7 Human in Ponyland

by shiftylookingcow

Chapter: Pilot

Chapter 1: Pilot

Friday, August 14th

Today would be the day a trio of siblings were waiting for. Well, technically, they were looking forward for what was going to be happening tonight. The Robert Siblings were going to each have friends over for a game night. A night of doing nothing but watching movies, playing video games, and just having a good time. Xavier Roberts, age 19, was coming home one hot summer day after gathering a few snacks and drinks for the get-together. Since it was going on 5 o clock, he knew that his older brother Traevon, age 21, would be coming home from work. Their little sister Brianna, age 7, was told that the sooner she got her homework done, she would be able to join in. She's been in her room studying for the past hour.

I know you're probably wondering, "What happened to the parents?" No, they aren't orphaned, their parents are well alive. However, due to their professions, they are hardly ever home, which sucked for them considering they were paying for a decent 2-story house (not a mansion or anything. They aren't flashy with their wealth.) that they hardly slept in. They still pay the house bills, but it's been up to big brother Traevon to get the cash to put food on the table since he's the only one with the job. Yes, the parents were making enough money to be considered upper classed, that only helped with paying for the house and keeping it insured. Since the economy was pretty much shit, and it was too late to try to get a summer job, Xavier stuck to doing his neighbor's yard work to ease the stress off of his older brother. Their parents were putting Brianna through school, however. There were many complications at home, but everyone were doing what they could to make things work.

About a half an hour later, Traevon was driving his car into the garage, and as always, he was pretty tired. When he was in, he closed the garage door, got out of his car and went inside. If there is a word you may be able to use to describe Trae, that would be the word sloth. The very first thing he did was trail upstairs to his room and fall face flat onto his bed. Xavier hoped he didn't plan on staying that way for long, considering they were having company over soon.

Ding Dong!

Speak of the devil, the first guest has arrived. Or, you could say the first guests. The little sister had a tough time deciding on which of her two best friends to bring, so both of her loving brothers had decided that she could bring both of them instead. A little brown haired, blue eyed kid, Jonathan, along with his youngest older brother Hiroto Wilson walked through the door, and along the two of them was their older, black haired, blue eyed brother Jack, wearing a Fallout Dweller shirt, who just so happened to be great friends with Xavier.

Hold it! I know what you're thinking. "Hiroto? That sounds asian!" Yeah, Hiroto's adopted. Long story short, their parents wanted another child and weren't sure they were going to have another one, so they adopted Hiroto as an infant. Guess what happened five years later.

No. I'm going to make you guess.

As Xavier let the three in, Jack carrying his 360 and his controllers in his bag, he called to her sister.

"Bri! Your friends are here! Take a break and say hi!"

It didn't take long before he heard rumbling coming from down the stairs. Brianna came down and hugged both of her friends while Jack and Xavier were doing their little handshake. He had decided that he was going to let his snoozing brother sleep, at the very least until his guy arrived. Jack turned to him

"Where's the other you?" He asked.

"He's upstairs, knocked out."

"Haha! Again?! Is this like his daily routine or something? Sprawl out on the bed the moment he comes home?"


It was going on 6:30. Traevon's friend still hadn't arrived. He wondered what was taking him. So far, Jack and Xavier were talking about random things while Brianna and her two friends were playing Super Smash Brothers 4 on the Wii. The real fun hadn't started yet. Eventually, Jack and Xavier pulled out their 3DS's and joined in their game in five player smash, Xavier picking Ryu, Jack being Link, Jonathan being Pikachu, Brianna being Kirby, and Hiroto being Fox McCloud. Nothing needs to be said besides Jack never winning a game. Ever.

It was around 8:00 after a few rounds of Smash did the guy finally show up. A large blonde muscular dude named Jeff, age 22, pulled up in his pickup truck and asked if he could park in the garage. Xavier went on ahead and opened the door for him. As soon as his truck was in and the garage door was closed, he rushed upstairs and childishly leaped on top his sleeping-but-now-awake-and-angry brother like a wrestler.

"Bro! Wake up! The big guy's here!"

Traevon groaned awake, sitting up for awhile before finally rolling out of the bed. Xavier followed his sluggish brother down the stairs and saw that everyone was waiting for the two of them. He raised both of his hands.

"Alright! Let's get this this party started!"

Everyone was ready to have some fun. The Wii was unplugged and replaced with the 360. Jeff went to his truck and got his TV out and took it to the family room where Jack brought his 360 and plugged it in. for 2 in a half hours, they all played Halo multiplayer. Xavier wanted to play some Serious Sam 3, but Traevon being the responsible one replied with:

"It's too gory for the kids and it has a lot of nightmare creating monsters."

Much to Xavier's dismay, everyone agreed and stuck with Halo. Soon it was time for the 3 kids to hit the hay. After struggling with Brianna's whining, she tired herself out and was brought to her room for her to sleep. Jonathan and Hiroto slept in Traevon's room. The four adults remained awake, watching movies until they each got tired and tuckered out at 2 in the morning.

It was a fun night for all of them. They didn't even care that there was an unexpected storm approaching their location.


Golden Oaks Library
8/15 Saturday
Ponyville 2:30am

Spike couldn't go back to sleep. There were some heavy clouds in the sky. He was sure that the weather patrol didn't call for any storms this severe. It did just finish raining yesterday. What scared him the most was that one single lightning strike. It was light green, and it was loud enough to wake up the entire town. Twilight figured something fell downstairs, but was too tired to care. She put up a sound dampening spell for Spike and went back to sleep. Spike knew something strange was happening.