7 Human in Ponyland

by shiftylookingcow

Chapter 13: Twilight, be like Frozen and Let It Go!

Chapter 13: Twilight, be like Frozen and Let It Go!

-Xavier's POV-


I remember that night. A stallion named Filthy Rich came over our house to talk to me and Hiroto about his 10 year old daughter. A few chaperons at her cute-ceanera, told Filthy Rich about what happened and what Hiroto said. Mr. Filthy, or Mr. Rich as he'd like to be called, explained to us that there have been problems at home with his wife and her high expectations of her, which is why Tiara treats others the way she treats them. Hiroto didn't take this too well. The following Monday, he met with her at school. I was told that no one else but the crusaders treated Silver Spoon and Diamond Tiara differently because, well, they're rich. Hiroto told me that evening that he had told Diamond Tiara that 'he had attacked the wrong person.' He even invited them over the next day. It took about a week before Diamond Tiara forgave him and started opening up to both of us since we had a good idea on what's ruining her childhood and I guess you could say that he and I decided to play counselor for her. When Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon left, I told Hiroto to look after both of them and help them to get along with the other kids. I also told him to try to protect them from the others if needed. If the little fillies and colts are anything like my 'childhood friends' on Earth, they'll only like her for what she has instead of who she really is.

With the juvenile problems out of the way, the kids going to school and hanging out with the Cutie Mark Crusaders (or for Hiroto, hanging with Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon), they were out of the house. That left us men to do stuff... you know, that men do. That is unless the mares came over. I think we asked a few times for Dash and AJ to let us have our 'man time'. I guess that concept confused them because neither of them had ever hung around a lot of stallions or males of any sort other than Big Mac and Spike. Either that, or males don't have 'men time' here considering gender roles. I told Jeff this, and he shuttered at the thought of being in the kitchen, cooking for his mare (If he get over them being ponies) and her friends while they're doing what they do. It was the 21st century last time we were on Earth, Jeff. Not all women wanna be stuck in the kitchen. Anyway, if they were either too busy to come over or left us men to our devices, we dusted off the cobwebs from rated M or A movies, blew the dust off of the Xbox Ones, 360s, and pcs. With a bit of file sharing, we all had the same games and could play each other. It's pretty much First Person Shooter throughout the house. I'll have to side with Jeff on this one. I doubt the ponies could handle the sheer amount of violence that happens on screen. The only question I have now, is for wherever the hell my phone is.

-Recap over-

(Tuesday, 2/16)

I was eating breakfast at around 11:00. I was the last one up, so my breakfast was pretty cold. It's a good thing we have the only working microwave on the planet. Everyone else was except for bro was gone. Being the wannabe musician he is, he was hoping to impress the ponies here with a taste of Earth music. I could've sworn though, I saw a unicorn mare that was just for him last month. I'll just point my bro in her direction when I see her again. My meal was interrupted by a knock at the door. Does Rainbow have another day off? When I opened the door, it wasn't Rainbow waiting for me. It was my dear friend Twilight and her number one assistant Spike. She needed help with observing a spell or something and taking notes. A spell in which both her and Spike would need heavy concentration on. I wasn't he best note taker, but bro was already busy doing his thing, and Jack was helping Roseluck with with her shop while Lily was sick. Or was it Daisy that was sick? Trae was a better note taker as I've stated before, so I offered to go and get him, but she said there was no time and she wanted me. Why?

So we made our way out to a hill over by town square. Twilight was using her magic on Spike to make some sort of fancy suit and top hat for him from a rock on his head and a necklace of leaves, and a cane out of a stick. I was just standing around watching Twilight struggle. She managed to get the suit and cane right, but Spike was distracted by something going on behind me. Turns out, it was Pinkie dashing and hiding under things with an umbrella hat on. If she says the sky is falling, I'm gonna lose it.

"Nevermind her, boys. She's just being Pinkie Pie." Twilight said.

"Super extra Pinkie Pie, today." Spike continued.

We went to see what was up with her when her tail started shaking.

"Pinkie, what in the wide, wide world of Equestria are you up to?"

"Oh! It's my tail! It's a twitchin' twitchin'" Pinkie said. "And you know what that means!"

"That you need Ritalin?" I answered.

"Who is Ritalin?" she asked.

"Actually Pinkie, I haven't the slightest idea."

"It means my Pinkie Sense is telling me that stuff's gonna start falling! You three better duck for cover!"

I looked up in the sky and saw Fluttershy flying about.

"The only thing I see in the sky is Flut-" I was cut off.

"Oh, Pinkie, it's not gonna rain. Why, there's barely even a cloud in the-" It was her turn to be cut off this time by a frog to the face. Karma bitch!


"He just said 'nice catch' in Frog." responded Pinkie

"You speak frog now?"

"And gator." I'm not going to ask.

Fluttershy stopped above us carrying a wagon, bags and basket that were all full of frogs. Not safe for the animals, Fluttershy!

"I'm so so sorry.. Are you okay, Twilight Sparkle? I just couldn't stand to see the pond getting so overpopulated..." said the butter pegasus.

She was taking the frogs to some place called 'Froggy Bottom Bogg.' That place sounds so like a place for frogs. So she went on her way for frog delivery.

"Uh, Twilight, you got a little something on your face there." Pinkie pointed out the frog that was still clinging to her head.

"Oh, really? Did your 'Pinkie Sense' tell you that, too?" Twilight sarcastically asked.

"No Twilight, we can all see the frog that's still hugging your face." I gestured to the frog.

"Come on, boys, let's go practice our session somewhere where there's a little less commotion." Twilight commanded. Pinkie trotted off elsewhere while Spike and I followed a now-grumpy Twilight Sparkle. So I was following behind as Spike started conversing about Pinkie's psychic abilities while Twilight skeptically shrugged off the claims. That was before Pinkie zipped up behind me, startling the living shit out of me with her twitching tail!

"Twitch a Twitch! Twitch a Twitch! Something else is gonna fall!" Pinkie shouted.

"Yeah, and it was almost your face! Sneakin up on me like that, have you lost your goddamn mind?!" I scolded. Like really! Scaring a black man has never been a good idea!

"Calm down Xavier. Pinkie, nothing else is going to WAAAAH!!" In mid sentence, Twilight fell into a trench.

"You okay Twilight?" I asked the dazed unicorn. "Where the heck did this trench come from?"

"Oh no! Twilight fell! Is it safe to go help her?!" Spike asked.

"It's okay! My tail stopped twitching." said Pinkie as she zipped off.

She growled as I helped her with getting up like a true friend instead of asking about it.

"I'm fine Xavier, just help me out of this ditch." Twilight commanded.

"That was amazing!" Spike shouted.

"Shut up, Spike." I said, looking at Spike. Seriously, she could've broken something! I dare not tell them what happens to equines at home when they break a leg!

"Uh, Twilight, Xavier? Why're ya'll hangin' out in a ditch?" A new voice said.

"Because Pinkie Pie predicted it!" Spike said, still for some reason sounding excited about his boss's misfortune. Twilight once again skeptically shrugged it off as an unlikely coincidence, but when she mentioned the 'twitchy tail' thing, AJ became uneasy.

"Twitchy tail? Pinkie Sense?!" She said, immediately taking cover afterwards.

"Don't worry, it's safe. The prediction already happened." Spike said, still not caring about Twilight.

"Oh wait.. Don't tell me you believe in this stuff too." She asked AJ.

From the way Applejack explained earlier, it seems to be a Ponyville thing. If Pinkie's senses starts tingling, something's going to happen. Yeah, I'm in a world full of civilized magical talking ponies, griffins, dragons, and gay sea monsters. I'm gonna go ahead and buy this one and say it makes sense.

"Makes sense to me." I said.

This caused Twilight to do a double take. "WHAT?! You too?!?"

"Twilight, look at things from my perspective. I come from a place where unicorns and pegasi are mythical creatures and magic isn't really a thing but illusions, strings, and card tricks. And ponies can't talk. If I tried to remain skeptic about everything, I would've lost my mind months ago."

"Okay, I get it, but-" she was cut off by Pinkie.

"My ears are flopping, my ears are flopping!!!" She said in a Paul Revere way. I couldn't keep a straight face with this one because it looked so fucking ridiculous.

Spike threw his arms up defensively "What does that mean?!"

"I'll start a bath for you." Pinkie told Twilight.

And then some old pony speeding a wagon trotted over a mud puddle and splashed Twilight. I think I was starting to get where Pinkie was going at. Pinkie is friends with Murphy and gave her power over him. So, Spike and I waited inside Sugarcube Corner, waiting for Twilight to finish her bath. Spike was munching on some cupcakes while I was playing Pokemon X. So far I was doing nothing but leveling up my Pokemon at the Battle Chateau on Route 7. Spike got a bit curious.

"Hey Xavier, what is that?" He asked

"It's a 3DS."

"What's that?"

"A hand held source of entertainment for humans."


"A game."

And of course, once he heard that, he asked the very question all kids ask when they see a shiny new toy.


If this was a game with multiple save files, I would let him play to his heart's content. However, since there is only one save file for all Pokemon games (I mean, seriously Gamefreak?), I told him that he couldn't battle with my pokemon. Instead, he could pet them and play the minigames.

"As long as you promise not to belch on it or scratch up the touch screen."

"Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye." Spike said while doing his little gestures.

What the fuck?

"What was that about?" I asked.

"That's a Pinkie Promise!"

"I'm not even gonna ask..." So I let him play with the highest level pokemon I had, which just so happen to be the girliest looking one I have. Just for shits and giggles, I leveled up my Sylveon.

After a while, Twilight was now clean with all of the mud washed off of her. Annoyed with her assistant, she told him to go back to the library while I followed along. He did just that after giving me my 3DS back when I asked for it. I mean come on. It's pretty much my only source of entertainment when I'm not home, and I didn't trust Spike that much to leave it alone with him, even if he did "Pinkie Promise." I followed behind Twilight while she was talking to Pinkie, still being skeptic about her Pinkie Sense.

"What's not to believe? You do magic." Pinkie retorted. "What's the difference?"

"She has a point, Twi." I said.

"See? Even Xavi believes me." Pinkie said.

"But then again, I think I'd believe anything that goes on in this world. You can tell me there's a five legged dragon in your home, and I'd believe it."

"It's a huge difference, Pinkie." She said as she stepped on a small box, ignoring me. They really need to stop doing that. "For one thing, magic is something you study and practice. It womp womp womp wooomp womp womp womp woooomp womp womp woooomp." Was all I heard as I tuned her out. I wasn't kidding when I said I'd believe anything they'd tell me right about now. I felt like a little kid in a cartoon for little girls. Anything could happen. Pinkie broke me out of my trance.

"That's sooooo not true Twilight. Sometimes it's a bunch of random things happening to my body at random times that's supposed to predict the future. I call them 'combos'." Pinkie said all in one breath.


"Sure! You know, like ear flop then knee twitch and eye flutter?! That means the sky is about to be graced with a beautiful rainbow!" Said Pinkie.

"Yeah, I can kinda see how that could sound ridiculous, Pinkie, but what do I know?" I said, going to open the door for Twilight.

Pinkie then started doing one of her spasms, ear flop, eye flutter then knee twitch.

Just then, the door open on my foot right before Twilight could get hit in the nose. Man am I glad I was wearing steel toe protection that day. Spike was backing out of the door with heavy cargo (books).

"I thought that combo meant beautiful rainbows! I almost got hit!" She screamed.

"You're welcome by the way." I threw in.

"No, you're thinking of ear flop knee twitch then eye flutter. This was an ear flop eye flutter then knee twitch. That means to look out for opening doors." Pinkie said.

"Yeah, I believe your Pinkie Senses, Pinkie, but I can't remember all of them. So I won't. I'm just gonna go back to random stuff happening without warning."

"Suit yourself Xavi." She told me.

"I don't believe this." Twilight said, shaking her head.

"You don't believe because you don't understand!" Pinkie told her.

Twilight then took us both to a lab she had hidden in her basement. ...How does she power all of these equipment?Twilight, what the hell do you do down here?! As if answering my question, Twilight turned to me.

"This is my lab. This is where I do most of my number-based experiments." She told me.

"Are you a mad scientist?" I asked her.

"NO no no, Xavier, I'm not mad, but I do find science fascinating."

"You're not going to perform any experiments on me, are ya?" I asked, jokingly.

"You would let me experiment on you?!?" She asked, instantly zipping over to me, standing on her hind hooves, and leaning on me with her fore.

"Woah woah woah. I wasn't being serious. I'd rather not be dissected like I would be if I were an alien in Area 51. Noooo thanks." This seemed to disappoint her as she started looking at me with teary eyes.

"I wasn't going to hurt you or anything, but I got used to you over the months and forgot your species is still unknown to most of us. Nopony knows what makes you humans tick." She said, her losing her sorrowful voice at the last part.

"No knives, cutting equipment, or injections. I'd rather be in one piece. Hell, you can even use my old Biology text book to help." I told her.

"You have a book on human Biology?!? I'll pay you anything!" She said, forgetting about the pink pony for a moment.

"Nah. It is the only one of its kind here."

"Pretty please with a sugar cube on top!" She said looking at me with those sad pleading eyes.

"Fine. You didn't have to use the sad eyes on me. I mean, damn.." I said peeved. If there's another thing I can't stand, is guilt tripping. by any means. It's a cheap blow to me. I'll compare it for you. If I was bullying a girl for whatever reason, and I stopped, then after I stopped, she turned around and kicked me in the nuts. It's just not necessary. Like guilt tripping me to make me feel bad.

"YES!!! I COULD JUST... JUST..." she pressed her lips against mine before jumping off and hopping around. The kiss wasn't as good as Rainbow's but maybe it was because I didn't expect it? Maybe all mares are relatively good kissers. After a moment, what she did caught up to her and man did she turn red. She stopped and froze in her tracks. Pinkie looked at her in shock. Fuck Pinkie! To say I was shocked would be a huge understatement! First of all, Twilight never seemed like the type to be so quick to randomly kiss anyone!

"I am so so sooo sorry! I was just so happy and excited that it just... happened!" She looks like she's about to cry.

I sighed. I know I'm gonna have to tell Rainbow about this. So many thoughts was running through my mind. This was probably her first kiss. What am I going to tell Rainbow. What if she takes it the wrong way? What should I do? In an internal panic, I asked the stupidest question a guy could ask in a situation like this.

"How was it? Was it nice?"

"What? Well... yes?" She said, her face still red.

Why, Xavier you idiot, why?!? I mentally berated myself. I was cheating on Rainbow Dash! No! I have to do the honest thing and tell her what happened. It was at the heat of the moment. That's all. She won't be mad, right?

I looked around for a distraction and saw Pinkie with a wide grin on her face.

"Pinkie! You brought Pinkie her down here for some reason!" I said, hoping it'd work.

Twilight shook herself out of it. "Oh right! I have tests to run!" She seemed glad that the awkward moments passed. She placed a helmet on Pinkie's head. She had told me to go upstairs to wait for them there. Might as well. The awkwardness is strong down here. While waiting in the library for a while, Spike came in.

"Oh hey Xavier! What's up? Have you seen Twilight?" Spike asked.

"Just waiting for her to finish doing what she's doing with Pinkie down there. She's trying to find an explanation for the Pinkie Senses."

"Yeah, I can't believe how crazy this driving her."

"Yeah, I think she's so crazy for knowledge if you asked me. She even ki- uh, hugged me when I said she could borrow my old biology text book." Spike seemed to catch my slip-up, but not completely.

"What were you about to say?" He asked suspiciously.

"Nothing! Twilight's down stairs if you're looking for her. You are looking for her, right?"

"Oh yeah!" He said as he passed me. He opened the door and hit someone on the other side.

"Spike, you have got to be more careful opening doors like that... can't just swing them open like that." I told him. I mean, who does that?

"What're you talking about?" He asked, turning to see Pinkie. "Oh, hey Pinkie! Have you seen Twilight?"

"Check behind the door, dodo!" I yelled.

Spike shot me a look as Pinkie walked out. I helped Twilight down from behind the door.

She got back on her hooves, groaning."Did you two plan this?" She hissed at Spike.

"Plan what?" Spike asked.

"No, he just walked in the library. Sorry. My foot was on the other side of the door this time."

"This is ridiculous! This can't be happening! This makes no sense!" She started ranting again.

Let it go, Twilight.

"I have to figure this out."

Let it go!

So, that afternoon, Twilight decided to follow Pinkie around in a bush. Where was I? I was being dragged along with her. She said she hired me for the day. God that makes me sound like I'm a prostitute or something. Hiring someone for a day/night... I'm gonna have to have bro change our policy a little bit when I get back. So there I was, lying on Twilight's back so we'd fit in the same bush. I felt like an animal's pelt she was wearing.

"This is degrading." I complained.

"Shush! She'll hear you!" She hissed.

So Twilight went back to spying on Pinkie Pie. She even brought a safari hat and binoculars. This is degrading for me, and wrong to Pinkie. As Twilight was jotting down notes, Spike snuck up behind us.


"AAH!" She jumped, flinging me off of her back. Lucky for me, Spike broke my fall. We both were snatched and pulled behind the bush.

"Honestly Spike! Don't you know better than to sneak up on ponies!" She scolded.

"Sorry, but... Isn't that what you're doing?" He asked.


Twilight pounced on both of us.

"NO! I'm doing scientific research and observing Pinkie Pie! Scientifically: Pinkie-us Pie-icus in its natural habitat." She's calling her an 'it' now?


Twilight shot me a glare. I looked away and covered my ears to refrain from coughing. A short while, I was pulled back on top of Twilight as Pinkie started moving again. I gave Spike a glare that said "You laugh. You die." As she was stalking Pinkie, we found ourselves watching her in front of Applejack's barn, rolling around. Pinkie's nose twitched and she hid under a horse shoe. Spike tapped on my shoulder and pointed to incoming wasp. Wasp.... Wasp....



"NOPE!" I was gone. Spike and I booked it through the trees and behind the barn. I... Hate... wasp.... However, I was so focused on not being pin-cushioned by wasp that I had forgotten about Twilight. I could hear whimpers and yelps coming from her bush. Man, Twilight, this just isn't your day... Surprisingly, when I got back to her, she was still willing to finish her 'research'. I helped her with the band-aids. I tried not to focus on the fact that I was patching up her rump half of the time, however, Twi's moaning did not help. Or was she groaning. Either way, the noise she made wasn't helping. Eventually, she picked up her binoculars and went back to her spying. By this time, Elsa was singing in my head. (You know the song.)

That was when Pinkie did her door opening combo. Twilight noticed she was standing by an already opened barn door. So the ever-being so skeptic walked right into an opened cellar door. I managed to catch her tail this time, but uh, ever notice how her tail can be kind of straight? She oils her tail. Needless to say, she slipped and fell down the stairs to the cellar. Told you about dem stairs, bro.

One quick trip to the hospital later, she was at it again! In a chair! Bandages! All! Over! Her! Body! She couldn't even raise her binoculars by herself. Then, Spike, being the ever so loyal number one assistant he is, bailed on her when Pinkie did her twitchy tail. A flower pot dropped no her head. I managed to pull her out of the way of the falling anvil and the wagon that came afterwards. In shock, she looked at what could have been her grave, then back at me.

"You owe me a one." I said. She was causing me a lot of stress at the moment. She smiled sheepishly.

"Thank you." She replied.

And then a big ass piano dropped on the pile.

"A big one..." I looked up to see where all of this stuff was falling from. Apparently a few delivery mares made a mistake of leaving their cargo door open on their carriage. Dumbasses.

Pinkie met up with Applejack and as it turns out, she knew we were following her around. This pissed off Twilight to no end. That was until everything Pinkie started shaking, frightening everyone. Even I was wary. Apparently something big is supposed to happen at Froggy Bottom Bogg. So they all rushed over to the place. And yes, I say they, not me. They're my friends, yes. I love 'em. Yes. I may have developed a small teensy crush on Twilight since hearths warming eve, and we kissed, but that mare has been causing me nothing but trouble all day today. So I made my own way to a rocky cliff that was supposedly on the other end of the bog near Ponyville. I was just gonna wait for them. Don't ask how I knew they were gonna come out that way. A while back I got a map of Equestria in case something happened. While I waited, I was gonna level up my Pokemon.

About a half an hour later, I heard screaming. First I saw Fluttershy coming my direction, being the first to jump an extremely hazardous bridge way. Then Spike. Then Applejack carrying Pinkie. On the other end, I saw Twilight being chased by a giant four-headed monster.


Of course, just like a certain scene in a movie, the monster destroys the bridge way and Twilight somehow makes it across. I guess Pinkie was right. Something big really did happen.

Twilight agreed with my thoughts, however according to Pinkie's shaking, that monster wasn't the 'doozy'.

"The hydra wasn't the doozy? How could it not be the doozy?! What could be doozier than that?!?"

I looked back down at my 3DS. My Ponyta is evolving.

"Dunno! But it just wasn't it." Pinkie said.

When my Ponyta finished evolving into a Rapidash, I looked up at Twilight and saw her mane in tail replaced with flames. Spike saw the same thing. Like the perfect timing. Unlike my new Rapidash, however, Twilight burned out, finally giving up, admitting that she now believes in the Pinkie Sense. And guess what happened then. Pinkie finally stopped shaking. Turns out, Twilight giving in was the doozy.

"That... doesn't seem all that big of a doozy to me, but whatever. I know nothing." I told them. Twilight kissing me was a better doozy than that...

No one said a thing on the way back. I escorted Twilight and Pinkie back to the library. I think Twilight wanted me around in case something else was gonna fall on her. I spent the rest of the day being her life preserver on the streets with Pinkie around. Things were going well until Pinkie had to open her mouth.

"So whats it like to kiss a human?" Pinkie asked.

Twilight's face went red again, looking at her, then at me. I've seen the movies. I've seen the harem anime. One thing I learned from them. Things never goes well for the guy when two girls like him. So many misunderstandings, to hell if I'm gonna be someone's punching bag over accidents. I'm just gonna tell Rainbow Dash the next time I see her. Twilight followed me when I decided to go home. I told her that she was gonna have to start looking out for herself again soon because it was starting to look like I had a pet unicorn minus the leash.

"You aren't looking for another kiss, are you?" I asked her.

She wildly shook her head no. "I-I just want to make sure nothing else falls on me. And you said you were gonna give me that book! On human biology, remember?" I shrugged. I guess that's a valid reason to follow me?

When I was home, I went up to my room to look for that book. Twi waited downstairs. Wouldn't you know it, Rainbow Dash was in my room, reading a few books about jets that I had stored somewhere. Great.

"Hey monkey boy." She said.

"Hey Skittles. Can I ask you a question?" I asked her.

"Sure. What's up?"

I steeled myself for every possible reaction today. I had to tell her though. "Uh, a mare kissed me today." Rainbow dropped the book and sped up in my face.


"Calm down! What if it was somepony you know very well?" I asked her.

"Just tell me who!" cried Rainbow.

"Twilight. But it was just in the heat of a moment kind of thing.. She kissed me when I gave her something exciting to study! Don't hurt her, alright? The last thing I want is to come between two people and their friendships. Honestly I thi-" I was interrupted by a hoof covering the mouth.

"I don't wanna hear it." She said.

Oh shit... I'm gonna get it.

"You don't have to say anything else. It's not your fault."

Oh shit... Twi's gonna get it..

"Twi can have ya too if she wants."

"Look, just don't do anything to....wait...what?" I replied

"What? I said she's cool." She said a bit too normal for my taste. "She can join your herd. You humans don't have herds?"

"Nope... we're mostly monogamous." I said.

"Well, I don't mind if you or Dash don't." Said Twilight's voice coming from behind me. Me once again, being scared shitless...

"What is UP with you ponies and sneaking up behind people! That's the third time today!"

Twilight chuckled "Well, my day was far worse." I turned back to looking for the book she wanted and pulled out a six hundred and something page book for her to study.

"Well, I guess this herding thing is a custom I can adopt to. Mormons do it."

"There's a catch to the herding thing, though." Twilight said in a warning voice. "If you want to be with another mare, we have to be okay with the mare being in the herd too." I nodded my head. I suppose that's fair. Just so it won't be a 'Gotta catch 'em all' thing.

Something didn't feel right though. I like Twilight. I have a small crush on her, however, I kinda feel like she 'joined my herd' a bit too quick. I turned to Twilight.

"I guess you can be in the herd, under one condition." This got her attention. "We start hanging out more in general. I mean, it'd be weird to gain a girlfriend I hardly ever hung out with all that much before."

"I see your point." She said, her ears drooping a little.

"I'm still giving you and this 'herd' thing a shot."


I looked out the window and saw that it was getting dark.

"So Twilight, are you gonna go home yet?" I asked.

"Can I stay here for a night?" She asked, pitifully. "I had a bad day, and I-"

"Don't wanna risk anything else happening while I'm not around to jerk you from under a falling anvil?"

She nodded her head, glaring at Dash who was trying her best to hold in her laughter.

I was tired. Very tired. I've done more running around than usual, thanks to my new marefriend, and I wanted sleep. Dash had decided to stay too. I guess my bed was big enough for three, or if it wasn't, I was going to sleep on the floor, which I also didn't mind. I told them that this was going to be fine as long as it didn't become a habit or a daily thing. I'm not sure how the others (Jack, Jeff, and Bro) would feel about me being polygamous. I still found myself cuddling more to Rainbow's side, but I tried not to neglect Twilight. She really liked having her ear scratched. Well, if having two girls keeps one from beating the other in my room, I'm all for it.

I was recapping in my head on what went on today. About Twilight. Today was a rough day for her, more so than it was for me. I looked at Twilight. The mare I had a secret guilty crush on, who was trying to sleep. What exactly did I see in her? She's nice when she isn't crazy, she's smart, she's the right amount of cheerful, and she's optimistic about most things. She's a book worm, has a lair of a mad scientist in her basement, but she doesn't seem the type to attempt to do any harm. I found her adorkable. She's an adorable dork. She's also dependable, helpful, and caring. When Rainbow wasn't there, she was. And now she's saying she wants to be my marefriend too. My question is, just what does she see in me.


I snapped out of my thoughts/trance and realized that I was staring at her. She was looking dead at me. I also noticed how close I was holding her, which was way closer than it was a few minutes ago. She just smiled and gave me another kiss. This was a more meaningful than the one in her lab.

After the kiss, she smiled again before turning over to face the other side. I went back to my thoughts again. Today was a strange day for her to become a marefriend. She fell in a ditch, was splashed by mud, was slammed by a door, stung by wasp, beaten by stairs, hit on the head with a flower pot, almost got hit by an anvil, almost got crushed by a wagon, and almost got crushed by a piano. Not to mention she was chased by a hydra.

Right then and there, something hit my mind. I patted all around Twilight, rubbing her head, sides, legs, and flank.

"Xavier, what are you doing? We just started-"

"Ponies are fast healers..."