7 Human in Ponyland

by shiftylookingcow

S2 Chapter 2: Twilight loses her chill!

S2 Chapter 2: Twilight Loses Her Chill

-Xavier's Recap-

After Discord's defeat, a few things happened. I introduced Rainbow to fighting games. I never really played a lot of fighting games. We only had Tekken, Smash, Street Fighter, and Dead or Alive 5. She had a lot of fun since she didn't really mind the violence. Unlike most inhabitants here, she was cool about it, but when Dash played the latest, she noticed something and asked about it.

"Do human mares teats really move like that?"

All I could do was give her my honest answer. "I wish they all did."

Also, Twilight tried to make more time for me ever since I helped her out. She attempted to take many breaks and days off just to spend time with me. Key words 'tried' and 'attempted'. The girl just couldn't stay away from those books for long. Either that or I was just too busy to do much. We got a couple of dates in, but not much more than that. Spike told me that Twilight started feeling like she was a bad fillyfriend to me, wanting to spend time with me but couldn't stay away from work. I told Spike to tell Twilight not to worry about it. Hey, my parents were the same way. Just because they were away or busy most of the time doesn't mean they didn't love me and my siblings. Thinking optimistic, whenever they did have time to spend with us, it made that time with them that much special for us. I told Twi about it in person and she seemed relieved that I understood. Well, for the most part. She still felt a bit bad about it. I could see it on her face.

Brianna and the Crusaders/Gang started hanging around Fluttershy's often. I still don't feel comfortable with my little sister around that bear, but Fluttershy reassured me (probably for the 112th time) that Harry was a nice bear. I stayed over at Fluttershy's with the kids every once in a while. Her bunny kept his distance from me, looking away when I looked at him. That's right, motherfucker. Don't start no stuff, won't be no stuff.

Pinkie had thrown us a 1 Year anniversary party a couple of weeks ago. I had forgot what day we arrived in this world, but she remembered. We've come a long way since then. At first, my very presence in this town caused chaos, but now, negative reactions are very rare. Sure there are still very few that still aren't okay with us living in the same town, let alone dating their kind, an it didn't help that I was in a herd with Celestia's prized student. Although the dislike and discomfort was very subtly shown to the point where it'd go over most heads, I could still sense it. No big deal, because I couldn't go anywhere else even if I wanted to. They were stuck with me. Why the hell would I be concerned with them anyway? I have friends that love having me around. 95 percent of the town appreciates and respect us! Jeff has made another friend with a certain over-muscular pegasus stallion. Jonathan and Brianna had a group to hang with and so did Hiroto, although, it seems like Silver Spoon has developed a little crush on the guy. I'd make him aware of it, but I wouldn't know much about things like that. Last time I tried to get in a relationship as a teenager, I got burned badly. And Bro? Bro's been... Bro. He's changed the least out of all of us.

Last night, the cutest thing happened. Since Fall is approaching in a month, the weather will start getting cold. Guess what Rarity made for her and the girls. Hoodies! I got the feeling that Rarity was either trying to find solid ground on my good side, or trying to get on my better side. Whichever it was, it was working. When I said they looked cute, I mean it, mainly because I rarely use the term 'cute'. The girls were invited to our house for a little get together and they all wore 'em. It was awesome! Dash said she finally understood why I liked wearing hoodies all the time, and Fluttershy felt the most comfortable in hers. The pegasi even had holes in the back for their wings! Their wings!!! Once again, my respect for Rarity had greatly increased because one thing I'm a fan of are hoodie girls. Hoodie Twilight and Hoodie Rainbow was something I just had to take a picture of. Unfortunately it couldn't last as much as I wanted it to because Twilight, being the workaholic she is, had a busy day tomorrow and couldn't spend the night. At least I got a good kiss from her before she left. It was about that time that I hit the sack anyway, so to bed I went.

-End of Xavier's Recap-

-Xavier's PoV-

(Tuesday, 8/30)

"Eggsyyyyy! Wake up! It's time to start the day!" Pinkie sung out loud after slamming the door open. "No sleeping in I say!"

I groaned, remembering why I should've locked my door last night while also ignoring my new nickname. I shot a look at the bouncing mare. I've explained to Brianna why I hate being woken up like this. I guess I'm going to have to have a sit down chat with Pinkie too.

"It's time to eat your breakfast I made for you today!" She finished singing.

I wasn't going to have any of it this morning or any. "Pinkie... get out of my room.."

"Okaaay!" Pinkie said, hopping out of my room, singing still. Fucking ponies and their instantaneous singing... Why do you think I found High School Musical annoying?

I sat up from my bed and sat there to recollect my thoughts. It's been a while since I was rudely awakened like that. I just hope she doesn't wake up Jeff in that manner. She'd end up going to work with a black eye. After I was done waking up, I slipped on some sweat pants hearing that someone was already using the shower. I went downstairs to see whoever was still here. I looked at my phone to see that it was about 8:56 a.m. Three out of the six ponies were there, that being AJ, Dash, and of course the rude mare that woke me up.

"Mornin' Sugarcube."

"Sleep well?"

"Hey AJ, hey Skittles, and I did until Pinks sang me awake... and not in the good way either." I huffed which caused both of them to giggle.

Pinkie and Hiroto made pancakes and muffins for breakfast. I got a few, and after I ate, I showered after Bri stepped out. When I was finished, I had gone to check the to-do list, which AJ was just finished writing on. She wanted Jack and Bro to help Dash knock down her old barn to build a new one. There was also a request for me to help Twilight with running errands. Isn't that why she has an assistant? I just shrugged it off. I slipped on some jeans and a hoodie and shoes before grabbing my headphones on the way out.

Ah... Teminite. I can listen to them all year and still won't get tired. I strolled through the town, bouncing in my steps to the beat, gaining a lot of stares. I guessed that to them I was bouncing to nothing, so I put the headphones around my neck and turned the speakers outwards so I wouldn't look crazy. Well, as crazy (I still hang with Jack). If I didn't know any better, I could've sworn I saw a few heads bobbing. Didn't really pay much attention to it because I had somewhere to be, but before I started, I decided to stop by Sugarcube Corner. Although I had already eaten, I needed something to get for the picnic and maybe something to snack on to hold me until then.

When I entered the building, Twilight was already there for cupcakes, with Spike holding a ridiculously long list.

"Uh... I only ordered 12."

"Oh, I know dear, but I had an extra." Mrs. Cake told her. "So I thought I'd make it a baker's dozen"

"Oh, that was very thoughtful of you. It's just some of the icing from the extra cupcake is getting all over the one next to it. See?" Twilight said. I snuck a peek over at what she was talking about. I couldn't see the big deal, and neither could she. "It's just that I'm planning on sharing these at a picnic later and I don't want anypony to feel like somepony else is getting more icing."

I reached over her head and plucked the extra cupcake out of the box and ate it. It was quite good. "Mmmm-mmmm."


"See that, Miss OCD? Problem solved, just like that." I said, causing Spike to snicker.

"Ugh! Xavier, where were you? You're late!"

"Sorry. Bri was in the shower for a while. Had to wait. Heh."

"Whatever." She said, hovering the box of 12 cupcakes."Hold these and be careful."

"Kay." I held on to the cupcakes as we left the store. "So what do you need me to do since you've hired me for the day? I kinda thought I was gonna be doing something more... you know.. useful."

Twilight looked away for a bit. "Okay, you got me. It's just recently you've been really helpful, and I feel bad that I've been so hooked into my studies."

Not this again... "Look, Twi. It's cool. Don't worry so much about it. I understand you got books to read, since you're kind've Celestia's student. Not only is that your job, but it's your hobby. Most guys back on Earth would love to get paid for doing the things they love."

"Well, you spend a lot more time with Dash-"

"Dash's job is weather control around Ponyville. Unless there's a huge storm scheduled, she doesn't need a lot of time to finish her work, because she's Rainbow Dash. She takes care of things in mere seconds. You, I guess your job is to study everything there is to know about magic, and your thirst for knowledge makes you perfect for your occupation."

"Yeah. I wish you'd actually give studying a try instead of trying to distract me from my studies whenever you come by."

"What can I say? I like buggin ya. And I'm not much of a bookworm. That's more up Hiroto's alley. Wanna piggy back ride?"

She giggled. "No thanks."

"I want one!" Spike said from behind. I sighed, picking up Spike and putting him on my back. "This is awesome! Hey Twilight. Who's the tallest now?"

I caught Twilight rolling her eyes at Spike's question. We made our way back to the Library.

"Alright Shorty. Time to get off." I said. A disappointed groan followed after as Spike was magick'd off of me. I held the door open for Twilight, who I guess still felt a bit awkward having a stallion (albeit of different species and culture background) holding a door open for her. I had completely forgotten about the gender role reversal. I remember one time when this mare told Jeff that he belonged in the kitchen or something like that. When Jeff bitch-slapped that chick, he didn't even get in trouble for it.

Spike was going over the checklist a final time. I had to go pee. I came back out of the bathroom for about a minute later to a commotion coming from Twilight's room.

"Not every other week, not every ten days, every... single... week!"

I stepped in Twilight's room. "Hey uh, what's going on?"

"Twilight hasn't written a friendship report in a week and now she's going bananas over it." Spike answered.

"Yes! I am! Spike! Where's the calendar! What day is it?"

I looked at my phone. "It's Tuesday, Twi. ... Wait... You send friendship reports in every single week?"

"Tuesday?! Oh no no no nononononononono!!!"

"Twilight. You gotta relax..."

"Relax? Relax?!?" She zipped up to me, standing on her hindlegs. "Being late might not matter much to you, but I've never been late!" She said while poking my chest with the tip of her hoof, forgetting how hard her hoof was on my chest. "This is notime to relax! If I don't send a letter to the princess by sundown, I'll be... TARDY!!!"

I looked down at her hooves, which were somehow grabbing on my shirt, then back at her. "Twilight. You need to take deep breaths, like, right now." I placed my hands over her hooves. She seemed to calm down, if not by only a little bit.

She dropped back down to all fours. "I'm sorry, Xavier, it's just that I've never been late with an assignment, ever! And if I'm late, she's going to think that I'm not taking my friendship studies seriously! This is the ruler of all of Equestria we're talking about! The pony who holds my fate in her hooves!"

"First of all, she holds everone's fate in her hooves. She controls the sun. Second of all, aren't you goi-" I was cut off again as Twilight started nervously pacing around the room. Goddammit!

"That's not the point! What if she makes me come back to Canterlot and puts me back in school and makes me prove I've been taking them seriously by giving me a test? What if I don't pass?!"

"Twilight, I think-"

"She's my teacher! Do you know what teachers do to students who don't pass?! They send them back a grade, but she won't just send me back a grade... She'll send me back to magic kindergarten!"

"TWILIGHT! CALM YOUR ASS DOWN!!!" Twilight snapped her attention to me. She never did like it when I raised my voice. We are in a library after all... heheh.. "The princess isn't like that. She's not going to send you to no... magic kindergarten... whatever that is.. You're thinking too much about possible consequences. I mean really.. Do you r-"

"You're right, Xavier! You're so right! Because I'm going to solve a friends problem and get that letter to Princess Celestia before sundown! Either of you got any problems? Troubles? Any major or minor issues for me, a good friend/fillyfriend can solve?" She asked, looking expectantly at us.

While Spike was thinking, I raised my hand. "I have a fillyfriend who keeps cutting me off when I'm trying to give her good and helpful advice!"

Twilight put a hoof to her chin, pondering her thoughts for a bit before saying something. "I think you should talk to her about it. Rainbow can be a bit thickheaded at times, but I'm sure she'll stop if it's bothering you that much." I looked at Spike wearing a scrunched look. He was trying not to laugh. "I need something good to write to the princess, Xavier." I said nothing. Just face-palmed. "Then I'm going to find somepony who has a real issue." She galloped out of her room and out of the library.

"My issue is a real issue..."

"I agree.. This won't end well." Spike said.

"You know, we could always write a letter to the princess." I suggested.

"That's a good idea!"

A half an hour had passed.

"I don't think this is a good idea...." Spike said. I was just grinning.

"-snicker- Send it..."

"Well, alright, but if anything goes wrong, I'm blaming you." He belched green flames that engulfed the letter.

I shrugged my shoulders. "Fair enough. I'm gonna go to the park for a bit. I uh, think the girls are waiting for me." I left the library and started towards the park. When I got there, I saw a flying picnic basket with a couple of balloons. I traced it back to where it came from and found the girls. Surprisingly, Bro was there too along with Jack. "Hey girls, hey guys. Bro, I'm surprised to see you here."

"They don't know much about me besides being your brother and owning a car."

"He seems nice an' all. We just figured we'd get ta know 'im a lil' better."

"It was my idea!"

"Of course it was." I said, deadpanned. "Seems everyone's here but Twilight. Have any of you seen her?"

"I did, but she was acting rather odd when I misplaced my diamond-encrusted purple ribbon earlier today, but when I found it, she seemed rather upset. I hope she's alright." Rarity said.

"Yeah! And she thought I held some grudge against Applejack for some reason when we were knocking down her old shed. She tried to have some therapy session with me. What's up with that?"

Jack's stomach started growling. "Well, if you all don't mind, can we get the grub set up at least so we can eat when Twi gets here?"

Rarity started searching inside of her baskets. "Please tell me I did not forget the plates." As she was searching, Jack reached inside of his bag and took out a wrapped stack of paper plates. "I did. I totally forgot them. Of all the worst things that could happen, this is THE!!! WORST!!! POSSIBLE! THING!!!" She screamed before fainting on a couch she pulled from God knows where. Remember... you're her friend now. You and Rarity are now friends. You will have to learn to deal with her unnecessary drama.

"Rarity. Chill. I got plates right here." Jack said, already having passed out the plates during her dramatic episode.

"Oh... heheh.." She said, sheepishly.

"And don't worry Skittles. I'm sure Twi'll be fine and normal when she gets here." I told them. As if the universe wanted to prove me wrong, Twilight came and dropped the box of cupcakes by Dash, wearing a crazy smile. Her mane was all disheveled and her tail was full of nicks and knots. For the first time, Twilight was scaring me.

"You alright, hun?"

"No! I'm not alright! It's just terrible! Simply awful!" The girls seemed to really care, so I jumped to the point.

"She feels like she needs to write a letter to the princess every week and she wants to send one by sunset or she'll be tardy or something. You're really still on about that?"

The girls seemed to have relaxed. "Oh thank goodness. I thought something really awful had happened."

"Something awful has happened! If I don't turn in the letter on time, I'll be tardy!!!"

As I watched Twilight try to get her friends to know the crux of her situation, her friends were giggling and telling Twilight the same thing I've been telling her. She's being silly. However, I had a bad feeling that she really did need help and the girls weren't doing that.

"Oh come on, Twi. Have a seat and stop sweatin' the small stuff."

Twilight had enough, pacing around, groaning before running off and teleporting away.

"Wow... I've never seen Twilight this upset before.."

"What a drama queen." Said the very last mare that should call anyone a drama queen.

As if on impulse, I couldn't help myself. "Shut the fuck up Rarity..."

"I'm with Xavier on this one. You're the last person/pony giving anyone that label." Jack said.

If she held on to the issue this long, I don't think it'll go away on its own. "Guys, I think I'm gonna go check on her. I really think she needs help."

"Well, if ya think its the right thing to do, but its probably Twi bein' all worried over nothin'." AJ said. With that, I had left the park and headed back to the library.

-Brianna's PoV-

Scootaloo just slammed her head on the ground. "This so boring! Why would I want a cutie mark in tic tac toe anyway?"

"Well it was Brianna's idea, and we wanted to do something that wasn't what you suggested." Sweetie Belle said.

"What was wrong with cart riding?!"

"That's something that could get us in trouble, Scootaloo. We can't just snatch someone else's cart and ride it. We could get hurt too."

"That's right. Ya'll humans can be quite fragile." Stated Apple Bloom.

"HEY!!!" Jonathan yelled.

I thought of something. "Can't we just play or something? Do we always have to be thinking up of ideas to get your cutie marks?"

"Yeah. Even we need a break. We have plenty of time to get our cutie marks. But what should we do?"

"I know a game!" Jonathan said, pointing to the beach ball. I went to get it. "There's this game that Jack and his friends used to play in our backyard! It's a two team game! Whoever has the ball can't move until they throw it to someone else on their team! Whoever gets it next can't move until they pass it to someone else on their team and the other team is supposed to get it! Each team is supposed to make it to the opposite team's side to score!"

"That sounds fun." Apple Bloom said.

Scootaloo butted in. "A lot of fun! We gotta do it!"

We walked out of the tree house and went near the park area before we started playing. Since we had an odd amount of players, I decided to keep the score. Not to mention I was taller than Jonathan. That would've been unfair. It was Apple Bloom and Sweetie Bell vs Jonathan and Scootaloo. Scootaloo picked the teams. Doesn't she know Jonathan can't catch? I watched them play for a while. At first Apple Bloom and Sweetie Bell was winning because Jonathan kept missing the ball whenever she threw it far, but Scootaloo found a strategy where Jonathan would throw it going and Scootaloo would catch it. Scootaloo would then wait until Jonathan got close to throw it. Right when Scootaloo and Jonathan started winning, the ball stopped in mid air and landed on the ground, shaking. The ball popped revealing Twilight in it;s place. She looked weird. Jonathan stood there, looking devistated.

"Hi girls!!!" Twilight said.

"Oh hi Twilight? How's it goi-"

"Great! Just great! You five look like you're doing great too! Looks like five good friends who obviously don't need the help of another good friend!" She said before taking out a raggedy worn-looking pony doll. "This is Smarty Pants. She was mine when I was your age, and now I want to give her to you!" She was twitching.. I looked at the other girls and they didn't look like they wanted it either.

"Uh... I think we're good, Twilight." I said

"YOU!!!" Jonathan screamed at her.

Twilight slowly turned her head to me, still wearing that grin. Okay.. This is weird.. like, creepy weird.. "Oh come now! I insist. She even comes with her own notebook and quill so you can pretend she's doing her homework!" Why? "I just hope that the fact that there are five of you and only one of her doesn't become a problem. I would hate to cause a rift between such good friends! So who wants her first?"

"YOU!!!" Jonathan screamed. "I WAS WINNING!! I DON'T WANT YOUR STUPID DOLL! I WANT THE BALL BACK!!! I WANT THE BALL! I WANT THE BALL! THE BALL! BALL BALL BALL BALL BALL BALL BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAALL!!!" Jonathan fell no the ground and started flailing, screaming 'ball'.

"We really don't want the doll, but thanks anyway... I need to take Jonathan home..." I said, backing away from the crazy purple unicorn. She teleported behind me, making me jump out of my skin.

"Oh don't worry!" Her horn glowed and she put some spell on the doll. Then I noticed the girls staring at the doll like they just had to have it. "You are going to like Smarty Pants more than anything! But you have to try to get her first!" She said, throwing the doll in between my filly friends. They started fighting like it was made of gold or something.

"I think... I need to get out of here..." I hurried over to Jonathan and grabbed his hand. "Jonathan do you want some of that chocolate drink at home? Good! Let's go!" Jonathan and I were out of there..

-Xavier's PoV-

Spike and I were chilling at the library waiting for Celestia's response. We were just talking about random topics, from human entertainment, movies, and comics (which I told him we could read at home if he had time) to... well, the other ponies.

"So you're saying Twilight could have this obsessive compulsive disorder thing?"

"Well, let me ask you something. Does every single thing in this library have to be in order?" I said, looking at the already checked off list of things to do today.


"Is she an over-exaggerator?" I asked.

"You heard her earlier today."

"And she has you triple and quadruple checking things, so yeah. She's showing many symptoms of OCD. They're usually neat freaks. One small thing that's slightly out of place, they'd put it as their top priority to fix. Lord knows what'll happen if absolutely nothing goes the way things should."

"Wow... That totally sounds like Twilight. Oh! Do Rarity!"

"HAH! Rarity is too easy. She has mysophobia Short for molysomophobia."

Spike did a double-take at the long word. "Molyomosapho-what?"

"Mysophobia. Fear of getting dirty or contaminated. I don't think there's a word yet for fear of bad fashion sense though."

"What about Pinkie?"

"She's showing symptoms of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder... emphasis on hyperactivity."


"Yeah. People with that take medication called Ritalin, or something similar to Ritalin."

Spike burst out laughing. "So that's why you say Pinkie needs Ritalin."

"Exactly why she needs Ritalin." I said, smiling. I started to hear a commotion coming from outside. I looked through the window and saw a bunch of ponies chasing someone with a pony doll, heading towards the park. Yeah... no thanks.

"What was that?"

"Oh, it's nothing to worry about." I lied. "What's taking the Princess so long?"

"I dunno. Maybe she's busy with something else."

-a few hours later-

"What?! No way! The Power Ponies could totally beat your Avengers!"

"You're shitting me. Thor is a god that could take on Celestia and Luna at the same time and win, let alone your Zapp, Hulk is an invincible angry wrecking ball that could level Canterlot and the mountain it rests on and can probably sweep the floor with Saddle Rager to no end!"

"Oh yeah? Who can take on Fili-second?"

"Quick Silver."

"And Masked Matterhorn?"

"Iron Man."

"No way! She has energy beams and can freeze her foes!"

"Iron Man has power armor that can go into space without freezing. He'd break the ice off."

Spike was getting a bit upset. "U-uh... Radiance! I bet no pony could beat her!"

"Are you talking about the mare with Green Lantern's power, but pink?"

"Yeah! I bet you don't have-"

"Scarlet Witch."

"Mistress Mare-velous?"

"Ant Man."

Spike just stared at me with an 'you're kidding me' look. "Ant man?"

"Ant Man."

"Let me guess. He can turn into an ant."

"Nope. He can shrink down to small size."

"Wouldn't Mistess Mare-velous just step on him then?"

"Nope. When he shrinks, not only is he hard to spot due to his small size, he also has super strength. Ever see a guy get beat up and flipped by nothing? That's Ant Man doing it."

Spike was looking pretty disgruntled.

"Don't worry Spike. You should see the other Marvel heroes, and you'll love the DC universe. Oh. And there's one hero you should know about who's neither Marvel or DC..."


"Saitama, who can probably beat all of the power ponies alone." When I finished that sentence, I could hear talking downstairs.

"I don't even want to know what-"

"Shoosh!" I held a finger up, going to the door and pressing my ear against it. Spike did the same. I could hear Twilight talking to someone. That voice... Is that Celestia? I couldn't really make out what they were talking about, but I heard Dash and the others too. Soon, they were coming upstairs. We rushed to Twilight's bed and sat on it to make it look like we weren't eavesdropping. When the door opened, we both had innocent looks on our faces. "Heeeeey girls! Hey Celly. How's it goin? When did you get here?"

"We were here for a while, and I know you were eavesdropping." Busted...

"What gave it away?"

"Alicorn hearing. You two were arguing about something, and it oddly went quiet. I could also hear you two scrambling on our way up the stairs. Furthermore, your attitude gives it away." Well damn... nothing gets past the princess...

"Eh, you got me." I shrugged.

Celestia was walking towards the balcony.

"Princess, wait! How did you know I was in trouble?"

The princess turned to Twilight. "Somepony by the name of Mike Wrap Smells got Spike to... Oh Mother...."

"HAHAH-" I had to cover my mouth and nose to silence myself. Spike knew it was a fake name from the start, but he never read it out loud. He was having a hard time himself keeping himself contained. Dash and Pinkie's cheeks were turning red from trying to hold it in.

Celestia sighed and continued. "Got Spike to send me a letter earlier today, saying that you were 'going OCD' on everybody and started going nuts over not having a friendship report today." Now it was Twilight's turn to give me the 'are you serious' look. "I commend the human and Spike for taking your feelings into consideration." Celestia spread her wings. "Now if you'll excuse me, I must return to Canterlot. I'm expecting a letter." She took off, heading back to her mountain castle.

When the princess was out of sight, Twilight stared at me. "Really, Xavier?" I was on the ground laughing the next second.

"It was his idea, not mine." Spike said.

"Anyway, Spike, take a letter."

As Spike was busy writing the letter, I told myself I wasn't going to interrupt them. I put on my headphones, not really interested in what they had to write to the princess, lying on the couch. It was then that I felt a hoof gently poke my cheek. I took my headphones off and hung them around my neck to face Twilight. "Sup?"

"Aren't you going to add anything?"

"Sure." I got off the couch and went over to Spike. I wrote a little something on the bottom, having a huge grin on my face. Twilight caught this and started speed-trotting this way. "Spikehurryupandsendit!"

"Xavier wha- Spike wait!"


"Too late." I said with a grin.

"What did you send?" Twilight asked, giving me a half-worried glare.

"Oh don't worry. It's nothing that bad." I reassured her.

"I swear, Xavier, you can be so foalish sometimes, but..." She leaned in and pressed her lips against mine. "thanks again." She said before pulling Spike into the hug too. I had an idea what was coming next. The group hug. Are ponies always this affectionate?

I enjoyed the hug until I realized I couldn't move. That wasn't a good thing. "No problem. Hey uh, girls, can we not? This is a nice moment and all, but I'm still claustrophobic." Twilight let go.

"Oh. That's a new one. What's that?" Spike asked.

"Fear of close spaces or having no escape, so please girls!!!" The girls quickly backed off. "Sorry."

"Xavier, I know about phobias too, you know. It's okay." Twilight said.

Twilight never found out what I wrote to the princess.