7 Human in Ponyland

by shiftylookingcow

S2 Chapter 1: Tay Zonday would Sue

Season 2

Chapter 1: Tay Zonday would Sue

-Xavier's Recap-

Things have been more calm around here ever since the night at the Gala. Well, that's besides ponies wanting to ride in bro's car. I'm pretty sure he's been in his room regretting having ever broken out the DJ Shades Mobile. I can understand why he doesn't want to break it out except for special occasions, mainly because gas stations doesn't exist here yet, and he's probably low on it since the drive to and from Canterlot. To this day, however. the girls still talk about that magical night. The night when they first rode in the car. The night my hatred for Rarity truly ended. The night after the day I kicked Twilight's brother in the face. She still loves me, but she throws something at me every time I bring it up. I guess they're close. Can't wait 'til the day he finds out about us. I wanna bring my phone

The summer was a pretty nice for the most part. The jobs we've gotten were well balanced out and done so that we had more time to relax in the sun. Another positive about summers in Equestria: NO MOSQUITOES! God I hated those flying leeches to no end! And to think I'd never have to see one ever again in real life! Fluttershy berated me for being inconsiderate of mosquitoes feelings, but when I told her that they were one of the top 10 dangerous creatures on the planets with all the diseases they help spread by sucking blood and any bacteria from random beings and putting them in another random being, she shut up real quick. Another positive was that there weren't too many hot days, and when there were, Rainbow was more than happy to give me a cloud to hover over my head. I love that mare. Even Jeff was starting to get along with the ponies. I guess they found out that he loves having his manly ego stroked. The Crusaders (Gang) had even had their fair share of fun. I had introduced them to a few outside games. One time, Jeff, Jack and I took them camping in the Whitetail Forest along with Hiroto and his two fillies. Diamond Tiara's father and Silver Spoon's guardian allowed it, the former behind her mother's back. I gotta say, I had misjudged Filthy Rich. I expected him to be kinda like a ruthless business man, but he's totally cool compared to his wife. He did however tell me that sometimes, in a business environment, he needs to be ruthless or others will probably take advantage of him or something. I can't find myself running a big business, ever.

The reason I say the summer was good for the most part is because of the girls' 'heat cycle' after Bri's birthday. Holy shit, in this world, estrus is no joke. If they didn't have a heat cycle in the spring, they had one in the summer. I'm glad Twilight warned me about it. Jeff, Jack and I ended up boarding up our windows so the pegasi wouldn't be able to get through. It didn't stop Rainbow from knocking on the boards covering the window saying things I dare not repeat. That wasn't even the most messed up thing though. The next day, this random earth pony stallion knocked on our doors and asked if human girls had estrus cycles. When I saw him looking at Brianna, my now 8 year old sister, I punched that mofo in the face and told him to get the fuck off my lawn with that shit. I knew I was gonna have to keep an eye on that one. Twilight managed to teleport in though. She had taken pills to 'minor' the estrus effect, but she still sounded lustrous. Fortunately, making out seemed to satisfy her. I thought Jack would be out there screaming for Applejack to take him, but he told her that wouldn't be a good idea since when they did it before, she ended up out of commission for weeks, leaving Big Mac to do all of the work for days. Either way, we were all safe. I love Rainbow and all, but I wouldn't want her like this.

Rarity and I started hanging out together. And by hanging out, I mean hanging out in my house. I never really liked her little Merry-Go-Round. Gotta say, there was more to her than I saw. She wasn't just posh and fancy, but unlike most of the upper class and nobility in Canterlot, she's pretty caring and chilled when she's not working. Sure she's tried several times to turn me into a gentleman, like say, having me open doors for her. I told her a bit about why I'm not a gentleman. I'm an egalitarian. She wondered what that meant, and I gave her the google definition. That means we're equal. The only females I treat special are those I share a bed with sometimes, and frankly, Rainbow hates it and Twilight finds it kind but awkward. There haven't been any majors between me and Rarity. She still insists on calling me her prince since the Gala.

Speaking of Twilight, I've been trying to get her to hang out with me more, but she kept saying she was busy with her studies, she would hardly leave the library. The only time we ever really did anything together was when I had the time to go to the library. I even tried getting Pinkie's help to bring her out of her little cave, but so far we've had no luck in doing so. I've tried everything, from poking her horn, slapping her flank, to randomly 'Doing the Flop' on top of her. Whenever I did, she'd just magic me off of her and keep reading. I guess she needed her space after her estrus cycle, so I stopped bothering her. I figured that out all by myself. Okay, maybe I didn't. Maybe bro kinda put the thought in my head. I guess Twilight tattled on me.

Speaking of bro, he's been pretty active this summer. He's been spending more time with musicians I've noticed. Especially around one white electric-blue maned DJ mare and her room mate. I forgot her name though. Why am I not jumping to conclusions? Because bro is.... you know, he's bro. He's probably the most normal out of all of us and wouldn't think of dating a pony himself, let alone starting a herd. But hey, that's just me.

-Xavier's Recap Over-

-Traevon's POV-

[Friday 8/12]

I woke up in Vinyl's room. It was one heck of a night we had last night, staying up and working our magic with the turntables. We've started a relationship last month, and I think Octavia's interested in joining in, but I'm not too sure. Sure they have different taste in music, but I found a way to mix up both of their styles of music: Orchestra Remixes. We've already started making an album together. The ponies love it. Octavia says it puts a bit of class in Vinyl's parties. Anyway, I checked the time. It was early, and I'm pretty sure lil bro's still asleep. Brianna should be waking up in a half an hour to head for school, and I need to make sure she's ready before she leaves. I put my clothes on, gave Vinyl a peck and left. My house awaits.

After a ten minute walk, I made it there. I open the door to find that Xavier is surprisingly awake for once.

"Xavier. You're awake."

"Trae, you're home. Where've you been?"

"Vinyl and I were just working on music. We got so caught up that we lost track of time. I ended up spending a night on her couch." I lied. I don't want him to find out about me and Vinyl yet. Otherwise, I'd never hear the end of it.

"Well, Brianna and the kids are going on a field trip to Canterlot today. I had already warned them about the guards and nobles there. I told her that if anyone gives them any flack, catch their names and I'll pay 'em a visit."

I agree with him. Although I trust the princess, I don't really trust the guards or the nobles there after our little brawl earlier this year before the Gala. I just give him a thumbs up and went to check our list to find that we only have 2 things written down for us to do. Jack already has one. Jeff has the other. I guess I'll go back to sleep.

-Hiroto's POV-

"Alright class. Remember to stick together and stay with me. We don't need any of you fillies and colts getting lost." Miss Cheerilee instructed. We were just getting off of the train from Ponyville. I doubt we were going to have any issues with fillies getting lost. The class wasn't that big. She had around 11 students to look over. I can look after myself and my little brother along with Brianna, so make that 8. As we got off the train, however, that out of the 11 of us, three of us drew the most attention. The ponies here seemed wary of us. Jonathan was unaware while trying to talk to the Crusaders. Diamond Tiara stayed close to my side, glaring back at anyone who looked at me funny. Miss Cheerilee noticed this and looked to me and the other two humans.

"Hiroto, Jonathan, Briana, can you stay close behind me please?" She didn't feel right about the attention we were getting. Xavier warned us about this place and the kind of people that inhabits this city.

"More monstrous abominations..."

"These ones are smaller..."

"How can that one see with its eyes closed?"

Cheerilee's ears folded back. I think she's starting to regret this trip. We were headed to the palace to take a little tour around the castle. When we reached the palace, we were stopped by the guards.

"I take it you are the teacher who's taking her class through the castle?" One of the two guards asked.

"Yes. I'm Miss Cheerilee." She answered.

The guard looked over to me, my sibling and his friend. "Are those three with you?"

Our teacher took a deep breath. She had not been enjoying how some of the other ponies were looking at us, and she seemed to be really holding back several unpleasant words. "They are my students too, so yes. They are with me as well."

The guards let us through, though keeping their eyes on us. Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon stuck their tongues out at the guards when we passed them. "The nerve of these ponies! They act like you're a dangerous monster."

"They fear the unknown, DT." I told her, readjusting my glasses. We didn't see too many guards or ponies in general while we were heading to the gardens. There was this one guard we passed that was wearing purple armor. He was mainly looking at Brianna, who noticed, smiled, and waved at him. He snapped out of it and gave her a sheepish grin and a small wave in return. Isn't that the purple armored guard Xavier told me about? Soon enough, we were there. There were shrubs hedges and statues everywhere.

"I want to start our field trip here, in the world-famous Canterlot sculpture garden." Miss Cheerilee started. "That one over there represents Friendship." she said as we passed a statue of what looked like three ponies dancing on top of one another. The three pony crusaders bumped into each other in a clumsy manner. That didn't really catch my attention however. What caught my attention were the guards that were not-so-stealthily following us. There were three or four of them. I didn't take the time to count. Cheerilee had stopped at a strange statue. "Now this is a really interesting statue. What do you notice about it?"

"Its got an eagle claw!"

"And a lion paw!"

"And a snake tail!"

"It's skinny!" Said Jonathan

Brianna replied afterwards. "It's tall."

"It looks like he belongs in the 'build-able action figures' isle." I said. I am still Jack's brother. This earned a few chuckles.

"This creature is called a draconequus. He has the head of a pony and a body made up of all sorts of things. What do you suppose that represents?"

"Something that I'm sure Charles Darwin would like to see in person." This got me a few looks.

"Who?" Cheerilee asked.

"He was a famous human biologist, geologist, and naturalist." I told her.

Cheerilee gave me an irritated look. "Do you want to stay here for the rest of the field trip to tell the class all about this Charles Darwin?" I could see where she was getting at.

"No ma'am."

"Then please stop giving off-topic answers to the questions."

"My apologies."

"Does anyone else have an answer?" She asked as the three crusading fillies were the first to answer.


"Evil!" Sweetie Belle answered, knocking Apple Bloom out of the way, only to be knocked herself by Scootaloo.


"It's not chaos you dodo!" Sweetie said, fussing at Scootaloo.

"Don't call me things I don't know the meaning of!" Scootaloo cried. "And it is too, chaos!"

"Is not!" Argued Sweetie Belle

"You're both wrong!" Apple Bloom said, leaping on both of her friends. Jonathan, Brianna and I tried to break up the fight by grabbing each of them. I had Apple Bloom while Jonathan and Brianna had the other two. The three fillies were trying to go back at each other's throats. Things escalated very quickly however when the guards that were stalking the class had spears pointed at our necks, and by our necks, I mean at the necks of anyone that wasn't a pony. I thought Xavier said that the guards weren't going to attack us!

"Let go of the fillies you beasts!" The guards commanded. Miss Cheerilee stood there in shock as we all did as told. I let go of Apple Bloom, Brianna let go of Sweetie Belle and started to tear up. Jonathan, still with no sense of danger what-so-ever, let go of Scootaloo, if anything because an adult told him to. He turned around and stuck his tongue out at the guard that had a spear to the boy's face. The guard pulled his spear back, but before Jonathan was impaled, Miss Cheerilee rammed the guard knocking him off balance.

"Just what in the name of Tartarus do you think you are doing?!"

"Ma'am, step aside! These monsters are dangerous! We saw them grab those fillies!"

"I'm not a monster..." Brianna started to cry, which drew even more attention to the area. Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo had looks of regret on their faces having gotten their friends in trouble. I closed my eyes to repress my anger. I never learned how to fight, so I knew I couldn't afford to do anything brash.

"These are children! You are aiming your weapons at my students! I have half the mind to-"

As Cheerilee proceeded to scold the guards for pointing their weapons at three helpless kids, I couldn't help but notice something about that draconequus statue when I opened my eyes. I was pretty sure there weren't any cracks there when we first looked at it. I had tapped on my teacher's shoulder to ask her if statues here were supposed to crack, but she was occupied.

"Not now, Hiroto." She went back to scolding the guards who continued to argue and demonize us, which was making Brianna cry even louder.

A few minutes later, the purple armored stallion trotted up to the commotion. "What's going on here?"

"Captain Armor!" Both guards gave a salute. "We were just taking care of a situation!"

"These idiots were aiming their spears at my students!"

"We were trying to break up a fight!" Jonathan screamed at the guard that almost impaled him.

"Sargent Rocky! You leave the humans alone! Didn't you hear Celestia's orders months ago! We are not to harm any of the humans until we get the word from her! I aughta report you for this and have you scrubbing the floors!"

"We're sorry sir. We didn't get the memo."

Brianna ran from the guard that threatened her and hid behind Shining. "I-I'm gonna tell my big brother on you!"

I noticed Shining freeze at who she had just mentioned. Wait a minute... "Shining Armor? Are you the one that Xavier had... kicked in the face?" Shining's eyes went wide at my question.

Brianna gasped and her cheeks puffed out. "Xavier did what?!?" Shining was looking at the now angry Brianna. "I'm gonna get him for this!"

Shining chuckled. "Don't worry, little filly. It didn't hurt that bad."

While everyone was more calm, Cheerilee was still glaring at the other four. "I think we should move on, class." The group started moving again with Shining Armor joining us to avoid something like that from happening again. Something was slightly disturbing however. Either my ears were playing tricks on me, or there really was evil laughter coming from behind us, from that statue.

-Xavier's POV-

I started to wake up from my nap 30 minutes til noon. I love just hanging around and chilling like a lazy slob for the day, but I was actually starting to get bored. I haven't really been doing much the past few days. Soon the door slammed open with Jack stumbling through.

"Xavier! Bro! You gotta see this!"

I got up and followed him outside. There were pink clouds everywhere. Not only that but it was raining chocolate milk. I'm so glad I'm not lactose intolerant. Another reason to love magic. free sweet chocolate milk. Jack and I got buckets that filled 4 gallons and countless water bottles that we instantly stored in the fridge as soon as they were full. I went ahead and poured me a cup from a gallon and drank it. This wasn't just chocolate milk. This was chocolate drink!

Oh... hell yes!!!q


Jack raised an eyebrow at me. "Geez... Calm down. It's just chocolate milk."

"No! It's not! YOOHOO!"

"What're you talkin about dude?"

"Friggin Yoohoo!"

"Wait! Like that chocolate drink?!?" I wildly nodded my head. "OH MAH GAWDS!!!"

We set a table outside, covered with a plastic cover of course, and placed a few buckets there. I grabbed my cup when he went to grab one two. We got out a beach umbrella and our seats and had ourselves a two-man Oktoberfest. Whenever we were done, we dumped our cup in our buckets for refills. And the best part is, the panicking ponies! They'll panic at anything unknown or out of the ordinary! I was glad that the table was well enough out of the way.

"Can this day get any better?" I asked, sitting in my chair.

"Hahahah yeah. We need the chicks, dude."

Yeah, we didn't really pay much attention to the floating buildings that were no longer rooted to the ground. Our house was perfectly fine, and considering random bullshit has been happening because magic exists in this world, we kinda figured:

"I guess someone misused a spell." Jack guessed.

"Yeah. I guess."

"Problem caused by magic is usually solved by magic." He said.

"Well well well, what do we have here. Amidst the chaos, a couple of strange beings are lounging around enjoying my work." A new voice echoed around us. This voice sounded familiar.

"Is that you, Q?" I asked.

"If by 'Q' you mean Discord, God of Chaos and Disharmony, then you are correct!" The voice said as a figure appeared front of us in smoke. I couldn't and I still can't even begin to describe what this guy looked like...

"HOLY hell! What the hell are you?!" I asked. Like, what the hell?!

"Heheh! Seriously! It's like God got drunk and decided to have a little fun!" Jack said. I couldn't help but laugh. Discord just raised an eyebrow.

"Wait wait wait. You said we're enjoying your work? You did this? With the pink clouds and chocolate rain?" I asked.

"The Dr. Pepper Snapple group is gonna sue, dude!" Jack warned.

Discord gave Jack a confused look. "Yes, that is of my doing."

"Tay Zonday is gonna sue, dude." Jack laughed.

"And just who is this Tay Zonday?" Discord asked.

"It's a human thing. Say, have you seen a Purple unicorn and a rainbow-maned pegasus around here?"

"And an orange cow-filly? We were hopin' they'd join us. Oh, and I'm sure Pinkie would enjoy this too."

"Oh? Oh so you're the humans that are close to the elements? Oh, they were just heading back from Canterlot after playing a little game I set up for them." He said, a bit mischievously. "In fact, I think I'm going to go check on them right now."

"WAIT! Uh, Discord was it?"


I went back to my front door and took the job list from by the front door and wrote something on the back of it. I handed it to Discord. "Can you say this?"

He read it quietly. "Why would I bother saying this?"

"C'mon. Just humor me."

"Oh, fine. Anything for a fan." He looked at the paper. "'I gave you something most mortals never experience. A second chance at life. All you can do is complain?' What is this?" He asked, curious.

"I can't live out my days as that person." I answered in my best angry Patrick Stewart voice. "That man is bereft of passion and imagination! That is not who I am!" I turned to Jack, grinning.

Jack shook his head at me and laughed. "Hahaha, you fuckin' nerd."

After he tried to comprehend what just went on, Discord disappeared in smoke like when he first appeared. Just when he did though, the sun went down. When the sun came back up, the ponies were sliding. I noticed the pathways changed from the usual sand color to light blue, not to mention bubbles on the side. Soap.

I looked at Jack and he was looking at me with a grin. "Still got those sleds in the attic?"

I found myself grinning the same way. "Hell yeah..." Some people would ask how Jack and I aren't brothers.

To say Jack and I were having fun would be an understatement. We were lying down on our sleds while zipping at high speeds. Sure we had to slow down whenever it instantly got dark again, but when it lit up, we were able to see the ponies looking at us, wondering how we could be having fun in this chaotic event. The kids had other opinions when they saw us and even wanted to join in. Too bad the parents were worry warts and kept them from having any of it. We had pretty much rode all around town.

"Race ya to the library!" Jack said before speeding ahead.

"Oh no you don't!" I said before going after him.

We were pretty much sliding like penguins, screaming and yelling like a couple of crazed lunatics. It's been ages since I've had this much fun to be honest. Laser tag and go-karting being the very last actual fun thing on Earth that had nothing to do with video games. We just hit a hill.



And then it got dark again. I couldn't see. The worst part is, this happened in mid air and I couldn't feel my sled beneath me, so I knew I was going to wipe out. Especially when things lit up again and I found my sled was ahead of me beyond my reach.


Jack wasn't faring any better. Jack and I ended up crashing into the library, creating a giant hole, or so I thought we created it. Either way, All I felt that moment was pain from that wipe out.

"OH GAWDS!!!" I said, getting up carefully. I checked myself for any broken bones. "Ah geez! I think I sprained somethin!" Adrenalin can make you do crazy shit.

"Xavier! Jack! Are you two okay?" Twilight cried, galloping to our aid. "Sweet Celestia, Discord has gone too far! Now he's hurting you guys too?!"

"What? Naaaw! We were just havin a lil fun that's all. We just had one of the most epic wipe outs we've had in ages!" Jack said before we high fived each other.

"Sorry about the wall, babe."

"Don't worry about that. That was already there. Wait... How can you two be having fun when Ponyville is in so much of a mess?!" Oh boy. You're sounding hysterical again, Twi.

"Well, we just figured we'd make the most of things, ya know? Got the chocolate drink rain, good road for sleddin'."

"Yeah, we got tired of chillin'. I was completely chilled. I looked around at the other girls. Something was off with them though. Rarity was fawning over a rock, Pinkie was angry at Fluttershy for laughing at her. Applejack was sitting next to the rock. Someone was missing, however.
"Two questions. Where is Rainbow Dash and why does the rest of 'em look like they've been through the washing machine one too many times?

"Guuuugh! I'm Sorry you have to see this. They haven't themselves ever since Discord got to them. We've got to find the reference guide to the Elements of Harmony before somepony does something she'll regret!"

"The Elements of Harmony? I know exactly where that book is!" Spike said, going where it was, but Fluttershy got to it before he did.

"Fluttershy! You have to give me that book!"

"Keep away!!" Fluttershy called out, throwing the book towards Applejack. That's not nice.

"Hey! Applejack, give me that book!"

"Ah don't have any book." She said before throwing it to Pinkie. This got Jack's attention. While they were playing Monkey in the Middle with Twilight being the monkey, I took a look at what was really going on. Fluttershy was acting like a middle school bully, Applejack was lying, Pinkie had a constant attitude, and Rarity had a big ass rock that she was trying to keep from everyone else. The ponies were definitely acting like their opposites. As soon as Fluttershy got the book again, I threw a couch cushion at her, forcing her to drop it.


Twilight caught the book. "Thanks Xavier."

"No problem. Although you could've just magic'd the book in mid air. Now come over here so we can read that book."

Twilight galloped towards me. The other four started to slowly approach us. I looked at Jack for help and he nodded his head.

"Hey Rarity! Nice Rock! I think I'm gonna take it!" Jack said out loud.

This got her attention. Rarity zipped back to her huge ugly rock. "MINE!"

Twilight opened the book. I expected words on a book, but Twilight found just what she was looking for. "The Elements! They were here all along!"

Spike held the book. "This is great! Now you guys can defeat Discord and put everything back to normal!"

"See girls?! We did it! We found the Elements of Harmony together!"

The others were just sitting there, hanging around Rarity's rock.

"You don't even care, do you?"

"No." The girls responded.

"Woah woah woah hold up! Hold up! Hold up! That's three 'hold up's!" Jack stood up and walked to the girls. "What the hell is wrong with you girls?!"

"Yeah! She was doing this for all of you! Sure, I don't know what the heck she's doing, but she's clearly doing it for all of you."

"Don't care." The girls responded in unison.

"I never thought my friends would turn into complete JERKS!!!" Twilight magic'd the jewelry onto the others necks. She had one extra though.

"Hey uh, Twilight, you have an extra necklace there."

"Oh. Right." She said, magicking the necklace around my neck. "Congratulations Xavier. You're the new Rainbow Dash."

"What?" Jack and I said.

"Now let's go defeat Discord so we don't EVER have to talk to each other again." Twilight marched out the door.

"Uh, Twilight?!" I tried to get her attention.

Rarity was hanging behind trying to move her rock. Twilight magicked it out the doorway. "Look out! Here comes Tom!"

"Twilight, I don't think this is going to work!" I told her. She didn't listen. Goddammit!

Discord was standing right there, looking smugly at us. "Well, if it isn't one of the creatures that I thought appreciated what I was doing, trying to defeat me. And here I thought I had a fan."

"Sup Discord?" Jack said from behind me.

"Don't take it seriously. My girl needed my help to beat you in your game, and I guess since one of the players aren't here, I'm the poorly chosen substitute. You know how it is with women, right?" I said, chuckling.

"What's so funny!!" Pinkie said, getting in my face.

"Discord! I've figured out your lame riddle. You're in for it now!"

"I certainly am. You've clearly out-dueled me, and now it's time to meet my fate. I'm prepared to be defeated now. Fire when ready." He said, forming a target around his midsection.

"But uh... I can't do magic.."

"Formations now!!"

"Okay, but I'm telling you I can't do magic."

The girls started glowing and floating as most of the elements started working their magic. Well, like I said, most. I was just standing there. Because the one I had didn't work, everyone else's failed and they dropped to the ground.

"What's going on?!"

"I don't know, maybe it's because I cannot do magic stuff!"

"Mine's workin'. Must be somethin wrong with yours."

"I hate the elements of harmony!"

"Bravo, ponies, bravo! Harmony in Equestria is officially dead. Discord rules, Celestia drools." He stated, laughing victorious. While the girls were arguing with each other, Discord popped up beside me. "Isn't this perfect?"

I turned to him, resisting the urge to punch him in the face. "Perfect? Chocolate rain? Cool. Soapy roads? Fun. Ruining my fillyfriends' valuable friendships with their friends? Fucked up. Now fix this or get the hell out my face."

"I think I like things better this way." Thought you were cool, man.

I turned to Twilight who was walking back into her library, losing her color. By the time I was inside, she was already upstairs. "Pack your bags, Spike. We're leaving." Wait.. What? "Don't ask where we're going, because I don't know yet. Just not here"

"Huh? You're just gonna leave?"

She came back downstairs and stopped infront of me. This has got to be the first time I saw her cry in like, ever. She wore the look of depression. That...DICK!!! He really is responsible for this! "I'm sorry Xavier, but it's just too much for me. I just can't stay here."

"I'll come with you then. I mean it's not like I do much around here anyway, and Dash, wherever she is, can just fly to where we are."

"Rainbow Dash abandoned me too! And as much as I'd like that, you need to stick with your family and friends here." She looked down and turned to go back upstairs. "I guess this is goodbye."

I closed my eyes. "So that's it? Not even a hug or anything?"

Her hoofsteps stopped. It was quiet for a moment until her hoofsteps were coming close. I felt her forelegs wrap around me. When I opened my eyes, she was hugging me like a toy she didn't want to let go, looking at me with those usually violet but now colorless eyes. Tears were streaming down her face. I could tell she really didn't want to leave. "I'm sorry! I d-don't want to leave! I-I just don't know what else to do! My friends are gone, Ponyville is in utter chaos, what am I supposed to do, Xavier?!" She asked. I started hearing noises coming from upstairs.


"Hey hey.. I thought you were the magical smart one. I don't really know what to do about floating buildings, soapy roads and the delicious chocolate rain, but uh, giving up shouldn't be an option you'd pick so quickly."


"I'm all out of other options."


"No, you're really not. Just because your friends seem to forget who they are, doesn't mean that all is lost. It just means that you're the last mare standing. As long as you're still standing, there is hope. There is a way. That's what I believe anyway. I don't know what you're gonna do or how you're gonna do it, but I believe in you, Twi." Her color started returning. "Now please, go upstairs and see what that racket is." I said, looking up. "Try to have a heartwarming moment of encouragement with that noise is kinda hard to do."

Twilight nodded her head, smiling. Her color had returned. I went outside where Jack was.

"The asshole left. He's not around." He told me.

"Yeah. He's the reason for the girls' strange behaviors."

"That DICK!!!"

"I know, right?!"

Shortly after, Twilight came back out with a fire lit in her eyes that screamed determination.

"Well, someone's in a better mo-" I didn't even finish before she kissed me. It was a pretty passionate one too.


"For what?"

"For helping me find the answer to all of my problems."

"You're gonna have to explain that one to me."

"I'll tell you on the way. We need to get the others." Twilight started to gallop off but apparently she forgot that the streets were still made out of soap. She slipped and fell right on her chin.

"We uh, have sleds."

"Are you sure you want to use those again? Even after that crash?"

Jack slapped me on the back. "We're boys, Twi. We get hurt doin' shit like this all the time."

I just shrugged my shoulders.

"If you're okay with this, then let's go."

Jack and I got our sleds and started sledding like penguins again with Twilight lying on my back, holding on tight. I don't think she was used to traveling this fast. We were following behind Jack.

"Hey Twi! Can you tell me what you meant when I said I gave you the answer to your problems?"

"It's just like you said! My friends forgot who they really are! And thanks to the Princess, I know just how to remind them!" Our first stop was at Sweet Apple Acres. We stopped by the sign. "Wait here."

"Yes ma'am." And wait we did.

"So uh... think you're gonna get laid after this?"

"Christ sake, Jack!" I said, going upside his head.

He rubbed the back of his head. "I'm just messin with ya dude."

Twilight came back out along with a normal-colored Applejack. She ended up riding with Jack when we went to Fluttershy's cottage. Twi actually needed our help with her. Jack and I caught her by the hooves and tied her up with AJ's rope so Twilight could do her memory spell. The next stop was at Rarity's. Apparently that rock she's been carrying around, dubbed 'Tom', was a giant emerald in her eyes. She saw the truth when we held her down and the spell was used on her. I helped her roll Tom out of her boutique.

"Let us never speak of this again."

We found Pinkie in her room in Sugarcube Corner. Twilight told us that we needed to get her to laugh. She tried telling a joke, but... let's just say she shouldn't quit her day job. I looked at my hands and at Jack. Time to put our fingers to use. Long story short, she was feeling the tickles for a half an hour after we stopped. Next stop, my other girl's house. We sent Fluttershy up there to get her, but she came back empty handed.

"She's not here!"

"Without Rainbow Dash, we can't use the elements.."

"She could be anywhere by now! We're never gonna find her."

"Yeah we will! 'cause she's right there!" Pinkie said, pointing up to a cloud with a faded rainbow tail hanging from it.

I called up to her. "Hey Dash! What's up? Come down here. Just wanna hang out."

"Hey Xavier." She replied, waving a hoof.

"Rainbow Dash! We've been looking all over for you!"

"That's nice."

"Discord is still on the loose and we need you to help us defeat him with your element, loyalty!"

"Loyalty schmoyalty! Have you guys seen Ponyville? It's a disaster! I'm staying here in Cloudsdale where everything is awesome!"

Twilight looked at me. I'll give it another go. "Hey Dash. You're right. Ponyville's a lost cause. Why not take me up there to Cloudsdale with ya?"

"WHAT?!?" The girls responded.

"How could you?!?"

"Hah! Now you're talkin my language, monkey boy!" She swooped down with her cloud and gave me her hoof. I jumped up and grabbed her wings instead and pulled her in a huge bearhug, landing on the ground. She struggled to get out of my grip. "HEY! Let me go!!!"

"Twilight! Now!"

She shook her head, snapping out of it and did her thing. As soon as Rainbow was restored and back to normal, I let go of her.

"Wh-what happened?" She asked. She jumped off of me. "Ah! How's Ponyville! Where are the elements?! Did we stop Discord?!"

The girls group-hugged her, forgetting that I was under them, being stood on. "GIRLS PLEASE GET OFF OF ME!!!"

Now that the elements are back in the right hooves, it was time to get a little payback. We went to town hall where things were most chaotic, and wouldn't you know, we found him sitting on a throne drinking a glass of chocolate drink.

"Chaos is a wonderful thing." He bragged.

"Yeah, jokes and pranks are funny until you go too far and start messing with people's lives."

"Oh... This again?"

"That's right! You couldn't break apart our friendship for long."

"Oh Applejack, don't lie to me." Said Discord as he started pulling the element bearers by their elements to him. "I'm the one who made you a liar. Will you ever learn?"

Jack, of course, held on to Applejack and Fluttershy while I held on to Rainbow, Rarity, and Pinkie. When we grabbed ahold of them, Discord noticed his magic was being nullified.

"What's this?"

"Yeah, we're kinda magic resistant." Jack idiotically told him.


"Shit, sorry dude!"

Discord chuckled and disappeared. He reappeared behind me. One of his arms wrapped around my neck while the other wrapped around my stomach area. "If you can nullify my chaos magic, then it looks like I found a suitable shield to nullify the Elements of Harmony's magic too." He pulled me back to his throne.

"Xavier!" The girls and Jack called.

Twilight fired her magic at Discord, but it was pointless. The ones that hit me, did nothing. The ones that hit Discord, barely did any damage. Rainbow Dash tried to fly around and kick him, but that didn't do much either.

"Do you girls really think that will stop me? Unlike you, I have magic protection. None of you can hurt me unless you use the Elements of Harmony against me, but you can't because I have this creature to use as a shield!" Discord proceeded to laugh.

"Girls. Start up the elements."

"But Xavier-"

"Twilight! Just do it!" I have an idea...

She nodded her head and her eyes began to glow along with the rest of them. Discord was still laughing. I looked downwards and noticed his feet. This is for almost costing me a girlfriend. I stomped on his foot, and he yelped and let go of me. I could've ran to the girls, but I wasn't quite done with him yet. This is for holding me hostage! I elbowed him in the gut. When he bent over, clutching the area of impact, I got down low. This is for just being a dick. I brought my fist up and spin-jumped, my fist making contact under his chin. I screamed:



Discord stumbled back onto his throne as the elements shot a rainbow at Discord with me ducking just below the beam. When he shook off from his dizziness, it was far too late. The rainbow had made contact.

"What?! No! NOOOOOOOO!!!!"

Discord was turned to stone on the spot. The elements did their work with the rest of the town and turned everything back to normal. It was over. No more grey friends besides Derpy. No more soapy roads or free Yoohoo drink... Atleast we got enough to last a while at home.

"It's over! It's finally over!"


"Now all we have to do is bring this statue back where it belongs."

We had traveled to Canterlot to return the statue to its place in the sculpture garden. Celestia told us to meet her in the throne room to be congratulated. What I didn't expect was for ponies to be lined up on each side of the carpet. Jack and I looked at each other and grinned. Trumpets were playing, and Celestia and Spike were standing by the throne. The 8 of us walked down the center and up to her. Celestia smiled at her student. Applejack grinned. Twi looked at Spike who shyly waved. Celestia started her speech.

"We are gathered here today to honor the heroism of these 8 friends who stood up to the villain Discord and saved Equestria from eternal chaos."

As soon as the crowd started cheering, I did my best Chewbacca roar. This got everyone quiet. Celestia raised an eyebrow at me while everyone but Jack looked at me in concern. Maybe I was too loud?

"NEEERD!!!" Jack said out loud.

When we got back to Ponyville, we were pretty much tired. The chocolate rain was gone, everything was back to normal. The ponies were all back to doing their normal business as if nothing ever happened. The girls and I were on the way to the house for a little party when I noticed that when all of the chocolate rain disappeared, so did the chocolate in the buckets. Jack got on his knees and screamed to the skies above him.


I went inside to check the fridge while Jack weeped on the yard outside. The chocolate drink that we put in the gallons and bottles were still there. Twilight saw and she was flabbergasted.


"Well, these containers were made from Earth. Anything from Earth resists magic, remember? The elements of harmony couldn't reach it." I poured Jack a cup and went outside to give it to him. He downed that sucker. Pinkie wanted one too. She downed that sucker. I offered some to the other girls.

"No thanks, I think I've had enough chocolate rain today." More for us then.

I made my way to the nearest couch and sat down. Dash joined me.

"Hey Skittles."

"Hey Xavier. Can I ask you a question?"


"Why uh... How come when I kicked Discord, he didn't feel a thing but when you... did what you did.."

"Shoryuken'ed him."

"Uh, that... when you did that to him, he felt it?"

"He had a godlike magic barrier around him, just basing this off of what he said. And you know how magic affects us."

"Oh.. Yeah, yeah yeah, magic doesn't affect you."

"Speaking of punches, can you get me a bag of ice? My hand's been aching ever since. I've never punched anyone that hard."

I saw her leave the room to do so, but stopped. She started shaking.

"Something wrong, Skittles?"

"D-does that mean... when we first met..." She turned her head. Geez, girl..

"Calm down. I didn't really wanna hurt anyone back then as much as I wanted to hit Discord. And believe me, you can handle my punches. I see how fast you ponies heal."

"It's just that you nearly knocked out the God of Chaos."

"Take his magic away, he's nothing more than a slithery snake with a glass jaw. I'm not nearly as strong as the guy who originally Shoryuken's people."

"And who is he?" Dash asked.

I gave her a smile. "How about we play some Street Fighter II? After you get me the ice of course."