7 Human in Ponyland

by shiftylookingcow

Chapter 2: A Town of Colorful Talking Ponies.

Chapter 2: A Town of Colorful Talking Ponies

Sunday 8/16th

Xavier's POV

I woke up at around 10:30am, so it says on my watch. I heard a humming noise coming from the garage. I opened it up to find the solar generator outside of the garage through the garage door. I'm guessing Jeff and Trae had to move the vehicles out of there so they could finally finish putting the pieces together. I'm surprised they did it themselves, or was, until I found out Hiroto was the one telling them what to do. That kid isn't normal. He's too smart for his own age.

I had fixed myself some cereal and bathed before heading out. Now this was the awkward part. Although we had power, we had no plumbing. No water or anything. It sucked. I'm not even going to talk about our bladder issues. Don't use your imagination. We ended up using gallons of water to fill the tub. I know I said I love the cold and all, but cold water isn't fun. After that, got dressed, put on a different hoodie, got the S&W, and left the house on my search for my missing sister. It was bright out, so I pulled my hood over my head to keep the sun from getting to my eyes. I had hoped she had taken refuge in one of the lollipop guild's houses.

I went back to the town and noticed there were an awful lot of colorful ponies. If I didn't know any better, it looked like they were conversing, buying, and selling things to each other like a human town. That was before they noticed me coming. They all stopped doing what they were doing, wearing the same look the pony from last night gave me. They were about half the size of an average man. Now I know why the buildings were so smaller than they should be. I'd be humored if I wasn't here for urgent business. I walked into the town. Saying that the ponies were giving me more then enough space, would be an understatement. It's as if I was wearing pony repellent. I swear, I could hear them talking about me. Talking ponies. I'm beginning to see how my sister might have saw one and left the house.

"What is that thing?"

"It's a monster! I've never seen anything it before!"

Okay, Brianna's not here. I thought.

"What does it want?"

"Looking for dinner probably!"

"That's the monster from last night!"

That last whisper made me turn my head. That same yellow pony from the night before locked up when I looked at her, just judging from her voice, it was female. She screamed bloody murder. It was at this point that the ponies started panicking. Some were running into things, some even running into each other trying to get away from me. Parents hid their foals, it was absolute madness. I expected one of them to yell "GODZILLA!!!" It would fit. Sure they're only half my size, but they sure are running like I'm 10 stories high and breathing fire.


To say the least, I was starting to get annoyed. I didn't have time for this. I had an important mission. I shook my head and kept walking through the panicking ponies. The commotion lasted around 3 minutes before it looked like a ghost town. At least now I can hear myself think. I could also hear a tomboyish voice calling out from behind me.

"Hey you! Freak of nature!"

I stopped for a brief moment and looked at the newcomer on my shit-list. Turns out, another pony. Should've guessed. A town full of colorful talking ponies. She had wings, a rainbow mane and tail. She glared at me with her magenta eyes. This is when it happened. Now wasn't the time for it, I knew it wasn't, but it was about to come out.


My inner troll.

I looked up at her as she was flying closer to me. I looked around for a moment as if figuring out who she was talking to.

"You!" she yelled.

I responded by quietly pointing my finger to me in a "who me?" motion.

"I don't see any other monsters!"

I shrugged my shoulders before turning back around and resuming my search. Or I would have if the flying pony didn't swoop down and clock me upside the head. It'd be nothing if it were hands, but these were hooves. The ones that would break your ribs if you stand directly behind a horse. I stumbled forward a bit, my jimmies now rustled. Oh, it was on. This flying pony was going to get hurt.

"Don't you ignore me! Do you know who I am? I'm Rainbow Dash! Fastest flyer in Equestria!"

Something you should know about me. I'm not a gentleman. I am what you would call an egalitarian, which means in this case, if anyone, boy or girl, decides to lay a hand, hoof, tentacle, whatever on me, reason goes out of the window. This bitch is about to have the rainbow on her replaced with black and blue when I'm finished with her. She got too close to me. I guess she's not that bright.

"Had enough?"

My response, I punched her in the face as hard as I could, hoping to end this so I can get back to my goal. These ponies didn't look so tough, after all. Maybe she'd cry and go home. WRONG! She took another go at my head. I ducked, but she stopped behind me and used her hind legs to kick me in the back. That clever girl. Or clever mare. It hurt like hell, but by the looks of it, so did my punch. I could already see her left cheek swelling up a little. On one hand, I didn't want to hurt her to the point of causing marks. On the other hand, she's the one picking a fight with me and threw the first punch, and I would like to find my sister soon. I'm just wasting time with this Rainbow Dash.

I've had enough of this.

Third Person

Meanwhile, at Fluttershy's cottage

Fluttershy was doing everything she could for the creature. She put ointment on the monkey's cuts and even kept it warm since it was fur-less.

"Why isn't it waking up?" She thought.

As if her words were magic, the monkey began to open its eyes, mumbling something. Fluttershy couldn't believe it. It was mumbling words, and from the sound of her voice, it was a mare about her size standing up. She looked at the butter-colored pegasus.

"Where am I?"

"Um.. Hello there Miss Monkey. My name is Fluttershy and I-"


Fluttershy began to tear up at being called a whorse.

"That's.. not very nice Miss monkey..."

"I'm dreaming! I have to be! I wanna wake up! I wanna go home!"

And with that, it was then she started tearing up and crying. Oh dear.. Fluttershy thought. She's just a scared little filly. She went up to the crying monkey.

"I'm sorry Miss Monkey but your owners left you in the woods."

"I AM NOT A MONKEY! I AM BRIANNA!!" Brianna screamed.

Brianna never really did like being picked on, and her being called a monkey sounded like teasing to her. Her screaming however, frightened Fluttershy to no end, even if she was just a filly. Brianna's stomach then grumbled. Fluttershy realized she had not eaten all day. Being the Element of Kindness, she told her to stay while she got her something to eat. Five minutes later, she came back with a small bowl of salad, having lettuce, chopped tomatoes and carrots (much to Angel's disliking), and daisy flowers. Of course, Brianna picked out the daisy flowers but ate the rest.

"Thank you Miss Horsey Lady..", mumbled Brianna.

"You're welcome.", Fluttershy smiled. "And my name is Fluttershy. Do you have a name?"

"I told you I'm Brianna."

This clearly wasn't a monkey. Monkeys and apes don't talk. She started to see the difference between the average monkey and the creature sitting in front of her. The nose was different and her ears were smaller. She had one slim line of hair over both of her eyes. If it hadn't been for the woods, she could've sworn her mane was well brushed and combed.

"Brianna?" Fluttershy sat on her haunches.


"What are you?"

"I'm a girl."

"A girl? What's a girl like you doing out in the middle of the Everfree forest? Is your home there?"

"My house is far across from the woods."

"I can take you there... if that's okaywith you.."

"Let's go then!"

This seemed to have brightened up Bri's day. She hopped on Fluttershy's back, holding onto her. Fluttershy gasped in shock.

"W-what are you doing?"

"Riding a horsey!"

Fluttershy wondered why she was calling her a whorse still. She's just a filly. She shouldn't be speaking such harmful language.

"Why are you being mean?" Fluttershy asked.

"I'm not being mean. You're a horse! H-O-R-S-E. Horse. ...right?"

Fluttershy giggled. Now she understood.

"No Brianna. I'm a pony, not a horse."


They left the cottage with Brianna still riding on Fluttershy. She still found it awkward, but her mind was put at ease when she found that this alien filly was still innocent. Brianna led her down a path towards Ponyville. They reached the road intersection to Sweet Apple Acres and Ponyville when Roseluck came running up to them trying to get to Applejack.

"Oh hello...Roseluck." Fluttershy greeted.

"Fluttershy!!! You've got to come with me to get Applejack! There's a monster in Ponyville and he wants to eat us!"

"I'm sure it's just lo-"


Fluttershy gasped. She can't be talking about Brianna. She's not a monster. She's too innocent.

"Brianna isn't a big mean monster. She's just a filly..." Fluttershy stated meekly. Brianna stuck her tongue out at Roseluck who proceeded to Sweet Apple Acres. This led Fluttershy to think. Are there more than one of her here? Maybe they could take her home. She set her way to Ponyville in quick speeds, Brianna screaming 'weee' on her back.

When they got there, the town looked empty, with the exception of two beings, locked in battle. One of them looked more like Brianna, but taller, masculine, and a hood over its head. That one was fighting her friend Rainbow Dash. When Brianna saw, she climbed off of Fluttershy's back and screamed at the taller being.


-Xavier's POV-

When I heard that voice, I turned to it. My little sister was running towards me, away from another pony with wings. She had a butter yellow coat and a pink mane. He could hear her telling her to wait and that it was dangerous. That one was probably looking after my sister all this time. I turned my attention to Rainbow Dash. It looked like she was coming at me in high speeds, but her wings turned.

"I'll save you Fluttershy!"

She was after my sister, thinking she was another 'dangerous monster'. That's not all I saw. Someone from one of the houses chucked a vase at Brianna. My adrenaline was really high at this moment that time seemed to slow down. The vase was hurling at my sister, Rainbow Dash was flying at my sister as well, but the other pony was running beside her. She was going to take the hit for my sister! I knew what i had to do.

I pointed the gun away from Rainbow Dash and pulled the trigger.


The oncoming vase shattered into pieces, the water within splashed over both Fluttershy and Brianna. She's going to have to change when we get home. The unexpected loud noise from my weapon scared the Fluttershy and startled Rainbow Dash, causing her wings to snap closed and face plant in front of Brianna who in turn laughed at her.

I stepped towards Rainbow Dash and aimed my weapon down at her head before she could get up. Her pupils shrunk to pinpricks. I believe she saw what the weapon did to the vase.

"If you ever. Go after my sister like that again, your head will become just like that vase. Do you hear me?"

Rainbow Dash nodded her head rapidly. Fluttershy was shaking in her hooves. This just won't do. I walked over to Fluttershy, knelt down on one knee and scratched behind her ears. Fluttershy flinched, but relaxed as if she was enjoying it. I think I may have found the pony weak spot. I stopped and looked at her directly in her eyes.

"Thanks for taking care of her. You're too kind."

She gave a smile and a nod. With that I stood up and looked around. I saw the ponies peeking through their windows, and I think I saw a purple unicorn hiding around the corner, jotting down notes on a floating notepad with a floating quill and ink. I shook my head. He looked back at Fluttershy.

"You can teach these ponies something about kindness."

She looked off to the side, hiding her face behind her mane. Was that a blush? Cute. I gave her one more pat on the head before heading back out of town, Bri in tow. As I left the town, I peeked over my shoulder and noticed the ponies coming out of their houses, looking at me. That's when it started happening again. I let go of my sister's hand and spun around, parted my legs, my arms out wide, my hands in the claw position, and growled.


They ran right back into their houses. I knew I was going to pay for this one day. Damn you inner troll.

-Applejack's POV-

This crazy mare dun dragged me outa my house to talk about some monster. Ah know some weird stuff's been happenin' with that storm and all, but ah bet it aint nothin big. With Roseluck followin' behind me talkin' bout a monster tryin to chew his way through Sugarcube Corner, I could barely here some hummin noise. It's that there buildin' again. Heck I'm done with my work for the day. Ah'm gonna go check it out. Ah started to go towards the strange buildin.

"Applejack! Where are you going! Ponyville is that way! The monster is probably eating the foals!!"

"Look Sugarcube, there aint any monster eatin up no foals in Ponyville."

As ah got closer it looked like somepony's house, but ah ain't never seen no house like this here one infront of us. Ah looked at the windows and how they lit up. Somethin's odd here. While ah was thinking, somethin dun jumped on my back with Rosie screamin her head off.


Ah'd never been scared in mah entire life. Whatever this here thing was, it was probably what Rosie was talkin 'bout. I was kickin' and buckin' harder than apple buckin' a stubborn tree. Ah ain't tryin' ta get eatin' by no monster. Ah finally thought about rollin over. It had finally let go and fell off of me. Ah turned around and got a good look at the critter. It was a small lil thing. Ah nearly felt silly until Roseluck started screamin again.


Ah looked at Rosie. She'd dun lost her darn apples. Ah took a look at the critter again.

"He dun look like he'd hurt a fly. The way its lookin, if ah didn't know better ah'd say he look like he's bout ta-"

