Flight of Destiny

by Pink_Flash

Chapter 03: Friend of Destiny

Stepping off the train, I make my way to the luggage area. My name is Dark Wind. I'm of average height. Dark blue color coat. My mane is dark blue, with a streak of dark green. I'm an earth pony. Well, for the most part. 'You see, from an early age, I've had a fascination with machinery. Ever since I was 8 years old, building simple machines using pulleys, all the way to electrical engineering. By age 16, I had perfected mechanical wings. With help from a unicorn friend named Twilight Autumn, I was able to create wings that can fly! Twilight Autumn . His mentor knows a friend who knows Twilight Sparkle. Apparently this friend shares information with Autumn Twilight's mentor, allowing Autumn to learn some fairly good spells. One of which is capable of decreasing the weight of the metal I use in my inventions without sacrificing toughness. Today, I'm arriving in Ponyville to meet with Twilight Autumn. Apparently he has a new spell that can enchant my forge. Said something about making my forge immune to heat itself, allowing the forge to burn at a heat much higher than the forge can actually withstand.

After a good 8 years tinkering with machinery since I was 8, I discovered the secrets to creating mechanical wings. I wanted a way to apply my ideas to an actual pony... I wanted to be able to combine machinery with an organism... to enable said organism to do things they normally can't. Such as allowing an earth pony to fly. To soar through the air as majestically as a pegasus, or an alicorn. At the age of 18, I attended medical school. With 6 years of medical school under my belt... I'm technically Dr. Wind. However, I despise this name. It always draws attention away from my true ambitions. Science. At the age of 23, I completed my project... I successfully created a harmony between pony, and machine. I was able to create artificial nerves... and attach them... to myself. I won't lie... it was painful... there was lots of trial and error... I even created a nifty gadget that straps to my forehoof. It tells me the current state of my wings. I've worked a whole year just tinkering the bugs out of them... and they're still not perfect yet. Sadly... my bio-engineering hasn't been seen as a... how do I say... neighborly past time. I've made enemies... ponies outright slandering me for what I did... telling me that I'm offsetting a balance... but they don't understand... What I'm doing... can't possibly be wrong. The work I'm doing here... could create prosthetics! Allow Earth ponies, and unicorns to fly indefinitely! Sure enough, there are bugs to be worked out, but that's why I'm doing it, and nopony else. I understand my work, and I alone know what needs to be done to perfect it.' I'm pulled from my thoughts as the train comes to a stop. Ponies begin to file off the train. With my saddlebag, I head off.

I shift my glasses, adjusting their position on my muzzle as I step off the train. 'Oh right.... I didn't mention I wear glasses.' I make my way from the station's platform. 'Ok. Now off to Autumn's home.' I begin walking down the road. Heading towards Autumn Twilight's. Walking towards me on the other side of the road... is Princess Twilight Sparkle! "Oh wow!" I stop immediately. I blink a few times. "Um... Princess?" I stop near her. She seems to be carrying a saddlebag as well.

"Hm?" Twilight Sparkle stops next to me. She smiles. "Oh, hello."

"I was... hoping I could ask you a question..." I ask. I can't help but feel... nervous. She's famous after all.

"Of course." Twilight's welcoming smile doesn't falter, even for a second. I can't imagine how many ponies just... stop her on the street like this... and I can't help but feel like I just add to it... but I can't help myself. She's beautiful, smart, and talented. I just... have to try... to ask her...

"C..." I blush and look away. I try to find the right words... but... it... minutes pass by... and I'm just standing there looking away... maybe... just coming out with it is the best approach... I look back to her... shifting my glasses as they glimmer in the sunlight. "Can... I have your... autograph?"

Twilight Sparkle giggles. "Sure. I can do that." She hovers a parchment, an ink well, and a feather. "I had just picked up some supplies, you see." She smiles. Twilight Sparkle puts some ink on her hoof, and puts a hoof print on the parchment. "Silly me, what's your name?"

"Right right. My name is Dark Wind." I smile. Not actually expecting Princess Twilight Sparkle to know my name.

"Ohhhh! I've heard of you. Aren't you the one who grafted mechanical wings to your back?" I nod and smile. "I've always found it fascinating... no matter how much we research... there's always amazing amounts more to be learned. So many different venues we can look into." Twilight Sparkle writes on the parchment. "Aaaaand there we go. It was a pleasure..." There's a sudden voice. To Twilight Sparkle, it sounded like it was all around her. Like a telepathic message... but to me... I heard it in my mind.

"Flight B.G. Five Eight to all channels, I have an emergency situation, please respond, over."

It sounds like a foal... Well, maybe not exactly a foal... a young child. I can't tell if it's a colt, or a filly. "M-Miss Sparkle? Did you hear that too?" I look over to Twilight Sparkle. Her eyes are closed. Concentrating. "Miss Sparkle?" I blink a few times as I wait for a response. But I don't get one. I decide to try responding to the voice in my mind. 'Um, hello? How can I help? I'm a skilled engineer, and Miss Sparkle is a powerful unicorn.' The next thing I hear in my mind is...

"This is flight B.G. Five Eight, who am I speaking to? Over."

'Oh good!' I smile to myself. 'You can hear me. My name is Dark Wind. Please state the nature of your emergency.' I adjust my glasses. 'I'll be able to help you easier that way.'

After a few moments, the voice seems to respond. The response however... is disheartening. "Flight E.G Five Eight to Twilight Sparkle. My aircraft is dangerously low on fuel. I need direction to the nearest landing strip A.S.A.P! Over!"

'Air... craft...? The base definition of craft is to build with one's hooves. Air... is well... the air. For lack of a better definition. Combined... is an aircraft something that's been built with hooves, but is related to the air at the same time?' My eyes widen at a sudden realization. 'Wait a moment... my wings... they count as... aircraft... they are related to the air, because they allow flight... and I built them with my own hooves. Did this child... somehow create an aircraft?'

"That's my aerial code. It identifies my aircraft."

'It's apparent that this child is having a conversation. Since the child has directly named Princess Twilight Sparkle, I can only assume that's who this child is speaking with.'

"Never mind that! I need a landing strip. An airport." There's a short pause. "And I need it pronto!"

'Landing strip... Considering he's talked about his emergency involving his aircraft... I can safely assume landing is relevant to aerial terms. Landing, as in no longer flying. Touching down on ground.' I shift my glasses. 'A strip of landing. A long patch of land...' I looks to Princess Twilight Sparkle. "Miss Sparkle, ask the child how much land they need." I get no response... she's concentrating on her communication with the child.

"Twilight... where are we?" How young is this pony? The child obviously lives in Ponyville, but the child doesn't know where they are?' I look down at the ground. I notice my wing control on my forehoof blinking. "Hm?" I raise my hoof and stare at it. Apparently, I'm picking up some kind of signal. 'What's this...? It seems to be coming from the south...' I look to the south... but I don't see anything. 'Whatever this is... it's powerful... It's almost unheard of for telepathic messages to reach this kind of distance...'

My metallic wings unfurl. 'Ok... this child is in danger. No more waiting.' I take flight, heading towards the source of the signal. 'Mental note: Tweak my wing control band to tell me how far a detected signal is from me.'

"Come again?" The child's voice rings in my mind. The child sounds stunned about something. It's like a cosmic guessing game when you listen to only one side of the conversation, then guess what the topic is. 'It'd be spectacular if I could hear what Princess Twilight Sparkle is saying back to the child.' I peer around as I fly. I don't see hide nor hair of this foal.

"Are you talking about my radio signals? That's electronically based. I'm not a unicorn, I'm a human." An inquisitive expression overtakes my face. 'Wait... the child isn't a pony? It's a hoomahn?' I pause, processing this. 'I've never encountered a hoomahn... fascinating! Perhaps I'll learn something new from it... It would explain how this child is able to talk to Princess Twilight Sparkle... and invent an aircraft at such a young age.'

"Twilight?" I'm still airborn... still flying south. 'I think I've covered a couple of miles so far... and still no sign of the child. Just how far is this kid?' Though, the child is speaking. I listen closely. Perhaps if I pay attention, they might drop more hints on where they are.

"How are funerals prepared in this place?" I blink. 'Uhhhh... that's an alarming thing to ask.' I pick up speed. Flying faster. I fly for a couple more minutes. Still no sign of the child! I stop in the air, hovering in place as i pant some. "Where?!" I ask out loud, frustrated.

"I'm about... ehhhh... 95 percent sure I'm about to die." There's a small pause. "Correction. 100 percent." Celestia no! What do I do?! I can't find the child... I don't even know what's going on! How do I help when all the information I have is a one sided conversation, no way to communicate, and clear skies for miles?!

"I've already-" 'The child just stopped... Are they ok?!' I begin flying again. Going faster than before. "Come on kid...! Talk!" I frantically look in all directions. Still nothing! How can the signal come from this direction... and I find nothing?! If this is a hoax... I swear to Celestia...

"Um..." There's a pause. "I'm in a flying machine..." There's another pause. "The machine is powered by a liquid known as gasoline... my machine has just used the remainder of it's gasoline... Without said gasoline, my machine is in rapid descent. Soon it will crash... almost guaranteed to have me perish in the crash." I quickly set aside the idea that it's a hoax. 'The child's voice sounds too panicked, and frightened to be a hoax. 'This is real...' I slow down. 'Come on... think Dark Wind! A child's life is at stake!' I close my eyes. Thinking... my eyes shoot open with a realization after about 5 minutes. 'I was looking at my view level... this flying machine... could it have passed overhead?!' I look at my control band. The signal is coming from the north now. 'Damn!' I grit my teeth. 'The child went right by me! I had no idea!' I look skyward. Trying to spot this so called... flying machine.

"I'm currently at 5,000 feet." There's a short pause. "I can see a mountain... there's a village near it... with a forest near that." '5,000 feet?! No wonder I didn't see the child... I'm flying 100 feet tops!' I turn around and begin flying back the way I came. Scanning the sky above me. 'Damn it, Dark Wind! The kid could've passed me at anytime...! There's no telling how much distance is between us!'

There's an extended period of silence. All I hear is wind rushing by me as I rush to the north. 'This is bad... there's no telling how far ahead the kid is now...' Then the child's voice rings in my mind. "I... I don't know which way is north!" It doesn't really surprise me that the child doesn't know which way is north. Children often don't know that sort of thing. Though, it doesn't help to slow me down.

Again... there's a period of silence. A little shorter than the previous one. "T-Twilight...?" There's... a certain calm... too calm... I don't like it... "Never mind..." A chill... runs up my spine. The despair in the child's voice... just feels wrong. It shouldn't be there... It just motivates me to move faster. To try harder!

It feels like hours... maybe it's just my exhaustion... but it feels like hours by the time I get back to the outskirts of Ponyville. Ugh... I'm out of shape. I can see Rainbow Dash zipping around. Probably practicing stunts or something.

I hover in the air. Looking around. "Ok..." I close my eyes, and begin to think. "If the aircraft is airborn... and no longer capable of maintaining it's path... it would fall prey to the elements... thusly wind. If the child was heading north at the time... and the current wind conditions... it would drift east." I pause, processing this information. I then shift my glasses. They glimmer in the sunlight as I deduce more. "If I take into account gliding... from 5,000 feet." I look into the sky. "He lost power about 16 minutes after he said he could see the village." I look to Ponyville. My eyes lighten. "The kid had to..." I look to the mountain. "... The mountain..." I don't like the idea of a child crashing into a mountain... which means I should get there now, to help the child. I take off, full speed towards the mountain. I call out. "Rainbow Dash! The mountain! Quick!"
As I approach the mountain... smoke comes into view. 'That's... not good...' I hover in place over the area the smoke is coming from. There... seems to be large hunks of metal... but not just hunks of metal... they seems to be shaped. Specifically shaped. Constructed even. "This would definitely classify as craft. This is no doubt the aircraft that the child was speaking of..."

"Hey egghead." Rainbow Dash arrives. I sigh. I've always hated that name. "So good to see you. How's life, flying biz good? Oh yeah, and put the fire out!" I nearly yell as I point to it. Rainbow Dash rolls her eyes. "Calm down, Mr. Crabby Pants. I got this." She flies up and grabs a nearby cloud. She takes it over to the fire and makes it rain on the fire. After which she let's the cloud go. "So... what is all this?" She asks as she lands near the nose of the plane. Not that she knows what that is.

"I'm... not entirely certain." I float down and land next to Rainbow Dash. "It seems to be a mechanical construct meant for aerial travel... But... I don't... recognize any of these parts." I tilt my head as I look at a few parts. "It's... amazing... how many different ways one can achieve a single goal." I peer at my wings.

"We're getting distracted. Wasn't there a child, or something? Twilight said something about a child." Rainbow Dash notes. My eyes widen. "Damn! Curse you scientific discovery... thou hath betrayed me!" Forgetting about the craft for now... I turn my attention to finding the child.

Peering around, I hear Rainbow Dash call out. "Kid! Hey kid!" I shake my head as I look over the wreckage of this... 'aircraft'. It's actually rather roomy on the inside... and seats? 'Hmmm... they are pointing in a specific direction. With one in the very front. They are all above me though... and upside down. Obviously this construct is upside down'. I move inside the construct. Being careful to avoid jagged edges of metal. I peer around inside the construct. 'I don't see anypony...' Hearing a small 'splish' sound... I stepped in something. Bringing my hoof to my face I peer at it. 'Blood...' I frown. 'This could be bad... if the child isn't here... that could mean the child is ok... but it could also mean timberwolves got to the kid...' I shake my head. 'No... the blood would be much worse, and splattered everywhere. The child left on it's own accord.' I look closer to the floor. Er... ceiling. 'A... hoofprint. A bloody one... but a hoofprint. Didn't the child say they weren't a pony? Possible head trauma leading them to believe they are hoomahn?' I shake my head. There are more important things to worry about than possible injuries. Such as finding the child! Scanning the inside a little further... I find a few feathers. A soft pink color. "Hmmmm..." I pick one up. "A filly..." I tilt my head. "Why would a pegasus need a flying machine?" I peer at the multiple seats. "Hmmm... who would understand aerodynamics better than a pegasus... Maybe this pegasus uses this machine to transport passengers...?" I examine a seat. "Who is this pegasus transporting? Dinosaurs? These seats are much bigger than the average pony." I ponder this for a moment. "Something doesn't add up..."

I exit the construct. 'Now that I know what I'm looking for... it'll be a little easier to find.' I peer into the dirt. Looking for signs of movement... hoofprints... scuffles... dirt irregularities, feathers, anything!

"Hey! Mr. Wind. Why don't you actually help me look, instead of studying your rocks, or whatever you do!" Rainbow Dash calls. I facehoof. "Miss Dash... Just..." I sigh. Shaking my head, I continue my search. Leading from the construct... there seems to be marks indicating something was dragged. 'I don't see paw prints, or hoofprints either. I can surmise that the child dragged itself.' I follow the marks over to a large cone shaped hunk of metal. The hunk of metal looks like it has a fan inside it. That was the piece of metal that was on fire... due to Miss Dash's rain fall... any markings in the dirt around it there might've been... are gone now.

"Mr. Wind!" Rainbow Dash calls out. "I found something. Looks like something was burned." I move over to Rainbow Dash. Peering what she's found over. "Hmmmm... you're right." I look closer. It's not the burn marks that I find interesting... hoofprints. Same size as the bloody one inside the construct! "Good job Rainbow!" It's not just a single print either... the hoofprints continue on. I begin to follow... but soon after... I find more prints." Oh no... Timberwolves."

Rainbow Dash grits her teeth. "Where?! I'll crush em!" She rears up on her hind hooves and punches at the air. "Not here... it seems they were chasing the child." I tell her. Something interesting comes to light as I follow the prints. There's no blood. The wolves would easily outrun a single child. Have the child torn apart in seconds. But nothing... Suddenly... the hoofprints fade away. I stop.

"What's the matter?" Rainbow Dash asks. "We just have to follow the prints now, right?" I shake my head. "The hoofprints faded away... Something odd though... the timberwolf tracks keep going... "Be on guard." I state as I head into the forest. Following the tracks. As I move, I look left and right. Keeping an eye out for tracks, disturbed brush. Things of that nature. I follow the tracks for a good quarter of a mile. I find an overturned tree... it has... unbelievably... a living timberwolf trapped underneath it, unconscious as well. "Well..." I begin to investigate the surrounding area. Lots of timberwolf tracks. They seem... disorientated. Confused even.

"The tracks keep going this way." Rainbow Dash points towards an opening to the forest. I spot a few hoofprints matching the child's... 'Just who is this kid...? This is no normal child. Able to outwit, and survive an entire pack by itself.' I turn to Rainbow Dash and head out of the opening. Coming to a cliff edge. The tracks are... frantic here. A scuffle definitely took place here. Again... no blood. I clearly see hoofprints. "Where did the kid go...?" I examine the tracks closer. I can see hoofprints leading away from the cliff's edge... but stop abruptly. 'The tracks don't lead back into the forest... there's only one other way to go.' I move towards the ledge. I was about to start pondering where to go from here... but I spot a pink figure down at the base of the cliff. The same pink as the feathers! My eyes widen, and without a second thought, without any hesitation, I leap off the cliff.

"Hey!" Rainbow Dash calls after me. "Where ya goin?" She then spots what I did. "Wait... is that...?!" She takes off after me. "Little filly!" I call out as I get closer. There's no movement... 'Please be ok...' I then land near the child. I quickly approach the child. "Hey... She's not moving... oh no..." I kneel down to the child and examine their body. With medical knowledge, I'm capable of noticing several severe injuries. "This is bad..." My voice shakes. "Multiple fractures..." I look over the child some more. "Damage to the spine... severe head trauma. Multiple head trauma even..." I frown. "Broken ribs... possible punctured lung. She's not gonna make it... She'll be gone in minutes..."

Rainbow seems to be thoughtful for a few moments, the nods. She gets a determined expression as she unfurls her wings. A pressure wave seems to emit from her. The grass swaying from it as if worshipping Rainbow. "Then there's no time to wait." I blink. "Rainbow..." She has no medical knowledge! "We need to get medical personnel here." I tell her sternly. "You said it yourself. We only have minutes. We don't have time to wait for them!" Rainbow Dash retorts quickly. I grit my teeth. "F.. fine. Keep her spine as straight as possible!" I carefully lift the child into Rainbow's hooves.

Rainbow Dash nods. She looks into the sky. The sun seems to focus on her... the light shining off her as she reers up, and takes off into the sky. A strong gust of wings nearly knocks Dark Wind over. "Go Dash..." I look to the sky, watching her quickly fade into the distance. "Go..."


A certain yellow pegasus mare with a pink mane stands outside her home. She takes a deep breath. "Ahhhh. You smell that fresh air, Angel?" She blinks. "Angel?" She looks around, but then notices A familiar rainbow jet stream approaching. "Oh! It's Rainbow." Angel hops up with a pair of pilot's goggles on, and rope. "Angel? What have you got there?" Angel ties himself to a tree. "Silly. What are you-" Her eyes go wide as giant gust of wind blows passed her. Her mane is pulled backwards into an odd shape as leaves trail the gust. The familiar rainbow jet stream left in it's wake. "Oh my..." Angel laughs from the tree.

"I have to go faster...!" Rainbow Dash grits her teeth, a mach cone forming around her as she pushes for speed. She blasts through ponyville. Knocking plants down, ripping panels, and window shutters off of homes. She begins to slow down as the hospital comes into view in the distance. Arriving only mere seconds later. She lands several feet from the hospital door and rushes in. "Somepony! HELP! This filly is dying!" She calls to any, and everypony. The receptionist looks up. "Goodness!" She stands up. "What happened?" Rainbow shakes her head. "I don't know. A pony told me she has multiple fractures, and... and head trauma." The receptionist takes one good look. "Oh my... quickly! This way!" She quickly rushes down the hall, with Rainbow following quickly. The receptionist pulls a doctor towards Rainbow. "Doctor Pulse!"

"What's all this commotion..." He's a rather tall pony. Maybe a bit shorter than Princess Luna. He's a tan color, and blonde mane. Sapphire blue eyes. His cutie mark is two paddles from a defibrillator. He's wearing a white doctor's coat with a stethoscope. General doctor feel to him. He gets one look at the little pink child. "Oh my... We must not dilly dally! Quickly, nurse. Call Doctor Summers, and Doctor Autumn to the surgery room, immediately!"

The receptionist nods. "Right away!" She rushes back towards the front.

"Rainbow, follow me quick!" He practically sprints further down the hall, his white coat fluttering behind him as he moves. Moving to a large double doored room. He holds the door open for Rainbow Dash. Rainbow heads in and carries the child to the table in the middle of the room. As this happens, a voice comes over the intercom. "Paging Dr. Summers, and Dr. Autumn. Code blue, room 27. STAT."

Dr. Pulse starts by checking the child's breathing. "Hmmm.." He puts an ear the child's chest. On the right side of the child's chest. "Hmmmm..." Then moves to the other side. "Is she going to be ok...?" Rainbow Dash asks, worriedly.

Dr. Pulse raises a hoof to shush Rainbow Dash. "First... she... is a he." He pauses. "He has a collapsed lung." Soon after, two new ponies enter the room. One is a mare. Snow white coat, with an icy blue mane. She's of average size. She has a thermometer as her cutie mark. Like Doctor Pulse, she's wearing a white doctor's coat. She's a unicorn with Sapphire blue eyes. To the left of her, is standing an average sized pegasus. He's a dark grey, and dark yellow colored stallion. His cutie mark is two crossed syringes. He's wearing a coat as well, and glasses. His eyes are a golden color.

"What do we got?" The pegasus stallion asks. "Autumn. We have a collapsed lung." Dr. Pulse tells the pegasus. Dr. Autumn nods. "Chest tube. I'm on it." He turns and heads to a distinct area of the room. The unicorn mare nods. "Ok ponies, prep for surgery." A moment later, a white earth pony mare walks in. "Doctors. I'm here to assist." She nods. She's wearing a little white hat with a red plus sign on the front. Usual cliche hat. Dr. Pulse nods to the nurse that just arrived. "Standard surgery equipment."

Meanwhile... outside of the hospital. Me, Dark Wind, I finally arrive. I brush by the doors and move to the receptionist. Huffing, and puffing. Having flown as fast as I could. "Pink... child... hurt really bad... where?!" The receptionist blinks. "Oh um... I'll have to page-" I cut her off. "Don't give me that stalling nonsense, I SAID WHERE?!" I stomp my hooves on her desk. Her eyes go wide. "R-room 27..."

I pay her no more attention, and head straight down the hall. With a single goal in mind, I ignore all else, and move straight to room 27. Pushing passed the double doors, I find a scene of doctors... all working in sync. At this point... they've got a chest tube in the child's left chest cavity. A breathing apparatus as well. They seem to be about ready to perform more surgery. My guess, from having seen the child's condition, is to remove bone fragments that were shattered as to prevent more lung puncturing. The tan earth pony looks up. "Who let a civilian in here?" "I'm no civilian." I tell the doctor as I approach. Opening my saddlebag, I hand over my medical license. The doctor looks it over. "Dr. Wind." He looks up at me. "Don't you work for Luna in her research team in Canterlot?" "I'm actually a freelance researcher. A third party, if you will. I've worked with Princess Luna's team before, but not directly for her." I smile. The doctor seems to mull it over. "Prep for surgery. I'm down a doctor." I don't argue, and head to the sinks to wash up, and prepare to work.

The nurse move to Dr. Pulse. "Just like that?" She whispers. "Just going to let him come in, and work? Don't you know what he does? That abomination on his back..." Dr. Pulse grunts as he prepares the area on the child's body where the first incision is to be made. "That pony is capable of creating synthetic nerves, and get them to work in sync with mechanical parts. I find that valuable. Seeing as a child's life is on the line." He pauses. "Now enough of your bias. Let's save a life." The nurse blinks. "Y... your right. I'm sorry." She steps aside as I walk back to the table.

Dr. Pulse advises me. "As I'm sure you're aware, there are bone fragments that'll need to be removed due to shattering, or they'll be a puncture risk. We simply can't afford having both lungs punctured."

I nod as I begin. I take mental note. I'm beginning surgery... as Dr. Pulse monitors the child's breathing. Dr. Summers, the mare unicorn is cleaning the child's head wound. While Dr. Autumn cleans the nasty bite marks on the child's hind quarters.

I... sort of zone... becoming incredibly focused. I lose track of time. Everything seems to be going well. At some point, a heart rate monitor had been brought in. I was too focused on picking shards of bone out of the cavity... synthetic material may have to be used to replace it... Then I hear the doctor.

"Something's wrong..." Dr. Pulse stares at the heart rate monitor. "His heart rate!" I look over at Dr. Pulse. "Shit...!" I quickly examine the areas I've been working in. "Nothing... I didn't make a mistake." I grit my teeth. 'What happened?! His right lung is fine! I can see it expanding, and contracting just fine!' The heart rate monitor shows the child's heart rate is increasing.

Rainbow Dash steps forward. "W... what happened?" Dr. Pulse looks to the nurse. "Get her out of here." The nurse moves to Rainbow Dash. "Come with me, please. Miss Dash..." She begins to lead Rainbow Dash out. "N-no..." Rainbow Dash looks to the table. "Come on kid...!" The two leave the room.

I stare at the child's lung. 'What did I do wrong?!' I look at the heart rate monitor. His vitals are dropping alarmingly fast, while his heart rate is increasing. I freeze up. 'E... everything was going so well... he was gonna make it... we had turned it around!'

"A shot of adrenaline." Dr. Autumn states as he moves to a medicine cabinet. He Retrieves a syringe, and a bottle. Then heads back to the table, and prepares the syringe. Dr. Pulse nods. "Do it. It'll buy us time to figure out what went wrong." He looks to me. "Dr. Wind?" I give him no response. All I can do... is try to wrap my mind around it. 'I didn't do anything wrong... I was perfect. No cuts on the lung...'

Dr. Summers moves around the table. "I'll take over the surgery position." She says calmly as he gently moves me out of the way. "I'll check his work." Dr. Autumn applies the adrenaline. Dr. Pulse watches the heart rate monitor. "Come on... bounce back kid..." There are no changes... the child's vitals continue to plummet. "Damn it!" He grits his teeth. "There has to be another wound. Something else..." He begins examining the child further.

Everypony could feel it... the impending... It never helps. Knowing ahead of time what was coming. Never does. It always hurts when they hear that... horrible sound. The sound of a flatline. I can only stare at the heart rate monitor at it does just that... flatline. A tear forming in my eye. I felt like I could save him... that it'd be me who could... My eyes fall on the tube in his chest. My eyes widen. "WAIT! Tension pneumonthorax! Quick! Release the pressure on the chest tube!" Dr. Summers removes a valve in the tubing. "We need to jump start his heart!"

"Will the defibrillator work?" The nurse asks, she seems ready to go move it into place. Dr. Pulse shakes his head. "That's why you're the intern. The defibrillator... works for correcting irregular heart rhythms. The problem here, is he doesn't have one to correct."

Dr. Autumn returns to the medicine cabinet. "We need vasopressin." He states as he pulls a new syringe, and a different bottle. Moving back towards the child, he injects the new syringe. Dr. Summers watches in anticipation. "Come on..." Dr. Pulse's expression saddens as the injection does nothing. "He's... gone..." He closes his eyes.

Dr. Summers looks to Dr. Pulse. "No...!" She looks back to the child. "It's not fair... h... he didn't even have long enough to call a life!" Her face grows determined. "Electrical impulses in the heart signal for it to contract. We need compressions!"

I look on in silence. Even I know that the child's ribs are too far gone to do compressions. I don't want to say it though... Dr. Pulse looks at Dr. Summers. "We can't do compressions... His ribs are shattered, they can't handle compressions." Dr. Summers shakes her head. "I still have to try!" Tears form in her eyes. "Magic! I'll do compressions with magic!" A white aura matching her coat forms at her horn.

Dr. Pulse sighs. "There's a reason we don't use magic in here, Dr. Summers. You should know that." Dr. Summers does know it she knows magic is connected to emotions and that when emotions run high... magic runs rampant... but... she can't stop. Blue energy begins to draw from everywhere in the room. Pulling towards her horn. Her eyes begin to glow white. Dr. Pulse blinks in alarm. "Summers! Stop!" He moves to grab her, but a sudden forceful gust of wind knocks everypony down except her, and the child's body. Dr. Pulse looks up from the floor. Dr. Summers' eyes are pure white with energy. White electrical energy rushing all around her. "Everypony get down!" Dr. Pulse yells. "She's having a magical surge! Everypony stay down!"

A mere second later... a loud snap sound erupts. It sounds like a bolt of electricity slamming into a sheet of metal. At least the ponies in the room could hear that, because they couldn't see anything due to a very bright flash created by, presumably, the magical surge. As if the loud snap sound, and the bright flash weren't enough, a pressure wave emits too! Just our luck, it's strong enough to throw everypony against the wall. Followed by equipment! Luckily, the heart rate monitor wasn't thrown. Maybe it was inside the 'eye of the storm' if you will. Though, smaller bits of equipment, like the defibrillator get thrown against the wall. It was by Celestia's grace nopony got smashed in the face with it.

Luckily for me, Dark Wind, my metal wings take the brunt of the force. Protecting me from getting hurt too much. Unfortunately, the other doctors all appear to be immobilized. Which becomes apparent after the flash dies down, and fades. Dr. Pulse is on the floor with the wind knocked out of him. Probably only conscious due to his earth pony nature. Dr. Summers is unconscious where she was standing. Dr. Autumn seems to have been knocked out. I then notice... the child... His wounds... all healed... even where the surgery was taking place.

I rush to the boy's side. I can see ribs. They aren't shattered anymore. I run my hoof along the boy's ribs to confirm they've been reconstructed by the magical surge. I peer over at the unconscious form of Dr. Summers. Was it a magical surge after all...? I shake my head and put my ear to the child's chest. No heartbeat... but with his ribs reconstructed, I can attempt chest compressions to simulate the heart's pumping! I waste no time in doing so. Beginning chest compressions. "Come on kid... you've made it this far... you might as well start breathing too!"

After a good 6 compressions... the child's eyes snap open and gasps. I jump back in surprise as the kid quickly sits up panting. I watch in awe as the boy looks at me. "Can... I have a glass of water...?" He asks me. I can only blink in shock. Not actually having expected the compressions to work. Then the boy lies down again, and closes his eyes. 'NO NO NO NO!" I rush to him, snapping out of my shock. "Don't go back to sleep!" Too late... "Damn it..." I watch as the boy begins to suck on his hoof as he sleeps. "Um..." I watch his chest rise and fall... "Just sleeping..." I put my ear to his chest, the heart rate monitor, I now realize, is beeping calmly. "We... did it..."

I step away giggling nervously and falling on my rump, the relief spreading through me. "We... did it..." I repeat. After a few moments of rest, I stand up and head over to an intercom that is conveniently in the room. I hit the button. "Can we get some help in room 27 please."