "I guess it was kind've silly to hold a grudge over a prank." You're damn right you were!I mean, I didn't hold a grudge over your prank! I just took the opportunity to get you back! At least she wasn't pissed off at me anymore by Thanksgiving.

The next month, Christmas came. This time, it was only those with hands around the house. The girls went to Canterlot with the pony members of the CMC(G) for some Hearths Warming play. I didn't even have Twilight this time. While they were gone, Brianna and I made trips to Fluttershy's cottage to feed her non-hibernating animals while she was gone. That's all there was to it. I missed my two girls. No matter how long we've been together, it still feels weird even thinking that statement. Two girls. I was also hoping they'd be back for my birthday, but looks like that didn't happen. I'm sure they each have family to visit. Well, besides Applejack. They came back shortly before Winter Wrap-up, and I didn't really mention anything about it. I'm not that kind of guy.

It wasn't all bad though. Luna and I have been hanging out in my head. She's gotten quite used to walking around on two legs in her anthromorphic form, which was fun to watch considering she made herself taller than I was, like she was a tall curvy Amazonian or something. She thinks she's Wonder Woman. She said that it "Fit her role as the powerful ruler of the night and the bearer of the moon." which I guess makes sense with her being a moon goddess and all. The first time she changed into her form, she had noticed that I had a hard time gaining enough concentration to form clothes over her naked curvy form, so she gave herself armor. Once again, I may be a furry. Since then, almost every dream she's invited herself in my dreams (We've actually gotten pretty close. She's always invited), she's been picking on me, even going as far to change into various body shapes. Regardless of what's going on in my head, she finds an opportunity to mess with me.

-End of Recap-

I stand ready at the top of a snowy summit. I looked down at a steep hill, the breeze blowing gently past my snow jacket. I looked to the side at my competitor, who was dawning a dark blue snow jacket and pants. She looked quite nervous by the way she was looking down through her goggles. I couldn't help but to give a slight chuckle.

"Art thou sure this is safe?"

"Is the Mighty Moon Goddess afraid of heights now?" I taunted. I figured it was about time for me to be the one doing the messing with. "We can do a smaller hill first if you want."

"Hold thy tongue, human!" Luna demanded. She stuck her snout in the air. "We do not fear of heights! We are... Just concerned for thou safety! Yes, that's all."

I deadpanned at her, seeing through her bullshit while giving her the 'Really n*gga?' look. "This is only a dream to me. The worst that can happen to me is me waking up."

"We have never been snowboarding before."

"Yeah, I was pretty nervous on my first hill. Jack changed that though. Wanna know what he did?" I asked.

"Pray tell."

"First, he said 'keep your eyes forward'," Luna did as instructed. "and don't scream too loud."

I shoved Luna off of the edge. Til this day, I never ever heard Moonbutt squeal like Pinkie. I went on after her. Luckily I made a treeless summit to go down. She was surprisingly staying on her board. Sure she was flailing her arms around to keep her balance, but that just meant I could catch up. I zipped past her, waving. Her expression turned from fearful to anger.

"Thou will pay for this!" She yelled.

"If you can catch up to me first!"

She tried to use her magic, but that would be cheating, so I 'cancelled it'. I could do that, it being my dream and all. I made it so that if she was to have her payback, she'd have to beat me in a race to the bottom. She copied my boarding position and calmed down. By then I was already miles ahead of her. She squatted down lower and started speeding up. Before I knew it, she was about 15 yards behind me and closing the distance.

Clever girl...

I got down lower to put more weight on my board and accelerated. It wasn't enough though.

"Hello Xavier. Come, take a gander." I heard beside me. That was my biggest mistake. Luna, sporting a devious grin, had her jacker unzipped and her shirt and bra lifted, exposing her large breasts. I kid you not, this mare could be a fucking super-supermodel with those curves. Her toned stomach, those boobs bouncing slightly as her board carried her ahea-

During my distraction, I had hit a hill the wrong way and lost my balance. Now it was my turn to be the one flailing my arms around to keep balance. The only difference would be the results. Whereas Luna had regained her balance, unfortunately I did not. I had fallen flat on my face as my fingertips were inches from the finish line. After a moment of recuperating, I looked up and saw a pair of hooves on the other side. Luna was staring down at me with a smug look.

"Looks like we have bested thou at his own game." Luna laughed. "Thou hast just the cutest reactions to thou kinds' teats."

"That was a cheap trick." I growled through my teeth.

"We know, but we couldn't help ourselves! Your reactions are priceless!" She continued laughing. I stood up, dusting the snow off. She calmed down, smiled, and leaned in close to my ear. "And consider that payback for pushing us."

"Yeah yeah. Can't really stay mad at you though."

"Oh?" She arched an eyebrow, still wearing that playful smile.

"Well, you do have a certain charm that brings out your adorability."

She giggled. "Flattery will get you nowhere, Xavier."

I turned and started thinking. That and she's pretty fuckin sexy as a human and has an adorkably cute personality, and if not for the fear of Nightmare Moon, she'd probably have so many ponies after her, it'd put Celly to shame. I wasn't aware of Luna staring at me, or her ceased laughter. Her face was completely flushed. "What? What's wrong?"

"Doest thou truely mean that?" she asked.

"First of all, you really need to practice present speak. Two, mean what? About your charm? Yeah."

"Nay, about us being... sexually attractive and about our personality."

Did I say anything about her- Then it hit me. We're having fun in my head. I was thinking hard about her 'qualities'. Deargodsheheardmythoughts... ...HOLY CRAP I CAN HEAR MY THOUGHTS!!

We both stood there, staring at each other. "We suppose we should've warned you that thinking hard in a dream is like thinking out loud in the waking world." She smiled lightly at me. "We've never heard anypony think or say anything like that before."

That was meant to stay in my head...

"We really appreciate the thought." She said, giggling. She was still blushing.

Son of a- "Yeah, waking up now."

I woke up pretty early, the last thing I heard in that dream being giggling. I looked at the clock. I regretted it because it was way too early. The sun hadn't even risen yet. However, remembering the awkward moment that had just passed, I think I can deal with it just this once. Note to self, never think too hard while someone else is in my dreams. I mean, I might as well had confessed to her. I don't know how many girlfriends I'm allowed to have here, but I don't know if Rainbow would allow too many girls to share with. I already have my sis shipping me with Fluttershy, and I think Rarity is coming on to me. Although it's hard to tell because she'd flirt with any guy to get what she wants. I'd rather not complicate things with royalty.

-3rd Person POV-

(Saturday 11/26)

In the royal castle in Canterlot, Luna awoke from her slumber about the same time Xavier did. Remembering his words put a feint blush on her face as she giggled about her newest crush. As much as she would like to revel on about him, it was about time for her to lower the moon. Letting out a sigh, she got out of her bed, took care of her routine and made her way to the top of her tower to lower the moon. She made eye contact with Celestia after she raised the sun. She made quite the effort to shove Xavier out of her mind knowing that although she may appear serene and mature, like herself she has a mischievous side. She would be picking on Luna about her crush on the human for years to come.

Making her way to the royal dining room for breakfast, being escorted by a couple of her night guards, she wore a light smile. One of the guards, Fangsworth, noticed she looked happier than usual, but made no statements. The princess went through the doors as the guards waited outside, only to see Celestia sitting at the end of the table staring at her with a devious smirk.

"So, Lulu. Who is this lucky stallion?"


-Xavier's POV-

After my morning routine and breakfast, I checked for whatever mundane work needed to be done. I see Berry Punch finally has enough to ask us to have her thatch roof replaced with shingles now. I remembered talking with her at her bar a few weeks ago. She kept saying that rain water kept seeping through the thatch and it was getting on her last nerves. So far, only a quarter of Ponyville converted to shingles. Either way, I got Jack to come with me. The more guys on the job, the faster it'll get done. Split the earnings 50/50.

"Hey uh Xavier."

"Yo Jack."

"Ya never said anything about, you know..."

"I'm not gonna bug them about it. That day went relatively well." I know he was talking about my birthday. Him, Brianna, and even Jeff were kind've asking about it since, but that was about a month ago. I'm long over it. They didn't show for good reasons. At least my fellow humans were there, family, best friend and his bros, Jeff, we had a ball. That's all that matters.

"Hey X. You're making that face again." Jack told me.


After gathering the needed materials, Jack and I arrived in front of the right home. After greeting Berry Punch, we got right to work. First step, take the thatch roof off. I've always wondered how they made the thatch so stable on the buildings, but it turns out the thatch were made on two wooden platforms angled to cover the entire house, which made things easier for us because that was one less material to lug around. After we were done taking the thatch off of the roof, Jack and I took a break. He was talking to me about something that happened a few weeks ago.

"Heh, get this! AJ screamed out loud 'who ate muh darn piece of apple pie?!' and Big Mac turned his head, looking at us with his face stuffed!" We were both laughing. "Oh man was she piiiiissed!"

"Yeah I can imagine she was." I replied. "She told me she was looking forward to enjoying it."

"Haha! Yeah man, boy is Big Mac lucky Apple Bloom was there. He'd probably be a sandwich by now."

"Careful, Jack, ya might spook the neighbors with all this meat eating talk." I jokingly warned. To be truthful, most of Ponyville knew of the human diet, and that we've eaten cows, pigs, chickens, basically any animal. Of course Hiroto had to explain everything to them like the lovable nerd he is, but most of them understood and their opinions didn't change much. Sure there are a few that still to this day calls us monsters, but we hardly ever cross paths with hardly anyone. The only ponies that we see often that hates us would be one of my sister's classmates and his mom. Button Mash was it? I made a joke to her about it saying "Who cares? Button mashers are cheap cheats and are no friend of ours." Seriously button mashers, stop being cheap lazy fucks and use combos. You get more friends that way. Then there's Diamond Tiara's mom. She's an entire different story, which we'll get to later.

We heard the front door open and saw Berry Punch come out with a couple of drinks on a tray.

"Hey boys. I figured you both could use a drink."

"Hey thanks."

"Thanks. Much appreciated."

She smiled. "No problem loves. I'm just about to trot off to work. Try not to break anything, okay?"

"No promises!" Jack joked.

A while later, I was counting to see if we had enough shingles to cover the roof. We were actually a little short but not by much. Jack ran off to get more. I was sitting there waiting before I felt a tug on the back of my shirt. I turned and looked down.

"Oh hey Spike. Oh.. Nice hat."

He had this proud smirk on his face. "Thanks. It's a gift. A birthday gift."

"Oh hey, it is your birthday, isn't it? Happy birthday lil man."

"Thanks!" He said, standing there with his hand out. I stared at his hand and back at him. I didn't wanna leave the lil guy hanging in his birthday, so I slapped his hand. He looked at his hand and back up at me with a disappointed expression. "That's it? You aren't gonna give me anything?"

"What? I gave you some dap."

"You gave me... What? Never mind. You don't have any gifts or anything to give me?"

"Oh that's what you-.. Sorry dude."

"What about that game you carry around?!"

"Family gift, lil football. You don't gift a family gift."

"But everything you have is a 'family gift'." I just looked at him with my best 'card crusher' face. "Aw just forget it! Maybe somepony else has something for me." Spike said, stomping off.

As he did, Jack came back with his shingles watching the angry drake storm off. "What's his problem?"

"Had nothing to give the guy for his birthday but a 'gimme never gets' lesson."


We were just finishing up. The shingles were all nailed down neatly onto the roof. I had no idea how long it took us to do the task. All that was left was for us to wait for BP to come back and give us our payment. This was the plan until literally out of nowhere, Twilight teleported in front of me.

"Xavier! I need your help! It's about Spike! He's growing and taking things that's not his and I was wondering if you know a way to help with this problem!"

Dafuq? "Uh, Twi. What makes you so sure I know anything about this?"

"Yeah, you and Hiroto are the bookworms in the group. Don't you have a book or somethin on this sort of thing?" Jack said.

"I... don't." Twilight sheepishly confessed.

I had to double take. "Hold up! Hold up! Hold up! That's three hold ups." I said, holding up three fingers. "You mean to tell us that you had that dragon around. Since you were a blank flank filly. And you never got a book on dragonatomy, out of all the books you have?"

Jack shook his head. "Wow. Totally irresponsible." We both chuckled as we picked on her.

"Ugh! Guys! I'm serious! I don't know what to do and you aren't helping! While you two are doing... whatever you're doing-"

"Waiting to get paid for roof replacement." We corrected.

"Oh.. Well, Spike is growing really fast and-"

She was cut off by ground shaking, screaming and a stampede by fleeing ponies. Hiroto was running along with them. Hiroto saw us and pointed in the direction they were running from, screaming:


A large purple and green dragon roared with a silo in one hand, a screaming Rarity wrapped in a purple tail. I also noticed he had bandages on the other hand. He was swinging Rarity around, swatting at Rainbow and Fluttershy.

Twilight and I noticed a lack of a witty remark and turned to Jack.

Or rather where he 'was'. "Where did he.."

"I think he rented the 'Nopemobile.'"

"Well at least you'll help us. Come on! No time to lose!"

Dafuq x2?

"Waitaminutewaitaminutewaitaminutewaitaminute Wait! A! Minute!"

"But we don't have a minute! What's wrong?!"

"This! This is what's wrong! How do you expect me to help with that?!?" I said, gesturing both of my hands at the now gigantic behemoth on a mountain.

"That is Spike and he needs all of our help!"

"At the cost of my health? Fuck that noise!"

As the Wonderbolts flew by, Two looked at Spike climbing a mountain swinging his tail at the Dash, ruining Rarity's cape. I snickered, but Twi didn't share my amusement.

Twi stomped her for leg. "Do you see why we need you to help us?"

"With what? My unicorn horn or pegasi wings?"

I looked again as the Wonderbolts ended up trapped inside of the silo that Spike jammed into the mountain side.

"Wow... The Wonderbolts suck..."


"Help us!"

"Okay I'll help. Just hold on one second and let me stop being a human. OH WAIT! I can't. Because I'm human."

"Xavier ju-"

"I'm a human!"

"Oh my-"

"I'm a huuuuman"

"Good Celestia would you-"




"If you atleast try to help, I'll give you one free favor."



"Okay then."

"Thank you!"

The two of us made our way to a really feminine-looking bridge by said mountain.

"Any ideas?" Twilight asked.

"Just one." I cupped my hands around my mouth and yelled, "SPIKE IF YA DONT TURN SMALL AGAIN, YOU'LL LOSE THE ONE THING YOU HAVE WITH RARITY, AND SHE'LL FALL FOR JEFF!!!" Twilight facepalmed.

But boy did that get his attention.

"NO!!!" Spikezilla roared before turning back to the small purple football we all know and love. I can't believe that worked. Of course, this is when gravity ruined the moment for they were still near the mountain top. Twilight lessened their speed with her magic and caught Spike whereas I caught Rarity, but dropped her when she started batting her eyelashes at me. Yeah, nope.

"See? I told you you could help." Twi said smugly.

"Yeah, yeah. I got lucky. And I still get three free favors." I waved her off to talk to her friends. I noticed Spike was sitting alone on the bridge, brooding. I went over to him. "Sup?"

"Oh I don't know, maybe because of my obsession with getting things on my birthday, I nearly leveled the town?!" He said sarcastically.

"Yeah. I mean, you and the girls had completely forgot about my birthday..."

"*gaaaaaaaaasp*" [link]

"...but you don't see me growing in size and knocking over buildings and stuff." I joked. Spike's head lowered even more. "Look. Spike. I don't have anything to give you for your birthday, but how about this..." I took out my 3DS XL and handed it to him. "I'll let you borrow it for 2 days."

Spike beamed up at me. "Really?!"

"Yeah. Why not? Just don't break it, scratch up my screen, or delete any of my saves."

"Okay, I Pinkie promise! gee, thanks Xavier!"

"No problem."

Spike started playing Smash. I watched him for a bit. He didn't even notice Rarity coming over.

"Spike dear?"

"Hey Rarity."

"I just wanted to say I'm proud of you, Spike."

"Okay." Spike said, his eyes never leaving the device.

"It was you who stopped... well, you, from destroying Ponyville!"

"Okay. Thank you." He said hastily, trying to concentrate on beating Diddy Kong, Ganondorf, and Dr. Mario on lvl 5 with his Charizard.

"I... see you're busy."


"I'll... be seeing you, Spike."


By this time I was covering my mouth and holding my nose, trying to refrain from laughing my ass off. I walked over by Rarity, leaving Spike to my device and placed a hand on her back. "Don't worry Rares. Nothing personal. It's a gamer thing. Won't understand unless you get into it yourself"

"If these 'games' turn sweet hearts into mindless careless ruffians, then I'll take no part of them." She said, sticking her nose in the air.

"Rarity, if you want us to get along better, try building a relationship by trying out something we like doing. Who knows, you just might like it."

"Have you ever tried helping me with my hobbies?" Rarity said.

"Tailoring is your career. Gaming is a hobby. I'm not doing your job for you, not that I know how."

"Then why should I spend one moment of my precious time 'gaming' with you?"

"Because our little sisters and their friends enjoy it." That caught her interest. "And if you don't like it, I'll take a day off and help you at your shop. Free of charge."


"Eggsy!" I heard from behind me.

"Yes Pinkie?" I said, looking over my shoulder.

"You! Me! Our friends! Make up birthday party! Tonight!" She had a determined look.


"We're going to have an 'We're sorry we missed your birthdays' party for you and Traevy!"

"Sounds good."

She was about to go to get started, but stopped. "Oh right! I almost forgot!" She zipped back and clung to my leg, wailing. "I'M SORRY EGGSY!!! I DIDN'T MEAN TO FORGET ABOUT YOUR BIRTHDAY! I'M SO SO SO SORRY! Did I tell you how sorry I am because if I didn't I'M SOOOOOOORRYYYYYYYY!!!" Everyone stared at Pinkie.

"I forgive you?"

In an instant, she was back to her normal cheery self. "Great! See you tonight Eggsy!" She said before taking off in a pink blur.

It was quiet for a moment. "Well... That just happened." I said, breaking the silence.

"Yup." Jack said from behind me, startling the shit out of me.

"Jack! Don't do that! And where da hell did you run off to?" I asked.

"Easy. I ran with everyone else. Hello? Giant dragon! And I'm no Dovahkiin!"

"Would be kickass if you were though." I added.

"Heh hell yeah it'd be!"

Jack and I headed back home with the girls, having confused them with our references and human banter. We went from games we have that they never played to movies and TV series most of the girls never seen. Of course Rainbow jumped in the conversation when I mentioned Superman and Flash. I may or may not have watched a few movies with her. When I told her that the Flash could go so fast he could go back in time, Dash's interest grew noticeably. Spike was begrudgingly interested, remembering our conversation last year. Pinkie must've been busy, because when we finally got home, the party favors were already set up.

"SURPRIIIIIISE!!!" Pinkie screamed, jumping out from behind the couch. "Welcome to your 'I'msorryIforgotyourbirthdays' party!"

Bro was sitting in the recliner with a party hat . It looked like someone was struggling to get it on with the way it looked.

"Well Ah'll be." AJ said. "It hadn't even been but a half n hour and Pinkie's already got a party set up."

"FLUTTERSHY!!!" Brianna ran right past me and straight to the yellow shy pegasus and hugged her. Fluttershy returned the gesture.

"Hello to you too, sis."

"Hi Xavier." She said un-enthusiastically. Ya little runt.

I went over to the living room couch and sat down, Rainbow sitting by me. A beep was heard in the kitchen. "Uh oh!" Pinkie dashed into the kitchen for a minute and zipped back out with her eyes watering. "The human yummies are done!" Human yummies?

"Hey, Pinkie, are you okay?"

Fluttershy, jumping to conclusions, asked "Human yummies? You don't mean.... meat, do you? Those poor animals.." She seemingly shrunk a few sizes. Her worries were put to rest when Jack came out of the kitchen.

"Pinkie! Made! Fucking! Onion Rings!"

I jumped out of the fuckin couch, nearly uppercutting the shit out of Rainbow's chin with my shoulder. "You're shittin me!!"

"I shit you not!"

"Can you boys please stop using that obscene language?!" Rarity snapped.

"Ya don't like the language Missy, ya can get the hell out!" I heard Jeff say from upstairs. "The Roberts brothers make the rules here, not you."

"Well. I'll just be in the other room then." Rarity said, walking out of the room with her nose held high.

Pinkie giggled at Jack and mine's reactions. "There's plenty for everyone! And don't think I left you out of the bunch, TraeTrae! I made some mots-o-rella cheese sticks with Brianna!" I caught bro raising an eyebrow slightly. Don't hide it bro. Pinks is awesome.

I guess after 3 years of having friendly meet-ups at my house and playing the same 4 or 5 Wii U games got boring. We all could probably challenge even the best players on Earth at Smash tournaments. We were playing 8 player Smash. Me being Ryu, bro as Captain Falcon, when Rarity came back, she thought Bayonetta was fashionable, Jack as Mario, Twi as Female Robin, AJ as Samus, Dash as Sonic, Pinkie as Jigglypuff, and Spike as Charizard. The matches were chaotic (especially trying to keep up with Twi's constant spamming of Thorons) but the insane matches were mostly won by me or my bro. Twi won 2, and Dash got lucky once. Everyone was tired of Smash though.

"Hey X. Got anything else we can play? We've been playing Mariokart and Smash and those other games all the time." The others nodded in agreement. "Got anything else besides fighting games on your X-Box?"

"Yeah, but uh... I don't really think you girls can handle em."

"What? Are you kidding me, monkey boy?!" Rainbow objected.

"Sure, Smash has violence, but it's fun if we can handle that, we can handle any of your human games." Twilight said.

"I admit I may have been prejudice against these games. They are quite entertaining." Rarity admitted.

I shrugged. "Alright, but you've been warned."

It was an hour later after we hooked the X-Boxs up. However, the remaining players were only on one. The others were in the other room. except for bro and the kids. They were upstairs sleep. It was only me, Jeff, Jack, and Rainbow. I've never seen her shaken this much before. I could tell she was trying to hang in there to try to please me, but it was only her pride keeping her there.

"Hey Rainbow. You okay there?"

"I-I'm fine!"

"Ya sure? You're shaking."

"Widdle pansy ponies can't handle it." Jeff taunted.

"S-Shut up!"

"Well, if you say so..." I got an idea just then. I leaned to Jack and started whispering. I could hear the others in the other room.

"S-So much blood.."

"That human... pulled out... that person's heart!"

"They j-just charged at us screaming and exploded like gore confetti!!!"


"That barbaric music playing didn't help. How can humans even make games like that?!"

"Ah don't know, Rares. Ah just don't know."

I looked at Jack. It was happening to him too. It craves. It hungers.

Our inner trolls.

-3rd person POV-

The girls were finally starting to calm down after they were introduced to a less-pleasant-to-pony-society human game. They were even starting to wonder if the humans were really all that safe to be around after what they saw. Some if the weapons their characters used looked awfully familiar to the ones they saw Xavier and Jeff carry around often, and now they've seen the damage they could possibly do to a pony.

"I'll try to talk to Xavier about it before sending the letter to the princess about it."

"Good idea Twi. Ah don't feel all that safe anymore."

"You?! What about me?! Xavier's had it out for me more than anyone else here!" Rarity protested.

Before anything else could be said...


"Do you girls hear that?"


"Oh no..." Twi whimpered. The others hearts sunk as well.

"Sweet mercy.."

Three of the headless (or heads under their shirts) kamikazes from the game ran into the room screaming with bombs (spraypainted balloons) attached to each of their hands. The girls were screaming. Twilight put up a barrier around her and her 3 screaming friends (Fluttershy fainted). Twilight didn't know how well her shield would hold against three of them. She could teleport herself and two of her friends to safety, but she couldn't bear the thought of her abandoning her other friends and her boyfriend. She closed her eyes, a tear escaping from one of them as the beheaded kamikazes were running around circling them, screaming. This is it. I'm sorry friends. I'm sorry Princess.

A bright flash of light lit up the room for a split seconds before the kamikazes' screaming turned into laughing. Twilight opened one of her eyes to see Jack, Jeff, and Xavier laughing on the floor with the 'bombs' still taped to their hands. Rainbow had had Xavier's phone. To say the conscious girls didn't look happy with them would be an understatement.

"Xavier! You Pinkie Promised that you'd never prank me or Rainbow!"

"Well. First of all, it was Jack's idea. Second, I can't really pinky promise someone who doesn't have a pinky finger." Yup. Another loophole.

Pinkie's mane went flat just about the same time a strand of Twilight's springed up. AJ tilted her hat forward while cracking her neck as soon as Twilight let the shield down. They started approaching the three humans. Dash had sense left for her own home away from danger. Rarity just left before she could do or say something she'd regret.

-Xavier's POV-

Okay. The girls were pretty pissed. I couldn't see Twi's eyes under her bangs, but when I saw her start grinning, I started to think we went too far.

"Uh... Would it help if I said sorry?" I asked. My response was maniacal laughter. Think fast Xavier! I did the one thing I could think of. I scratched behind Twilight and Pinkie's ears.

Surprisingly it had some affect. Straight-haired Pinkie looked annoyed instead of furious. Twilight just shot me a nasty glare. Yeah, yeah, cheap trick. Not fair. Blah blah blah. Jack didn't really have that much luck, because you know.. AJ's stetson was in the way. So he noped his way to where his brothers' were sleeping and locked himself in.

"Why?" She growled through her teeth.

"Inner troll was hungry. Thought it'd be a perfect opportunity." Pinkie looked like she wanted to say something, but decided to give me the silent treatment. "Consider it payback for forgetting my birthday." Pinkie just rolled her eyes, still silent.


They're adorable right now. I wanted to push Twilight's buttons one last time. I stood up and stretched.

"I think I'm gonna hit the sack. Wanna come with?"

"With you?! Now?! Fat chance! I'm going home!" She got up, going towards the front door.

Hehehe... "Well, if you think you can sleep well alone after all of that, suit yourself. Night." I went up stairs and to my room with a smirk as I went to bed. The smirk turned to a wide grin when I heard Twilight come in shortly after.

"Scoot over." She begrudgingly commanded.