My Little Amnesia

by donceluzza


I own nothing in relation to My Little Pony; this fan fiction came from the My Little Amnesia FanFic, just my take on the subject.

It was like something out of one of those horror books Twilight had scattered around her desk. One after the other, anguished screams flooded the speakers and then were silenced, like they hadn’t happened.

I looked around the monitors frantically, desperately, trying to find someway to bring order back. Twilight just grinned and opened up a large notebook and started to write within it, either unsure or uncaring of the terrible event to which she was bearing witness.

The inmates were running the asylum, and as clichéd as that is, it’s funny how these things stop being funny when they start happening to you.

Journal of Spike, assistant to the warden of Ponyville Asylum; August 25

Chapter 0: Awaken

I awoke to the sound of silence, the sound of nothing as I lay on the ground.

I twitch my legs, my hooves, and the rest of my body. I wasn’t paralyzed but still had trouble moving, probably from lying on the hard rocky ground for so long. How long had I been lying there?

A week? A month? Only a day? Where is here?

I looked around but found my vision obstructed by the darkness surrounding me, seeming to stretch onwards to eternity. I breathed once, twice, trying to make sure everything was working properly. I used my magic to cause light to emanate from my horn so I could finally see the room I was in. The room was decorated rather sparsely, a few simple reddish curtains hung above the broken and boarded windows, a simple frayed red carpet was laid out across the ground leading to a small staircase above which held a large TV monitor, but aside from that the rest of the floor was cobblestone, broken and splintered in many places. I attempted to stand only to trip over my own hooves. I tried to stand up again this time succeeding. My head pounded and my body ached, serves me right for falling unconscious on rocks I guess. I look around some more while walking back and forth to get the kinks out of my hooves. Some furniture litters the room, most of it in disrepair much like the floor and the carpet. Except for a red chair sitting in front of the large TV monitor. Exit, exit, I need to find an exit of some kind; I see a door located underneath the TV. I start walking towards the door…

“Hello, there!”

A voice pierces the silence startling me, my breath caught in my throat I listen, I look up and see that the TV turned on, and that there is somepony on the TV. The pony on the TV is a unicorn like me, her mane is comprised of various shades of purple and her skin is the same color. She is sitting in a large red chair with a large book spread across her lap.

“You’re probably wondering many things like ‘why am I here?’, ‘I’m not crazy!’, ‘The system must be flawed’…”

“…but you’re wrong. The system, my system, I might add, is far from flawed.”

“All those sentenced to time in the Ponyville Asylum for the Deranged, Delusional, and Criminally Insane go through the extensive testing which you’ve experienced and when found to be not all right in the head, you’re sent to me.”

I don’t remember any testing, or anything regarding this asylum.

Come to think of it, I don’t remember anything at all.

“This asylum was built almost like a small town, there’s a garden, simulated farming area, spa, among many other places. The reason for this is to constantly immerse you in real pony contact so that you’ll be able to rejoin the world sane right from the get go…”

The TV shut off unexpectedly static burst through the speakers; I winced as the sound scraped my ears. Suddenly the TV was working again but this time there was only a picture of the purple-haired pony.

“Welcome. I’m terribly sorry that I haven’t been able to clean up around here.”

She sounds quite cheerful…perhaps she can help.

“You probably want to get out of this place, don’t you?”

I sheepishly nod to no pony in particular.

“Well, first you must join me for something of an experiment, I’m the warden of this beautiful establishment, Twilight Sparkle. I established this place in order to help sick ponies be cured of the ailments of the mind which haunted so many. I made this place to resemble a town of sorts, a small community where the ponies could live and play and work almost like they weren’t in this place, almost like they were outside.”

This sounded impressive but this “experiment” she wanted me to participate in didn’t sound good.

“However being the warden of an Asylum is quite a lot of work and requires my full attention, so I haven’t been able to collect any real data on how the ponies are faring, not to mention that the electronics here barely work! Setting back my experiments completion by Celestia knows how long since I can’t gather additional data through the most of the monitors. And my little assistant Spike, a small purple dragon, left a few days ago.”

Wow. Even her assistant is purple. I’m surprised that there is so much red in the decorum.

“So I’ll lead you through the asylum, helping you just enough so you know what you’re doing but beyond that you are on your own, I can always collect data through other helpers.”

What does she want me to do? Just walk through the asylum? Really?

“I’ll open the door so you can advance to the gardens. There, you’ll meet a pony named Fluttershy. She is one of the ponies deterred in this lovely asylum, and also a good friend of mine!”

The door beneath the TV opens; as I walk through I can’t help thinking about what she said, about this pony being her friend.

It must have been hard to lock up a friend of yours.

As I walk along I notice a small piece of paper with a message written on it. Using my magic I lift it to my face, some of the words are blotted out but what I can read says…

“… Out not safe Ponyville … compromised … gone, Twilight …”. The bottom of the page says that it was written by Spike, the dragon assistant that Twilight had talked about.

He must’ve come through here; did he bring me here? Did Twilight? Was I here before them?

I shake the questions out of my head, no point in questioning why what matters is I’m here and the only way out, presumably, lies with Twilight.

I take a deep breath and advance down the long dimly lit corridor.

Tired, I extinguish my magical light as I enter into the garden; once I enter I see the garden is almost like a hedge maze with a large monument to Celestia and Luna in the dead middle. My hoof hits something and I almost trip, after steadying myself I look down and back away in horror.

The head of a nurse pony lay at my hooves, the face, or what’s left of it, frozen in a look of terror and pain; part of the face decayed to the point that the facial muscle is visible. The stench was overwhelming.

I backed off back behind the frame of the door and tried to collect myself. I heard shuffling around a nearby hedge. I pushed the door further closed so as to hide myself but open enough where I could see the assailant, and possibly get the drop on them.

A small white rabbit jumps out from the hedge. My breathing finally starts to be steady.


The voice of another pony splits the dark silence. My breath catches again.


Is she talking about that head?

“Now, now Angel, there’s enough for everyone.”