Young Equestria Young Tension

by Josh Crapo

A Day with Daddy

Every day at school, ponies have never thought that I'd be a victim to what my daddy has been doing the first few weeks of him catching me up at four in the morning smiling at the moon. Rumors were going around that Luna's night was becoming unappreciated, so I wanted to contribute any way I could. I love both day and night, and I should've been able to enjoy both without caution. When I got to school, I was so early that I'd hide in the corner of the classroom until the bell rang for the first time of the day.
Every night at home, I woke up and looked at the moon. Yes, even when it was the end of the year when this whole physical fiasco started. Daddy was the first to notice that I'd been up at about three thirty and looking out the window at the moon. Daddy knew how much I wanted to go outside at night. Every time I tried to look at the moon in peace, I'd hear yelling across my room. Things would happen so fast that I'd end up on my bed acting like a blubbering idiot.
My Mom was almost always gone whenever Daddy came. I tried to avoid her the best I could, although I knew she was very sweet. Sometimes, when I did get caught my Mom, she'd just say hello and what other jazz was on her mind. A few times, she's noticed one thing on me each time. Every time she saw something on me, I lied and said a reason I had that something on me that didn't involve Daddy. Still, I was mostly successful in hiding everything, involving Daddy, at school.
After school, I stayed after and hung out with friends I've had. School ended at about two thirty, but sometimes, I purposely lost track of time and stayed until two hours later. Mom constantly got worried about me because I got home so late. I thought there was nothing to worry about now because the sun was out for so much longer and that I was just hanging out with my friends. I'd told Mom time and time again that laughter was the best medicine... and the best element of harmony so that she thought I was talking about those somethings on me healing when I embraced laughter.
The very few nights I slept over at my friends' houses, my friends started getting concerned about me. But I told them that we were just hanging out overnight during the weekend. Sometimes, I'd get a shrug signifying that what I said made sense. I don't know why, but I've been more social on purpose around my peers. But if there were any teachers in my school that I thought of as the sweetest, that would be Polly Spot.
During the times that I'd hang out with my friends after school, she'd drop in and see how I was doing. Why I said I was mostly successful in hiding what Daddy did in school was because of Polly Spot. Sometimes, she'd notice my somethings on my body. She'd be especially concerned and wouldn't believe my lies. She was the only teacher who correctly guessed why I've been in this kind of state.
The weekends were so much worse than the weekdays at my house, where there went from a clean floor to a cluster fly of oiznic or cider bottles on the floor. I've learned to fly but it wasn't easy to. Whenever Daddy went somewhere, he'd drag me with him every time. No, literally. I'd always say no and he took me anyway, much to my fighting back. After that, he'd rant about how he wanted me to have a social life, which I told him, time and time again, I did. Sometimes, I even pointed out that Daddy went to get something he needed, not for me to make friends outside of school, which I already did. Every time, I'd end up on the grass just like whenever I'd get caught looking at the moon early in the morning hours before I left for school.
Of course, one or the other was home, so I couldn't get outside after school mostly because Daddy acted like he ran the place and made all the rules. But Mom did have a rule (that Daddy constantly broke), and that was to push myself in a direction that wouldn't be at the expense of others. I really hoped Daddy would've stopped this, but it kept getting worse.