7 Human in Ponyland

by shiftylookingcow

Chapter 14: Talented vs Fake

Chapter 14: Talented vs Fake

-Xavier's POV-


Things have been pretty awkward for me and the guys now that I was in a relationship with not one, but two girls. I still wasn't used to polygamy. I was kinda wondering what Twilight saw in me the other day. I mean, sure I'm not going to complain about it, but I wasn't gonna say that curiosity wasn't eating at me at that point. So I asked her the next day. She replied with:

"Well, after that heat-of-the-moment kiss, I've been doing some thinking. You're a good friend who's dependable. You help your friends in more ways than one to be better ponies. You're always there for your friends when they need you, even if you're not there physically. You're generally a nice guy when you're not effected by poison joke, and... you're just.. interesting. I'd like to know you on a closer level."

Makes sense. Following our little deal, Twilight has been spending more time with me, either one on one, or with friends. A lot of times, she'd sign the help chart to ask me to help around the library just to have me around. Speaking of help charts, Traevon had made that policy I told him about. The one that gives us the right to quit a task if deemed asinine or ridiculous. We've never really had any further problems after I was hired to stalk Pinkie all afternoon. Lyra signed a chart asking either me or Jack for hand examination. That girl and hands, I swear. Since Jack was busy with Pinkie that day, I had to go. 'What's the harm?' Well, it wasn't as bad as I thought it was. When it comes to humans, Lyra, like pinkie, is a 'filly in a mare's body.' So, what would I do if Brianna was prodding around me? I'd tickle her, of course. She had a bit of fun, but I had to let her know that there were other people that needed me for more important things. I guess she understood.

Rainbow and I still hang out together. We started going out on lunch dates whenever we could, because why not? The kids are still hanging out with their little groups. I hear that Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon stopped bullying the Crusaders for not having cutie marks, but instead formed a friendly rivalry between the two groups just so things won't get too hostile. Things are going well. Hell, even Jeff managed to gain some pony friends with those he work with. It seemed like the only one of us without any friends now was Bro. That was until Rarity had that fashion show failure. A certain DJ I was planning on having him meet was hired to perform during the event.They hit it off perfectly. I think they're now sharing their ideas with each other. He introduced her to some of our music and his remixes. She was pretty impressed. Now he spends his free time with her.

Speaking of that fashion show however, I was in no way apart of it. I just went there to watch. One? Rarity wanted to make everyone something for the Gala. I said 'no' to her making a suit for me. She insisted on doing so, but knowing her, she was going to bedazzle every inch of whatever she made for me to wear. We humans may have evolved from a prime-ape species, but that does not mean we love pretty shiny things all the time. I have my own suit anyway. I mean, damn. She acts like I didn't have my own wardrobe in my house. The Wilson brothers and Mr. Clifton on the other hand would need something. The later said that if she decided to pretty him up, he would personally pick off every gem on his suit before wearing it. He was pretty straight about that. Brianna and Jack on the other hand, they both wanted to look flashy despite the later's younger brothers' embarrassment. But that's not all. Some big wig from Canterlot was coming to view the fashion show that the mares were going to be doing. Sure, whatever the hell the mares were wearing were laughable, but this Hoity Toity or whoever was being a major dick about it. I didn't like Rarity, sure, but I wouldn't want this kind of humiliation brought to her, so after the fashion failure, Jeff and I paid Hoity a little visit. We 'suggested' that he gave Rarity another shot with a few cracks of Jeff's knuckles. He got the message. He was kinda glad that we did. He wasn't disappointed with Rarity's "second set" of dresses she made. Rarity wanted to thank me, but I gave Jeff all of the credit. Jeff didn't talk to me for the rest of the day.

-Recap Ended-

Monday 2/21

After my daily morning routine, I went outside to check the help charts and saw that Twilight, once again, had made the first request at the library specifically asking for me to help her. At this rate, she might as well send Spike on a vacation. I understand she wants to spend time with me and get to know me and all, and that's fine, but this has been going on daily. Not what I had in mind, to be honest.

When I got there, I was met with AJ, Pinkie, and fucking Rarity. When we stepped foot and hoof inside of the library, the place was a mess. Books were everywhere. She must've had one of those binge studying nights again. Looks like she really did need my help this time.

"Welp. I think it's time for us to get to work." I said as I started putting books back on the shelves. Twilight and Rarity started magicking the books back on the shelves. They didn't really need any help, so the earth ponies and I decided to team up. They get the lower shelves while I get the upper shelf. Feels so nice to be tallest for once. This took about 45 minutes before we were finally finished.

"Thank you so much for helping me clean up all these books, guys. It was a crazy weekend of studying." said Twilight.

"Yeah, but next time you're done with a book, please put it back." I told her.

We were about to go our separate ways when we heard a scream. I knew who and what it was.

"Don'thitthelibrarydon'thitthelibraryyoubetternothitthelibrarydon'thitthelibrary." I rapidly mumbled.

Rainbow Dash crashed through the library window opening and undid 45 minutes of work. GodDAMMIT she hit the library!

I turned around to everyone coming out from under a floor of books. "I'm not cleaning this up."

Fluttershy came threw the same opening. "Rainbow Dash, you rock. Woohoo~." She looked down at the mess. "Did my cheering do that?"

"Heheh, Sorry about that ladies." Said Rainbow. I raised an eyebrow at that. I'm not a lady. "That was a truly feeble performance."

"Actually, it wasn't all bad." Fluttershy consoled. "I particularly liked it when you made the clouds spin."

"I'm not talking about my performance. I'm talking about yours!" Rainbow argued. "Feeble cheering!"

"What's up, Dash?" I asked.

"Nothin much, monkey boy. Just trying to teach Fluttershy here how to cheer the right way." answered Dash. "I wish you guys can come to Cloudsdale to see me compete in the best young flyer competition!"

"What's that?" Twilight asked.

The young best flyer competition is pretty much a talent show for pegasus, as Pinkie summarized. Dash was planning on going and wished her other friends with better cheering ability would be able to come. The winner got to spend the rest of the day with the Wonderbolts, Dash's idols. Pinkie was on about Dash performing the Sonic Rainboom. I know Dashie has told me about it several times, but I have yet to see it myself.

"Dash, you did say you'd show me this 'Sonic Rainboom' sometime. I think the competition would be a good time to show me and everyone what you're made of." I gave her a playful slug on the shoulder.

"Heheh, yeah. I'm gonna go rest up. Don't wanna over-prepare myself." She turned to Fluttershy. "You on the other hand, better keep practicing! I need a cheering section to match my spectacular performance!" And with that, she was off leaving Fluttershy and the rest of us with the mess she created.

"She's practiced that move a hundred times and she's never even come close to doing it. I don't know if I can cheer loud enough to help her." Fluttershy said before flying off.

"Welp," Twilight started. "I guess we better get this cleaned up, again."

I stayed quiet. Rarity started nudging Twilight to create a spell that would get non-pegasi to Cloudsdale. Oh right... only pegasi could walk on clouds.

"Didn't you see how nervous she was?" She asked. Yeah, I kinda noticed something was strange with Dash. I was just focused on the mess we were all standing in the middle of to notice it. Dash sure knows how to wear a mask.

Rarity and AJ started fussing over Rainbow Dash while I started picking up the mess. I heard the word "Flight Spell" that caught my interest and saw Twilight holding a book.

"A spell that will allow earth ponies to fly for three days." She stated. "Oh, it looks really difficult. I'm not sure I can do it."

"You've got to try!" Rarity demanded.

"Okay, but who's gonna volunteer to be the test subject?" She asked, looking at us.

"I'd go, but magic doesn't have that much effect on me, remember?" I told her.

"Oh... right."

"I will! For Rainbow Dash, I'll go first!" Rarity said.

"Okay, here it goes!" Twilight warned before her horn started glowing.

A blew ribbon-like aura wrapped around Rarity like a cocoon. Before I knew it, there was a bright flash, followed by Rarity with butterfly wings. Everyone was gawking at Rarity. Yeah, they looked pretty I'll admit, but now there was a problem. I turned to Twilight and asked:

"Uh, got enough energy for the rest of us?"

An exhausted Twilight turned to me. "No, I'm sorry. There should be a cloud walking spell in here too, but spells don't work well on you, remember?"

"Well, they would if I were... hm..." I said in thought. Maybe... just maybe...

It was about an hour later when we made it to Cloudsdale via air balloon with Rarity flying by us. I spotted Rainbow Dash from above, but it looked like she was being picked on by three pegasi stallions. I could see the annoyed look on her face. Something from within me started to tremble.

...It was the perfect timing for its eruption...

..The wrath of...

...My inner troll...

So I jumped down from the hot air balloon and landed in between the two groups and growled. Rainbow Dash stumbled back in shock (Probably because this was the last place she'd expect to see me) and Fluttershy 'eeped'. The three stallions shrieked.

"WHAT IS THAT THING!" The one with the dumbbell cutie mark yelled.

"IT'S A MONSTER! RUN AWAY!!!" They booked it after I 'roared'.

I turned back to Rainbow Dash who was on her back and waved. "Hey Dashie. What's up?" Before I knew it, I was on my back against the cloud. Rainbow was pinning me, bouncing like Pinkie Pie high on caffeine.

"Ohmygoshohmygoshohmygosh you can walk on CLOUDS!"

What she didn't realize was that I was mummified with enchanted wraps from my feet to my shoulders to my wrists. Twilight had used the cloud walking spell on the bands before I put them on, therefore as long as I was wearing those wraps, I couldn't fall through the clouds. I came up with that idea. I just had to use the restroom first before putting them on.

Twilight and the others came after I had explained it to her and they also had the cloud walking spell effect. I think Dash's day got brighter from the look on her face. While Dash and the others were talking, I turned my head to where The Three Stooges ran off to. I could see them. Watching me. I pretended to not notice.

"Hey! We've got some time before the competition. Why don't Fluttershy and I show you around Cloudsdale?" Rainbow Dash offered.

"Sure. I'll feast upon those three ponies later." I said in my Brute (Halo) voice. The other ponies looked at me in confusion. Dash saw my indirect motioning to behind me where the three that were picking on her earlier were poorly hiding and giggled. Twilight saw too and rolled her eyes and walked off. The others followed.

"You know, joking like that may come back to bite you one day." Twilight said.

"It might, but it's worth it." I said, grinning.

Everyone was beholding the sight of the Roman themed cloud city. Well, almost everyone. Rarity was beholding the sight of herself. Get over yourself, Rarity! As we passed along, we were getting quite the attention from everyone. First, everyone was looking at Rarity and gawking at her 'amazing wings' as she flew around. Then, they turned their heads to the tallest member of the group, which was an ape-like monster following behind them. I waved and did the two-fingered peace signs to them. Not like they'd get hand gestures anyway.

First, we went to the weather factory, per AJ's suggestion. Making a factory for weather was only something I've seen in the Red Alert games as a super weapon. These ponies literally make every single snow flake with their own hooves. Rainbow warned us that it was a delicate and careful process, but guess who wouldn't stop flapping her goddamn wings! Rainbow? Wrong answer. Fucking Rarity! Her wings blew snowflakes all over the place causing the ponies to scramble to catch each and every snowflake. Oh man... She is lucky I can't reach her... I'd go Kratos on her and them wings.

Next stop, Rainbow Factory. This was pretty interesting. There were pools of rainbow everywhere. Pinkie, being the somehow-fit glutton she is decided to taste the rainbow. Her head literally changed colors as she breathed out fire.

"Spiiiicyyy!" She said, running off to get water.

I only had one thing in my mind. Yolo! I did the same thing. Have any of you ever had sour skittles? Now imagine if someone put hotsauce in place of the sourness. Why not throw in a few jalapenos in there too?

"WOOOOO! YEAH! Gonna have to take a bottle o this home with me!" If ponies weren't looking at me now, they certainly are now.

Meanwhile, over in Rarity's corner, she was being complimented by The Three Stooges I had chased off earlier. Rarity, keep in mind why you even have wings in the first place! I thought, gritting my teeth.

"Oh look! It's Rainbow Crash again!" The brown one said.

"Yeah! Rainbow... uh.... Crash!" Said the one in the middle one.

"Rarity! What are you doing talking to these guys?!" Rainbow asked

"Oh they were just admiring my wings, Rainbow Dash." replied Traitority.

I just leered at the four with the hardest leer. The three looked at me and laughed.

"Oh look! Rainbow Crash brought a giant ugly pet! Ha ha!"

"Says the low lives who have nothing better to do than to pick on someone with more talent than the three of you put together. Oh hey. The emos called. They want their hair style back." Insert MLG airhorn and trickshot sounds here. I got up close this time, towering over them. "Now, call me a pet one more time. In my face. Can you do it?"

The three looked at each other expectantly. I could hear whispers of "No. You do it!" "I don't wanna do it. You do it!" "No! I already called her Rainbow Crash! It's your turn!" That's all I was able to hear before I couldn't hear them anymore. Why couldn't I? I somehow found them debating over who's brave enough to step up to someone who's not even there. The rest of the group followed behind me.

Rarity flew up beside me. "I can not believe your behavior towards those nice stallions! They were-"

The look I gave her silenced her. "My behavior? You seem to forget why you even have those wings in the first place. You're letting them get to your head!"

She smiled at this. "Well, I'm going to go on and say a human saying that I heard from you and Jack a lot. 'Haters gonna hate.'"

"Oh that is it!"

Twilight magicked me and held me in place."Guys!" Oh man, was Rarity lucky I was now more influenced by Twilight's magic with these wraps on.

Next we went on to the cloud factory, where clouds were made. And guess where most of the attention went to this time? Fucking Rarity!!! Ponies were surrounding her while Rarity just basked in it. You know, at first I thought hm... Maybe there's a reason why I don't like Rarity. Is it because I'm somehow jealous of her? Nope! Not at all! It's her condescending lack of humility that knows no bounds at all! I looked at Rainbow, just watching the attention her 'friend' was getting! Rarity, the one who claimed to have wanted to help her first, was now making her feel worse, and she gave no fucks!!! Even after Twilight tried.

"When I get my hands on that bitch!" I thought out loud that AJ heard me. She just looked at me and shook her head, wordlessly telling me not to do it. When those wings wear off... she has three days to live.

Then someone had told her that she should compete against the mare she originally intended on helping. And the worst part of it all is that she accepted it.

Rarity. I am so fucking done with you for this life and next. Element of Generosity? My ass!! I was mad. There's one thing I won't tolerate and that's backstabbing bitches like her. She was officially dead to me. If Rarity won't comfort her like she promised, I will.

It was about that time for the contestants to be at the stadium. I can tell that Dashie was going to have a nervous breakdown if I didn't do anything. I went backstage to where the contestants were. Sure, the security wanted to stop me, but I dared them to try. I was already in a pissed off mood, and I welcomed any form of outlet for my pent up rage. I barged in. I can see Rainbow cowering in a corner, being contestant number 2. It hurt me to see a once proud and prideful mare that I actually had heavy feelings for, like this. I was angry, but right now, she didn't need angry. She needed caring support from someone she lo- has heavy feelings for. And that was me. Ignoring the announcer on the other side of the stage curtain, I put aside the way of the Sith for a bit and went over to skittles and sat down.

"Hey Skittles." I said, scratching behind her ears.

"I dunno what I'm gonna do?" She said, on the verge of crying. "I'm gonna fail in front of everypony! My friends, those guys, the Princess, and The Wonderbolts!"

"You won't fail." I said, lifting her head up. She looked at me. "Hell, I believe in you. All you need to do now is believe in yourself."

"But what if I can't perform the Sonic Rainboom like I did years ago?"

"Well, firstly if you did it once, you can do it again."


"No buts. Repeat after me. 'If 'If's 'and's and 'but's were candy and nuts, we'd all have a Merry Christmas.'"

She repeated it.

"Do not lose hope. Have faith in yourself. I know you can do this. You are the fastest flyer in Equestria. And even if you don't win, I'll still have a hell of a time out there watching you. How about this. Win or lose, I'll let you sleep in my bed tonight, and by next morning, you'll wake up with a hot plate of pancakes right in front of you. Sound good?"

She nodded. "Yeah.. You know, monkey boy, you know how to say exactly what a mare need to hear." She stood up and we both kissed. We were getting mixed looks. Derpy in a few others had the 'Daaaaaaw' look on their faces, while a few others were shocked. One of the contestants was a stallion I recognized. Red coat, yellow main and tail, burning cloud cutie mark.

"Look at what we have here. The ape that thinks he's loved." He said. I heard a snort coming from Rainbow. "She's only with you because she feels sorry for you. Nopony else will be with you."

"Says the stallion who's alone and still chasing after a taken mare who believes he's an ass, and frankly, you've done a good job of proving her right." I said, scratching behind her ears. "And frankly, there's a purple unicorn who's also taken an interest in me. One of her friends. Two me, zero you."

"Why you..." He grunted, wings flared.

"Knock it off, Flame Cloud! He's a better stallion and a better pony than you will ever be!" Rainbow yelled at him. Flame Cloud? Where do parents come up with these names?

"Look at him! He's not even a pony!" He said, pointing a hoof at me.

Oh man, perfect opportunity. He gave it to me. "That's saying something, ain't it?" I smirked. #REKT


He wanted to say something else, but he couldn't. So instead, I helped him by pointing him to the other side of the stage before Dash and I kissed again. I turned my full attention back to Dash, now that the nuisance is out of the way.

"You should probably go last. You know, give yourself time to pull yourself together. Just do your best." I told her.

She smiled and hugged me one last time before she went off in search for the largest number. The coordinator called for the first contestant. Looks like my time here is up. I stood up and walked past her. The sight of me sent shivers down her spine. I wanted to chuckle, but I held it until I got out of there and went to take my seat by our friends. There were a lot of eyes on me when I did. The Wonderbolts were even staring at me. I took Skipper's advice and simply smiled and waved. Just smile and wave boys, smile and wave. The guards over by where Celestia was sitting were about to take off to confront me, but was halted by the Princess herself. I did my two finger salute and she waved.

Everyone's attention was off of my by the time contestant 10 was up. I was just waiting for the last one. The girls were wondering where Rarity and Rainbow were. I was just waiting for Rainbow. Soon, it was time for the final contestant fifteen. Rainbow was flying out alone, looking much more nervous than she was when I first found her. Well, Rainbow's the final contestant. Maybe Rarity finally found some sense and humility and stepped down for her friend. Maybe I was a bit hasty in my moments of rage. Or so I thought until she came out a few seconds later.

"OH MY GOD KILL IT WITH FIRE!!!" I shouted. What the fuck was that thing behind Rainbow! It took a little while until I heard a voice come from it.

Oh... it's Rarity.. Even worse...

I had a situation to diffuse, however. My outburst had caused several concerned stares to look at me. Celestia couldn't help but to giggle. She thought I was being silly. Rarity was glaring at me (I gave no shits), and Twilight waved.

"Sorry! It's an alien joke. Heheh... RIGHT?!?" She said roughly through her teeth.

"Yeah, yeah, I guess..." I glared back at Rarity. I wasn't too hasty at all... I wasn't hasty enough..

So the performance went on. Rarity started off dancing to some symphony music. Rainbow was doing the cone dodge first, but messed up and ended up crashing into a wall in front of us. It was then I heard the three stooges.

"Nice work Rainbow Crash!!! HAHAHA!"


I jumped off of our cloud and onto theirs. There was literally no escape for them. I wasn't going to hurt them, not really. I was just going to make this the most uncomfortable situation for all of them.

"Hello boys. How're things going?"

"U-uuuh.." They all said in unison.

"How about no more of that 'Rainbow Crash' talk alright?" I told them. They started shifting uncomfortably when I wrapped my arms around their necks, grinning. The looks on their faces raised Rainbow's spirits a little bit before she went back to do her thing. Rainbow then tried her cloud spinning moves she showed me a week ago, but that also went wrong as a cloud went hurling towards Celestia. After that little mishaps, Rainbow took off, going higher up in the atmosphere. Rarity was going higher too before she was between the stadium and Celestia's sun.

"Look upon me Equestria, for I AM RARITY!!!"

Then, the unforeseeable thing happened. Rarity's wings caught on fire and burned instantly. She started falling. I was grinning at her lengthy fall and her screaming. I got a few stares, but luckily they believed I was hanging out with three good friends and didn't understand the weight of the situation. My face dropped when the Wonderbolts sprung into action, only to fail and get knocked out by a flailing Rarity. YOU FUCKING.. And then the body count went higher. I know it's wrong for anyone in their right mind to wish death upon another, but I was not in my right mind. I actually hoped that Rarity actually died. I hated her fucking guts.

I watched as Rainbow Dash dove down through the arena to save her 'friend' and idols. Rainbow was going fast. Really fast. So fast to the point where I had forgotten about Rarity and the three star members of the Wonderbolts. I was now worried about Rainbow. I let go of the three and peered overhead.

Wasn't my best move.

One of the three took the opportunity to kick me off the cloud. Now I was falling, or I would be had Twilight not caught me with her magic and pulled me up to her cloud. The Princess saw this and sent a motion to her guards. While I was floating up to her cloud, I heard it. A booming sound and a large rippling circular horizontal wave of rainbow coloring that went outwards in all direction. It was the most amazing thing I have ever seen. She had saved the Wonderbolts and the wingless bug while going so fast that she was still leaving a trail of rainbow behind her. She was even gracious enough to give us all a glittering rainbow over the stadium!

Everyone started cheering after she landed. However, my booming voice drew her attention the most. ....along with everyone else around me that nearly got startled off of their clouds.


The last part sounded like I was dying. This is also bad with high volume. I covered my mouth, looking at everyone. Even Dash was a bit concerned. I waved at everyone, a bit embarrassed. Smile and wave, boys. Smile and wave. I could hear Celestia laughing at me up there. Next time, I'm bringing a sign.

The best part of the day for me wasn't over yet though. The ponies had to carry Rarity back to the balloon because she couldn't walk on clouds. She looked at all of her friends and me (I wasn't her friend at all.)

"I want to apologize to all of you for getting so carried away with my....beautiful wings!" She started. "I guess I just lost my head." The ponies all forgave her. She even apologized for Rainbow for selfishly getting in the way of her dreams for her own fame. The apologies should've meant nothing by then, but it did to the ponies. I just glared at her harder.

"Aw it's cool. Everything turned out alright in the end, right?" Rainbow sighed. "I just wish I could've met the Wonderbolts when they were awake." She said as I saw the mentioned ponies in uniform walk up behind her.

"Behind you, Dash." She looked at me confused before a hoof tapped her shoulder. She turned around and saw them.

"Oh my gosh ohmygoshohmygoshohmygoooosh!" Here she goes again.

"So you're the little pony who saved our lives." The yellow mare with the flame-like mane and tail said. "We really wanted to meet you, and say thanks."

"Ohmygoshohmygoshohmygoshohmygoshohmygosh." Get a grip, Rainbow! Heh, geez.

Then the princess arrived. Everyone bowed, save for me. I walked up to her and held out my fist an it met with her royal hoof. "Glad you can make it."

"Hello, my little human." Celestia greeted.

"Princess, I'm sorry for ruining the competition. Rainbow Dash here is really the best flyer in Equestria." Rarity said. Don't you fucking forget it.

"I know she is, my dear. That's why for her incredible act of bravery and her spectacular Sonic Rainboom, I'm presenting the grand prize for best young flyer to this year's winner, Miss Rainbow Dash!" Celestia said, putting some sort of crown on Rainbow's head. Rainbow Dash was 'ohmygosh'ing as she was picked up and carried away. I decided to follow her. She deserves the best day ever right now, especially after all of the things she's been through. After a few victory rounds, we went back to the balloon.

"This really is the best day ever!" Dash said cheerfully. It really is. I don't even think I'm gonna bother bringing up-

"Hey Rainbow Crash!"
"Oh. Sorry.. Rainbow Dash, uh, we just wanted to congratulate you on winning the competition."

"Yeah and uh, sorry Score tried to push your uh, human off the clouds near the end of your performance."

"NO DON'T-" I yelled, but it was too late.

"HE WHAT?!?!" Rainbow's good mood was gone.

Celestia stepped between Rainbow and the two bullies. "Rainbow, my guards have him in custody. You need not worry about anypony else."

"We didn't think he'd try to push him off, he doesn't even have wings." Said the brown pony.

"I don't wanna hear it!" She screamed. "The three of you have been a pain in my flank ever since I was a filly! You pick on me, continuously putting me down, you insult my friends, and now you attempt to off the one pony, no, person I'm in love with! Just go away! Don't bucking talk to me ever again!"

I watched as the two walked off with their heads hung low. Man, I guess I'm glad I'm not on her- ... why is she looking at me like that?

"And you! Why didn't you tell me about this first?! Don't you think I'd wanna know if somepony tries to kill you?!?"

"Well, I was gonna tell you tomorrow instead. Today's about you, not me. This is supposed to be the best moment of your life, right? You get to spend an entire day with your lifetime idols. I didn't wanna be the one to be a downer on the brightest moment, especially after everything else that's happened. I mean, look at you now. You're all upset when just a moment ago, I've never seen you any happier. You're the winner of this competition, champ! Besides, I'm still here, aren't I?" I looked at my savior. "Speaking of which, I owe you one Twi." Twilight only smiled and nodded.

"Y-you... You moron!" Rainbow said, trying not to smile through her tears. She flew up to me and hugged. "Please, next time just let me know."

"Sure." I said.

"Pinkie Promise?"

I held out my pinky finger to her.

"Uh... what's this?" She asked.

"My pinky finger. I don't know how this'll work since you don't have fingers and all, so..." I wrapped my pinky finger around her hoof she raised to the best of my abilities. Didn't happen though. She took the opportunity to yank my hand and pulled me into yet another kiss.

"You're the most awesomest guy a girl can ask for, ya know that, monkey boy?" She said, giving me a bump on the shoulder.

"I guess. Thanks though." I said, putting her in a headlock.

"Hey! Watch the crown!" She chuckled.

"If yer done goin all mushy on us, we can go back to Ponyville." AJ ruined the mood.

"Sorry girls. I've got plans. See ya later monkey boy! Love ya!" Rainbow called out with a wink before she went with the Wonderbolts.

We descended on Twilight's hot air balloon and everyone went home. The Crusaders were at home while the being watched by Trae.



"Just gettin back?"

"Yup. Just came from a city made out of clouds."

"I know." Trae held up a newspaper called Cloudsdale Today. Rainbow Dash being the winner of the New Flyer's competition made the front page with a picture of her being carried by her friends. Good for you, Dash. You deserve it. But then in another article on the page, head titled:

Unknown Beast in the Clouds: Intelligent and Possibly Dangerous.

There was a really blurry poor resolution picture of me, almost if they took the picture from a distance and tried to take the picture of a picture to focus on me. I look like big foot in that poor resolution photo.

"Looks like people are gonna start hunting us to put us in cages." I joked.

"You need to be more careful." He warned.

"Yeah yeah, alright Dad." I went upstairs and flopped straight on the bed. The walking around, the excitement, and Raging at Rarity had mentally exhausted me a bit. Fucking Rarity... I still haven't forgiven her for what she did to Dash. Rarity's selfishness has caused her a lot of pain today. She broke her word, and blew the rest of us off when we tried to remind her. Twilight gave her a gift, and Rarity took it and flaunted it in her face. It'll be a long while before I forgive that hoe. I just hated her. I hated her so badly. Yesterday, I just didn't like her, but after what happened today, I hated her.

After a while, I heard the three pony crusaders say goodbye to the two human ones. The sun was going down. I heard a tap on the window. I leaned up and saw Fluttershy. She must be here to take the fillies home. I opened the window and she flew in.

"Hey Fluttershy. What's up?"

"Oh nothing. Just here to take the little ones home.. if that's okay." She said.

"So uh, whatcha need?"

"I just wanted to say thanks for making my best friend happy. She really really cares about you a lot."

"I know. I care about her a lot too, but aren't the others your best friends too?"

"Well yes, I they are, but she's been there for me since I was a little filly in flight school. It means a lot to see her happy this way."

"Well, I try to make all of my friends and fillyfriends happy. You, Rainbow, Twilight, AJ, Spike and Pinkie." I stated.

Fluttershy didn't miss it at all. "Well... what about Rari-"

"Fuck Rarity." I bluntly said.


"Fuck. Rarity." I repeated myself. "I heavily despise her." I knew 'hate' wasn't in her dictionary.

"But...why?" She asked. Fuck it. I'm using the word.

"I hate her, and it's gonna take a really good reason for me to not hate her, and I mean a really good reason. A good reason to not want her to go away and never return. If you really wanna know why, you can ask Rainbow because I'm done talking about it."

"B-but... she's your friend." Fluttershy got closer.

"Her 'friendship' isn't the kind that I want." I said, using quotes. "I want nothing to do with her and her type..."

"Why do you hate Rarity?" a new voice behind me asked. I turned to see Brianna. Shit... how long has she been there?

I gave out a long sigh. "Listen. You're young. You don't understand yet, but hopefully you never will have to go through something as horrible as betrayal ever."

"What's a bee-trey-al?" She asked.

"It's when you put your trust in someone, such as a friend, and they use that trust against you. Like breaking a promise, or telling a secret, or worse, ditching you when they find someone/something better." I explained.

"That sounds mean.. but Rarity isn't mean.." She protested.

"If only you were there, sis. Say goodbye to Fluttershy and get ready for bed. It's almost your bed time."

"Bye Fluttershy!" She said to the mare, getting a smile from her in return.

"I think you should get those girls home before their parents/siblings start to worry. I'll see you later."

"O-okay.. goodnight Xavier." She said as she flew out of my window. I closed it and flopped back on the bed.

Three minutes later, another knock on my window. Fuck! I turned my head wondering who the fuck I should tell to fuck off.

It was Rainbow. She was grinning at me through the window. I relaxed and let her in. As soon as I did, she wrapped both of her fore hooves around my neck and gave me the deepest kiss she's ever given me so far.

"You don't know how much I love you right now, Xavier! Hanging with the Wonderbolts all day was awesome! Today was the best! day! ever! And it's all thanks to my friends, and you. That pep talk really helped." She smiled, looking at me with those magenta eyes.

And I just looked back into 'em. "You've earned it."

She nuzzled her cheek against mine, hugging me tighter. "What did I ever do to deserve a stalli- uh, man like you and how did I do it?"

A grin creeped on my face. "Well, you started off by attacking me, then tried to attack my sister, and then-" I was cut off.

"I know, I know. If I could go back in time, I'd kick my past self's flank for that."

"I know you would've. I'm glad I decided to aim for the vase instead of at you." I said.

"Yeah. My head would've ended up like that vase!"

"We never did find out who threw it."

"I did. She apologized for it."

"Who was it?"

"Psh! Your mood was sour before I got here. I saw it on your face. I wouldn't tell you now."

"Quite perceptive aren't you? Yeah, you're right." She really was.

"What's bothering you so badly?"

"I'll tell ya later, but hey. You showing up tonight improved my mood, so... Thanks."

"It was nothing..." She said, landing and sitting on my bed. "Nothing besides you owing me breakfast in bed tomorrow morning."

"Of course. I had nearly forgotten." I chuckled, closing the window behind me.

"Glad I was here to remind ya, monkey boy. Come back to bed already."

I closed the door and turned off the lights first before heading to bed. I was pretty tired and I needed rest to clear my head of today's fuckery. Rarity. Bullies. Rarity again. Nervous Dash. Rarity. Bullies again. Rarity. Depressed Dash. Rarity. Bullies pushing me off the cloud to my death.

A cyan hoof boop to the nose pulled me out of my current thoughts. I really need to calm down. I was pretty glad that I have more people to depend on than Jack. I scratched behind Rainbow's ears. She was curled up beside me and closed her eyes. I ended up doing the same shortly after. I had to admit, it was easier to sleep when she was around.