
by Grimm

6. F.E.E.L.I.N.G.C.A.L.L.E.D.L.O.V.E.

“Oh fuck.

Night Light hissed sharply, clutching Twilight’s mane as she gave his length another long, lascivious lick. His entire body trembled at her whim, Twilight able to make him buck his hips at the merest hint of her breath against him. Even in such a submissive position she had absolute power over him, and Twilight revelled in it.

She grinned mischievously. He must be close now, but seeing just how long she could keep him there was too much fun.

Twilight took him into her mouth, tasting every inch of him she could as his hips gave another quick, involuntary buck. She answered with even more teasing licks, rolling her tongue around him gently as Night Light shuddered again.


Oh goddess she loved hearing him say her name like that; a helpless, murmured exultation as her tongue traced its way over his skin, letting his musky scent fill her head. She couldn’t say anything back, preoccupied as she was, but she smiled around him and felt his length twitch in response.

Each of his shuddering gasps only excited her more, only made her want to taste more of him, to have him push into her mouth and drive him closer and closer to the edge with her reverent licks. And her father gave her all that and more, and even in her most lustful imaginations Twilight had never imagined it being this perfect, so in line with her deepest desires and needs.

“I’m close,” Night Light murmured, but she knew that already. She knew from the way his length twitched between her lips. She knew from the way his breathing became quicker and shallower, and how his clutch on her mane tightened almost enough to hurt.

She remembered the blindfolds again, how he’d presented himself with nothing but his wonderful scent to guide her, tasting herself on him as well, and how he’d pulled away just as he’d started to get hard again.

Clean it.

She remembered the bathroom, staring longingly across at who she thought she could never have, toying with the idea of taking even the slightest chance to run her tongue over his stallionhood again, fighting her lust and holding herself back through sheer force of will.

She didn’t have to hold back this time.

And so she took him as deep as she could, a desperate plea that he answered almost immediately. Night Light gave one last violent shudder, his hips lurching forward as his length pulsed in her mouth and warmth splashed against her tongue.

She swallowed, still with him in her mouth, her tongue still caressing his sensitive flare and making him twitch and squirm. When she finally pulled back, at last releasing his softening length from between her lips, it was with a faint pang of reluctance and longing for more, the sharp taste of his climax still lingering and filling her with twisted excitement. Twilight wasn’t surprised to feel a small damp spot on the carpet beneath her, and a large part of her wanted to jump him and have him rut her until she could barely walk straight. But this had been for him. There’d be time for her later.

And so instead she hopped onto the bed beside him, snuggling close as he came down from his orgasm and doing her best to ignore the incessant ache between her legs that demanded so much more. The next time they made love would be even better after this restrained denial, and Twilight knew she could wait that long.

She’d already waited months, after all.

Her father lay staring up at the ceiling, one foreleg hooked over her shoulders as she nestled into his chest, the other running gently over her leg. He used to do the same back when she was a foal, if ever he took too long to get out of bed in the mornings and Twilight ran in to wake him up. He’d always protested, eventually pulling her tightly to him just like now, usually eliciting a childish squeak of surprise and feigned reluctance. And more often than not they’d fall asleep like that, until Velvet would wake them again and jokingly chide their laziness, ignoring Twilight’s protests that she’d tried to get her father out of bed. And of course, even back then Twilight knew she would have been put out if Night Light ever did get up at her request. She’d just wanted the hugs.

He shifted beneath her, the movement dragging her out of her memories. “How are you feeling, kiddo?” he asked.

“Better,” she replied. And she was. The night before was a blur of excitement and love and sex, and even just thinking back to it made her already warm cheeks burn redder, made her have to clench her hindlegs together just a little tighter.

“Good.” There was an air of satisfied finality to his words, but then he sighed heavily. “Because I don’t think there’s any going back on this anymore. For either of us.”

Twilight nuzzled into his neck. “Would you want to?”

He didn’t answer right away, his hoof tracing small, slow circles against her shoulder. “No,” he said eventually, another flutter of excitement rising through Twilight. “Even if I could.”

“I wouldn’t either,” she replied, and Night Light smiled. It wasn’t until he did so that Twilight realised how long it had been since she last saw him smile like that, so warm and honest.

“But,” he said, and the flutter was replaced by a pang of nervousness, “we have to be so careful, kiddo.”

“I know we do,” she replied.

“Do you? Because every time I think about what would happen if anyone found out about this – us – I realise it’s even worse than I’d imagined. You’re Celestia’s personal student, an Element of Harmony and sister to a Prince. You’re an important pony, and if this ever got out…”

“It won’t,” Twilight said firmly. “We’ll make sure it won’t.”

“Nobody ever thinks they’re going to get caught, Twilight. That’s the definition of the word. And even putting aside all that political stuff, this would destroy Velvet and your brother if they ever knew. Especially Velvet.”

Twilight frowned. “How would they even find out?”

“That’s not the point. We can’t get complacent just because it’s unlikely. Around anyone else we need to be father and daughter, and nothing more.”

“I know, Dad.”

Night Light gave her a hard stare, before nodding in resignation. “I know you do.” His expression softened, and he pulled her into a tight hug, which Twilight gladly received. “I’m sorry, it’s just…” He took a deep breath, and shook his head. “I love you, Twilight.”

Twilight’s chest clenched impossibly tight. “I love you too.”

And she meant every word more than any she had ever spoken before.


Shining Armor lifted a hoof and pressed it to his temple. “Seriously? Again?”

“Maybe you should try a different game, BBBFF. I don’t think this one’s your forte.”

Her brother looked ready to snap the pool cue in half. From the corner came an amused giggle as Cadance snickered into her hoof.

“It’s not a rematch if it’s a different game,” Shining replied through gritted teeth. “It wouldn’t count.” He gazed forlornly at the last couple of remaining balls on the table. “I always get so close, too…”

“Well unless you want to lose a best of five we’re going to have to play something else anyway.” Twilight scanned the games room, her eyes settling on one thing in particular and lighting up. “Chess?”

The board she’d spotted looked ancient, but meticulously well kept. Each army was carved from its own, unique wood, every piece immaculately polished and preserved. She didn’t dare to hazard a guess as to how old it must be.

“The last time I beat you at chess was when you were five,” Shining said. “And I’m pretty sure I cheated.”

Twilight pouted. “You’re no fun.”

“I’d be even less fun to play against, trust me.”

Cadance suddenly piped up from her seat. “I’ll play.”

Quick to intervene, Shining frantically shook his head. “You don’t want to play against Twilight. She’s a demon at it.”

Cadance gave him a tight-lipped smile. “I’m glad my husband has so much faith in me.”

“Hey, whatever, don’t let me stop you. But don’t get mad when Twily kicks your-”

His wife raised an eyebrow.

“Er… wins,” he finished lamely.

“I’m not that bad,” Cadance growled, giving him a particularly threatening glare. “I used to play against my aunt all the time, and I even won a fair few.”

Twilight was impressed. Even she’d only beaten Celestia a handful of times.

“And besides,” the princess continued, grinning wickedly, “you need somepony to defend your honour…”

Shining scowled, but it was clear he knew he was beaten. “Fine. I’ll leave you two to it.” With that he stormed out the room, leaving Cadance to roll her eyes as she trotted over to the board.

“And that’s why we never play games like this at home,” she said.

Twilight nodded sympathetically. “Yeah, Shining’s always been really competitive.”

“Which is surprising, because he never seems to win anything.” Cadance chuckled before turning her attention to the board between them. “Do you want to flip a coin or something?”

“No, it’s okay, you can be white.”

Cadance thought for a moment before grabbing one of the pawns and marching it forward across the checkered battlefield. “So,” she said. “Good news from your stallion I take it?”

Twilight froze mid-move. No, no, no, how much did she know? How much could she know? Had she and Night Light really been that obvious? Had they-

Cadance burst into laughter, breaking Twilight’s panicked train of thought. “Princess of Love, Twilight, it comes with the occupation. And right now you’re practically radiating it.” As Twilight did her best to calm her breathing, Cadance jumped her knight over a row of pawns. “I have to admit, though, when I said ‘go for it’ I assumed you’d wait to do it face to face.”


“Then again,” Cadance continued, oblivious to Twilight’s confusion as she captured a bishop, “I can’t help but appreciate the romance in a good love letter.”

“A love… wha…?” And then everything clicked into place. Of course Cadance didn’t know, there was no way she’d have even the slightest inkling. The princess just assumed Twilight had been sending letters to her ‘mystery stallion’, a belief Twilight was all too happy to agree with. “Oh, right! The letters! I don’t know, just couldn’t wait, I guess.” She laughed nervously.

“Well, I’m glad it all worked out for you.”

If you really still want this, I’m here.

“Yeah, it’s great.”

I can’t believe we let it get this far.

This would destroy Velvet.

There was a short silence, punctuated by the wooden clacking of their chess pieces. Twilight bit her lip. “Cadance, can I ask you something?”

“I’d be a pretty terrible sister-in-law if I said no, wouldn’t I?”

A deep breath, and then… “How wrong is it for a pony to cheat on someone?”

Whatever Cadance had been expecting, it wasn’t that. Her eyes widened in surprise, and her warm smile instantly evaporated. “Oh.” She gave Twilight a long stare, the game forgotten beneath her. Twilight had a mate in four next turn anyway. “You realise that’s a very difficult question to ask me?”

“I know.”

The princess sighed. “So this is why you thought it was never going to happen, huh? Guess that’ll teach me to open my big mouth.” She tapped her hoof against the table a few times, thinking deeply. “You’re probably not going to like my answer.”

Twilight shrugged. Until five minutes ago she hadn’t even meant to ask the question in the first place.

“Well, in that case…” Cadance sat up straight now, resting her hooves against the table. “It’s never the right thing to do.”

Well, that was about what Twilight had expected, but Cadance wasn’t finished.

“Cheating is a huge betrayal, Twilight. One of the worst.” She sighed, and her face softened slightly. “Then again, in my position I have to concede that love is never simple, and I’m not going to say you and this pony shouldn’t be together. Sometimes relationships just aren’t meant to be, and if that’s the case with his current partner, that’s okay.” Her eyes flashed suddenly. “But cheating isn’t. If he truly cares about you, he needs to end his relationship first.”

Twilight swallowed. A hard lump had filled her throat, imagining Night Light leaving Velvet for her. That wasn’t something she wanted. Cadance may be right, maybe this was having her cake and eating it too, but for her parents to actually separate? On her behalf? It was something she hadn’t considered at all, and Goddess knew how Night Light would even begin to broach the subject.

Velvet, I’m leaving you for another mare who you can never meet or know who they are.

And just imagining her mother after was too much, Velvet’s life lying in broken ruins around her, not even understanding why, or knowing that it was all her daughter’s fault. Twilight consoling her, only to go and share a bed with the stallion that had broken Velvet’s heart, Twilight’s own father…

“I know it’s hard.” Cadance reached across the table, shunting some of the forgotten pieces to the side to take Twilight’s hoof in her own. “But the only pony who gets anything out of a situation like that is the stallion, and both you and whoever he’s cheating on deserve better than that. You can’t let him carry on that way.”

But Twilight wanted to anyway, no matter how disgustingly right Cadance was. For the first time everything seemed to be so right, she was happy, and Night Light was happy too. And maybe Velvet could be as well, in time, now Night Light could finally relax and be himself again. Wasn’t that the best thing? Wasn’t that the best thing for everyone?

“Yeah, you’re right,” said Twilight.

You’re wrong.

“It really is for the best.” Cadance paused, before continuing all too nonchalantly: “No matter how good he is in bed.”

Twilight boggled at her candidness. “Cadance!”

“Oh, don’t be such a prude. You asked for my opinion, and there it is.” The princess smiled sadly. “And if you want my advice, be very careful not to let him use you. I’d hate for you to be the next mare he hurts.”

“He’d never hurt me,” Twilight said flatly. Because he’s my father, and he’d do anything to stop that from happening. He already has.

“I’m not saying he would, or that he’d mean to, but whatever happens in your situation he’s going to hurt someone.” Cadance withdrew her hooves. She wasn’t smiling anymore. “And if you can’t persuade him to break it off with whoever he’s seeing, it’ll be both of you soon enough.”


Twilight didn’t like how quiet the manor could be. It gave her thoughts too much room to echo. With Cadance’s words still ringing in her ears, that was the last thing she needed.

Of course the Princess had derided her choices. Twilight had been expecting that as soon as she’d posed the question, but she hadn’t expected the sincerity in Cadance’s suggested ‘solution’.

Not that it was a solution, not at all. The last thing Twilight wanted was to tear the family apart. That’s why they had to keep this secret. She shouldn’t have said anything to Cadance, it was only making all this more difficult.

And more than that, Twilight didn’t want to hurt her mother. That hadn’t changed, it wouldn’t ever. If she took the Princess’ advice… Twilight didn’t want to think about it.
Why was it all so hard? It shouldn’t have been. When Night Light held her in his hooves, gently stroking her mane or caressing her flank, the happiness that filled her asked for nothing else, nothing more. When he kissed her and murmured her name, Twilight would shiver and know that this was exactly how it should be, everything completely and utterly perfect.

Until afterwards, of course. Afterwards, Velvet would flow to the forefront of Twilight’s mind and dash all those content memories in mere moment.

I’m sorry, Twilight. I really am.

Twilight ambled through the corridors, heading loosely in the direction of the bedroom her parents were staying in. Maybe Night Light would be there, ready to offer the reassurance that she’d always relied so much on him for. Then again, maybe he’d be just as lost as she felt right now. Twilight couldn’t be sure either way anymore.

But as she drew close, raised voices echoed down the corridor, ones Twilight recognised. Her mother and father, in a heated discussion she was obviously not meant to be a part of.

Walk away, Twilight. You shouldn’t listen to this.

And of course she shouldn’t, which is why Twilight immediately began to sneak down the corridor, towards the shouts. She stopped only when she was practically behind their door, so close that every word was barely muffled.

“You said you’d try!” Velvet’s voice was hoarse; they must have been at this for some time already.

“I am!”

“This isn’t trying. This is…”

“This is what? What could this possibly be if not trying?

“Pretending! That’s all this is. You haven’t been sincere at all since-”

“Since what, Velvet? Since what?”

“Don’t make me say it.”

Twilight heard Night Light’s laugh from where she crouched, and it was bitter and cynical. “Why not? It’s what this is all about, what it’s always been about, and you seem to think you can just hide it away and we’ll forget about it. As if nothing happened, as if it didn’t change anything.”

“It doesn’t have to change anything,” Velvet protested. “You’re making it change things.”


All the cynicism had gone from her father’s words now, replaced by raw anger.

“For fuck’s sakes, Velvet, how can you possibly expect me to forget what you did?”

There was a long pause, and when Velvet next spoke her own anger had disappeared. Twilight could almost hear the tears.

“I’m not asking for you to forget it happened. I know you could never do that. I’m… I’m just asking you to forgive me.”

“No, you’re asking a lot more than that. You’re asking me to act like everything’s okay between us, and I can’t.”

“If you’d just-”

“Every time I look at you I can’t help but remember,” Night Light said quietly, cutting Velvet off. The words send a cold chill through Twilight’s chest, right down until it settled in the pit of her stomach. They were filled with such anguish, and she had no idea why. “I’m not even angry, not anymore.” He sighed heavily. “But it still hurts. And then you drag me out here, into the middle of nowhere as if that’s suddenly going to make everything all better. As if being locked in a house with you is going to make it easier.”

“I just thought with the kids here that you’d-”

“Don’t talk about the kids,” Night Light interrupted. “Don’t. They didn’t need to be pulled into all this, and it was selfish of you to do it. They’ve… They’ve got their own problems to worry about.”

“Because this isn’t going to be their problem?”

“I’m not saying that, I’m saying that hanging them over my head like some kind of bargaining chip isn’t fair, to me or them. They’re adults now, and you can’t use them to make me feel guilty, especially when I’m not the one in the wrong here.”

Velvet was crying loudly now, each sob driving a small spike into Twilight’s chest. “How many times do I have to tell you how much I regret it? I wish more than anything that I hadn’t, but I can’t turn back time. Do you hate me so much that you want me to get on my knees and beg you to forgive me? Because I will.”

“I don’t hate you, Velvet.” Her father’s voice was cold and hollow. “I only came here because I can’t help but still love you. This would all be much simpler if I didn’t.”

Twilight’s entire body was numb. She had pressed herself tightly to the door, perverse curiosity forcing her to listen to every pained word, but now she wanted nothing more to do with this. She already regretted having come this far, and now Twilight wished she could forget it all instead.

As she pushed herself away from the door, her stiff and weak limbs betrayed her and she stumbled, a hoof knocking loudly against the wood. Oh Celestia no no no.

“What was that?”

Her mother’s voice. Move, Twilight, move. But she was too slow, leaden hooves refusing to budge until it was too late, and the door opened beside her. Her father filled the frame, staring down at her in surprise. All at once Twilight was a little filly again, caught red-hoofed, perhaps staying up past her bedtime to sneak extra studying in under her bedcovers. His face was entirely unreadable, though the anger that had filled his eyes when he first pulled open the door had drained when he saw her, to be replaced by something unrecognisable.

“What is it?” Velvet asked from within.

Night Light took a moment to reply, still fixed on Twilight with that inscrutable expression. “Nothing,” he said, and his voice was as impassive as his face. “It’s nothing.”

A final hesitation, and then the door clicked shut, Night Light’s figure replaced by dull wood. Her parent’s voices continued, much quieter now, but Twilight had no desire to listen to them anymore.


“No secrets,” said Twilight, and she even managed to keep the nervous shake from creeping into her words. “No lies, no hiding anything. Right?”

Her father nodded solemnly. “Okay.”

And then Twilight waited. The bedroom lamp was dim, the orange glow bathing the two ponies already starting to flicker, but neither of them paid it any attention. Twilight was too busy watching him, the way he frowned in thought, the way his hoof tapped nervously against the floor as he stared down at it, searching for the right words. Eventually he found them.

“Your mother had an affair,” he said, slowly.

Twilight did her best to hide any reaction, though the corner of her mouth twitched slightly from the effort.

“About a year ago,” Night Light continued, “for four months. I don’t know the pony’s name, I never asked for it. It didn’t really matter at the time, and it doesn’t matter to me now, either.”

His shoulders slumped, the last resistance draining out of him.

“I had no idea until she told me. I mean, I knew something was wrong, but I didn’t know what.” Her father finally managed to lift his head to look at Twilight. “Can you imagine what that does to you? For the mare you’ve loved for so long to tell you she was regularly fucking some other stallion behind your back? And for her to think that I’d feel sorry for her, as if telling me about it would mean I couldn’t blame her, or be angry about it.”

A lone tear rolled down his cheek, and his hooves shook.

“I was so angry, Twilight. I wanted to hurt her. The same way she’d hurt me. Velvet couldn’t understand why it was so hard for me, how much of a betrayal it was. Like it could just be brushed off, the same as any other mistake. But it ruined me, imagining my wife letting some other fucking stallion rut her, seeing that over and over again, her calling out his name instead of mine. I had to show her what that was like, so she could see how hard it was to forgive her. And so I-” He stopped, blinking. “Well, you know what I did after that.”

Fuck this mare sure is tight

“I thought it would be the easiest way,” he continued. “No strings attached, completely anonymous. I’d never be able to tell Velvet who the mare was, just that I’d done the same so she could see how hard it was to accept.”

Night Light took a deep breath. “But I never even told her in the end. I couldn’t bring myself to do it. I knew how much it hurt, and I could never do that to her.”

He brought a hoof up to Twilight’s cheek, gently stroking the side of her face.

“And now I’ve done so much worse, but I still can’t find a way to forgive her. Part of me feels like she deserves this.”

He went quiet. For a long time there was no sound but an occasional sputter from the dying lantern.

“Twilight?” Her father’s voice was dry and cracked. “Kiddo? Please, say something.”

“Is that all this is, then?” she asked flatly. “A way to get back at Mom?”

“What? No, of course not. Damn it, Twilight, do you really think so little of me?”

Twilight didn’t answer. She couldn’t.

“Hey.” He took her head in his hooves, making her look him in the eye. “I’m not sure what we are, but I’d never stoop so low as to use you like that. Isn’t this what you wanted?”

And that was a difficult question, because deep down Twilight knew the answer was ‘no’. She’d wanted him, to have him as her lover, to feel his hooves against her whenever she needed them, and for Night Light to have her in return. She’d wanted the kisses, the whispered ‘I Love You’s, and the warmth as he embraced her. And she had all that, and even now the memories still sent pleasant shivers through her.

But she hadn’t wanted this.

“Please, Twilight,” said Night Light, and she could hear the desperation that had wormed its way in. “I need to hear you say it.”

So she told him she did, and the look of relief that washed over Night Light almost made the lie worth it. He pulled her into a tight hug, and she could feel how fast his heart was beating against her own.

“Good,” he whispered. “I think it’s what I want too.”

And then his lips were against hers, and how could something simultaneously feel so perfect and so sickening, how could something make her stomach roil and lurch and at the same time make her chest threaten to burst in excitement?

For a moment, that was all he seemed to want, to hold her and kiss her and run a hoof through her mane. But soon the kiss deepened, Night Light’s lips parting and pulling hers open with them, his hoof behind her head pulling her close, their horns lightly brushing against each other as she fell against his chest, trying and failing to dispel the thick sense of unease that had sunk its teeth into her belly. But she didn’t break away, even as he began to pull her towards the bed with a growl of unchecked desire.

She could still stop him, even now. One word and he would stop. But as he pressed her front down over the end of the bed, her chest sinking into the sheets, lifting his weight above her and mounting her, his mare, Twilight still felt that pang of vindicated lust. It wasn’t quite enough to crush the guilt, but the burning hot stiffness that now lay against her rump was nearly all she could think about – that, and the stallion it belonged to.

His tip pressed up against her, testing her, teasing her, so unbearably close and yet refusing to take her just yet, his muzzle brushing against her neck and his breath running over her skin as he snorted in desire. There were no hoofcuffs now, but, with how tightly her father held her down, there may as well have been. His weight pressed heavily against her back, making it hard to move even an inch, but that couldn’t stop her trying to buck her hips desperately backwards, craving his slightest touch.

Twilight groaned in frustration as he continued to ignore the one place she needed him most, instead directing his attentions to nipping the tip of her ear and rolling his tongue gently against it, as if to torment her further with empty promises of what could be. The hardness against her rear only made it worse, knowing that Night Light was just as excited as she was but holding back all the same, because he wanted to watch her body beg for it. And simply because he could.

The last time they had made love as equals. The time before, she had fucked him. And now, at last, Night Light was taking charge, taking what she offered him for himself with no more restraint, and even though every part of her screamed out for him to just rut her already, his repeated denial only made her even more excited, more eager. Because of course Twilight knew he would, the only question was when.

Not yet, not yet, Night Light’s hips staying unbearably still, his lips moving over the back of her neck now, and she could feel them curl into a smile as she moaned wantonly again. He moved with such slow confidence, taking his time, savouring the moment more than he had ever had the chance to in Twilight’s rushed, eager lovemaking before.

“So impatient,” he growled in her ear, and Twilight shuddered at his voice.

“Please,” she whimpered. “Stop teasing me.”

“But you make it so easy,” he replied, and where had she heard that before?

It didn’t matter, she decided, not now that he was finally acquiescing to her pleas. Not now that he finally aligned himself and slid forward into her, Twilight immediately tightening around him, urging and pulling him deeper. His front hooves found their way to her shoulders, pulling her down onto him as he thrust forward, burying the rest of himself inside and filling her in the way that only he could.

She bit down hard against the bedsheets, so hard it hurt her teeth, but it was the only recourse Twilight had to avoid shouting out in bliss as her father rutted her. Neither of them had any words – this wasn’t the time for them. This was the time for breathless gasps, grunts and half-muted moans, for the sound of Night Light’s growls in her ear to match every deep thrust into her. This was carnal passion, raw lust, everything else lost in the moment and cast aside.

Almost everything.

Because even now – even as Twilight clenched her teeth even tighter, as her hooves tried to dig into the mattress, searching for the slightest purchase but finding none – that sick feeling wormed its way through her stomach.

It was far more than just the immorality she’d faced before. If anything, that was an enticing a thought as ever: the thrill of her father taking her as his mare, his own daughter just as eager and desperate for his touch, his kiss, his love.

No, this feeling concerned one mare, and one mare alone. The mare Night Light betrayed every time he sank into Twilight again, gripping her tighter and tighter with each thrust, his breath coming shorter and faster as she drove him ever closer to the edge.

And, worst of all, even that guilt brought with it pangs of fresh excitement. Because Night Light could have been with Velvet instead, right at this moment, but he had chosen Twilight. He had chosen her.

And who could blame him? Velvet had tossed him aside to fuck some other stallion, and how could she do that and still say she loved him? A red-hot flash of anger rolled through Twilight now, incinerating the guilt away in its wake. Why would her mother do that? How could she?

Velvet didn’t deserve Night Light’s forgiveness. She didn’t deserve him.

Twilight couldn’t stop a loud moan from escaping as Night Light ran against that perfect spot inside her, the one that he seemed to be able to hit again and again. Thank Celestia she was bent over the bed like this; her hindlegs were so shaky she doubted they would have held her up if she’d had to put weight on them. As it was she let them practically dangle, trembling a little each time her father’s hips collided with her own.

He was so warm, the heat of his body as it lay against her almost smothering her. And then her eyes snapped open in surprise. Night Light’s mouth – previously occupied with gentle nips at the back of her neck – had found its way to her horn, his tongue tracing the delicate spirals.

If restraining herself had been difficult before, now it was impossible. Twilight whimpered into the covers as his tongue explored the oh-so-sensitive grooves, dragging against them almost lazily as another blast of pleasure rocked through her, making her head spin.

She flew over the edge almost before she realise it was happening, her muffled moans becoming a shriek of finally satiated lust as she released the bedsheets from her muzzle, unable to keep her jaw clenched any longer, her hindlegs skittering uselessly behind her. They were the only part of her still able to move freely, Night Light pressing so heavily on the rest of her that she could do little more than squirm beneath him as the waves of her orgasm buffeted against her. And all the while her father continued fucking her, biting her ear gently as her horn sparked with the errant magic he’d coaxed free.

Night Light came as she was still lost in her climax, coupled with a sharp sting on her ear as he bit down just slightly too hard, his length pulsing inside her in the way that was becoming so wonderfully familiar. She was dimly aware of his final, bestial grunts of satisfaction, reaching through the haze that had descended over her mind and filled it with nothing but pure sensation. And then he pulled out, leaving her feeling so empty after everything, collapsing heavily on the bed beside her with a deeply satisfied sigh. She wished he had stayed in her for just a little longer, but at least she could still feel the warmth filling her that he’d left behind.

As the last few tingles of bliss shot through her, Twilight turned to her father and gave him another kiss on the bridge of his muzzle, almost as a thank you. And then she rolled over, and her heart dropped like a stone.

The door was open. Not fully, but just enough for somebody to peer through the gap. Behind it was the unmistakable silhouette of a pony, staring through at the couple. Twilight had to fight the urge to scream when she heard it gasp, ridding any last doubt from her mind that whoever it was had seen them. And they knew.

She was off the bed in moments, charging across the room to… to do what? She didn’t know. But she wasn’t fast enough. By the time she reached and flung the door open, their unknown voyeur was gone, vanished into the twisting maze of corridors that filled the manor.

“Twilight? What is it?”

Twilight turned to him, and her expression left no need for words. Night Light crumpled, his eyes wide and all at once more scared than she had ever seen him before.

“Oh fuck.”