Friendship 101

by BrawnyBold

Chapter 6: Stay-over Storm

Despite it being a cloudy day in Ponyville, that didn't stop Twilight's students from enjoying a Saturday together. Now that Lone was fully accepted as a new friend, they could play a fun game of Four Squares at the local park.
"Isn't this fun guys?" Fireworks cheerfully asked.
"If we were into games for little foals," Lone said with sarcasm.
"You're never too old to have fun!" Fireworks defended.
Suddenly, thunder caused the friends to stop what they were doing and noticed that it started pouring. The four of them ran to the closest tree they could find to stay dry from the rain.
"How am I suppose to get home with all of this rain pouring down?" Guide asked herself, "It's too far for me to run."
"Same here," Fireworks agreed, "I don't know how to move the clouds yet."
"Well, I don't care if I get wet or dirty." Lone said. "See you guys later," Lone was about to leave the tree until Comfort came up with an idea.
"Wait!" Comfort said, "My house is nearby, maybe we can stay there until the storm is over."
Fireworks and Guide nodded in agreement while Lone just sighed and went along with them. All three of the friends followed Comfort until they reached a large two-story house. When the four friends entered the front porch, Guide noticed a sign next to the door. It said: The Rest and Relaxing Bed and Breakfast, the logo was a large, white pillow with two R's and two B's on the center. Comfort carefully opened the door and turned on the lights. Inside was a large living room with matching furniture and there was a desk on the side of the wall, similar to a hotel desk.
"You live in a hotel?" Guide asked Comfort as she looked at the room.
"It's a bed and breakfast," Comfort corrected, "my parents own it. They won't be back until tomorrow, so make yourselves at home."
Lone jumped to the closest couch and leaned back as he relaxed from the softness of the cushions. "Aww yeah," Lone said.
Comfort came back with some towels to dry off his friends. Once they were all done getting dry, Comfort asked, "Do you guys want to see my room?"
Lone and Guide looked at each other with curious expressions, Fireworks quickly said, "Well sure!"
Comfort lead the way for his friends towards his room. They entered the dark room and Comfort turned on the light. From what Comfort's friends saw was completely unbelievable. Comfort's room was filled with stuffed animals, Guide remembered Comfort telling her that he had stuffed animals in his room, but she didn't expect for the room to have this many. Stuffed birds were hanging on the ceiling and stuffed fishes were inside a fish tank without water. The bed was a large stuffed bear with a blanket and pillow on the belly. Comfort's desk had some small boxes filled with needles, strings, fabric, buttons, and stuffing. There was also a sewing machine beside of the boxes to go along with the work space. Fireworks was excited when she saw the room.
"!" she started to pick up one the stuffed animals to give it a hug.
"I see that you enjoy sewing them," Guide said to avoid the awkwardness.
"Yeah, I actually made these plushies by myself." Comfort replied.
"Cool!" Fireworks said, she picked up a very long stuffed ferret. "Can I have this one?!" she acted like a filly in a candy store.
"Umm.....sure," Comfort answered.
The four friends sat together on Comfort's floor as they figure out how to spend the time.
"How about we play a game?" Guide suggested.
"I got some board games," Comfort left the room to come back with some rectangle boxes. "I think we can start with this one," he brought out a green box with a picture of a small, white stallion wearing a black coat and top hat.
"Ooh! Monopony! This is my favorite game!" Guide cheered as she opened the box.
"Why are you excited about a game that involves money?" Lone asked.
"It's because I rule at this game." Guide smirked as she levitated a silver boot, declaring that it was her game piece.
"I'll give it a try!" Fireworks picked up the silver cart.
"Sure," Comfort picked up a silver top hat.
"Might as well," Lone sighed as he picked a silver dog as his game piece.
"Let's begin!" Guide declared as she rolled the dice.
At the end of the third game, Guide pumped her hooves as she took in all of her victories. "Woo hoo! I won!" Guide cheered.Lone grumbled and Fireworks was still happy even though she lost.
Comfort decided to close the box, "Okay, how about another game?" he pulled out a deck of cards, "How about a game of Go Fish?"
The four friends had cards in their hooves as they asked each other if they had some particular cards.
"Do you have any 8's?" Fireworks asked Guide.
"Go fish," Guide replied.
Several minutes later, Guide won with the most matched cards.
"Seriously," Lone said with anger, "how did you win in a simple game of Go Fish?"
"Easy, I memorized the questions you guys asked because it shows which cards you have. When I drew the right cards, I asked you guys about the cards depending on who has what." Guide explained.
Comfort felt the tension between each of his friends. "Okay," he said nervously, "let's take a break and I'll go get some snacks." Comfort left his room for a few minutes and came back with a plate full of marshmallows, graham crackers, and chocolate. "What could be more better than staying indoors on a rainy day than enjoying some-"
"S'mores!" Fireworks cheered as she grabbed some of the ingredients from Comfort's plate. "Thanks Comfort, you're such a sweetie!"
Comfort blushed from Fireworks' praise. "Ah, thanks." Guide used her magic to levitate some of the food to make her s'more. Soon, all four of them enjoyed some s'mores as they sat on Comfort's floor. It would have been peaceful if it wasn't for Lone's loud chewing.
"You sound like an animal, Lone." Guide claimed.
"Hey, it's the way I chew," Lone said with a mouth full of s'mores. He accidentally swallowed the whole thing and ended up choking.
Comfort quickly panicked and cried, "Don't worry Lone, I'll save you!" Comfort quickly wrapped his hooves around Lone's stomach and squeezed it very hard. It caused Lone to spit out all of the s'mores from his mouth and it splattered on Guide and Fireworks.
"Ewww!" The mares said at once as they tried to get the s'mores off of each other.
Once the choking was over, Comfort said, "Lone! Are you okay buddy?"
Lone was breathing hard from all the s'mores he swallowed and threw up. "Yeah, I'm fine." he said as if it was no big deal.
The four friends calmed down from what just happened and continued the time with a game of Truth or Dare.
"I dare pout like a little puppy!" Fireworks said to Lone.
Lone groaned as he did what he was dared. He rolled at a slowed pace and pouted like Fireworks said. "Now, it's my turn," Lone tried to figure out the perfect dare for Fireworks. "I dare you to bend your hooves in the form of a pretzel!"
Fireworks puffed her chest with pride and said "Sure! Being a cheerleader involves having your body completely flexible!" she made her hooves twist and turn as if it her bones were made of taffy. Comfort, Guide, even Lone were surprised from their cheerleader friend's flexibility. When Fireworks was done, she was completely transformed into a pony pretzel. "See, I told you."
"Good," Lone said with an evil look, "then you can't stop me from doing this." he bumped his hoof on Fireworks' muzzle and it caused her to fall over.
"Ouch," Fireworks squealed with a little pain in her voice. Lone was rocking back and forth ,laughing until his thighs hurt.
"Hey! That wasn't nice you jerk!" Guide used her magic to give Lone the worst shock he had ever experience.
"I was just having fun." Lone growled at Guide.
Comfort got up from where he was standing with a very upsetting look. "Will you guys just get along please!" he said as he was about to cry. "I invite you to my home, offer you my games, and let you eat the food that I prepared and this is how you repay me?!" the other three saw Comfort about to go on a verge of crying. He quickly ran to the bathroom and locked himself inside. Guide, Fireworks, and Lone were left in the room, soaking in all the things that their young colt friend said.
"What caused him to be so upset?" Lone questioned.
Guide noticed a small book beside Comfort teddy bed and retrieved it with her magic. The book was titled: How to Make Good Friends and there was a teddy bear bookmark inside a chapter. Guide, Fireworks, and Lone read it and it was about allowing a pony's friend to his or her house and spend some time together. This was completely similar to what Comfort was doing when he invited his friends to his house. It made all three of them feel completely bad.
"Guys," Guide said, "we really messed up for Comfort. All he wanted was to see us have fun together and we blew it."
"I agree," Fireworks nodded, "we should go apologize."
"True," Lone agreed, "besides he gave us some s'mores, you can't be a true friend unless you offered some s'mores." Lone joked.
All three of them walked towards the bathroom where a large weeping came from inside. Guide gently knocked on the door and heard a very sad voice. "Go away,"
The three friends looked at each other as they try to figure out how to cheer up Comfort. Guide said, "Comfort, we now understand that you just wanted us to bond more and we really appreciate that." There was no response from Comfort.
Lone walked up to the door and said, "I'm sorry I still acted like a jerk, I'm still trying to get a hang of this 'being nice to others" thing."
"I have no idea what I did wrong." Fireworks added.
The door slowly opened to reveal a pair of puffy eyes from crying, "Do you guys really mean it?" Comfort asked.
"We sure do Comfort, we promise that we will get along," Fireworks turned to Guide and Lone, "right guys?"
"I promise that I'll lower my chances of winning." Guide promised.
"I promise that I'll be less of a jerk as long as you keep making us some of those delicious s'mores." Lone promised.
Comfort slowly walked out of the bathroom while blowing his muzzle with some toilet paper. "I'm fine now, thanks for coming over you guys!" he immediately gave his friends the biggest hug Comfort has ever given. This made Lone feel more awkward but Fireworks kept him from leaving this happy moment.
The four friends came back to the room and allowed Comfort to pick the next activity, which was a teddy bear tea party. "Would you like another s'more Ms. Fireworks?" Comfort asked with a polite manner.
"Why yes I would Mr. Cub, thank you?" Fireworks picked the s'more up with her hooves. "I believe Ms. Furry would like some too." she pointed to her new stuffed ferret that who was wearing a princess dress.
"How about you Bearington?" Comfort asked a medium-sized, brown teddy bear. "Would you like some s'mores?" Bearington did not make a reply as he was just a stuffed bear, but Comfort pretended that he replied. "Here you go, enjoy!"
Guide was sipping her cup of tea as she enjoyed Comfort's way of having fun. Lone tried to bear with it as he is taking part in the most ridiculous activity he has ever been since he joined his friends. Luckily, his eyes noticed the window and there was no more rain coming from outside.
"Oh look at that," Lone interrupted, "there is no more rain, so we can go home now!"
Comfort moaned with disappointment, but he agreed. Guide, Lone, and Fireworks helped Comfort clean up everything before they leave. They waved good-bye to Comfort as they made their way home from spending time with their unusual, but caring friend.