Past Shadows

by ChaosDragoon

Chapter Twenty Four

“I’m sorry,” Weaponry cried as he lowered his head and continued, “I’m sorry for everything. I wasn’t strong enough to.” Weaponry was cut short by Flash punching him. Weaponry stood there staring at him in shock.

“Don’t you dare blame yourself for this!” Flash yelled.

“You couldn’t have known Ozark was a dark entity that would bring all this sadness and darkness with him. You wanted to protect those you cared for. Your only fault was caring too much,” Sacred Arrow said.

“But if I was strong enough to break free from that changelings mind control then Flash would still be alive. Now I’ve lost everything. I’ve lost my friends, my brother, and the mare I love. I don’t know how much more I can take,” Weaponry said.

“Then we end your suffering, your sorrow. Together,” Flash said before he looked at Sacred Arrow who nodded.

“Right, that’s what friends are for: to help carry the burden so you’re not crushed underneath it,” Sacred Arrow said before she turned to the shadow that continued to fight off the ponies around it.

“We stand united, we stand as one. No dark creature from the past will ever break that,” Flash said with a smile before he looked back at Weaponry and added, “We await your orders.” Weaponry could help smile at both of them. No matter the obstacle in his way, no matter the pain, they would always be there. Helping him through, helping him overcome anything. He wiped away the remaining tears from his eyes and walked past them. His horn illuminated and three orbs floated from it. Two wrapped around Flash’s hooves and crated gauntlets while the third created a large bastard sword. Sacred Arrow’s golden bow floated around her as she looked at Flash and Weaponry and nodded.

“We end this here and now. We’ll stop his spread of darkness and sorrow once and for all,” Weaponry said before the three charged towards the massive shadow.

Flash took to the air and punched the shadow. It shrieked in surprise before tendrils shot towards Flash. Blue arrows cut through the air and pierced into the tendrils, instantly freezing them. Flash shattered each frozen tendril before proceeding towards the shadow’s main body.
Weaponry sliced at every tendril that attacked him. Silver Speed zigzagged around the shadow slicing tendril that tried to pin him to the ground. Strong hoof bucked at the shadow causing it to lift a little in the air as Thunder Kraken and Lightning Rush shot lightning bolts at the shadow. The rest of the ponies continued their onslaught on the shadow.

“Enough!” the shadow roared before tendril shot out in all directions. The ponies around it where pushed back before the shadow began to morph and take shape. Weaponry watched in horror as the shadow took the form of a ten foot long creature. Its skin was black as a starless, moonless sky. It stood on all fours with hook like blood red claws on each finger. From its basketball shaped-head to its arrow-shaped tail where long, icicle blue spines. It scanned everypony with its large blood red eyes as its mouth opened letting out a fog of white smoke. The creature suddenly let out a roar that sounded like a leather object being dragged down a stringed instrument.

Everypony placed their hooves over their ears as the roar echoed for a few seconds before it died down. The creature then began to speak,

“I’ve grown tired of this fruitless effort. I’ll end this in one move.” The creature turned towards Weaponry, Flash and Sacred Arrow and added, “I’ll start by destroying you three.” the creature opened its mouth and unleashed a massive white beam of energy that cut through the air and scorched the ground under it. The beam moved with such speed that Weaponry couldn’t conjure up enough magic to teleport.

The beam split in two and collided with pillars that where instantly disintegrated by its touch. The creature smiled, exposing long, dagger like white teeth. Its smile soon faded when it saw the bubble around the three. The bubble was a mixture of ruby red and silver aura. Two flashes of light appeared on either side of the bubble as two unicorns glared at the creature.

“Your life ends here Ozark. I will not stand by and watch as you ruin another innocent ponies life,” Sombra Roared.

“It pains me to see you like this, but I must end this dark path you’ve descended on Brother,” Star Swirl said. The creature roared at the two before charging towards them. Sombra’s horn illuminated as the ground shock. Suddenly ruby red crystals rose up from the ground and created a ten foot crystal golem. The golem and creature collided before the golem brought down one of its fists on the creatures back. The creature roared in pain before its arrow-shaped tail rose up like a scorpion and began to stab at the golem, trying to find purchase. The tail struck the golems crystal skin but couldn’t penetrate. The golem suddenly shifted its weight and lifted the creature onto its shoulders and then slammed the creature to the ground as it rolled.

The golem stood up and lifted its fist, ready to strike again. This time however, the creature let lose a massive roar the shook the whole room. The golem’s crystal frame began to crack and fissure before it shattered to pieces.

“Is that all you have to offer?” the creature asked. Star Swirls horn began to glow and silver aura began to engulf his body before it took the shape of a twelve foot bear.

“Bear umbra,” Star Swirled exclaimed before he charged at the creature. The creature and umbra both collided. The umbra bit down into the creature’s right shoulder. It roared in pain before it placed its claws under the umbra’s arms and flung it into the air. The umbra quickly changed from a bear to an eagle and soared through the air. It flew above the creature and suddenly turned into an armadillo. It curled up and fell to the ground. Its body slammed into the creature like a cannon ball. The creature roared in shock and pain before the umbra changed into a pony size grass hopper and jumped away from the creature just before the creatures tail tried to strike.

The creature stood up and roared in anger before it charged at the umbra. The umbra changed once again. The creature soon found its self in a collar and elbow tie up with a gorilla umbra. The creature was able to overpower the umbra and toss it into the air. The umbra quickly changed into a humming bird and quickly flew towards Sombra. It landed next to him as the umbra quickly disappeared.

“We can’t hurt him while he’s in this state,” Star Swirl said.

“Then how do we defeat him,” Sombra asked. Star Swirled shock his head and looked at Weaponry.

“We can’t, but you can,” Star Swirl said to Weaponry.

“Me?” Weaponry asked.

“Yes, we’re fighting it in your mind. You have to be the one to defeat it. However, you’ll not do it alone. Everypony here will give you their strength to defeat Ozark,” Sombra said.

The room suddenly shook as the group looked around and saw the dark room start to crack.

“What’s going on?” Flash asked.

“The Elements,” Star Swirl said in shock before he looked over at Weaponry and added, “We have to defeat him now!”


Twilight stared at Flash’s lifeless body. Her eyes were glued to his as she felt like she was staring into a dark, empty cave. The tears began to roll down her cheeks before she closed her eyes and a massive magical surge erupted from her horn. The crystals holding her hooves shattered before she began to float in the air. Her friends felt her magical surge through their bodies and soon the crystals holding their hooves shattered as well. Their elements appeared around their necks as Twilight’s crown appeared on her head. The rainbow colored aura started to form out of each element and connect to one another before connecting to Twilight’s crown. The rainbow shot up into the sky and took the shape of a massive dragon that let out an earth shattering roar

“By the gods, is that the Rainbow Dragon of legend?” Luna said in shock.

“It is dear sister. The sight of Flash’s death must have sparked something in Twilight. Ozark can’t defend against this attack,” Celestia said.

The dragon folded its wings and dove towards Ozark. As it came barreling down it let out another earth shattering roar before it changed into a beam of rainbow energy. Ozark stared at the dragon before his sadistic crooked smile formed on his face. The beam suddenly collided with a black shield that hovered in front of Ozark. Ozark was pushed back a few feet before he got his hooves under him and started pushing the rainbow dragon back.

“You foolish mares, you think I hadn’t prepared for this moment!” Ozark snapped as he continued to push the rainbow beam back. He chuckled as he explained,” Your foolish last ditch effort has failed! As I speak, my chalice is devouring the elements magic and soon I’ll be ride of one less distraction. I’ll finally gain control of all Equestria and soon the entire world will be under my hoof!”


“We need to defeat him now! I can feel the elements wavering. If we can destroy this creature inside your mind. Ozarks power will weaken enough for the elements to end his terrine once and for all,” Star Swirl explained before he pointed to the creature and continued, “Aim your magical weapons towards his blackened soul. If we can destroy that, he will parish.”

Weaponry nodded before the gauntlets changed back into orbs and fused with the sword to create a six foot long javelin. He turned to Star Swirl and asked, “How can I hit his soul if he continues to move?”

“Leave that to me,” Sombra said before his horn illuminated. Three crystal pillars rose up from the ground behind the creature and shot crystal chains with shackles at the ends of them towards the creature. Two of the shackles wrapped around the creatures forearms while the third wrapped around its torso. Crystals suddenly wrapped around the creatures back legs and its tail before the chains retracted and kept the creature in a standing upright position. The creature began to thrash and try to break the chains. The chains rattled but held.

“Now! Do it now!” Sombra yelled. Weaponry looked at Flash and Sacred Arrow who stood on either side of him. Flash simply nodded before Sacred Arrow embraced Weaponry in a hug.

“Always remember that we may not be with you physically, but we will be with you spiritually. Not just me or my brother but, every other pony who’s ever called you a team mate, commander, friend, “Sacred Arrow said before she stepped back from him. Weaponry nodded before he galloped towards the creature, the javelin hovering above him.

Weaponry flung the javelin and it cut through the air towards the creature. The ponies around the creature roared in cheers before they changed into orbs and soon flew towards the javelin and fused with it. Thunder Kraken and Lightning Rush nodded at one another and changed into orbs as well. The yellow orb and crystal blue orb flew through the air and fused with the javelin. Strong hoof raced next to the javelin and soon changed into a red orb and fused with the javelin as did silver speed. Flash extended his wings and jetted towards the javelin. Sacred Arrow looked at Weaponry and mouthed “I love you” before she changed into an orb and joined the javelin with her brother. Star Swirl and Sombra looked at one another before the two changed to orbs and fused with the javelin.

“You think I’ll let you stop me!” the creature roared before it let out a massive beam of white energy. The beam engulfed the javelin and for a second it seemed the beam of energy had disintegrated the javelin. The beam suddenly split in to as an array of colorful auras swirled in front of the javelin, protecting it from the energy beam. With the help of the rainbow aura, the javelin drilled through the beam before descending away from the beam, the creature continued to thrash even harder but his efforts proved fruitless. The javelin and array of colorful aura pierced into the creature’s chest and disappeared into its body. Leaving a ripple where it entered. However, after that, nothing happened. Weaponry’s eyes widened and he collapsed to the ground. It had failed, their finally attempted to save the kingdom had failed.

The creature laughed as the crystals holding it shattered. He rubbed his forearms before stacking towards weaponry. His smile seemed to wrap around his head as he chuckled, “You’ve failed your kingdom, your princesses.” The creature lifted its right arm, claws opened ready to strike as he added, “And your friends.” His claws descended towards Weaponry, each finger twitched in excitement.

Suddenly a red beam of light ripped out of his right shoulder. The creature let out a shriek of pain as he placed his left claw over the opening. Another beam of light ripped from his left shoulder causing the creature to step back from Weaponry. A green light ripped from the creature’s skin then blue, purple, silver, yellow, crystal blue. Lights of all different colors ripped out of the creature’s body, one by one. The creature let out one final roar of pain before exploding into a colorful blast of lights. The force of the explosion flung Weaponry into the air and destroyed the remaining pillars.


Ozark smiled as he continued to push the rainbow back, but his smile suddenly faded as the shield he used began to crack. More crakes formed as he yelled, “No! No! What have you done! You need me you stupid colt! I saved you from certain doom!” the shield shattered and the rainbow blasted into Ozark. His muscles felt like they were being carved by a jagged knife, his bones felt like they were being crushed by hammers, and his skin felt like hooks where ripped his skin from his body. He screamed in pain and anger before the rainbow blasted into the sky and suddenly exploded. The crystals holding the princesses, Twilight, and her friends shattered as did the rest of the crystals around the court yard. The chalice and diamond shape crystal imploded into themselves and the changelings that where transformed fizzled into nothing but black smoke.


Weaponry limped towards a foal sized black blob that bubbled as it tried to reform its self but continued to grow smaller and smaller with each passing second. Weaponry stood over the blob and said, “It’s over Ozark. You’ve been defeated again. Now got back to the deepest parts of Tartarus where you belong.” Weaponry turned to walk away as the room continued to dissipate.

“I. Will. Not,” the small blob wheezed. Weaponry turned back towards the blob and slowly limped towards it as it said again, “I. Will. Not” Weaponry was about to speak up when the blob suddenly grew to stallion sized mass and lunged at him as Ozark screamed, “I will not. Disappear alone!”