War of the Unfoals

by NPP6


Two Months Ago
There were lights in the sky over Manehatten, the center of a magical shockwave that rippled out across Equestria, trailing several effects in its wake.
In Canterlot for example, a pair of terrified palace guards sat terrified in a corner, trying to figure out how they were going to tell Princess Luna that her favorite statue had vanished from its pedestal in the garden before their very eyes.
At the same time, Fleur-de-lis awoke with a start, an image burned into her mind that she had not seen in over a decade, not since… She burst into the bedroom across the hall from her, finding Fancy already awake and staring out a window. “You felt it too.” She whispered.
“What does it mean?”
“I have no idea.”
Further down their street, Jet Set was up late working. He turned at a light and sound from behind him, and found an old family coat-of-arms he had hanging across the study was glowing, magical light pouring from a dark blue jewel. Having absolutely no idea what it could mean, he shrugged and went back to work.
Across Equestria, mages and university professors began running back and forth trying to figure out how the entire country’s magical communications network had been brought down.
In a distant star system, a brown earth pony stallion, grey pegasus mare, and their younger daughter watched as the sun of the planet they were standing on gave a massive pulsing flash. The stallion turned to the other two with an irrepressible grin. “He’s back!”
On the astral plane, in the place where the stars hold council, there was quite a bit of confusion. In the midst of this confusion, two mares – a pegasus and a unicorn – stepped into the center of the council. “The Winter Star and the Star of Prophecy are here.”
“Where is your third? The leader of your little group?” Ursa Major Prime asked.
The unicorn smiled up at him. “The Wishing Star has been released.”
The pegasus spoke in the hush that followed, “Midnight Star has returned to Equestria.”
In Ponyville, as the shockwave passed, Granny Smith’s eyes widened. She glanced around quickly to make sure she was alone, and then shifted to Zap Apple. She didn’t know how she knew, she just knew. She turned to face the source of the wave and saluted. “Welcome home General.”
And, unseen, vieled amongst the other effects, there was one hidden deep in the Everfree Forest. In a clearing tucked out of sight, one that had not seen magic in almost two years. Still, the spell lingered, shaping pathways of magic like dry creek beds waiting to be filled.
And then a compatible wave of magic hit like a flash flood. The spell had never completed in the first place, not here at least, and they took some damage from the sheer force of the magical pressure. But it was enough. The pathways shaped the magical energy, forming it to its pattern.
A small black orb formed, gently dropping to the ground as it began pulsing so slowly as to be unnoticeable.

One Month Ago
Three fillies and a stallion stood at the edge of a storm, blasting it with light and shadow.
“I don’t believe this,” The purple maned alicorn filly said, “I let them leave me behind for one family get together, and this happens!”
The stallion laughed, “Get used to it Kiddo, this was what the entire Draconequi war was like!”
Another black filly, an earth pony with an ice blue mane, added her voice to the shouted conversation, “Why is the storm trying to head south?”
The stallion nodded. “Territory claims. The Crystal Heart protects more than just the Empire. The Empire itself is a barrier, an outpost that certain forces won’t go past for fear of being in enemy territory. Even when it was outside of time, the effect was on the surrounding land.”
The third filly, a unicorn older than the other two, chimed in, “Equestria has enemies to the north?”
“Yes, plenty. Frost dragons, windigoes, ice wraiths, the list goes on. The point is that they can’t advance until the storm does, which means we need to hold this line!”

Two Weeks Ago
The unicorn colt was wearing a light blue canvas windbreaker that complimented his dark blue mane and black coat nicely. He was young, about thirteen most would guess. He made his way through town to the local schoolhouse and knocked on the door.
When a fuchsia mare answered it, he looked up at her. “Are you Miss Cheerilee? My name is Night; my parents sent you a letter about me?”
Cheerilee smiled down at him. “Yes, of course. I have your enrollment paperwork all ready.” She cocked her head as she looked out across her schoolyard. “Are your parents going to be joining us?”
Night shook his head. “Dad had to stay behind to take care of some things and Mom had things she needed to do with the house and her job.”
Cheerilee shrugged. “Well, it is a bit unusual, but I suppose we can get their signatures later. I’d much rather have you learning than make sure the bureaucrats have their precious boxes checked.”

Present Day
Night walked into the cave he’d called home for the past three weeks, finally allowing his guard to drop after another day of his mission. He blinked, his eyes shifting back to their natural form as he did. He shucked his jacket, leaving it on the floor by the entrance.
The colt walked toward the back of the cave, rustling his wings to get the blood flowing in them again. The others were waiting for him, just like they always were. “Do you have anything?” The disembodied stallion in the middle asked, just as he had every day for over a week.
“Yes.” The foals on either side of the stallion reacted with visible surprise. Night couldn’t help but smirk, he had never seen the faces of his ally’s lieutenants under their cloaks, and it gave him a small thrill of pleasure to break their guard-like impassiveness. “It was difficult, as I could not sense her Night while masking my own Darkness, but I know who the Shadow Ranger is.”
“And who is she?”
Night laughed bitterly. “Do you really think I’d just give you information that valuable?”
“Do not forget who you are dealing with colt!”
“Do not forget who you are dealing with Demon. You need my help to get your vengeance just as much as I need yours to free Her.”
“…Very well. My army is ready; there are only a few left to bring through the spell. My Right Hoof and I will see to that. My Left Hoof will go with you on a final scouting mission. The two of you will then begin planning the assault, targeting all threats to our plan.”
The foal on the left stepped forward, reaching up and removing his hood as he did, revealing a tan colt with a pale blue mane.
Night covered his mild surprise with a sly smile. “So I was right, these two are different. They’re detailed.”
“Yes. These two are special. More defined, more powerful. That is why they serve me as they do. The others… many are little more than basic concepts.”
“I see… How many of them will we have?”
“Enough. As long as you fulfil your end of our bargain.”
“No need to worry Demon Blood, Starless Night always keeps his word.”