Dawn Shield

by shirotora

Chapter 6: Stepping into the Spotlight

Chapter 6: Stepping into the Spotlight

“Slowly, now,” Redheart instructed as she helped Midnight out of bed and into a wheelchair. “There you go. Now go home. You spend enough time here already.”

“Yeah, yeah,” Midnight retorted with a chuckle. “You know you love seeing me.”

“Only because it means I can oogle Twilight's rump.”

Said mare gave her husband a playful look. “Oh, maybe we should invite her over for some fun time?”

“Oh? So you're okay with herds, now?” Midnight teased back. “I'm sure Applebloom will love to hear that when she gets back.”

Twilight scoffed, still smiling brightly. “Har har. You're a regular comedian.”

“She didn't deny it, dude!” Redheart called out as she walked away.

Twilight just rolled her eyes as she started pushing him down the hall. Midnight would have continued teasing her, but he decided not to piss off the one pushing him home, especially when he'll be relying on her for another few days.

As the two made their way down the road toward their home, several ponies stopped to wave, say hello, and/or voice their joy at seeing him well on the road to recovery. A few seemed suspicious, likely thinking he may be under a changeling spell, despite assurances to the contrary.

He couldn't really blame them for their suspicion of the changelings. After all, he still harbored his own towards the humans in Canterlot. So many years seeing another as an enemy can't be wiped away in a few days. It doesn't help that virtually nothing was known about the enigmatic shape shifters.

Finally, they arrived at their home. The moment the door opened, the smell of fresh baked breads along with other delectable dishes greeted them.

“Daddy!” Aurora cheered as she ran to greet him, burgundy cape fluttering behind. “I missed you!”

Jacob soon followed, along with the other crusaders. “Hey, big bro. Good to have you back.”

“Hi Mister Star,” greeted Pound and Pumpkin, in that simultaneous way Midnight found a little creepy.

“Hello,” came the quieter voice of Tulip.

“Hello to you, too.” Midnight chuckled. “I wasn't aware I was coming home to a full house.”

“Mom asked Pinkie if she could take us for a couple days,” Pound stated.

“She said her and daddy needed some alone time,” Pumpkin added.

“My mommy said she wanted me to be somewhere safe,” Tulip spoke up. “She said ponies might be mad at aunt Lily 'cause she's different.”

The sadness in the filly's voice nearly broke Midnight's heart. Jacob's heart, on the other hand, could almost be heard shattering. The human swept up the little bundle of cute in a big hug.

Midnight probably would have done the same if he could, but instead could only console her with words. “Don't you worry. You can stay with us as long as you need to. I'm sure Aurora would like to have you.”

“You bet!” Aurora cheered, leaping into her father's lap.

The impact made stars explode in his vision as pain flared through his body.

“Aurora!” Twilight jumped, pulling the child off quickly. “You can't do that. Your father's still hurt.”

Aurora gasped. “Oh my gosh! I'm sorry, daddy! Mommy, why didn't Miss Redheart fix him with her magic?”

“Well, you see,” Twilight began, trying to explain. “He was hurt really bad, and the spell used to save him was really powerful. So now, he has a lot of magic in him, and any more would hurt him.”

“Oh... Like a water balloon with too much water?!” Aurora summed up.

“Kind of.”

Suddenly, the filly's eyes shot open. “Oh no, is daddy's gonna explode?!”

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

“Alright, now!” Doc called over the murmuring crowd. “Come to order!” The conversations all slowly stopped as their unofficial leader called for their attention.

“Thank you. Now, I'm sure we all have new grievances we need to voice, especially those of you that have come out into the open. We'll listen to you in just a moment, but first, I have some good news. Princess Celestia has hired a documentary crew to follow a handful of changelings to get a better understanding of how we live. For that, I need six volunteers, three that have come out, and three that have not, but are planning to.”

“Yo!” called a mare in the back, raising her hoof.

“Ah! Vinyl, good. I was actually hoping you would volunteer. Having a 'celebrity' would be perfect for this.” Doc Hooves waited for several others to raise their hooves, getting names.

Soon, they had eleven names, ready to be reviewed. “Alright, I will make sure the producer get's these and we'll have auditions set up soon, hopefully. Make sure to tell everyone that couldn’t make the meeting about this, as well.”

He turned his attention to the young stallion near by in the front. “Storm, I was asked specifically to inquire whether you would be interested? After all, you were the first to publicly announce yourself.”

Storm opened his mouth to speak, but was cut off by another voice. One he hadn't heard in years.

“Well, now. That's not true,” came the haughty, malevolent voice. “Why, I revealed myself long before any of you.”

Every head turned toward the door, to see the tall, imposing figure, flanked by two twisted looking changelings, obviously still quite love addicted.

Every changeling, save the three newcomers shot to their hooves and backed away.

“Hmm... I suppose I should have expected such a welcome from a room full of traitors and deserters.” She turned a wicked grin toward Storm as dozens more changelings crept in. “Ah, Storm Blade, I've missed you. Come give mommy a hug.”

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

Scootaloo trotted towards Headquarters, wanting to get a bit of practice in while Storm was in his 'community meeting'. Despite being engaged to one, the changelings still didn't want her there. It was kinda stupid, but there was nothing she could do. Her thought's were interrupted by the familiar 'sight' of soft teal lines with a strong, fiery core.

“Hey, Fluttershy,” she greeted.

“Oh, Scootaloo, have you seen Blue Streak?” the kind mare asked, worry edging into her voice. “He said he was going to find Redheart and come right back, but that was nearly an hour ago.”

“I haven't seen him,” Scoots answered. “I was actually hoping he was training so I could train with him. He said he'd show me some tricks using a staff. Come on, we'll ask around the market.”

“Thank you.”

“No problem.”

Fluttershy glanced over at the younger mare with a smile, seeing her mane blowing in the breeze. It still wasn't quite as long as it was when she first came to Ponyville, but it was much longer than when she was trying to emulate Rainbow Dash. It was good to see her becoming her own mare, instead of trying to copy somepony else.

“You know, I think you should braid your mane,” she said.

“Huh? Why would I do that?” Scootaloo answered. “It's not like I can really see it.”

“No... but Storm can.”

She smiled at the thoughtful expression that came over Scootaloo's face.

That’s a yes, Fluttershy thought with an inner squee.

As the pair walked on, Scootaloo let her awareness spread out as much as she could. She may not have been able to 'see' as far as other ponies, but her ability to see in everything within her range more than made up for it... except when she 'saw' ponies doing things she didn't want too. In this case, though, it came in handy, as she just barely noticed green magic several blocks away that may have been his.

“I think I see him,” Scootaloo announced. “This way.”

Scoots led the older mare through a couple back alleys to an old house near the outskirts of town. It was hard to tell, seeing as she could see the house’s presence but not any details, but she was sure this was the same one she and her friends tried to get their ‘haunted house manager’ cutie marks with.

“Why's he in here?” Scootaloo asked. “This place is still abandoned, right?”

Fluttershy looked at the dilapidated old home in confusion. The faded, chipped paint, and broken glass certainly gave it that appearance.

“I think so. There's broken glass, so watch out,” Fluttershy replied.

“Great,” Scootaloo grumbled. Glass held so little magic, it was almost invisible to her senses. That had led to more than one painful experience.

“Wait...” Scootaloo stopped, motioning for Fluttershy to do the same. Something was strange about Blue. He was wrapped in a strange, yet familiar substance.

Suddenly, it came to her, where she had seen that before. She turned and took of, calling back, “Get Blue out of there, and get Twilight! We're under attack!”

Fluttershy's eyes widened in shock. She rushed to the door, not even stopping as she blasted the door with a beam of light. Another spell formed an orb of light to illuminate the dark abode.

“Blue?” She called. “Blue Streak, where are you?!”

Focusing on her seal, she formed the runes of a detect life spell. The pull came from the back room, and her hooves were moving before she realized it. What she found in the back room nearly stole her breath. A large, green pod, reminiscent of a butterfly's cocoon, was stuck to the far wall, Blue's sleeping face visible through the translucent membrane.

Fluttershy formed a mage form blade and sliced the pod open, spilling it's contents on the floor, stallion and all.

“Blue,” Fluttershy called, worriedly as she cradled his still body, its normally vibrant blue taking a grayish hue. “Blue, speak to me!”

His breathing was shallow, and heartbeat weak. The only injury she could find, though, was two small puncture wounds on his neck. Storm insisted they didn't drain their victims of blood, only biting to form a direct link to a pony's emotional energy, so he should still be fine, phisically.

A quick healing spell took care of the wounds and she rushed back out the door, Blue draped across her back. As much as she wanted to head straight for the hospital, she needed to warn Midnight first. The needs of the many come before the few, after all.

Just hang on, Blue. I promise, I'll get you to the hospital.

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

“M... Mother...” Storm quaked in his metaphoric boots. “W-wha-what are you doing here?” His attention drawn, temporarily, to the hissing of one of the changeling addicts as he restrained one of the local changelings that was resisting.

The queen looked at him with mock hurt. “'Why,' you ask? For years, I thought you were dead, and you ask 'why'?” The queen sauntered closer, ignoring the looks of fear and hatred coming from the locals as they were encased in pods. “I'm disappointed in you, Storm Blade. After all I had done for you, you turn your back on me.”

The queen lashed out with her right hoof, slapping Storm across the face with enough force to knock him off his hooves.

“How dare you betray me, your own mother!” she screamed. “I birthed you, fed you, and loved you, and this is the thanks I get?! You try to undermine me, to steal what is mine?! You're no different than those false princesses.”

She turned away, trying to hide the tears building in her eyes. “You do realize what the cost of treachery is, don't you?”

The queen lay beside her son, pulling him into a tight embrace. “I do not want to have to kill my own child. Come back to us, and none will question you. You were taken by the enemy and did what you had to to survive.”

“I... I-I can't,” Storm stuttered. “I'm sorry, mother, but I can't.”

The queen recoiled as if struck. “What do you mean, you can't? I said you can, so you can.”

“No, mother,” Storm, repeated, growing more bold. “I'm finally happy here. Heck, I know what happiness is, now, because of this place. Mother, don't you see, you're way isn't right. What is power if you're miserable? Make peace with Equestria. Let your subjects get the help they need.”

The queen stared at her son, slack jawed for several moments before recomposing herself. “I see.” She rose to her hooves, all signs of the caring mother vanishing, leaving only the cold expression of a queen. “Then my son truly is dead.”

She turned away and spoke firmly, “Captain! Give the order.” She turned to shoot a murderous glare at Storm. “Burn this village to the ground, collect the ponies, kill those that resist, and take these things back to be executed.”

“No!” Storm pleaded. “Please don't!”

“I’m sorry, but I do not negotiate with traitors.”

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

Fluttershy didn't even get halfway to Twilight's house when the first changelings attacked. At least, she figured, she didn't need to alert her friend to what was happening, anymore. Knowing that, she altered course toward the hospital. The sooner she could get Blue Streak medical attention, the sooner she could lend a hoof to the protection of the town. Besides, the hospital would likely be a target and would be in need of protection.

A rainbow blur sped past, knocking out several changelings with an electrical attack. Only a nod was exchanged between the two pegasi before they continued on their respective ways. A blast of light here and there kept the changelings from harassing her too much.

She arrived at Ponyville General just in time to catch a group of changelings approaching. Nurse Redheart was already outside, blasting changelings with a simple energy blast rune. It was the only offensive rune she had, as Jacob hadn't quite figured out the runes needed to give a pony a full seal.

“Redheart!” Fluttershy called. “Blue's been drained! I'll handle things out here!”

With a nod, Redheart quickly transferred the unconscious pony to her back and Fluttershy took to the air. Without her claws, she had to form a light spear and took a defensive stance between the changelings and the hospital.

Her eyes hardened as she glared at the enemy. “Leave now!” She called out. “I Don't want to hurt you, but if you try to harm these ponies, I will kill you!”

Naturally, they didn't listen.

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

“I'm not asking you, I'm telling you,” Twilight said, firmly. “You are staying here, and that's final. Besides, somepony needs to stay with Aurora.”

Reluctantly, Midnight conceded. “Fine.” It wasn't that he thought he'd be of use, still having trouble simply walking, he just didn't like the idea of hiding inside like a coward while the ones he cared about were fighting for their lives.

Twilight's expression softened. “I love you, Midnight. Stay safe.” She leaned in and gave him a quick kiss. “Aurora, stay inside, no matter what, even if I say it's okay.”

With that, Twilight ran out the front door, casting a locking spell as soon as it shut. The streets were in chaos. While there weren't anywhere near the number of changelings as the invasion of Canterlot, it was still a lot for the smallish town.

A small smirk spread across her face. If there was one thing she had learned about this town, it was that, while skittish, the ponies that called this place home were tough as nails.

“Get away from my Muffin!” came a demonic warcry followed by screams of pain. Twilight only got a glimpse to the local mailmare shielding her daughter as several changelings scurried away in terror.

Elsewhere, she knew a certain posh member of the Ponyville Orchestra was likewise demonstrating her years of Whispering Wind mastery as her wife unleashed Howling Tempest. Lyra was likely showing off her bow while Bonbon unleashed, as Applejack called it, a “Good ol' country beat down.”

Yes, this wasn't Canterlot. These ponies weren't spoiled, safe on their mountain. No, these ponies called the most dangerous forest in the entire Everfree Valley 'neighbor'. They weren't going to go down so easily.

With a flash of her horn, she summoned her glave, and joined the fray.

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

The queen was not happy. There was far more resistance than she anticipated. Somehow, these simple farmers and peasants were putting up more of a fight than the royal guard had. Then there was the Dawn Shield. She had heard they were powerful, if small in numbers, but she didn't realize their unusual magic was so dangerous. It was unrefined and coarse, but powerful.

They were still bringing up the prisoners from the moderately sized home on the edge of town when an explosion tore through several of her personal guard. The hellfire blazed with the intensity of the sun, and radiated pure, unadulterated rage. The source was nothing but a silhouette, walking through the flames.

And then... the figure was gone.

A scream from her left drew her attention just in time to see the figure vanish again. Scream, after bloody scream, her personal guard was cut down in seconds. With a flare of her horn, she erected a shield just in time to deflect the attacker's sword. Her breath caught in her throat at the sight of the pony trying to kill her.

It... It can't be.

Another flurry of blows peppered the magic sphere, cracking the defenses. One last powerful blow shattered the spell and knocked the queen to the ground. Her attacker didn't let up, though. The queen felt herself lifted up and slammed into the wall of one of the nearby houses.

“Where's Storm?”

Th-that voice.

The queen gazed at the young pegasus holding a sword against her throat. The orange coat, like a sunset in the spring. The purple mane, flowing in the breeze like a lavender waterfall. It wasn't as long, but she still knew it. Then there was the voice. So strong and full of conviction.

“P...Pan?” The queen ventured. “Pan, is that you?”

The pegasus loosened her grip, wincing as if in mild pain.

“Pan! H-how? You're dead.”

“What the hell are you talking about?” replied the pegasus.

“It's me... Cloe.”

The pegasus' shocked look only lasted a moment before it once again became one of pure fury. She pressed the sword to her throat harder, drawing blood as it bit into her flesh.

“How do you know that name!” the pegasus shouted. “Only one pony knows that name, and that's not you!”

“Pan, it really is you,” the queen said, tears forming in her eyes.

“My name is Scootaloo, not Pan!” the pegasus hollered. “Now, what did you do with Storm and the others?!”

“You... You really don't remember me?” the Queen asked.

“Stop trying to cha-”

The pegasus was cut off by a blast of green magic impacting her side, sending her crashing into the wall of a neighboring home.

“Pan!” the queen shouted in concern.

“My queen, we must retreat!” said the changeling that basted the mare as he came in for a landing beside his ruler. “These ponies are far more powerful than anticipated.”

The queen gave a sorrowful look to the young mare, lying unconscious in the rubble of the wall she was blasted through.

“Yes, leave the prisoners and fall back.” The queen's voice cracked slightly.

As she flew off, she felt her heart breaking. For the second time, she lost her little Storm and her beloved Pan.