Love is Strange

by PaisleyPerson



The shiny ribbons, proud, bobbing balloons and glorious signage now seemed out of place in this awkward atmosphere; the festivity of the entire occasion had surrendered to one mule’s mourning. No one aside from Three Cheese and Paw Print made any attempt to comfort or console her, and the rest stood awkwardly in the background. One cough sounded from the otherwise silent crowd, but even that was drowned out by Mindy’s wails.

“Miss Mindy?” A reaction was finally prompted from the audience. The sea parted to make way for three tiny forms pushing through: Snow White, Pepper Jack and Trailblazer, the three original foals that had inspired the orphanage.

“It’s okay Miss Mindy,” Pepper Jack’s speckled black coat merged with her gray one as he draped himself over her shoulder and patted her back. Snow White followed suit, and Three Cheese stepped back to make way for Trailblazer.

“We know we’re not Alleyway, but you have us,” Snow White timidly offered.

“I know I do,” Mindy sniffled, feeling her body relax, safe in her little envelope of friends. “And you’re all I need. Thank you.”

“We never met Alley, so we didn’t know what he looked like,” Pepper Jack began.

“But we heard he was a changeling, so we looked them up at the library,” Snow added.

“And we made this for you,” Trailblazer finished, holding up a crude child’s drawing of what looked like a changeling and a mule, smiling and waving to the rest of the world. Mindy wiped her eyes to properly view their artwork, and tenderly took it.

“It’s from all of us,” Pepper Jack clarified, gesturing to the other colts and fillies that had been placed in her care, now timidly waving from within the crowd.

“It’s beautiful,” the mule scooped up the young colt, squeezing him tight. She didn’t cry this time- she had cried herself dry. But her face said it all.

“Hey, kids,” Cheese joined back into the conversation. “Who wants ice cream?”

“Me!” an entire chorus sang, accompanied by the scuffle of tiny hoofsteps. The rest of the onlookers, touched by the their actions, smiled and made way for the charging children. Cheese had recruited Fondue from the restaurant to help him cater the event, and he now passed out generous portions to the children. Another of Mindy’s former coworkers began passing out cocktails. Paw Print raised her glass.

“To new beginnings.”

“To new beginnings!” the company cheered.

“To new beginnings,” the mule repeated quietly to herself. She looked up at the grandeur of the building, to the cheerful faces of the orphans, to her gathered friends, and finally back to the grand sign. Mindy looked up to the heavens, closed her eyes, and smiled. “Goodbye, Alleyway. And thank you.”