Dawn Shield

by shirotora

Epilogue: Reunion

Epilogue: Reunion

Everypony in town knew they were lucky. They knew that the mercenaries Ganz's father, Ganfre, brought were professionals and very dangerous. Just over thirty well trained soldiers came into their town with the intent of killing everypony, yet not a single pony life was lost. In fact, the damage was even quite limited, only about seven buildings were affected, and only four of them were significant.

Even worse, however, was that one of the mare's that saved them was one that most of the town hated. Needless to say, the guilt could practically be felt in the air. Every attempt to apologize, or give a gift as a sign of their repentance was received distantly. The only thing on that mare's mind was her one and only friend.

It had been a full twenty-four hours, yet Applebloom was still not awake. The doctors said that she would likely not wake for several days but she still worried. It was in her nature. Ponies value friendship more than any possession, and dragons are fiercely protective of what's theirs. She had the instincts of both, and as such was extraordinarily protective of what few friends she’s ever had.

“Excuse me, Miss Storm?” A voice came from her left.

“I'm not in the mood. Just leave your gift at my cottage, and I'll get it later.”

“Actually, ma'am, we're looking for somepony else.”

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

Applebloom slowly stirred awake, feeling nothing but soreness.

“Ah guess that means Ah survived,” she wheezed.

Focusing on her body seal, she searched for any traces of the poison left, eliminating what little she found. Then, she focused on healing up her cuts and gashes as much as she could. Body magic did a good job in a pinch, but spirit magic was far better for medic work. Regardless, it would have to do.

With that done, she removed the IV and other wires and tubes connected to her, and slowly got out of bed. The nurses barged in, thinking she was flat-lining, only to stare in shock at the miraculous recovery.

“Before you say it, Ah ain't getting back in bed. Ah'm good enough, and Ah'm refusing any more medical care.”

The two nurses still couldn't quite grasp how a filly that was so near death could just get up and trot away to even respond. That was just fine for Applebloom, though. It meant none of the normal protest and insistence to stay she would normally get when trying to leave the hospital.

She didn't even wait to get the bandages off, or to find her manebow. She went straight for the exit, passing doctors and patients. Thankfully, it was a very small hospital, more of a well equipped clinic, and she was outside quickly.

She took a deep breath, savoring the fresh air. News like that of an infamous criminal attacking a town would spread quickly. She figured someone from back home would be coming to find her. The mere thought sent chills through her.

There was so much about the last few years that she regretted. She was so stupid, the way she treated the ones she called her friends. There was so much she was going to have to try to make up for, but there was one thing she knew she could never make right.

Her mind wandered back to her efforts to win Midnight's and Twilight's affection. She laughed mirthlessly at the thought of how stupid and foalish she was. She wanted to be in a herd with them, yet she only saw Twilight as an obstacle to overcome instead of a possible romantic partner like a herdmate should be.

“Ah need a drink.”

As she made her way towards the pub, she thought of her friends, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo. Her problems started with her jealousy of them. They found great coltfriends, and it made Applebloom green. The sad thing was, she knew that Spike had a thing for her, and that Sweetie would be more than happy to let her join them, but she just ignored them. Scootaloo acted disinterested, but she would have likely felt the same as Sweetie. She didn't know how Storm Feather felt about herds, but she could have at least asked.

It would have been so easy to just blame everything on Nightshade. It honestly did seem like she was thinking clearer about the subject since they parted ways, but she knew that all her 'friend' did was manipulate what was already there. It wasn't mind control, but gentle nudging.

Applebloom pushed open the door to the pub, drawing surprised looks from the few ponies within. She trotted over to the bar and took a seat.

“What'll it be, Miss Bloom?”

“The strongest drink y'all got.”

He looked like he wanted to protest, but held his tongue. Instead, he grabbed a bottle from under the counter, and poured a glass.

“It's on the house,” he said. “You look like you need it.”

The barkeep winced as she downed the entire thing in one gulp.

“Another, please.”

Thinking about it, it's not as if her screwing up was anything new. It was her idea to build the glider that ultimately lead to Scootaloo's blinding. It was her that came up with most of the terrible cutie mark ideas that led to so much destruction. It was her that turned her back on her old friend Twist, just because she had her cutie mark.

Ah'm gonna see her when Ah get back. Ah need to apologize for that

As she sat there, wallowing in her sorrow, the door swung open.

“Afternoon,” the barkeep said. “What can I do for you?”

“Actually, we're here to speak with Applebloom, here.”

Applebloom tensed at the voice. Of everyone that could have come, why did it have to be her?

“You hate me, don't you, Twilight?”

“No, I don't,” replied Twilight. “In fact, we've been wanting to talk to you.”

A tear fell down Applebloom's cheek. “Ah don't wanna hear you say it ain't mah fault. Ah don't care if Nightshade did it, Ah'm the one that let her. It's mah fault Midnight's dead.”

“There's one problem with that,” said a second voice that made Applebloom's breath hitch. “I'm not exactly dead.”