Life After the Blitz

by Captain_Hairball

The Butterfly Effect

Fluttershy and I had what I guess most ponies would consider an unusual sort of relationship.

We had a rough time the first couple of years after we’d gotten together — I was always following her around like a lost puppy, begging her for sex and attention, and she was always trying to find excuses to sneak off for some alone time. Eventually, we’d settled on a setup that worked for us — I could sleep around as much as I wanted, as long as I always came back to her, and she got to be alone exactly as much as she wanted to. Sometimes I’d bring playmates home for us to share. Sometimes we’d spend whole weekends locked up together in her cottage. Sometimes we’d be apart for a long time. Sometimes I’d come over and we’d just cuddle. I wouldn’t have it any other way. Fluttershy was my wingmare, my Flutterslut, my home base. Sure, we had separate homes, and most of the time we’d sleep in separate beds. But I’d moved from Cloudsdale to Ponyville to be closer to her, and if that isn’t true love, I don’t know what is.

As I skimmed over the treetops, I remembered that first flight school dance, when my friends had made fun of me for approaching the skeletal, slouching filly with acne and braces. And I remembered their envy as she’d gradually blossomed into the hottest filly they’d had ever seen. I thought about our first kiss, and the incident with the whipped cream, and that thing with all the flying turtles and… oh, all of that’s a story for another time.

Anyway, when I flapped down to Fluttershy’s house, I could see her through the window, sitting on her bed knitting. Two white bunnies — one of them Angel, presumably; I could never tell the little fuckers apart — were playing some kind of game with sticks and pebbles at the foot of her bed. She usually left her bedroom window unlatched for me when she was home and awake, so I barged right in.

In retrospect, barreling into her bedroom in a completely different body than she was used to might not have been the best idea. Most people don’t realize it, but underneath all that anxiety, my Flutterslut has some serious anger issues.

Fluttershy was off the bed in a blur, a few loose feathers fluttering to the sheets behind her. She ducked her head under the edge of the bed and came out clutching a Wonderbolts-issue bite dagger in her jaws. Hey, I’d given her that! Glad to see she was getting some use out of it. She backed herself into the far corner of the room, shaking, with a you-will-have-to-take-my-life-before-you-can-have-my-body look in her eyes.

The rabbits, meanwhile, had jumped on top of me, and were repeatedly kicking me in the head and back.

“Dammit!” I screamed, flailing at Angel and his friend with my hooves. “It’s me, Fluttershy! It’s me!” I spun around, so she could see my cutie mark.

She cautiously transferred her dagger from her mouth to her hooves. “Dashie? Is that you?”

“Yes! Get these little monsters off of me!” One of the rabbits had sunk his teeth into my ear. I rolled around banging my head on the floor, trying to dislodge him.

“Prove it!” she hissed, raising the dagger.

“The cutie mark!” I shouted!

She narrowed her eyes. “It could be painted on.”

“The first night I asked you to dance, you were wearing a pink daffodil corsage and a purple dress that was too big for you, and… oh Celestia, it’s biting off my ear!”

Fluttershy dropped the dagger, and rushed over to me. The rabbits scattered. “Oh, Dashie! What did Twilight do to you?”

“She turned me into a colt.”

“Well, obviously. But why? How?”

I really didn’t want to tell Flutters about the vaginal infection, she’d just flip out. “Long story.” I poked at my tender ear. “Is it bad?”

Fluttershy’s legs were legs were still shaking, but she leaned in close to look at the bite mark. “I don’t think Angel even broke the skin.” She glanced down toward my chest and went pale. “But your shoulder! You’re covered in b-blood!”

“This? It’s fine. Hardly hurts. It just needs to be washed and patched up.”

Fluttershy shook her head. “No, Dashie. I think you’re going to need stitches.”

I gulped.


“Therth no need t’ be thuch a bhby abht thith,” groused Fluttershy, deftly pulling the needle out through the lip of the gash with her mouth, then pushing it back in again. I was lying on her bed, with her sitting on the leg below my wounded shoulder. My other foreleg was pressed over my eyes.

“I hate needles!” I moaned. “Needles are legitimately scary, unlike most of the stuff you worry about. Are you done yet?”

“Almoth. Hold thill!”

I gritted my teeth and clenched my eyes shut. It wasn’t that it hurt. One thing about trying dumb stunts and crashing all the time is that you develop a pretty intense pain tolerance. It was just watching that needle going in and out of me was… I don’t know. Creepy. Needles are creepy.

“All done.” She carefully taped a bandage over the gash and then slid off the bed and stepped away.

I grinned cautiously, rolling onto my back. “There’s no need for you to get off the bed, you know.”  Needles or not, having my favorite mare so nearby had gotten me so hard that my dick ached, so I showed it to her, lifting my leg and slapping it soundly against my belly.

Fluttershy squeaked. But not the cute, happy squeak I’d been hoping for. Instead of blushing, she’d turned pale again.

“What’s the matter?” I rolled back onto my front and looked her in the eyes, but she looked away,

“I… I’m not ready for this.”

“What?” I asked, incredulous.

Fluttershy hunched down. “I’m not ready to have sex with you as a stallion. It’s… you’re scary now. I’m sorry.”

“Scary? Fluttershy, that’s insane! It’s me! We’ve known each other almost our whole lives!” I stood up on the bed, looming over her. “You know I’m not going to hurt you!”

“You’re frightening me,” she whispered. “I’m sorry, but I, um, I need you to go now.”

I felt like I’d been slapped. “What?!”

Fluttershy shuffled her hoof against the floor, still not making eye contact with me. “We can talk about this later, in public. But I’m not comfortable right now, and you need to go.” She scooted back towards the open door of her bedroom. I glimpsed small white shapes skulking at the edge of my vision. Angel was back, and he’d brought his family with him.

I snorted furiously. “Bullshit. I’ve brought stallions back here plenty of times, and you’ve been all over them.”

“Only because you were here to protect me. Now you’re one of of them.” She cringed. “I know it’s not fair. I’m sorry.”

I groaned, growing more desperate. Didn’t she know how badly I needed her? “Flutterslut, you know me! I’m safe!”

“Please don’t call me that. I knew you as a mare. Now you’re bigger, and stronger, and you want to do things to my body, and I can’t, Dashie, I just can’t!”

She was on her way out the door, backing away an inch at a time.

I flapped down to the floor, snorted, and stomped my hoof. “How could you do this to me? All the times I’d looked after you, protected you, stood up for you, and now you’re pushing me away because I showed up with a different junk?”

Tears were rolling down Fluttershy’s cheeks. “Y-you’re not making me any less scared. Please calm down.”

“I cannot calm down! Fluttershy, I need you!” I moved towards her, and she kept moving back until she was cornered at the top of the stairs. “God, I am so, so horny. I am so horny I can’t even think! Flutterslut, please. Just a quick fuck, and I can go.”

Fluttershy’s hoof smacked into the side of my face with all the force she could muster. To be honest I barely felt it, but the fact that she’d hit me left my jaw hanging open. She’d never hit me before! Then she flapped into the air so that she was face to face with me, and her eyebrows went down. For the first time since we’d started arguing, her eyes met mine. They were full of fire and steel.

She had never used the Stare on me before. I hope she never does again. From the outside, it looks cute — a tiny mare dressing down some monster or miscreant. Nothing more than a simple scolding. Well, I have lived through the Stare, and I am here to tell you that there is nothing cute about it. My muscles froze. My heart pounded against my ribs. I couldn’t breathe. I wanted nothing more than to look away from those terrible, burning eyes; my vision had narrowed until they were all that I could see. Her voice, no doubt quiet but firm to an outside observer, echoed in my ears, barking, dominating, commanding. It was all I could do keep from shitting myself.

“How dare you talk to me like that! Do you think that just because I love you, you have a right to my body? Do you really think you can come into my house and demand attention and affection, no matter how I feel about it?” With every word, she flapped forward, and I found myself scooting back.

“I… I’m sorry?”

“Oh. You’re sorry. You barge into my bedroom, you ignore my boundaries, you start making demands, and you’re sorry? Well that’s not good enough, bucko!” She jammed her hoof violently towards her window. “You are going to get out of my house right now, and you are not coming within a mile of this place until I tell you that you can!”

I felt a firm tapping on my forehoof. I looked down to see Angel glaring murder at me. He slowly drew one paw across his throat.

“But, but, Fluttershy, please, I didn’t mean to scare you, I just… I can’t… I didn’t…”

She shook her hoof at me. “Out. Now. No fly zone. Do you understand?”

“Y-yes,” I stammered.

She crossed her forelegs and looked away from me, breaking the Stare. Able to move again, I bounded out the window, sobbing.


When I got home, Tank rotored over to greet me. He either didn’t notice or didn’t care that anything was different about me. I gave him some tortoise treats, carried him to my bed, and wept into his shell until it was dark outside. Every once in a while, I would rub out a load of cum into a tissue, still crying while I masturbated. I really wanted chocolate ice cream, but there was nothing in my freezer but ice cubes and a block of freezer-burned spinach.

“This is horse apples,” I muttered, scrubbing at my eyes with my forelegs. “Tank, Mommy… I mean, Daddy needs to go out for a while.”

Tank blinked at me, and whirred off to do whatever it is he does when I’m not home.

So I took a shower and headed down to Berry’s.