Dawn Shield

by shirotora

Chapter 2: Truth

Chapter 2: Truth

The door to the Dawn Shield HQ's meeting room burst open. Scootaloo and Storm Feather hurried in, both panting, followed closely by Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy.

“What happened?” Scootaloo demanded, irritation clear in her tone. “And don't give me this bull shit about Applebloom foalnapping Midnight and Twilight. She wouldn't do-”

She was cut off by a gray hoof on her shoulder. “Scootaloo, calm down. Let's hear this out.”

“Storm Feather, you are not a member of Dawn Shield,” Celestia pointed out.

The Storm bowed to his rulers. “I'm not, your highness, but Applebloom is my friend. Please, princess, let me stay. Maybe there's something I can do.”

“Your aunt and guardian is Lyra Heartstrings, the newest recruit, correct?” Celestia asked.

“Y-yes your highness,” he replied.

The solar diarch scrutinized the young pegasus for nearly a minute straight. “Very well, you may attend.”

“Princess, are you sure?” Rarity asked. “I think the world of young Storm Feather, but he's no soldier. He isn't going to be participating in this operation, is he?”

Celestia's gaze swept across everyone present, stopping on the gray pegasus. “You know, ponies aren't quite as different from changelings as many believe.” That earned her several confused looks. “Have any of you noticed how, when you are with friends, you feel like you can accomplish more? Why do you think that is?”

“Well, I had always believed that it was because two ponies can do twice as much,” Rarity replied. “Though, if it were so simple, you wouldn't have asked.”

Celestia giggled. “Quite right. Ponies, like changelings, feed off the positive emotion of their friends. It isn't to the same degree as changelings, but it can make a difference. This, my little ponies, is what the magic of friendship truly is. It is my hope that, with her friends strengthening her, Applebloom can force the spirit out herself. This is why Storm will be present.”

“But how?” Applejack asked, her despair clear in her voice. “Princess Luna couldn't beat that thing, so how can Applebloom?”

“Because Applebloom is stronger than I ever was,” Luna answered simply. “She also has friends where I did not. I believe she can defeat the Nightmare.”

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

“I don't like doing this”


“I... I really meant it.”


“I really do think of you as a friend.”


“Would you just talk to me?”


Applebloom sat there in silence, hanging from the chains that bound her within her own mind. At first, she fought it. She fought with all she had, but then the realization sank in. Her friend, the pony that had become closer to her than even Sweetie and Scootaloo, had been using her. It hurt far more than anything she had ever felt.

Nightshade let out a sigh. “It'll be over soon enough. You'll get your body back and you'll never have to see me again.”


The word echoed in Nightshade's head, the betrayal and pain in that one word struck the ghost filly like a blow to the gut.

“Because somepony has to,” Nightshade replied. “Everyone thinks Celestia is some saint, but she's far from it. She's an evil, cruel, careless tyrant.”

Applebloom yanked at her chains, glaring up at her 'friend', rage in her amber eyes. “Who the hay are you to call her a tyrant?! You was gonna bring eternal night!”

“No, Applebloom, I wanted to be hated and feared, seen as a terrible monster.” Applebloom's anger was tempered by the sudden confusion. “I was going to be the evil demon that possessed poor Luna and slew her sister. Then Luna, in her righteous fury, would force me out and defeat me. Then, ponies would live under her rule, and Celestia would do far more good being remembered as the saint she never was.”

Applebloom's glare continued as she said, “So all that rantin' and posturin' was a show? Why? What's Celestia done that got you so worked up?”

Nightshade bit her lower lip for a moment before replying, “She... She let the pony that murdered me go.”

“You was murdered?”

Nightshade let out a bitter, bark of laughter. “He did far worse than just that. You want to know how I died?” Applebloom nodded. “Fine, I'll show you.”

“What do you mean sh-” Applebloom's words were cut off as the world around her shifted and warped.

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

1300 years ago...

Wha..? Where am Ah? Ah- Am Ah'm walkin'?

Though she felt like she just woke up, Applebloom found herself trotting through an unfamiliar, obviously high class home. She passed through a set of double doors to a fancy kitchen, where a unicorn mare was arranging little morsels on a tray.

The mare turned towards Applebloom and asked, “Where have you been?”

“I'm sorry, madam, one of the guests was in need of the lavatory, and asked that I guide him.” Applebloom... said? She felt her mouth move, and the words come from her mouth, but she didn't say that and it wasn't her voice.

What the hay 's goin' on?

You're living the last few hours of my life.” Nightshade's voice echoed in her head. “I don't remember much, but I know I was a servant to a noble house. This day, my lord was hosting a party, and all the wealthiest and most influential ponies were there. There was only one, however, that I actually cared about.

As Nightshade explained what was going on, Applebloom – or rather the memory she was experiencing – had taken a tray of some food she didn't recognize on her back and exited the door opposite the one she entered. Immediately, she was surrounded by rich, snobbish ponies, their manner of dress even more gaudy than what Applebloom had ever seen in Canterlot. She didn't even know any of them, yet she wanted nothing more than to punch every last one in the face... Except one.

A handsome, light gray stallion with a black mane, tied back into a short ponytail stood to one side, smiling a warm smile and laughing with a young couple. This was Nightshade's destination, Applebloom knew it.

That stallion, I don't even remember his name, but I was so head over hooves for him. I didn't care that I was only twelve, and he was twenty-seven, I just wanted to be with him. This day was the day I was going to confess to him.

Slowly but surely, Applebloom noticed Nightshade's memory draw closer to the stallion in question, until she was standing beside him.

“Um... Lord ̢̢͏Ψ͜҉̧Φ̴̡̡̀Ѿ̸̧̕͟֎̷͜͏ڴ͝†҉̢҉‰̢̧͝͠♂̵̢͞, sir?” she said, timidly. Applebloom was rather taken back by the way his name was all distorted and strange.

The stallion looked down at the filly with a warm smile, “Yes? Oh, hello young lady. These look quite delectable, thank you.”

“L-Lord ̨ΨΦ̵̢̀Ѿ̴̕͞֎ڴ̨͢†͜‰̶̷♂, um... May I speak to you, please. A-alone.”

The stallion the unknown pony was speaking to said, “I have business to attend to with the Duke of Canterbury. Shall we continue later?”

“Very well. I shall met with you later,” the stallion said and turned back to Applebloom/Nightshade. “You are ♦̧̢♀́͝®̷͠͠ɮ̶̵̶ɤ̡Ϡ̵͞ ͘͜,͏ , correct? I believe we've spoken before.”

“Y-yes my lord.”

“Come, the gardens are much more appropriate.”

The stallion led them through the mansion and through large, ornate glass double doors. If the situation were different, Applebloom might have been able to admire the beauty of the garden, but being held against her will and being shown what are apparently the last moments of a twelve year old filly ruined it. They stopped at the far edge, a thick forest visible not far from them.

“So, young ♦̧̢♀́͝®̷͠͠ɮ̶̵̶ɤ̡Ϡ̵͞ ͘͜,͏ , what is it you wish to say to me?”

Applebloom's vision shifted down, focusing on a blade of grass. “W-well... It's just... Every time you have come to visit my lord, you have always been so kind to me, and...” Applebloom felt the swallow and the dry throat as if it were her own. “I-I have fallen for you. I-I know you are a lord, and I am just a servant, but... is there any way we could ever be together?”

Nightshade's vision looked up at the stallion. His expression turned to a stern one. Eventually, he spoke.

“This garden is obviously not private enough for this conversation. Come, let's go into the woods. Do not worry, we will not go far.”

Nightshade nodded and followed after as the stallion headed off at a quick trot..

That forest is the Everfree forest. It's not quite as dangerous, seeing as most of the predators that stalk there now haven't been created yet. Of course, that didn't help me any. This was where it happened.

Applebloom was about to speak, but she was cut off as pain erupted from the back of her head and her vision tumbling.

“You are an arrogant one, aren't you?” the stallion said, not in anger like she would have imagined, but in the same tone as one scolding a dog. “Do you believe I could love you? I am the personal disciple of Queen Celestia and a lord of the Everfree Court.” Applebloom's vision swam as she felt her face pressed into the ground by a hoof. His body pressed into her as he leaned in and whispered in her ear. “This is the closest you will ever receive to my love.”

Fear gripped her as she felt her tail jerked forcefully to the side and something pressing against her. She screamed along with the memory of Nightshade as she felt her innocence stolen from her. The stallion was not gentle. He forced himself inside her again and again, striking her anytime she tried to resist.

“Is this what you want?” he hissed into her ear. “You should be honored that I dirty myself with a little whore like you.”

Pain, shame, betrayal. Every time the stallion's groin slammed into her these feelings grew until finally, he gave one last thrust, defiling her completely. He pulled himself out of her, letting her collapse. Nightshade curled up, shivering.

“Just because I was kind to you doesn't make us equals. I'm kind to the dogs so long as they keep their filth outside, yet they know their place.” The stallion said. “You are no greater than an animal whose only true role is to serve your betters.”

The sound of a snapping twig brought both their attentions to the brush about twenty feet away. Slowly, several figures melted from the shadows, growling at the ponies. Their gray fur blending into the darkness. Sharp teeth glinted in the sparse light. Applebloom had only ever seen their wooden counterparts, but there was no mistaking wolves.

“Well,” the stallion said. “It seems the forest has offered to take care of my trash.”

Applebloom felt herself suddenly flung forward as the sound of hooves beating dirt faded behind her. Time seemed to slow as the wolves charged at her, the first latching onto her left hind leg. The bone snapped, eliciting a scream from both the filly and Applebloom. A second did the same to her foreleg as a third bit her belly. She watched in horror as the first wolf lifted his head, something red and dripping in its mouth. Her screaming grew weaker as the one at her belly began pulling out pieces of her flesh. A fourth she hadn't even noticed pulled away, taking something she could have sworn looked like a leg before everything went black...

Only to flare back to reality.

“Wh-What? Where..?” Applebloom had nearly forgotten that it wasn't really her experiencing these things, but the voice coming from what felt like her mouth reminded her.

Her vision shifted around until, with a gasp, they fell on a grisly sight. She found herself looking down on the small pack of wolves as they continued to rip pieces off Nightshade's lifeless body.

“Wh-wh-what?” Nightshade's voice asked, clearly beginning to panic. “No... Nonononono! Wake up... Wake up! Please, wake up! I'm just dreaming! I... I'm... just dreaming...”

The despair in her former friend's voice was heart breaking. A part of her just wanted to comfort her, but then she remembered what that 'friend' did.

This don't tell me nothin' 'bout why you hate Celestia.

I know. It's what happened later the next day.

The memory faded, only to be replaced by another. This time she was sitting in the somewhat familiar setting of the old throne room in the Everfree Castle. In front of the throne, Nightshade's murderer bowed before a very imposing Celestia.

“ΨΦ̵̢̀Ѿ̴̕͞֎ڴ̨͢†͜‰̶̷♂, you were seen entering the woods accompanied by ♦̧̢♀́͝®̷͠͠ɮ̶̵̶ɤ̡Ϡ̵͞ ͘͜,͏ . This morning, her body was found not far from where you entered. Why were you in the woods, and why did you alone return?”

The killer looked up with a cocky grin. “She wished to speak in private. The gardens weren't sufficient enough, so we went a short distance into the woods. She confessed her love to me, and when I tried to explain why it could never work, she became distraught and ran off. I thought she had returned to her lord's home, but she must have gotten turned around.”

Celestia's eyes narrowed. “Doth thou realize that your actions reflect ill on us, as much as yourself? As we speak, the nobles whisper of our teachings being of the dark arts. They say the filly was a sacrifice to devils. We are not so foolish as to believe thy hooves are clean of her demise, so We are left with but one choice. You shall leave Everfree. We have recently acquired land in the north. You are to be made to govern this new land. Your carriage leaves on the morrow.”

“Yes, my Queen,” the stallion said, obviously holding back a scowl before being waved off.

“What?!” Memory Nightshade objected, though none could hear. “He-he murdered me! How can you let him go?! Why? You... you're a monster!” As the ghost turned and stormed out, the memory faded.

When her vision returned, she was once again in the mind-chapel staring at Nightshade.

“After that, I ran into the woods, and... succumb to my depression. I don't remember anything of that time. When I finally managed to bring myself out of it, I realized I'd forgotten almost everything from my life. I wandered for a little bit until I found this chapel. It was here that I realized Celestia's evil wasn't limited to just letting a murderer go. I overheard several conversation between her and others, her stewards and unsavory characters. I decided that I would dedicate myself to her downfall. I know you don't like me anymore and I can't blame you, but maybe one day you'll be able to forgive me.”

Nightshade turned around and headed for the door. Before passing through, she looked back at the bound mare. “I meant it, you know. I really am sorry for this.” And she stepped into the waking world.