Dawn Shield

by shirotora

Chapter 7: Aftermath

Chapter 7: Aftermath

Cheers rose up from the town as the invading changelings retreated into the distance. Though there were several wounded, only five were dead; an old stallion whose heart gave out, and a unicorn stallion, a pegasus mare, and two changelings who died in the fighting. Amongst the invaders, however, twelve were dead and seventeen captured.

Standing over one of the dead changelings, Fluttershy wept. She had tried to only subdue and disable, but despite that, one of her adversaries had succumb to the wounds she had inflicted. She didn't blame herself, however, as she knew she had little choice. That didn't make it any less painful, though.

“Flu-utter-shy!” called the ragged voice of Rainbow Dash as she ran as fast as her exhausted body could.

Fluttershy gasped at the sight of Scootaloo draped across her back, unmoving. Fluttershy ran to meet her friend halfway, immediately casting a diagnostic spell as Rainbow collapsed. Scootaloo had several minor contusions and lacerations as well as some minor internal injuries, but the only significant injury was a moderate concussion.

A quick healing spell from Fluttershy took care of the minor injuries, but she was a bit too tired to heal the concussion fully. The two pegasi trotted into the hospital where Redheart immediately attended to Fluttershy first.

“Scootaloo needs attention more than I do,” Fluttershy protested.

“Yes, but when the rest of the injured begin pouring through that door, I'm going to need your help,” the nurse rebutted.

As soon as the last of Fluttershy's injuries were healed, she was provided a mana rejuvenation potion. While usually expensive, Zecora kept the hospital stocked free of charge for use in the rare extreme mana fatigue cases and, more commonly, for the doctors in case they are performing major surgery or treating a disaster.

Feeling back at one hundred percent, Fluttershy was ready by the time the first patients arrived. The injuries ranged from minor bumps and bruises, to broken limbs, and even one case of a hind leg severed just above the knee. That one almost didn't make it. If it wasn't for one of the local changelings casting a stasis spell, the mare would have bled out long before she arrived.

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

Twilight's horn traced the gash over Bonbon's foreleg, magically stitching it until the mare could get proper medical care. All the while, her ears stayed focused on the conversation going on nearby.

“And you didn't think this may be important information?” Midnight asked the young changeling from his wheelchair.

“I... I didn't want you to think I was like her,” Storm replied, his head hanging in shame. “A lot of changelings were scared of me when they found out who my mother is, and... I should have told you. I'm sorry. It was stupid to think she wouldn't come looking for me.”

Midnight stared at him with an emotionless gaze. “You're aware that all the blood spilled today is on you?”

“Don't you tell him that!” Bonbon scolded the stallion's harsh words.

“Am I wrong?” He asked, turning his gaze to the candy maker. “He's an adult, now. He needs to understand the weight of his actions, especially with the position he holds.”

“What position?” Twilight asked as she moved on to Flitter.

Midnight looked back at Storm, a slight smirk on his face. “He's the 'Unseen Prince'.”

Twilight's eyes shot open, her magic faltering.

“Ow! Hey!” Flitter shouted as her leg was abruptly dropped.

“Sorry,” Twilight said, sheepishly, and returned to setting the bone. “Did you know about this,” Twilight asked Bonbon.

Bonbon's eyes shifted away. “Y-yeah, I... I figured she already knew he was here, though. We all thought she did.”

Midnight leaned back with a sigh. “You're doing the documentary.”

“Wh-what?!” Storm nearly fell over in shock.

“Isn't that his choice?” hostility laced Bonbon’s question.

“Yes, but the other option is prision for withholding vital information.”

“You can't do that to him!” Bonbon shot to her hooves, threats of violence visible in her glare.

“I can, and I will.”

“Authie,” Storm steppe in between the angry mare and the disabled stallion. “He's right. I messed up, and need to answer for it. If doing this documentary will help us as much as Doc Hooves thinks it will, I'll do it. Maybe it'll draw more support to us.”

Bonbon's expression turned pleading as she turned back to Midnight. “But, don't you get what this'll do to him?”

“He'll be outed as the son of one of Equestria's most hated enemy, revealed as the head, even if only as a figurehead, of a group of changelings within Equestria's borders, and likely become the target of various anti-changeling groups that are guaranteed to pop up.”

Bonbon, Twilight, and several others nearby gaped at Midnight's seeming disregard of Storm's safety and well being.

“However, he will also be ushering in peace between ponies and changelings. A hundred years from now, when we're all dead and gone, schools will teach their students about his bravery and heroism. He'll be the one that brought our people together.

“However, this also means you'll have to take an active role in your people's well-being. You have to be a prince in more than name.”

Storm sat in thought for some time, all eyes on him. Even Flitter's halt-splinted leg was left forgotten as they all waited to hear the young changeling's reply.

Eventually, Storm let out a breath and got to his hooves. “Alright, I'll do it. If it means changelings and ponies can be friends, I'll paint a target on my back.”

Midnight smiled at that. “Atta boy.”

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

Fluttershy had just finished setting and splinting a young colt's leg when Redheart approached her.

The poor nurse had been working herself ragged tending to the injured, both pony and changeling. Even those captured were receiving treatment. In the commotion, a few news ponies showed, as well as the documentary crew that wanted to get some material on the reformation of the captured addicts.

“Fluttershy,” Redheart started with a smile. “Blue is awake. He wants to see you.”

“Oh... but, what about-”

“Don't even, Shy,” Redheart playfully chided. “We've got this. All the serious injuries have been treated, and you need to rest in case... you know.”

Red didn't want to say it in front of patients, but Fluttershy knew what she meant. The queen could have only retreated to gather reinforcements for a second attack.

With a sigh of both relief and resignation, she thanked her friend and trotted off, down the hall toward her friend's room.

After passing nothing but bland walls with the occasional cart carrying various medical equipment and apparatuses, she arrived at her destination. She pushed open the door to see Blue laying in the bed at the far end, past two other ponies.

“Hello, Blue,” she greeted. “How are you feeling?”

“Empty,” he replied. “It's hard to explain.”

“I'm sorry to hear that,” Fluttershy consoled. “I hope you feel better soon.”

Blue looked at her with a blank expression. “I was hoping perhaps seeing you would make me feel something, but I must have been wrong.”

“Why would you think that?” Fluttershy asked, head tilting in thought.

“Because of how strong my feelings for you have always been,” the stallion said matter-of-factly. “Though, I suppose I should have known love was the first thing they take.”

“L-l-love..?” Fluttershy parroted.

“Huh, I suppose fear, nervousness, and trepidation were also taken,” Blue pondered aloud. “I was always too shy to say before, but yes, love. I love you... or I did. I probably will again, once my emotions recover. At least, I hope so.”

“Y-you love... me?”

“This is probably the worst confession of all time, isn't it?” Blue's brows furrowed in thought. “I may not be able to feel, but I know how I would feel in this case if I could. I'd be appalled by it, so how about we forget this happened until I-”

He was cut off by a sudden hug from the shy mare. “No, it's fine. I'm flattered, really. I guess that's why you always enjoy helping me with my animals.”

“Well, that and I really did enjoyed working with the animals.”

Fluttershy released her friend and smiled brightly at him. “How about, after you recover, if you'd like, maybe we could, um, try this again?”

“I would be grateful.”

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

“How ya feelin', Squirt?” Rainbow Dash asked as she walked into her daughter's hospital room.

“Hey...” Scootaloo replied distantly.

Dash took a seat beside the bed. “What's wrong?”

“Huh?” Scoots said, as if noticing the older mare for the first time. “Oh, mom. Sorry. I was... thinking.”

Rainbow snickered. “Well, don't hurt yourself.” Seeing Scootaloo's serious, thoughtful expression, Rainbow asked, “Okay, what's got you?”

“It's the changeling queen. She acted as if she knew me... and said her name was Cloe.”

Rainbow's eyes widened in surprise. “Cloe? But... Did you tell anypony about that?”

“Just you,” Scootaloo assured. “And that's not all. She called me 'Pan'.”

“'Pan'? That sounds like a nickname, too.” Rainbow was soon as deep in thought as her kid. “So... you think she knows about your past?”

“She has to. Unless you told somepony about 'Cloe', there's no way she could have known that otherwise.”

“What do you want to do?” Rainbow asked.

“I want to talk to Twilight about it. Maybe she can figure something out.”

Rainbow chuckled. “Yeah, we're not exactly good at that egghead stuff, huh? Maybe Sweetie Belle can help, too.”

“Yeah, can you go get them, please. Red wants me to stay the night, just in case.”

“Alright, I'll be right back.”

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

Applejack nearly beat down the Star family door with her urgent knocking. The second Twilight magic'd it open, the farm mare was inside.

“Mid, Twi, y'all gotta hear this,” AJ said quickly. “Ah got a letter back from Zhatka.”

“When's the wedding?” Midnight teased from the couch.

Ignoring him, Applejack continued. “A contact of his heard that Ganfre was furious about somethin' that happened to his son.”

“Ganfre has a son?” Midnight asked. “I'm going to have to have words with our intelligence agents.”

“That ain't what's important. Apparently, Ganfre’s son and his thugs got roughed up by a pony, a yella mare with a red mane and wearin' a pink bow.”

“Applebloom!” Midnight and Twilight exclaimed simultaneously.

“Who else could rough up a whole gang a' thugs like that? I'm wanna go get her, but... Big Mac got hurt thumpin' a gang of changelings that tried to burn the trees down, and Granny's been feelin' a mite under the weather. Ah can’t just up’n leave.”

“We'll go get her,” Twilight said. “Besides, I'm sure she'll be happy to see Midnight's alright.”

“Thank you, Twi. Ah owe ya'.”

“Help me in my chair,” Midnight requested. “If we leave now, we can catch the next train.”

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

In a deep, dark cave the changeling swarm called home, the returning army licked it's wounds. This was a monumental failure, even more so than Canterlot. How a small, backwater town like that could fight them off was a major shot to their moral.

However, none were taking the loss as badly as their Queen. While they had all lost a fight, the monarch lost so much more.

She laid on her bed for hours, ever since their return, cradling an old, worn photograph. Her gaze wandered over the three figures; the grass green unicorn, face scratched out long ago, the large, beige and brown dappled stallion with kind, thoughtful expression. She lingered on the third, though. The orange pegasus,only one amethyst eye peering bashfully at the camera, as the other hid behind a curtain of lavender hair.

“What did that monster do to you?”