7 Human in Ponyland

by shiftylookingcow

Chapter 3: Big babies... Wait! Hold on Jeff!!!

Chapter 3: Big babies... Wait! Hold on Jeff!!!

Sunday 8/16th

-Jack's POV-

Well let's take a long look at our situation. Good news, we have shelter, we have power, the AC works (for now), we have guns for defense, and with power comes entertainment. This is where the bad news comes in. We're still considered stranded. We have no cable TV, no internet, I don't think there are phone towers here so our phones can't get signal call for help, no water, and because we have no water, no one here has bathed! It's starting to smell like a mixture between mildew, gravy, and dead fish mixed together with gunpowder. I'm not sleeping in this stink. I'm gonna ask Trae if we could open the windows at night.

Jack sighed. How did this all happen again? We were having a get together, and then we ended up here, wherever 'here' is. Xavier's sister went missing, and I got stuck on generator duty with Trae and Hiroto. And now I'm in a smelly house with no internet. It was about then that I heard Jonathan crying outside. The kid probably tripped and got a little scrape. That big baby. He's 8. How much longer is he gonna cry over scrapes like that? I was on my way outside when I heard two ladies talking. Probably a couple of local ladies. A grin creeped up on my face as I began to think of what to say to impress the two. I thought about playing as a super caring protective older brother. Girls like those types, right? This was a fool proof plan!

I gather my thoughts before I burst out of the door.

"Jonathan bro!" I yelled.

I lept beside him, picking him up from the ground. I hugged my little bro like he was on his last breath.

"WHAT HAPPENED TO MY BROTHER! I will never let you out of my sight again because I care about you SO much!!!"

"I -hic- fell off the ponies an' got a boo-boo!"

"Don't worry! You're safe with me now!" I said, cradling the crying kid as he pointed to his scraped knee. Big baby...

That's when I heard another voice.

"T-there's more of them?!"

I looked up and saw two small horses. Ponies actually. One was an orange-coated yellow maned one with a cowboy hat on. This has got to be the first time I saw any equine with green eyes. The other, a yellow-coated red and pink maned pony with... I couldn't see the eye color, the pupils were too small for some reason, and this one's mouth was wide open. Something was wrong with this one. Disease? Might have to tell the owner and have it put down. I thought so until its... no, her mouth started moving.

"There are more of these creatures?!?"

Talking ponies...

"Jonathan, you hear them talking right?"


"So I'm not crazy?"


My mind went for a loop for a moment. Talking ponies. I didn't hear the orange one talking.

"Ah hope there ain't a problem here. I didn't mean ta harm the lil fella."

That's when the door kicked open, causing me to drop the boy in my arms causing him to wail again. All I needed to hear was a shotgun being pumped before I turned around and saw Jeff aiming a M90 (what he calls it) at the two equines, his eyes looked ready to kill.

"Applejack! We're outnumbered! Do something!"

I turned to Jeff. "Wait! Hold on, Jeff! Let's not do anything rash!" He lowered his gun a bit, but his finger were still on the trigger.

"Applejaaaack! We're doomed! Oh the horror! The horror!" the yellow one screamed. Meanwhile, Jonathan was still crying.


I just stared at the scene before me. Jonathan's a drama queen. It seemed the orange pony the other one called Applejack was looking at her friend the same way. I decided to say something to her since she could talk.

"Looks like we have two whiny babies here."

"And one of 'em's a full grown mare." stated a deadpanning Applejack.

"And the other is an 8 year old boy who cries over scrapes." I turned to Jeff. "Can you get lil bro a band-aid?"

Jeff had looked at me quizically. "It's just a scratch." he replied.

"It'll make him feel better. Get the alcohol too."

The ruckus outside had caused the rest of the remaining group which was only Trae and Hiroto, the later looking as if he was trying to find some kind of logic inside of that big brain of his for ponies talking. The former was standing there, staring at the two ponies.

"I do not understand.." was all Hiroto was able to say.

"I don't like this place." Jeff said, coming back out with a bandaid, cotton balls, and alcohol.

I have to side with Jeff on this one, I thought. Something about this place was off and down right weird. Firstly, I didn't say this earlier but last night I noticed the sky was purple. Not to mention the air seems more breathable. Are we even on the same world? And yesterday, I spotted a city on the side of a mountain. I pondered my thoughts throughout Jonathan's whimpering while Trae walked up to Applejack and asked her,

"Hey, ma'am. I suppose you live around here. Where are we?"

"Ah reckon ya'll ain't from around here, are ya? 'Cus ah ain't never see any critters like ya'll before. Ah ain't even know ya'll speak Equish You're right outside o' Ponyville."

Ponyville? Trae and I looked at each other. Ponyville. I guess that would be a good place for Xavier to look for his sister. Speak of the devil, the person in thought walked up to the house. He looked a little dirtied up. Did he run into something in the woods? Brianna was following behind him. So he did find her. Good for him! Trae continued.

"What state or country is this Ponyville in?"

"The state o' Ponyville? Well its in a pretty good state if ya ask me."

"That's not what I meant."

"And our nation is called Equestria. What lands did you strange fellers come from?"

I decided to answer this one. "Ever heard of the United States of America?"

"Can't say Ah have, partner, although I like the name. Sounds like a place o' unity."

I had to chuckle at that. "It used to be." I said in my head. I'm not much of a politics person. Xavier said that it was just grown men and women arguing like little kids about how a country should be ran, and manipulating the masses to get their way and throwing tantrums when they don't. I had to agree because it pretty much like Hiroto and Jonathan were 3 years ago, arguing who does what chore which day and who gets to play with this toy and what not. Dealing with them was a handful. I imagined them being replaced by older adults and decided I will never touch politics. Xavier spoke up.

"Hey guys."

He looked at the two ponies, but the look on his face left questions.

"What do you two want?" He asked in a bit of a hostile tone.

Wait.. Does he know these ponies?

"Xavier, are you familiar with these two or somethin?" I asked him.

"The yellow girl over there started an annoying riot that made everyone there hate-slash-fear me, which lead to some rainbow-maned flying pony to... 'confront' me."

Applejack gave a look to the other pony. "Goshdarnit Roseluck!"

The mare in subject, dubbed Roseluck, gave a sheepish grin.

"Is that why you look like crap?" I asked.

"Heh. Yeah, she got a few good hits in, but you should see her face."

Applejack turned to glare at Xavier. "I don't think I heard ya clearly. Did you hurt Rainbow Dash?"

"She started it. And then to add on to it, she charged after my little sister too." He gestured to Brianna behind him. "And then some douche decided to throw a vase at my sister also. I swear if it wasn't for this Fluttershy pony, there'd be body counts. Rainbow Dash would've been one of them. She's lucky I showed restraint."

Traevon looked like he wanted to say something but didn't. I think he was going to have a chat with his young brother.

"That don't make it right to just go out and injure somepony!" Applejack yelled.

Now I think I'm not the one hearing things clearly. "Did she not just hear what Xavier said? She started it!" Xavier put his hand over his head for a moment before asking her a question.

"Say, what's your name?"

"It's Applejack."

He gave her a look that I've known him long enough to know what it meant. There were jokes to be thrown at her at a later time. He gathered himself and continued.

"You have family, right? Siblings?"

"Eeyup! A big brother and a little sister." She said it like it was going to save her life

"What would you do if your sister was lost, and after some time, you were attacked, and saw your sister about to be attacked by the same attacker?"

"Ah'd buck the my attackers to the middle o' next week." The look on her face after she said that showed that she was beginning to understand his situation.

"And I don't know much about you ponies or how you live. I honestly didn't want to cause any trouble. Hell, you can ask that purple unicorn that's poorly hiding behind that tree. She's been following me since I left your town." Xavier pointed to where the woods were, and surely enough, I saw a quill, ink, and paper floating in a lavender glow. It had stopped as soon as he pointed.

Applejack smirked. "Oh that's jus' Twilight. She's new in town. She's Princess Celestia's personal student."

"Princess who?" I thought.

Applejack saw my look. "You know, Princess Celestia. Ruler of Equestria, the Princess that raises and lowers the sun?"

"Bullshit." Both me, Jeff, and Hiroto said at the same time.

Applejack flinched at such language. "Uh, no it ain't."

"You expect me to believe that your 'Princess' can move a celestial ball of fire in outer space from here?"

Now it was Applejack's turn to raise an eyebrow. "Well yeah! I reckon everypony knows that much to say the least. Don't believe me? It's almost night time now. Just watch!"

Soon enough, we all saw what didn't make sense. The sun descended faster than it was supposed to. And then the moon rose up from the horizon just as fast. Ho Lee Schitt!!! I think I just heard Hiroto faint behind me. I turned around, stepped over my adopted brother and went back in the house after giving everyone a loud, "NOPE!" However, when I closed the door, I was tackled by a pink blur. When I came to, there was a pink, fluffy-maned pony staring at me with probably the most happiest grin I haven't seen in ages.

"Hi! I'm Pinkie Pie! Nice to meet you! What are you? I have never seen anything like you before! What are you? Are you an alien? Do you like cupcakes?"

-Xavier's POV-

As soon as Jack closed the door, I heard a thump from inside the house along with excessive chatter. I looked through the glass and saw him pinned by a bouncy looking pony who was talking a mile a minute. I turned to everyone.

"How did she get in the house. The doors are locked."

The same voice that I heard inside, I started hearing as if it was right beside me, causing me to jump. "I went through the chimney, silly! Ooh! There's more of you! Hi! I'm Pinkie Pie! I'm the bestest party planner in Ponyville! Ooh! I have an idea! Let's throw you a 'Welcome to Planet Equis' party! There'll be cupcakes and games and pin the tail on the pony and then we'll become friends! I'm friends with everypony! And then- "

Applejack had her hoof over the pink mare's mouth. Jack came back out holding his head and asked, "Has Ritalin pills been created here yet?"

I chuckled at his joke, but then it hit me. "We don't have a chimney."

"Don't ya worry about it. 'ts just Pinkie being Pinkie."

-Fluttershy's POV-

Rainbow and I flew back to my cottage. She kept insisting that she was fending the 'monsters' away from Ponyville. I don't think that being was a monster. That thing he had saved me and his sister from getting hurt. He was scary but he wasn't evil or mean. I smiled, thinking about his words to me.

"You can teach these ponies something about kindness."

The more I thought about it, the less scarier he was to me. I know he has a playful side from his little stunt on his way out of Ponyville. Though... I feel like I should help him get some friends. It doesn't seem like he has any. Maybe I can get my friends to be friends with him. Maybe starting with Rainbow Dash?

"Rainbow Dash. I think we should talk.. That's.... if it's okay with you, that is."


I opened my door and walked into my home. I greeted all of my animal friends. Rainbow Dash sat on the couch. I had sat next to her.

"Didja bring me here to thank me for fending off the monster?" She asked.

"Rainbow, they aren't monsters. The nice being you fought was just looking for his sister. I don't think he was there to hurt anypony."

I had walked into the kitchen to get some ice for Rainbow's face.

"Ponies wouldn't be scrambling around like that for no reason! He obviously did something to hurt somepony, so I kicked his flank!"

"I know but ponies can be quick to jump to conclusions. Do you remember that one time Lilly saw Harry in my house and came back with guards?"

"The bear? Yeah but that's different. He's your friend. You've been friends for a while."

"What if the thing is just like Harry? Maybe somepony jumped to conclusions just because of how big and different he is from us."

"That's.. Well... But... He..."

I think she's finally starting to get the message I'm trying to send. I handed her a bag of ice and she pressed it against her cheek.

"Maybe you should give him a chance and find out more about him and his sister. The little one was harmless and was pretty nice when I talked to her a little. She's just a filly."

"Yeah yeah I get it. I messed up, okay?!" Rainbow hates being wrong. I smiled at her.

"Maybe we can find him tomorrow. I think you and the others should be his new friends."

Rainbow smiled a little. "Yeah. And maybe I can have Twi find some way to heal my face before somepony else sees me."

I smiled. I think I just helped both of them. "I'm looking forward to spending time with you, Brianna."