One Sided Crush

by Arctofire

Chapter Nine: Epilogue

Spike, Rarity, and Twilight were all sitting in the library the following day. Rarity had met up with Storm earlier, who had gone to her boutique specifically to see her, and to tell that his girlfriend had accepted his proposal. Rarity was thrilled for him, as love really was a beautiful thing both people felt the same way,, and in this case, that was true. She had been invited to the wedding, and was very much looking forward to meeting his new wife.

Anyway, the reason why they were here in Twilight’s library had nothing to do with that however. The reason she was there was related to what both Spike and Rarity had learnt from their experiences over the past few days.

“So, Spike and Rarity,” Twilight said as she walked around whilst the other two sat at the table. “I think this deserves a friendship report. Don’t you think?”

“Very much so,” Rarity replied. “Can I write mine first?”

“Of course,” said Twilight as levitated a quill and scroll towards Spike. “Spike, is it okay if you write out Rarity’s as well as yours, and have them on the same scroll.”

“Yeah, sure,” he replied as he started writing down what Rarity was saying.

Dear Princess Celestia

Over the course of a couple of days, I learned something very important. That is that if someone is holding romantic affections towards you but yet you don’t return them, you must not pretend to, as that only worsens the problem. I’ve known for many years that love is a two way thing, but never before has that been more true than in the past couple of days, as a relationship can be quite nasty if both people don’t share the same feelings.

Best wishes


After Spike was finished, he moved the scroll along a little bit so he could have some space to write on, then, he started to write his report.

Dear Princess Celestia.

Today I realized that love and relationships are indeed a two way thing, and that if only one person feels romantic feelings, but the other doesn’t, then a relationship is truly forceful and not the right thing. I realize I made a mistake in forcing Rarity to go out with me, even when she didn’t want to, and now I know that that is not the right way to go about things.

But just because they don’t harbor romantic feelings, it doesn’t necessarily mean that they don’t like you as a friend.

From Spike.