7 Human in Ponyland

by shiftylookingcow

Chapter 4: Punch, Snacks, and Hamburgers!! ...Why are the ponies now staring at me?

Chapter 4: Punch, Cider, and Hamburgers! ...Why are ponies now staring at me?

Monday 8/17th

-Xavier's POV-

I woke up the next morning. Nobody slept well the previous night. It smelled like utter shit. I guess that's what happens when a group of seven doesn't bathe in 2 and 3/4th days. The house becomes smelly. The first thing I did was turn on the fans in the house and then I opened all of the windows. Yes, we all bathed in a river in the Everfree. After the ponies left, Jack brought it up that we should probably wash.

Jeff, Jack, and I made a trip through the Everfree Forest, as the ponies called it. We were a lot careful than we were last time. The ponies say that dangerous creatures roam around at night. We didn't have much trouble at the time. We ended up getting several gallons of water from the river there. We ended up meeting a sea serpent or something. He called himself Steven Magnet. The femininity was radiating from him like the sun. Jeff started calling him Steven Fag-net after we left. Something you should know about Jeff is that he's what you would call a 'manly man.' He's a headstrong, masculine, Gung-ho man. He's one of bro's best friends, although I can't see how. Maybe he likes bro's music. Jeff is the type of guy you'd see kicking ass in bar fights. His rule to anyone outside of his circle: "Fuck with my good bros and sis's, you fuck with me. And you do not want to fuck with me." It's a good thing I didn't take him with me when Rainbow Dash confronted me, or she'd now be Rainbow Lead. With that said, I've learned that one of his peeves are feminine males of any kind. We asked him, and he said they 'rubbed him the wrong way.' I'm not sure how to take that, but I left it alone.

Anyway, we ended up bathing the old fashion way, with heating the water, filling the tubs, trying not to be the last one to bathe in everyone else's filth, and seeing who's going to go after Brianna. The order was Brianna, then Hiroto, then Jonathan, then Jack, then Traevon, Me, and Jeff. We all agreed we wouldn't do that again unless we really had to. Unfortunately, the smell still lingered on into the morning.

After I opened up the windows, I looked at my watch. It was going on 10. I opened a fresh box of Applejacks and silently laughed. I had told her yesterday that I had a box of cereal in the pantry that shared her name. "I mean look at it. Orange (her coat) and Green (her eyes) with red dots (her butt tattoo)." The only thing it's missing is her mane color. After I finished my bowl, I placed it in the sink. That was until I remembered we had no water to wash the dishes! "Dammit!" Oh well. That's a bridge I'll cross when I get to it.

I went to the front door and opened it when I saw a pink letter on the ground infront of it. I picked it up and read "7 Invitations to the 'Welcome to Equuis' Pinkie-Party at 5:00pm" Pinkie's really going to throw us a party. I guess it'll be a party of 7. I doubt a lot of ponies will show up. Applejack told me about her and her new friends saving the world from eternal night just a few days before we got here. I decided no o tell her that they actually saved all life in general (The sun's energy being at the beginning of the food chain. Biology, people!). They're pretty much heroes. And I just beat up one of them. Hoo-boy... Bro did let me have it after the ponies left. Or he would've, if it wasn't for the stink.

I went back inside, put on a fresh hoodie along with the rest of my clothes, got my zen MP3 player and headphones (don't get a lot of base using shit earphones), and went for a little walk. He decided that music would drown out the panic when he arrived in Ponyville, which it did. In fact he foresaw this very moment and wondered if a certain theme would go with the scrambling ponies. "Heheh. It really does go with everything." I thought. I looked around, the only ponies that didn't run this time was a mint-green unicorn that was staring at me with a surprised look for some reason, Roseluck, who gave me a sheepish grin as I passed her, and some brown 'Earth pony" with an hourglass tattoo. He seemed shocked more than anything. Something about his mane though seems awfully familiar.

Moving on, I came across a tree, which actually turned out to be a building within a tree. I took my headphones off as curiosity lead me to knock on the door.

"Hey. Got some cookies for me in there?"

I was expecting elves for some reason, but when the door opened, it was that stalker unicorn again. Twilight, if I remember correctly. The moment she saw me, I figured she'd most likely slam the door in my face. She did the exact opposite. She opened the door, forced me inside, and then slammed the door shut.

"Hey! Uh, what's up? What's with the pullin?"

Instead of looking at me in fear like the other ponies, she was looking at me with some freakish grin. I'm going to be straight, I was starting to get nervous. Stuck with a pony that started to remind me of the overly attached girlfriend.

"Oh I dunno, I was hoping to maybe get to know you better?" she responded.

"Well, you could've started by introductions before pulling me in here like that, and then grinning at me like a crazy cat lady with newborn kittens."

She gave me a sheepish smile at that before continuing.

"I'm sorry. I'm Twilight Sparkle, and this is the town's library. It's also my home. I just wanted to be the first to ask questions about you and your kind, your culture, your history, everything!"

A library? I thought this was a bakery, but that explains all of the books.

"Well, I don't know everything, but I don't wanna stay out too long or my folks might get worried."

She started giving me the sad eyes...


I was 'un-phased' by this tactic, but being ever so generous, I decided to make an offer.

"Hey, Twilight was it?" she nodded. "How would you like to come to a party being thrown? I'll invite you, and you can ask any one of us any questions you'd like, as long as it's appropriate."

She jumped onto me, wrapping her hooves around me, something I didn't think was possible for them to do.



She let go of me and made up to her room. "I need time to gather my thoughts and prepare the questions! Spike! Spiiiiiiike!"

Yeah, I'm gonna bail. After I left the library I noticed the ponies were out and about again. Guess they thought Twilight 'took care of me' because when they saw me again, they were scrambling, again. This is just too fun. I know it's bad for me to think like that, but it's one of those things that unintentionally happens but yet I find hilarious. I came across an open area with statues, flags, and a fountain. There was also a flagged building in the middle. The flags and banner told me everything I needed to know. This must be the town hall. "Yeah, I'm going to stay away from this area before pony agents snipe the monster."

I kept walking until I came across a building by the edge of the city. It looked like a girly merry-go-round, especially with the pony figurines near the top. I peaked through the window and saw a white mare working on a blue fancy dress. In fact, she had a lot of fancy diamond-studded dresses hung up in places, and on mannequins, or ponnequines. I decided to knock on the door, and heard a sing-songy voice.

"One minute~"

Less than a minute she opened up the door and I got a good look at her. She had purple curly mane, purple curly tail, blue eyes with eyeshadow on. "Ponies wear makeup?" I quickly refocused. I didn't want anyone, let alone her, to think I was checking her out or anything. However, she had a horrified expression. Strangely enough, she wasn't looking up at me, but at my clothes.

"What are those... horrible rags you're wearing?!"

Yup. She don' messed up right there. I already didn't like her. I was never too much of a fan for the rich fancy snooty types, and I sure didn't appreciate anyone that talked down to the hoodies.

"It's called a hoodie and jeans, ma'am." I retorted.

"This just will not do, darling! You must come inside. Right now! I won't take no for an answer! The name is Rarity, dear."

Okay, I didn't know what was going on, but I always got bad vibes from people who 'won't take no for an answer'. Like that one time that salesman showed up at my door when bro was at work. The dude tried to squeeze his way into my house. So I punched him in the face and threatened to call the cops if he didn't leave. Wait... I didn't have any money. Well, I did, but not their kind.

"What're you going to do? I don't have any money, so yeah, might as well show me to the door."

"I don't want your bits, dear. I'm going to make you clothes so you will never have to walk around in those rags ever again! They're just so heinous, and plain! It's a bit early to dress up for Nightmare Night, darling."

The fuck? "Did I just get burned by a fashionista unicorn?" Alright, I was getting tired of this.

"Look, I understand the jeans are a bit worn, but you're kinda starting to get offensive here. I kinda like the hoodies I wear, and I was never a fan of flashy clothing."

"My apologies, dear. I guess not everyone can have such refined taste in clothing as much as I do."

"And by refined taste, I suppose you mean flashy and sparkly. Yeah, definitely not me."

"Suit yourself then." She said.

And that's exactly what I did. I left her little shop, at least thanking her for the offer first. Sure she was ripping on my style but she did offer me free clothes. I didn't like that place anyway. I felt like I was losing my manliness just by being in there. So much pink, baby blue, and purple. Yeah, I won't be visiting her too much while I'm here, besides her being like the annoying mother I never had. I was then stopped by a small purple and green lizard who was glaring at me.

"Hey you! Leave Rarity alone, you monster! She's not on the menu!"

"Hey, listen here ya purple football! I-"

"And while you're at it, leave Twilight alone too!"

With that, he raised both of his fists up and started jogging in place, like Roginald from Family Guy. "I wonder if I say the word, 'penis', will he fall over?"

"Who and what are you? I thought this was a pony world."

"I'm a dragon! It's Sir Spike to you, creature!"

I looked at him. "Dragons. Go figure. Unicorns, ponies with wings, princesses moving the sun and moon, and now dragons." I thought. Might as well throw in griffins and minotaurs too. What other mythical creatures exist here? I decided to at least give the little guy my name.

"It's Xavier."


"Xavier. That's my name. And can you keep a secret?" He looked at me quizzically. I walked up to him and kneel down to him and whispered, "I don't really eat ponies, but watching ponies scatter around is hilarious."


"I find it funny they believe I'm some sort of pony-eating monster, when I'm actually just an alien that ended up here. Twilight seems interested in studying me, and Rarity doesn't like hoodies."

"Well, if you're not trying to eat ponies, then leave Rarity alone! She has somepony! And uh, she doesn't need anymore suitors than that one!" Yup. This lizard has a thing for Rarity.

"She's all yours, bro."


"I know you want her. To be frank, she ain't my type."

Watching him fluster around blushing is almost as entertaining as watching ponies cower around, screaming like Spathi. I just left him in his own pull of sweat. I just wanted to walk around and survey the area. I passed the gingerbread looking house that I certainly did not try to taste. Before I could knock on the door though, the door opened and out came the pink party pony.

"Hello Xavi! Welcome to Sugarcube Corner! This is where I work and bake treats for everypony! Come on in! I want you to meet the cakes!"

With that, she turned around and hopped back inside. "I think Le Pew wants his hopping back." I didn't say. There were two ponies behind the corner. One of them was a blue mare with a pink swirly mane and tail (she looked a bit overweight to me compared to the rest of the ponies) that screamed on the top of her lungs when she saw me. Another stallion, yellow coat, orange mane and tail, started yelling at Pinkie."

"Pinkie get away from that thing before it eats you!"

Pinkie gasped in offense. "Mr. Cake! That's not a very nice thing to say to one of my new friends! Look! You hurt his feelings."

Yes, I guess it would appear that way, because I was covering my face. I was actually trying my absolute best to hide my grin and to not laugh. This was going to have to stop soon for the others' sake, but dammit if I wasn't going to milk the entire thing for laughs. This was probably a once in a lifetime opportunity for me.

"Bringing monsters here is the last thing we need, Pinkie! I know you're new here, but I didn't think I'd have to tell you to not bring exotic monsters here. The stress on my wife is bad for our foals!"

"Foals? Wait... She's pregnant? Holy shit!" I thought. "Yeah Pinkie, I really think I should leave these two alone."I said.

I was then hearing a lot of "It talks?" from the customers.

I turned to the married couple. "I'm really sorry if I scared the two of you. Especially you, Misses..."

"Cake." Mrs. Cake finished for me.

"I'll go ahead and get out of your hair. I guess I'll come back when I seem less scary." I turned around and left. Pinkie felt a bit sad for me and followed close behind me. It then hit me. I sure hope I didn't accidentally make them feel guilty. Guilt = more stress. More stress + pregnancy = bad. My thoughts were interrupted by the mare following behind me.

"I'm really sorry. I forgot to tell them you weren't a pony. Now the party is ruined!" Oh no. She's about to cry. Needed to think quickly.

"I have a house too, you know. You could just throw us a party there."

"But the surprise would be ruined!"

"I think there's been enough surprises today, Pinkie." I stated

"Oh. Okie doki loki!"

"Do I look like a god of mischief?"

"Huh?" She looked at me.

"It's a human joke."

Pinkie and I went to the park and talked for a while about each other, her growing up on a rock farm, her sisters, why she loves throwing parties, up to meeting her friends. I would've told her about myself too, but she has something we humans like to call a 'motor mouth'. It was about 1 o clock when we decided to leave Ponyville, much to the townsponies relief. Pinkie asked me how it was to be tall, so I had decided to give her a piggy back ride. She wasn't really all that heavy. She weighed a bit lighter than Brianna. I guess ponies have better metabolism than human beings. For those with dirty minds, she tucked her tail in between her hind legs first.

We arrived at my house. Pinkie told them about the party being thrown there considering ponies were still afraid of me. Jack and Trae gave me different looks, the former grinning, the later giving me the evil glare. Brianna walked out as Pinkie hopped off of my back.

"Hi Xavier!"

"Hey Bri. What's up?"

"Can we go somewhere to eat?"

"Sure, I guess."

Pinkie spoke up. "But Xavier, you said you wouldn't go back to Sugarcube Corner."

Brianna's stomach growled. "I'm just going to get some Applejacks."

"That's a super duper fantastic idea! We can go over to Sweet Apple Acres!" Screamed Pinkie.

Brianna climbed on Pinkie's back. Jack decided to come too. He forced Jonathan to go as well so he could get out more.

Pinkie just giggled and started trotting, leading us to Sweet Apple Acres. It was about a 15 or 20 minute walk. When we got here, we found Applejack carrying a basket of apples into their farmhouse. I turned to the others.

"Alright. Here's what we're gonna do. Applejack told me that she lives with an older brother and a sister. She also lives with her grandmother. I don't wanna give her a heart attack or anything, so Pinkie, you're going to introduce us. After that, we'll be on our best behavior. Besides, Applejack's pretty nice. I think they would be too, right?"


Okay, that voice was WAY too deep to be Jack. I turned to where the voice came from and saw a big-ass red stallion looking dead at me. Everyone but Pinkie froze up and looked at him. His face was unreadable. It was one quiet moment before Jack broke the silence.

"Uh, hey."


I spoke up next. "You don't think we're monsters, do you?"


"So you trust us?"



He pointed a hoof towards Pinkie, who in turn waved.

"Hi Big Mac!"


This guy's not a conversationalist, is he? We all walked up to the front door, and as planned, Pinkie knocked. Applejack opened the door.

"Howdy Pinkie. Come right on in! The rest o' ya too."

I heard a voice coming from another room as we entered. "Who is it Applejack?"

"We got guests Applebloom!"

"Really?!?" We heard tiny hoofsteps before a small filly came around the corner and froze at the sight of us.

"Applebloom, Ah want you to meet the... What did you say you fellers were again?" She asked, turning to us.

"We're humans." I answered.

"A hue-man?" Applebloom repeated.

"Yes. And before you ask, no we're not monsters here to eat you. In fact, how old are you?"

"Ah'm seven."

"So am I!!" Brianna screamed right from beside me. Damn! volume girl!

"Anyway, my name is Xavier, my friend here is Jack, the seven year old is my little sister Brianna, and the lighter kid is Jack's little bro, Jonathan."

After introductions were done, Applejack told us she was making pie for the party and a spare for the family. Applebloom was playing with Jonathan and Brianna out front, and her grandmother, Granny Smith, was sleeping. Pinkie had left early to set up the party. Jack's stomach started to growl, causing Applejack to laugh to his embarrassment.

"Ah'm done with one o' my pies. That'll be the family pie if you're that hungry. Here, Ah'll get ya a slice." She went to the kitchen and brought a slice of pie on a plate. All he needed now was a fork.

"You have a fork for me?" he asked.

"Whats a fork?"

I grinned at that. "Guess you're gonna have to eat head first. When in Rome, right?"

He shrugged his shoulders and bit into the slice. "Holy... Applejack, you made this?!"

"Eeyup! How is it?"

"Whoever marries you will be a happy husband." He said in a monotone voice. I was on the floor, laughing my ass off. That was until I saw Applejack's face turn red. "Wait.... Okay this is getting awkward. Time to change the subject."

"Who do you think's gonna be at the party, Applejack?!" I said aloud.

I knew I succeeded when Applejack stopped blushing and put a hoof to her chin. "Ponies shouldn't be able to do that either." I thought.

"Ah know Pinkie's gonna be there, so will Fluttershy, Twilight, and Rarity."


"Ah will be there, and so will Rainbow Dash. She stopped by earlier, lookin' fer ya."

I tensed. "She wants a round two, eh?" Applejack could see how I responded to what she said and continued.

"She just said she wanted to talk to ya. Rest easy, partner. Ah reckon she ain't gonna be start no trouble this time."

"Good." I didn't really believe her. Rainbow seems like the type that won't stop until she wins. I'd rather not deal with her anytime soon.

"Ah think maybe a few more ponies should be there. Ah just know all o my friends will be."

I heard laughing outside. Applejack and I looked out of the window and saw our little siblings playing tag together. "Kids." It was fun watching them play, I admit, but it was 30 minutes 'til 5, and I didn't want to be late for a party thrown for us. The six of us walked out back to my house, now dubbed "Humanity's House of Humans" by Jack. I guess Applebloom was going to come to our welcome party too. Brianna's first female friend was a pony from an alien planet.

When we got home, there were balloons, streamers, and everything all over the house and yard. I made sure to let everyone know that I wasn't going to clean any of this up after the party. We both entered the house. There were foods, snacks, and punch in the kitchen. Half of the snacks were leftovers from before we arrived in Equestria aka World of Multicolored Talking Magical Ponies. I bet this would be Equius's dream life. Traevon made sure to spray air deodorizer around the house. Jeff made sure to hide all of his weapons in his trunk, out of mind and sight of curious ponies. Good thinking. There was also a rule to stay out of the garage in general, not just because of that, but there were a lot of breakable and dangerous electronics and tools there too. Before my dad became super busy, he used to spend a lot of time in the garage either fixing things or putting stuff together, including but not limited to car parts, radio, bikes, bird houses, my toys, TVs, lawnmowers, etc.

Another rule was the number one rule that all dads give their kids: No touching the thermostat. We could not stress that enough. They didn't know what a thermostat did, Twilight figured it had to do with temperature, but they all listened (except for Pinkie who nearly let curiosity get the best of her).

When everyone was here, the party started, somewhat. Twilight was asking a ticked off Traevon about human life, technology, and history. Just incase you're wondering, he wasn't mad at Twilight. He was mad at me for dumping Twilight on him. Rarity was looking at mom's fashion magazines we decided to let her see. Ponies were then introduced to video games. Pinkie was playing the Wii Tennis with Johnny, Bri, and Applebloom in the game room (the ponies' Mii's looked hilarious). Jack and Applejack were talking about random things. I saw my box of Applejacks by his feet and cursed him under my breath. "I wanted to see her reaction!!!" Rainbow Dash was looking at me. She seemed deep in thought. Fluttershy was sitting in the corner watching Bri play. Roseluck came too, and she brought flowered salads for everypony. We had to tell her that human beings don't eat flowers. She seemed to've understood. She also seemed to get over her fear of us, which was good. I also noticed another winged pony, grey coat and blonde mane and tail came in. She seemed nice. She brought muffins. She went by Ditzy Doo, but ponies called her Derpy because of her eyes. She looked like the clumsy type that shouldn't be left alone, but despite her looks, she seemed to be quite the average pony.

I looked back at Rainbow Dash. The face she wore didn't say 'I'm going to get you back.' or 'I hate you', so I decided to give her the benefit of the doubt and sit next to her.

"I see you healed up quickly." I teased a bit.

She looked up at me, "Yeah, I figured I deserved that. I'm sorry for attacking you like that."

This made me double take. I didn't expect that! I gave out a sigh. "Well, a lot of humans back on my world would do the same if an unknown creature was walking around midst panic. I can't be mad at you for that, but uh, it's not a good idea to charge after a smaller version of the creature." I pointed to Brianna.

"Yeah. Fluttershy and I talked about it and I realized I escalated things more than Roseluck did. Are we cool?" She asked, holding out a hoof.

"I guess..." I fist-bumped her hoof before wrapping an arm around her head, putting her in a headlock. She just giggled.

The party was going pretty well, until they smelled what Jeff was cooking on the grill out back. The ponies never smelled anything like it, but judging from their looks, they didn't really like it. The kids got up and went outside and came back with cheese burgers, chips, and hotdogs.

"Hell yeah!" Jack yelled, jumping out of his seat and rushing outside to get some.

The ponies watched the kids eat their food on their plates. They didn't like the smell of it.

"What are they eating?"

"Burgers and hotdogs."

"Hayburgers do not smell like that, darling."

"It's a hamburger, not a hayburger. You know, beef. Cow meat. Humans can't eat hay."

All of the ponies looked at all of the humans in the room. If one was sitting by a human, they surely weren't anymore.

"YOU EAT MEAT?!?" Applebloom shrieked.

"Uh, yeah. We need the protein."

"You pansy ass ponies got a problem with that?!" Jeff stood up from his seat looking at them. "We eat meat! I eat meat! I'm gonna keep eating meat!" A few ponies looked like they were about to book it.

"Calm your ass down, Jeff!" I told him.

"T-those poor cows..." Fluttershy whimpered.

"You carnivorous ruffians!!"

Applejack was next. "How can yall talk like it's okay! Cows are living, talking, thinking beings!"

"Oh THAT'S a load of-"

"JEFF!!!" Traevon, Jack, and I yelled to stop Jeff from making things worse. Traevon had to remove him from the room while Jack and I tried to savage the situation. Jonathan and Brianna was on the verge of tears with all of the ponies calling them names and accusing them of wrongdoing. Jack decided to try to diffuse the situation first.

"Well, cows back on our world are bred to be eaten. They were pretty much destined to be."

I facepalmed. I didn't need to look up at the ponies to know Jack made things worse. It was my turn to give it a shot.

"What my friend here meant to say was that cows on our world are not smart and can't talk. There are horses and ponies on our world as well, but they, along with the cows, pigs, and other farm beings here are troglodytes. Animals."

I looked at the ponies, but they still seemed to be hooked on what Jack said. "I should have been first." Hiroto had heard everything from upstairs, he went into the kitchen and took out the food pyramid, and walked into the room full of conflict.

"Attention everyone. It is to my understanding that due to the ponies here being herbivores and having sentience, that alone would cause conflict between different species." Hiroto raised his hand that held up the food pyramid. "This here is what we call a food pyramid. Some people found this to be the way to a perfect diet. However, most people do not go by this pyramid at all. That is not why I am showing you this at all, however. I am showing this to you because we are indeed not carnivores, Rarity. We are omnivores. Although we may not eat dandelions, hay, or any other forms of plant life, we will eat fruits, vegetables, grains, and sweets along with meat." He looked at me. "As my older brother's friend just said, the reason why we eat meat is because it is known to be the best source of protein, preferably red meat. Without protein, we will get very sick, bruise easily, have unstable blood pressure, our joints will be like a machines' without oil, and it would cause us most discomfort." He looked at Jack. "Yes, while it may be true that a lot of cows and pigs are bred to be eaten, we are not slaughtering intelligent creatures, because cows and pigs in our world have no potential sentience. In fact, humans are thought to be the most and only sentient beings in the world capable of speech. While there are monkeys, canines, felines and even dolphins, that have potential sentience, that is why most of us prefer to not eat them. If cows and pigs are indeed intelligent here, we will not hunt them for food. However, we will need something to replace red meat, like fish for instance." He looked to Twilight. "Tell me. Are fish sentient here?" Twilight looked at Fluttershy.

"N-no.." Fluttershy responded.

"Then there is the solution to your dilema. Yes, we do eat meat from cows, chickens, pigs, etc, but on our world, they are just as smart as fish. With that explained, I hope all of your problems have been solved. I will be upstairs if anyone needs me." And with that said, he left.

The ponies seemed to have calmed down a little. Rainbow Dash even went back to sitting beside me. Just to be sure though...

"Are we cool?" I held out my fist.

"Yeah, as long as we aren't on your menu."

Just to mess with her, I put the tip of her ear in my mouth. This caused her to jump, screaming "What the hay?!?"

"Tastes like Skittles!"

"Really?" Jonathan asked.

"No, John, it's a joke."

Rainbow was confused. "What's Skit-tles?"

"Brand of candy. In fact, I have a few packets in the pantry if you wanna try one."

At this, Pinkie's ears perked up as I went to the kitchen. I brought back a small packet of Skittles and tossed it to Rainbow. It ended up being intercepted by Pinkie however as she jumped up in the air and caught it with her teeth, beginning to tear it open like a hungry dog, literally! I went back and got two more packets, this time handing one to Rainbow. She opened the bag and emptied the contents in her mouth.

"Not bad for a candy with a rainbow on the wrapper." She stated.

I grinned. "Did you know that Skittles's motto is 'Taste The Rainbow'"?

This made Rainbow blush. She laughed, "Hey. If you're cool enough, I might let you taste the Rainbow."

This caught me off guard, but I played along. "Hahaha! Woah there, hot stuff. Keep it PG. There are children here."

The rest of the party was pretty much fun. Fluttershy was glad that the tense moment passed and that Rainbow was having fun with a 'stallion'. Pinkie filled up on cupcakes, then tried to raid the fridge. She ended up opening the freezer and didn't like what she saw; raw meat. That should keep her out of our food storages for a while. Derpy had to leave early because she had an early day the next day. Roseluck had to leave as well because her sisters didn't like her out late. She told me that she had talked to her sisters and told them I wasn't a pony-eating monster. "Eh, it was good while it lasted." Twilight went upstairs to where Hiroto for obvious reasons. Rainbow said they were most likely going to be 'eggheading'. I had to agree. Twilight seems drawn to education, even if it comes from a 13 year old. Rarity offered to make everyone a set of clothes since she assumed we didn't have any. I had told her that the house belonged to my family and that Trae, Bri, and I had plenty of clothes here. Jack, Hiroto, Jonathan, and Jeff on the other hand, they only had enough clothes for 2 nights. Applejack and Jack were talking about each other's interests. "Those two seem to be spending an awful lot of time together. Maybe it's because they're both 'Jacks'." Rainbow Dash was boasting about being the fastest flier in Equestria, and telling me about her making the 'sonic rainboom'. It sounded interesting, although my skeptic side didn't buy it. I didn't tell her that though. We were all having a relatively good time and got to know each other a little.

Soon, Applejack had to take Applebloom home as it was nearing her bedtime. Jack decided to escort them both. Twilight left moments after she told us the story of the Elements of Harmony, along with the most recent defeat of Nightmare Moon. Rarity also left as well, taking some of mom's magazines with her. She promised to return them. Fluttershy was starting to get tired. Rainbow decided to escort her home and 'hit the hay' herself. She gave me a hug and a hoof-bump before heading off. Brianna, Jonathan and Hiroshi went upstairs to sleep. Jeff went outside to smoke while cleaning off the grill. It was then me, bro, and Pinkie, until Jack came back. Jack, however, decided to go straight to sleep as soon as he got back from Applejack's. It wasn't long before Bro fell asleep. Pinkie decided to stay the night. I had no problem with it if she didn't. Jeff came inside with the last burger patty he cooked in his mouth. That was the last thing I remembered before I dozed off. "We might have to do this again sometime."