7 Human in Ponyland

by shiftylookingcow

Chapter 19: Intervention within Intervention

Chapter 19: Interventception!

-Xavier's POV-

Tuesday 3/29

I woke up in cold sweat. Shit...Had that dream again. I picked up my phone and looked at the time. 3:-fucking-30... in the morning... When I moved to do so, it hit me. I wasn't alone in my bed. There was a human arm that wrapped itself around me from behind. I paid no attention to the fact that it was coated with fur. I went back to sleep thinking I was in another dream... that was within a dream, within a dream.... Fuckin inception, man. It had to be a dream. There aren't any human girls my age where I currently reside. I went right back to sleep.

I woke up the next morning, pretty much forgetting everything that had happened that night until I looked at my window. It was open. I never leave my window open. When I went to close it, a light blue blur crashed into me.

"Hey monkey boy, what're you doing up so early?"

"Hey Skittles. What do ya mean early, it's..." I grabbed my phone from the table next to the bed and looked at it. "7:27 AM... yeah that is early. What about you? What are you doing here this early?"

"I was just gonna go back to sleep after I- uh... talked to Twilight about something." Rainbow said, her eyes shifting. Definitely not the element of honesty.

"Wait... you came over last night? Who let you in? I was sleep."

"Scootaloo. I came here after watching a meteor shower with the girls."

"Of course." I made note to talk to Scooter about her letting someone in my house without letting anyone know.

"Anyway... what are you gonna do now that you're up?"

"I dunno. Maybe start my day off early, perhaps? Sooner I get everything done, sooner I'm off."

"Oh really? Guess what?"


"I'm off today, monkey boy! That means we get to hang!"

"All the more reason for me to get this shit out the way so I can chill." I said, starting my morning routine. Since I decided to start my work early, she decided to sleep in. I looked at the list. There wasn't much to do. Fluttershy needed help feeding her animals this morning, and Golden Harvest needed help with a few things too. Funny thing about her is that I once called her Carrot Top because her mane is the same color as the comedians, and she does talk about carrots a lot. She thought I was making fun of her, so I started calling her Golden Harvest again. Won't stop me from asking about any props. Other than those two things and the daily checking on Twilight, this work was going to go by fast.

When I got to Fluttershy's cottage, I knocked on the door and almost instantly, I heard crashing from inside, along with a groan and a "Angel, can you get that for me? If... that's okay with you.." I've helped Fluttershy before, and I'll tell you that is one disgruntled bunny. The bunny opened the door and stared up at me.

"May I come in?" I asked, giving him a look he new all too well. The first time I asked, he tried to slam the door on me, which resulted in me pulling a Spike and kicking the door in and having him slammed into the wall. I don't play that shit, especially with no punk ass bunny rabbit. He stepped aside real quick. I walked inside of the cottage and saw Fluttershy coming downstairs. She still had a bedhead.

"Oh.. Xavier.. What brings you by this early?"

"Well, I woke up early and figured I'd get an early start on my work. Dash has the day off, so..."

"Oh! Well.. just give me a moment and I'll.. tell you what to do.."

After Flutters got herself together and ready for whatever this day had to throw at her, she led me out back and told me who eats what and how much they should eat this morning. One thing that definitely caught my attention was the big-ass bear she was keeping. And my little sister comes over here often... She reassured me that Harry was friendly and wouldn't hurt anyone unless attacked. I asked if there was anything else I should know that may cause concern, and she said no at first... until she remembered a manticore she befriended. I've never seen a manticore before, but they are described as lions with a scorpion tail and bat wings. Son of a bitch, this chick is a beast master... When Fluttershy left to go wherever she had to go, I was alone with the animals. When I finished giving everyone their breakfast, I heard a knock on the door. I opened it to find my little sis.

"Hey Bri."

"Hey Xavier! Miss Fluttershy said that I could take over if I wanted to and I'm booooored!"

"So I guess I'm off the hook?"


"Alrighty. I'll be on my way. Just one thing." I let her in while looking for a specific white bunny. I found him all the way on the other corner of the room. I walked to him, pat his head, leaned down, and grinned at him. "I'm going to be leaving. God or Celestia knows what'll happen to you if anything happens to my sister. Let's just say I'll be having bunny rabbit stew." He gulped while sweating bullets. I think he gets the message. After that, I left leaving behind a confused sister and a frightened bunny with the animals. Next stop, Twilight's! When I got there, I opened up the door to Spike arguing with an owl.

"Look! All you need to know is that I'm number one, and you're number two!"


"Well, a man of mystery, huh? I'm keeping my eye on you!"

Okay, I just HAD to point out something here..."You do know that's an owl, right?"

"Oh hey Xavier! Look at this guy. If he thinks he can steal my number one assistant title from me, he's got another thing comin!" Spike said, glaring at the owl.




"I'm talking about you!"

"First of all, he's an owl, and owls are nocturnal birds. Secondly, this owl can't talk. 'Hoo' is all he can say. Ya look like a dummy."

"Well, Owlowiscious is the one treading on my territory!" He argued. That's his name?

"Okay, Spike, you need to chill." This guy's probably riled up over nothing. "You're getting all upset and paranoid over a new pet. Like seriously. You're actin like Fluttershy's rabbit."

He looked away from the owl towards me. "Why are you here anyway?"

"I was here hoping to find out what Twi needed from me today."

"Well, we do have an owl infestation." He said, looking back to the owl.

I mentally and physically facepalmed. "Spike... I'm almost certain she's not going to replace you."

"Almost?!?" He shouted. I left. I'm not putting up with that. Well, I attempted to leave, but on the other side of the door were the girls. Rainbow was eavesdropping.

"Hey Xavi!" screamed the waving party mare. I waved back at her before turning to Twilight.

"You really need to talk to Spike. He has the idea that you're replacing him with your new pet owl.."

"I'm sure they'll get along just fine." Twilight said. No one listened to me. Fuck this shit I'm out.

On my walk home, Rainbow had managed to catch up to me.

"Can you believe that Spike is actually jealous of Twilight's owl?"

"It's dumb. You'd think Spike would know that he's irreplaceable." I got to my house and opened the door. I went straight to my room and lied down on my bed, Dash plopping right on my stomach. "I guess we're going to be slacking off together today?"

"Yeah." She said, lying her head down on my chest. We lied there for a while in silence.

"This is nice."

"Yeah.." From the corner of my eye, she was staring at me, as if thinking happy thoughts. I can see it in her eyes. Her breathing was mighty calm. I guess she's daydreaming.

I smiled a little bit, but not because of what she could be thinking about. No. This was an opportunity. An opportunity to do something absolutely hilarious. Sure, this may ruin the moment, but I'm pretty sure it'll be worth it. Taking a deep breath, I prepared my little shenanigan.


Have you seen a cat get startled by sudden movement? How they jump in the air in fright? Replace the cat with a light blue rainbow-maned pegasus mare. I was rolling in bed. When Rainbow got herself together, she puffed her cheeks at me.

"Not cool, monkey boy!"

"Love you too."

She blushed before coming back to bed, looking to the side. "Hmph! You're lucky I like you, idiot.."

I chuckled and kissed her. "I couldn't help it. I just couldn't."

"Yeah yeah."

And then we just lied there.

-Jack's POV-

I was walking to the library with AJ her other friends. Twilight had someone to introduce us to. Hey. Maybe it's another hot mare to look at. My thoughts didn't go unnoticed as I received a nudge from Pinkie.

"Watcha thinkin about?" She asked.

"Oh nothing." I didn't know I was still wearing the same smile while looking at her.

"If you're thinking happy thoughts I wanna know what it is so I can be happy too. And then I can tell other people those happy thoughts and then they can be ha-"

I started tuning her out. Pinkie was cute and fun to be around, but when she starts babbling, it gets annoying real quick. That's saying something because it takes a lot to annoy me. I also need to learn to hide my thoughts better. At least Pinkie didn't know what I was really thinking about. I doubt AJ would like it even with all the polaygamy going on. When we got there, Twilight was waiting in front of the library with an owl on her back.

"Heya Twi."

"Hey Jack. Hi girls. I want you all to meet my new helper, Owlowiscious. He's finally awake."

"MMRPH!" was all that came from me before covering my mouth. Holy shit that's hilarious! Where in the hell do ponies come up with these names?!

"What? What's so funny?!" Twilight asked.

"I-It's.. Heheh! It's-PBPFFAAAHAHAAAA!!" I lost it. Even Pinkie started laughing, although I doubt for the same reason, but who cares? After a few minutes of laughing while being stared at by 4 mares and an owl, I had finally calmed down.

"Care to explain what's so funny about my new pet owl?"

"What was his name again?" I asked.


"PBTBPPHFFAAAAAAHAAAAAAHAHAA!!" I fell over on the ground.

"Sugarcube, we get it. Ya think his name sounds funny." AJ said looking down at me, bemused.

"I know babe, b-but really! I guess I'm Humaniscious to ya. It's a horrible owl pun!"

"I'll name my owl whatever I wanna name him!" Twilight said blushing from embarrassment.

"Sure, but I'm calling him Louis."

"Whatever." she said, rolling her eyes.

The next five minutes were spent with the owl being surrounded by Twilight's friends, talking about how awesome he is.

"He looks wonderful."

"He looks wonderful!" somebody mocked from the tree. I looked up and saw it was Spike. "Uh, yes! Wonderful! He is quite..." he mumbled something else I couldn't catch.

"Heya Spike! What'cha doin up there? Come down here for a moment and talk with us."

"No! I mean no thank you. I'm fine up here. Thanks." Spike said. You're acting mighty strange today, aren't you? I knew something was up with Spike, especially when Rarity gave the owl a bedazzled bow tie. Spike stomped his way inside the library.

"What's he all saddle sore about?" AJ asked

"Looks like he sees the bird as an intruder."

"Oh dear... First Xavier hating Rarity and now Spike hating Owlowiscious..." The moment she said this, Fluttershy covered her mouth. Everyone but me gasped at this.

"Say what now?"


"Xavier what?!" Twilight turned to me. "Is... this true?"

"Really?! You guys really didn't notice? The way he looks at her, and how he reacts to whenever she opens her mouth? Wow you guys are slow."

"He... hates me?" Rarity asked, completely shocked.

"Well yeah. He really really doesn't like you. Just hearing your name makes him frown. Holy crap."

Applejack nudged my side. "Sugarcube."


She pointed to Rarity whose eyes were watering. "I knew I upset him a few times and I know I know I'm not his favorite, but.. I never knew he hated me.." She turned to me. "Why does he hate me? What did I ever do to him? I've never been hated before!"

"He hated you since the Young Flier's Competition, and told me why, but... I don't know if I should say..." Fluttershy said.

A couple of thoughts went through my head. I knew he hated Rarity. The look he gives her. I can't seem to remember the last time I saw that look in his eyes, but that's one look that I'd rather not be on the receiving end of. I guess as Rarity's friend, and Xavier's best friend, it's going to be up to me to solve this issue.

What a drag...

-Xavier's POV-

I woke up to knocking downstairs. I tried to get up, but Dash was holding on to me, still asleep. When I looked outside, I noticed it was getting dark. I'll wake her up later. I unwrapped her hooves from around me and pulled the covers over her when I got up. I went down to the front door. When I opened it, I was met with the most sad and pitiful sight. Spike was at the door, looking up at me with puppy dog eyes, holding a bindle over his shoulder.

"Uh, hey Spike. How can I help ya?"

"C-Can I stay here for a while?"

I looked at his bindle again. "Uh, sure I guess. Why?"

"T-Twilight.. She d-doesn't love me anymore!"

It took every nerve and concentration in my body to refrain from even smirking. This is about the owl, isn't it? I guess he wasn't listening to me. Not much a surprise. Nobody hardly ever listens to me at first. "Sure. Come in. And wipe your feet." Spike did just that before coming in.

"Do you have any gems? I'm kinda hungry." Spike asked.

"We have a bag of ring pops we got for Halloween last year. That's the closest thing we have to edible jewelry. Not like we were around to give 'em out anyway, but you should probably eat some real food first."

As on cue, Spike's stomach growled. Spike and I ended up sharing left over onion rings. Spike's never had onion rings before. He told me that onions were mainly used as food decorations and flavor enhancers, never eaten directly. After we ate, we chilled in the living room.

"So you say Twilight doesn't love you anymore. Why do you think so?"

"She said she didn't.."

"Are you sure?"

"She said she didn't love me anymore. So I left."

By then, I was pretty sure he took her words out of context. This didn't sound like Twilight at all. "You're pretty sure Twilight said she didn't love you?"

"Yes! She said it! She said she didn't love me anymore!" He started tearing up again. I still doubt she'd say that, but then again, Spike is here with a bindle. Just to be sure...

"Alright. I'll talk to her about it whenever I see her again. For you, little buddy."

Spike beamed. "Really?!?"

"I don't see why not. I'm gonna get to the bottom of this, don't you worry." I said, purposefully being a bit dramatic.

"You are the coolest!" Spike screamed. Glad I got Spike back in a good mood.

Once again, someone knocked on the door. I opened it to see Jack and Rainbow's friends, standing there. The only one that wasn't wearing a concerned look was Jack and Rarity. She looked like she's been cry-Son of a bitch. What the hell is going on with Rarity now? Jack walked past me and went straight to the kitchen.

"Hey girls, and hello to you too, Jack." I said, looking back at him. Must be hungry.

Twilight spoke first. "Xavier, we need to talk, but first, is Spike here?" Do you know how to return a greeting? Say 'Hello'.

"Yeah. Oh, and I need to talk to you too, Twi, about Spike. Before you come in, Spike said you told him you didn't love him anymore. What's up with that?"

This made the other girls gasp.

"Twilight! How could you?!"

"No, Pinkie, I told him that he wasn't being the Spike I know and love. He lied to me about burning a book and then he made a mess in the Library to frame Owlowiscious." Twilight explained. I looked in the room Spike was in. He ain't tell me all that, but still...

"Maybe you should be careful with your words. Spike kinda took it way out of context."

"I can see..."

"You can apologize and talk to him about that later. Now what was this other thing you wanted to talk to me about?"

Twilight opened her mouth, but it wasn't her voice I heard.

"Do you really hate me, darling?" Rarity stood on her hindlegs and pressed her hooves against me. "Is it true?! Why? What did I do to make you hate me?!"

It was quiet for a good minute until I decided to speak.

"Get... off of me..."

She got back on all fours. I turned around to go upstairs, only to turn face to face to Rainbow Dash. She didn't look too happy with me at the moment.

"Sup Skittles." I could see her wince for a moment.

"Don't 'Sup Skittles' me! You're being really mean to my friends!"

"No I'm not..." I said. Dash has been hanging out with me a lot, and by now, she had learned to pick up on my technicalities.

She face-hoofed, groaning. "You know what I mean. You're being mean to our friend. Rarity is our friend!"

"Not mine."

"What the hay is your problem?!"

"No problem here."

"Ugh! You're just like Gilda!"

"No I'm not. Gilda was a bully who thought she was tough enough to diss everyone and get away with it without consequences. I'm just not interested in being Rarity's friend for my own reasons. Can you see the difference?"

"And just what would these reasons be?"Rainbow asked, eyeing me. Shit...


"If Phoenix Wright was here, he'd start seeing Psyche Locks on you." I heard Jack say from the other room. The girls looked in his direction, puzzled from a reference they have no knowledge about.

"Quiet you!"

"You're hidin' somethin from us." AJ had a stern look on her face.

I was starting to get very uncomfortable. Who the hell do these girls think they are?!"Isn't everyone? What is with the interrogation? Look. I don't want to be friends with Rarity. Is that so hard to understand? I do not like her. I do not have to like her, and frankly, I find it invasive that you're trying to force it on me. Just gonna come up in my house and start giving me all this bullshit."

AJ gave the girls a look of confirmation. "Eeyup, he's hidin somethin from us." I was beginning to become annoyed with the ponies.

"Hey! Back the fuck off, cowgirl! What the fuck is your deal? What the fuck are you tryin to be? A living lie detector?" Yup. I'm pissed. "You know what, no... Get out. Get the fuck outa my house!"

"You guys can come in if you want." I heard bro say from upstairs.

"Thank you... Traevon was it?" Twilight said as they came in.

"Nope. Fuck this. I ain't gonna put up with this bullshit!" I yelled. I was not in the mood. I went back upstairs, purposely shoulder-pushing bro out of my way. When I got to my room, I closed the door and locked it. I shut the windows, locked them, and closed the blinds. I sat in my room, fuming. So now I have to be friends with all of their friends now? FUCK THAT!

There were hooves banging on my door.

"Xavier! Get your flanks out here!"




I heard Twilight's voice next. "Fine, but we're staying here until we talk about this."

They had left me alone, but they didn't really leave me alone. What do I mean? They stopped knocking on my door and trying to get me to come out, but they were still in the house. I could hear them talking about me, Twilight's conversation with Spike, Jeff and the kids coming home, and Rarity looking for a place to sleep.

"I have to sleep on the floor!? That is NO way for a lady to sleep!"

"Too bad. The couch is mine!" I heard Jeff say. I chuckled. Suck it, bitch!

I went to sleep shortly after.

The next morning, I had completely forgotten the ponies were down there. I walked out of my room and into the bathroom for my hygienic routine. When I came out, that's when I noticed it. Something that shouldn't be. The door to my parents' room was open. I walked into the room to find...quite the sight.

-Rarity's POV-

I woke up with a yawn. I had the most pleasant sleep. Are all human beds like this? It felt like I was sleeping on a cloud! No wonder why Rainbow used to sleep on the job a lot. It was quite the treat. Even more, I found a box of neat looking jewels last night consisting of bracelets, necklaces and rings. I just had to try them on. I heard someone enter the room. I yawned before seeing who it was only to find Xavier looking at me. He was smiling! He's never smiled at me before! I suppose he thought about it and realized that I am a good mare.

"Good morning, dear!" I greeted him. He must think I'm quite the sight with human jewelry on. I may have to take some home with me. "I must say, you humans do know how to live you know. I slept like a baby!" As I was talking and looking around, I didn't know he was gradually coming closer. "And these jewelry! They look absolutely glamorous for a fine damsel like myself, darling."

When I started hearing growling, I looked at him, this time realizing he was coming closer before I noticed...

That's not...a friendly smile..

Not only that but his hands were in a claw-like form.

"Um... Xavier dear?"


I was scared... he really wanted to hurt me.. He was going to hurt me! He lunged at me,

So I screamed

-Xavier's POV-


-Nope! Jack's POV-

I was woken up by a nasty shriek from upstairs. Jeff snapped awake and pulled out a hidden handgun he had under his pillow. Spike and Hiroto stumbled over each other while the ponies jumped at the sudden sound. I rushed upstairs to find Mr. and Mrs. Roberts' door open. Oh boy. In it was a pissed off Xavier chasing a screaming jewel covered Rarity. I facepalmed.. Those are his mom's jewels...

"Jeff! Help me out up here!" I yelled downstairs. Rarity ran past me. I grabbed Xavier by the arm and held him.

"LET GO OF ME! NOW!" Xavier yelled, struggling. This guy's fucking strong!


"Alright I'm comin! Geez." Jeff responded.

By then, Traevon came out of his room and saw their parents' door open.

"Who was in there?" he asked.

"Take a wild guess." I told him

He looked at me, then he looked at Xavier, then at the cowering fashionista behind him that was his primary target. He turned to her and knelt down to her.

"That room is off limits along with everything in it. Jewels included."

"But why? The bed felt so nice to sleep in! Why isn't anyone else sleeping in there?"

"That's their parents' room. That's why." I responded. "And those jewels you're wearing belongs to Mrs. Roberts. Their mom."

Rarity's eyes grew three sizes that minute. "Oh dear! Mr. Roberts! Xavier! I am very sorry! I just didn't know.. I just assumed-"

"You assumed wrong!" Xavier yelled, cutting her off. He broke free of my grip, but instead of charging at Rarity again, he went downstairs and out of the door. He didn't even put on his hoodie first.

-Xavier's POV-

I needed to be away from everyone for a while before someone got hurt. If I stayed there, I would've lost it again. I didn't really even want to hurt Rarity, but my hatred for her was too strong! I needed to go somewhere to calm me down, so I went to go to the park. The ponies were sure to stay out of my way. Well, most of them. I was sitting on the bench with my eyes closed when I heard someone sit down on the same bench next to me. I heard a familiar voice.

"You look like you've had better days." I turned to the voice.

"Oh.. hey Lyra. And yeah... Fucking Rarity... I just... sometimes I just wanna..." I growled and made a crushing gesture with my hands.

"It's not good to stay mad at somepony forever you know."

I gave out a sigh. She was right. I knew she was right, but I just couldn't help it. "I know, but I'm just SO FUCKING MAD!" She put a hoof on my arm. I noticed she was sitting like me. "Doesn't that bother you? I don't think your spine is built like mine..."

"I was just trying it."

"So what are you doing here? I came here to calm down so I won't hurt anyone."

"Well, you walked by and you didn't look happy, so I wanted to see if I could help."

"I don't see how. I mean, Rarity's friends are probably on her side, saying she did nothing wrong or whatever and I'm the crazy one. Dash even tried to compare me to that griffin chick last year."

"Grezelia or something like that."

"Gilda, and yes."

"Oh my Celestia! You are nothing like her!!! She was such a jerk to all of us!"

"Well, I did kind've almost attack Rarity for invading my parents' room and wearing my mom's stuff."

I expected her to agree with me, but surprise surprise, I felt two forelegs wrap around my neck.

"I'm sure it was just a huge misunderstanding. I think you should try to clear things up with your friends and at least try to level with Rarity. She's really a nice mare."

I grumbled at that. I really didn't feel like talking to Rarity, but I figured it would be best to at least apologize for almost pulverizing her, just to be fair. It's not like there was a rule against going in the parents' room since only a few ponies have been upstairs. There will be now. I returned Lyra's hug.

"I still think you're a nice human. Anypony can get angry you know, and at least you don't really want to hurt anyone."

"Yeah.. Thanks Lyra." I scratched behind her ears a little before standing up. She blushed like she usually does whenever I do that. "I'm gonna go head back and let everyone know I calmed down."

"O-Okay then!" She said, still blushing. "I'll see you later!"

I made my way back home. Some of the ponies that saw me earlier were still wary of me, but I waved anyway hoping to ease their conscience. I opened the door to my house and went to the living room only to find everyone and pony (with the exception of the kids and Jeff) sitting in a circle, looking at me.

"Oh no... Come on guys. Look, I've already calmed down." I looked at Rarity, who was still a bit shaken from earlier. "Sorry for trying to hurt you. I kinda lost it." Rarity was shocked for a while before she smiled and nodded her head.

"That's good! We're making excellent progress." Pinkie said, feigning a deep voice. I looked at her. She was wearing that novelty disguise glasses while writing on a notebook. I mentally face-palmed.

"We're glad you don't hate Rarity anymore. Now you can be friends."

"While I do believe hate is too strong of a word to describe how I feel about Rarity, we're far from friends." Rarity deflated when I said that. Twilight was about to say something, but there was something I needed to get out first. "Look. I know you want me to be friends with your friends. I'm not going to make you choose between me or her, but it's kinda wrong for you to nag and force me to be friends with someone I don't like. Friendships are supposed to form naturally, like with the rest of you guys."

Twilight was about to argue, but she sighed instead. "Okay I guess.."

"Woah woah woah! You're mad at something Rarity did to me that I already forgave her for?!"

"Rainbow, it's something you wouldn't understand. Hopefully you won't have to."

Fluttershy's ears perked at this. Right... I said similar words to Brianna when I first told Fluttershy.

"Isn't there anything I can do?" Rarity said, her eyes watering up. Oh fuck... Now I feel like an ass...

I took a moment to think about a most fair answer.

What should I do? I still don't want to be friends with her. I don't trust her. My hypothetical situation still stands. Would she be here if she had her wings? Probably not. I still don't trust her, and here and anywhere, trust is a two way street with friendship. It'd be wrong for me to tell her that we're friends when we're really not. I looked into her eyes. She seemed genuinely sad that I'm rejecting her. I cannot just let her close because of her sad look. She's too much like....'her.' For my own good, I can't just ignore that discomfort.

I know what my answer is now.

[You can stop the music if you want.]

"Sorry Rarity. I don't really know." I knew I was going to get disapproving looks from everyone, so I didn't bother staying. I went upstairs. While up there, I could hear what was going on. Rarity's crying, her friends consoling her, Rainbow saying she's 'going to have a talk' with me. Wouldn't be surprised if she wanted to dump me. Twilight too. I was sure the ponies downstairs were going to start hating me until I heard a light knock on the door.

"Xavier... can I please come in?"

"Come in, Fluttershy." I said, sitting on my bed. She along with an angry Rainbow and a concerned Twilight came in all at once. Great... "Is there something I can help you with?"

"Xavier, we just want to help you."

"Then stop trying to force me to be friends with someone I don't like."

"Rarity's not your bucking enemy!"


"Not my friend either."

"It's not just Rarity alone, is it?"

"No it's not. So what?"

"Can't you tell us why you really don't want to be friends with Rarity?"

I covered my head. I really don't want to get that much into it... Can't they just leave me be? I looked at the three. Even Rainbow's hateful glare turned into a look of concern. I guess not. I let out a huge sigh. "Fine..."


6 years ago.

7th grade had started for me three days ago. I figured after a long summer of hanging around with nothing but old people would make me want to socialize with my own generation for change, but the only one I could actually relate to was my best friend Jack. I couldn't even talk to him much considering he had a lot of other friends, and a girlfriend that he hangs out with frequently. He was a pretty loyal friend though who'd try to get me involved with everyone else. He even tried to set me up with this one girl. Her name was Samantha.. She was new and seemed nice and rather well refined. Her family was rich, and she looked like she could be a teen model of sorts. Most importantly, she seemed to have had eyes for me. However, I was still a bit nervous around the chicks, which she thought was cute. I met with her and Jack after school that day and we got to know each other. Weird thing, as well-dressed and fancy she looked, she seemed to be into gaming and a few other things I was interested in. I actually started to see her as someone I could be with. She was beautiful. She had the blue-est eyes I've ever seen, her jet black curly hair. She could've loosened up a bit and wore casual clothes instead of dresses, but I guess her parents wanted her to look her status in public.

Things were going great until the beginning of the second semester. She was getting more and more attention. You can guess what happened next. It all went to her head. We started hanging out less and less, and when I confronted her about it to see what was going on, she turned on me like Dahlia turned on Wright. Me not being one of the popular guys like Jack, I guess I wasn't good enough for her anymore. Me being the desperate loser teenager, I figured she wanted me to ask her out. I did, in front of everyone. She laughed. Everyone laughed. Everyone, with the exception of Jack. He was the only one who had my back, and when he confronted her about it, he tried to turn his friends against her, by either starting false rumors or other things. Fortunately for him, everyone knew Jack a lot better than they knew her. Jack kept most of his friends I think. Those that left him for Samantha, probably did it for the boobs, but they weren't great in number. I was pretty much broken for the next few years. Jack was the only friend I actually kept.

-Flashback over-

-Present day-

"I didn't take much chances after that. I was kinda still kinda suffering from it even before I ended up in magic pony land. Hell, I was pretty anti-social in high school for the most part." I had finished telling the dreadful tale of the betrayal that ruined my social life.

Fluttershy and Twilight looked like they were barely keeping it together. Rainbow looked like she was going to blow a fuse.



"Rarity reminded me of her at the young flier's competition." I looked at Dash. "How she turned on you just like that because of all the attention she was getting. She even sided with your bullies."

"Yeah! Those guys! I hope I never see those guys again after what they almost did to you!" Rainbow wrapped her fore hooves around me tight.

I heard sniffling from the door. "Oh GODDAMMIT!!!"

Turns out, AJ and Pinkie were listening in on my story. AJ had her hat off, holding it over her heart while Pinkie's mane looked a bit...deflated? Before I knew it, the five ponies were group hugging me. I started to have a warm feeling. It felt nice. I could already trust Twilight and Dash, but I felt like I could trust my other pony friends too. Yes, Lyra included.

"Ah'm sorry for eavesdroppin, but Ah had no idea ya had this kinda burden on ya."

"That Samantha was a big meanie pants!"

"You poor, poor thing..."

Twi kissed and nuzzled against me. "You won't ever have to worry about anyone else doing that to you again. We'll always be here for you."

"And if anyone does, you come and get me and I'll show 'em what's what!" Rainbow said, pounding her hoof.

"I guess you told 'em?"

I turned my attention to the new voice, Jack, who walked in the room.

"No. I told Fluttershy, Rainbow, and Twilight. The rest kinda listened in from around the corner." I told him, pointing to the eavesdroppers.

"Heheheh, yeah, like I said before again and again, I have no problem taking the blame for Samantha. If I wasn't trying to share the popular life with you, ya wouldn't have gotten hurt.

I chuckled a bit.

"But in all seriousness, I gotta say, introducing you to Samantha was one of the biggest regrets I have." He wore a serious look.

Applejack let go of me and went to him for nuzzling. "At least ya stuck by 'em when he needed ya the most. Ah gotta say, that there really does say how good a person you really are."

Jack blushed, scooping up AJ and hugging her. The girls finally let go of me (I'm still claustrophobic) and most of them went downstairs with Jack. The remaining pony, Twilight, stayed to talk a little more.

"Please try to get along with Rarity. She's not Samantha, and she'd never turn her back on her friends again." Twilight said before walking off. Maybe I should give Rarity another chance. I don't really hate her or anything. I thought for a moment. Nah, I'll become friends with her when I'm ready to be.

"This stuff takes time."