7 Human in Ponyland

by shiftylookingcow

Chapter 12: The Cutie Mark Gang is Formed

Chapter 12: The Cutie Mark Gang is Formed

-Xavier's POV-


The rest of the year was pretty interesting for human and pony alike. Ever since the little Iron Pony competition, Applejack and Rainbow Dash were less at each other's throats. I'd be lying if I didn't say that most of it was because of what happened the day after. I don't think RD or AJ had stopped blushing. Apparently, being mounted in the manner they were, with the saddles and all, usually meant private intimacy soon afterwards. We weren't really made aware until the day after. I found out when I first saw Dash that noon, being bugged by Lyra Heartstrings on how good it was in bed with a human. WHAT THE HELL, LYRA?! So RD filled me in on that custom, which lead to me explaining things to Lyra. For the Jacks on the other hand, things weren't so simple. They had to deal with rumors for the next several weeks, and you can guess who frickin started it. RARITY!

Thanksgiving was also interesting. We had a turkey in our freezer that mom bought for a cookout about a week before we ended up here. We bought yams and everything else from local stores. A few curious ponies wondered why we were buying so many foods and I just told them it was a human tradition. I thought about inviting the ponies over, but we were going to be eating a lot of meat, and we all know how they felt about that. Rainbow said she could bear with it. Applejack also came, bringing her famous apple pie and cider. Twilight came just to observe a new cultural tradition and to get to know everyone a little better. We made sure to cook the turkey before the three arrived. It was a pretty good day with no problems and very little awkwardness.

Winter was a pretty fun time. I had taught Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie the art of snowball fights. All throughout the season, ponies were randomly getting hit by snowballs. One time, I decided to prank my main target of pranking (Rarity) by blocking the entrance to the Carousel Boutique with a giant snowman. I put two more snowmen in front of her two front windows. Each time she looked out of one, she'd find herself face to face with a snowman. I had told RD that I loved Winter for various reasons. I love the cold weather, the snow, everything about Winter, activities, hot chocolate (which Pinkie also loved, but there's not much she doesn't love), and staying warm with friends and family. However, three events were coming up. One was Hearth's Warming Eve, and the other was Christmas. Dash said she was going to go visit her parents back in Cloudsdale for the holiday. Yeah, it sucked for me that she wouldn't be around with me. Did I ask to go and meet her, I did, but unless I was a pegasus, I couldn't walk on clouds, she said. I saw her off and spent Hearth's Warming Eve with Twilight. Well, more like she spent the holiday with me. She volunteered when she saw how Dash not being there affected me. She explained to me what the whole holiday was about and everything. I was a bit impressed with how much she knew and was willing to learn in general. I appreciated her for helping me get over my bummed mood, and started looking at her differently. It was just a crush though. For Christmas's sake, I wanted to give a gift to RD and my friends when she got back.

However, Dash leaving Ponyville during Christmas wasn't what bothered me. Like I said, Christmas and Thanksgiving are holidays that you would usually spend with friends and family. My thoughts went to home. Mom and Dad. Their house, along with their three children, were missing. They were no longer there. They could get another house and have everything replaced, except for us. I started to feel a bit down in both of those holidays. Twilight noticed both times. She left it alone during Thanksgiving, but when she noticed on the 25th, she was kind enough to stay by me. I appreciated it. I did need the comfort, and Dash wasn't there. I decided that Twilight was going to be my next best friend.

Rainbow came back a few days after Christmas, 12/28, and to make it up to me, she said she'd spend the rest of the year with me, doing everything I had planned for us for Christmas. Everyone and pony were at our house. I had gotten Rainbow a rainbow colored scarf (don't ask how I got it), I gave Rarity a flammable un-compressed diamond hahaha!. I had made use of my woodshopping skills and gave everypony a wooden ornament. Wings for Rainbow, an apple or AJ, a flower for Fluttershy, a star for Twilight, a balloon for Pinkie, and a spade for Rarity (like the ones on the cards). I had to silently thank my dad once more. It was 12/31, and judging by the townsponies normal behavior, I guess ponies didn't have a new years and a new years eve. Twilight and the others were listening to us tell them about New Years resolutions and stuff we usually do whenever a new year is arriving. Jack asked AJ to bring sparkling cider, in which she did, and we all celebrated the imaginary ball dropping, signalling a new year.

It's been a few weeks later after New years. It was 1/14. The day was a special one. Somehow, a certain pink pony knew what day it was because when I woke up, I was greeted with the sight of balloons and the sound of an airhorn. To make things hilarious, Dash had been sleeping in the same bed with me that night (not doing what you think we were, by the way) and she was startled silly that she pretty much turned into a pony face mask. After prying her off of my face, she tried to play it cool, but nobody let her live down that moment. She didn't really know what the occasion was until she went downstairs and saw everyone standing in front of a banner that said "Happy Birthday Xavier!" Rainbow sorta berated herself for not asking about it sooner, but to be honest, I never thought to tell her, let alone ask for her birthday. I did so while it was fresh in my mind. 3/24. That's her birthday.

Yesterday was, to my despair, Winter Wrap Up. Apparently, Winter is short here. Since we had no wings and couldn't push away clouds, or magic or four legs to pull a plow, the humans were pretty much useless. It was a pretty uneventful day for us. I'm glad my mp3 player was charged because I was not a fan of musicals. They were all singing, so I had to drown it out. It was annoying to me, and to Jeff also. Trae didn't care. However, tomorrow marked the first day of school for the kids. They'll finally have something to do besides go to Twilight's to read, follow Fluttershy around, and mess around Sweet Apple Acres. Apple Bloom seemed to be stoked that she had her group of friends to go to school with.

Monday 2/1

"Do we have to?! I don't wanna go! What if I don't make any friends because I'm not a pony?!?"

My little sister was whining. She really did not want to go to school. She felt that school was boring in our world, and now she'll have to endure it in a world with primitive technology. I kinda felt for her a little bit, but only a little bit. I mean, hell, when I was in elementary school, we had Bill Nye the Science Guy videos. Well, at least Jack's little siblings had a better attitude.

"Sis, you already have a friend that's going to school. Apple Bloom? If she won't mind you not being a pony, who's to say others won't either? Heck, you may even make a lot of friends by not being a pony. Besides, it's not like you're gonna be the only human there."

She wasn't. Jonathan was going to be there along with Hiroto, who volunteered. Having her friends following alongside us seemed to have put her at ease just a tad bit. She needed to make new friends that were around her age for one, and two, she needed to know the world's basics. Bro, Hiroto, and I could probably teach her about our world's basics ourselves, but unfortunately we aren't in our world.

When we arrived to the school, a dark pinkish purple coated mare with a mane that had two shades of pink was standing in front of the school. We were actually the first there. The mare looked at us curiously.

"Hello Xavier. How can I help you four this morning?" She asked.

"I believe the mayor has spoken to you quite some time ago about having these three here attend your class?"

"Oh right! I nearly forgot. I'll introduce them to the class after it starts."

"Thanks. And hey, I've never really got your name."

"It's Cheerilee. Miss Cheerilee." She introduced herself. "I teach here."

I had to smile at that. "Sounds like you're quite cheery....lee." I joked.

She rolled her eyes. "Yes yes, I suppose I do try to put a bit of pep into my classes."

"Anyway, please do look after 'em. My little sis is already nervous."

"Can I ask their names and ages?" She asked.

"Brianna, the little girl you see here, is my sister. She's 7. The brown headed kid is my best friend's little brother, Jonathan,and he's 8. The tallest kid you see here is Hiroto. He's adopted. Age of 13. He volunteered to come here on his own." Upon his introduction, Hiroto adjusted his glasses with his index finger.

"This will be an interesting few years." She mumbled. "Okay, I'll accept the little ones into my class."

"You have mine, my brother's and my best friend's gratitude." I held my hand out to the teacher. She in turn placed one of her fore hooves in my hand. We shook. The kids went inside of the building along with Cheerilee. I looked around. No one was here yet. "Welp. I gots lotsa stuff to do." And with that, I walked on back home to see who needed my help today.

-3rd Person-

It was 20 minutes after Xavier left, the little fillies and colts entered the classroom. Miss Cheerilee walked in soon after. The little ones were chit chatting with each other while she got ready. When she finished, she stood infront of the class.

"Good morning fillies and colts."

"Good morning Miss Cheerilee." The class said in unison.

"Before we start with the teaching, I would like to introduce you to three new students."

The three students walked in. Their new classmates stared at the three, almost all of them were in shock, save one yellow red-maned filly, who was bouncing in her seat in excitement.

There was a pink-skinned short kid with blue eyes and a brown bowl-shaped hair, a slightly taller dark skinned female with her hair cut to shoulder length, and a much taller lighter-skinned boy who's glasses deflected the light from the sun.

The short kid went first. "Hello! My name is Jonathan Wilson!

The girl stepped up next. "I'm Brianna Roberts, but you can call me Bri if you want.

Then the tallest one, adjusting his glasses, spoke. "Greetings everyone. My name is Hiroto Xuan Wilson. It will be much a pleasure to learn among you fillies and colts. Let us make this a pleasurable learning experience for everyone."

Cheerilee smiled at the three in attempt to make them feel welcome among the stares they were getting. "Nice introduction you three. Now if you may please take your seats so I can begin the class."

"I am afraid that instruction will be difficult to follow." Hiroto said.

"And why is it difficult, Mr. Hiroto?"

He pointed to the room. "All of the seats are taken."

Cheerilee facehoofed, wondering how she could make such a blunder. "I am so sorry you three. There's another room across the hallway with spare tables and chairs. You're free to get them for yourselves."

"Thank you."

The three humans went to the mentioned room and each retrieved a desk and a chair. They were pretty small for them, but they dealt with it. They set themselves up at the end of the class. A lot of their pony classmates were staring.

"Class, I expect all of you to welcome the new students with open arms, even if they aren't ponies." The teacher said, sternly.

The colts and fillies in the class started mumbling. Applebloom turned around.

"Johnny! Brianna! Ah can't believe we're in school together!" She quietly whispered.

Jonathan grinned at her, "I know!"

Brianna seemed less enthusiastic about holding a pencil again.

Hiroto just didn't care. Apple Bloom didn't see much of him since he straightened out the meat eating problem at their Welcome to Equis Pinkie Party.

Hiroto looked around the class room. The very first thing he had noticed was that the 'class of fillies and colts' turned out to be just a class of fillies. He and Jonathan were the only males in the class, which had him wondering.

"Let's quiet down, please." Miss Cheerilee instructed. "We have a very important lesson to get to."

The bantering stopped. However, one hand was raised.

"Yes, Hiroto?"

"I apologize for delaying the lesson from starting, but I do notice that my brother and I are the only males in this class room. Are we in the right place?"

Miss Cheerilee looked at the rest of her students. He was right. Both Wilsons were the only males in the class room. "I assure you that you are. There will be a few more students joining us soon, and some of them are colts. The male/female ratio in Ponyville and in most of Equestria are heavily unbalanced, mostly consisting of mares and fillies."

He looked outside and saw the towns ponies wandering around. There were indeed far more females than there were males. How could I have missed this?! he wondered. He then remembered that most of his time was either spent in the Library, or at the Robert's residence. He has barely had any actual interaction with the ponies.

"Now if I may, today we are going to be talking about Cutie Marks." She said as he walked over to her paper board and flipped it up, revealing drawings of a few symbols and items supposedly representing a 'cutie mark'.

Hiroto smirked at the name. If Jeff were here, he would probably say something like "Sounds gay!"

"Boring..." A pink earth pony with a purple and white-highlighted mane said. If it wasn't her pink coat, it would've been her tiara that stood out. Hiroto could sense that this pony was a juvenile from that one response. Even Apple Bloom could see it.

"You can all see my cutie mark, can't you?" Miss Cheerilee turned to her side to show the mark on her flank. It looked like three smiling sunflower heads. "Like all ponies, I wasn't born with a cutie mark. My flank was blank." She said, tearing off another paper from her board and showing her a photo of her as a filly."

A student up front found her picture to be adorable.

"Then one day, when I was about your age, I woke up to find that a cutie mark had appeared." Said Cheerilee, now showing a picture of her with an 80s style clothng. This caused Jonathan to snicker out loud.

"Look at her hair!" said a random filly

"Someone was into disco." Commented Brianna, quietly unlike that other filly.

Cheerilee giggled at the reaction. "Yes I know, but honestly, that's how everypony was wearing their mane back then. I had decided to become a teacher, and the flowers symbolized my hope that I could help my future students bloom if I nurture them with knowledge. The smiles represented the cheer I hope to bring to my little ponies while they were learning."

"She has a good way of keeping herself motivated. Most commendable." Thought Hiroto.

The only one taking notes was Apple Bloom. Everyone else was either looking at the picture or not paying any attention at all.

"Now, can anyone tell me when a pony gets his or her cutie mark?"

A pony with glasses up front raised her hoof. "Ooh! Ooh! When the dithcoverth thomething that makth her thpethial!" she said with a lisp.

"Or him!" Jonathan yelled, looking at the pony up front that had answered.

"Jonathan, raise your hand next time. That's right, Twist. A cutie mark appears on a pony's flank when he or she..."

It was then, Hiroto noticed the tiara'd filly sitting beside Apple Bloom was passing a note to her, while a grey filly with glasses on the other side, urged her to take it. When Apple Bloom took it, however...

"Apple Bloom! Are you passing a note?" Cheerilee shouted. Apple Bloom froze up on the spot.


"What could be so important that it can't wait until after class?" Cheerilee walked in front of Apple Bloom, but noticed something off about the 'note'. "It's blank!"

She was set up. The tiara'd pony laughed. "Remind you of any pony?" Causing further humiliation towards the yellow filly who had no mark.

"Hey! Leave her alone you tiara wearing jerk!" Brianna screamed.

"Brianna Roberts! I will not have name calling in this class!" Cheerilee said.

"But she-"

"No buts, or your butt will be in time out." She stated.

The pink filly beside Apple Bloom gave Brianna a smug look.

Hiroto sat there, observing the entire thing. As enthusiastic as you are, Miss Cheerilee, I can already see some major flaws in you.

Brianna looked at Hiroto. "Did you see what just happened?!?" she whispered harshly.

Hiroto looked at her from the corner of his eye before continuing to observe once more.

Nothing much happened afterwards. The lessons went on without further interruptions. Soon enough, classes were dismissed. However, while the other students went on their merry way, Apple Bloom looked downtrodden, slowly walking out of the building with Jonathan and Brianna trying to cheer her up. Meanwhile, Hiroto decided to stay behind. When Cheerilee came back to pack her things, she noticed one of the three human students, still sitting at his desk. He did not look happy. In fact, he looked rather disappointed.

"Mr. Hiroto. I did say class was dismissed. Do you need anything?"

"Why yes, as a matter as fact, there is something I would like to point out some flaws about what happened in class today." Hiroto started.

Outside of the school, Apple Bloom was walking home with her friends when Twist, the filly who sat in front of her, walked up beside her.

"Want thomthing thweet? I got thome pepperment thtickth. I made them mythelf!" She said proudly.

Apple Bloom shook her head, not in the mood. Jonathan on the other hand...

"Can I?!"

Ignoring him, she insisted.

"They'll make you thmile!"

"No." Apple Bloom said.

Then that's when the two troublemakers started coming their way.

"I dunno why we had to sit through a lecture about getting a cutie mark. I mean, waiting for your cutie mark is so last week. You got yours, I just got mine. We all have them already." Of course, the mean tiara girl had to walk by them. "I mean, almost all of us have them already. Don't worry, you four are still totally invited to my cute-ceanera this weekend."

"What's a cute-ceanera?" Jonathan asked.

The pink one decided to open her mouth again. "Did you monkeys come from under a rock or something?"

"I AM NOT A MONKEY!!!" Brianna screamed, raising her hand before swinging. Tiara's eyes went wide.


It was that moment. That Tiara knew she fucked up.


Brianna sent flurries of hands, slapping Tiara a few good times before being pulled back by Jonathan and Apple Bloom. Brianna was still screaming "I'm not a monkey" and flailing towards Tiara.

"Calm down Bri!" Screamed Apple Bloom, her voice muffled by having Bri's bag in her teeth.

"Bri you are uninvited and I'm SO telling my daddy on you!" Screamed Tiara with a little redness in one of her eyes. "Come on Silver Spoon. Leave the pet monkeys with their blank flanks." The two fillies galloped away. Brianna was literally dragging Jonathan who was trying to hold her back.

A few minutes before, Hiroto was leaving the school. He had told Cheerilee everything that happened and man did she feel like a donkey. He started walking home, but heard yelling. Then he saw the most hilarious well-deserved one-sided slap fight ever. He could already tell what happened. He just stood there and observed. Thinks calmed down shortly after the two troublemakers retreated. Hiroto caught up to the rest of them and walked Apple Bloom home.

After they walked Apple Bloom home, the three humans went home. Hiroto told Xavier and Traevon what happened. Traevon didn't look as happy as his younger brother did. Well, Xavier was rolling on the ground, saying "Bully Beatdown: Ponyville Edition Episode 2" while Trae went to have a little word with Brianna about self control.

-Xavier's POV-

Saturday 2/6

Dash and I were strolling through the town. Brianna was still grounded by Bro for the fight. Personally, I kinda congratulated her for sticking up for her friends and beating up a bully. That lil bitch deserved it. Either way, she wasn't going to this Tiara's quinceanera. Frankly, I find that to be a good thing. Otherwise, she'd get in trouble for adding an extra ingredient into her cake, Tiara's face. Wanna know who I blame for Tiara's behavior? Her parents! I was so deep in thought that I only heard the second half of Dash's conversation.

"...and then everypony in Cloudsdale went nuts! It was the best prank ever! They never suspected a thing!" She finished. She turned to look at me. Shit... I need to say something..

"Heh. You're kidding? You got away with that?" I asked, hoping she'd buy it.

She grinned. "Heck yeah I did."

She went on about it but then I noticed Apple Bloom with a dark cloud over her head, comically expressing her mood. Rainbow saw it too.

"Hey I'll catch up with you later." She said. We quickly kissed before she flew over to Apple Bloom.

Hm... I wonder what's AB's deal?

I didn't worry about it. That was until I went back to my home to find that I was called to chaperon at her 'cute-ceanera'. It was literally a request written out as a job for us. Why not? I'm good with kids. I turned to Jack and asked him if he'd like to come join in on the fun.

"Sure, why not?" And with that, we were there. We got to Sugarcube Corner early and helped out with everything. Setting up the 'cupcakes', balloons, streamers, etc. Soon, fillies and colts started coming in. All that were invited anyway. Hiroto came along with his younger brother. A few other adult mares were chaperoning for the party. I noticed Apple Bloom coming out of the party. She seemed to be the only one there without a cutie mark. They should really find a new name for those. Talent Marks or something. She was hiding from everyone because of it.

I feel ya sis. Ever been the only black kid in a summer reading program?

I watched as she Metal Gear Solid'd her way to the door. When she almost escaped, Applejack blocked the entrance, being completely oblivious to her little sister's goal and pushed her back in the middle of everyone. I shook my head. Whereas I was disappointed in AJ, Jack walked up to her.

"Hey AJ! Didn't know you were comin'. Want me to get my mare some punch?" Jack asked, not so quietly. A few mares started giggling at Applejack, who gave her boyfriend a glare.

"Jack!!" She hissed quietly, pulling him outside.

I watched as two little fillies, one pink coated one with a purple-white highlighted mane wearing a tiara, and a gray coated one with two shades of gray mane and tail. I didn't like the look on the former. I just watched as Apple Bloom attempted to make a makeshift pony dress out of a table cloth. Clever. Then it hit me. Tiara. Cutie Mark. Wait... isn't that the filly Hiroto told me about? The one that was making fun of Apple Bloom? And the one who called my sister and her friends a monkey? I watched closer and listened in.

"Well well well. Look who's here." Tiara said.

"Nice outfit." The other one said, her tone dripping with sarcasm.

"Just a lil somethin Ah uh, pulled together last minute."

"It really shows off your cutie mark. Oh wait. That's right! You don't have one." Tiara marked.

"But uh, I have a cutie mark." Apple Bloom lied.

"What?! Since when?" Said the grey filly.

"Since.. Earlier today!"

AJ would not be amused.

"Oh really?" Tiara asked "Let's see it?"


"Ah shouldn't. A-Ah couldn't! My cutie mark is so unbelievably amazing. Ah'm afraid that if Ah show 'em off, everyone will start paying attention to me instead of you. Outshined at your own cute-ceanera? Can you imagine how embarrassing that would be?" The look on Tiara's face said everything.

"Nah, forget it. I didn't wanna see it anyway." She pulled it off! She really fuckin pulled it off!!!

Apple Bloom, I respect you more than you know right now.

"Oh. Okay, well I'm gonna go mingle. Enjoy your party!" AB said as she started walking towards me, Hiroto, and Jonathan. That was, until her 'dress' fell off and she stumbled onto the record player, drawing everyone's attention to her and her blank flank.

Oh! So close!

From the looks of the two runts, they seemed to have regained their ammo against Apple Bloom.

"Wow! That is an amazing cutie mark!" the grey one said sarcastically before laughing.

"Nice try, blank flank!" They both taunted.

"You got a problem with blank flanks?!" Said a voice coming from under a table. Two fillies, one white unicorn with a purple and pink mane and and orange-ish brown pegasus with a purple mane stepped out from under the tables."I said, do you have a problem with blank flanks?!" the orange one said.

"The problem is it means she's like totally not special." Said four-eyes.

"Wrong!" Hiroto said, now behind Tiara and her lackey. He readjusted his glasses with his index finger, the light hitting it to hide his eyes. "It means she has not yet discovered her special talent, yet. Miss Cheerilee talked about it in class this Monday, remember? No wait, you don't, because you. Silver Spoon," he said, pointing at the gray filly, "were too busy staring at your own hoof, while you, Diamond Tiara," his finger shifted over towards Taira, "was too busy scheming to humiliate Apple Bloom."

This made both of them wince a little. Wait... Diamond Tiara? Silver Spoon? I sat down, my back towards them.

Hiroto continued in a calm manner, putting both hands behind his back. "With a name like Silver Spoon, tells you all about your character. You know, in human terms, there's a phrase, 'born with a silver spoon in your mouth.' That means that you were born privileged and wealthy, and haven't really earned your worth."

"Not really something to be all that smug about." I added in my two cents.

"That's your cutie mark too, isn't it? Or do you actually make spoons? Sorry to inform you, but if it weren't for us humans, and Spike the dragon, that would be a useless talent considering you ponies don't use spoons. You have fun with that."

By now, Silver Spoon's eyes were watering.

"And you, Diamond Tiara. You're daddy's little princess, right? The girl who always gets everything she wants? The one who thinks she's the center of everything just because she's wealthy? Sorry to inform you, but you're not. Your father is the one who has all of the money and he earns it through hard labor. He spends his hard-earned money, on you. You haven't earned a single bit. Why? Because you're Diamond Tiara. Daddy's little princess. That would explain why you have a tiara as a cutie mark."

"Again, not something to be so smug about. My dad loves me too, but I don't go around putting others down because of it." I put in another two cents.

"And you say Apple Bloom isn't special?" Hiroto's voice was losing it's calm and starting to become malicious. "Your talents aren't special! They're useless!"

"Hiroto." I called out. Yeah, he's taking this a bit too far.

"You two have done nothing for yourselves other than make others feel miserable for your own gain! Just because you're living a life you don't deserve!"

"Hiroto!" Jack could see this also.


I had to turn around.

"HIROTO!!!" Jack and I yelled in unison. That got his attention.

Jack shook his head in disapproval. Damn, dude, you took them apart piece by piece, burned their pieces with a flame thrower, and then nuked them with every nuclear bomb the States have in their arsenal.

Hiroto bowed. "My apologies. I must be excused." With that, he left.

It was quiet. Even Apple Bloom's newest allies stood there, wondering what just happened. Jack went after his adopted brother as I turned to the two quiver lipped fillies.

"My apologies. He got a tad bit carried away." I said. The other chaperons nodded in agreement. "However in his defense, while you were making fun of Apple Bloom here for not having a cutie mark, you were making fun of everyone without one, not just her two no friends, but Hiroto himself as well. Not just him, but my little sister Brianna too, along with Jack and his other brother Jonathan over there. You even made fun of me." Everypony gasped. "That's right. I don't have a cutie mark either. Never have, never will. Humans don't get them, so technically, we 'monkeys that live under rocks' are all blank flanks for life."

Diamond Tiara looked scared and sad while Silver Spoon was tearing up even more.

"Think about that next time you decide to pick on Apple Bloom for not blooming yet." I pointed to Apple Bloom.

Jonathan went over to Apple Bloom and hugged her. I could hear him say "I like you just the way you are." Her two new friends joined in on the hug. I looked around at everybody else and realized that the atmosphere in here was heavy enough to crush Hercules. I went over to the stopped record player and started it up again. It wasn't soon after that the party was back to the way it was supposed to be. Apple Bloom, Jonathan and I were at a table with the other two blank flanks who introduced themselves as Sweetie Bell and Scootaloo. We introduced ourselves, but Scootaloo and Sweetie Bell already knew about me. Sweetie Bell is...her... sister, and was a huge fan of the very first prank I pulled on her. She was grounded for laughing at her, but it was so funny to her that the hilarity of it was enough to last for years. Scootaloo knew me because I was dating her favorite idol. In fact, most of her questions towards me was not about me being a human, but about Rainbow Dash.'

"Well, now that we're friends, what if all of us work together to find out who we are and what we're supposed be?" Apple Bloom proposed.

"But Xavier said we don't get cutie marks."

"Yeah, but you have two new pony friends that I'm sure you'd have a lot of fun with them. And hey, you might learn something from being with them." I stated. "Count my sister in too."

"YAY!!!" They all screamed.

"Ooh! Ooh!" Sweetie Belle had the floor. "We could form our own secret society!"

"I'm liking this idea!" said Scootaloo

"A secret society! Yeah! We need a name for it though." Apple Bloom stated

"The cutie mark five?" Scootaloo suggested.

It was SB's turn. "The cute-astically fantastics?"

Then AB's. "How about the Cutie Mark Crusaders?"

"It's perfect!"

"SOS BRIGADE!" Jonathan shouted. The three fillies looked at him.

"That name's already taken." I said, facepalming. Both him and my sis are such anime geeks.

"I know." He said with a goofy grin. "I'm calling it the Cutie Mark Gang though. Sounds tougher!"

And that's how the Cutie Mark Crusaders (Gang) was formed.

On our way back home, Jack had told me that Hiroto had already went home. The trio of fillies wanted to meet and hang out with the member they hadn't met yet. I have to say, these three are interesting enough together. I wonder how things'll go along now that Bri Bri has more friends her age to hang around with.

So there we were, at home. Apple Bloom and Jonathan introduced the two newcomers to Brianna, and she introduced herself to the Wii U. Trae saw her new friends and said that he would let her off of her grounding early just this once so she could play with her new friends.

So he does know how to loosen up.

While the five kids were playing, there was a knock at the door.

"I'll get it!" I stood up and went to the door, opening it. Standing there was a brown earth pony stallion looking in his middle ages with the black seemingly fading, nicely combed mane. He looked up at me with a look that said 'we have business to discuss.'

"Hello?" I said, observing him. It was dark, but I could vaguely make out some features. A tie with a dollar sign and a trio of moneybags as his cutie mark. I guess this man was very wealthy, and he seemed old enough to be someone's fath-holy shit it's Diamond Tiara's dad. She actually went and sicked her dad on me!

"Greetings, Mr. Xavier. My name is Filthy Rich. I've heard a lot about you. There is something I'd like to talk to you and a Mr. Hiroto about my daughter Diamond Tiara." It was that moment that I thought of two possible outcomes that'll come from this. One, he pays us a lot of bits for de-bullying his daughter, or two, a rich stallion ends up flying out a window from the second floor of my house.