The Five Souls

by KyoKyoSanPony


Twilight soon arrived at Sweet Apple Acres. The brick wall that had once blocked the path had disappeared, just like the poor unicorn Rarity. The farm looked as though it were going through a drought; the apple trees bore no apples. The land was dry and brown, and specks of dust floated in the air.
There was no sign of the Apple family being present. Twilight knew that someone had to be there; after all, the land did look kept.
“Applejack? Are you here?” Twilight spoke with a shiver.
“Ah’m over ‘ere, Sugarcube!” Applejack replied.
Twilight ran over to Applejack as fast as she could. It didn't take long for her to notice that Applejack was… different. Her hooves were stuck to the ground like roots, her fur had a tree-like texture to it, and leaves grew in her mane.
“Do somethin’ Sugarcube! Ah can't move er--” her mouth was forced shut before she could finish.
“What do I do?!” Twilight panicked.
Applejack was now a tree. Her ears became branches, and started growing apples.
“Oh! I know!” the alicorn exclaimed. With a swift tug, Twilight picked the two apples with her magic.
It was too late, however. The tree that was once Applejack had disappeared.